Talk of the Hawk V1I2

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Talk of the Hawk

V o l um e 1 , I s s u e 2

A magazine by students, for students. Winter Edition

F r id a y , J a n u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 1 1

School’s Out For... Friday?

Inside this issue: Holidays Around the World

Brittany Carman You wake up, it’s Friday, and you can’t wait for the weekend to begin. You get ready for school only with intention that the day will go by in a flash. In your mind you think “Only seven hours till my freedom begins!” but what if you didn’t have to wait seven hours for your fun-filled weekend to start? What if you only had to wait five and half? Sounds too good to be true right? Wrong. Since the 20102011 school year has started at LCHS we school has been dismissed at onethirty every Friday. This is every kid’s dream! But is the best for everybody? Now everybody knows that the students at LCHS like the early release for one particular reason; it’s at one-thirty instead of three o’ clock. Kids say that the last hours of the school day are pointless because virtually nothing gets accomplished due to the weekend fever, so why bother? Cut the classes shorter so there is less time to wonder about the hallowed halls. But what about the time that is lost due to the small class times? Many teachers say that there is no point in trying to get any work done on Fridays because by the time students


Niccole Carter

settle in and actually start to do anything productive, the bell calling for the next class has rung. You may ask what the students may benefit from the early release day. Many students can give you the answer; over forty-six percent of LCHS have a job that they partake in afterschool, and they say that the early release day gives them time to recharge their batteries before they have to contribute to society. Well how does this benefit the students who don’t have jobs? The students who do not ride the bus or have a place to be at one-thirty have a chance to go to a study hall until three o’clock where they can get an early start on homework and such. So now that you know a little more about the early release day, you’re probably wondering…. What do the teachers get out of this? Not only do most teachers get to keep their sanity, but they also take this time to work and finish any last minute things that deal with school before they have a long week of rest and relaxation. Although students go home when the bell rings at one-thirty, the

teachers stay behind until about three-thirty to get together and discuss things of the Teachers’ way. This is a time for teachers of that teach the same subjects as each other to gather round and talk about the way they teach, what works for them, and maybe some things they recommend others to try. In all, it is a time for teachers to come together as one and reflect on things of the school variety. Some say that these early release days are “insightful and just what this school needs to bring us all closer as a whole.” Others would say that the work that teachers get done during these days is “a way to look deeper into the needs and wants of LCHS students, and how we as educators can full fill them.” Still not convinced? If you don’t believe me ask anyone who has experienced the early release days. Students have been saying that “the early release day is the coolest thing since sliced bread!” If all these facts and statements have not persuaded you I leave you with this: what kind of person doesn’t enjoy an early release day?

Holiday Changes


Jennifer Boone

Hunting: The thrill of the kill


Nathan Fulk Season Outlook for the LaRue County Mat Hawks


Vince Couch LaRue County Baseball Team: Can we do it again?


Cody Graham Suicide: How to recognize it and what to do to help.


Laura Despain

Texting and Driving


Kristin Eldridge

Bubble Shooter: the new LCHS addiction


Katelyn Edwards

Band: What’s the Point? The benefits of Band Class.


Jessica Wells



Joshua Adkins

School Fighting


Dustin Glogowski

Chatter from the Nest Torrence Maxberry and Stephanie Brescan


Holidays Around the World All around the world, all races and cultures celebrate the holidays differently. Holidays consist of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. You all know how it is celebrated in the U.S. Let’s take a look at different places around the globe. Christmas Australia celebrates Christmas on the 25th of December. The weather at Christmas time is the biggest difference. It never snows, but they experience electrical storms, floods, hailstorms, cyclones and bushfires. Temperatures range from seventyseven to a hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Christmas is Australia’s Summer Holiday and it is very special to many Australians. Australia’s Christmas celebrations were heavily influenced by AngloCeltic influences. Traditional dinners have been replaced with family gatherings in back yards, picnics in the parks, gardens, and on the beach. For many, it is the time to be with friends and relatives, to share love and friendship, and the exchange of gifts. For others, it is a time to enjoy the quantities of food. In China, Christians celebrate Christmas by lighting their houses with paper lanterns and decorating their Christmas trees, which they call "Trees of Light." Children hang up muslin stockings and wait for Santa Claus, who they call Dun Che Lao Ren which means

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"Christmas Old Man." Since many Chinese people are not Christian, the main winter festival in China is the Chinese New Year which is at the end of January. Called the "Spring Festival," it is a time when the children get new clothing, eat food, get new toys, and watch fireworks. The Chinese also worships their ancestors. Portraits of the ancestors are brought out and hung in the main room of their home. Christmas in Mexico is called las posadas, which is the reenacting of Joseph and Mary's search for a place to stay in Bethlehem. This begins nine days before Christmas because the original journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem took nine days. Friends and family members divide themselves into two groups, pilgrims and innkeepers. The pilgrims travel from house to house asking for a shelter and are refused at each until they finally reach the house where an alternative scene has been set up. Then the pilgrims are given rejoicing, a prayer, and a party. Food and drinks are served and then children take turns trying to break open the piñata. Christmas in Spain is very religious. The country's patron saint is the Virgin Mary. Christmas begins December 8. It is celebrated every year in front of the great Gothic cathedral in Seville with a ceremony called los Seises or the "dance of six." The ritual dance is per-

Niccole Carter formed by ten boys dressed in costumes. Christmas Eve is known as Nochebuena or "the Good Night." It’s a time for family members to get together to rejoice and eat dinner. December 28 is the feast of the Holy Innocents. Young boys of the town light bonfires and one of them acts as the mayor who orders the towns people to do chores like sweeping the streets. If you refuse to do these chores you are fined, which is used to pay for the celebration. New Years In Belgium, New Year's Eve is called Sint Sylvester Vooranvond or Saint Sylvester Eve. New Year's Eve family parties are thrown. At midnight everyone kisses, exchanges good luck greetings, and drinks to relatives and friends far away. The cities, cafés, and restaurants are crowded with people who cry goodbye to the Old Year. New Year's Day is called Nieuwjaarsdag. At this time of the year, the children save money to buy colored paper for writing holiday greetings to their parents and god parents. Belgium farmers wish their animals a Happy New Year for blessings. In Egypt the New Year is a public holiday. They observe the tradition of the new crescent moon and it must be seen before the official announcement is made. The sight of it is carried out at the Muhammad Ali mosque which is at

Volume 1, Issue 2

Holidays Cont. the top of the hill in Cairo. The message is then passed on to the religious leader known as the Grand Mufti and he announces the New Year. The men who wait outside the mosque wish each other a happy New Year by saying "Kol Sana We Enta Tayeb!" and then they go home to tell their families. Then all the families sit down for New Year’s dinner. Everyone dresses up; even the girls are allowed to wear bright colored dresses. Usually they are only allowed to wear black. Boys are given a sweet candy into the shape of a boy on horseback. Girls are given candy in the shape of a girl wearing a dress. The New Year for the adults is a day for visiting friends. In some villages the father or the head of the family goes from house to house wishing each family a happy New Year collecting people as they go, until they all end up at the Mayor's house. The Ireland New Year festival is known as Samhain which means, summer ends and was celebrated on October 31st. The festival has survived as Halloween. This day was considered very dangerous because it was when the spirits of the dead returned to earth. The believed the spirits could do a lot of harm. The Celtic priests go into the woods on New Year's Eve to get a lot of mistletoe which they handed out to peo-

Talk of the Hawk

ple to protect them from any harm. Also people lit bonfires to keep away evil forces. In Ireland, the girls would go to bed with mistletoe or holly and ivy leaves under their pillows so they would go to bed dreaming of their future husbands. They might also sing: "Oh, ivy green and holly red, Tell me, tell me whom I shall wed!� On New Year's Eve, if they ate a very large supper they would have plenty of food for the upcoming year. One custom that was practiced on New Year's Eve was to take a large loaf of Christmas bread or cake outside the house and hammer it against the closed doors and windows. This was done to let out any misfortune and let in happiness. In Swaziland, the harvest festival is called Newala or "first fruits" and takes place at the end of the year. It is a celebration of kingship, the king of Swaziland, the Ngwenyama or "Lion", has powers that are mystical and is believed to symbolize the Swaziland wealth and luxury, and therefore everyone says that he must have many wives and many children. The ceremony has many events and lasts for a month. These events include the gathering of foam from the tops of waves, the collection of water from the major rivers by a group of Bemanti or Swazi water officials. The day before they leave to collect the wa-

ter and foam, the king goes into isolation. Boys who have reached puberty gather lusekwane, which is a type of acacia that is considered holy, and bring it to the cattle pen. The end of Newala occurs when warriors, sing songs, dance around the nhlambelo, the king's blessings, persuading him to answer his people. Then the king begins with wearing a crown of big black plumes, and a silver monkey skin belt, grass covers his body. He does a dance in front of his people, and at a point in the dance he eats part of a special pumpkin called Luselwa. Then, he throws the rest of it to the warriors. This is supposed to mean that it is time for the new crops to be eaten. A bonfire is lit at the end of Newala, which is supposed to mean the burning of the previous year. They believe that rain will fall to put out the flames. As you can tell a lot of people celebrate the Holidays differently. Each has different religions and traditions. Some celebrate religiously, some with presents, family, and friends, and for some the food is important. No matter how you celebrate, make it memorable. Spending time with loved ones is so important. You never know, they may not be here next year.

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Holiday Changes

Jennifer Boone

How Christmas has become nothing short of a “gimmie” day.

Celebrate? How do you and your family celebrate the holidays? With family? By yourself? Or do you even celebrate? There are several different ways that people all around the world celebrate. Many celebrate by spending time with family, opening gifts, eating a lot of food, doing family/religious traditions, and many other ways. The holidays are changing though, and in some ways it is not so good. It seems like more and more people every year are starting to forget what the holidays are really about. Many people are starting to forget about family and only worried about what they get Christmas.

“How Do You Celebrate The Holidays?” When asked “How do you celebrate the holidays?” fourteen out of a hundred LCHS students say they celebrate Christmas by grabbing all the pre-

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sents from under the tree. This number used to not even exist. People young and old always understood the real meaning of the holidays, but now people are starting to think that it is all about presents and free food. Twelve percent of the students surveyed also said their favorite part of the holidays is all the free food. Only fourteen of the hundred students said their favorite part of the holidays is spending time with the family.

REMEMBER WHEN??? Remember those days when objects did not matter? It was always about family especially during the holidays? Now look at how the holidays are portrayed. Now it seems like the holidays are all about going shopping and buying material items to make everybody happy. That should not be what makes people happy; it should be spending time with family and

enjoying it. Every time someone asks Jennifer what she wants for Christmas her reply is, “Nothing, just spending time with my family is all I need.” That is someone who knows the real meaning of the holidays.

So what is The Real Meaning of Holidays??? So what is a person supposed to do for the holidays? He or she is supposed to spend time with the family on the holidays, just sitting around the living room, drinking hot cocoa, talking about their lives and how thankful they are for what they have, not what they want. That is what a person is supposed to do for the holidays.

Volume 1, Issue 2


Nathan Fulk

The Thrill of the Kill Hunting has been a way of a lot of people’s lives since caveman days when they hunted with spears. Hunting has changed a lot; it used to be for getting food and clothing. It is a sport mainly now. Participants hunt animals to get big trophies. Most people still eat the meat or use the pelt which is the skin of an animal with the fur or hair still on it. People you see hunting on TV are in the professional sport of hunting. They have a huge passion for it. Some go on hunts in Canada and even other continents such as Africa. A lot of times people go on these hunts in Africa to help out a

Talk of the Hawk

village get some meat and feed the village. Also, a lot of hunters go for the thrill of the kill. It gives them an adrenaline rush and feels good. But then again some people just go hunting to get the meat; they love the taste of a wild game animal. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimated in its 2006 national survey that 10.1 million people hunt deer. That accounted for 3.48 percent of the population. The survey also found that more people hunt deer than all other big game combined. The reason people hunt deer more than any other big game animal is because the deer’s senses are so great it makes them more challenging to hunt. They can smell extremely well and if they even think something does not smell right, they will turn away. Within 100 yards, a deer can pinpoint which direction a noise came from.

Going through all of these challenges to get a deer or any other animal is what makes it so thrilling. Cody Graham was asked how long hunting has influenced his life. Cody replied, “I have hunted since I was about eight, but in the past few years I haven’t because I have not really had the time to go.” He was also asked why he hunts. “It is exhilarating,” replies Cody. Cody was asked why he started hunting. Cody said, “Because I liked to be in the woods, it was peaceful and you feel like nothing can bother you.” Hunting does not just go on in the U.S. It happens all around the world. People have been doing it for years and years. People like to be out in the wild. It is peaceful and you can see so many sites you cannot see sitting in the house. People not only hunt for meat, they enjoy the thrill of the kill! Page 5

Season Outlook for the LaRue County Mat Hawks Vincent Couch Is this the year for the LaRue County Wrestling Hawks? Many people are beginning to ask this very question. Many LaRue County residents are hoping that this is the year to capture the all coveted State Championship. For the first time since 2007, the Hawks are looking to dominate the State Tournament and win the whole thing. They are highly ranked this year and have high expectations from their coach, Coach Gary Canter. The varsity team is led this year by five experienced seniors, who expect to train hard and push the younger wrestlers. So the question still remains, is this the year for the Larue County Wrestling Hawks? “Run, run faster, run harder!” That is something you might hear if you ever step inside the closed doors of a varsity wrestling practice. Coach Canter has high expectations from his varsity team this year, just as he has in so many years past. He makes practices harder so that his wrestling team will be the best conditioned team in the state of Kentucky. Coach Canter always strives to push his wrestlers, even when they do not think they can go any farther. Out of the five seniors asked, three of them said that the conditioning was the hardest part of Coach Canter’s practices. Many non-wrestlers would probably say that the weight cutting is the hardest, while LaRue County wrestlers would say that cutting weight is not as hard as many people believe it to be. One LaRue County wrestler was quoted saying “Cutting weight is just being disciplined enough to

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not eat that one more piece of food, to just say no when asked if they want seconds”. LaRue County wrestlers have always been known for their hard-nosed wrestling style and that has contributed to the hardest practices in the state. While LaRue County may be ranked high in the state as a team, there are other teams that look forward to facing them. Many teams around the state want to be the team that beat LaRue County and prove that LaRue was wrongly ranked so high. Such teams that look to thwart LaRue County’s high hopes of a state championship include: Ryle, St, Xavier, Trinity, John Hardin, and the list just continues. LaRue County does not have a cakewalk to the championships, but it has more determination and desire. The wrestling team is hungry for a championship and these boys will not slow down or stop for anyone. When Coach Canter sets his mind on a goal, he will push his team to exhaustion to not only reach that goal but to dominate other teams on its way. While other teams are focused on winning, LaRue County’s focus is solely on being the greatest team that they can be. LaRue is striving for greatness and their hard work will show that in the end, when the final medals are passed out and LaRue County is standing tall on the first place podium. LaRue County’s seniors will play a huge role this year in helping to achieve the greatness that is expected of the team. LaRue County has six seniors and five of those sen-

iors have wrestled in years past. Each senior has at least four years of wrestling experience. Four of those six seniors are ranked high in each of their respective weight classes. Coach Canter has looked to them to show some leadership this year. In years past, LaRue County seniors have not shown the expected leadership that Coach Canter has wanted, but he says that this is all going to change this year. He holds the seniors responsible for how well each wrestler does this season. He visualizes his seniors pushing the younger, less experienced guys. LaRue is noted for its hard-nosed, get in your face, never back down, wrestling style. If one LaRue County wrestler gives up a pin, you can bet that when he gets off the mat, that he is going to have six seniors in their face as well as Coach Canter. “Giving up pins is simply not acceptable in LaRue County,” says Coach Canter. “To give up a pin, is saying that I didn’t want the win as bad as the other guy,” said Cody Williams, a senior wrestler at LaRue County. For LaRue County’s season opener, they will be traveling to Oldham County. They will face some of the best teams in the state of Kentucky. Coach Canter has made it clear that he expects nothing less than first place from his team at this meet. The team has had some of the hardest practices to condition them for this upcoming match this weekend. I invite all LaRue County sports fans to come and cheer on their LaRue County Mat Hawks.

Volume 1, Issue 2

LaRue County Baseball Team: Can We Do It Again? For the past decade, the LaRue County baseball team has dominated the districts: with such great success come great players, such as Jordan Newton, Justin Thurman, Aaron Mayfield, and Tyler Hornback. With all of those players now come and gone, it is time for new stars to rise at LaRue County. And such stars have risen such as Jesse Johnson, Slade Owens, Kyle Meredith, and Kyle Sheeran. When asked about how the team would do this year after most of the starters from the previous season were seniors, Nathan Fulk replied “ I think the team will do ok along

Talk of the Hawk

the way as long as the new coming starters take the roll they will need to take”. On the team this year there is only a total of three seniors which will include Matt Smith, Cody Williams and Shaquille Cox which is undecided. “With our seniors have graduated, our offense will have to step it up a notch since most of our sluggers have left.” But with our lower classmen picking up the slack in the slugging percentage, we be ok. Last season Jesse Johnson hit four home runs, Kyle Meredith hit two home runs, and Slade Owens hit one home run. Nathan says, “Well, it’s

Cody Graham kind of like our offense, since the seniors left from last year the starters this year have little experience.” The starters are going to have to really mature a lot throughout the season. And as the season came to a close the lower classmen duo of Jesse, Slade and both Kyles were the teams fall back guys to start off a game, with Nathan Fulk coming in to close the games. This year’s team will do just fine this season. With such experience will come a good record and a very exciting season. As the year goes on I will be keeping up with the team, so if you’re a sportsperson, keep up.

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Teen Suicide:

Laura Despain

What to look for and how to help. Suicide—a universal issue Suicide – to most people, this word has a dismal and horrid connotation – but to some, it can be a term meaning release, escape, and nirvana. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers in Kentucky, mostly because people do not know the warning signs or how to help an emotionally disturbed person cope with their feelings. Suicide may not seem like a prevalent issue in rural LaRue County; but depression is ubiquitous, and therefore, so is suicide. What a suicidal person looks like Each year, in the state of Kentucky alone, thousands of teenagers commit suicide. The best way to prevent suicide is to know the indications of a suicidal person. So, what does a suicidal person look like? The stereotypical “Emo” or “Goth” is often used to personify what a troubled person looks like. Black hair, black clothes, thick black eyeliner, and an attraction to bands like A.F.I. are trademarks of an Emo or Goth kid. It is true that some of these teens harbor the selfloathing, despondent demeanor characteristic of a suicidal person; however, the peppy, blonde girl dressed in brightly-colored Abercrombie and Fitch could also possess those feelings. The fact of the matter is, the teens that typically end up killing themselves are the ones their peers would have least expected. The people that seem the happiest are sometimes the most distraught. In a survey conducted at LCHS, it was found that five percent of the student population has considered suicide at one point or another in their lives. These people did not belong to a specific clique, race, gender, or socio-economic status; which proves that any type of person can be deeply depressed.

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Knowing the Signs In order to prevent someone from committing suicide, it is important to know the warning signs. 75% of all people that kill themselves exhibit at least one warning sign before doing ending their lives. Suicide Warning Signs · Withdrawing from family and friends · Exhibiting dramatic mood swings · Exhibiting dramatic changes in personality · Losing interest in activities once enjoyed · Giving away personal belongings · Performing poorly at school or work · Using phrases such as: “I won’t be bothering you much longer,” or “Things would be better if I wasn’t here.” · Visiting or calling people to say goodbye · Talking about killing one’s self

How to help Most people that commit suicide often feel that there is no solution to their problems. They feel downtrodden and overwhelmed by their tribulations. Suicide is frequently seen as the only way out of issues like financial debt, loneliness, or drug/alcohol addictions. Talking to people with extensive problems and letting them know that they are cared for and appreciated can prevent suicide. Offering solutions or just a shoulder to cry on can make a tremendous difference in the life of an emotionally troubled person. The most important thing to do to help a suicidal person is urging professional help. It is also important to remove dangerous objects or medications from the home to help prevent the temptation to commit suicide. The teens in the LCHS survey that admitted to contemplating suicide also admitted to feeling alone or unwanted. Eve-

ryone wants to feel loved and needed; as if they play a significant role in the ultimate scheme of things. Some people get lost in the enormity of the world and need to be reminded that they are treasured. All you need is love (It’s true!) LaRue County may not be replete with tragedy, but suicide is an issue that definitely needs tending to. Five percent of high school students have felt so alone, so unappreciated that they have considered ending their lives, even before they have truly begun. You can make a difference in someone’s life. Solace can be found in small gestures: say “Hi” to someone that looks lonely, befriend someone in need of a friend, or listen to someone who needs a confidant. Spread the love. Make sure everyone around you knows that they are loved and valued. You never know, it could be the difference between life and death. If you or someone you know is considering suicide, help is available. Call 1-800-SUICIDE Sources: · · 5 Most Common Methods of Suicide 1.





Poisoning (includes overdosing)





Volume 1, Issue 2

Texting and Driving Is it really worth it?

Who’s actually doing it?

Kentucky law states that texting and driving is illegal. Yet many people still do it. Over 60% of American teens admit to doing it. “Hey!” is one word that does not mean anything. It is not worth your life, because 21% of fatal car accidents in 2009 were due to teen’s texting while driving.

According to the survey conducted in Larue County High School, 39 of the random100 students surveyed admit to texting and driving. “Yes I text and drive, but I don’t need to look at my phone to text.” stated Brittany Eagle. As if that made it any better that she breaks the law. Austin Shirley stated that he texts while driving when he has a lot of road to work with. Six out of the 100 stated that they have wrecked due to texting and driving. When asked if they have ever actually been pulled over due to cell phone usage, only one out of 100 admitted that they have been pulled over. Eighty out of the 100 said that they know someone that texts and drives, and 23 out of 100 stated that they know someone that has wrecked due to texting and driving.

Is your time up? According to, in 2007 nearly 1,000 deaths involving 16-19 year olds were due to the use of cell phones. Nineteen percent of motorcyclists admit to texting on the road. That is nearly impossible to drive a motorcycle with only one hand. A study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Motorists found that motorists who use cell phones while driving are four times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves. An estimated 44% of American drivers now have a cell phone in their vehicle. According to, of cell phone users that were surveyed, 85 percent said they use their phones occasionally when driving, 30 percent use their phones while driving on the highway, and 27 percent use them during half or more of the trips they take.

Talk of the Hawk

Kristin Eldridge your phone should be cut off except for 911 for emergencies. But since the technology is not that high tech yet, and there is no way to know if you are the driver of the car, then parents should just step up and take charge.

The numbers are only going to go up! Teens are not very responsible. If someone does not make the decision for them, then they will most likely make the wrong decision. Like texting while driving. If 21% of deaths are due to texting today, then the numbers are only going to increase. Because more and more people are getting phones, and eventually everyone will drive, these two are not a good combination. This is a problem that needs to be fixed by someone.

How can we fix it? Texting while driving was rated as the number one distraction on the road. This is a serious problem that needs to be fixed. There are many options that could be done to decrease the amount of texting and driving. For one, students should be required to sign a promise sheet. Like prom where you promise not to party afterward. I think that phone companies should be able to detect whether or not you are in a car. If you are then

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BUBBLE SHOOTER: LCHS NEW ADDICTION Pink and blue; yellow and baby blue; red and green, all the colors that make up one of the now, most played internet games at LaRue County High School. After students received their laptops, of course everyone started playing games, but by the end of the first week of having our laptops, most all games were blocked, Bubble Shooter being one of the very few still left to play. Some students play Bubble Shooter so much that some say they are addicted to it. Why is this game so popular though? How many students actually do play it? What is its future? Will it be blocked next? First off, what exactly is Bubble Shooter? Bubble shooter was originally developed by Microsoft Windows by Absolute Games in 2000 and is a clone of the game, Puzzle Bobble. It combines the features of a puzzle, shooter, strategy, and action game. In the game, the player is required to remove all bubbles from the playing field by shooting them with a bubble of the This is what the traditional Bubble Shooter game that is being played looks like.

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KATELYN EDWARDS same color. As three or more bubbles of the same color are placed together, they disappear. The bubbles may wave, change their size, shake and explode, and can be ricocheted from the walls. Upon completion, the player will see so -called bubble fireworks, a number of multicolored bubbles exploding in a manner of fireworks. The player will then proceed to the next level. After surveying some of the students at LCHS, the results I received were actually quite surprising! Many students at LCHS have already beaten the game multiple times. One student even scored over one million points. Also, now that the game Halo has been blocked, everyone who was playing it will go back to playing Bubble Shooter. Now even more students will be playing the game. Almost all internet games and games on our laptops have been blocked, so with Bubble shooter being one of the very few games being left able to

play, what is its future? Will it be blocked next? With the new DyKnow program that teachers have access to, they are able to monitor what students are doing, so when students are caught playing the game, the teachers have the option to block it or the entire internet all together. By doing this, it leaves doing the class work the only option left. In my personal opinion, since teachers are able to do this, then Bubble Shooter should not get blocked. There has been rumor that it will be blocked, but as of right now it is still playable. The future of it may be uncertain, but as of now it will still continue to be played by many here at LCHS. Bubble Shooter is a simple, colorful, little puzzle game; but has now become one of the most popular games at LCHS. Whether students are playing it for fun, or are trying to compete with their friends to get the highest score, it seems the game is always being played. Are you an addict yet?

Green: 15 Students Red: 6 Students Blue: 13 Students

Volume 1, Issue 2

Band? What’s the Point?

Jessica Wells

The Benefits of Band Class In the life of most high school students, marching band is very irrelevant to their everyday life. Most go their entire higher education without even having band mentioned to them. However, there are a select few that thrive on it. Several studies have been conducted on the benefits of band and music classes for students and the results have been astounding. Maybe there is something to all the hard work, extensive time and constant performances; maybe there is a point to it all. Many surveys and tests are done by the U.S Department of Education every year regarding band participants’ stride in academic performance. One test was done with a group of 237 second grade children, who began to use piano keyboard training software to improve their math skills. The group scored 27% higher on tests involving the subject of math, particularly fractions, than children who only had a regular math program. When asked why he believed students with a musical back-

ground did better in the area of academic performance than those without, Jamie Smith, Director of marching and concert band at LaRue County, replied, “Yes they do. It is very common for band students to be in National Honors Society and become Valedictorians. I’ve heard that research is showing that music leads to advanced learning that comes from musical stimulation.” He is correct. Scholars are showing that the stimulation provides a better learning atmosphere for children and helps them to retain more information. There might even be a point to why each student at LaRue County, has to go through a class that is involved with the study of music. According to the Texas Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse Report, those who participate in a musical related class, have shown to have a much lower use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Band provides students with lifelong societal lessons and valuable materials to help get them through life. Mr. Smith says, “Band makes students strive for excellence

in every aspect of life.” Quite obviously music is shaping the values and characteristics of individuals in high school. In addition to providing academic growth and improvements in society, band and music also have an impact on a person’s everyday life. Every student in marching band, is given an equal opportunity to be the very best they can be. However, getting to the point of being “the best” takes hours of hard work and determination. According to Mr. Smith, the band students that participate in marching season, practice, on average, 15 hours a week after school. In the summer before school, they go through a two week training period called band camp. During this time the group practices 40 hours plus the additional week of training the guard and percussion take on. This encourages the students to take every opportunity available to them and they are determined to excel when given the opportunity. This newly developed instinct to be the very best in every phase sticks with them for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes in today’s educational system, reality sets in on just how hard it is to keep providing a music education to students. Well, to achieve all the benefits above, the officials should do everything in their power to keep supplying them with this opportunity. The reality without it seems bleak. The reality with music is definitely exciting and enlightening. The actuality is that band and music classes help to improve children’s character and education, and in turn helping the community. Schools need to keep these classes available to students today in order to help them grow and become the next big decision makers of the future. That is the point. Sources: http:// www.childrensmusicworks benefits.html

“It is very common for band students to be in National Honors Society and become Valedictorians. I’ve heard that research is showing that music leads to advanced learning that comes from music stimulation.”-Jamie Smith

Jaime Smith conducts his band class while performing warm-ups. Talk of the Hawk

Page 11

MILITARY So you’re about to graduate? At this crossroads between childhood and adulthood, we graduates must make decisions about our future today that will ultimately affect the rest of our lives. Joining the armed forces is one option available to us. Before you make the decision to join though, there are several things to consider. You like being put to the test? You like being physically and mentally challenged? Basic training is the thing for you. You will be put the test in every way, shape, and form and you will be challenged to fullest of your abilities. Basic is one the most challenging things you could ever put your body through. You will complete many different drills and things you have to finish in a certain amount of time. It is by no means easy, and there is nothing easy about it. There is nothing fun to look forward to, no breaks, and no rest. Nothing but straight, gruesome, hardcore training which could range from anywhere be-

JOSHUA ADKINS tween 2 to 4 months. One very important thing to consider is not only the respect you will gain from peers, family members, and other citizens of say your home town, but the respect you will have for yourself. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing you have completed something or done something that many others wouldn’t even attempt. Joining the armed forces is no walk in the park. In fact, to many, it is the exact opposite. The dreadful training, the danger, and the feeling in the back of your mind where you know that something could go horribly wrong at any given time is something many can’t get courage to push themselves through. Another consideration and maybe the most important of all, is the benefits you will receive by enlisting in one of the many kinds of armed forces. There are many benefits available to military members, ranging from medical care, to special pays, to tax advantages, to the Base

Exchange and commissary. Not to mention the financial help when you sign up for college. It is basically paid for. You can’t beat that. Even after you discharge, you are pretty much set for life. You get all that for just a few years of serving your country. Now will it be easy? No way! But will it be worth it? Absolutely! I’m sure I won’t be the only one to tell you that. Above all else if the money and economic benefits are the last thing on your mind, you have to think about the self-discipline, the confidence, and not to mention the combat skills you will learn while enlisted. This will take you a long way in life after discharging from the force, no matter what you may do. One thing is for sure: you will come out the military a completely different man or woman than you were before you went in. So if you have that gut feeling that the military might be for you, the chances are that it is. But only you can make that decision for yourself and no one else.

Differences between City Life and Country Life Elizabeth Lewis Whether you live in the city or country, they are very different. Which one do you prefer? Some people prefer the city because there are a lot more things to do. Like Lupita Cuevas: she use to live in Greenville, NC and she says, “There’s a lot more stuff to do like… bigger mall, more movie places, a big huge bowling alley. There are just a lot more choices in food & everything.” Most of the stores are open twentyfour hours and the city is busy all the time. Brittney Mack lived in Charlestown, Indiana. She moved here her sophomore year. She says, “I miss the city life, there’s more stuff to do and more things to explore.” Page 12

Some people prefer the country because it is very slow paced. Tyler Litton says, “It’s not as crowded here and I would like to stay in the country when I grow up.” The country has less people in it. The stores close at sunset. Josh Adkins moved to Hodgenville in 7th grade. He says, “I like this area better than Akron, Ohio.” He describes this area as more calm and quiet. Though he claims living in the city “wasn’t as boring.” I moved from Lake in the Hills, IL this year and so far I don’t like it, but the people are nicer here. It is really different from over there because over there is a lot more stuff to do. They have more

movie theaters and a lot more stores. Over here there is really nothing to do, because they don’t have that much stores and you cannot walk to the store because if you do you may get ran over. Also the school was better. It had more kids so there were people to get to know. To me, I like the city better because I lived there since 10th grade but if I lived here my whole life, I would maybe like the country better. From what I heard more people like the city because there is just a lot more stuff to. To conclude, everyone has their opinion on which one is better.

Volume 1, Issue 2

School Fighting Every once in a while there will be a gathering in the hall ways. Yet again, people are screaming and flinging their arms in a rage, but why would people be doing this and what happens if they do? Many fights occur during each school year for various reasons, but most are broke up within a few minutes at least. Fighting is not acceptable in any schools and most schools have a zero tolerance policy against them. Sometimes only the person attacking gets in trouble and the person who defends themselves will not, but in most cases each student will be punished for the fight. The main reason people are starting fights in schools is because of all the communication throughout the school, most students are able to talk to each other through cell phone use, talking in the hall ways, and using emails. When the communication is so easily used people feel free to talk about each other behind their back or to their face, and this is all starting problems between people. For instance when people hear something about someone, they will start talking about them to other people, and once the person finds out they are being talked about, they will engage with the person talking about them and it can either lead to a fight or argument, which usually happens in school because everyone that is involved is present. If there is a problem between you Talk of the Hawk

Dustin Glogowski and someone than you should either discuss it with them in a non-violent way or talk about it with someone at your school that can help with the problem. This year, there have been more fights occurring in our school, and the reason is because of all the communication present today than in recent years. There have been around eighteen fights that have occurred this year according to Mr. Armes. We are only half way through the school year so this number is pretty big considering it can double. Punishments for fighting in school are usually either ISS or OSS (in school suspension and out of school suspension). According to Mr. Armes, there is usually a combination of both for the punishment. The student will be out of school for 34 days and come back to school in ISS for a few days. Usually there is an attacker in the fight and he or she is punished more severely for the attack, this is because the person being attacked does have to defend themselves, if they are to use too much force and it seems like they are fighting to hurt the person then they will be punished equally. If you are to keep fighting in schools you can be punished more severely and get put in Aschool were nothing will be accepted and you get no breaks, you will be put in A-school for a set amount of time and released after they think you have changed and

learned your lesson. They have dress codes and many more strict rules than we do in regular school. So in conclusion, people are fighting in school because they think it is the right thing to do when someone is talking about them. They think they have no other options. People are not aware of many of the punishments that you can receive for fighting in school and they think they won’t be in too much trouble if they had a reason to fight. But let me ask you this, why would you fight over something said about you? If it isn’t true what they said just let everyone know that and let your supervisors know what he or she is saying about you. All you need to do to stay out of trouble is to control yourself and don’t get out of control when you hear stuff from other people.

Joshua Adkins and Dustin Glogowski in what has now become a “usual” occurrence. Page 13

Chatter from the Nest “Troubled Love” Dear Chatter from the Nest, What should I do about these feelings I have for older guys? I’m talking like ten years older. -anonymous

Dear Chatter from the Nest, I’m wondering how I can be a better friend. I mean, I am already a good friend, but I want to be better. Sincerely, Travis Blair Dear Travis, The only way you can be a better friend is to be there for your friends through everything. You already go up to everyone and give them hugs and you have a big heart, but when you see someone or a friend in need, help them, do not ignore them! Your friends from the Nest.

Page 14

Dear anonymous, You do not need to focus all of your emotions on this one person. Think to yourself is it this one person that makes you feel good or do you

find love in more mature people? Or do you like them because they seem to show more attention to you? If you are only looking for maturity then look at your own peers. Just because they are just in high school doesn’t mean that they are all immature children. Lots of your peers are a lot more mature than you might believe. But if age is the difference that you are interest-

ed in and if they really love you then they will wait for you until you are of legal age. But whatever your actions are act upon your heart and you will find an answer for your troubled love. Sincerely from your friends at the Nest.

Got a question you need answered? Need advice? Write your question on a piece of paper and put it in the box inside Mrs. Garris’ room.

Volume 1, Issue 2

Poet’s Corner A Goodbye is Never Good Chris Mills A goodbye is never good Then again how could it be? It’s the christening of a voyage from your home It’s the axe that splits two friends A goodbye is like the hand that shoves you off a cliff This word makes a man become a boy Falling to his knees with tears that fall like bullets When spoken, the words are like a shot to the heart You watch them leave through a stained glass window Painted by the tears of your heart So next time you have to say goodbye Try to say see you later Maybe then, your words wont die.

Peace Laura Despain Peace, a single daisy Blossom of bliss amidst chaos Grows from roots of human kindness Delicate petals of serenity, love, acceptance. Blows softly in a breeze, Beautiful, Unwavering. Until squashed by a boot of war Trampled by hatred. It's been uprooted, but, it's seeds will sprout again.

Talk of the Hawk

My Dad Travis Druen You, Dad Always Fishing, Hunting, and Pulling tractors, Making me laugh while keeping me straight. Drinking Old Milwaukee and watching TV, Laughing out loud at Sanford and Son. William Dale Druen Do you miss me as much as I miss you? Always hunting for the big one, a ten pointer, Tall, muscular, with your beard, Making me laugh. You always made me proud to be your son.

Page 15

Teenage Pregnancy Taylor Cook What is one of the major topics you hear about when attending high school? Usually people are talking about sex. Research shows that the United States alone has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. But there are ways to prevent teenage pregnancies. Not to mention, ever thought about how different life would be being pregnant? Read on to find out more. First off here’s some statistics about teenage pregnancy. Thirty-four percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they are 20 years old. Eight in 10 of these teen pregnancies are unexpected, and about 79% are to unmarried teens. Why get pregnant at such a young age if there are so many preventatives out there? Anyone can buy condoms and any girl who wishes to be on birth control can look at the options and pick one that best fits them. Some birth controls consist of either a pill you take regularly; Page 16

a shot that gets injected into you or a plastic piece that gets inserted into your body. With all those preventatives out there, there should not be any excuse to get pregnant. Use protection, don’t be stupid. Many teenagers who are expecting have very many struggles. One thing every expecting girl experiences is stretch marks because of the fact that their skin has to stretch to carry a baby. They are scars and will make anyone selfconscious, especially because they will be on your body for life. Another thing expecting girls have to face is the fact that they no longer are looking out for themselves anymore, they have to eat for two and make good decisions so they do not harm their unborn child. They must eat right, not drink any kind of alcohol, do any kind of drugs and make healthy decisions. Once the baby is born, the girl’s life as she once knew it will completely change. Most of her time will need to be devoted to the baby: no more going out with friends all the time because

the baby needs its mommy. All the income the mom and dad are bringing in will need to be divided into a pile just for the baby. You will have to have diapers, formula, baby food, clothes, blankets, bottles, wipes, and toys, and furthermore, any unexpected medical costs. No more buying for only yourself; you will have to share and put the baby’s needs first over yours. Just think, it is another human being. It is love and breathing, pooping, eating and talking, you must be a parent from then on. There will be no going back once you have a baby, everything will change. In conclusion, having a baby changes everything. Your life as you once knew it will completely be different. There are many different ways to prevent teenage pregnancy. Many teenage moms go through a lot of struggles when having to take care of another living human being. Just remember, once it is done, there is no going back -- your life will change forever.

Volume 1, Issue 2

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Erika Bowles– Chief Editor Shelby Sullivan– CoEditor Tyler Litton– Co-Editor

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