Ajp writing assignement #3

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Lauren Rios Applied Journalism Production Writing Assignment #3 (Pitching to Seventeen Magazine) “Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.”-Unknown. A quote so powerful to inspire people to go out and create themselves into being the best version of them they can be. The article I want to write about is trends. People all over search high and low for the latest and trends. From fashion, to hairstyle and color, to the newest technology, to how to decorate your home, trends are always changing an involving. This article will be approximately 500 words in length describing where you can find the latest trends. I will conduct interviews from people who use PInterest, create blogs, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages to find out just how they know what is in and what is out. I’m Lauren Rios public relations director for the journalism program and PRSSA President. I am attending California Baptist University and will be graduating in the spring of 2014 with my Bachelor’s in public relations. I came to CBU in the fall of 2012 with no prior experience as a writer or being involved in the public relations field. My advisers gave me a paid writing position and the title of Secretary on PRSSA because they saw how motivated, determined and excited I was to be apart of this program. I quickly moved my way up to section editor and index editor for the yearbook, and Director of Programs and events for PRSSA. I was also selected out of my entire chapter to represent CBU as the delegate for the PRSSA National Assembly. I am passionate about what I do. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to us working together in the future.

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