Tennessee Turfgrass - December / January 2006

Page 26


Making the Most of Your Conference Attendance By

Robert C. Harris, CAE


eminars and conferences are great opportunities for learning and networking. They offer information that is timely, while allowing you the opportunity to evaluate that information in terms of how it applies to you. Here are some guidelines to maximize the benefits of attending a seminar. Take these thoughts with you so you can walk away satisfied with your investment of time and money. • S ince your objective is to learn and make yourself better, search for “idea-gems.” Try to walk away with at least two new things that you can use right away. If you do this, you can consider your attendance worthwhile.



• A s you listen, try to apply the speaker’s concepts and information to your personality, style and career. Find the “ah-ha’s,” and convert them to your needs. Think, “How will this work in my environment?” Try to apply the principle in your mind as soon as you hear it. • R ecognize that all information won’t apply all the time. So what? Pick out what will work and concentrate on that. Relax, listen and think at the seminar. • L ower your sensitivity meter – or better yet, turn it off. You’re here to get information, not to be offended by a remark or word. Don’t expect everything to be politically

Email TTA at: tnturfgrassassn@aol.com

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