January journal

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Upcoming Events




January 2015

PISD Visual Art

Full list of second semester calendar included– there are updates, please review it.

Professional Development

February 11– 3pm to 5 pm Hang Elementary YAM and pick up West Cluster Show @ Sockwell (or Drop off Elementary YAM to Cox on Feb 9th 8-12 & 1-5)

http://goo.gl/forms/fFMRAFnFlS Twitter #pisdedchat Tuesdays @ 7 p.m. #K12ArtChat Thursday @ 8:30 p.m.

February 16– 8 am to 4 pm PD@ Crow Collection 8 —Buses Leaves Cox at 8 am (see follow up invitation next week in your email with more details)

http://goo.gl/forms/Qfjea9CVDB 

February 20— 4:30 to 8 pm VASE set up and pre-qualifications @ Williams

February 21– All Day VASE @ Williams

February 25– March 24th - Fine Arts Month Exhibit @ Admin

February 26– 6:30 pm Elementary YAM Reception @ Sockwell

February 28-April 26– Young Masters Exhibit @ DMA

News and Good Stuff! Birthdays Jaclyn Moore 2/6 Erin Rowe 2/12 Karen Horton 2/27 Sara Aminzadeh 2/29

PARTS- Plano Art Summer Session- is the new name for Art SIGS

Same program, different name, but we can invite MORE students. Be on the look out for more info to come. 2015-2016 School Year, if you know you will be retiring, moving or are any other big changes please contact me ASAP.

Something to Think About Why are exhibits and contests important? I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and reading about process vs. product in the world of art education. However, as we approach our busiest time with various exhibits and contests, including VASE, YAM, Big Art Day, Jr. VASE (the list goes on.) I must say that the positive feedback our program receives is tremendous. This is a direct result of the product. I receive daily positive comments about the artwork hung in the admin, sockwell and cox bldgs. Additionally the district MLK committee recently met and was blown away by the quality of work submitted. Deep, rigorous, connected learning is done through out the process of creating art however, the product is of balanced importance. Students feel pride, joy and self confidence when the product shines. The community sees the product, strong teaching, strong process, creates strong artistic product. We are lucky that our community values art and I thank you for showcasing your talented students as it helps us to highlight the importance of art in education. https://docs.google.com/a/pisd.edu/presentation d/1FWRJNHnfBzPOeodTWfZICE3GyDNSyxSsNord7oqo5WI/edit#slide=id.p

All the best


PISD Visual Art Issue 06 January 2015

Please Open the two links below before 2/6 http://padlet.com/GrundlerArt/cluss5pb0180


Big Art Day, March 5th, is just around the corner! If you haven’t started to plan your event/activity, now is a great time to start! Ordering supplies and getting volunteers can get over-whelming, so start early! Last year the Mitchell PTA gave us money to help buy bowls for families to decorate. We gave all donations (purely voluntary) to a local charity. Because of this success, I approached our PTA president and ask if they would consider adding a line on the budget to include Big Art Day every year! I had to write out a “proposal” that included the goal of the program and any costs associated with this event. They voted and we got approval! We now have funding every year to use towards advocating and promoting this wonderful event! If this is your first year participating in Big Art Day, it might be tougher to get funding but once you establish this tradition, I think it will be something the school will want to promote and support! Give it a try! http://www.taea.org/BigArtDay/default.asp Tracy Evans Art Specialist Mitchell Elementary Padlet Link

Big Art Day http://padlet.com/ GrundlerArt/ oi5d84q9du9c Please start adding to it!

Blogs http://www.artwithmre.com/

Professional Learning

http://www.ipadartroom.com/ http:cassiestephens.blogspot.com /

You Tube https://www.youtube.com/ watchv=EnyfHTJVzh8&featur e=youtu.be

Don’t forget to find balance by prioritizing. What do you need most to grow as an educator? I’m always working on this, when we are hit with information from every angel 24/7 it’s not easy. Take time to find what works for you to grow your learning and meet your needs. It has to be meaningful to you!

Mesuem Links http://www.metmuseum.org/ collection/viewpoints? utm_source=Facebook&utm_me dium=facebookalbum&utm_cont ent=20150123&utm_campaign= viewpoints http://www.metmuseum.org/ research/metpublications/titleswith-full-text-online? searchtype=F

AppsAviary (Photo Editing) Drawing Pad (awesome paint & drawing tool) More Professional Development Opportunities DMA Educator Workshop-The Science of art the art of science? Feb 7th 9 am to 3 pm http://dma.ticketleap.com/the-science-of-art-the-art-of-science/? utm_source=DMA+Master+List&utm_campaign=5d80294a23Educators_February_2015_Newsletter1_21_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ea218d538e5d80294a23-10380937 The Artist Odyssey Announces Free Program For Arts Teachers The Artist Odyssey, a global arts network that delivers premium arts television and supports school arts programs, is excited to announce a free program for arts teachers of all disciplines. We are giving away a full year’s subscription to The Artist Odyssey, normally $50/year, for free to teachers who sign up (link below) this week. To see a quick preview, please visit theartistodyssey.com To sign up, please go to theartistodyssey.com/tao-for-teachers/

Region 10N VASE Feb. 21st @ Williams In need of worker bees! Please contact Becca Bailey, Christine Miller or Laura Grundler http://www.taea.org/vase

2015 State VASE Event April 24-25, 2015 Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas Want to Volunteer? Please contact Alisa Meli

Region 10N Jr. VASE

May 16th @ Otto In need of qualifiers, jurors, and worker bees! Please contact Becca Bailey, Ammon Talbot or Laura Grundler http://www.taea.org/vase/juror-application.cfm

If you plan to work the event and want a VASE 2015 shirt please email Becca Bailey rebecca.bailey@pisd.edu $5.19 each sizes YXS-AXL $6.19 each size 2XL $7.19 each size 3XL

Staff Profiles Krista Simka—Meadows Elementary What was your first artistic memory? My mom enrolled me in an art class when I was five years old. I loved using oil pastels and remember being fascinated by them. I did a drawing of a small bird that my family was impressed with, I still have it as well as my other drawings from that class. What lead you into art ed? I majored in Art History and realized after doing some pretty mundane jobs after college that I should have gotten my teaching certification. Educating others about my passion appealed to me. I went back to college, got the certificate and here I am.

Andrew Wick—Forman Elementary –Cont.

3. What is your medium of choice? Oils but I love egg tempera even though it's a temperamental medium (ba dump dump chshshshshs). 4. Who is your artistic inspiration? I was raised in a musical family and my dad was a huge influence on me. In terms of visual arts, the late Bill komodore was a huge influence on my life. He was an op-art artist in the 60's but rebelled against the label and started painting Greek myths. He was taught by Rothko and made an appearance in the Warren report because he spilled a drink on Jack Ruby's girlfriend while he was waiting tables. Huge huge influence and a GREAT painter and teacher I had the privilege of studying with. 5. Share a current read? Artistic, Ed, or Fun.

What is your medium of choice? I don’t really have a favorite. I like them all. Surprisingly to me, I really enjoyed printmaking. Art forms that have a specific process tend to interest me the most.

I'm reading "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy." It's as intense as it sounds.

Who is your artistic inspiration? I get inspiration from all over the place. People in general, other artists, students, teachers, books, looking at magazines in the grocery store. Lots of places every day and everywhere to get ideas for art.

My goal is actually related to language acquisition. I want students talking about their art and the artworks they see more

Share a current read? Artistic, Ed, or Fun. I don’t go anywhere without my kindle and I enjoy all different styles of stories but I mainly read fiction.

6. What is your top goal for the year?

Kim Paser –Shepton High School

What is your top goal for the year?

What was your first artistic memory?

Have fun as much as possible!

Creating illustrations for books I wrote in Elementary School What lead you into art ed? An advisor at first, but upon later reflection it was my fond memories of being in art class in high

Andrew Wick—Forman Elementary school.

What is your medium of choice? 1. What was your first artistic memory? My first artistic memory was being forced to play piano by my dad who was a music professor for many years. I never liked it so I drew instead :) 2. What lead you into art ed? I've always loved art and teaching always seemed like an art to me. For me, teaching is action and reaction, much the same as the art of painting. Good teachers know how to brainstorm, pull out their tools, mix, paint, scrape, ponder, get messy, and go back to the drawing board and start all over if needed. And, artists always need to start over, especially the good ones.

All mediums mixed together…I like to change it up. Who is your artistic inspiration? Blaine Fontana Share a current read? Artistic, Ed, or Fun. The Marshmallow Test What is your top goal for the year? Take more pictures.

Sigler Teacher of the Year Tiffany Newsome

Nicholas Scott Born. born January 6, 2015 7lb 5oz & 19.5 in proud Mommy is Kathee Born @ Barksdale ES

Maana Aminzadeh born August 18, 2014 proud Mommy is Sara Aminzadeh @ Rice MS


Sights, Sounds, Celebrations– Holiday Greeting Card Contest & Our Legacy Loud & Clear—MLK Celebration Contest http://www.pisd.edu/news/enews/2014.15/December.18.html https://docs.google.com/a/pisd.edu/presentation/ d/1FWRJNHnfBzPOeodTWfZICE3GyDNSyxSsNord7oqo5WI/ edit#slide=id.p https://docs.google.com/a/pisd.edu/presentation/ d/1LGIqZlxPFeElrj8q_OPgeZt6piLMHD2y9EY3gLVKbbA/ edit#slide=id.g42b0ca1dc_10

Elementary Pictures

Secondary Pictures

MLK Tribute 2015 Big THANKS to Tamra Alami, Becca Bailey, Heather Fitz, Karen Horton & Jill Powell for Chalkboard Drawing http://www.pisd.edu/news/archive/2014-15/mlk.tribute.shtml http://www.pisd.edu/news/archive/2014-15/ mlk.photo.gallery.shtml

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