Talk of the Hawk V1I4

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Talk of the Hawk A magazine by students, for students! Volume 1, Issue 4

May 27, 2011

Featured Articles: Tanning By: Katelyn Edwards Kentucky’s Got Art By Joshua Jones


What’s Next, Class of 2011? By Laura Despain

New york Trip: By Shelby Sullivan

Class of 2011 By Torrence Maxberry

What do you think your senior year will be like? By Jennifer Boone

Change your Mind? By Mary Greenwell

full hours to get students fired up for state testing? That doesn’t even in-

Tenni By: Chris Mills

clude the time it took to plan the pep rally. But they do it because they

Sofball Florida Recap By Vince Couch

Baseball Florida Recap By Cody Graham

Got Talent By Jessica Wells

The Hobby of Fishing By Nathan Fulk

Chorus By Sarah Hylel

CATS Pep Rally gets sophomores and juniors fired up for testing. Okay, so it is the end of the year and everyone starts slacking off. What can you say? They are ready for summer. But they have one last thing they have to do before sunbathing, swimming, and summer jobs. Testing. It is one of the most boring things students must do all year. BUT… LCHS makes it fun. Where else would teachers and administrators set aside two

care. “We want to get students pumped up to do well.,” says Shannon Bowen, teacher at LCHS. “How well these students succeed [on the test] is directly tied to how motivated they are.” Good faith effort rewards also help students stay motivated to actually do their best and not simply bubble in random answers. Students got to choose between bowling, swimming, and going to see a movie. It has yet to be determined which one they have chosen. So, next year, when then sophomores and juniors will be testing, make sure to try hard. Teachers will make sure it’s worth your while. I mean, where else would a principal dress up in a grass skirt, lay, and afro?

What’s Next, Class of 2011?

By: Laura Despain

What do seniors plan to do after high school? Graduation! ...Then what? Graduation is drawing near, and seniors are eager to escape the walls of LCHS. Where will they go? Will they put those hard earned diplomas to good use? Could someone in the Class of 2011 become President of the United States? Only time will tell. The first step is deciding what to do after high school. There are a multitude of opportunities, from college, to the military, to jumping straight into the workforce. What each graduate chooses to do with his/her diploma sets the foundation for the rest of his/her life. College…? Many high school students feel obligated to attend college after they graduate. In today’s economy, some type of higher education is necessary to succeed, and the vast majority of graduates attend college for higher education. The LaRue County High School Graduating Class of 2011 is no different, in a survey conducted, 72.6% of seniors reported plans to attend college in the fall of 2011. Most people plan to attend a four-year university, such as Western Kentucky University or the University of Louisville. An astounding 45.6% of LCHS seniors scheduled to attend college in the fall are planning to attend a fouryear university. The other 22% of collegebound seniors are looking to attend a two-year college, most popularly Elizabethtown Community and Technical College. A mind-blowing 93% of the students that plan to a attend two-year college are planning to transfer to a four-year university after completing their two-year degree. For some, taking a semester off seems like the best option. They would rather relax for a few months, instead of going straight to college. In the survey conducted, 8.8% of graduates are going to take a semester off before attending a two- or four-year college. Some students plan to enter a technical or vocational school. These schools teach a certain type of trade or skill, and completion of a certificate is much quicker than earning a college degree. Four point four percent (4.4%) of gradsto-be will be attending a technical or vocational school in the fall. The most popular is ECTC, but cosmetology school is a close second. Military...? The military offers many oppor-

tunities to those who join. By joining the service, one gains discipline, veneration, and honor. If one joins the military, it will pay for 100% of his/her college tuition. Several people that want to attend college but do not know how to pay for it often join the service. Other high school graduates also join the military because they do not want to attend college at all. Whatever the reason, the military is a great choice for graduates. LCHS grads agree – 11.8% of students in the Class of 2011 plan on joining the military. There are a variety of branches that LCHS graduates plan to join. The breakdown is as follows: 50% plan to join the Army, 12.5% plan to join the Air Force, 12.5% plan to join the Coast Guard, 12.5% plan to join the Marine Corps, and 12.5% are undecided as to which branch they want to join. No matter why graduates choose to enter the military, there is no doubt that it will benefit them throughout their lives. Workforce…? There are some graduates who feel that college or the military is just not for them. There are some people that do not see the importance of furthering their education, or perhaps familial circumstances require them to take over the family business directly out of high school. For others, higher education is

Torrence Maxberry: Workforce Bound “I’m going to join the State Department, the State Highway Road Department.”

simply not an option because of the cost. As previously mentioned, the military is a great option for those who want to further their education, but cannot afford to pay for it. The rates of high school graduates that entered the workforce right after graduation used to be much higher than it is today. Only 4.4% of the 2011 graduating class plans to enter the workforce as soon as they graduate. Most of those people plan to work on family farms, or in other family businesses. The graduates that do not plan to work in a family business aspire to get a career. Choosing to enter the workforce directly out of high school is challenging, because high paying careers desire employees to have at least an Associate’s degree. Therefore, those that do not attend college may end up in a low paying job and eventually decide to go back to school. Farewell, Class of 2011! The students in the class of 2011 have a myriad of post-high school goals. They will surely impact their community greatly whatever they cho ose to do af ter hi gh school. Who knows, perhaps someone from this graduating class may become President. The halls of LaRue County High School will miss the faces of these beloved students. Good luck to the Class of 2011, and may you all succeed in your endeavors!

Brittany Carman: College Bound

Tyler Litton: Military Bound

“I plan to attend the University of Louisville for four years, and then go to the School of Dentistry there for two years. Then I’d like to open my own practice.”

“I’m going to the military for six years; the Army Reserves. I plan on attending college while in the military; I’m just not sure which college.”

New York

Shelby Sullivan

The city of Hopes and Dreams What state was the first to contain license plates on their vehicles, has 722 miles of subway tracks, and is the home of the first 3D film presented in June of 1915? New York. Each year, the senior class takes one last trip together before they graduate. This year, as well as years before, the senior class of 2011 will travel to New York for their senior trip. Senior Abby Sullivan says “I’ve already been to New York once and I can’t wait to go back! I’m so glad I’m getting the opportunity to travel back again!” There are 80 people going on the New York trip, 52 students and 28 adults who will chaperone the seniors on their trip. There will be many things that the senior class will participate in while in New York. Leaving on May the 5th and returning home on May 9th, it will be the trip of a life time for the seniors. Throughout the week, there will be many places they will go and many sights they will see. The adventure starts on May 6th at Ellen’s Stardust Diner. This is a breakfast where aspiring Broadway actors and actresses sing for them. After this, they will go to 5th Avenue and visit the

top of the Rockefeller Center. On this day they will also visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, commonly referred to as the “Met.” After finally making their way to the hotel, they will go to Citifield to see a Mets game. It will be Mets vs. Dodgers. Brea Huhn, senior, said “I’ve never been to New York before and I can’t wait! I just know this will be a trip to remember for the rest of my life and I’m very excited.” The adventure will continue on May 7th. This Day will start out at the NBC morning show “Today”, and hopefully you will see a few of your fellow classmates and teachers on national television. The next stop will be Central Park to see Strawberry Fields and the Dakota. Strawberry Fields is a tribute to the late Beatle, John Lennon by his wife Yoko Ono. Remember the movie “Night at the Museum?” The senior class will be visiting the same museum that this movie was filmed in. After this, they will have lunch at Grand Central Station, attend the Broadway play “Billy Elliot,” and spend some time on Times Square and just sight see and shop around for a while.

Once they leave Times Square, they will take a Spirit Cruise on the Hudson River where they will sail the New York Harbor. Also they will view world famous land marks such as the Brooklyn Bridge, the Empire State Building, and even an upclose view of the Statue of Liberty. On May 8th, the group will take a guided tour of New York City. A few places they will stop along the way are: Cathedral of St. John the Divine- the largest Cathedral in the world, and Central Park- 843 acres located in the center of Manhattan. Other places they will stop at along the tour are: Harlem, Chinatown, Greenwich Village, and The 9/11 World Trade Center site: Construction of Freedom Tower. The day will end at the SPQR Restaurant in New York’s Little Italy. On May 9 th the seniors, parents, and teachers will finally make their way back to Kentucky. Although this trip will be a very exciting and new experience for most of the students going, it is also very educational. This will be an enjoyable trip for the seniors and something they will remember for the rest of their lives.

The Class of 2011 The class of 2011. Understatement. Class of the century. The class of 2011 for many people is a soon to be great memory which will never be forgotten. The achievements that the Class of 2011 has accomplished are far greater than the class that preceded us. Our class was not full of misbehaving illiterate worthless students; it was full of hardworking loving and caring students. And because of our strength, will, and determination we have had the highest school on demand scores in our schools history. Some people have described us as fun, others as diverse, and most said that we have a good attitude. But all in all everyone agreed that that we

By: Torrence Maxberry

had a good work ethic. Most of the students in the class of 2011 have worked hard to improve their grades and to strive for greatness. There are still a few students that don’t really care about their grades but there are not that many. Hardworking students are how we will be remembered. When Mrs. Garris was asked, how would

you remember the class of 2011? She said “they are driven, motivated and good hearted for the most part; there are a few exceptions, but I think the scores speak for themselves. And I think that is how the class of 2011 will be remembered.�

What do you think your senior year will be like? This year you are a junior in high school, thinking “wow next year is my last year.” Chances are all juniors think their senior year will be easy, will not have to do anything, and can get away with whatever you want; well you almost get that lucky but not quite. Some juniors, such as Eddie Peake, feel that their senior year will be just like this year. Molly DeSpain says her senior year will be full of fun and lots of new experiences. Easy or Hard? Three out of five students think their senior year will be easy. The other two out of five say that it will be both easy and hard. Truth is, it’s not much different than the years before and it is a little easier because you only have two required classes to take, the rest are classes you choose to take. The English and Math requirements are easy as long as you choose the right math course with the right teacher. The English isn’t much different from the English you have now once again it basically boils down to having the right teacher. What do you think your teachers will be like? Hallway belief says the teachers love the seniors and let them get away with everything. That’s not always true; it is in some cases but not all. Some teachers are like that but most just want you to do what you got to do and get through the year. Some teachers say that it’s your choice to do what you’re supposed to do you’re old enough to make your own choices so yes, those teachers don’t say nothing. Then you have the teachers that like to have control so they won’t let you get away

with everything. The easiest way to get on the teachers’ good side is just respect them and don’t act stupid and immature, act your age. I know that’s sometimes hard to do because a lot of times they still treat us like little kids, that’s when you have to prove them wrong and really act your age: pay attention, be responsible, don’t procrastinate, and be respectful (don’t talk back). What do you have to have to graduate? Most students (four out of five), think all they have to have to graduate is the 23 credits. That theory is wrong. In LaRue County High School, not only do you have to have all credits but you also have to have what they call a senior project. A senior project has three sections, one contains a resume, a letter of recommendation, and a few other things, the second part consist of a literary analysis and a personal piece, and the third is a technology reflective piece of your high school years. Will your friends still be there? Almost all students think their friends will still be there when they reach their senior year. Truth is your senior year you start to learn more about whom you are and your friends learn more about who they are. Chances are you will keep some of the same friends but at the same time you will lose many others, because they’re not who you think they are and you’re not who they think you are. Little Bit more about senior year The end of your senior year gets crazy, with senior projects, senior trip, awards trips, and testing. The worst part is you

By: Jennifer Boone

start to realize that this will not be your life for much longer, soon you’re going to be out of school, your routine will be changed, you will not have that place to go where you are told how do everything, it will be just you out on your own trying to make in this crazy world. Then the part comes in where you know you will not get to see your peers much anymore if at all, they’re going to be going their way to start their life and you’re going to be going yours. Conclusion…Kind Of Don’t think your senior year is going to be a breeze, it’s not as easy as it is said to be. Not all teachers let you do whatever you want some of them would actually appreciate it if you do what you’re supposed to do. Even though you may lose many friends you will gain many more. Do what you’re supposed to do and the time goes by much faster and before you know it you will be walking across that stage and your life will be starting and you will be wish you were still in school.

Change your Mind?

By: Mary Greenwell

How has the freshman views of High School changed from the beginning of High School to now?

Every High School at the end of the year focuses on their seniors: they are about to graduate and go to college… they will leave forever. We want to spend just a few seconds on the freshman though. So think back… way back… you are an eighth grader again looking into your freshman year. Move ahead some now and think of the differences in your views at the end of that freshman year. That is what I asked freshman to do, granted, it was probably easier for them. There were a lot of different answers to that question but the answers mostly fit into three basic categories: High School would be harder than it is, it would be horrible, or their views have not changed. Like Amber Morgan told me, “High School makes you work harder (than middle school). To be honest, at the beginning of the year… I was terrified.” The guys seem to have other things on their mind, though. Curtis Milby commented, “I thought it’d be harder. All through Middle School they stressed how hard High School would be… well Middle School was harder.” Maybe you are like Catfish though and can sum your thoughts up in two words, “It hasn’t.” So are you with people like Brigette Skaggs, “I thought classes were going to be really hard and now they are easy.” Does the middle school exag-

gerate how hard High School is going to be? Do you feel like a weight has actually been lifted off your shoulders now that you are here? Are you in Chance Johnson’s group “Better than I thought but more difficult than I expected,” that struggles to get through everything because it is actually harder than everybody told you. Well if you are, maybe you should help the new incoming freshman understand just how difficult it truly will be. The last major group of freshman this year is Lorren Newby’s group, “I wasn’t as comfortable coming into high school because I wasn’t used to it. Now that I’m used to it I like it a lot more. I also really

Amber Morgan She was terrified when she first came to the High School now she likes it.

like how we have laptops in our high school instead of text books.” I’m pretty sure that the majority of us, no matter what group we were in, would agree with the laptops. Were you scared though? Did you have the butterflies that you had in elementary school? How did you feel coming into high school? How do you feel now? Are the feelings different? Are you different? What would you tell yourself if you could go back to that incoming freshman you were?

Miss. Farrar’s kids They all had different views but they are joined together through classes and will stick together through the thick and the thin.


With spring sports in full swing, the LCHS tennis team is having both a great year and a year of struggle. With the boys having 10 of their 15 returning, they are having a great season. But for the girls they only have 4 of 10 returning members. The guys seem unstoppable; with a 9-0 record they are backhanding their way straight to the top. When interviewed, first year head coach Chris Allen said “the guys are doing great, they have really rallied to win each of their matches.” And it shows, a perfect record with one major win over Central Hardin (one of the top 25 teams in the state) under their belt, they are confident for the rest of the season. “Even though I lost my match, the team did great! I was ecstatic when we won against Central! I believe that this win was exactly what we needed to give us confidence for the rest of the season.” said Jeremy Contras, senior of the guys’ tennis team. The girls on the other hand, are not having

By:: Chris Mills

such a wonderful season. With a 3-6 record coach Allen called this season a “rebuilding year.” With only 4 returning members, the girls have 6 new players. “This year’s team is very young, but they are working hard. I was so proud of them when they won their first match, I could just see how glad they were when they won.” Said Coach Allen. He continued later say that during practice the girls work as hard as they can, most of them doing more than he ask of them, just so they can get better. When asked about this being his first year as head coach, and what he thought of his team coach Allen replied; “With this being my first season as a head coach, I am blessed to have such a hard working team. They give it their all every second of every practice and match, and they never give up. This is the mark of a great team. No matter what sport, a team that works hard and never gives up will always succeed. They might not always win but

they always get better and that is worth more than any win.” How could you argue with this, one team is having a great season and the other just keeps getting better, what a perfect way to start your coaching career? Over all the LCHS tennis team is having a good season, and with all of their hard work it can only get better. With an amazing head coach and talent that keeps producing success the LCHS tennis team is bound for greatness.

Softball Team’s Florida Recap Over spring break, our lady hawks softball team traveled to The Fort Walton Beach Bash, a spring softball and baseball tournament. Over the course of the week they played in 5 games. The lady hawks went 2-3 throughout the week. The lady hawks didn’t do as well as they had anticipated at this tournament. Current senior softball player Cassady Crim has been quoted saying, “I think the softball team didn’t do that great. I think we could have played better, but I think the distraction of Florida and everything else put a damper on our performance.” There was a mix up of good and bad teams in Florida. It is evi-

dent that our lady hawks got caught up with some pretty good teams. In some conditions the lady hawks were winning, going into the seventh inning, but the other team came back and won a close game. “Two of the games we played we were ahead coming into the seventh inning and we let the other team beat us by our errors,” said Crim about the softball team’s performance over spring break. The best and worst part of the trip was the weather. When asked what were the greatest and weakest attributes about the Florida trip, Crim said “The strongest attribute was the nice weather but it was also the weakest

attribute. We weren’t used to playing in hot weather and it would drain us throughout the day. Also, another weak attribute was the field. Florida infields were moist sand, and when we were running it was hard for us to get around the bases fast.” Besides the games and the practices the team had, the Florida trip was overall good. Come watch the lady hawks take care of business in upcoming home games. Support your school and cheer on your lady hawks as they play Green County on April 26th on their home field.

By: Vince Couch

The LCHS Softball Team in Florida.

Spring Tourney

By: Cody Graham

Larue County Baseball team’s trip to Florida In recent weeks the LaRue County High School Baseball team visited Fort Walton’s Beach for the baseball tournament held annually. Each year the LaRue County hawks take the trip to Fort Walton’s to face-off against teams in Kentucky but not in Larue’s district. With such teams as Warren Central, Lexington Christian, Glasgow, Boyle County, and Owensboro. In the first game that the Hawks while at the beach bash they faced off against Warren Central. LaRue tied the game up in the third inning at 3-3. But once again Warren Central took the lead once again scoring one run in

the bottom of the 5th and five times to put the game away. The Hawks second game was against Lexington Christian which is ranked #19 in the state. Which raised the Hawks confidence level greatly. Beating this team was probably the highlight of the trip said junior Trevor Skaggs. This giving the hawks their first win in the Florida Beach Bash. During the trip the Hawks went 3-2 in the five games that the Hawks played. Adding to the Wins the Hawks beat Boyle County and Owensboro. Dropping their third game against Glasgow. In the game against Glasgow the Hawks lost but

had a battle between the two teams. Although the Hawks lost two of five games they still had improved from last year’s team had done. The Hawks only having two seniors on the team, have a lot of room for improvement. Lacking the skills of Jesse Johnson due to injury the Hawks lack of experience will have to overcome and succeed hoping to follow up on a district tournament win to secure another district title.

Got Talent? The Wonders of Participating in the School Talent Show!!

Van Halen! * Derek Puryear played his electric guitar at the talent show.

Pure Talent *Jeshua Logsdon played piano, drums and sang on Wednesday May 4th.

By: Jessica Wells Every Year LaRue County High School puts on a talent show to present the students’ gifts. Year after year, most of those who participate choose to sing their hearts out. That was also the case this year. Students who sang include Jeshua Logsdon, Erika Bowles, Mac Blair, Kenzi Lewis, and James Carter. Songs varied from “When you believe” by Mariah Carey to “Campfire Song” from the cartoon Spongebob. No matter who or what song is involved, the show promises to be entertaining each year and never disappoints. Jeshua Logsdon Jeshua Logsdon does several acts every year at the talent show. This year he sang Bells of New York city while playing the piano, and Tonight I Wanna Cry by Keith Urban and Dynamo of Volition. Sev-

eral people such as Summer Garris describe his singing as “soulful”, “moving” and “upbeat”. Chris Mills stated, “Jeshua really brought the climax to the show.” Jeshua clearly put his heart and soul into his performance. He really brought the exciting to all spectators. He is clearly a very talented individual, playing guitar, singing and playing drums. He also participated in the band known as ODS (Operation Desert Storm) along with members Mac Blair, Cody Thompson and Chris Mills (guest drummer). Kenzi Lewis Kenzi Lewis is another really talented person at LCHS. She can really sing. Earlier this year Kenzi made it through the first round of judging for American Idol. That is truly and achievement. She sang

an original song called “Breaking My Heart” and “You and Me” by the band Lifehouse along with James Carter. She also has many talents; Kenzi played the guitar with every song that she sang. Shelby Rogers Probably one of the most liked songs at the talent show this year was the song Shelby Rogers sang along with Jeshua Logsdon and Angelia Whitlock. That song is called “Seasons of Love” performed in the musical Rent. Shelby an Angelia also sang “For Good”, from the musical Wicked. Shelby also told many hysterical jokes throughout the show. She is well known for her talent in the community and that is appreciated throughout the school. Travis Blair Travis Blair is yet another talented person who performed Wednesday May 5th. This year Travis sang “In Color” with a guitar accompaniment by Mac Blair and a duet with Brittany Cruse. Travis is another one of those individuals who loves to perform each and every year he is able. Surely all can appreciate his perseverance. There were many others who have loads of talent that performed at the Talent Show. Unfortunately, not all can be mentioned in just one paper. Those gifted people are Derek Puryear, Cherokee Ward, Brittany Cruse, Kat Guzaman, Brietta Puryear, James Carter, Curtis Milby, and Elijah Thomas. The talent at this school is overwhelming. Students prove that year after year. For those interested, there will be one again next year. Anything talent you feel you have is allowed. There are no restrictions (expect for censorship). The student council who sponsors the show, would also like to see a variety of talents, not just singing. So come one, live a little and show that talent.

More Guitar *Kenzi Lewis played guitar with every song she sang.

Nice Voice *Erika Bowles sang “Before Your Love” by Kelly Clarkson.

Golden *Brittany Cruse sang “Sparks Fly” by Taylor Swift.

Tokio Hotel*Cherokee Ward sang a song by Tokio Hotel for the talent show.

Adam Sandler* James Carter sang Lunch Lady Land while dressed as a lunch lady. Duets*Brietta Puryear (right) and Kat Guzaman (left) sang From This Moment by Shania Twain.

The Hobby of Fishing

Fishing is a great hobby. When I go fishing I go to the lake with my dad and a few other people usually, my brother and grandpa and we take the boat. Fishing on a boat is more exciting than on a bank or peer. In this article you will see how fishing is a great hobby and how you can enjoy it. Fishing gets you encountered with nature. It’s so peaceful out on the lake or sitting on the bank of a pond. It’s really quiet and no one bothers you. It seems like you do not have a problem in world. It is nothing but you and the great outdoors. The outdoors is a great thing because it makes you respect nature more. It also helps you get in tune with yourself. Fishing can be really cheap to do. All you need is some night crawlers, a pole, and a hook. There should already be some line in the pole when you buy it and you can get a pole cheap in between say $10 to $20. Night crawlers cost under $3 depending where you

By: Nathan Fulk

get them or you can get a bunch out of your yard. Especially after a big rain, you can go out at night and they will all be on top of the ground. A pack of hooks is about $5 and you need a pack in case a fish breaks your line and takes your hook you have extras. Bobbers are not needed, they can help but you do not have to have them but they cost about the same as a pack of hooks. Fishing is also something to get the family together and have a good time. When you and your family go fishing, it gets everyone closer together because everyone is around each other and talking. It gives everyone a break from being home all the time and lets the whole family get to know the outdoors. My family and I would go out to this farm pond early in the morning and fish till dark when I was a kid. We would make sandwiches to eat on throughout the day and have a blast. It helps the little kids from wanting to stay inside all the time and playing video

games instead of going outside and enjoying the outdoors. Torrence Maxberry says, “The peace is my favorite thing about fishing.” Cody Graham says, “My favorite thing about fishing is when you are reeling in that big fish and it starts flopping in the air.” Fishing is a great hobby to get you and your family into. It allows you to relax and chill out. It does not cost a lot to do and it gets you and your family out of the house and away from home. It gives everyone a break and lets you all to spend time together.

Chorus In the middle of June it was time to go get schedules, walking into the school, going through the lines to fill out papers and getting the schedule. Finally got the schedule in my hands, time to go home and see who has classes with me. When looking through the schedule I saw I was in chorus and I have never been in that class before, I was really excited to know that I was in there with people that I knew. Going to school in august and going to the chorus class, talking to the chorus teacher. Being in chorus is fun, getting new songs and singing them out loud. The reason I like chorus is because when we don’t sing in that class we all sit and talk, there are times when me and my friends all make a circle and talk or sing to our self’s. In the middle of May the middle school girls and the high school boys and girls are all going to the church and having a

By: Sarah Hymel

chorus concert, singing in front of a lot of people. The only chance you have to get into chorus is when you are in 6th grade you have to go sign up to get in, when you go in and sign the sheet you start the next few weeks. Its really fun being in chorus because you learn more music that you have never heard before. The first week of June of 2011 all the chorus students have a chorus concert the first one in a long time. If you really want to be in chorus them parents you should try putting them in there.

Tanning: More Harm Than Good! By: Katelyn Edwards

Now that winter is over and spring is here, the sun and rain have shown their faces, and the obsession of tanning has begun. Many students at LCHS are trying to get that winter white skin off their back to that golden brown tan for events such as the previous spring break, prom, graduation, and the upcoming summer! Tanning may make you look better, but with the damage that it does to your skin, is it really worth it? The most common forms of tanning are the natural sun, the tanning bed, and spray tanning. Everyone knows that one of the most common effects of tanning is skin cancer, such as malignant melanoma. The effects of the UV radiation from the sun and the tanning bed are the same, but the tanning beds emit more UV radiation than the sun. In this case it causes more damage to your skin in a shorter amount of time and goes deeper into the skin surface. Tanning damages your DNA and can also cause cataracts, which could lead to blindness. Christi Hymel; A student here at LCHS who tans at Y Not Stop in Buffalo; tans almost every other day for twenty minutes each time. That is twenty minutes of non-stop UV radia-

tion on her skin. Hymel says that her skin has “Gotten darker but also looks older and has little spots from the radiation.” Which do you prefer? A golden brown fashion accessory or skin cancer with a side of cataracts? Additionally, there is not an exact amount on how much people spend a year on tanning because prices vary at different places. Hymel says she spends “About ten dollars a month just on tanning stickers.” These stickers are used to help tell the difference in your skin color the more you tan. Hymel

also pays twenty dollars for her tanning lotion and twenty five dollars a month for her tanning package. All together that’s about fifty five dollars a month just for tanning. Which would be six hundred dollars a year. With prices varying at different places, can you imagine how much more some people are paying? Tanning can make you look better, but keep in mind that that tan of yours is eventually going to go away, so is it really worth the cost? Those who have become obsessed with tanning wear it like a fashion accessory. The next time you go tan, keep in mind that you could be spending that money on something worthwhile, and the damage that you are doing to your skin could well be irreversible. Which do you prefer: winter white skin, or golden brown skin cancer with spots and possibly cataracts?

Christi Hymel before (left) and after (right) she started tanning. You can clearly see the difference in the change of skin color to a gold -ish brown.


What is marijuana? Do you know anyone that smokes it? If it is illegal, why is it so easy to get ahold of? What makes it so bad? How does it affect your life? What is marijuana? Marijuana is a plant that grows dried up leaves and female flowers on the hemp plant. If you decide to smoke it, you get high. With some people, it affects them differently. For example, some people get tired, some get hyper, and some just act stupid. They say that if you get high, you are not in your right mind. With some people, that might be true. Why do people do it? Why do people do it? Sometimes it is peer pressure. Sometimes it is depression, and sometimes it is just because they want to, or they are bored. When you live in a small town and there is never anything

Stephanie Brescan

to do, you try new things. Depression can be because something happened in the family, or you might just have a hard time in your family or something. Then you might go hang out with someone that wants you to try it. They may say “Come on. It will make you feel better.” You may have said no in the past, but this time you try it, just because you are depressed. says “some people do it, because they see older people or brothers and sisters doing it. People might also do it because of the songs that come out, and talk about smoking weed in them.” Someone close to me said, “I started to smoke because I hung out with the wrong people at first. If I didn’t hang out with them two people, then I would have never started doing it”. What happens when

you get caught? What happens when you get caught? Well first you are going to go to jail and be put in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC for short), mug shot, finger prints, and see if you get bond or not. Then you will have to go to court and more than likely you will be put on probation. If that is your first offence, they will just put you on probation, with a random drug test. Second offence you will have to serve time, and if you’re on probation then that may be more then what you think you will get. Best thing to do if you have been caught is to just stop all together. Don’t do it! Because in the end it’s really not worth any of your time, your free outside of jail, inside you’re not.

Procrastination 15 minutes on the clock the blank page stares at you and you wonder how will I ever get it done? You think bank to the beginning of the week when your teacher said “come up with a topic for your paper and you have a first draft due Friday”. Back then you said oh I have lots of time but now it’s come down to the edge and there is nothing to do but try your best to have something done by the end of class. Procrastination it’s one of the many things that kids do the most during high school. Maybe not do to the fact that there lazy but due to the fact that they think they have much better things to do. As said by Chris Mills “I know I can do the work, but my mind is so busy with other thing I don’t think about the assignment till it too late”. This is a common thing in teens today, but a lot of

By: Tyler Litton

people (like me) just don’t want to do the work. There are a lot of things that cause this disease called procrastination. But this is often a second to a very contagious aliment called senioritius. Most think it is something that starts through your senior year but not always. With me it started about the middle of my junior year and has stayed with me till this day. As said by Mac Blair “is like mowing your lawn you know you need to do it but you refuses to till it’s above your ankles”. So this is obviously a problem with more than one person. You may also be thinking with the help of internet that you can find a good article that will be good enough for the paper but not too good because you don’t want it to be amazing so they won’t suspect anything. Ok so I’ll give you a saying to

help you remember not to copy write “Just because she is pretty doesn’t mean she’s a good lay” as said by Mac Blair. But if you copy and get caught you will probably get a nice big fine so it’s best not to do that. So now you know that procrastination is an evil thing that curses the land of high school. So help rid this us of this evil plague and do your work on time for the sake of graduating do your work. No one said doing your work would be fun or easy but in order to pass you have to do it so you might as well do it and not have to stress and cram in 15 minutes like I did this paper.

Kentucky’s’ Got Art On April 12th, a Tuesday, Representatives from Kentucky School of Art at Spalding University came to LaRue County High School to discuss college with Ms. Hanna’s Art I-IV and Arts and Humanities classes. The two speakers’ names were Churchill Davenport and Emory Williamson. They met in the Auditorium, meeting with roughly 150 kids or more. They were not there to represent just their college, but all colleges. Churchill stated that they were not there to make students go to their college. “That would be ridiculous!” he said. They were there to encourage students to go to any college and if they happened to choose KSA, “Well, that’s good too,” Churchill said with a smile. Their new college, Kentucky School of Art is based out of Spalding University. It’s the very first art school in Kentucky only devoted to art. It’s not like an art program; it is a separate entity from Spalding. It is only Part of Spal-

ding for Basic needs space, health, and accreditation. The school itself is quite interesting. It offers freshmen open Studio Art spaces, which in most art schools is unheard of. They have classes for six week sessions with a one week break between sessions. Their classes are small due to being a new school but it works to students’ advantage as this allows students to have a more personal relationship with the professors because there are only a handful of students in each class. Many of the students, they have had originally never taken an art class. They encourage students to “follow your instincts” and to work at a steady pace. They stimulate their creativity by asking what the student wants to create, which promotes interest in the art. Much of the art they have is also displayed around Louisville. Some works are small, though others reach over six feet in height.

Churchill Davenport, dean of Kentucky School of Art By; Joshua Jones

The school, while rather new, has a lot to offer to students. It is a new and fresh school with an intimate setting allowing for better academic and artistic growth. As mentioned before, it is the only art school in Kentucky so now is a chance to be part of something new and exciting for Kentucky. For those interested in art without having to move far away as it is located in Louisville, I would highly recommend it.

Fairy Tales

Poet’s Corner Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before. Audre Lorde Below are some poems that were submitted by some of the most intelligent, inspirational people in LCHS, Enjoy!

Jessica Wells, A senior here at LCHS By: Jessica Wells The crisp night air surrounds her skin,


Write for the sake of writing.

the moonlight beams

Write like no one else can.

casting shadows against the pale stone walls.

Write to right all the wrong in the world. Write for those who cannot. Write to defend your honor. Write to defend the honor of others. Write until readers inhale the significance of your idioms. Jeshua logsdon. A senior here at LCHS By: Jeshua Logsdon Spill words like glitter on the page and arrange them in an iridescent phrase.

Digest the implications of your metaphors.

The door, heavy iron opens way to a ball room lit by a single chandelier. Passer- bys come and go. Masks surround the faces of strangers; Hers’ a single shade of black.

Secrete your beliefs unknowingly. Write. Write without words to spare.

An open window nearby wafts a salty scent, beckoning her towards it.

Write with gleaming brilliance, adept lexicography, and chic methodology.

Spare a thought for someone. Write like your life depends on it.

She looksshebreathssheleanssheglances,

Allow your thoughts to linger, potpourri -esque, in the air.

Write like his life depends on it.

A man

Write like her, their, our lives depend on it.

No mask

Write with the elegance, fervor, and concern that humanity lacks. Write until your arms ache from the clasp of your terminology. Until your eyes bleed clear from the poignant aroma.

Write until you double-over, throbbing with emotion, begging for it to stop. Write with the wisdom of many. For the anticipation of one.

Until your fingertips drip crimson passion.


Write as the author of your life story.



He stopshebreathshesees. her sad blue eyes drawing him closer.

He saunters nearer. They reach their hands graze, their heat mingles.

Omnipotent and powerless.

Complete strangers with all the knowledge,

Childish and mature.

knowledge of each other.

Creative and trite.



Their lips part,

Write of the beauty of nature.

heads fall together.

Sleep under starry skies.

The stuff of fairy tales.

Capture the radiance of morning.

……Fade to black.

Explore the enigmas of existence.


Angel Baby Cars passing Illuminating faces

This desperation proves to me,

Soft breath resonates

That I would do anything, just to be seen.

In my ear

Pounding pulses Christi Hymel, A senior at LCHS By: Christi Hymel As the tears roll down my face, You’re all I think about. To this day, I wish to see, Your little blue face, Looking at me

Blending together One pressed into my palm

You know that they say, if there’s a will there’s a way. My mind is telling me I’ve had enough,

Beating chaotic rhythm

But my heart says “girl, don’t give up,”

Small space closes

I’m desperate to be more, than a face in the crowd.

Emotions collide, clash, deafen Lips tentatively touch, Meld, Silence

Face to face. Your eyes forever closed,

It’s calling my name.

I hear songs on the radio, and I wish that they were about me. I just want people to know my name, I don’t wanna be invisible.


Your skin as soft as silk,

There’s so much more than meets the eye, Although nobody ever looks inside.

Angel baby

I know I don’t got nothing to prove, but I feel like I do.

15 ounces that’s all you were, Brittle bones, Little feet,

I’m walking down the road less traveled by,

Little hands,

I’m gonna be somebody…

God had better plans for you. Angel baby Silence

Brittany Cruise A junior here at LCHS

It’s time to step out of the dark,

By : Brittany Cruise

Reach for the light.

Lately, a big wave of doubt has been hovering over me.

It’s time to open my heart,

The voice in my head, is telling me I’m wasting my time. It says, “Why do you even try?” & it’s playing on repeat.

Kellise Hoefer A senior at LCHS By: Kellise Hoefer

Maybe fame’s not what it’s cut out to be, And maybe it’s not for a girl like me. But I’ll never know until I try.

Lamplight casting shadows

There’s an angel on my right, & a devil on my left.

Crickets blaring symphony

The angel says, “Keep your head up.”

Humid night air

But the devil says “just give up.”

Rising to life

Somebody tell me, which one do I

And show the world who I am inside. This is more than wishful thinking, And it’s more than a dream. There’s no need to hide anymore. I’m gonna be so much more than a face in the crowd

Mini Mall: The Mark of the End of the Year

In the mini mall this year there were all kinds of booths from Twisted to Hot Stuff to Game Stop to even The Three Chocolatiers. People in these groups worked non-stop all year just to get ready two days and now that it came, They are all so relieved. So out of respect and celebration for this wonderful event here were just a few examples of what everybody had to look forward to:

Hot Wings/B BQ Wings (Ranch or Blu e Cheese Optio nal)

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Frito pies, Nachos, Chili dogs , Hot Dogs, Cookies, Chips and Drinks!




Which group made your mouth water?

Upcoming Events Senior Finals: Tuesday May 31 and June 1st. Underclassmen Finals: June 1st and 2nd.

Your editor: Erika Bowles

Graduation June 3rd, 8:00 P.M.

Talk of the Hawk

A magazine by students, for students. Editor: Erika Bowles

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