Inspiring Minds Campaign Review 2020

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Campaign Review, September 2020 The Latymer Foundation at Hammersmith was established in 1624 ‘to clothe and educate eight poore boyes’ in Hammersmith. It remains true to the vision of its founder Edward Latymer to this day, offering a first class education to academically able students from all walks of life.

Inspiring Minds campaign aims The Inspiring Minds campaign is seeking to raise £40 million for the Latymer Foundation by 2024. It has as its primary aim to provide funding for means-tested bursaries for as many as one in four of our pupils, providing a life-transforming Latymer education for more local children. It is our aim that any child with academic potential can come to our school, regardless of their family’s financial status.

The only criteria for Latymer should be ability and potential. The Inspiring Minds campaign will make that a reality.

Latymer Upper and Latymer Prep Schools are academically selective, independent, co-educational schools in West London. Although now fully fee-paying, the schools’ ethos of social inclusivity remains as true today as it did nearly 400 years ago when the Latymer Foundation was established by Edward Latymer ‘to clothe and educate eight poore boyes’ in Hammersmith. His vision remains firmly at the heart of the School and the Latymer of today consists of a vibrant student body of 1,400 girls and boys from all walks of life.

Latymer has taught me that there is no impossible dream or goal, that all we have to do is work hard and we will achieve our aims, no matter how high they may seem to be. 2

Head’s letter The most challenging of scenarios can make or break a community. Our Latymer Foundation has weathered almost four hundred years of (often turbulent) history, including two world wars, and remained strong throughout. Whilst lockdown at Latymer is one of the greatest tests we have faced, I am in no doubt that our school’s ‘family’ will come through the coronavirus crisis closer than ever.

I’m acutely conscious of the hardship this pandemic is causing local families as well as our own and I have been humbled by the unfailing generosity of the Latymer community and of the selfless work many of you are undertaking during this crisis. A heartfelt thanks to you all.

Read more about our Latymer community’s response to the crisis – page 13

Inspiring Minds campaign update from Amanda Scott, Director of Development – page 14

During this extraordinary period, I have reflected on the importance of community. Ours spans over eight decades, from seven-year-olds in Year 3 to Latymerians in their 90s. We have a parent body and staff who hail from the four corners of the world and between us we represent all socio-economic backgrounds. Despite our differences we have pulled together to create a fantastic support network that stretches well beyond our Latymer community. It’s heartening to see the qualities we nurture in our Latymerians – good citizenship and empathy, alongside a broad education grounded in humility, coming to the fore even – especially – in such testing times. On the day that coronavirus deaths in the UK pass 40,000, I find myself drawn to the memorial plaque in the Main Hall. It’s a good place from which to reflect on both the fragility and the strength of humanity. The list of hundreds of Latymerians who lost their lives during WWI and WWII makes for sobering reading. I discovered recently that 26 of our Latymerians who died during WWII had served in Bomber Command, which carried the highest death rate – a

staggering 44.4%. What struck me profoundly was their bravery in volunteering. Bomber Command was not conscripted, meaning these young Latymerians had taken on the deadly missions of their own accord, risking the ultimate sacrifice for their community. Thankfully we’re not facing a physical war, yet the language used in the current pandemic is often bellicose – the virus referred to as the ‘enemy’ and our medics ‘fighting on the frontline’. I’m acutely conscious of the hardship this pandemic is causing local families as well as our own and have been humbled by the unfailing generosity of the Latymer community and of the selfless work many of you are undertaking during this crisis. A heartfelt thanks to you all. I do hope you enjoy this year’s Campaign Review. As you’ll see, our Inspiring Minds campaign continues to help those in need, most recently the Latymer families who have lost their livelihoods due to the current crisis. In September there will be more than 230 pupils on bursaries funded by the Latymer Foundation – 34 of whom will join Year 7 and another 19 will join our Sixth Form. As we look forward to welcoming this next generation of Latymerians, we have much to be thankful for.



Latymer report 2020 new page 3.pdf 1

14/08/2020 16:01:45

Inspiring Minds campaign in numbers Since 2014…

£48,000 raised by the studentled fundraising club, RAIS£


members of the Latymer community have contributed financially to the Campaign

Ratio of students who joined in Year 7 on a bursary 2020 – 1 in 5


has been raised for the Inspiring Minds campaign


people have attended a Latymer Foundation event

2019 – 1 in 5

2018 – 1 in 5 2017 – 1 in 8

2016 – 1 in 11





raised for the Prep Bursary Fund

has been raised for the Bursaries Appeal



parents have supported the Upper School Bursaries Appeal by volunteering

has been raised for the Trips and Activities Fund by the Parents’ Gild

has been received in bequests from the 1624 Legacy Society. There are 185 members of the Society

Alumni live in 56 countries and


have attended a Latymer event

During the 2019/20 academic year...



out of the young people who accepted a place in our Sixth Form did so thanks to a bursary, up 6% from last year




1 in 5

raised to support Latymerian George Dzavaryan (2016) and Augment Bionics for production of PPE for the NHS

raised over 4 nights by the Staff Panto in January which 742 people attended

raised for our Emergency Bursaries Fund from 104 donors

students who joined Year 7 in 2019 were in receipt of bursarial support

was donated to the ‘Build our Bursaries Appeal’ which allowed individuals to have named bricks in the Piazza

was left in bequests from members of the 1624 Legacy Society

Prep students benefitted from bursary support

Year 7





raised by Evening Classes, organised by a group of former parents and taught by Latymer teachers

Our youngest donor this year was years of age and our oldest is




of Year 7 parents have donated, attended an event or volunteered this year in support of Inspiring Minds 5

Our fundraising journey Our journey to £40m


With four years remaining, the Campaign has raised


from 3,866 supporters across the Latymer community. Alumni, current students and their parents, staff and Governors have generously given their time, money and talent to ensure that the Latymer Foundation can continue to provide access to a life-changing education for another 400 years.


Enthusiastic early support of the Campaign encourages us to set the ambitious, yet hopefully achievable, target of £40m.


The official start of our Inspiring Minds campaign whose primary aim is to increase bursary provision, both now and for generations to come.

123 Of the

The whole Latymer community gets involved in fundraising following the public launch in September.

£18k £13m

Support begins to gain momentum with significant cornerstone donations made to the Campaign.

£486k raised by this year’s record-breaking Bursaries Appeal.

1,000 141 individuals support our annual Bursaries Appeal.

130 Of the

Of the

bursary pupils, 101 received in excess of 90% fee remission.

raised by our student-led fundraising club RAIS£ through events, activities and merchandise.

£2.1m raised at the Inspiring Minds Gala Dinner for Latymer’s endowment.

154 Of the


The Campaign continues to gain momentum with a record 29 events and ever-increasing participation across our community.


raised at the Great Latymer Dinner Party Weekend with staff, parents and many others taking part, creating delicious meals to raise vital funds.

176 Of the

bursary pupils, 113 received in excess of 90% fee remission.


The solid foundation of endowment protects bursaries through good times and bad, including the coronavirus crisis. All incoming and current bursary holders are assured their funding is secured.


raised from all sources this year for current bursaries, including gifts to the Prep Bursary Fund and the Bursaries Appeal 2019/20, plus individual sponsorship of new awards.

204 Of the

bursary pupils, 139 received in excess of 90% fee remission.

bursary pupils, 100 received in excess of 90% fee remission.

bursary pupils, 86 received in excess of 90% fee remission.

bursary pupils, 86 received in excess of 90% fee remission.

2014-15 6






Financial facts and figures Financial year ending 31 August 2019


Value of all donations received in 2018/19

£56.3m Overall value of Foundation’s investments


Value of endowed bursaries fund

Income and expenditure Financial year ending 31 August 2019 Incoming Resources School fees

Amount spent on bursaries and scholarships


Grants to bursary holders for nonfee items including uniform, lunches and music tuition



Less bursaries & scholarships


Net school fees


Other income


Investment income


Donations and gifts






Other gains



On investment assets


Net movement in funds


Defined pension scheme


Value of grants to 110 students for trips and activities

Most gifts to our Inspiring Minds campaign are immediately allocated to fund current students, according to donors’ wishes. This means that the gift is fully spent by the time the student leaves Latymer, so to create a replacement bursary requires a new round of fundraising. However a key aim of our Inspiring Minds campaign has been to build Latymer’s endowment so that funding for bursaries is permanently in place for future generations of Latymerians. A spending rate of 3% is applied to our endowment funds which ensures we have the ability to consistently fund bursaries over the long term.


Life-changing opportunities Ismail Bashir (2017) Ismail was the Colin Turner Scholar 2011-2017; he is now studying History at the London School of Economics. He credits his A Level teachers for guiding his intellectual curiosity and nurturing his passion for History and Politics which has determined his future. Ishmail is rightly proud of his academic success but also notes that “the soft, non-academic skills are the hardest to teach, yet they are the skills that Latymer is best at fostering: confidence, adaptability, interpersonal skills and communication skills, and are all qualities that I gained during my time at the School.”

Camila Zapata Besso

A Letter from John Wotton (1971)

Camila (2010) joined our Sixth Form on a full bursary in 2008, having previously attended an inner-city state school. She is now a barrister specialising in human rights, asylum and public law. She recalls the “life-changing” opportunity she was given to excel at Latymer, driven by the high quality of teaching and attainment of her peers. The wide ranging extracurricular activities on offer, extension classes and “wealth of support” she received in the run up to her A Levels and university applications pushed her to realise her full potential. Through a connection at Latymer she secured a month of work experience with criminal defence and human rights lawyers who inspired her to pursue a career in law. She recognises how privileged she is to have had access to these opportunities and is now determined to help others.

President of the 1624 Legacy Society 2015-2020, former Latymer Governor

Latymer gave me the opportunity of self-discovery. I came, unsure of my place in the world and the impact I could have. I left confident and determined to make a mark. What I learnt inside the signature red brick walls of Latymer, both in academic and extracurricular terms, have proved indispensable in the world beyond. I can only imagine where it will take me next. 8

The 1624 Legacy Society represents our lifelong devotion to this extraordinary school. It’s one that has the gift of inspiring generation after generation of pupils. And it’s one that has constantly adapted to, and sometimes anticipated, changes in society and in education. It has always found ways of making the School accessible to those of modest means. The memories of pre-war pupils, for whom a scholarship to Latymer was their only chance of a good secondary education, are heart-warming. Those of us who were educated in the post-war world, where a wide choice of grammar schools was available, have no less reason to be thankful that our parents (or our primary school teachers) had the wisdom to send us to Latymer. I’m quite convinced that it offered something unique and that it still does. After the School became fully fee-paying in the late ‘90s, it was an immediate priority for the Governors and Heads to increase the number of free or heavily subsidised places available. This objective has been given tremendous momentum by the Inspiring Minds campaign and the contribution from 1624 Society members has been huge. Since September 2014, over two and a quarter million pounds in bequests and legacies has been given to the Endowment Fund; no less than £973,400 in the past year alone.

The Endowment provides a solid foundation for bursaries, in good times and bad and has helped the School to weather the COVID-19 crisis, securing all current bursaries and those offered for this September. I cannot state too highly my admiration for the Head, staff and Governors, for the courage, determination, professionalism and creativity they have displayed in keeping the School securely on track in the face of the unprecedented difficulties and uncertainties that we face today. The commitment we have all made to leave a legacy to Latymer will help to keep the financial foundation for future bursaries secure. I took over as President in succession to the late Richard Perham (1955), the very distinguished scientist and former Chair of Governors, who was taken from us far too soon. This was about the time of the launch of the Inspiring Minds campaign. It’s been a great honour to head the Society since then, but now it is time for me to hand over to James Graham. After five years at the helm, John inducted former Chair of Governors James Graham (1976) as the new President of the 1624 Legacy Society, at the Society’s first ever virtual event in May. If you would like to show your support by leaving a legacy in your will, please contact Ruby Danowski, details on the back page.

Enhancing the educational experience at Latymer Whilst our Inspiring Minds campaign mainly focuses on raising funds for bursaries, we are always hugely grateful for the gifts we receive to fund other projects at our school, some of which are featured below.

I am eternally grateful for the start in life I received through my Latymer education. I want others to have the same opportunities, so I give.

Film at Latymer The wonderful generosity of a long-time donor allowed us to create an innovative film programme for students across all year groups. A new Filmmaking Society has started and equipment has been purchased to support members in their cinematic endeavours. The first “Latymer Shorts” competition ran last autumn and the winning entries were shown on the newly installed screen in the Recital Hall. Film is now the most popular elective in our Sixth Form curriculum with equipment available to borrow for shooting and editing.

Transforming our communal space Last summer, the Piazza was transformed thanks to the generosity of a former parent. The vibrant greenery and seating spaces were designed for learning, socialising and wellbeing, and the new landscaping has been welcomed by staff and students, as well as by the local wildlife. Our thanks also go to Latymerians, Maximillian Stephenson (2002) who sponsored a bench and John Wotton (1971) who sponsored the Quercus Palustris (oak tree), and to the parents of current students who sponsored items within the revitalised Piazza.

A legacy to the Boat Club Peter Simpson (1944), former Captain of Boats and long-standing supporter of rowing at Latymer, left a legacy in his will for the Boat Club. From September, a new Empacher Eight bearing Peter’s name will be added to our fleet, and his family will come to Latymer for the naming ceremony. This addition is particularly welcomed as it will help us accommodate the growing numbers of boys and girls who row at Latymer, and will become the racing shell for our senior girls.

Inspiring young mathematicians Thanks to sponsorship offered by an alumnus (1967) we have been able to invite 40 pupils from 10 local primary schools to take part in a three-week maths competition, run in partnership with Maths Teams. With a vision to see as many maths teams as football teams, this new, not-for-profit organisation has worked with our staff and students to develop fun and engaging maths challenges for the pupils, giving them an insight into the amazing world of mathematics.


Coming full circle – Eric Salama There’s a nice circular story to my family’s Latymer experience. As the son of Jewish Egyptian refugees, I benefitted from a fantastic education at Latymer and am now delighted to see the Sebastian and Vera Salama Scholarships providing full bursaries and opportunities to two Syrian refugees who are thriving at the School. Both my parents and I passionately believe that an enlightened education, like that offered at Latymer, offers opportunities which can help transform lives.

When I was at Latymer we were all from a real mix of different social backgrounds.

It’s always the individual teachers who make the difference to a child’s education.

Latymer has played a huge part in our family’s history with both my brothers, Ben and Alan, also attending the School throughout the 1970s and early 1980s. Latymer was a Direct Grant grammar then so the local council paid for Ben’s education, but only part of the fees for me and Alan – the rest was financed by bank loans which took my parents around 30 years to repay. My sons, Raffi and Sam, and my niece Claire (one of the first girls to attend the Sixth Form when the School went co-ed) also went to Latymer, taking the total to six Latymerians in my family – something of which my parents are incredibly proud. I know first-hand the opportunities a Latymer education gave me, so I’ve always been keen to help finance bursaries. My parents had built a good life for us, after having been expelled from Egypt in the aftermath of the Suez crisis, but it couldn’t have been easy – they had arrived in the UK with little more than one pound to their name and not speaking a word of English. This personal history inspired me to help two Syrian refugee families who may have gone through something similar to that experienced by my parents. That their children will now get the same education and life chances enjoyed by my brothers and me has really struck a personal chord with my family.

When I was at Latymer we were all from a real mix of different social backgrounds. I do feel that diversity in the classroom is important – I want my children to be exposed to the viewpoints of people who have different life experiences to theirs. That’s an important part of education in itself. Of course, it’s harder to do that now. When Latymer lost its Direct Grant status and then the Assisted Places scheme ended, I worried that in taking on independent status it could evolve into a very middle class, exclusive institution. Fortunately, the bursary scheme has meant that children from disadvantaged backgrounds can reach their potential and the School continues to retain some of the social mix I remember. It’s always the individual teachers who make the difference to a child’s education. Like many pupils of my era, Graham Bearman (History), the Bone brothers (Economics) and Chris Owen (English) stand out as being particularly inspiring. And I had a youthful Pete Winter [former Head of Latymer] in his first teaching job as my French teacher! I’m very heartened, now as a parent, to see great teaching at Latymer continues to open the minds of pupils. I’m currently enjoying an evening Zoom history course with my sons, led by Jonny White (Head of History), who follows in the Bearman style of teaching – it’s very immersive and engaging. As we explore the history of fascism in Germany, I experience a strong sense of déjà vu. I really have come full circle! ERIC SALAMA (1979) Incoming Chair of Trustees for Comic Relief; former CEO of Kantar Media

Latymer is an extraordinary educational establishment, the likes of which I honestly do not think can be matched anywhere. I am absolutely thrilled that my son gained a place here thanks to a full bursary and I would very much like to give something back to the school to show my undying appreciation. Parent of bursary recipient


Inspiring the next generation With the technical revolution changing the face of 21st century workplaces, the next generation of school leavers and young alumni need inspiration and guidance, now more than ever, as they navigate life beyond the school gates. We’re so fortunate that our Latymer community of alumni and parents has such diversity of interests and experiences. We have representatives from a wonderfully eclectic range of professions who are happy to share their expertise and offer advice to our young Latymerians – as well as to pupils from our partner schools in the maintained sector. Latymer’s networking events are fantastic in showcasing how current leaders from our Latymer community can help the next generation make important life decisions – in a nurturing and supportive environment. Three networking receptions held earlier this year (just before lockdown) really highlight the range of experience and insights our alumni and parents are able to share:

Latymer Entrepreneurs Laytmer’s teaching lends itself to the development of entrepreneurs. Independent thinking, flexibility in the face of change and the ability to adapt to new challenges are qualities we encourage in all our pupils. It’s no surprise, therefore, that many of our Latymerians become successful entrepreneurs in their own right – some whilst still at the School! Four visionary alumni felt it was high time we created a business support programme for the next generation of Latymerian entrepreneurs and angel investors from our parent and alumni community – and so ‘Latymer Entrepreneurs’ was born. The initiative is the brainchild of founding members Toby Astor (1998), Adam Balon (1990), Fran Boorman (2000) and Rich Davidson (1993). Charlie Gardiner (2001) provided his venue ‘Bloom’ in South Kensington for the launch in February, where young alumni and parents made some great contacts – the more experienced advising those just starting on their entrepreneurial journey. Further discussions and support continue on our Latymer Entrepreneurs LinkedIn page.

As Latymerian Rahul Brainerd (2018) explains:

The Latymer Entrepreneurs launch event was brilliant! It put me in contact with other like-minded, entrepreneurial Latymerians from all backgrounds with whom I was able to have intellectually stimulating conversations, which was very reminiscent of my time at Latymer. As someone who started a business during my time at Latymer, and who wishes to start my own business again upon leaving university, this is a great opportunity to build my network. Within the Latymer community, we have so many people willing to help other Latymerians out by giving advice on developing business ideas or funding a start-up. I’m already looking forward to the next event and seeing where we can take this group!

Legal and Finance networking reception This year’s Legal and Finance reception took place in March with a very special key speaker – Latymer parent Mark Carney. In the midst of preparation for lockdown we were enormously grateful to Mark, who found time to give us one of his final speeches as Governor of the Bank of England. The account of his entry into the world of finance inspired not only the next generation of Latymerian financiers and lawyers, but also pupils from three of our state partner schools, all of whom had the chance to ask advice from those alumni present already established in these professions. Needless to say, Mark had to make a swift exit after his speech, having rather pressing matters on a national level to attend to, all of which added to the frisson of the evening.

Media networking reception Mike Cooper (1979) CEO of Omnicom Media Group, chaired a fascinating panel discussion on the future of the media industry with experts in the field; fellow Latymerian Samir Shah (1969), Executive and Creative Director at Juniper Television, and Latymer parents – Mary Hockaday, Controller, BBC World Service and Turi Munthe, Media Entrepreneur and Investor and founder of PARLIA. An audience of current pupils, alumni and parents working in the media was joined by students from five of our partner state schools who had taken a ‘How to Network’ masterclass, run by our Careers department, before the event. Their newly acquired skills were put to good use during an animated post panel networking session. In the words of a pupil from our partner state school and neighbour, West London Free School:

I enjoyed the whole experience of networking, especially due to the fact that this was my first time doing this in a formal setting. I also enjoyed the panel, from which I learnt a lot.


The Bursaries Appeal The Bursaries Appeal is an annual appeal which aims to fund five new bursaries every year. As our community-led effort, the majority of gifts to the appeal are modest ones and thanks to the wonderful support from across the School community, their impact is significant. Since the beginning of the Campaign, £2,784,609 has been donated to the Bursaries Appeal by 3,300 donors.

The Staff Panto: Cinderella

Glimpsing our AI future

Latymer staff wrote and performed Cinderella, the first ever Latymer Pantomime. The show played to packed houses in January, with 35 staff participating. Over £8,000 was raised for the Bursaries Appeal. The Head made an appearance as Cleaner 2, while our Director of Drama played a Tree Facing Backwards!

Howard Covington, Latymer parent and inaugural Chair of the Alan Turing Institute, gave a talk on Glimpsing our AI future. Howard spoke passionately on the opportunities and threats presented by AI and machine learning. The talk raised over £1,300 for the Bursaries Appeal.

‘The Spies Next Door’ Gay Search, author and former Latymer parent, presented her fascinating talk The Spies Next Door, drawing on her childhood experiences of befriending neighbours suspected of spying for Russia. 78 people attended the riveting talk that raised £746.

Buy a Brick

Prep Gild Quiz

2Bridges Run

As part of the Piazza landscaping project, we offered members of the Latymer community the opportunity to sponsor named bricks which raised a fantastic £24,275. The bricks have formed a permanent record of our generous donors and supporters. We are also grateful to Latymerian Derek Sinstead (1947) who has funded the restoration of older bricks so now all the bricks, old and new, are resplendent.

The Prep Gild organised the first Prep Quiz in January. The evening was enjoyed by 80 parents who were treated to delicious food and wine as well as challenging quiz questions. Over £2,000 was raised for the Prep Bursaries Fund.

We hosted the third 2Bridges Run, where more than 100 Prep and Upper School students, parents, Latymerians and friends, ran or walked the 4mile/6.5k crosscountry course along the river Thames, known to most Latymerians as the Briault. Latymerian Tom Green (2000) won the overall race, and almost £5,000 was raised by ticket sales, fundraising and donations.

The Great Latymer Dinner Party Across the Latymer community, 186 people attended lunch, dinner and tea parties all over London and even in New York, raising £6,555,54.


Lending a helping hand during the pandemic

Latymerians responded immediately and innovatively to COVID-19:

Providing PPE for frontline medical staff The School immediately donated equipment – 350 safety goggles and 2,100 pairs of gloves – from the Science and Design departments to the NHS and then in March, George Dzavaryan (2016) moved into our Design department and began manufacturing much needed face shields. He was joined by Finlay White (2018) and 11 other fellow alumni who volunteered to increase production capacity of the desperately needed PPE. An additional 3D printer was also very generously donated by parents Lars and Jenifer Andersen to help meet the demand at this exceptional time. Thanks to the generosity of the Latymer community, over £53,000 was raised to pay for materials so that the team were able to produce 100,000 face shields for frontline medical staff all around the UK. Asha Dave (2016), also helped to distribute visors through Med Supply Drive, a voluntary organisation that allocates PPE where it is most needed in the NHS. George then trained six Upper Sixth students, aided by our Head of Design, Miss Green, enabling them to produce 5,000 face shields using the school’s 3D printers. More than 30 alumni worldwide have been in touch to let us know about the vital roles they played in the fight against COVID-19, be it on the frontline or in the race to develop a vaccine. We are so proud of them all.

Emergency bursaries

Community response fund

Responding to the financial impact of lockdown on many of our families, Latymer reduced school fees by 20% for the Summer Term and invited any parents who felt able to, to donate their discount to the Latymer Emergency Bursaries Fund. The Latymer Foundation will use this fund to provide short and medium term bursaries to families who have been severely affected by the pandemic, to ensure that no pupil has to be withdrawn from our school for financial reasons. Guests who had purchased tickets to the Inspiring Minds Spring Gala Dinner, which was due to take place in May 2020, kindly offered to donate their refund to the Emergency Fund, and additional support for the Fund was given by members of the Inspiring Minds Campaign Board. To date, £502,000 has been given to this fund and emergency bursary support has already been offered to several students.

Latymer’s Community Response Fund is helping to provide rapid support to people in our local community worst affected by the pandemic. Contributions of £63,000 to this fund so far have allowed the Foundation to pay for several initiatives including:

The school gave me a fantastic opportunity to let me be where I am today.

1. Combatting

digital poverty Thanks to the incredible generosity of the Latymer community and with the help of the West London Partnership of local schools, Latymer was able to distribute 300 dongles, pre-loaded with three months of data. This ensured that pupils – both Latymerians and pupils from schools across our local community – could continue with their learning remotely during lockdown.

2. The Latymer Hub

Alongside providing computer equipment, Latymer supplied lunch grants and opened up the School site to vulnerable students and the children of key workers from across Hammersmith and Fulham. Over 50 Latymer staff volunteered, alongside staff from Hammersmith Academy to provide The Latymer Hub, a space for students to concentrate and learn. Over the Easter holidays, The Hub was taken over by the charity, Let Me Play, with 20 children from 10 local secondary schools, enjoying various activities – from cooking to model making – every day whilst observing social distancing guidance. During the summer holidays, more local children were invited to The Hub for an amazing range of activities run by Let Me Play and Really Wild Education.

I find myself at the epicentre of this crisis and grateful for the ability to contribute thanks to my education at Latymer which meant I could train as a doctor. Leo Monzon Rodriguez, (1996)


Thank you!

When discussing the aims of our Inspiring Minds campaign with some of our cornerstone donors back in 2014, we were urged to build Latymer’s endowment in order to give our bursary programme some long-term security in times of economic crisis. Little did any of us imagine we would encounter such testing times so soon. However, the value of that early advice has been ably demonstrated over recent months. With our endowed bursary funds having doubled since 2014, the Latymer Foundation is on a firmer long-term financial footing than ever before so that as lockdown struck, we were able to swiftly reassure all our bursary holders that their place at Latymer was secure.

Endowment ensures long term impact, providing free places in perpetuity – as is demonstrated by Edward Latymer’s bequest which established the Latymer Foundation almost 400 years ago “to clothe and educate eight poor boyes of Hammersmith”. Here we are, generations later, and the Latymer Foundation still provides access to an inspiring education for young people from all backgrounds. And alongside fundraising for our endowed places, increasing the number of current bursaries available for today’s generation of young people continues to play a vital role in our Inspiring Minds campaign. Current bursaries are funded in a number of ways: the community wide support for our annual Bursaries Appeal supports five new awards each year, the Prep Bursary Fund and the parents of the leaving class each fund a new award, as do our US based alumni, and we are hugely grateful to those donors who pledge to cover the annual fees for an individual pupil. It is this combination of current and endowment funding that has allowed us to expand our bursary programme from 123 pupils in 2014 to over 230 in 2020.

However, the Latymer Foundation faces a new challenge. The economic impact of the pandemic has hit many Latymer families hard and, having previously paid fees, they may now be in need of an emergency bursary. We want to ensure that no pupil has to leave Latymer for economic reasons and, in order to meet this urgent and unbudgeted need, we have had to reach out to the School community for help. It did not surprise me that our incredible supporters immediately rallied round and some £502,000 has already been given to our Emergency Bursaries Fund. These challenging times have highlighted the inspirational generosity of our Latymer community. We are indebted to each and every one of you who have supported the Latymer Foundation this year, and we thank you for helping us to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

AMANDA SCOTT Director of Development, Latymer Foundation at Hammersmith

Campaign donors All of us at the Latymer Foundation would like to extend our warmest thanks to those who have contributed to the Inspiring Minds campaign in any way since its inception in 2014 through to 31 May 2020. We are especially grateful to our generous donors, some of whom are named below, and others who wish to remain anonymous (and of course those who made contributions after we went to print). We try our utmost to include everyone in this list; please do tell us if we have omitted your name (for which many apologies), and we’ll make sure you are included next year. Gani Abaidildinov & Zhanna Karymsakova Tony Abbott (1946) Kaled & Zina Abdel-Majeed Lala Abdullayeva Festus Adebayo & Sandrine Marinho * Andrew & Sarah Aglionby John Aglionby & Ati Kisjanto Newton Aguiar & Renee Aguiar-Lucander * Zafar Ahmadullah & Tarika Singh Damir & Alma Ahmovic Sassan Ahsani Sunny Ahuja (1990) Malekshah & Yeganeh Akhavan-Zanjani Aos Al Hasani (2018) Denis Albert & Dasha Klyachko * Dan & Linn Alexander Ian Alexander & Sabina Malfatti Jules Alexander Nadia Ali Assem Alireza & Negar Ram-Alireza * Sara Alireza Babiker & Noujoud Alkhader Dennis Allen (1973) Kathy Allen Roger Allen (1959) Nick Allott & Christa D’Souza Brian Allum (1960) Salah Alrawi & Kirsten Meyer Patrick Altern & Ines Faden Da Silva Altern Joerg & Claudia Alting Adonis Alvanis & Ayako Yoshida Guy & Dominique America * Sergey & Nadia Amerikov Gurbir Anand (1999) Vaithilingham Anandarajah & Vallipuram Vathsala Lars & Jenifer Andersen Mark Andersen (1958) Simon Anderson


Magnus & Gaelle Andersson Nick Andrews (1976) Sharon Andrus Graham Angel (1957) * Roger Angold (1958) Aida Ansah-Palmer (2012) Charles Ansley (1967) & Sophia Dettmer Sharmila Antao Dino (1985) & Avue Antoniades * Arif Anwar (1990) Martin Anyim (1995) Peter Appleson (1969) Victor Apps (1966) Steve Aquilina (1979) Eitaroh Arakawa (1991) Derek Archer (1957) Peter & Zia Arden John Arlidge & Stephanie Flanders * Eric Armitage (1943) ~ C Armstrong Sam & Bhavya Arora * John Arundel (1967) Minaz & Heidi Asaria Vladimir Ashurkov & Alexandrina Markvo Jeremy & Marion Ashworth * Martin Ashworth & Chi-Hung Foo Paul Askew (1973) Yashar Asl (1996) Peter Aspden (1976) & Sian Davis Giles Aston (1983) Jonathan Aston (1978) Toby Astor (1998) Taymoor Atighetchi (2007) Ashley Atkinson (1965) Derek Atkinson (1945) ~ Graham Atkinson (1977) Mark Atkinson & Kiran Soni Lambros Atteshlis & Hazel Graham


Esmé Audland (2017) William & Antonella Audland Emanuela Aureli Brian Austin (1963) Chris Avery Roisin Babuta Manoj Badale & Katie Yirrell * Mazen & Muna Baddour Bill & Kristin Bailey Martyn & Daniela Bailey Bernardo & Cinzia Bailo Peter Baily & Leslie Feeney Baily * David Baines (1951) Alison Baker David Baker Keith Baldock (1964) * Sasha Baldwin Andrew Balint (1954) Thomas Balkizas & Lucy Savanis Michael Ball (1973) Terry Ball (1951) Andrew Ballard & Stephanie Blackman Ballard * Jo Ballin Adam Ballman Paul & Rajinder Ballman Adam (1990) & Bex Balon * Richard & Ewa Balon Anthony Bamford (1957) * Jeremy Banks (1970) George Baraczewski (1972) Tony Barber (1957) Simona Barbieri John Barbour-Smith Mark & Fiona Barbour-Smith Suzie Barbour-Smith Jack & Tessa Bardakjian Blerina Barileva Jeremy Barnard & Annie Coulson

~ = Deceased * = 2024 will mark the 400th anniversary of the Latymer Foundation and the Leadership List recognises those who have given £2,024 or more in any one academic year since 2014. (1991) Latymerians’ Class year Carlotta Barnes John Barnes (1955) John Barnes (1959) Hilary Barnfield Cyrus & Christine Baron * Matthew Barrett & Jessica Cecil Michael Barrett (1952) ~ * Stephen & Sacha Barrett * Stephen Barrett & Jane Asscher Veronica Barrett Andrew & Caroline Barrington Sebastian Barry-Taylor & Maria Doulton Barry-Taylor Andy Barsby (1971) Susan Bartholomew Kate Bartlett Callen Barton & Kristina Millman John Barton (1966) * Harshad & Swati Barvé Peter Basey (1964) Shakel & Shareena Bashir David & Linden Batchen Samantha Batra Omer & Sonat Bayatli * Peter Bayliss (1952) Alex & Kate Beard Timothy Beard Alastair & Sayaka Beattie John Beavis (1942) * James Beeton Steven Beharrell & Mary Mortimer * Gregory Beitchman & Tomoko Hirai Ali Bekbouki Roger Belbin (1953) Guglielmo Belingheri Max Belingheri & Sara Mirone Belingheri * Christopher Bell (1964) David & Elisabetta Bell Royce & Rotha Bell

Vanessa Bell-Ogilby Charlie (1990) & Shao-Ying Ben-Nathan Colin Ben-Nathan (1983) Leon Benardout (1980) Kjell & Fiona Bengtsson Bill & Carol Benham Mohamed & Denise Bennadi Alden Bennett (1989) Arthur Bennett (1948) ~ Daniel Bennett Keith Bennett (1960) Stephen Bennett (1991) Cyrus & Jessica Benson * Mark & Grace Benson Richard & Roz Beresford Dan Berger (1983) Peter Berkowitz (1983) Mathieu & Karin Bernard * Bill & Svea Berry Dai Berry (1971) Jonathan Berry Stefania Bertoncini John Bessey (1962) Eckhard & Petra Besuden Jason & Sarah Betteley Eric & Cristina Bettelheim * Sumir Bhardwaj (1986) Francesco Bianco Elizabeth Bickham Mary Biggart Magomed Bilalov & Veronika Fedorova Michael Biltoo (1999) Olivier & Stephanie Binse Tanya Bird Christopher & Raphaelle Bischoff Helen Biscoe-Taylor Rob & Molly Bishop Chandrima Biswas * Jeffrey & Jan Black Joel Black (1999) Richard Blackborow (1970) * Alan Blackwell (1963) Barry Bladon Iain Blaxall (1978) Nicola Bligh H Blincoe Rob Bloom (1967) Gordon Blythe (1949) Paul & Marina Blyumkin * Nigel & Beth Boatswain Sejel Bodereau Daniel & Broni Boettcher Luigi Boglione & Valentina Minetti Stephen & Carolyne Bogod Jonny Bohane Jutta Boller Bill & Judy Bollinger * Matthew (1978) & Jenny Bond Nicola Bonelli Norman Bonnor (1957) Clive Booker (1967) Mike & Natalie Bools John & Samantha Boret Kiron Bose (1988) & Mimi Goh Paul Boston (1970) Clodagh Bottomley Josh Bottomley & Marianne Costigan * Matthew & Sarah Boulton Remi & Isabelle Bourrette * Dominique & Kareen Boutonnat Corine Boutros Laurent Bouvier & Yda Wiechers-Bouvier * Rabya Bouziani Dai Bowen (1951) Guy Bowles (1980) * Peter & Claire Bowman David Boyd Deidre Boyd Michael Boyd (1971) James & Neda Boyle Jeffrey & Elizabeth Boyling * Kerstin Brabetz-Quante Ian Bradford Neil & Rachael Bradford Philippe & Pascale Bradshaw Henry & Vathsala Brainerd Rahul Brainerd (2018) Vidya Brainerd Becky Branch Nicholas & Antonia Brann Jayne Brassington Graham Bravo (1955) Oliver & Johanna Bray Mike & Kate Brayn Alex Brennan (2004) Tony Brennan (1984) ~ Stephen & Penny Brett Mark & Adrianne Brewer * Ronald Brickell (1943) ~ * Luke & Victoria Bridgeman * Richard Bridges (1980) * Howard Briggs Minna Briggs Rob & Sue Bright Jacky Brightwell David & Eve Bristow Richard Brittlebank (1971) Julie Brix Eleena Broadfoot Anne Broadhurst Emily Brockmann (2009) Nigel & Liz Brockmann Bernd & Catherine Bröker * Charlie Brook-Partridge (1988) Alan Brooks (1971) David Brooks David Brough (1946) ~ Olwyn Brough Alex Brown (1994) Bill Brown (1927) ~ Cameron Brown (2018) Carmel Brown Christine Brown Malcolm Brown Mark Brown (1978) Michael Brown (1992) Phil & Jo Brown Roger Brown (1969) Carol Brundle Maciek Brzeski (1976) Claus & Agnieska Buch-Andersen

Chris Buck (1959) Rowland Buck (1964) Katherine Buckle Tony Budd (1959) * Laura Budgen Barrie Bullimore Mark Bullimore (1980) * Gib Bulloch Alastair Bullock John Bullock (1951) ~ * Rob & Charlotte Bullock John Bunn (1951) Jane Bunning Nick Burges (1972) * Graham Burgess & Lisa Irwin Katy Burgess Robert Burgess & Dianna Pierce Burgess Rachel Burke Hugh Burkitt (1963) Marcus Burling (2011) Tony & Helen Burling Sam Burne James (2007) Alan Burnell (1960) Sandy & Clare Burnett Sally Burrell Mark Burrows (1980) Arthur Burt (1945) ~ * Austin Burt & Vassiliki Koufopanou Gerry Burt (1942) ~ * Michael Bush (1950) ~ Jerome & Claire Bussiere Mark & Cassandra Butcher James & Natasha Butterwick Edward Bye & Ruby Wax Anthony Byrne & Monika Byrne Svata Marta Cadenas Gonzalez C Cameron Tony Campain (1971) Lucy Campbell Rory & Arabella Campbell Wheeler Fabrizio Campelli & Veronica Pretelt * Viscount & Lady Camrose Alan Cane (1965) Eddy Canfor-Dumas (1975) Nigel & Catherine Cannings Stephen & Marie Cannon Tom Cannon Antonio Capo & Serena Vitalini * Paul Cardoen Rhiannon Carey-Evans Keith Carley (1952) Michael Carlin & Laura Hastings-Smith Patrick & Joanna Caron-Delion Dennis Carpenter (1948) ~ * Edward & Krysia Carr * John & Kate Carrafiell * Jacqui Carroll Peter & Jackie Carson Andrew Carter (1962) Brittany Carter Paul & Sophie Carter Arnau Carulla & Carolina Espinal * Vanessa Cashman Robin Caswell & Iti Das Michael Catliff (1947) Irem Cavusolgu Julian Cazalet Clementine Cecil Eve Cedar Salvatore Cerchione & Cristina Giordano * Peter Challands (1962) Tom & Jane Challenor Julian Chamberlayne Gerry Champniss (1938) ~ Waynne Champniss (1964) ~ Chix Chandaria Joan Chandler Nick Chandler (1981) Ellie Chapman Jake (1962) & Eva Chapman Philippe & Sarah Chappatte Simon & Susie Chase Matthew Chataway Stan Chaudhry (1991) & Mary Frances Owens * Tiffany Chawner Nicholas & Helen Cheese-Probert Peter Cheesman (1960) Ken Chenneour (1948) Jim Cheung Marina Chianova Chris Chivers Camilla Choi Clint Choi & Gillian Nolan Anil Chopra (1980) ~ Kamlesh Chopra Rishi Chopra Jo Choulerton Andrew Chowns (1973) John Chraghatssi-Banian (1998) Campbell Christie (1974) Alison Christieson Richard & Gill Christy Andy Ciecierski (1983) Serkan & Ebru Cinar Vicky Clarfelt (2001) Eric Clark (1986) Robert Clark (1976) Andrew Clarke (1963) Nigel & Gail Clarke Ashley Clarke Ben Clarke (2015) Michael Clarke & Nathalie Gordon Sophie Clarke-Jervoise Ian & Benedicte Clarkson Michael Clemow (1956) Sarah Clerkson Tobi Clifton-Brown Martin Clipp (1979) Jason Coates & Maria Coates-Gonzalez Roy Cockel (1955) Anthony Cockett & Rachel Fox Jim Cockin & Rebecca Jones Ted & Joanne Cockle Jason Codrington (1998) Harry Cohen (1941) Patrice Cohen Brian Cole (1959) David Cole & Miggy Littlejohns Lucy Cole Julie Coleman Dominic & Rachel Collier

Charlotte Collingwood (2016) David & Catherine Collins * Tilly Collins * John & Cathy Comerford Cristiano & Silvia Committeri Dante Concha & Caroline Findlay de Concha Ed Condry (1971) Peter Connock (1973) Tom Connor * Kevin & Tiina Connors Henrietta Conrad * Nick Constantine (2009) Rose Constantine Constantine & Georgia Contogoulas Rustom & Tanaz Contractor Celia Cook (2014) Gregory Cook Joe & Megan Cook Gordon & Libby Cooke Matthew Cooley William & Rebecca Coomber Edward & Bobbie Cooper Jack Cooper (1958) Mike Cooper (1979) * Gerry Copsey (1969) Eric Copson (1941) ~ Giles & Sandrine Corbett Patricia Corbishley Tommaso Corcos Nick Corden (1985) * Michele Cortese & Simona D’Amico * Marialana Costa Vitor Costa Dee Costelloe Benjamin Cote & Samantha Griffiths Frank Cottee (1961) Nigel Couch Chris & Michelle Coulter Stephen Court Richard & Sharon Coussins Marta Couto Howard & Veronika Covington Iain & Kate Cowell Simon & Cressida Cowell * Luke Cox (1995) Matthew Cox & Julia Launhard Rupert Cox & Afsaneh Knight Jonathan & Emma Coy William Cran & Vicki Barker Jo Craven & Sam Adams Kerry Creasey David Cressy (1963) * Jeremy & Sheila Crewdson Madeline Crispin Paolo Croce John Crofts (1957) Andrew & Artemis Cromby John Crone (1967) Chris Crook Steven Crossan & Amy Rennison Ian Crossman (1957) Peter Croucher (1961) * Toby Croucher (1990) Fred Crouzier & Que Vuong-Crouzier George Crowhurst (1954) ~ Christopher & Karen Crozier Dinis & Sarah Cruz Peter Cuckovic & Maria Cuckovic-Duricic John Cuffley (1948) Sam Culhane Lisa Cullen Theresa Cullen Julia Culshaw Jonathan Cummins (1996) Kenneth & Jane Cunningham Dawn Cunningham-Clayton Hugh Cuppage (2016) Julian & Emma Cuppage * Conor Curran & Babette Standen David Curtis (1969) Richard Curtis & Emma Freud Rory Curtis (1981) David & Jacqueline Curtis-Donnelly Claire Curtis-Ward (2009) Humphrey Cuzner (1987) Anzelm Cydzik (1990) Dominic & Susan Cyriax Donna Dacuk Charanjit Dadhra Paul Dakin (1974) James Dalglish Ken Daly (1988) Simon & Nicola Danciger Andrew Daniels (1993) Ruby Danowski Kourosh Dara (2000) Angela Dargan * John Dargan (1944) ~ * Emma Darke (2007) Patricia Darke Kinner Davda (1996) Jiten & Roopal Dave Philip Davenport (2001) Christopher David (1972) John Davidson (1971) Rich Davidson (1993) Andrew Davies & Emily Bulman Brenda Davies Les Davies (1963) Paul Davies (1980) Peter Davies (1951) * Alastair Davis Alex Davis James & Tamara Davis * Matthew Davis (1988) Victoria Davis Graham Davison (1962) * Richard & Emma Daw Hamid & Laure Daya Alex Daybank Francesco de Asmundis & Catherine Weate Miguel & Monique De Beistegui Johannes de Hoon Dixie De Koning Laurent & Paula De Meeûs D’Argenteuil John de Pear (1963) Julian & Chaw-Su de Silva Stephen de Somogyi & Elizabeth Padua Michael De Turberville (1954) Edward de Vroome (1997) Peter Dean (1955)

Ted Deeley (1945) ~ * Julia Dehoff-Bourne Jean-Luc Deiches Thomas Deitz Robert Del Maestro & Clare Odgers Massimo Della Ragione & Valentina Pan * Tony Delliston (1970) Murat Demir & Idil Irem Unlu Demir Andrew Denham-Davis * Victoria Denham-Davis * Victoria Denison Alan & Marianne Denney Ben & Reena Denton Jane Denton Clementine Desmons Guillaume Desmurs & Lei Zhu Catherine Dettmer Nina Devereux Paul & Vera Devine Rajpal Dhillon (1981) Anu Dhoraisingam Silvia Di Giovanni Alan Diamond (1968) Alan Dibben (1940) ~ * Otto Dichtl & Donna Schoenherr Rodney Dick Shauna Dimadis Tim & Nina Dimond-Brown Sanjeeva Dissanayake & Donatella Maraschin Alan Dixon (1953) Hilary Dixon Alan Dobson David & Lisa Docherty Chris & Sian Dodwell Juan Dols & Mei Teck Wong Lacey Donadia Norman (1957) & Marguerite Donkin * Mike Donnan (1964) * Niamh Doolan Stuart Dorrian & Mary Jo Middleton Param & Laura Dosanjh Michael & Candice Dowding Taylor Downing (1971) Jon Drori (1979) & Tracy Chevalier * Patrick Drumm Rhonda Drummond Chew Ollie Druttman (2002) Stefan Dubbeldam Ross Duer & Maria Charalambides Duer Duncan & Rosalie Duff Finlay Duff (2016) Jean Dulude & Julie Pru D’Homme Andrew & Amanda Duncan Bruce Duncan John Duncan (1955) Matthew Duncan & Frederica De Caro Carella Nicholas Duncan (1964) Emily Duncombe (2003) Kaan & Mine Dundar Nick & Elaine Dunn * James Dunsbier & Emma Hoskyns Georges Duponcheele & Efstratia Vatzaki * Noel & Sophie Durlacher Jonathan & Naomi Dyer Saba Dyer Simon & Jane Dyson Richard Eades (1957) Guy & Chizuru Eagling John Earl & Daqing Hartwell Rodney Easthill (1957) Jeffrey Easton (1969) Jo Ebner Ariel Eckstein & Kerri Olson Jane Eddison Stephen Eddison Nigel & Catriona Edmead Geoffrey Edward (1960) ~ Ian & Helen Edward Maurice Edward (1948) * Ken Edwards (1971) Roger Egerickx & Fiona Barnett James Eggels Talat El-Sherbiny (1996) Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood Andre Elbourne-Le Brun Andrew & Lindsay Elder Modupe Elebute Guy Elliott & Simona Parrinello Peter Elliott (1946) ~ * Francis & Mary Ellison Dan Elman Louis & Sarah Elson Damian & Kate Ely Halil & Sebnem Emecen * Andrew Emerson (1964) Ian Emerson Philip Emerson Colin Emmins (1953) ~ * Bill Emmott (1974) * Maxine Engelmann Roy English (1954) ~ Murat & Pinar Erder * Daniel Erdman (1994) Benny Eriksson Richard & Melanie Essex Holly Etherington Matthew Etre Darrel & Patty Evans David Evans (1995) Marcus & Liz Evans * Mark & Lucinda Evans Michael & Tracy Evans Peter Evans Rupert & Serena Evans Jennifer Evans Casey Andrew Everard (1977) Andrew & Marina Evzona Mike Exell (1954) Peter Exell (1951) Libby Eyar Edward Eyerman & Leila Kardouche Fabio & Sara Fabrizio Jim Fadel & Yurim Kim Eric & Marielle Fady Jean-Paul Faguet Bill Fairney (1960) * Peter Faktor (1948) ~ Steve (1974) & Caroline Faktor Mike Fann (1950) Damian & Julie-Anne Fanshawe Isabelle Fanshawe (2016)


Andrej Farkasovsky & Milena Farkasovska David Farmer (1979) Graham Farmer & Preetie Bindra Matthew & Kate Farmer Emma Farquharson Charlie Farrant (2006) Jill Farrar Marlene Farrell Beatrice Farrington Nick Farrow Amanda Fassone Bernard Fassone Robert & Suzi Faulkner Natalie Faure Beaulieu Pippa Fawcett Keith Fawkes Marc Feeney (1980) Rob & Joanna Fell Sam & Fran Fell Robin Fellerman Eric Fellner & Laura Bailey * David Felstead Barbara Felstiner Caroline Felstiner Paul & Mary Fenwick Erik & Anette Ferm * Stefano Ferraresi & Sara Gennari Ferraresi * Christopher & Shannon Fidyk * Ed Field & Jennifer Kyner * Chris & Zofia Fielding Nick Fieller (1965) ~ David Finch (1959) John Finch (1948) ~ Tiff Findlay Crispin & Sarah Finn Brian Fish (1940) ~ Andrew Fisher Jerry Fisher (1956) Rafela FitzHugh Laura Fitzpatrick Justin & Arabella Fitzsimmons Andrew & Julia Fleet Paul Fleming & Eileen Marino James Fleming (1950) William & Hannah Flenley Andrew & Georgina Fletcher Rebecca Flint Bradley Flisher (1966) James Flitcroft Christina Floe Aiden Flynn & Caroline O’Hare Vernon Flynn Federico & Christine Foglia * Michael Foot (1965) Patrick Ford Sarah Fordyce Alberto Forni & Alessandra Pranzo Forni Hamo (1992) & Tracy Forsyth Frederik Foss-Pedersen & Jen Nightingale John Fothergill (1973) Denise Fox Nicholas Fox (1988) Sam Fox Stephen (1984) & Sophie Fox * Guy & Daniela France Owen Francis (1985) Tony Francis (1950) Nick Frank (1981) Anthony Frankal (1977) Johnnie & Samantha Frankel Roger Frankland (1961) Arthur Franklin (1969) Anthony Fraser (1980) Alex Frazer & Isabella Frazer-Dalby Matthew & Chantal Free * Hannah Freedberg Rowan & Davina Freeland Howard Freeman (1957) ~ John Freeman (1953) Matthew Freeman & Nessa Mahon Michael Freeman (1970) Paul Freeman (1965) Matthew French & Isabelle Houart Nick & Nikki French James & Terri Frew John & Samantha Fritz Charlotte Fry Miho Fujii David Fuller (1962) * John Fullerlove Fullers Smith & Turner plc Sandro & Pamela Fuschillo Peter & Meabh Gabriel * Manish & Julie Gajria Matthew Gale & Rowena Fuller Misty Gale Tony Galloway (1969) Nicolas Galperin & Mathilda Di Meo * Michael Gambon & Philippa Hart Alex Games & Esther Selsdon Selliah & Selvamany Ganeshamoorthy Zahrah Ganim Lei Gao John Gardiner (1952) ~ * Piers Gardner & Penelope Gardner-Chloros Monica Garibaldi Nick Garland & Victoria Gaponenco John Garlick (1949) ~ Steve Garry & Fiona Adams Roger Garside (1974) Halil & Hamide Gashi Mathieu & Nathalie Gaveau * Tatiana Gavrikova David Geake (1971) Jonathan Geoghegan Antonio Georgalos & Marie Parisot Georgalos Michael George Marco & Kiah Gerrits Douglas & Suncica Getter Shadi Ghali (1992) & Claire Bassilious Giovanni Ghisetti & Barbara Fasolo Ian Gibb (1944) ~ James (1962) & Reba Gibb Fred Gill Chris & Hillevi Gillanders Jonathan Gillard (1982) * Andrew Gillespie (1971) Jim & Pippa Gillespie Roger Gillett (1952) Sam Gillick (2006) Milly Gillingwater (2007)


Luigi & Joy Giorgi Corrado Giovanelli & Amelia Benevento Gaia Giovanelli Jason & Katinka Gissing * Mark Gizejewski (1995) Charlotte Glaser (2007) Sue Glasgow Mike Gleed (1954) Jonathan & Sarah Glencross Misha Glenny & Kirsty Lang Alan (1961) & Penny Glover Malcolm & Liliana Glyn Matt Go-Olivar (2015) John Goddard (1961) Ron Goddard (1952) David Godfrey (1964) * Stuart & Gillian Godwin Marcy Goldfischer Mariano & Emily Goldfischer * Julian Goldsmid (1946) Daniel & Anna Goldsmith Paul & Emily Goldsmith William Goldsmith Peter & Eloise Goldstein * Robert & Ellie Goldstein Roger Golland (1973) Elena Golubovich Jeff & Christine Gooch * Tony Gooch (1960) David Goodhew & Céline Haines * Andy Goodman (1986) Michael Goodman (1965) Alan Goodridge (1952) ~ Clive Goodrum (1978) Simon Goodwin Arthur Gordon & Lenka Thynn Steve Gordon (1989) Barrie Gore (1956) George Gosden (1989) * Harry & Lola Gostelow Dan Gothard Kevin & Frances Gould Bryan Goult (1948) ~ Michael Gouriet Charles Graham (1971) Howard Graham (1977) James Graham (1976) John & Martha Graham * James & Megan Graham Maw * Michelle Grambow Denis Graney (1942) ~ * Don Granger (1952) William & Alison Granger Hugh Grant (1978) * Jamie (1976) & Nicky Grant * Andrew & Dawn Grantham Julian Granville & Louisiana Lush * Walter Grauberg (1941) ~ Mark & Sally Gray Ossie Gray Alex & Katherine Green Andrew Green & Jacqueline Brown Claude Green (1968) John Green (1966) * Michael Green (1961) Reg Green (1941) Sally Greene John & Christine Gregg * Mark Gregory & Jax Unsworth * Shannis Gregory John & Anita Gregson Julian Grey (2008) Michael & Nadine Grieve Michael Griffin & Joan Morris Earl & Letecia Griffith * Andrew & Elizabeth Griffiths Paul Griffiths Jorge Puchol Grifol * Brian Grigg (1955) Roger Grime (1978) Serge Groff & Anne Drouet-Groff * Gerry Grosse (1954) George Gruner (1958) ~ * Raphael & Fiona Grunschlag * Lydur Gudmundsson & Gudrun Eyjolfsdottir * Gerald & Corina Gui Archie Gulati Walters Iain & Aneta Gunn * Natalia Gusakova John Guthrie (1956) Peter Gutman & Alexandra Hess Marwan & Emma Hachem Chris & Rosi Hacon Nick Haddow Ardeshir Hadji-Heshmati & Mina Siami Annie Hage Soren & Carol Hagh Stavros Haidemenos & Maritsa Lemos John Haig (1956) Johannes & Beatrice Hainlein Fares & Ayla Hajjar Julian Halcox (1984) Brian Hall (1956) Darryl Hall & Cristabel Middleton David & Eileen Hall Hamish Hall (2014) John & Jackie Hall Jonathan Hall & Susan Lindsey Nick Hall (1998) Martyn Hallett (1974) Richard Hallett (1973) Dave Halliday (1958) ~ * Paul & Helen Halliwell Laurie Halls (1947) ~ * Parvez Hamdulay (1997) Andrew Hamilton & Jane Dalgleish Chris Hammond Greg Hancock (1959) Tim Hanford & Kathleen Devitt * Mohammed Hanif (1987) Matilda Hannay Malcolm Hanney (1971) * Tom Hanson-Akins (2011) Panagiotis Haralabidis & Styliani Trygoni Haralabidis Kevin Haran Dominic Harari (1983) & Teresa De Pelegri Ron Harbour (1954) Jean Harding ~ Mike Harding (1970) Richard Harding (1986) Rupert Harding (1975)

John Hardy (1945) ~ Gabriel Harley (2015) Gillian Harmer-Beatty Jean-Luc Harnay & Sarah Bower Lynda Harpe Christian & Gillian Harper Steve Harridge (1969) Geoffrey Harris (1962) Stephanie Harris David Harrison (1977) Graham Harrison (1967) Martin & Corinne Harrison Richard Harrison & Lucinda Green Simon & Antonella Harrison Thomas Harrison & Nadia Strucchi Harrison Tim Harrison (1984) Anthony Harriss Virve Hartman Roger Harvey (1964) ~ Tim Harvey & Jane Myerson Gregor Harvie Harutomo & Wakako Hasegawa Alessandro Hatami & Nina Bhatia Anne Hathaway Chris Haupt (1952) David Havard (1954) Richard Hawkins (1957) Clive & Claire Haworth Mark & Elizabeth Hawtin * Alan Hayter (1945) * Alastair Hazell John & Charlotte Healy Andy Heape (1961) Hugo & Julia Heath * Tudor Heeps (1954) Chris Heeringa & Dina Heeringa Carabelli Andrew Heffernan Michael Hellyer (1957) * Eric Henbrey (1952) Simon Henbrey (1977) Peter Hendy (1971) * Margot Hennessy Murray & Jean Hennessy Tony Henwood Pablo & Cathy Hepworth Lloyd Henry Herbert Neil Herbert-Smith (1962) Ken Herlingshaw (1963) Santiago Herrero & Rocio De La Cuadra Adam Herrmann Roald Hesse Alan Hetherington Bernard Hetherington (1951) Cassandra Hetherington Nigel & Anna-Clare Hetherington Jenny Hewlett Jackie Heywood Sue Hicks Ashley Highfield Annie Hill Chris Hill (2012) Damon Hill Graham Hill (1954) Paul Hill (1971) * Akram Hilmy (1993) Colin & Sara Hinsley Simon Hinton (1989) Alex Hirst & Lindsay Wood Keith & Lyn Ho John Hobbs (1970) Fred Hobson (1998) Mary Hockaday & Sarah Hicks Paul Hodges (1970) Rodney Hodges (1978) * Stephen (1972) & Felice Hodges * Georg & Carla Hoepker Mark & Chrissie Holden Michael Holden S Holden Rupert & Yolanda Holderness James Holding & Marie Scott Ian (1973) & Alison Hole David Holliday (1950) Alex & Rachel Holmes * Benjamin & Linda Holmes * Colin Holmes Mark Holmes (1984) & Helen Morton Oscar Holmes (2015) Caitlin Homes Pari Homhuan Robert Hooper (1962) Laurence Hopkins (1992) Cath Hopley ~ Stephen & Sharon Horley Angela Horsfall Nick Horswell & Aude Grasset Peter Horton (1962) Taha Hossian & Niyan-Lanazera Ahamad * Tricia Howarth Jon & Kerstin Howells Frank Howlett (1957) Kenneth & Angela Hsia Jian Huang & Juliet Zhou Alan Huggins (1954) Andrew & Marilyn Hughes Andrew & Shirin Hughes * Brian Hughes (1953) David Hughes Roger Hughes (1957) * Alex Hult * Adrian Hunt (1972) * Alan Hunt (1959) Philip & Penny Hunt Ben & Isabella Hunt-Davis Ruth Hurren & Karen Wise Michael Hursey (1960) Charlotte Hurst John Hurst (1946) ~ Unkie Hussain Paul & Nicola Hussey * Mark Hutchins (1979) Chris Hutton-Penman (1961) * Phillip Hylander * David Hylton (1963) Kieran Hynes Tony Hynes (1989) Fiona I’Anson Ronald Ibbotson (1948) Tauhid Ijaz & Catherine Remy Artur Iliev & Nina Ilieva Mark Imber (1972)

Christopher & Fiona Inglefield Johanna Ingram John Ioannou (1956) Andrea Ippolitu & Tanya Shapovalova Jason & Emma Isaacs Karim & Jane Iskandar Aliya Ismagilova (2018) Anna Ivonina Kiyomi Iwamura Nicholas & Suzy Jakobi Dovile Jakubauskaite Anna James Brian James (1957) Dai James (1966) Elizabeth Joyce James Ian & Sonja James Sohail Janjuha (1994) John & Vivien Jarvis Sanjay Jayant & Nandita Parshad Christopher & Judith Jeans Ian & Jane Jeffery John Jefferys (1968) Stephen & Manuela Jen * Lucy Jenkins Yang Jiang & Jessie Tian Yazhou Jiang Katie Jimmerson Anya Joanes Raquel Joaquim Catarina Johansson Grant Geraint & Angharad John David Johns (1947) Peter Johns Richard & Anne Johnson Ian Johnston (1950) Alex Jones (2009) Brian Jones (1965) Colin Jones (1962) Craig Jones & Nafsika Notara David Jones Denis Jones (1967) ~ * Diane Jones Ioan Jones & Anita Jolly Jackie Jones * Jonathan & Yat Jones Louisa Jones (2008) Matthew Jones (1980) Nicholas Jones (1966) ~ Nick & Joanne Jones Ranka Jones Simon & Tracey Jones Steven & Monica Jones Trevor Jones (1957) * Alan Jordan (1950) Chris Jordan (1975) * Kath Jordan Nick (1978) & Maria Jordan * Helena Jorge Justin & Fran Joseph Jonathan Joshwood Dan Jude (2003) Sophie Jukes Charlotte Julia David Juritz & Jane Davies Mohamed Jwad & Wafa Mahdi Paul & Michele Kaffel Josephine Kaffo Patrick & Tessa Kalotis Shalina Kamal Om Kamat Reza Karbassi & Zahra Rafi-Karbassi Peter Kasic (1983) Steffen Kastner Hussain Katariwala (1998) Richard & Rebecca Kateley Peter Kauders (1966) * David Kausman & Helen Goh Kiran & Chetna Kava Koray & Nadire Kavukcuoglu Oleg & Iryna Kazanchuk * Tom & Judith Keaveney Douglas Keays (1945) ~ Phil & Katie Keeling Juliet Keenan Bryan Kellett (1956) ~ * Luc Kelly (2016) Mike Kelly (1987) Nick & Mehreen Kelly Paul & Emma Kelly Seamus & Sarah Kelly Derek Kempson (1937) ~ * Ann Kempster Joanna Kennedy Niall Kenny Robin & Rachel Kent Alicia Kerr Oliver Kerr (1978) Patrick Kerr Malcolm Kersey (1974) Simon & Juliette Kerton-Johnson Richard Kessel (1971) Douglas Kessler & Halina Tylko Kessler Soraya Khalidy Faisal Khan (2001) Raz & Lee Khan Ashish & Snehal Khanna Tarek & Diala Khlat Natalie Khor Alex Kiehl (1999) Mai Kikkawa Adrian King (1946) Darren & Emma King Norman King (1957) * Stephen & Mel Kirk Andrew & June Kirkwood Maximillian & Rebecca Kirsten Alexandra Kirusheva Martin Klein & Alexa Koch David Knight (1955) Victoria Knight David & Stephanie Knott * Benjamin Knowles & Helen Batten Julia Kolbasova Maxim Kolupaev & Elena Konstantinova Dmitry Konshin & Ekaterina Konshina * Valery Konyushenko & Agnes Gourc Anna Korganas Ben Kosky (1993) Alice Kosse (2018) David & Carol Kosse Vladimir & Stephanie Kostin

George & Jeannie Kountouris Martin & Nicolette Krajewski Serge Kremer & Andrea Sinclair * Mile Kresojevic & Marina Kresojevic-Nikacev Rahmyn & Siriana Kress * Vera Kristoffersen Peter Krivdin & Natalia Krivdina Olga Krivdina Peter & Nancy Kroker Harpal Kumar (1983) Nick Kusturovic (1993) * Edin Lakasing (1985) Federico Lalatta Costerbosa & Maria De Rivera * Adam Lam Philip & Sophia Lam Antony Lam-Marsden (2013) Xavier & Geraldine Lamy Derek Lane-Smith (1952) Chris & Frances Lang Gareth & Lucy Langdon Gavin & Jan Langmuir Jean-Yves Lapierre-Cocquerel Tony & Gay Laryea John Latchford The Latymer Parents’ Gild Lily Lau Beeke & Fehmke Laubner Alastair Lauder (1999) Vincent & Coralie Laurencin * Stanislas & Clare Laurent Ben Laurie (1978) & Camilla von Massenbach Francesco Lavatelli Geoff Lavers (1970) James Lavin (2014) Mike & Jenny Lavin Angela Lawley-Wakelin Joe Lawrance (1971) Barry Lawrence (1969) Paul & Juliette Lawrence Nic Lawson (1987) Robert & Debbie Lawson Enrique Lax Banon & Juana Maria Ibanez Mora Simon & Jane Laycock * Rob & Rebecca Leach Natalya Lebedeva Richard & Dimm Lechartier Alexander Lee (2001) Cedric Lee (1950) * Ivan Li & Grace Lee Michael Lee & Carol Chan Lee Michael Leefield (1956) Pat Leevers (1969) Sam Leigh Peter Lemar Suzannah Lemar Ray Lemon (1965) Michele & Kara Lemont Sportelli * Leoline Travel John Lyon Leonard (1956) Lance Leonard (1956) * Alice Lesaffre Son Lett (1991) Brian Leveridge (1951) David & Lindsay Levin * Leonid & Oksana Levtchenko Howard Levy (1988) Brian Lewis (1971) * Catherine Lewis Chris Lewis Chris & Siri Lewis Colin Lewis (1967) Edward Lewis Marcel Lewis Peter Lewis (1962) * Richard & Catherine Lewis V Lewis Ian Li & Christina Yang Min Li Xinzhong Li & Haiyan Wang Nicholas Linnane Martin Linsley (1949) Richard & Karen Lintern Terry Lipwick (1980) ~ Alexander Lister Jamie & Catherine Lister Sandy Lister Tanya Little Patrick & Emily Littlemore Eva-Maria Livesey-Wardle Filip Ljubicic (2007) Donald Lloyd (1947) ~ * Ian Lloyd & Emily Heller Keith & Rhonda Lloyd * Nick & Therese Lloyd Phyllida Lloyd Edgar Locke (1970) Richard Lockyer (1973) Julia Loehmann Nicholas London & Thea Guest Michael Long ~ Elena Losseva Ted Loveday (2011) Phoebe Lowe Samuel Lowe & Joy Wu Steven & Kate Lowe Susan Lowe Jonathan Lowy (1985) Jing Lu (1998) Paul & Lucy Lubbock Arthur & Paula Lucas Charles & Anna Lucas Sophia Lucena-Phillips Frederic Lucenet & Cynthia Cheung * David Luffrum (1963) James & Cheryl Lumsden David Lunn Andrea Luppi LUS Former Parents Group Adam Lutz (1997) Jesper & Charlotta Lyckeus Ben Lynch & Carole Barry-Lynch Finbar Lynch & Niamh Cusack Graham Lyons (1971) Nigel Lyons (1971) James Lythe (1990) Colin Ma (1976) Yuke Ma John & Laura Mackay Jim & Sophie Mackie Rosie Mackintosh David Utterson & Joanna Mackle

Charlie Mackworth Paddy & Lynne MacMahon John Macmillan (1957) ~ Sarah Macnaught Sharyl Madeloni Sean & Bikita Mahdi Kirsty Main Dexter & Bhavna Maitland Lucy Makin Tim and Sibella Makower John Malham (1955) Anjan & Richa Malik * Rauf Malkhozov Sebastian Mallaby & Zanny Minton Beddoes Mahyar & Rekia Mallock George & Anne Man Chiara Manley (2018) Simon (1984) & Maria Isabel Manley Michael Manna & Lauri-Ann Van Der Poel George Manners Caron Manon Raffy & Jo Manoukian * Elizabeth Manson Javad & Narmina Marandi * Michael & Amalia Maras * Percy & Dina Marchant * Brian Marden (1953) Jenn Marden M Margetts Roy Margolis & Kate Jeffrey Festus Adebayo & Sandrine Marinho Tony Marinovic (1990) Mario Mariotti & Carolina Gamba Tony Markowski & Sally Markowska Robert Markwick & Kasia Robinski Rachel Marley Kostas Maroulis & Vicky Makarouni * Olivier & Cecile Marret Mike Marriott (1968) Eddie Marsan & Janine Schneider-Marsan Neil Marshall & Rachel Habershon Tim Marshall & Jo Marshall-Collins Marco Marsicola Claudia Martin (2010) Diana Martin John Martin (1953) John Martin (1958) John Martin (1983) Paul & Nicky Martin Simon & Bryony Martin Hortense Marty Paul Masini (1983) Alexey & Natalia Maslov * Raj Mathur (1985) Andrew & Sarah Matthews Bob & Meryl Matthews Colin Matthews John Matthews (1985) Pete Matthews Sam & Elizabeth Matthews Maxim Matveev & Eleni Vicha Yulia Matveeva Graeme Maude & Sali-Ann Lewis Luke Maxted Patrick & Lucy Maxwell Dave May (1953) Kieron May Luke Mayhew & Liz Elston Mayhew * Martin & Sarah Maynard Susan Mayne Robert McAdie & Emma Ranson McAdie James & Nicola McAleer Charles McAndrew James & Alison McArthur Tom McCafferty (1957) * Terri McCargar John McCarthy Nicholas & Sarah McChesney Jim & Dina McCormick Keith McCullagh (1962) Sherry McCutcheon Zoe McDonald Raymond McDuell (1951) James & Jo McEwen Peter & Emma McFie Michael & Cheryl McGechie Mirella McGee Phil McGee & Hari Chandrapal * Simin McGee Simon & Rose McGrath Rory McGregor & Brenda Laarhoven * Rickard McKee-Jones & Karlene Fredericks John McKenzie (1951) Fiona McKnight Rocky McKnight & Martha Nyman Magnus McLeod & Leyla Hamed-McLeod Andrew McLuskey (1966) Rory McMahon (2008) Jason McNab (1995) Rebecca McPhillips Alan McQuillan (1966) Itxaso Mediavilla-Murray Lara Medic Sonja Medic Vera Medic Simon & Simona Mee Keith Meecham (1949) Karim & Shanez Meeran Anish & Sonal Mehta Tony Meier (1956) Peter & Rosalind Meijer Mariana Mejia Beatrice Melchor Steven & Charlotte Melford Irina Melnikova Colin Mendoza & Susan Apthorp Belden Menkus & Mala Soni Raman Menon (1950) ~ Allan & Mamta Mertner * Benoit Mes & Ateny Da Silva Pereira Michael Messenger (1951) Alexandra Michailidou Ian Michell (1962) * Drogo and Jasmin Michie Rom Micklem (1978) Marwan Mikdadi (1991) * Irina Mikhaylova Emily Miller Frank & Felicity Miller * Robin Miller (1972) Caro Millington

Brian Mills (1959) ~ Robert Mills (1956) * David Millward (1972) Michael Milne (1977) Alistair & Catherine Milward Danielle Minervini Loknath & Silpee Mishra Tom Misselbrook (1967) Sameer Mistry (1994) Andrew & Sarah Mitchell * Ben & Zoe Mitchell David Mitchell (1952) John & Debra Mitchell Louisa Mitchell Paul Mitchell (1973) Paul & Lucia Mitchell Sue Mitchell Azim Mithani & Emily Yeoh Athina Mitropoulos Aditya & Megha Mittal * Shomit Mitter Mazy & Leila Moghadam * Marc & Kerstin Mogull * Nima Mokhtarzadeh & Armita Jamali Katherine Molnar Dermot & Gina Moloney Rachel Monahan Giuseppe & Christiane Monarchi * Gilles & Gloria Mondon-Ballantyne Colin & Liz Monguel Colin Monk Ian Monk James Monk Jonathan Monk Carlos Monreal & Alicia Vela Monreal Alton Monteiro * Ana Paula Vieira Monteiro * Leo Monzon (1996) David & Miranda Moody Nick & Lisa Moody Douglas & Grace Moody-Stuart Kane Moore (2003) Fabienne Moquet-Chatenier Rick & Elizabeth Morgan * Simon & Harriet Morgan Daniel Morland & Kate Trinder Oscar Morland (2018) Sam & Caroline Morland Julia Morley * Justin Morley Rupert Morley * Bruce Morris (1961) Derek & Tracey Morris Harriet Morris (2009) Martin Morrison & Marie Wilkinson Barry & Dixie Morse Jamie Mortimer (1965) Laura Mosedale Paul Moss (1983) Olivier Mourin & Gaia Bertocci * Ibrahim Moussa & Jolnar Assi Lee Mowle Derek Moxon (1952) Samuel Muir (1999) Simon Muir (2003) Haresh Mulchandani (1992) Rory & Charlotte Mullarkey David Mumby & Louise Cook James & Carmen Munro Turi Munthe & Muzia Sforza * Al Murdoch Moira Murdoch Sarah Murley Dan Murphy Frank Murphy (1986) Kieran Murphy (1976) * Roger Murphy (1965) ~ * Stephen & Rachael Murphy James (1986) & Janet Murray Neil Murray (1954) Phil Murray (1972) Jamie Murrin Gianluca Muzzi Robert Myers (1967) * Anushka Nadarajah Ayesha Nadarajah Mano Nadarajah Vasuhi Nadarajah-Pillai Alexander Naidenov & Mila Georgieva Donald Nappin (1952) ~ * Jane Nash Samantha Nayar Perry Naylor (1993) Sahand Nazemi (2001) John Neal (1947) ~ Xanthe Neale Mark & Shivahi Bhavna Neill Mark & Moya Nelson Matthew Nelson (2003) Michael Nelson (1948) Patrick & Paige Nelson * Paul & Mariana Nelson Christina Nesheva Tim Neslen (2001) John Neumark (1945) Bob Newberry (1957) Clive & Gamze Newell Charles Newman (1954) Gareth & Sara Newton Matthew Neylan (1992) Mark Ng (1991) Richard Niblett John Nicholls (1958) ~ * Mark & Susan Nicholls Garth Nicholson (1959) Margaret Ann Nicholson Peter & Jane Nicholson Jim Nicolson (1971) Christopher Niekirk (1963) * Birthe Nielsen Chris Nigond & Trudy Taylor Martin Nixon (1982) Alain & Adebimpe Nkontchou Cyrille Nkontchou Meido Nkontchou (2019) William Nkontchou Keith Noakes Natasha Nolan Nicholas Shepherd & Rachel Norman-Bailey Michael Normington (1974) Cresta Norris

Paul & Rosie Norris Derrick North (1951) Vincent (1980) & Ka Ching Nottidge Pavel Novoselov & Elena Novoselova * Taisia Novoselova Nicholas Noyes (1981) George Nuki (1955) J Numan Vomic & Marilena Nur Shah Peter Nutter (1947) Charles & Katrina O’Brien Max O’Brien Andrew & Catherine O’Connor Kerin O’Connor (1989) Kevin & Kathleen O’Connor Nick & Louise O’Hagan Michael & Emma O’Kane Lawrie O’Keeffe Jeffrey O’Leary Raymond O’Leary Tom O’Shea & Louisa Leventis * Cynthia Oakes Eric Oakes John Odgers & Romayne Campbell-Odgers Klaus & Sanne Oestergaard * Derryth Officer Cameron & Chloe Ogden * Cathy Ogden Christopher & Jo Ogden * Edward Ogden Frank Ogden Peter Ogden The Ogden Trust * Alex & Lena Okun * Jean & Gaetane Oldenhove De Guertechin David Oliver (1998) Annie Olivier Triin Olvet Pascal Onillon & Jieny Han Paul & Ikunna Onwuanibe Hiawyn Oram Robert Orme Charlie Orton Nigel & Rita Orton Simon & Jeannetta Orton David Osborne Rebecca Osborne Peter Ostojic (1974) Steve Otterburn (1965) Caroline Oulton Derek Oulton ~ Marcus & Jennifer Overhaus John Owen (1973) Rebecca Owen Tim Owen (1971) Tony Owen (1960) Chris & Liz Owens Malcolm Owens (1953) Mark Pain (1987) Dounia Pajoheshfar (2015) Chris Palmer (1979) Joy Palmer Phil Palmer (1973) ~ * Rajan Pandhare & Katrina Koffler V & Shakuntala Pandit Sarah Paneth Stella Pantelides Chris & Marianna Papachristophorou * Aris Papageorgiou & Amparo Galindo Yanis Papagiannis & Carol Bitter * Lisa Paquette Jay Paramanathan (1987) Christopher Parish (1955) James Park & Ondine Upton Tatyana Park Jonathan Parker & Sahra Christmas Samira Parkinson-Smith Tim Parlett Geoff & Jane Parmiter Martin & Esra Parr Salli Parra Ben & Kathryn Parry Tom Parsons (2003) Paul Pascoe & Alice Beer Daniel Pasini & Ermelinda Ferlin Martin Pasteiner Anant Patel & Eleni Ioannou * Ash & Jay Patel Mayur Patel & Deepali Nangia Nitin Patel (1995) Satish & Yamini Patel Subhas Patel Surash Patel & Angela Mehra-Patel Emma Paterson Jeremy Paterson Mungo Paterson (1996) Richard Paterson Maisie Patterson John ~ & Kym Paynter * Ron Pearce (1973) Julia Pearson Robin Pearson (1974) Tom Pearson (1998) Simon Pearson-Miles Gerald Pegnall (1971) Ralph Pelly Lance Peltz (1982) Mike Percik (1966) Tony Percik (1965) Madri Perera David Peres da Costa (1985) Richard Perham (1955) ~ * Damian & Kathryn Perry Ian Perry (1963) Karen Perry Mark & Vee Perry Richard & Dragana Perry * Erik Petermeijer & Julie Pedretti Dick Peters (1955) Nick Peters (1978) William & Katharine Peters Richard Petty (1983) Stephen & Sheila Pevsner Michael Phelps (1950) Richard (1983) & Annamarie Phelps * Pom Phetrung Alan Phillips (1955) Alex Phillips Catherine Phillips John Phillips Nicholas Phillips


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Ron Phillips (1957) Steve Phillips (1975) Daniel Philpott & Susan Storer Matthew & Jo Pickering Robert & Yvette Pierce Jones * Louis Pieris (2015) Roly Piggott (1956) Giles & Kerynne Pilbrow Rennie Pilgrem & Jasmine Daines Pilgrem Arjun Pillai Alan Pinnock (1945) Philip Pirie Paola Placido Alex (1983) & Jayne Plavsic * Tushar & Kavita Poddar Yuri Poliakov & Sofia Bagirova Christina Pollarolo Alberto & Stefanie Polleri Vasiles Polydorou (1999) Vaughan Pomeroy (1970) John & Ramona Poole Leslie Popham (1966) Peter Popham (1970) Pedro Porfirio & Ana Regina Porfirio Bob Potter (1966) Ivan Poulton (1941) ~ Maisie Poulton Mark Povey & Samantha Wagner Andreas Povlsen & Tala Mikdashi * Georgia Powell Norman Powell (1951) Nick & Jane Poyntz Joel Poznansky (1976) * Antoine Pradayrol & Sandrine Delarue Pradayrol Neil Pratt (1994) Bronagh Preston Nick & Bridget Preston Paul & Katie Preston Edward Prettejohn (1942) ~ * David Price (1974) Howard & Jackie Price Jamie Priestley & Tatiana Wait Nick & Tamsin Priestley James Priory Adam Pritchard Jasmine Pritchard René Pritchard & Susan McIntyre Andrew Procter & Cate Guthleben * Joerg & Birgit Prophet Tony Protts (1972) Graham Proud (1997) Margaret Proudnikova Gennaro & Sabrina Pucci * David & Linda Pugh Edward & Susie Pugh Izzy Pugh Verity Pugh (2010) Benedict Pulsford & Lucy Astor Uma Purang Terence Purser (1956) Josh Purvis & Nancy Ross Stefano & Julie Quadrio Curzio * Julian Quance & Vanesa Cabo-Lopez John & Rebecca Quayle Linda Rabie Gideon Rachman & Olivia Stewart Dan (1985) & Deana Radice Ignatios Radicopoulos & Irena Brignull Amir Rafati-Fard & Faridah Sarvari Nadeem Rahman * Am & Helen Rai RAIS£ Student Fundraising Club * Louise Raiteri Nity & Sharon Raj Jon Rake (1964) Serge Ramin & Elisabeth Paulson * Natasha Ramlogan Cathy Ramsay Guy & Jackie Ranawake * Mehul & Tanuja Randery Neil & Imogen Ransom Katie Rao Andy Rathborne (1982) Nigel Rawson Peter Read (1955) David & Kasia Reay Richard Redman (1953) David Reece Freddie Rees (1946) ~ Gareth Rees & Lucia Boddington Geraint Rees & Rebecca Roylance John Rees (1954) * Patrick & Serena Reeve Derek Reeves (1951) ~ John Regan (1940) ~ Riccardo Reggio & Cagla Bekbolet Nick & Annie Reid * Norman Reid & Jean Edwards-Reid Dan & Ursula Reinstein * Jacqui Renirie Anna Rentoul Michael Reupke (1955) A Reveilhac Marie Reveilhac Andrew Reynolds (1976) Barney & Carmen Reynolds * Inacio Ribeiro & Suzanne Clements Bill Rich (1950) ~ Brian Rich (1955) Patrick Richards & Beatriz Chapatte David Richardson (1959) John Ricketts Peter Rickwood (1967) Simon Ridley & Natasha Airey Mike (1983) & Paula Riedel * Scott Rigby Guy & Liz Rigden Mark Rijkse & Elise Auxenfans Eugenia Rillman Damian & Claire Rimmer Nick & Alexia Ring Charles Rink & Anna Rink Rehnstam * Mark Ristic (1986) Richard & Karen Rivlin Charles & Katie Roast Keith Robbihs Clive Robbins Andrew & Karen Roberts David Roberts John Roberts (1958) Brian & Fatma Robertson *


David Robertson & Jane Massey James Robertson & Kim Barrington Alan & Shiranee Robinson Michael Robinson Nick Robinson (1990) Bruce Robson Christian & Myrto Rochat * Andrew & Ariana Rodger * Andre Rodrigues Colin Rogal & Claire-Louise French Evie Rogers Mike Rogers (1949) ~ Paul Rogers & Sandra Page * Phil & Madalyn Roker Barbara Rolando Amanda Roles Rochelle Romo Abi Ronan (2004) Nikon Rooghani-Ochdakan (2018) Ian Rose (1964) Michael Rose (1955) Peter Rosengard (1964) * Danny Roth (1964) Hannah Rothschild * Stan & Anne Rotman * Samantha Routhier-Trudel Matthew Rowe & Rachel Oxburgh Christopher & Pippa Rowland Martin Rowlands (1967) Andrew Roy Joshua Rozenberg (1967) Peter Ruback (1978) Saul & Mei Rubin Andres & Veronica Rubio * Isabela Rubio David Ruch (1959) Peter Ruch (1954) Massimo Ruggieri & Bettina Fornari * Paul Rumsey (1971) Phil & Maia Rushby Alex & Claire Rushing * William Rushing (2018) Anne Rushton Paul Russell (1980) Roger Russell (1959) Tom Russell & Sabina Margulies Adele Russo Evangelos Russo & Eleni Pappa Francesco Rustici Alan Rutterford Andrea Rutterford Dominic Rutterford Piers Rutterford Sandy & Caroline Ryrie Andre & Jill Rzym Daria Sabbaghi Shahram & Justine Sabbaghi * Hip Sahota Henry & Sophie Sainty Eric Salama (1979) * Chris Sale Judith Sale Geoffrey Salmon (1943) Mike & Margaret Salmon * Peter Salmon & Sarah Lancashire-Salmon Amir Sam & Sara Ezzati-Nik Nigel Sampson (1957) Robert Sanders (1957) Amrita Sandhu (2018) Bim & Pardeep Sandhu * Parm & Sharon Sandhu Richard Sands (1955) ~ Satpal & Kamaljit Sangha Natalia Sapundzic Robert & Roxanne Sargent Mark Saunders (1973) Terry Saunders (1978) Alice Savasta Loris & Bettina Savasta * Andre Sawyer (1995) Fash & Jo Sawyerr Bob Saxton (1963) Michael & Valeria Saxton Helen Scannella Sim Scavazza Viviane Schaeken Willemaers Manfred & Gabriele Scheske Meike Schlecker * Daniel Schlenzig & Jenny Epstein Donald Schofield (1949) Paul & Sarah Schofield Kathrin Schönberger Paul Schur (1965) Bertrand & Isabelle Schwab * Tracey Scoffield * David Scott & Lisa Chisholm Gemma Scott Terry & Amanda Scott John Seal & Karen Scofield-Seal * Graham Searjeant (1962) Sunny Sehgal (1989) Philip & Amy Sellars Camile Semes Alan Sendorek (2000) Matt (1970) & Roz Sendorek Jenny Sennett Dinah Sershi Richard Setchim (1972) Michael Sevante (1955) Brian Sexton Jack Seymour Kit Shah & Sonal Patel Samir Shah (1969) Sena Shah & Deborah Kendall Jonny Shanmuganathan (1990) Bruce Sharman (1979) Ray Shaughnessy Russ Shaw & Lesley Hill Rahil Sheikh & Jackie Best Alan Shelston (1955) Bryan Sheppard (1954) Helen Sherlock Allan & Anastasia Shiach Fred Shillam (1963) Akiko Shirasaki Faith Short Jon Shortland (1990) James Shrives Philip Shuttleworth (1976) Terry & Jem Shuttleworth Kate Shyfrin (2004)

Mireille Sidje Tom & Helena Sikorski Maria Silva Roger Simmons (1962) Alexander & Alexandra Simon * Colin & Caroline Simonds Jeff Simons (1962) Georgina Simpson Peter Simpson (1944) ~ * Colin Sinclair (1986) Humphrey & Sarah Singer Tracey Singh Venita Singh-Warner Clive & Anne Sinnott Derek Sinstead (1947) Peter Skeggs (1970) Chris Skilton (1973) Arthur Skinner (1948) J & Elizabeth Skinner Paul & Jane Skinner Ian Slater (1955) Paul Slater (1972) Hugh Sloane (1974) * John Small (1954) * Bill Smith ~ & Pamela Mulcaire * David Smith (1958) Felicity Smith Guy Smith (1942) ~ * Jervis Smith & Daniela Cuzzolin Jim Smith (1973) * John Smith (1952) John Smith (1967) Jonathan Smith & Rachel Le Mesurier Julian Smith (1977) Kieron & Roisin Smith Les Smith (1967) Malcolm Smith Mel (1971) ~ & Pam ~ Smith* Michael Smith P & Lindsey Smith Trevor Smith (1970) Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited Kirkland Smulders Patrick Smulders Harvey & Kate Smyth * Stuart & Rachel Snaith Edward & Marilyn Snape Gill Snelling Paul & Lyn Snudden Charlotte Soames James Soames Agnese Sodani Kashmir & Rukhi Sohi Sloane Robinson Foundation* Nuria Sole-Bonet Andrew Solomon & Nicole Rudolf Homly Sommers Paul & Jenny Sommers Barry Southcott (1968) * Richard Spafford & Jane Hanna * Janne Spanne Paul & Sarah Spateri John Spears (1952) Sebastian & Rebecca Speight Mike Spence (1948) Phil Spence (1970) Fred Spencer (1946) ~ Rod Spencer (1958) Karl & Katherine Spielmann * Tomaso Spingardi Mittu & Tamsin Sridhara Renata Stachniak Angelo Stagno David Stanbury (1953) Rob & Lucy Standing * Jonathan Stanford (1977) Philip Stannard (1959) John Statham (1953) ~ * Neil Statham Richard & Susie Staveley Jennifer Steacy Jon Steafel (1978) Anne Stean ~ * John Steers (1950) Sue Steinke Geoff Stephens (1952) Gordon & Dina Stephenson * Maximilian Stephenson (2002) * Peter Stevens Rob Stevens (1968) Scott & Eva Stevens-Boenders Emma Stevenson (2000) Peter Steward (1972) Graham Stewart (1982) Keith Stewart (1961) Albrecht Stewen & Alessandra Labombarda * David Stiles (1956) Gerald & Elizabeth Stimson Vanessa Stockdale Michael Stocking (1965) ~ Tim Stockings (1981) Richard Stockley Margaret Stone Andrew Storer Valerie Storer Mike Stott Ivan Stoyanov & Divya Seshamani * Pietro & Prisca Strada Patrick & Caroline Strafford Susan Straight Andrew & Alison Straszewski Richard & Sarita Strike Mark Strong & Liza Marshall Sandra Struebing Enid Stubbs ~ Patrick & Amelia Stubbs Peter Stubbs Richie & Lavinia Stubbs Michael & Annie Styles Ernesto & Julieta Suarez * Egbertus Suer Gerard Sullivan (1956) ~ James Sullivan Naveed Sultan & Fiza Naveed Jing Sun Richard Sunderland Marcella Sutcliffe Tom Sutcliffe Aleksa Suvajic Libby Swaby Derek & Ros Sweeting *

Omar Syed (1994) Brian Sylvester (1956) Philip Syrett (1943) ~ * Sebastian Szuhay (2003) Andrew Szydlo (1967) Andrew Tabor (1969) John Tackley (1949) Tatjana Tadic Alain & Sophie Taieb Arch Tait (1961) David Talbot (1964) Jennie Talman Agnes Taminiau Adam Tandy (1981) Andrew Tanner (1986) David & Lindsay Tanner * Jasper & Francesca Tans * Donna Lynn Tarazona Nadia Tarelli Harriet Tarnoy Sophie Tarnoy Joe & Alexandra Tatton-Brown Douglas Tavener (1953) Andrew & Susan Tay Brian Taylor (1956) Ian & Belinda Taylor Paul Taylor (1976) Peter Taylor (1965) Robert Taylor (2006) Tony Taylor (1956) Vaughan Taylor (1979) Katie Temple Eliza Tendjoukian David & Moira Terry George (1943) ~ & Shirley Terry * Fabrizio Testa Desmond Thain (1937) ~ * Stephen Thavam (1993) Jon Thedham (1971) Alan Thein (1995) James & Jenny Thellusson Jestyn Thirkell-White (1986) David Thirsk & Caroline Lintott Colin (1971) & Ros Thomas Dave & Lucy Thomas * David Thomas Philip Thomas (1973) Robert Thomas & Anne Beitel * Sebastian Thomas & Caroline Ballinger Simon Thomas Anthony Thompson (1950) Brian Thompson Brian Thompson (1949) Charlotte Thompson Peter Thoms (1963) Arthur Thomson (1954) David Thorne & Carla Govindji-Thorne Louise Thornhill Brian Thorpe (1955) * Kris Thykier & Claudia Winkleman Thomas Tichler (1968) Duncan Tickell & Michele Bolam Alister & Vicky Tier Alan Tilley (1961) Ben & Katy Timmons Helen Tindale Edward Tippelt (1971) Daniel Todary (1993) Klaus & Renee Toft * Ozgur & Ergem Tohumcu Sasha & Ruth Tolokonnikov Angela Tomlinson Adam Toop (1984) * Chris & Melanie Toumazou Glyn & Rebecca Towlerton Max & Miranda Traeger Charles Traill (1964) Hoang & Mai-Linh Tran-Nhu Marko Trandafilovski Paul & Ros Traynor Vincenzo Treggiari Elizabeth Trembath Nick Trickey (1955) Caspar Trimmer (1987) Guy Tritton (1973) John & Joanna Trotter Patrick & Linsay Trueman Elizaveta Tsirukhina Mener & Jackie Tsitsis David Tudor Williams (1953) ~ Burcu Tuncel Marie-Ann Tunda John & Angelika Turner Mark Turner (1975) Joseph Turney (1937) ~ Stuart Tyfield John & Lindy Tyrwhitt Bobby Uberoi (1991) * Chijioke Udeh & Kedist Shambel Kenneth Uffen (1942) Eric Ulvestad & Libby Kitson Simon Underwood (1982) Kelvin Ung (1996) David Uren (1972) Manuel Uria Fernandez & Kimiko Kabashima Graham Urquhart (1972) * Victor & Tina Vadaneaux Lillie van den Berg (2011) Christaen & Nathalie Van Lanschot Mabel Van Oranje Zaria Van Oranje Joe Vanags-Fleming (1998) Mark Vanderpump (1982) Paul Vanni (1991) Richard Varley (1978) Rajesh & Neelam Varma * Arvind Vashisht & Isabel Pigem Timothy & Corene Vaughan-Hughes Michael Vavrinek (1962) Walter Veirs & Shannon Lawder * Zoran Veljkovic & Lidija Antanasijevic Frank Venables (1946) Alberto & Maria Verme * Malcolm Vernon & Veronique Ayme Soren & Maiken Vestergaard-Poulsen * Paul Veys & Catherine Owens Cyril Vidal Ana Paula Vieira Monteiro Claudio & Irena Viezzoli Preema Vig Fred (1957) & Susan Vine

Mark Vipond (1978) * Tatyana Vishnevskya Alexander Vitos (2018) Graham Vivian Nick Vivian (1992) Vincent & Kyung Voeten Natasha Volkova Georg & Emily von Opel * Philippe & Bina von Stauffenberg Mark & Sarah Vorbach * Lena Voronova Jon Vyse & Artha Hlaing Martin Wade (1961) * Martin & Rosa Wadhwani Simon & Anne Wadmore Peter Wadsworth (1984) Mary Waguespack Basil Walby (1946) David Walden (1977) Dom Waldouck (2006) Ann-Isabel Walker Bruce & Vanessa Walker David & Catherine Walker * Henry Walker (2018) John Walker & Nathalia Bobrova Steven & Justine Walker * Lee Walkinshaw (1957) Mark Wallace Paul & Shirley Wallace Stephen & Katie Wallace Raphael Wallfisch (1971) Walter & Aideen Wallich Justin Walters (1985) & Jyoti Gulati * Christopher Walton & Sandra Wall Hongbin Wang & Xiaoe Li Jinghong Wang & Helen Geng Max & Tanya Warburton James Ward James Ward & Lucy Thomas Tim Ward & Catherine Davidson Ralph & Catherine Ward-Jackson Simon Ware Mark ~ and Olivia Warham * Victoria Waring Richard Warne (1980) James Watkins & Julia Llewellyn Smith John Watkins (1968) Michael & Zoe Watkins Roger Watkins (1970) Alistair & Natasha Watson * Christine Watson Michael & Shashi Watson * Jennifer Watt Stephen Waugh (1977) Mary Way James Weale (2001) Natalie Weatherley David & Traci Weaver * Cliff Webb (1967) Martin Webb (1964) Nula Webb Peter Webb (1965) Douglas Webber (1946) ~ * Jonathan Webber (1980) George & Alexia Webster George Weeks * Trisha Wegg Sabrina Wehner Mark & Elizabeth Weighell Robin Weir Michael & Kellie Weiss Ian Weitzel (1971) Philip Welch (1948) ~ Rodney Weller (1973) Tony Weller (1970) Violet Wells ~ * Colin West (1972) Victor West (1958) * Robert Westerberg (1986) Patricia-Jasmin Westermann Brian Weston (1974) Geoffrey Weston & Jessica Radke Paul Weston & Katie Preston Richard Wheater (1978) Nicholas Wheeler & Barbara Behan Ralph Wheeler (1977) * Hester Wheeley David & Macarena Wheldon David Whitbread (1954) ~ Peter & Lucy Whitcutt Finlay White (2018) Geoff White & Julie Thomas Jason White (1994) Jonny & Natasha White Mark & Michelle White Paul White (1968) Sarah Whitehead Simon & Janet Whitehouse * Clovis Whitfield David Whitty & Carole Crane Sharon Whyte Adam Widawski Cassandra Wierman Charlie Wijeratna (1986) Barry Wild Ron Wild (1955) Adrian & Kathryn Wilkes Lise Wilkinson Tony Willats (1962) * Gary & Joanne Willcox * Stephan Willemse Keith Willey & Joanna Cound Adriana Williams (2004) Andy Williams & Jo Danin * Christopher Williams & Amanda Waggott Greg & Jennifer Williams Jasmin Williams (2018) John Williams (1963) John Williams & Kylie Munnich Jonathan Williams (1979) Nicholas Williams & Bronwyn Jones Phil Williams & Suyong Kim Richard & Caroline Williams Roger Williams (1968) Steffan & Janice Williams Mervyn & Fiona Williamson Rosie Williamson Jamie Willoughby Charlotte Wilshire Anna Wilson Clive Wilson (1963)

Piers & Marianne Wilson David (1988) & Jane Winchester Tom Winchester (1983) Francesca Wing Gerald Wingate Cheri Winkler Torsten Winkler & Isabelle Nowak Peter & Adwoa Winter * Norman Wise (1952) Stephen & Louise Wisking Margit Wittig Geoffrey Wolf (1954) Roman Woloszczuk & Kim Bobsin Robert & Fiona Wolstenholme Joshua & Fiona Wong Michael Wong (1997) Mark Wood & Sally Burrell Nicholas & Caroline Wood Dick Woodcraft (1951) Chris Woodgate & Monica Garibaldi Brian Woodruff (1973) Simon Woodruff & Alla Samarina-Woodruff Howard Woods (1966) Judith Woods Hanna Woodward Nick Woolf Philip Woollcombe (1954) Oliver Woolley & Celia Dacombe Trevor Woolley (1972) Nigel (1958) & Carol Woolner * James Wootton Tamlyn Worrall Ken Worth (1943) John (1971) & Linde Wotton * John & Judith Wraith Tom Wray & Gillian Bain Guy Wright Kate Wright Oliver Wright & Leslie Vinjamuri * Ross Wright & Ioanna Papanikolaou Sophie Wright Toby Wright John Wriglesworth (1975) Bing-Le & Wei Wu Richard Wyatt (1962) * Stephen Wyatt (1966) Jack Wykes (1947) ~ Richard & Anita Wyles Basil Wynbergen (1946) ~ Liang Xu & Min Li Yingqi Xu & Ping Gong John Yates (1962) Nelli Yatsun Gan-Erdene Yavuulanz Liska Yealland Sue Yealland Richard Yee & Isabel Brebbia * Sue Yeend-Curd Peter Yendell (1982) * Norton & Elaine York Nick Youell & Penny Summerfield Jeremy & Susy Young * Richard Young (1963) Alexey Yu & Yulia Korobeynikova Ammani Zafar (2010) Safi Zakaria (2005) Nadia Zaman Sibyl Zao-Sanders (1999) Andreas Zapf & Lina Badi Regina Zech Claire Zhang Laverne Zhang Mengyu Zhang Liana Zhmotova Bin Zhou Mehdi Zidane Robert Ziel & Isin Sumengen Ziel Alex Zivanovic (1988) Emmanouil Zouridakis & Mina Savvidou Adrian Zuckerman & Joanna Knatchbull

1624 Society The 1624 Society was created to recognise those who have made provision for the Latymer Foundation in their will. Legacies play a key role in building our endowment and help us to protect our founder’s legacy for future generations of Latymerians. LATYMERIANS Alan Anderson (1958) Graham Angel (1957) John Arundel (1967) David Baines (1951) John Barnes (1955) John Beavis (1942) Alan Bird (1958) Tony Bowden (1942) Geoffrey Brinton (1961) Arthur Budd (1967) Tony Budd (1959) Nick Burges (1972) Hugh Burkitt (1963) Keith Carley (1952) Christopher David (1972) Graham Davison (1962) Taylor Downing (1971) Suzanna du Plessis (2008) Colin Eades (1965) Peter Exell (1951) Bill Fairney (1960) Steve Faktor (1974) Mike Fann (1950) David Finch (1959) Michael Foot (1965) Stephen Fox (1984) Owen Francis (1985) Derek Gardiner (1965) Barrie Gore (1956) James Graham (1976) Hugh Grant (1960) Howard Green (1962) Roger Grime (1978) Tim Guilbride (1973) Malcolm Hanney (1971) Rupert Harding (1975) David Havard (1954) Alan Hayter (1945) Tudor Heeps (1954) Michael Hellyer (1957) Graham Hill (1954) Stephen Hodges (1972) Brian Hughes (1953) Paul Hughes (1960) Chris Hutton-Penman (1961) Trevor Jones (1957) Chris Jordan (1975) Peter Kauders (1966) Cedric Lee (1950) Michael Leefield (1956) Brian Lewis (1971) Peter Lewis (1962) Alan McQuillan (1966) Raman Menon (1950) Manfred Michel (1956) Marwan Mikdadi (1991) Paul Munro (1981) Michael Nelson (1948) Bob Newberry (1957) Christopher Niekirk (1963) Michael Normington (1974) Michael Phelps (1950) Alan Pinnock (1945) John Ray (1963) Richard Redman (1953) Michael Reupke (1955) James SacrÊ (1964) Derek Sinstead (1947) Ian Slater (1955) John Small (1954) David Smith (1958) Barry Southcott (1968) Mike Spence (1948) David Stanbury (1953) Peter Steward (1972) David Talbot (1964) Anthony Thompson (1950) Vic Thompson (1962) Brian Thorpe (1955) Adam Toop (1984) Bobby Uberoi (1991) David Uren (1972) Martin Wade (1961) David Walden (1977) Laurie Warwicker (1948) Richard Wheater (1978) Tony Willats (1962) John Williams (1963) Trevor Woolley (1972) Nigel Woolner (1958) John Wotton (1971) President, 1624 Society Richard Wyatt (1962) John Yates (1962)

LATYMER COMMUNITY Mary Biggart Joan Chandler Gill Christy Ieuan David Paul Goldsmith Andrew Griffiths Chris Hammond Alex Hirst & Lindsay Wood Gill Lancaster Sally Markowska Robert Orme Nigel Orton Dorothy Pryce Amanda Scott Malcolm Smith Derek & Ros Sweeting Peter & Adwoa Winter IN MEMORIAM Michael Barrett (1952) John Bennett (1955) Roy Bery (1935) Lawrence Boxall (1944) Ronald Brickell (1943) John Bullock (1951) Peter Burke (1953) Clive Burrow (1947) Arthur Burt (1945) Gerry Burt (1942) Kenneth Burton (1931) Michael Bush (1950) Dennis Carpenter (1948) Jim Collingwood (1952) Bruce Cook (1942) George Crowhurst (1954) John Dargan (1944) Ted Deeley (1945) Alan Dibben (1940) Arnold Dunkley (1937) Peter Elliott (1946) John Emms (1938) Sydney Farr (1941) Roy Featherstone (1954) John Fitzmaurice (1947) Michael Fowler (1949) Malcolm Gee (1956) Denis Graney (1942) Walter Grauberg (1941) Dennis Green (1939) George Gruner (1958) Denis Jones (1967) Nicholas Jones (1966) Douglas Keays (1945) Bryan Kellett (1956) Derek Kempson (1937) Jerry Lancaster (1975) Tony Lee (1942) Donald Lloyd (1947) Kenneth Maidment (1938) Brian Mills (1959) Donald Nappin (1952) John Nicholls (1958) Phil Palmer (1973) Martin Paterson (1986) Richard Perham (1955) Albert Pryce (1946) Don Ramsay (1940) Peter Reeve (1946) Jerry Roberts (1939) Peter Simpson (1944) Guy Smith (1942) John Statham (1953) Harry Stewart (1935) Eric Stratford (1937) Philip Syrett (1943) George Terry (1943) Douglas Webber (1946) Jack Wykes (1947) Laurence Elliott John Paynter Oliver Rose Bill Smith Violet Wells Robert Wilkinson


INSPIRING MINDS CAMPAIGN BOARD Guy and Dominique America Adam Balon (1990) John & Catherine Carrafiell Massimo Della Ragione & Valentina Pan Dominik & Karen Dolenec Marcus & Liz Evans Federico & Christine Foglia Goya Gallagher Sawiris David Goodhew ex-officio Hugh Grant (1978) James Grant (1976) John & Christine Gregg Stephen Hodges (1972) Louisa Leventis Michael Maras Klaus & Sanne Oestergaard Christian Rochat & Myrto Papadopoulos-Rochat Stan & Anne Rotman Amanda Scott ex-officio Ros Sweeting ex-officio Georg & Emily von Opel Martin Wade (1961) David & Traci Weaver Nigel Woolner (1958) John Wotton (1971)


Ros Sweeting (Chair) Gubby Ayida Mark Brewer Reverend Simon Downham Chantal Free Stephen Hodges (1972) (stepped down 2019) Nick Jordan (1978) Robert Lewis Joanna Mackle Annamarie Phelps Alex Plavsic (1982) David Price (1973) James Priory Tracey Scoffield Sir Jim Smith (1972) (stepped down 2019) Bobby Uberoi (1991) Charlie Wijeratna (1986) Clerk to the Governors: Lucinda Evans

Studying at Latymer was a gift I never thought myself lucky enough to receive. The kindness of others has allowed me to gain an education I can only have dreamed of receiving. The two years I spent at Latymer have been thoroughly enjoyable and have allowed me to reach my full potential and have allowed me to dream bigger and better than I ever have before. Anything that I have achieved is attributable to the outstanding foundation provided by the School. As a proud Latymerian, I am honoured to have the opportunity to give back to an institution that has propelled so many of us into successful careers.


Amanda Scott Director of Development

T 020 3004 0465 E Ruby Danowski Deputy Director of Development T 020 3004 0324 E Natasha Nolan Appeals Manager

T 020 3004 0434 E Sian Davis Alumni Relations Manager

T 020 3004 0470 E

Latymer Foundation Office Latymer Upper School 237 King Street London W6 9LR

Registered charity no 312714 Design

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