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Camera Types You can use two different camera types to frame your shots: the Target camera and the Free camera.

Target Camera The Target camera has an associated object called a target, which acts as a focal point to the camera. By placing the target in a given spot or on a particular object, you ensure that the camera always looks at that object.

Free Camera A Free camera does not have an associated target and can roam and look in any direction you want. In that respect, you orient the camera manually.

The camera type you use in a given situation depends largely on the action taking place and the camera shot you are trying to capture. You’ll learn how to create, position, and animate both camera types as you learn the theory associated with camera shots.

Camera Techniques When you start placing cameras in your scene, there are a set of guidelines or techniques that govern the quality of your camera shots, whether the camera is static or in motion.

Framing a Shot A basic set of conventions assigns names and guidelines to common types of shots, framing, and picture composition. The most basic shot types are the long shot, the medium shot, and the close-up.

Lesson: Cameras



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