Academic Scholarships

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A love of scholarship is an aspiration for every one of our pupils and staff, nourished by intellectual activity beyond the classroom and the confines of formal examinations. Our Life of Learning Programme frames much of this opportunity, developing it appropriately across the year groups whilst ensuring specialist provision for Academic Scholars.

We expect our Scholars to be the academic leaders in their year group, not only in terms of their performance but also in terms of their willingness and desire to read widely and demonstrate a level of intellectual curiosity that inspires and proves infectious to their peers. Top Scholars will seek out extra-curricular academic activities and opportunities, typically participating in internal academic competitions and challenges, external essay competitions (such as those run by Oxbridge colleges) and Olympiads, and eventually taking the lead in academic societies further up the School.

“Academic excellence means far more to us than mere examination results. We offer our Scholars the opportunity to demonstrate a love of learning beyond the classroom by exposing them to a wide variety of stimulus materials and creating a community in which they can achieve their full potential and develop either intellectual breadth or genuine expertise in a particular discipline.”
Scott Jessop Head of Life of Learning
“I have really enjoyed the academic rigour offered to me by Colloquium. It has challenged me to think critically and to consider problems in nuanced perspectives, not only in subjects I enjoy but also in others.”
Jennifer Yang


We are looking for candidates who are out-performing their peers academically and who will benefit from appropriate intellectual extension. As a rule we look for candidates who excel in Mathematics, English and Science, as well as Cognitive Ability Tests.

At 13+

We are looking for pupils who demonstrate either high general ability or exceptional ability in a particular academic area (STEM or Liberal Arts). You are most likely to be at the very top of your current cohort and have therefore been exposed to materials much more challenging and ambitious than what is found at Common Entrance level or the equivalent.

As part of our Scholarship process, candidates sit the scholarship exam papers, participate in workshops, and enjoy presentations from members of Oundle staff, some of which are deliberately novel experiences. We give candidates the opportunity to discuss and debate in small groups and encourage them to think on their feet, develop new ideas and accept other viewpoints.

At 16+

We are looking for Scholars with evidenced ability of academic excellence. Candidates must be registered with us in advance and we ask them to submit predicted GCSE grades and a CV. From this, we short-list the very best and invite them to Oundle to sit examinations and take part in interviews.

All candidates sit three subject papers, which are usually to be studied at A level, or two subject papers and the General Paper. If you have a project or a piece of original work which is of a high enough standard to provide evidence of particular ability, you may submit it in advance once you have been invited to attend the entry examinations.


We are conscious of the need for Scholars to perform at, or near, the top of their cohort and as such we take care to challenge them in such a way as to supplement and enhance their studies rather than put undue pressure on them. We offer:

● Regular (usually two per half term) evening sessions examining an interesting or peripheral aspect of an academic area

● A balance between STEM and Liberal Arts sessions in the early years and the opportunity to specialise more in the Sixth Form

● A mentor for each year group who guides Scholars in their extra-curricular academic reading or development

● A yearly Scholars’ trip to a museum, exhibition or theatre.


At the core of the Scholarship programme is Conversaz for Third Form and Colloquium for Fourth Form upwards. The aim is to present pupils with thought-provoking aspects of their timetabled subjects that they may or may not have seen before, thus inviting them to apply knowledge and solve problems with that independence of thought that comes with a willingness to take risks and get things wrong. Further reading or materials are provided where appropriate to allow deeper exploration.

The subjects, delicately balanced across STEM and the Liberal Arts, develop as Scholars move up through the School, as does the responsibility for leading and shaping the sessions. The Upper Sixth largely run their own Colloquium, presenting for 15-20 minutes each on a theme of their choice, often closely linked to their university application, before fielding questions from their peers.



Scholars are encouraged to take part in internal and national academic competitions. Within Oundle, these include an annual Science essay competition open to all pupils across the three Sciences and a Sixth Form essay competition which encourages pupils concentrating on the Liberal Arts to explore the intersection and overlap between literature, languages and the humanities. Pupils regularly enter national essay competitions such as the John Locke Essay Competition based at Oxford and Princeton Universities, as well as national and international scientific Olympiads.


Over two thirds of Oundelians take up a place at a Russell Group University. Around 10% gain Oxbridge offers and a further 10% choose overseas destinations, including the United States. Consistently popular degree subjects include History, Politics, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Economics and Modern Languages.


Talented candidates who have a genuine interest and ability in two or more of our Scholarship disciplines are invited to consider applying for an Oundle Scholarship. An Oundle Scholarship recognises and celebrates the qualities we look for in all our pupils: high academic standards together with significant commitment to the wider life of the School.

Assessment includes social and communication skills, mental dexterity and the ability to influence and lead others positively by argument and example. Oundle Scholars are offered access to elements of the Academic Scholarship Programme, as well as to many of the enrichment opportunities provided for Scholars in their two areas of particular interest.


Scott Jessop, Head of Life of Learning


All Scholarship applicants are encouraged to apply for means-tested bursaries should they need financial support. We are proud that over one hundred pupils at Oundle are supported with bursaries and we are continually working to increase our Bursary Endowment Fund.

The Admissions Office

For any general questions or Scholarship assessment related queries, please contact the Admissions Office: Tel: 01832 277125

Debating and Public Speaking 40+ Academic Societies Academic Competitions and Essay Prizes Assemblies Voluntaries and Academic Surgeries Electives Academic Scholars Programme Trivium, Quadrivium and EPQ Sixth Form Lecture Series
“To me, being a Scholar is obviously to work hard and uphold a certain academic standard but more importantly, it’s about a curiosity to learn. In the classroom, teachers always find time to answer more advanced, or simply off-topic, questions, which stretches our knowledge immeasurably.”
Theo Turner Academic Scholar

The Worshipful Company of Grocers

Oundle has its origin in a grammar school founded in 1556 by Sir William Laxton, who was Master of the Worshipful Company of Grocers eight times between 1536 and 1552 and Lord Mayor of London in 1544.

The Grocers’ Company is one of the oldest Livery Companies of the City of London and ranks second in the order of precedence. Under the terms of the will of Sir William Laxton, the Grocers’ Company gives generously to charity when its means allow and continues to demonstrate its support for the School through the provision of bursaries and grants. The School’s Governing Body consists of seventeen members, including eight Governors nominated by the Court of the Grocers’ Company.

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