Catalogo LED BCN 2016-2017

Page 295

295 Conditions: L C as t e rig t not to accept an return son or t is in t e ollo ing cases

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ailure deadlines and or ormal re uirements. materials o t e catalogue. special orders electrical si es etc.. di erent rom t e standard material painted in di erent color rom t e standardAll t e re turns t at L C as been aut ori ed ill be returned pre paid to L C .

Credit Notes: L C ill issue credit notes or t e returns t at meet all and eac ormal re uirement o deadline and conditions or an amount o o t e originall invoiced. e remain ill be intended to cover t e costs arising rom t e return manipulation pac aging ualit control . . e credit notes or an ot er reasons t at re turns disc. error price di erence ees . ill also meet t e ormal re uirements o deadline ic means t e original order s ould ave been placed in riting and been claimed up to ma imum calendar da s counted rom t e e pedition date o t e invoice. t is essential t at t e customer is updated is pa ment obligations.

L C does not arrant t e merc antabilit or suitabilit o t e products or a speci ic destination. e liabilit o L C is limited to t e price o t e de ected product and it on t be re uired an ot er liabilit or arrant or an ot er concept e plicit or ine plicit i not stated ot er ise. amage due to e ternal devices electrical do nload increase in voltage use o not suitable drivers or t e device led or an incorrect product manipulation invalidates t e arrant .

Reservation of Property L C reserves t e rig t to o ners ip o all materials supplied until t e bu er as complied it t e ull pa ment o t e same.

Jurisdiction An discrepanc or dispute arising out o t e above eneral erms o ale bot parties submit to urisdiction o t e Courts and ribu nals o arcelona e pressl aiving t eir o n urisdiction.

Quality All t e goods supplied b L C ave C certi icates in addition to ot er la s and ave been sub ected to rigorous ualit controls t at ill arrant t eir proper unctioning. L C constantl or s to improve and update t eir products. ere ore e reserve t e rig t to modi delete or e pend our products it out previous no ti ing and it out being reason or claims.

Guaranty L C covers t e products it a commercial guarant o ears or manu acture s de ault considered rom t e date o its de liver being t ere ore replaced ree o c arge. e pro essional led lig t products are e empt rom t e cost o installation. e design and t e installation are not in c arge o L C and it is t e customer s responsibilit . egarding t e span li e o t e led products it is re erring to t e led diode li e neit er e pectanc nor a ecting t e drivers or ic L C gives a mont s gua rantee.

Condiciones Generales.indd 295

13/09/16 15:16:13

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