Latino Leaders March - April

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MARCH - APRIL 2024 Vol. 25 No. 2 Also on this edition: LATINOS IN ENERGY ADRIANA MARTINEZ CASA MARTINEZ The secret ingredient: authentic flavors and a close-knit family 2024 Congratulations! Meet the trailblazers who are changing the scene for future generations
the next generation of children needs the next generation of Children’s Health.SM Children’s HealthSM is pushing the boundaries of incredible care for kids. With our expansion plans in Plano, Dallas and beyond, we can care for more kids in more places, further our innovative research and offer additional lifesaving technology and treatments. Your gift will ensure we’re able to meet our community’s growing needs, and the needs of kids like Olivia. Follow along at

Publisher Jorge Ferraez

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• Do not miss out our new column: Latinos in Music by Alexis Langagne Page 8

• 100 Latinas 2024: Meet the trailblazers who are changing the word Page 10

• Adriana Martinez: She’s just as authentic as the products they create Page 36

• Yvonne Garcia: Do not miss out on her story! Page 50

• Maria Pia Tamburri: Talks about the strategy for Dominion Energy Page 58

• Index 500: Sharing the latest updates to the Index 500 Page 62

Member of The National Association of Hispanic Publications Member of MEMBER OF SRDS Audited by Reg. # 283/01 Latino Leaders The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino 11300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243 Phone: 214-206-9587 / Fax: (214) 206-4970
advertising inquiries, please call 214-206-9587 Latino Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino (ISSN 1529-3998) is published seven times annually by Ferraez Publications of America Corp., 11300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243, MARCH / APRIL 2024. Subscription rates: In U.S. and possessions, one year $15.00. Checks payable to Ferraez Publications of America, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Latino Leaders, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA.© 2001 by Ferraez Publications of America Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without the consent of Latino Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino. The periodical’s name and logo, and the various titles and headings therein, are trademarks of Ferraez Publications of America Corp. MARCH / APRIL 2024 LATINO LEADERS 1 CONTENTS MARCH / APRIL 2024
@latinoleadersmag FOLLOW US FOLLOW US @LatinoLeadersUS FOLLOW US Adriana Martinez
Music by Alexis Maria Pia Tamburri Yvonne Garcia


THE PRESSURE TO INNOVATE and stay ahead of the curve is a constant reality for companies today. While individual talent is crucial, it is the collective power of high-performing teams that drives success. Unlike individual coaching, team coaching focuses on optimizing team dynamics, fostering clear communication, and aligning diverse skills towards a shared objective. Through a structured program, a skilled coach guides the team on a journey of self-discovery, identifying strengths, addressing weaknesses, and developing strategies to achieve common goals.

Team coaching offers several strategic advantages for organizations seeking to elevate performance. Here are some key benefits:

• Amplifying Communication: Team coaching fosters a safe space for open dialogue, active listening, and voicing concerns. This builds trust and understanding, leading to smoother collaboration and problem-solving.

• Enabling Conflict Resolution: Disagreements are inevitable in any team setting. Team coaching equips teams with the tools to navigate conflict constructively. By cultivating mutual respect and active listening skills, coaches empower teams to find solutions that benefit everyone, fostering a more positive and productive work environment.

• Aligning for Peak Performance: A team without a clear direction lacks focus. Team coaching helps establish a shared vision and breaks down overarching goals into actionable steps, ensuring everyone is working towards the same objective. This enables a sense of ownership and accountability, crucial for peak performance.

• Morale Boost: Team coaching nurtures a sense of camaraderie and belonging, motivating individuals to contribute their best efforts and collaborate effectively. This translates directly into improved employee engagement and satisfaction, a key factor in retaining top talent.

• Unleashing Collective Creativity: A diverse team environment that values open dialogue is a breeding ground for innovation. Team coaching breaks down silos and encourages members to share ideas freely. This leads to more creative solutions and improved problem-solving, allowing companies to stay ahead of the competition.

Let us explore into two recent examples of how Fortune 500 companies leveraged team coaching to unlock the potential of their teams:

Case Study 1: Boosting Customer Experience at Hilton Worldwide Challenge: Hilton Worldwide, a leading hospitality giant, faced challenges in delivering a consistent and exceptional customer experience across its diverse hotel properties. Communication gaps between hotel staff, particularly reservations and guest services teams, led to booking errors and frustrated customers.

Results: Following the cross-departmental coaching program, Hilton reported a significant improvement in communication and collaboration between reservations and guest services teams. This resulted in a 10% reduction in booking errors and a 15% increase in guest satisfaction scores, demonstrating the positive impact of team coaching on customer experience.

Case Study 2: Streamlining Supply Chain at FedEx Challenge: FedEx, a global logistics leader, faced inefficiencies in its supply chain due to siloed operations and limited communication between its logistics teams across different regions. This led to delays and increased operational costs.

Results: The coaching program led to a significant improvement in collaboration and communication among logistics teams. FedEx reported a 20% reduction in shipping delays and a 10% decrease in operational costs, highlighting the impact of team coaching on streamlining complex processes.

By implementing a well-designed team coaching program, Companies can unlock the true potential of their workforce. It is a strategic investment that fosters high-performing teams, drives innovation, and propels your organization towards achieving sustainable success in a competitive marketplace.

If you want to learn more about Team Coaching, contact AlliancesHub for more information.

ABOUT JOE Joe Bacigalupo, MBA, MPEC, ACPEC is a Managing Partner and an Executive Advisor at AlliancesHub International, LLC. AlliancesHub offers Change Management and Strategy Consulting, Talent Optimization and Analytics, Leadership Development, and Executive/ Leadership Coaching services. 469-287-2086



1. How was growing up for you?

Arturo is originally from Los Angeles, California, but grew up in Tucson, AZ. In a wonderful family of 5, Chicago native father, Sonora Immigrant mother, a full bilingual experience.

Karla is originally from Mexico. She has a bachelor's degree in software systems and started Business in Master's Administration before moving to the U.S.

2. What were your core family values?

Arturo's mother was a very strong, hardworking, and conservative Mexican woman. His father was a psychologist and deep-rooted American-Chicano advocate who taught them that hard work, studies, and good morals would provide a solid future. “We are very grateful for their love and efforts.”

Karla's mother was a lifelong middle school teacher and business entrepreneur, and her father was a company accountant.

She comes from a large family of professionals and PhDs in engineering, robotics, chemistry, genetics. As well as a long line of business entrepreneurship.

“That should keep us motivated.”

3. What led you to your current business?

Arturo’s professional growth began in the Mexican Caribbean's tourism and hotel hospitality industry, as a sales manager at Marriott Hotels.

After returning to the United States, he had an opportunity to take a position in a condo development company in Miami. This position exposed Arturo to the remodeling scene, which is the gateway to their current business.

Karla's working experience started in two larger transnational industrial companies, which helped her grow professionally. They got married and started a business together.

4. What has been your biggest challenge, and how did you face it?

“My hospitality experience was working in the Mexican Caribbean for 15 years. I believe the first couple of years were spent readjusting to being back in the United States as a full-time working adult. We took it one month at a time until we found our gateway and took it,” says Arturo.

5. What are your current position's short- and longterm goals?

“Of course, we are not planning on any actual retirement. Still, in the short term, we will continue to work hard and study to grow our areas of business interest and secure a solid income to assist us in the coming years,” they reflect.


Work wiser and more efficient to create a business plan that creates continued passive income.

6. What advice would you give to the new generation of Latino professionals?

“As a man of faith, I prioritize God first, my wife, family and friends, health, business or work, and hobbies,” says Arturo.

I think personally, in that order, always lean God's way, and you can't go wrong.

“As a Latino, I cherish my heritage, embrace my faith, and practice it daily. Being Latino in the USA is excellent, and I love my country, the USA.”

Karla— “As a businessperson, my faith is always centered on God. He provides us with the talents to always work diligently and give our best, including our family and friend community.

Never lose sight of business stability and growth. Always be truthful and honest, not forgetting to also embrace fairness to your customers.

Never stop setting goals to reach.”


Championing Latina Leadership.

Congratulations to the 100 Most Influential Latinas. At BMO, diversity, equity, and inclusion drive our purpose of Boldly Growing the Good in business and life. With our $40 billion commitment, we empower Latina trailblazers, breaking barriers to women’s empowerment, fostering an inclusive market for every woman to excel in today’s dynamic landscape.


A RECENT STUDY by the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute1 released new data that shows the number of Latinas holding a bachelor's degree or higher rose from nearly one million in 2000 to 3.5 million in 2021. The proportion of Latinas holding a bachelor’s degree or higher almost quadrupled from 5.4% in 2000 to 20% in 2021.

The study found that Latinas are more likely to have a bachelor’s degree or higher than Latino males and that younger generations of Latinas are obtaining bachelor’s degrees at higher rates than previous generations. All these findings indicate that Latinas are breaking barriers like never before.

Education a Key to Success

Getting a good education made a huge difference in my life, and I know it will make a very positive difference in the lives of these Latinas. Numerous studies have shown that individuals with a bachelor’s degree earn more than those without it. It is also my experience that one must continuously learn to stay relevant with the rapid changes we are experiencing in technology, social norms, and customer expectations.

Challenges Remain

Despite the many encouraging trends, many challenges remain as Latina educational attainment still lags behind the overall population, according to the study. The study also found that Latinas with a bachelor’s degree earn a lower median hourly wage than most other college-educated workers.

In order to continue the progress that has been made, we must continue to break the barriers that prevent Latinas and Latinos from accessing higher education, including access to quality elementary and high school education.

Breaking Glass Ceilings & Cultivating Cultural Values

Latinas in leadership roles bring unique perspectives vital in today’s corporate environment. Despite significant challenges, Latinas continue to break glass ceilings and pave the way for future generations. In family life, Latinas are just as influential. They pass down the rich cultural traditions that instill a strong sense of identity and values that strengthen family bonds and community ties.

Importance of Role Models

The importance of Latina role models in both business and family life cannot be overstated. These trailblazers serve not only as beacons of success in their professional endeavors but also as pillars of strength and inspiration. This issue of Latino Leaders features successful Latinas who are role models for current and future generations of Latinas (and Latinos). They have broken barriers and achieved incredible success. Their success must be celebrated, and their personal stories must continue to be shared so people can be inspired to achieve their dreams without limitations.

These role models demonstrate that with resilience and determination, barriers are not stop signs but stepping stones to greater heights.

Ralph de la Vega is the former vice-chairman of AT&T Inc. He is the author of the best-selling book “Obstacles Welcome: Turn Adversity to Advantage in Business and Life.” He is also a LinkedIn Influencer, posting regularly on leadership and innovation.

1 UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute Latino Data Hub (February 29,2024)






Cassandra Bohne-Linnard is an artist driven by a singular mission: to infuse beauty into your world. For her, art embodies pure beauty and harmony, evident in every corner of her exquisite creations — delightful places to do well.

Her fascination with art began in childhood, embracing its myriad forms. Her inaugural piece, "Freedom," an abstract oil portrayal of a blue butterfly, ignited her passion. Enthralled by nature's allure, she embarked on a journey of crafting art using real, preserved butterflies.

Drawing from a belief in the universal resonance of certain shapes, motifs, and imagery, Cassandra sculpts her vaults and clocks to echo nature's forms. These shapes intertwine with narratives from timeless classical tales, emanating from the collective unconscious.

An American artist with a rich Latino influence, Cassandra's work reflects the Art Nouveau movement's stylized and abstract representations of nature, fused with her multicultural heritage.

“Myaimistoevokeasenseoflife,resurrection, and timelessness in those who encounter my art. I endeavor to preserve thedelicatebeautyofthesespeciesand,in asense,revivethemthroughmyart."-CBL

Understanding Cassandra's ethereal creations requires not entomological expertise but an appreciation for inner narratives. Mythical quarrels and trysts infuse her work, breathing life into ancient tales and enriching the viewer's world with beauty.

Each dome within her garden-like settings stands as a captivating and enigmatic subject. Meticulously composed, these works exude a bucolic ambiance, suspend-

ing time and inviting viewers to assume the role of curious observers amidst absent guests.

Cassandra's feminine compositions layer curved leaves, suggesting a passionate breeze or unseen gathering. Without defined fronts or backs, her pieces invite varied interpretations, emphasizing spaciousness over focal points.

From a young age, Cassandra recognized the emotional resonance of shapes, each conveying its own psychology and aesthetic language. By eschewing explicit depictions, she encourages viewers to aspire to greater possibilities.

Her sculptures appear infused with potential energy, capturing the essence of perpetual transformation. They not only celebrate enduring beauty but also speak to humanity's inherent fluidity and constant evolution.

In her "Butterfly Dome," the monument's benign, blooming semblance belies the sharp pursuit suggested by spiraled butterfly forms. Cassandra's sculptures gratify the observer while inviting contemplation.

In her clocks, she harnesses silent harmony to evoke the presence of unseen inhabitants, ensuring her works are never desolate but always imbued with presence.

Cassandra's artistic exploration delves into nature's sensuality and its impact on human perception, seamlessly blending the raw beauty of butterflies with classical and everyday objects. Her themes of universal aesthetics and shared imagery transcend cultural boundaries, echoing the profound beauty and fragility of life.

"Life—inallitsbeauty,fragility,and transformative power — has always been mymuse."-CB

Cassandra's commitment to preserving delicate species through sustainably sourced materials underscores her dedication to both art and environmental stewardship.

A collection of Cassandra’s butterfly cloches and patent-pending exquisite clocks are sold at the world-renowned Houston Museum of Natural Science and her Silver St. Studio. Her clocks have been featured in auctions at the galas of prestigious organizations such as the Houston Grand Opera, Houston Museum of Natural Science and the Alzheimer’s Association. Casandra’s work finds a lasting home in public spaces and private estates.


The author is a passionate music listener and drummer, former Latino Leader's music columnist, and his day job is being a Global Executive in the Information Technology industry; he can be reached at:



These amazing artists have transcended their countries composing and performing amazing music. They are not the big names like Shakira, Gloria Stefan, or J. Lo, but their creativity, innovation and caliber make them deserve comparable recognition.

Some are into pop, rock, indie or jazz, while others are into contemporary versions of traditional folk music or even blending multiple genres. All of them with outstanding creations from a young age, you will be blown away by them!

Nella Rojas (Venezuela)

From the Margarita Island in Venezuela, Nella (Marianella) graduated from the World’s renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston, and then moved to New York City to pursue her music dream as songwriter and singer.

She evolved beyond her roots of traditional music, and merged them with pop, rock, and jazz. Her creativity as songwriter, her sweet and powerful voice, and her natural personality makes Nella an outof-this-World artist!

I had the chance to meet her after a concert in Houston, two months before she won the 2019 Latin Grammy Award for “Best New Artist”.

Get ready to watch and listen the amazing Nella during the Hispanic Heritage Awards at the John F Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.

Lhasa de Sela (USA, Canada)

Lhasa was born in the Big Indian, New York, grew up between Mexico and the US, and then between Canada and France. She is the true World music composer and singer!

Lhasa composed in English, French and Spanish; and merged music from pop, rock and jazz; to less traditional genres such as gypsy, rancheras, Middle Eastern pop, and folk from around the globe. The BBC named her “Best World Music Artist of the Americas” in 2005.

Audacious, passionate, curious, and intense, Lhasa deserves tribute like Canadian icon Leonard Cohen. Very sadly, Lhasa passed at age 37 in 2010 in Montreal, Canada – due to breast cancer.

Get ready to watch and listen to Lhasa with her unique multicultural style.

Cande Buasso (Argentina)

From San Juan in Argentina, Cande (Candelaria) is a self-taught jazz and opera singer and contrabassist, now performing as a duet with keyboardist Paulo Carrizo.

In 2018 a YouTube video performing the cover “Barro Tal Vez” from Argentinean composer Luis Alberto Spinetta, reached 16 mil-

lion views and got them a contract to record their first album in LA as “Cande & Paulo” – it includes popular American, British and Argentinean songs with a jazzy and minimalistic touch.

While not composing, their arrangements and performances are fascinating and unique; this got them nominated for the 2022 Latin Grammy Award for “Best New Artist”.

Get ready to watch and listen to Cande & Paulo in the video that catapulted their career.

Alice Wonder (Spain)

From Madrid, Spain, Alice (Alicia Climent Barriuso) is from a World beyond Wonderland. She is a young but mature songwriter, singer and piano performer. She launched her first album, with her own songs, at age 18.

Alice, the “fire girl”, composes alternative indie music but without rigid boundaries, showing how new generations can bring the greatest quality, creativity and intensity at the same time. Alice’s music is passionate and elegant, for deep pain but for recovery too.

It is hard to believe that her video performing “Que se Joda Todo lo Demás” by herself, is probably the best piano and voice song I’ve heard in many years; she will leave you breathless, she is not from this World.

Julieta Venegas (Mexico, USA)

This Latina is a well-known consolidated artist. Born in Long Beach, California and raised in Tijuana, Mexico; Julieta is an iconic rockindie-pop songwriter, singer and multi-instrumentalist artist across Latin America, Europe and with the Latinos in the US.

Julieta has been nominated 4 times for the Grammy, winning it once in 2007 with the “Best Latin Pop Album”; she has also been nominated 23 times for the Latin Grammy, winning it 8 times. Also, Rolling Stone considered her album “Bueninvento” the third best album in the history of Spanish Rock.

I have been lucky to see her twice in concert, both times performing with an acoustic set-up; like the one she used for her first MTV Unplugged appearance .

Alexis Langagne Nella Rojas & Alexis Langagne


With great respect and admiration, we present the 100 Latinas for 2024. This list is a compilation of trailblazing women in their areas of expertise.

We honor the inspirational stories of these 100 Latinas. We hope our readers enjoy reading their stories as much as we enjoyed putting together the list.


100 LATINAS 2024

After earning her Ph.D. at Yale, Norma's career has focused on blending her expertise in health economics and her commitment to leveraging technology to enhance healthcare. From her impactful work in data analytics at the American Hospital Association to her efforts as an entrepreneur in healthcare technology, she has made data science and technology accessible and meaningful for health organizations.

"To really make a difference in healthcare, we need to start with technology that healthcare teams can use and understand. I'm committed to improving access and equity in healthcare, and I believe the way forward is through empowering all organizations with the right technology and data."

Alma Acosta

Special Assistant to the President of the United States of America

The White House

Alma Acosta has been in public service since 2013. Acosta currently serves as Special Assistant to the President in the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, a role which she has held since 2022. Acosta formerly served as the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Executive Director between 2017 and 2022. Acosta’s multi-faceted role included communicating CHC positions and serving as the primary point of contact for Members of Congress, House and Senate Democratic Leadership offices. A few of the many successes under Acosta’s tenure include the introduction of the landmark Health Equity and Accountability Act (HEAA), the passage of the National Museum of the American Latino Act, and legislation to protect Dreamers, TPS-holders, and farm workers.

Acosta is the president and CEO of CARCON Industries and Construction and the founder and CEO of Southwestern Testing Laboratories (STL) Engineers. She is a celebrated 30-year business veteran, entrepreneur, nationally recognized speaker, philanthropist and mother. Acosta has held board-level positions with some of Texas’ most successful corporations. She also serves on the board of directors of Vistra Corp., Magnolia Oil & Gas and Veritex Holdings, Inc. She is a member of the National Women Energy Directors Network, the International Women’s Forum and a sustaining member of the Junior League of Dallas. In 2022, Acosta was inducted into the Junior Achievement of Dallas Business Hall of Fame.



Entertainment and Sports Host and Speaker NFL Media

MJ Acosta-Ruiz is an Emmy-Award winning sports and entertainment host and journalist. She became the first woman of color to host a show at the NFL Network when she was named the host of NFL Total Access in 2020. Fully bilingual in English and Spanish, she is also the co-host of the El Huddle Podcast, the first podcast by NFL Media dedicated to the vast and growing Latino fanbase. With nearly 15 years in the TV & Entertainment industry, MJ continues her work as an advocate for representation and equality.

“Even as we continue see the lack of representation for our communities, I remain inspired and empowered by the mission to use our collective platforms for change.”


100 LATINAS 2024

Adaniya went on to graduate with a BS in Economics and Health Care Management from the Wharton School and pursued her postgrad studies at Ohio State University. There, she earned a masters degree in Geographic Information Science and Spatial Analytics, an MPH and a PhD degree in Public Health and served as a faculty member for ten years before moving into federal government service.

Margie Aguilar

Company Lead

ISP Creative

On a quest to help mainstream America acknowledge and embrace the Hispanic media market, Margie Aguilar founded and is the current company lead of ISP Creative, a video production and full-service creative content house in Irving Texas. With Margie at the helm, ISP Creative has become a driving force in the industry and recently nationally recognized as US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Small Business Person of the Year.Margie is an energetic, visionary centric leader who looks through a lens of opportunity and leads with an expansive mindset.

“The game is showing up again and again. Put yourself in places of opportunity by showing up and growing up.”

Maria Aguilar-Rocha

Special Counsel

U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Maria Aguilar-Rocha is a Special Counsel at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. She has worked at the U.S. Department of Justice and the law firms of Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP and Baker Botts LLP, handling a variety of complex, high-profile matters. She holds a JD and an LLM in Securities and Financial Regulation from Georgetown Law and a BA in Political Science from UCLA. Maria is a trailblazer who has been recognized for her leadership in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion.

“Be courageous enough to break free from the narrative of your predisposed life, bold enough to envision the heights of your true potential uninhibited by inequities in resources, opportunities and experiences, and brave enough to make that vision a reality for yourself and others.”

Sarah Aiosa

Senior Vice President & President, Latin America MSD

Sarah Aiosa serves as President, Latin America for Merck & Co., a Fortune 500 Global Biopharmaceutical Company, where she leads a diverse region comprised of 5,000 employees in over 30 countries, manages a ~$2B+ P&L and oversees the Human Health business. She is the first woman president to lead LATAM in the company’s history. She has Board appointments on key trade associations, business councils and not-for-profit organizations. Sarah is a purpose-driven leader, focused on people and patients.

“We are here for a reason – every one of us – to make a contribution to bettering the world. But you have to have the heart to do it.” -Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the First Latina on the U.S. Supreme Court


100 LATINAS 2024

Glory is a marketing and sales capabilities bi-lingual professional, passionate about driving growth using a consumer/ shopper-first approach. 15+ years of experience with some of the most iconic consumer brands and implementing processes to elevate capabilities. Her key strengths include strategy, team leadership, action-oriented, and innovation mindset.

Managing Director, Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary

Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. & Texas Capital Bank

Alvarado joined Texas Capital Bank in October 2021 to help the firm rebuild and transform itself into the flagship financial services firm in Texas, bringing more than 16 years of broad-based expertise in leading business and legal advisory services, including scalability, expansion, and domestic and international integration. Previously, Alvarado served as the global general counsel for FirstCash, Inc.Alvarado serves as Chair of the Board of Directors and member of the Finance and Strategy Committees of the nonprofit ACH Child and Family Services.

“You don’t have the right the cards you believe you should have been dealt [but you do] have an obligation to play the hell out of the ones you’re holding.” Cheryl Strayed

Carolina Alvarez-Mathies

Executive Director

Dallas Contemporary

Alvarez-Mathies is a Salvadoran, Dallas-based arts professional. She currently serves as Executive Director at Dallas Contemporary, a leading arts institution that presents new and challenging ideas from regional, national and international artists. Throughout her career, Alvarez-Mathies has integrated her background in communications and business development to foster innovations for institutions to better engage the public with contemporary art. Prior to Dallas Contemporary, Alvarez-Mathies served as Director of External Affairs at the New York-based public arts non-profit Creative Time. Alvarez-Mathies is an alum of Texas Christian University.

Ana P. Ambrosi

Director of Corporate Communications and PR Avocados From Mexico

Ana leads corporate communications and PR for Avocados From Mexico. Her international business and US-Mexico relations experience helped her build and develop AFM’s corporate communications and reputation strategy and manage the marketing PR program. As a public affairs professional, Ana has more than 20 years of experience in corporate and political communications, international affairs, and media relations, and has worked in a variety of industries including government, education, and health.

"I find purpose in building bridges, meaningful connections, especially between the US and Mexico"


100 LATINAS 2024

Bianca Andujo

Senior Director, Seniors Housing and Healthcare Berkadia Commercial Mortgage

Bianca Andujo, a dynamic leader in Dallas, TX, is the Senior Director at Berkadia, driving the expansion of HUD healthcare loans with a strategic vision. With over 20 years of banking experience at institutions like Bank of Texas and Chase, she's a recognized expert in banking. An alumna of Southern Methodist University, Bianca's dedication extends beyond her profession, serving on the Board of the After School All Stars North Texas Chapter. As a devoted mother and avid traveler, she embraces life with a philosophy of balance, prioritizing family, fitness, and exploration.

“When people tell me I can't do something, I have a visceral reflex to say, 'Yes, I can” – Angela Duckworth

Ana Marie Argilagos

President & CEO

Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP)

Ana Marie Argilagos leads Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP), a vast network of people building, funding, and fueling Latine power across the Americas. With experience at Ford and Annie E. Casey Foundations, she’s served in two Presidential Administrations, most recently, as Commissioner for the White House Initiative for Hispanics. Ana Marie sits on boards including Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, CANDID, and Poder Latinx, driving change across sectors.

"Latinos are philanthropists by nature, we should not be underestimated. By using our collective power of generosity and wisdom we can disrupt the root causes of inequalities that permeate beyond our communities. Each of us has a role in this transformative journey. We can build bridges that embrace our strengths and shape a future where we all thrive."

Elizabeth Barajas-Roman

President and CEO

Women's Funding Network

Elizabeth is the President & CEO of the Women’s Funding Network, the largest philanthropic network in the world devoted to gender equity and justice. Previously, she was CEO of the Solidago Foundation. For more than 20 years she has been a leader in progressive movements, including advocating at the national level for the health and rights of immigrant women and their families. She has also served as the CEO of the Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts. She is a member of the External Advisory Board for the University of Massachusetts-Boston Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, and the Massachusetts Treasurer appointed Elizabeth to serve on the state’s Economic Empowerment Trust Fund Board, and the statewide Advisory Board on Wage Equality.

Sascha Barbosa

Sascha Fitness Corp

Sascha Barbosa is a business owner, co-founder, and co-CEO of Sascha Fitness Corp, a prominent supplement company. Driven by a passion for aiding individuals in attaining their health and fitness aspirations, Sascha has cemented her reputation as a best-selling fitness book author and a sought-after speaker. Her insightful conferences, spanning across Latin America, have garnered widespread acclaim for their impactful delivery and actionable insights.


100 LATINAS 2024

Chief Euphorics Officer / Chief Executive Officer

Kin Euphorics

Driven to change the ways we revel, Jen Batchelor brought her expertise of Ayurvedic practice, psychology, neuroscience, circadian rhythms, & quantum physics to concoct a tonic that would be the response to a long-unanswered need. She co-founded Kin Euphorics in 2017, bottling and canning a brain-powering combination of adaptogens, nootropics, and botanicals for anytime enjoyment. As the first Latinx woman to raise over $15 million in venture capital for a beverage brand, Jen has transformed Kin into a movement—and brought on co-founder and reigning industry supernova Bella Hadid to join the momentum. The scientific foremother and pioneer of the nonalcoholic & consumables wellness category, Jen is forever dedicated to innovating for the betterment of all.

"Latinidad to me means showing up unapologetically loud, warm, fiercely devoted and with a song in my heart. It's the energy that drives all we do at Kin"

Deborah Berebichez

Founder & Executive Producer

Dazzling Science For Your Daily Life

Deborah Berebichez is the first Mexican woman to get a Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford, where she worked with two Nobel Prize winners. Currently, Dr. Berebichez is a leading authority on Artificial Intelligence and its commercial applications. Deborah co-hosted Discovery Channel’s Outrageous Acts of Science TV show for 8 years. She is a sought-after public speaker and an ambassador for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the IF/THEN foundation. Her work inspiring young women in STEM earned her a life-size statue of her that is on display at the MIT Museum.

"Critical thinking is deep thinking. Learning how to do this well is the best gift you can give to yourself and others."

Stephanie Bazan

Senior Vice President Commercial Strategy and Execution Avocados From Mexico

Stephanie leads the commercial strategy for Shopper, Trade and Foodservice for Avocados From Mexico. Under her leadership and vision, her department is responsible for driving Mexican avocado demand and has accelerated it significantly, reaching record levels. A bilingual professional with over 25 years of marketing experience, Stephanie has worked in a variety of industries including consumer packaged goods, entertainment and retail.

“English is my language but Spanish is my soul"

Nellie Borrero

Managing Director, Senior Strategic Advisor Global Inclusion & Diversity, Accenture

Nellie Borrero is known for her unwavering passion for inclusion, diversity, and sharp focus on equality. Nellie joined Accenture in 1986, creating the first role for diversity efforts. Under her direction, the company launched several successful training programs spanning multiple markets and segments of diversity. Today, she continues to build inclusive cultures inside Accenture, setting the vision and strategy behind the company's diversity initiatives, and with external partners and clients.

“Showing up and standing for what you believe in takes courage – refusing to shrink, refusing to operate in the margins and committing to changing the culture around you.”


100 LATINAS 2024

Co-Founder and CMO

Libra Leaders

Carolina Bradilli (Caro) is a Creative Entrepreneur based in NYC. She is the founder of SMC Creative House, a full-service creative agency operating in the US and LATAM, with a recent expansion to Paris. She is famous in the industry as the Queen of Case Studies for her record-breaking engagement and conversion numbers, both repositioning or creating brands from scratch. She has collaborated with brands such as AT&T, PUMA, Deezer, Reebok, and Kiehl’s. She was recently appointed as CMO of Libra Leaders, a platform created to make opportunities for founders more democratic, and is ready to shape the future with purpose-led founders.

“We keep searching for the magic formula that will assist our initiatives in engaging and communicating effectively, but the winning formula is quite simple: one-third is genuine emotion, one-third is data, and the other one-third is simply being able to truly listen. In a world filled with unnecessary noise, there is nothing more empathetic than the act of listening attentively."

Sandra Campos

A globally recognized leader in consumer retail, Sandra Campos serves on the boards of public and private company boards including PetMeds, Big Lots, PDS Limited, Daniel’s Jewelers, Fabric Commerce, and PureRed. As the former Chief Executive Officer of Diane von Furstenberg and President of $1bn portfolio of brands such as Juicy Couture and BCBG, Sandra’s focus on the ever-evolving consumer landscape has transformed businesses for growth across digital and physical retail through technology, marketing direct to the consumer, and supply chain diversification. Balancing her career between corporate roles and entrepreneurial ventures, she also co-founded the first celebrity brand management company for Selena Gomez.

“ embrace the power of assembling your career support 'dream team'—comprising mentors, coaches, and sponsors. Each encounter is a stepping stone, enriching your journey and illuminating the path to your future endeavors."

SVP, Corporate Affairs

NBCUniversal News Group

Emma Carrasco is SVP, Corporate Affairs for the NBCUniversal News Group, which comprises NBC News, NBC News Now, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo and NBCU Local. In this role she advises on key strategies to help transform the News Group from a legacy television network into the leading multi-platform news organization in the world. Prior to joining the NBCUniversal News Group, Carrasco was SVP & Global Engagement Officer for the National Geographic Society and CMO & SVP of Audience Development for NPR.

"To be my ancestors’ greatest dreams, is not just an obligation, it is my greatest source of strength, it is my superpower."


Lori leads Salesforce’s Talent Growth and Development team, focused on talent life cycle, such as succession planning, learning and development, skill building and internal careers for the company’s 72,000 employees. Lori previously served as Salesforce's Chief Equality Officer, where she helped increase representation and create a more inclusive culture through equity-focused processes and programs. Driven by her passion to improve the way women live and work, Lori serves on the boards of How Women Lead and LifeMoves.

“My career has taken many turns, starting out in ethics and compliance, then pivoting into diversity, equity and inclusion. Now, I’m focused on helping all Salesforce employees shape their own career mosaics. When we allow individuals with diverse perspectives and backgrounds to take on new challenges and chart new career paths, we are better positioned to innovate and serve our customers and communities.”


100 LATINAS 2024

Chavez is an American political rights activist and current director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. From 2008 to 2016, Rodriguez served in the Obama administration, initially working for the United States Secretary of the Interior and later in the White House Office of Public Engagement. She was appointed state director for Senator Kamala Harris in 2016. She later served on the Kamala Harris 2020 presidential campaign from 2017 to 2019. In 2020, Rodriguez was hired by the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign as senior advisor for Latino outreach. Rodriguez was appointed to be the director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs by President Joe Biden and took office on January 20, 2021. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of California-Berkeley.

SVP of Business & Legal Affairs


Rita Chertorivski, SVP of Business & Legal Affairs for Global Entertainment at TelevisaUnivision, oversees the legal aspects of global entertainment content across platforms. Previously, she held pivotal roles at NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises and operated an Independent Legal Advisory firm. Rita's career spans corporate law, academia, and independent legal advisory. She holds degrees from Universidad Iberoamericana and the University of Miami.

“As a leader, you have an amazing opportunity to positively impact the lives of many people, a responsibility you should never take for granted.”

Chief Content Officer, Latin/Español


A Fulbright scholar from Cali, Colombia, Leila oversees Billboard’s coverage of Latin music in all its platforms. One of the world’s leading authorities in Latin music, Leila was the first U.S. based journalist to cover Latin music daily and has been instrumental in transforming its coverage and perception in the U.S. Leila also programs Billboard’s yearly Latin Music Week and launched Billboard Español and Billboard’s Latin Women In Music. She has published 5 books, including Decoding Despacito, featured in the New York Times’ summer reading list.

"Just do it."

Aurora Cória

Winemaker Cória Estates

Aurora is the daughter of Luis and Janice Coria, the owners of Coria Estates. Rori, grew up helping her folks working in the vineyard and behind the scenes in the administrative side of owning a 60-acre vineyard. She studied at the Northwest Wine Studies Center. She believes in being hands off stylistically in the winery and letting the fruit speak for itself. She believes that if you manipulate a wine too much, you lose the natural essence of the fruit you started with.


Ana Corrales

Chief Operating Officer - Google Consumer



Ana Corrales is the Chief Operating Officer for Google’s Consumer Hardware & Services business. As COO, Ana leads the development process for Google hardware products and manages getting those products into the hands of customers. Ana also drives the end-to-end IT efforts and customer experience work across the Google Hardware business. Prior to Google, Ana served as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer at Nest. She also served as Senior Vice President of Product Operations at Cisco Systems. Ana has been recognized by Forbes as one of the 50 Most Powerful Latinas in Business, and as one of the most powerful Latinas by the Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA).


Coss, born and raised in Mexico City, is a pastry chef who tells stories through her technique-driven desserts, celebrating and finding inspiration in local ingredients as well as the flavors she grew up with in Mexico. She took on her first kitchen job at the age of 17 as a bread baker in Enrique Olvera’s landmark restaurant Pujol. In 2011, Coss moved to New York City to work at several top-tier culinary concepts, including Empellon, Agern, and Cosme. Coss relocated to Washington DC to join Lutèce as the pastry chef. She is now as well at the recently opened Pascual.

Katty Coulson

Vice President of Information Technology

Oracle NetSuite

Katty Coulson is Vice President of IT at Oracle NetSuite. Responsible for a variety of services that enable business processes and employee productivity. Leads a global organization responsible for business applications, infrastructure and support services, and internal communications, including transformational initiatives, onboarding services to Oracle Cloud and operational excellence ensuring productivity, security, and great user experience.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou

Stacie M. de Armas

Senior Vice President, Diverse Intelligence & Initiatives


Stacie M. de Armas is Senior Vice President, Diverse Intelligence & Initiatives for Nielsen. She is responsible for Transforming and repositioning Nielsen’s diverse insights expertise for clients, partners, policymakers, the public, and community advocates. As well as driving innovative thinking about diverse communities through the development and commercialization of products that support diverse insights and industry diversity initiatives. Her experience at Nielsen goes 9 years back, when she first joined as Vice President, Community Alliances & Consumer Engagement. Stacie has more than 23 years of communications and media experience developing and activating brand marketing campaigns.

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Since 2019, Evelyn DeJesus has been the executive vice president of the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, the first Latino/a officer in the union’s 105-year history. A skilled teacher and administrator, DeJesus is a forceful advocate for justice—undaunted and unafraid to speak truth to power. In December 2022, she was appointed by the Biden administration to serve on the President’s Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics.


Adriana brings a wealth of experience in community development and entrepreneurship. She has navigated city-scale collaborations in Mexico and headed social impact initiatives. She has been part of global projects through the Global Shapers form the World Economic Forum. Now VP at The Latino Strategy Institute at The Concilio, Adriana innovates solutions for Latino success. Her expertise spans social impact consulting, strategy, and innovation. Outside of work, she loves her role as a mother of two.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

Janina Delloca-Pawlowski

Vice President, Channel Marketing Fidelity Investments

Janina Delloca-Pawlowski has a passion for blending her twenty-plus year Marketing expertise and helping diverse communities. She previously led Fidelity’s Customer Inclusion Marketing Activation team. She serves as the Boston Co-Lead for Fidelity’s Black and Latino Employee Resource Group (ASPIRE). She was the Founder and Co-Chair of the Dunkin’ Brands Multicultural Employee Resource Group (EMBRACE) and was a member of the Dunkin’ Brands Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee. She has been guest lecturer through the ANA Advertising Education Foundation at universities on the topic of Multicultural Marketing for almost a decade. Janina has been on the Boston Children’s Hospital Latino Advisory Council Milagros Para Niños for the past nine years raising dollars to help Latino children receive critical medical care. She is from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

"My motto is to assume positive intent and strive to approach challenges as opportunities."

Carla Dodds is a global Latina executive with a passion for consumer growth while driving impact, innovation, and transformation. Over the course of her extensive year career in theU.S. and Latin America, she has led and executed business and marketing strategies acrossseveral industries.She is a servant leader driven to both create and execute an organization’s vision, while equally committing to people and the community.

"Leading with faith and heart is what allows me to reach the truest intersection of authenticity and purpose in building relationships, contributing to communities, and growing organizations."


100 LATINAS 2024

Ivette Dominguez operates six General Motors, Ford, and Toyota dealerships. She oversees Denver’s largest minority-owned and women-owned company and is a “Leading Women in the North American Auto Industry” honoree. In 2024, Alpine was recognized by GM for its exceptional DEI practices. A daughter of Cuban immigrants, Ivette is a first-generation dealer who attributes success to hard work and dedication to others. She is a longtime supporter of children’s causes and a committed community partner.

"In my journey to success, I've faced challenges that taught me valuable lessons I'm passionate about sharing with my team, mentees, and through volunteer work. I encourage those around me to play to their strengths, seek guidance and mentorship, nurture creativity, take ownership in all areas of life and lead with empathy. But above all, celebrate every success along the way!"

Erika Enciso

Intl Development & Franchise Sales Leader (Americas)

Dine Brands Global, Inc.

Mexican architect, living in Miami, Florida, with 20+ years of international experience influencing growth development in the retail and restaurant industries across Latin America and Caribbean region. Erika has developed her career making remarkable contributions to Best in class Global companies like: Walmart Mexico & Central America, LAC Yum! Brands (KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell), Wendy’s LAC, and nowadays, Erika is the Head of Franchise sales for the Americas at DINE Brands, parent company of IHOP, APPLEBEE’S, and FUZZY’S Taco Shop. She is an influential leader, well renown in her sector, consistently expanding brand’s portfolio to the best interest of all parties.

“Expansion is the game where everyone should win. I am determined and dedicated to that statement happens all around the world.”

Gabriela Fernandez

Wine Personality, The Big Sip; On-Air Host/ Producer / Director of Experiential Marketing MegaMix radio / The Duckhorn Portfolio

Gabriela Fernandez, a first-gen daughter, uplifts culture and expands access to underrepresented communities in media and wine. Recognized by the coveted Wine Enthusiast Magazine’s ‘Future 40’ list, and the first Latina to grace the cover, her work includes The Big Sip Podcast, The LatinX Wine Summit, Hispanics in Wine, and The Duckhorn Portfolio. She helped launch Napa's first all-Spanish radio station in 2021, as is the first Latina Producer for Wine Down Media and On-Air host for MegaMix radio.

"When opportunity comes knocking, lean in and say YES— even when you feel like you don’t have all the answers. Trust that God brings you into spaces you’re ready for, so follow your passions in a way that serves the world and you."

Amanda Fernandez

Founder & CEO

Latinos for Education

Amanda Fernandez is the CEO and Founder of Latinos for Education, the first Latino-founded and led national organization dedicated to developing, placing, and connecting essential Latino leadership in the education sector, while mobilizing Latino voices to promote practices and policies that remove barriers to equitable educational opportunity. Under her leadership, the organization has grown from a Boston-based nonprofit to a national leader on education. In 2023 she was appointed to serve on the Massachusetts Governor’s Latino Empowerment.

"My superpower has always been to refuse to stay in the boxes where I was told to stay. I believe that rules are made to be broken, and that mindset has led me to reshaping, reimagining, and reconfiguring organizations, structures, and policies.”


100 LATINAS 2024

Theresa is a recognized leader in public affairs, legislative advocacy, and for her dedication to promoting equity. She is the Founder and President of FACT, LLC. (Flores Advocacy Change & Transformation). At FACT, Theresa will focus on addressing, advancing, and advocating for impactful solutions for a more equitable community and society. She previously served as senior manager of global public affairs for Mary Kay Inc. Theresa is a highly respected civic leader and is active in education reform, focusing on public school education in Dallas. Theresa received her B.A. in government from Cornell University.

“Embrace the fire within you, let it ignite your spirit and illuminate your path. Let your journey inspire you and those who support you.”

and Technology Officer


Lidia Fonseca is Executive Vice President, Chief Digital and Technology Officer at Pfizer, responsible for enterprise-wide digital, data and technology strategy, products and solutions, as well as Learning and Development and Business Process Excellence. In her prior role, Lidia was the Senior Vice President and CIO at Quest Diagnostics. In 2020, Lidia joined Fast Company's Impact Council and Pfizer was named one of Fast Company magazine’s 100 Best Workplaces for Innovators. She was on ALPFA's 2020 and 2021 list of the 50 Most Powerful Latinas and named 2020 Healthcare Influencer and 2019 Healthcare Transformer by Medical, Marketing and Media. She received Forbes' 2017 CIO Innovation Award. Lidia is a member of the Board of Directors of Tegna, Inc. She also was a board member of Q2 Solutions, a joint venture between Quest Diagnostics and IQVIA from 2016 to 2018.

“Each day, I am driven by a connection to something bigger than myself – to apply tech for the good of humanity, empowering people to achieve better health. I have learned that speed is a choice, and we are moving at lightspeed because patients are waiting, and time is life.”

Michelle Freyre

Global Brand President, Clinique and Origins The Estée Lauder Companies

Michelle Freyre serves as the President of Global Brands, Clinique, and Origins at The Estée Lauder Companies (ELC). Her role involves shaping the strategic direction and growth of Clinique, with a focus on engaging diverse audiences. Additionally, Michelle provides strategic guidance for modernizing Origins while preserving its core identity. She actively mentors diverse talent and supports inclusion initiatives within ELC. Michelle's contributions to workplace inclusivity have earned her numerous accolades, and she holds positions on various boards. With two decades of experience at Johnson & Johnson, she brings extensive expertise in marketing and sales to her current role. A native of Puerto Rico, Michelle is an alumna of Yale University and Harvard Business School.

Gloria Fuentes is an esteemed entrepreneur and proud owner of Gloria’s® Latin Cuisine, an authentic Salvadoran and Tex-Mex restaurant with 23 locations throughout Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, Houston and San Antonio. Since April 1986, Gloria’s Latin Cuisine has always been about fresh ingredients, creative recipes and an ongoing commitment to their guests to provide an amazing Latin experience. Despite all of her success, Gloria has also stayed true to her roots and continues to actively employee generations of families. She also supports humanitarian efforts in El Salvador through charities such as Project Red and St. Jude. Gloria is proud to be a new grandmother, continuing to keep the legacy of Gloria’s Latin Cuisine in the family for years to come. Provecho!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”Philippians 4:13


100 LATINAS 2024

Hilda Galvan, Jones Day Dallas Partnerin-Charge, represents tech companies in their legal matters, while also managing the strategy and operations for the Dallas office. With a BS in Electrical Engineering and a law degree, she first worked in the telecommunications industry and later transitioned to law. Hilda’s deeply involved in community work and has earned her multiple awards for her contributions including the 2023 JA Dallas Business Hall of Fame and 2022 H100 Latina Living Legend award.

Ellen Ochoa, the first Latina astronaut: "Don't be afraid to reach for the stars."

Chief of Staff to Chairman and CEO, Ron O’Hanley & Global Head of Communications and CEO Experience Program State Street

Garcia serves as Chief of Staff to State Street’s Chairman and CEO, as Global Head of Internal Communications, and as Global Head of the CEO Experience Program. In these roles, Yvonne is responsible for the setting and execution of the Chairman and CEO’s firmwide strategic priorities, the internal communications strategy for over 40,000 employees, and the engagement of State Street’s most strategic clients representing over $9B in revenue. Before these roles, Yvonne led State Street’s Global Client Solutions and Implementation team within Investment Management Services (IMS).

"Never settle. Nurture your networks. Be intentional, work hard, and most importantly, be kind."

Vanessa Garcia-Brito

Vice President, Chief Impact Officer


Vanessa Garcia-Brito currently serves as Vice President, Chief Impact Officer at NIKE, Inc. Known for her people-first, love-powered and purpose-driven approach to leadership, she is committed to moving the world forward through the power of sport. In this role, she leads Nike’s work in creating a more equitable and inclusive world through sport by getting kids moving and building inclusive communities across the globe. Vanessa has a Juris Doctorate from The George Washington University Law School and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History from Rutgers University.

“I'm 100% Latina and 100% American, 100% of the time. I feel really proud to be both and delight in living fully all of who I am. I wish that for everybody. As humans, we’re wonderfully multidimensional and that gives us an opportunity to connect, love and learn from each other on so many levels. Our diverse backgrounds and experiences enrich our lives and our world. We should celebrate that, often, frequently, and for everyone.”

Brittney Garcia-Dumas


BGD Digital Marketing

Brittney Garcia-Dumas is a Business Branding Strategist in Arlington, Texas. As owner of BGD Digital Marketing, she "Amplifying Voices" by empowering businesses large and small to profit from their unique strengths. She is a proud Latina business owner, speaker, and advocate for women. Her personal touch approach to Business allows her to lead in civic and private roles focused on clever Marketing practices, women’s advancement, modern business strategies, and people-first innovation.

"Hustle Happy"


100 LATINAS 2024

Garza is a seasoned executive and leader with extensive experience in leading consumer brands, food, retail, and scaling franchise organizations across various growth stages. Today, she serves as a board member in both the private and public sectors and is actively involved as an advisor, speaker, and, most recently, an investor in early-stage companies. Throughout her career, Ericka believes women have the ambition, work ethic, and talent to lead global businesses at the highest levels. In addition, Garza is passionate about developing new leaders and building strong teams and cultures, focusing on accountability and business results.

"In order to attract and retain the best and most diverse talent entering the workforce, it is essential to invest in support mechanisms that empower individuals to excel in their roles. Proactively championing equity at all levels of the workplace and beyond is vital to achieving this goal."


Lili is a former corporate executive turned award-winning entrepreneur, television business contributor, and TED speaker. After a 10-year tenure as an executive at Johnson & Johnson, she is the Co-Founder and CEO of Culture+ Group. Lili is also one of less than 2% of Latinas serving on a Fortune 500+ public board as an independent director for the global youth retailer Zumiez and RCN Television. She also serves as Chairwoman of the FRIENDS of the National American Latino Museum and is an investor and operating executive board member for AUA Private Equity Partners.

"Invest in people. Leaders create leaders."

Beatriz Gasca

Global Human Resources Business Partner Vensure Employer Services

Bea Gasca was born in central México and since a young age she develops a passion for justice, diversity & inclusion. She founded Human Endeavor a digital consultancy, specialized in Human Resources solutions. Currently, she is starting a new project as HR Global Leader with JobFit by Vensure in Houston TX. Bea has been recognized as one of the 30 CHRO’s that are transforming the human capital of Mexico for her ability to translate the initiatives of HR in the language of business and her constant effort to promote diversity and inclusion in the corporate environment. She was speaker at the World Economic Forum in Davos 2020 and 2024.

Jackie Gomez Executive Director HACIA

Jacqueline (Jackie) Gomez is the dynamic Executive Director of the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association (HACIA), a trailblazing organization dedicated to advocating for equitable opportunities within the construction industry. With a passion for transformative policy and legislation, Jackie leads her team in dismantling barriers to entry, fostering the growth of members, and providing essential small business and workforce development training.

"As Latinas, our heritage is our power, and our resilience paves the way for a future where equity knows no bounds. Together, we can continue shattering ceilings, and redefining norms in every industry. Together, we're stonger."


100 LATINAS 2024

Karla Caballero stands at the forefront of business innovation and advocacy, serving as the Chief Operating Officer of My Business Matches, a leading global business matchmaking solution. With a career spanning over a decade, Karla has established herself as a dynamic leader focusing on driving organizational success and empowering minority businesses. Karla is among the few Latinas making significant strides in the public and federal sectors, advocating for the visibility and advancement of minority-owned businesses within the My Business Matches technology. Her commitment to diversity and inclusion is reflected in her ongoing efforts to provide greater opportunities for entrepreneurs to thrive in the competitive business landscape.

"Embrace the journey of continuous growth cultivating and nurturing yourself with purposeful action, then enjoy watching as the harvest of results blooms abundantly".

After winning the Fourth Chicago Symphony Orchestra Sir Georg Solti International Conducting Competition, Lina was named the Solti Conducting Apprentice, and served as the assistant to Maestro Riccardo Muti, from February 2020 through June 2023. Last season, she was appointed Resident Conductor by the LA Opera, a post she will hold through June 2025. She has also previously held positions as the Inaugural Conducting Fellow of the Philadelphia Orchestra and Conducting fellow of the Seattle Symphony.

"A show of raw power, an aural force to glue you to your seat.”



Global Head of Business Marketing TikTok

Sofia Hernandez is the Global Head of Business Marketing at TikTok, where she helps brands around the world tap into the power of TikTok by challenging them to build innovative marketing strategies that drive culture on and off the platform. With over 18 years leading some of the most iconic global marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies including P&G, J&J, Netflix and Spotify, Sofia's passion for people and what makes them tick continues to fuel her keen understanding of how to drive successful connections between brands and the people that love them.



Talent and DEI Consultant, Advisor Kay & Partners, Allies in Recruiting x The One Club

Dani is an award-winning DEI and Talent Professional with 17 years of global experience in Talent Operations, Recruitment, DEI, and Leadership. She is a Talent and DEI Consultant, Trainer, and Speaker. She’s also the Awareness & Advocacy Advisor at AIR and a volunteer DEI Expert for the NASA IDEA Practitioners Database. She’s had the privilege of speaking at SXSW, Disrupt HR, Hacking HR, and many others. Her POV has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Inc., the BBC, and Refinery 29.

"DEI is not my passion, it's my purpose."


100 LATINAS 2024

Hogan is Chief Diversity Officer of Goldman Sachs. She is responsible for the firm’s global diversity and inclusion strategy, with a focus on driving progress towards our aspirational goals, further enhancing the firm’s position as an employer of choice for diverse professionals and evolving our approach to client engagement. Megan also serves as Chief Operating Officer of the Global Inclusion and Diversity Committee (GIDC). Megan has played a critical role in some of the firm’s most important inclusion and diversity initiatives, including the announcement of our firmwide aspirational goals, the launch of the Neurodiversity Hiring Initiative, and the firm’s commitment to Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Iveth Jalinsky

Chief Strategy Officer/Chief Sustainables Officer (CSO)

Harlan Global Manufacturing

Iveth joined HARLAN in 2022 with the clear goal of supporting & re-architecting the company to its next level of growth.With 14 years leading Green Resources Technologies and its emerging Carbon Credit market, Iveth is utilizing this experience to gain multidimensional traction for HARLAN GLOBAL MANUFACTURING.Decisions as re-opening a multilingual revenue department, stressing a collaboration cultural shift within HARLAN committed team, having a new platform of Emissions 0 consciousness, HARLAN increased tractor sales by 49% in 2023. A lot of the Strategies Iveth uses were attained from her studies in Stanford University School of Business, LBAN network and Wharton University School of Business.

“Challenges can serve as powerful catalysts for achieving success.”

Vanessa Karel, a second-time founder, writer, and public speaker, founded Greether to address women’s safety while they travel. The startup has been recognized for its social impact, as its services connect female travelers with local women, generating jobs for them and reducing safety risks for users of the platform. Achieving global reach, Greether aligns with UN development goals, earning accolades such as being named one of the top 4 innovative female empowerment travel companies by the UNWTO and being selected as one of PhocusWire’s Hot 25 Travel Startups of 2024. Greether has also been backed by Expedia’s accelerator and received investment from a16z by TxO. Greether’s recent selection for the prestigious spring 2024 cohort marks a significant milestone, poised for exponential growth in the travel and tech industries.

“As a startup founder, you confront immense challenges, yet within them lies unparalleled growth. While passion ignites your journey, discipline should serve as your unwavering guide. Without it, maintaining focus during tough times becomes even more daunting.”

Ofelia Kumpf

Board Member Frontier Airlines

Ofelia serves Frontier Airlines board from July 2021 on the Comp & Nom and Corp Gov committees after 17 years in executive roles at McDonald’s. As former VP and highest-ranking Latina at McDonald’s, she led the Long Beach Field Office $5B+ business after leading the Dallas and SoCal markets. In SoCal, with her stakeholders, she created the Success Acceleration Plan(SAP) strategies transforming McDonald’s and catalyst for her market’s 22 consecutive quarters of historic financial metrics for company and franchisees. SAP’s adoption in the US is amongst her top achievements. A director member of the Latino Corporate Directors Association.


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/ Her Money Moves

Staci LaToison, an award-winning investor, global speaker, consultant, podcast host and bestselling author, founded Dream Big Ventures to empower women and Latinos in business. With over 22 years of experience at Chevron managing global teams and billion-dollar budgets, including pivotal roles in China and Angola, her work, blending innovation with empowerment, has positioned her as a key figure in shaping equitable business landscapes. Through the 'Her Money Moves Podcast' she demystifies the financial world and encourages you to take control of your financial destiny. Recognized with multiple prestigious awards, Staci actively contributes to boards including Angeles Investors and University of Houston.

"As a Latina, a woman, and an entrepreneur, I firmly believe that it is essential to invest in our community. Women and diverse led startups receive merely 2% of VC funding, and we are the most underrepresented group of change makers out there. This is why I created Dream Big Ventures. The future is ours to shape, so let's dream bigger, take action, and claim it as our own. Invest in ourselves, our community, and business ecosystem to build for the future!"

HCM, Head of Hispanic / Latinx Talent Engagement and DEI Strategy

Goldman Sachs

Cindy Lone currently serves as SVP, HCM, Head of Hispanic / Latinx Talent Engagement and DEI Strategy at Goldman Sachs. She is passionate about connecting people, ideas, and information and adding value by using data and resources to distill a complex problem into a simple, effective story. She has built and managed multimillion-dollar budgets, collaborated across diverse stakeholders, solved complex problems through innovative and design thinking, drove operational efficiencies and process improvement, affected decision-making using data and metrics, and most importantly, successfully built/led/managed diverse teams globally. More recently, Cindy is focused on developing new processes and building tech-driven, innovative strategies to create financial and operating efficiency in multiple businesses.

Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer

Walgreens Technology

Maria Lensing serves as the Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer for Walgreens Boots Alliance’s Technology team, spearheading the development and implementation of cutting-edge technology strategies for one of the globe’s foremost retail and pharmacy giants. With over 15 years of rich experience in both business and technology leadership roles, Maria boasts a proven track record of introducing disruptive innovations, expanding operational capabilities, and revolutionizing business paradigms across diverse industries and global landscapes.

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.”Maya Angelou

Harvard University

Diana Lopez is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Mount Holyoke College, she received her J.D. from Columbia University Law School, where she was an editor of A Jailhouse Lawyer’s Manual, a publication of the Columbia Human Rights Law Review. Following graduation she joined O'Melveny & Myers where she remained for eight years, concentrating her practice in commercial litigation. At Harvard, she assists the University on a variety of commercial transactions, with a focus on ways the University can protect and manage its intellectual property assets. She advises on health care, privacy, and student affairs issues, concerns involving the use of human subjects and animals in research, and issues involving third-party access to research data. She is a former Trustee and Treasurer of the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston.


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President Casa Martinez Food Company

Adriana G. Martinez Ibarra graduated Cum Laude with Honors with her Bachelors in Business Administration with a Major in Accounting in 2008 and received her Master’s of Accounting in 2009 both from The University of Arizona; originally from Culiacan, Mexico. Adriana’s entrepreneurial spirit took her to found Casa Martinez along with her Father, a Food Company that makes gourmet, artisanal, natural product. Casa Martinez has expanded their reach to more than 12,000 stores in the continental US, having presence in all major retailers.

Silvana Montenegro

Global Head of Advancing Hispanics & Latinos

JPMorgan Chase

Montenegro is Global Head of Advancing Hispanics & Latinos for JPMorgan Chase & Co. This leadership role provides a unified vision and strategy to advance the unique priorities of the Hispanic and Latino communities, aligning with the firm's path forward commitment to racial and social equity. Silvana has 24 years of experience in the firm, including different leadership roles in the U.S. and Latin America. Prior to her current role, Silvana was the Head of Talent, Diversity & Inclusion, Commercial Banking at JPMorgan Chase. Silvana is a Brazilian national and US citizen and speaks fluent Portuguese, Spanish and English. She received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.

“Our unique voices and perspectives are what makes us strong as individuals and as a community. When we embrace challenges as opportunities, we create endless possibilities and pathways to success.”

Elaine Montilla is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for US School Assessment at Pearson, driving new digital solutions for internal and external customers and leading their product development strategy and governance while driving growth across the business. Elaine is also a TEDx speaker, and the founder of 5xminority, Inc., a company and social media brand dedicated to empowering and elevating the voices of women and marginalized groups in the Technology field and beyond.As a passionate advocate for diversity, Elaine champions various minority communities and persistently promotes inclusion in the tech sector. Honored as a Top 100 Outstanding LGBTQ+ Executive Role Model by Yahoo Finance in 2021, recognized as one of the Top 100 Women in Tech by Technology Magazine in 2023, and awarded HITEC 100 Hispanic Technology Leaders for 2024.

"I was constantly told that I didn’t belong and I realized that if nobody in the room looked like me, then I needed to stay in the room and make a difference.”

Veronica Moore

Chief Administrative Officer

Carter BloodCare

Veronica Moore is the Chief Administrative Officer at Carter BloodCare (CBC), where she oversees donor recruitment, marketing, public relations, and hospital relations.  CBC is a community blood center serving more than 200 medical facilities in over 57 counties in North, Central, and East Texas. She is the first in her Hispanic family to graduate from college and enter the executive suite. At CBC, she leads a dynamic team focused on inspiring and engaging local communities to donate blood for patients who depend on lifesaving blood doses.  Veronica was inspired at a young age to complete her studies as a medical laboratory scientist and later obtained an MBA degree.

“As a Latina Leader, I embrace the beauty of my Hispanic heritage and aspire to show my community that the power to create change is within each of us. Do not be afraid. Raise your voice and be the joy that is part of our Hispanic culture and family traditions!”


Dignity Health - California Hospital Medical Center

Alina Moran is the first Latina President and CEO of Dignity Health – California Hospital Medical Center (CHMC) in downtown Los Angeles. Under her leadership, CHMC gained national acclaim for patient safety and treatment of COPD, stroke, pneumonia, and heart failure. She led CHMC through the COVID-19 pandemic, caring for over 2,000 COVID-positive patients, ensuring staff safety, and maintaining critical services. Alina's vision includes a $215 million hospital expansion opening in 2024 to enhance equitable health care access to the most vulnerable patients. Alina's deep commitment to health equity and community engagement is rooted in her upbringing as the daughter of Puerto Rican immigrants.

"As a Latina healthcare leader, I am dedicated to inspiring others and demonstrating resilience, compassion, and unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others. My journey exemplifies the power of representation and the positive impact it has on healthcare. Embrace your heritage and continue to lead with empathy, humankindness, and a commitment to excellence. Together, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate healthcare system that serves all communities."

Global Head of Equity and Impact


Elizabeth joined Spotify in 2021 to lead Equity and Impact, responsible for Social Impact, Sustainability & Climate Action and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI).

Before Spotify, Elizabeth was Amazon’s Global Head of DEI. Prior to this, Elizabeth held roles within DEI, Learning & Development and Talent Management and as a Human Resources leader at MetLife, Marsh and Citigroup. She has a broad array of experiences in managing global and regional organizations working extensively in the U.S., Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Asia.

Born and raised in Argentina, Elizabeth is committed to her work in non-profit organizations that support access to developmental opportunities for young underserved talent as a board member of The Opportunity Network, and A Fair Shake for Youth.

"To succeed in careers, life and love, we have to be open to surprises!"

100 LATINAS 2024


Head of National Sales and International Banking and Lending

Morgan Stanley Private Bank

Musa is the Head of National Sales and International Banking and Lending for Morgan Stanley Private Bank. Most recently she lent her talent to co-heading Morgan Stanley’s International Wealth Management business. She has held major executive positions at major financial services firms. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Ileana was the Global Client Segment and Strategy Executive for Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Ileana is the recipient of the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA).

"Take personal risks, never hesitate to ask for for what you need, use your influence to serve others, and never forget where you came from”

Managing Director, Corporate Responsibility Southwest Airlines

Nieto has been with Southwest Airlines for 25 years and currently serves as Managing Director of Corporate Responsibility, where she leads the Company’s corporate giving and stewardship strategy focused on community investments, employee volunteerism, foundation giving, sustainability programs and social impact initiatives. Under her leadership, Southwest has been recognized as an industry leader and outstanding corporate citizen. Laura graduated from Texas Tech University with a B.A. in public relations and was named a 2016 Distinguished Alumni. Laura is a graduate of the Dallas Regional Chamber’s Leadership Dallas program and serves as a New Friends New Life board member.

“We don’t always look like our story, so lean into it. Your culture and background are integral to what makes you… you!”


100 LATINAS 2024

Management Committee Chair and Executive Committee member

Sidley Austin LLP

Ostolaza is the Chair of the Management Committee of Sidley Austin LLP, a US $3.1 billion premier global law firm with 21 offices on four continents and 2,300 lawyers. She is the first woman or Hispanic to lead any top seven AmLaw revenue firm. Yvette also currently serves on the board of directors of Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation (NYSE: LGF.A) where she is the Chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. She is one of the world’s foremost business litigators. Yvette’s practice range, experience, and results have earned her extensive recognition.

“I remain relentlessly curious, always eager to overcome obstacles and determined to not get in my own way. I’ve learned to give myself grace, understand that pressure is a privilege and sitting too long in any one obstacle will quickly become the enemy of progress. You have to learn how to set obstacles aside and simply move forward.”

ECCO Select

Prenger is the Founder and CEO of ECCO Select, an IT solution services and talent acquisition, and advisory consulting company. ECCO Select is one of the Top Hispanic businesses in the country, with over 500 employees serving clients across North America. She has been recognized for her leadership and excellence within the tech space and philanthropic community. She serves on the national boards of The Latino Coalition (Chair), Junior Achievement USA, Boy Scouts of America, Harvard Kennedy School of Business Taubman Institute, and Orphaned Starfish Foundation.

"Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire others to do."

Glenda Pedroso

President, Wealth Management, East Region Northern Trust

Glenda has 35 years of experience in the financial services industry. She joined Northern Trust in 1995 and has held various regional and national positions, most recently serving as Head of Wealth Management Banking. She is an Executive Vice President of The Northern Trust Company and serves on the firm’s Wealth Management Executive Leadership Team.

Grace Puma

Board Member


Grace Puma is a seasoned executive experienced in transforming organizations into globally-connected, locally wired business functions that drive performance. Grace holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Economics from Illinois Benedictine University. She is a current board member of Organon & Co., and holds an advisory board role for the U.S. Latina/Latino Entrepreneur Program at Columbia University.


100 LATINAS 2024


Miriam Rivera is CEO, Co-founder and Managing Director of Ulu Ventures, a top seed stage venture fund in Silicon Valley. Previously, Miriam was vice-president/general counsel at Google, joining as the second attorney. Miriam earned AB, AM and JD/MBA degrees from Stanford and was a trustee at the university. She serves on the boards of Acumen Fund America and Sesame Street Workshop. She is a former board member of the Kauffman Foundation and was an advisor to the Launch with GS Advisory Council.

“Talent is evenly distributed but opportunity and access to capital is not. Latinx contributes $3.2T to the US economy but is overlooked by investors. This rapidly educating, fastestgrowing entrepreneurial community can help Americans enjoy inclusive prosperity.”

Estefania Roa


L.B. Hall Fireproofing

Estefania Roa embodies the essence of resilience and empowerment as the dynamic owner and CEO of L.B. Hall, a thriving beacon in the heart of Crystal Lake, Illinois. In a fiercely competitive and traditionally male-dominated market, Estefania has not only steered her company to remarkable growth but has also shattered glass ceilings along the way.Estefania's passion for uplifting others shines through her founding role in the nonprofit HOLA HAPPY FOUNDATION. She actively contributes to organizations such as Professional Women in Construction (PWC) Chicago and the National Association of Women in Construction, where she serves as a dedicated board member and Vice President of the NWHCC.

"Transformation into the person you aspire to be doesn't come solely from thoughts alone; it's the deliberate actions you take that pave the way."

Sara Rodriguez

Senior Vice President, Documentary Programming HBO

Sara Rodriguez is Senior Vice President, Documentary programming at HBO. In her role, she is responsible for overseeing the development and production of documentary films. Before joining the programming team at HBO in 2018, Rodriguez spent four years at VICE Media, where she was most recently SVP, Global Video. Rodriguez also led the launch of new digital channels and premium documentary series for third-party platforms. Joining VICE from ABC, Rodriguez helped start Lincoln Square Productions and served as Executive Producer for specials and non-scripted series for networks. Prior to joining ABC, Rodriguez spent 12 years at CBS News where she produced documentary specials on breaking news and hour-long programs for the long running 48 Hours broadcast.

Twiggy Rodriguez

for Community Living

Twiggy Rodriguez has nearly 20 years of operational and executive management experience in healthcare. As a Quadruple Aim Executive, she leads PHMC's Total Quality Department, driving efforts to improve health outcomes and expand access to vulnerable populations. With expertise in integrated care delivery, Twiggy fosters multi-disciplinary teams and promotes a data-driven culture. Her extensive experience spans key administrative roles across various organizations, demonstrating a commitment to excellence and innovation in healthcare.


100 LATINAS 2024


President, viticulturist, and winemaker Alumbra Cellars

Elena Rodriguez was born and raised in Yamhill County, Oregon. After graduating from Dayton High School, Elena went on to earn her bachelor’s of science degree from the University of Oregon. In 2018, Elena founded Alumbra Cellars along with her brother, Leo, and uncle, Mario. As an owner, she is involved in all parts of the business. She is a viticulturist, winemaker, and the branding and marketing designer for Alumbra. Alumbra Cellars has been highlighted in Oregon Wine Press, Wine Enthusiast Magazine, and Sunset Magazine.

“Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say what you mean. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.” - Don Miguel Ruiz

NBC News

Janelle Rodriguez oversees NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, the network’s 24/7 streaming news network, NBC News NOW, and breaking news specials. Rodriguez is the architect of NBC News NOW, the fastest growing streaming news network in the US, which just celebrated record viewership in 2023. It continues to out-pace all other news streamers in live original programming, expanding with new live hours from Hallie Jackson, Gadi Schwartz and its first internationally-based news program in the early mornings, “Sky News Today.” It also gained additional distribution as the first news FAST channel to join the Xfinity X1 guide. Rodriguez was named to the 2023 Out100 list for her work “upholding the gold standard of this time-honored brand” and for “breaking new ground by building NBC News NOW.”


con quien andas y te diré quien eres."

Rojas is an accomplished C-suite executive turned entrepreneur, having built enterprises both in for-profit environments, and for economic, political, and social change. In 2017, she transferred her development skills and extensive network to co-lead Tico Productions and Tico Sports LLC, a company established by her and her husband in 2014. Rojas has received numerous awards and recognitions and is active in other civic organizations on the local, national, and international levels, including President and Managing Director of the Latino Coalition, Board President of the Kansas City Ballet, past Chairman of Visit, among others.

Ilhiana Rojas Saldana

Co-Founder & President


Ilhiana Rojas is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, Founder of BeLIVE Coaching & Consulting and Co-Founder & President of UNITED LATINAS, a women’s empowerment and leadership development organization. Prior she’s held multiple global executive roles across a span of 20 years in Fortune 500 companies leading business strategy, Brand marketing, and sales driving double-digit growth across numerous businesses in Mexico and US. Ilhiana also serves on multiple Boards supporting DEIB efforts and cultures. Ilhiana is a Bestselling Author and an international motivational speaker.

"I believe that nothing is impossible when you embrace who you are and surround yourself with those who see your potential to help you reach it."


100 LATINAS 2024

Roldán oversees all operations for the fourth largest region of the American Red Cross, including disaster response, health and safety training, community preparedness, and support for military service members, veterans and their families. Prior to joining Red Cross, Roldán served as the Executive Director of Erie Neighborhood House, strengthening low-income, primarily-Latino families through skillbuilding, access to critical resources, advocacy and collaborative action. She is the Board chair for Illinois Action for Children, a member of the national Board of UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza), and a Board member for Wintrust Wealth Management.

Founder & CEO

We Are All Human Foundation

Claudia Romo Edelman Claudia is a global mobilization expert, catalyst for social change and marketer for social causes. She is a recognized speaker, media contributor and an inspiring activist. Claudia is the founder of the We Are All Human Foundation and co-host of the podcast “A la Latina: the playbook to succeed being your authentic self”. She is a Mexican-Swiss diplomat with more than 25 years of experience leading marketing and advocacy for global organizations, including the World Economic Forum, UNICEF, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the United Nations. She speaks 6 languages, has two children and enjoys sports and traveling.

"I wish people would have the heart in the mind and the brain in the chest, so that we can think with love and love with wisdom." - Mafalda


During nearly three decades of global marketing and risk management, Marta has been at the center of value creation in highly regulated industries. She has led some of the world’s most admired companies through several industry-changing mergers, acquisitions, brand evolutions, and digital transformation. Her journey has taken her around the world, including assignments in Beijing, China, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and B2B manufacturing in Mexico. She currently serves on APCO’s International Advisory Council.

"Everyone has a gift and value. Don’t stay where you are not valued because you will shrink your gift into a form just so people will tolerate you. Refuse to be small because others think small. Appreciate your difference, and own it, because it will make you successful in many things."

Vice President, Head of People & Culture MACRO

Giselle Ruiz currently serves as Vice President, Head of People & Culture at MACRO. Her career spans both national and global organizations in the public and private sectors. She has developed and executed engagement, outreach, recruitment, hiring, growth & promotion, and retention strategies. She has led talent acquisition and DEI at top companies and organizations. Gisselle holds a bachelor’s degree from Clark University in Urban Development and Social Change and a master’s degree in Policy, Planning, & Administration from Boston University. Giselle is a proud first-generation transnational bilingual Afro-Latina with a deep connection to her Dominican heritage.


100 LATINAS 2024

Maria is known for being a futurist and thought leader, successfully driving senior stakeholder engagement and alignment. Demonstrated ability to manage difficult situations and solve complex business issues while working effectively with cross-functional teams and leaders.

The Santana Group

Santana is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Santana Group, a top-tier minority- and woman-owned group of companies whose transformational solutions differentiate industry-leading companies through more efficient, effective, and competitive service. Since its founding in 2002, the Santana Group today includes Integrated Human Capital, Workforce Management Mexico, Diversa, Oveana, and Forma Automotive. Santana has dedicated countless hours to empowering other minority- and women-entrepreneurs through mentoring and service in various organizations that are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion.


Executive Vice President and Chief Customer and Enterprise Solutions Officer

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Marlene is a results-proven Fortune 150 executive with documented success transforming organizations to achieve industry leading results. Superior financial acumen and process capabilities with experience in P&L management, call center operations, credit /collections, customer service, regulatory affairs, financial planning/analysis, smart grid deployment, M&A integration and employee engagement.

Sofia Santos

Managing Director, Head of Retail, Preferred and Small Business Strategy Bank of America

Sofia Santos leads the development and implementation of strategic growth initiatives for the Retail Banking and Preferred Banking lines of business at Bank of America. With a focus on responsible growth and competitive differentiation, Sofia’s organization includes our Strategy & Business Ventures team, Business Acceleration team and Competitive Intelligence team. Sofia is the Executive Co-Sponsor of the Parents and Caregivers Employee Network (PCN), and shares their mission to create a supportive environment for Bank of America employees with children and other caregiving responsibilities.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there”, Theodore Roosevelt


100 LATINAS 2024

Gabriela, Founder & Managing Partner of GNS Law, specializes in business and corporate law, serving family offices, investors, and fast-growing companies. With a rich international background, she also expertly guides multinational companies into the US market, offering strategic legal counsel that drives tangible outcomes. A dynamic leader and speaker, Gabriela is an influential figure in the legal community, sharing her insights globally. An Argentinian native with top academic honors, she serves in boards across diverse sectors, making a profound impact with her expertise and leadership.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Marissa Solis

SVP – Global Brand and Consumer Marketing National Football League

Marissa Solis is a magnetic business leader with over 25 years of expertise in business consulting, CPG, Retail, and Sports marketing. Currently, Marissa leads all global brand and consumer marketing initiatives for the NFL, including all national advertising, traditional and digital media initiatives, in-stadium marketing, and new fan development. A graduate of Georgetown University with a B.S. in International Economics and the University of Texas at Austin with an M.A. in Public Policy, she began her career in brand management at Procter & Gamble Latin America.She also spent time as a political consultant, contributing to the communication strategies of key campaigns in Texas and Mexico.

“When you show up every day as your true, authentic, unapologetic self you showcase your innate superpower and you become a beacon of strength for those around you who are struggling to bring their true selves out. Humanity, authenticity, and inclusivity is the most powerful path forward.”

Sonia Sotomayor

Associate Justice

United States Supreme Court

Sonia Sotomayor currently serves as Associate Justice in the United States Supreme Court. In 1979, she earned a J.D. from Yale Law School where she served as an editor of the Yale Law Journal. She served as Assistant District Attorney in the New York County District Attorney’s Office from 1979–1984. She then litigated international commercial matters in New York City at Pavia & Harcourt, where she served as an associate and then partner from 1984–1992. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush nominated her to the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, and she served in that role from 1992–1998. She served as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit from 1998–2009. President Barack Obama nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on May 26, 2009, and she assumed this role August 8, 2009.

Nina Vaca

Chairman and CEO

Pinnacle Group

Nina Vaca is founder and CEO of Pinnacle Group, the largest Latina-owned global workforce solutions provider. Among the few Latinas serving on the boards of public companies, Nina was named one of the top five 50 Most Powerful Latinas by Fortune Magazine. As a civic leader and philanthropist, she has increased diversity at the board level and served as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship through the White House. She is a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute, a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and was inducted into the Minority Business Hall of Fame.

"When leaders prioritize their own growth, they set the foundation for nurturing the development of their teams and that ripples out to the entire organization."


100 LATINAS 2024

Ana is CEO of the Latino Donor Collaborative, a think tank producing and magnifying economic data on Latino-driven growth. With 30 years of expertise in data, business, media, and politics, she partners with academia and corporations to develop market growth tools. Her data influences Fortune 1000 and political decisions. Born in Mexico City, she worked for Nielsen, Banamex-Citibank, UN, and the White House among others, and is an innovative leader guided by her vast international experience and network.

Let us remember that our voice is a precious gift, and we must use it."- Claudia Flores


The Honest Company

As the first Afro-Latina CEO of a U.S. publicly traded company, Vernón brings a new era of leadership that reflects the diversity of Honest’s consumers. In her role, Vernón will be laser focused on driving category growth, business innovation, and profitability to deliver the company’s core mission of inspiring everyone to love living consciously.Prior to joining Honest, Vernón served as the Vice President of Consumables Categories at, Inc. where she had P&L responsibility for Household Essentials, Wellness, Beauty, Baby, Food and Beverage categories on as well as responsibility for technology development for those categories.

Alexandra is a managing director in Multi-Asset Solutions (MAS) within Goldman Sachs Asset Management, serving as co-chief investment officer of MAS and co-chair of the MAS Investing Core. Previously, she was co-head of Portfolio Management for the platform and the head of multi-asset funds and models portfolio management. Alexandra is a member of the Investing Core working group and a member of the Firmwide Hispanic/Latinx Network Steering Committee, serving as co-lead to the Culture, Education and Equity pillar for the Hispanic/Latinx Network. Alexandra joined Goldman Sachs in 2021 as a managing director.

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." – Steve Jobs

Debby Wolfe

Co-creator, showrunner, and executive producer NBC’s "Lopez vs Lopez"

Debby Wolfe is the showrunner, co-creator and executive producer of the hit NBC sitcom "Lopez vs Lopez." Debby was born in Hollywood, Florida to a Salvadoran immigrant mother and a Jewish father from Miami. Growing up, she struggled to fully connect with either side of her family, so she began writing as a way to make sense of her multicultural identity. To this day, Debby’s work utilizes humor and heart as a way to explore challenges that affect her Latine community such as identity crisis, generational trauma, and mental health issues. Her goal as a writer/producer is to tell authentic stories while pushing for more Latine representation on screen. Wolfe’s other credits include “The Conners” for ABC, “Primo” for Freevee, “Love, Victor” for Hulu and “One Day at a Time” for Netflix. She previously had shows in development at Amazon, Disney+ and CBS.

"Speak it. Believe it. Make it Happen."




What stands out as your greatest professional achievement?

LN: Throughout my 25-year career with Southwest Airlines, I’ve had the honor of leading the development of strategic and innovative programming, while building the Company’s first broad-reaching community affairs platform. Advancing social, economic and environmental initiatives across the country is undoubtedly rewarding as we strive to build resilient communities, but the most fulfilling role is the opportunity to serve my Team in supporting their passions and endeavors as they realize their potential and discover their professional aspirations.

What childhood experiences shaped who you are today?

LN: Growing up in a household with two working parents, my brother and I were latch-key kids - gaining independence at an early age. One summer, my 6th grade counselor told me about a Creative Writing class at the community college she thought I might be interested in. While it was a free course, I needed to commit to attendance and find transportation to and from class each day. If I could commit, she would recommend and register me for class. Challenge accepted! I figured it out and went to class that summer. This experience ignited my curiosity for learning. My curiosity about college. My curiosity of meeting people different from me and learning all about them. As the next summer approached, I was invited to apply for an inaugural STEM program held at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). The program was the first of its kind, bringing middle school students from across the city together over the summer to learn about math and science. I was excited to be learning about physics and calculus in a university setting, but I was equally excited about meeting new people, making new friends, and broadening my views and perspectives of the communities around me.

Reflecting on a childhood filled with curiosity and adventure, I learned how to handle responsibility, problem solve, make decisions, manage my time, overcome obstacles and develop resilience. These experiences not only shaped who I am, but also influenced my professional journey and my overall leadership philosophy.

What’s your recipe for success?

LN: As a leader, I think it’s important to be an active listener and a perpetual learner. I read a quote that says, “To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times, what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.” It’s important to listen and understand unique perspectives as every conversation is a chance to learn something new. Trust and empower your people, offering guidance and a safe space when needed.

How are you empowering the next generation of rising leaders?

LN: It’s important to take a proactive role in creating an environment for continuous learning and space for growth. By providing group and individual mentorship, I take a hospitality approach where rising leaders

Leading a recent virtual group mentoring cohort, extending opportunities to participate in Company volunteer events provided a unique in-person connection.

feel welcomed, valued and supported. I’m intentional to create meaningful connections by inviting them to attend events for learning and networking, assigning a special project that promotes collaboration for added exposure, advocating for them by highlighting their talents, and celebrating their wins to help advance their opportunities and careers.

For those who are afraid their culture might stifle their career, what advice do you have for them?

LN: Over the years, I’ve learned that we don’t always look like our story, so lean into it. As we grow in our careers, our colleagues and our communities are observing, listening, learning and seeking to be inspired by your experiences. Your culture and background are integral to what makes you… YOU! As your story unfolds, continue to intentionally invest in yourself through learning, introspection, and storytelling. Embrace your cultural identity and experiences as they are a strength. Dream big. Take flight.


100 LATINAS 2024

Joseph Treviño Audria Abney Carlos Cuevas
She’s well educated, smart, talented, jovial and will not take no for an answer.

BUT FOR ADRIANA MARTINEZ, president of Casa Martinez, one of the leading and fastest-growing salsa makers in the U.S. and Mexico, the key factor that separates her team from the competition boils down to one word—family.

Martinez, who now leads the Casa Martinez empire based in Southern Arizona and stretches into the Mexican state of Sinaloa where it carefully crafts artisanal salsas and distributes them across America and other countries, recalled how her parents used to take their children on voyages with them, including business trips.

She is the first to admit that she was very lucky to have had a wonderful childhood in a close-knit family. Up to this day, she closely collaborates in the family businesses with her parents, Jesus Martinez, and Adriana Ibarra, her brother Jesus Jr. and soon, with her sister Olga.


“At a very young age I was exposed to the business world and just learned from seeing it and how my dad was going to food shows,” Martinez said. “I remember going to Japan when I was like 10 years old. My dad had already started exploring different things in the food industry just going there, being able to see that and to experience those things.”

Fast-forward to 2024. These days Martinez, who leads Casa Martinez Food Company from their U.S. headquarters in Tucson, is a leader on the rise.

Martinez is credited for taking her family’s company to the next level. Led, by her father, Casa Martinez started operations in the U.S. over a decade ago.


Now, Casa Martinez’s Mexican salsas are in over 12,000 stores across the country. Many of the big-name retailers like Kroger, Albertsons, Safeway, Walmart and Costco offer some of their products.

Role model

Adriana Martinez’s work has led her to receive many accolades. She was named The Woman of Influence in 2021 by the Shelby-Griffin Report and Southern Arizona’s 40 Under 40 by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Before she took over the realms of Casa Martinez, Adriana became an accountant. She earned her degree in accounting and finished her Master’s degree when she hit 21, but she was faced with a quandary.

“I was faced with the decision of, ‘do I want to continue my career in accounting or do I want to pursue a dream of being an entrepreneur and starting something new from scratch,’” she said. “It's tough to make that decision of having a career that you've worked for, for several years. I had a job, several job offers and then I decided to start a company with my family.”

Turns out, it was the best decision Martinez ever made, she said. She became an entrepreneur for her family’s company.

“I think that all of us can really be an entrepreneur, even if we're not business owners. You can always be an entrepreneur within your company, you can always innovate and

you can always create new things for your organization to help it scale” she said.

Martinez credits her father for not only showing her the ropes of her company, but also for being the ultimate mentor. He has been along her side teaching her throughout this exciting entrepreneurial journey. And her mother, for being an example of a strong woman with family values. Adriana proudly says that she grew up to be a confident woman because her parents always supported all her dreams and taught her how to do the right thing.

The road to the top

Though Martinez is an innovator, she, like her family, has stuck with the family tradition of only choosing the freshest ingredients for Casa Martinez’s salsas, of strictly adhering to make their sauces in Mexico, in Sinaloa, one of the breadbaskets of that country.

When the family first arrived at the U.S. from Mexico, the naysayers would tell the Martinez’s that faced with competing with over 2,000 salsas in the U.S., they would have no chances of succeeding. They were wrong.

The family tradition of following classic recipes, of fire-roasting tomatillos in the old school way has paid off. Though at first the company faced the daunting task of learning the American way of doing business, the family’s relentless drive to succeed prevailed.

“My dad and I were like, we really think we have an opportunity because we feel that the product that we have is different from what's

in the market and that we could really add value,” Martinez said.

Now, Martinez’s goal is to expand her company into different product categories, in addition to salsas. The aim is to turn her Casa Martinez into the top Mexican food company of first-rate products in the U.S.

“We will continue to pursue them. That's where we want to be; the premium authentic Mexican food products in the United States,” she said.

Along the way, Martinez is now making sure that she can mentor other young Latinas as well. She sits on the National Board of Advisors of the Eller College, the Business School of the University of Arizona, and she shares her story in talks and conferences, where she makes sure to tell Latinas that they can truly achieve their goals if they are willing to go for it and not give up and to get a good education. She is also an Ambassador for the Women Owned Business Enterprise Council, where she mentors women entrepreneurs.

Adriana is raising, along with her husband Ernesto, their two daughters Mayra and Adriana, and their baby boy Ernesto Jr., to be tomorrow’s leaders. She recognizes that her husband’s support has been invaluable in this venture.

But again, for her it all goes back to the values she learned from her family, Martinez said. There, she learned from her father that if someone gave her a no for an answer, to go for a yes.

She said: “I've had my family’s support and ONLY together, we've been able to do all this.”



In Exclusive for Latino Leaders Magazine: Nellie Borrero shares an excerpt from her new book.

YOU GOT THIS! You earned this! Now claim your power! I turn to these affirmations, particularly when feeling that the bar has been raised, with new expectations set either by me or for me. They provide the internal guidance I need to adjust in a changing landscape. Too often, we fail to recognize the power that we have earned, so we do not fully leverage it. When we are determined to close gaps and solve for challenges plaguing diverse communities, we will find ourselves needing to tap into our innermost confidence to assert ourselves and effect change.

Despite being intentional about staying positive and motivated, facing resistance is an unavoidable part of the professional journey. But when we fail to claim our space and we allow others to minimize us, we may also start to minimize ourselves without even realizing it. Here are some ways this can play out in our professional lives:

• Being overly gracious, grateful and accommodating to others

• Not boldly promoting ourselves, our skills, or our expertise

• Expecting or accepting limited investment from leaders in our professional development

• Feeling concerned about being perceived as too ambitious

When this happens, you must ask yourself some hard questions. What are the facts and do they align with what you are experiencing? How is the situation impacting you? Can you handle this on your own, or do you need to seek advice from trusted advisors?

I recognize that people who are not part of an underrepresented group will say that they too must work through doubts and barriers. I understand that everyone has their own unique journey and experiences. But the disparity is that underrepresented diverse groups face biases that ultimately place more hurdles in our paths. The trepidation we feel in being perceived as too ambitious is directly tied to relentless biases we are already battling. Adding more to that long list requires taking more risks and attracting more attention to ourselves, without knowing how it may work for us or against us.


Choose Yourself

As Accenture’s global D&I lead, it was my responsibility in the early to mid-2000s to lead the Accenture Global Women’s Program. During one of the steering committee planning sessions for our upcoming International Women’s Day event, I declared that I was going to moderate the mainstage women’s executive panel. Historically, the panel included solely highprofile senior-level women from within the business, with limited HR representation. At the time, I had not yet reached the leadership ranks. So everyone was surprised when I boldly created my space. I was determined to be a visible part of this event for a few reasons. First, not one Latina had been selected to take part in the broadcast, so I chose to be that representation. Secondly, I saw no reason why a mid-level HR executive could not be a visible part of the day. Most importantly to my journey, I chose to claim my space and gave myself the power in that moment. I took a risk on me.

On the day of the event, I decided to make another statement as well by showcasing the presence and power of a Latina. When I introduced myself as the moderator for the panel, I said, “Hello, hola . . . I am Nellie Borrrrrrrrrero!” I let those Rs roll with intensity, pronouncing my last name with my native Spanish tongue. I didn’t want to “Anglo” my name on such a big stage. I knew people from all over Latin America would be dialing into the broadcast, and I wanted my “Latinaness” to shine through. I also wanted to send a message to all people across the globe, inside and outside of Accenture, that we should all be proud of our heritage!

Being on that stage with so many amazing women, I knew that I was part of something much bigger than myself. I felt incredibly empowered, and I loved every single thing about that moment. I smiled, took a deep breath, and began to moderate.

So many people reached out to comment on my performance, and especially the authentic pronunciation of my last name. Some decisions may seem small, but the impact of my boldness at that moment was received in such a powerful way.

Sometimes, choosing yourself means:

• Challenging the statement “This is the way it’s always been done.”

• Creating innovative and new ideas where you can insert and position yourself to be seen through them

• Deciding when moments of expected assimilation would be better served by creating awareness of your authenticity and what you represent

• Not being a passive observer, and instead being a proactive contributor

A highly respected senior leader with global experience and expertise spanning three decades, Nellie Borrero is known for her unwavering passion for inclusion, diversity, and sharp focus on equality.

A deeply committed advocate for change, Nellie has authored UNWAVERING: Rejecting Bias, Igniting Change, Celebrating Inclusion, which traces her corporate journey from its start in 1986, through creating the first role for diversity efforts at Accenture, to her current role as global inclusion & diversity senior strategic advisor – managing director. In UNWAVERING, Nellie shares her expertise and guidance for claiming your space, defining your personal brand, and celebrating your authentic self.

My actions that day transcended the event, with people who didn’t participate sending me messages about how my one act served as a symbol of acceptance and pride. After that day, I began showing up very differently and I was perceived very differently. And I have pronounced my last name in its authentic Spanish form ever since.

Know Your Worth

Our understanding of our worth evolves and increases as we continue to build on our skills and gain further experiences. But we must first unapologetically and continuously claim, embrace, and verbalize our own worth before we hope or expect others to recognize and respect it. We do this by maintaining an awareness about the internal dialogue we ourselves are permitting and fueling. We become disciplined and intentional about always being prepared and delivering our best. Yes, systemic biases exist. But we can combat them by choosing to create and nurture our circle of trusted advisors throughout our careers, courageously speaking up to advocate for ourselves and designing our paths toward greater opportunities.

As you are going through your own experiences of questioning your power, take a moment to pause, courageously assess what is happening, and make choices that push you to solve for yourself and believe in your power.



RITA CHERTORIVSKI, the Senior Vice President of Business Legal Affairs at TelevisaUnivision, sat with us and shared her inspiring immigrant journey from Mexico to the United States, which has had an impact on the corporate and entertainment world in our community in this country.

Chertorivski’s upbringing in Mexico City laid the groundwork for her resilient character and determination today. Raised in a close Mexican family, she absorbed values of unity, gratitude, and community service: “I grew up in a house that was very oriented to look after your community, to be grateful for what you have, and that was something that has been imprinted in my values because I always find ways of giving back to our community,” she comments.

"Advocate for yourself because no one will do that for you."

She graduated as valedictorian and summa cum laude from her Bachelor's in law at the Universidad Iberoamericana. Reflecting on her early career in Mexico, Rita recalled the challenges of being one of the few women in corporate law firms. "When I started there, I was one of the few women in the law firm, and none of them were partners," she recounted. As a former underdog, Rita pressed forward, determined to carve her path in the legal industry around her. Despite encountering initial gender biases, she pursued her passion for law, inspired by her innate sense of advocacy and justice. However, her professional journey changed when she had to relocate to Guadalajara and later to Florida. But before working at TelevisaUnivision, Rita was an associate at one of Mexico's top corporate law firms, a law clerk at a federal court of appeals, and a law professor. Chertorivski navigated her way through uncertain territories with resilience and strength. “When I started practicing in the US, having an accent, English being my second language, was always a barrier, even though I was at Telemundo, which is part of NBCUniversal,” she pointed out.


"I was hungry to grow and to find a path in the United States. I was not looking back to going to México; that was not an option. I needed to face the fact that this was my new reality and the best way to bring my diversity as an asset."

Despite these obstacles, Rita embraced her bicultural heritage and bilingual proficiency as assets rather than disadvantages. Her perspective as a Latina lawyer from México became essential in her role at Telemundo, where she advocated for diversity and representation in the entertainment industry. Over the years, her dedication and expertise led her to leadership roles, earning her the Senior Vice President of Business and Legal Affairs title at TelevisaUnivision. Yet, she remains committed to empowering Latinas in the corporate field. “I always try to help my Latina colleagues in a way that other Latinas supported me in the past,” she emphasized.

Her advice to young Latinas resonates with her journey: "Don't be afraid to be yourself and to bring your whole self to the table." Her words resonate with aspiring professionals who want to embrace their identity and showcase the unique perspectives they bring to corporate settings. Looking ahead, she expects to grow her impact within TelevisaUnivision further and one day aim for a general counsel position because her passion for supporting others continues to shape her leadership journey. Rita's story relates to the resilience, determination, and power of embracing one's cultural identity in the corporate world, experiences many Latinos share when they move to a foreign country. As she forges the path for future generations of Latinas, her journey serves as an inspiration to all aspiring leaders, crossing boundaries and challenging gender and cultural expectations.

Luisana Rodríguez Rita Chertorivski F. Izquierdo



Jennifer Guidi leads the U.S. Diversified Industries-East team at BMO Commercial Bank, bringing extensive experience working with mid-market private and public companies on strategy, financings, M&A and improving shareholder value.

Shannon Kennedy is responsible for overseeing the strategic development and delivery of BMO’s personal wealth management and advisory business throughout the United States, overseeing a team of over 1,200 wealth management professionals with offices across the country.

What are you hearing from your clients or prospects who are Latinas as key areas of interest?

JG: Latinas are interested in a level playing field to advance their companies and their careers, and they want to work with people who truly understand their needs. We typically see three themes: 1) Gaining appropriate visibility and access to lucrative market opportunities, 2) Securing adequate funding and capital, and 3) Building professional networks and connections with strategic partners.

SK: We have also observed a desire from clients for increased access to credit and lending solutions. Family also continues to be a really important driver and motivator for the Latina segment. As such, understanding legacy strategies and family governance has been a priority for them, as well as access to exclusive networking opportunities and an increased interest in philanthropy.

Why is it important for Latina's to focus on wealth creation and how can they go about doing so?

SK: Historically, Latinas have faced, and continue to experience, a significant wealth gap compared to other counterparts and wealth creation can help bridge the gap. Building wealth provides financial independence and empowerment, enabling Latinas to create opportunities for themselves and their families with the intention of leaving behind a lasting legacy for future generations and making a positive impact on their families and communities. Seeking

professional guidance from a trusted wealth advisor to understand the right investment, saving and tax opportunities can help kick start their wealth creation.

Talk about the increasing presence of Latina business owners and why they continue to be an important segment of the market.

JG: The entrepreneurial spirit of Latinas is prevalent in both small and large companies. As part of the Latino Leaders Index500 powered by BMO, we have helped identify the largest Latino-owned companies to highlight and celebrate their success. 86 of the businesses on the Index, almost one-fifth, have female leadership and/or ownership – this speaks volumes about their entrepreneurial spirit and strength as business owners. Latina entrepreneurs often bring a unique perspective with innovative ideas to the market that successfully addresses unmet needs within their communities.

What is your team offering to Latinas to help advance their wealth creation journey or their company's trajectory?

JG: We have ample experience in dealing with women-owned-and-led-businesses, and we can help them scale by leveraging our vast network and expertise in many sectors. When working with women entrepreneurs, we frequently assemble teams with female relationship managers to help better support their specific needs. We also have a vertical

within BMO Commercial Bank that focuses specifically on the Latino segment overall that works to accelerate the opportunities that exist in our footprints.



SK: We offer dedicated planning services for Latino families and business owners that is comprised of personalized financial planning and wealth management services tailored to address their unique needs. Moreover, we host exclusive events in Phoenix, Denver, Miami, New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles to help connect Latinas and Latinos with financial experts, entrepreneurs, and like minded individuals. Clients also have access to advisors who are fluent in Spanish to ensure seamless connection and understanding.

Jennifer Guidi Shannon Kennedy

100 LATINAS 2024


1. Share your journey as a female Latina wine owner. ER: It has been a journey filled with many challenges and accomplishments. I never thought this experience would put me in a position of leadership but being the only Mexican American woman who farms her land, makes her wine, and for her own company – which is a trailblazing act of leadership. I have had to consistently remind myself that even though I don't look like, sound like, or have similar experiences like the rest of the Oregon wine industry, my experience and who I am still provide value. I have been working in this industry for ten years, and every year, there is something to learn about farming, winemaking, and myself. This year, I've learned that sharing my story and representation matters.


2. What has surprised you the most about the industry and being a winemaker?

ER: I didn't know anything about wine or the wine industry, especially here in Oregon, even though I grew up surrounded by it. So when I started farming the vineyard in 2014 and launched Alumbra in 2018, I was still shocked to see that we were the only 100% Mexican family that owned and farmed their vineyard and owned their wine label in Oregon. As a winemaker I am continually surprised by the wine itself. I am always in awe of the developing characteristics of each ferment, tank, and barrel of wine. I never thought I would be able to decipher the nuances of each barrel. It’s a fascinating ability to have, to discover the character of a wine each year, it slows me down and requires me to pay attention to fine details.

3. What values from your childhood do you still live by today?

ER: Hard work and doing what is right. I had two powerful women as examples in my childhood. My mother worked two jobs for most of her life, and my abuelita worked with

Courtesy of Elena Rodriguez Carlos Cuevas

her hands in the fields for most of her life. I would accompany my abuelita to pick blueberries and strawberries in the summer months. I was waking up at sunrise, watching her prepare our bean burritos in the semi-dark kitchen of our single-wide trailer. My father taught me the importance of honesty and always treating people with respect regardless of who they are or where they come from. This was an essential message my father always emphasized to us growing up, and to this day continues to give it priority.

4. Share the vision for your winery, Alumbra Cellars. ER: Our vision has always been to represent the most honorable qualities of our Latino culture: hard work, loyalty, and encouragement. We want to do this by always being a helping hand for our community. We want to share our Mexican roots and Oregon values through our wines. We handcraft wines that are approachable to our community, farm our land with organic and biodynamic practices, and always honor our vineyard stewards.

5. Who do you most admire in the world of wine, and why?

ER: I have gotten to know many others in the wine industry. While their stories are beautiful and admirable, I have realized that our family's story is the most inspiring to me. Not because we are the best or doing it right but because it is unique here in the Willamette Valley. We are an immigrant Mexican-American family that has done it from vines

in the ground to wine in the bottle without investors or partners, just by slowly growing, learning, and being consistent with the hard work to get this far. There is also a family, the Lopez family, that I admire; they have planted hundreds of acres of vineyards here in the Willamette Valley. They've been here since the late '80s. They helped guide my father in planting our vineyard in 2005 and have now helped guide me in launching a new winery space.

6. What goals in winemaking are you still working to achieve?

ER: I intend to scale up my white wine program to include unique white grape varietals, planting varietals that are not commonly grown here and making white blends that are not common. We recently planted Rkatsiteli, an ancient grape originally from the Republic of Georgia, and I am very excited to see how it grows and develops.

7. What would be your advice to the next generation of female Latina winemakers?

ER: Own your story, be your true self, and don’t ever alter your story to make others feel comfortable. Collaborate with your community and don’t silo yourself to one thing. Be willing to change for the better. Know your purpose and step into places where you may not always feel welcome but continue walking into those rooms with your story to share, because sharing will ultimately lead to making authentic connections with people you would have never imagined.



What have been the most remarkable milestones of your professional journey?

SS: My professional journey has taken me to many through different challenges and geographical locations, all of which have shaped me into the leader I am today. Three milestones come to mind:

Reaching partner level at McKinsey & Company was a career milestone. Reaching that level of leadership is extremely difficult as it’s a small leadership team. It was significant because I felt my dreams being realized. Hard work and persistence really paid off. From that point on, I knew I could do anything I set my mind to.

I’ve worked in many countries, including Portugal, Brazil, and the United States. Navigating different cultures and customs has given me a broader sense of why bringing my whole self to work is so critical. I’m a Latina woman with strong Portuguese roots and that gives me a unique perspective. This realization was significant and certainly a milestone marker that I carry with me to this day.

Developing my Strategy & Business Ventures team was momentous. Developing a team that drives strategic value across many of the Bank’s organizations is no small



undertaking. The team environment we shaped in the process makes it a milestone moment. The leadership team and I are uniquely invested in the next generation of leaders, developing their skills and passions while preparing them for life-long careers with the Bank.

If you were to look back to your childhood, what experiences shaped you into who you are today?

SS: A strong work ethic is at the fabric of who we are as a family, both in and outside the home. My parents were first in their family to get college degrees. I remember being so proud to watch my mom graduate from law school. My mom had a keen focus on work/ life balance, never failing to put her family first while obtaining professional success. I never questioned that I couldn’t pursue the same path.

I was fortunate to have a couple college professors that cultivated my passions in those disciplines, encouraging me along the way in a typically male dominated field. I’m happy to report that their mentorship led me to my undergrad degree in applied math.

What is your key differentiator? What sets you apart from other professionals in banking?

SS: Having an analytical brain gives me the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, seeing obstacles as challenges to be solved. There are solutions to every problem, it just takes persistence and the right resources. My comfort with uncertainty, undefined responsibilities and tackling ambiguous challenges has set the standard for my team. I’m cautious to not pass long stressors so they can execute on their roles to their fullest capacity.

What is your vision for your current role as Head of Retail, Preferred and Small Business Strategy?

SS: Innovative leadership, both in our work and with our people. Thinking broadly about what the future of the industry can look like, pushing past today’s boundaries. Continuing to lead with passion to empower and develop the next generation of talent to have the same mentality.

How are you empowering the next generation of Latinas on the rise?

SS: I believe representation matters. I share my background and heritage to create pathways for others to do the same. I’m proud to work for a company that shares this value- the Bank’s board of directors is 62% diverse, which includes 38% women and two Hispanic/Latino directors. That's a powerful message for Latinas. You can succeed here.

Additionally, I’m an active mentor, both those inside and outside my organization, sharing my perspective, tips and tricks. I love investing my time with our talented teammates.

of Bank of America Luis E. González



LATINA ENTREPRENEURS are vital economic drivers, founding businesses six times faster than the national average. This is cause for celebration. It’s also a call to action. Despite this rapid growth, Latinas still lack access to capital, receiving less than 2% of funding. To address this, the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Bank of America launched “In Her Footsteps,” a digital series spotlighting 10 inspiring Latina entrepreneurs. This partnership aims to empower Latina business owners with resources and strategies. By championing women in these conversations, they are elevating the economic landscape, emphasizing the resilience of Latina entrepreneurs and prioritizing Hispanic business growth and prosperity.

Learn from the 10 Latina entrepreneurs featured in the new season of “In Her Footsteps” and watch the full series at

Ramona Ortega

Founder & CEO

Wealth Build AI

Brooklyn, NY

“Doyourhomework,there’ssomuchinformationoutthere,includingthispodcast.The greatthingaboutthiscommunityofLatinas and,evenwomenofcolorgenerally,isthat weareverywillingtoshareourexperiences. Don’tbeafraidtoask.”

Fanny Grande

Co-Founder & CEO

Avenida Entertainment Group

Los Angeles, CA

“Youhavetohaveavisionthatissobigthat youneedacommunity,atribe.Andevery day,justtakeonestep,justoneactionto achieveyourdream.”

Olga Lopez

CIMA Logistics LLC

Grapevine, TX

“Iwasverycomfortableinmycorporateenvironment.…Idecidedtotakethisrisk,because IknewdeepdowninsidethatIcouldmakeit workaswellasIhadinthepast.”

Beatriz Acevedo

Co-Founder & CEO

SUMA Wealth

Santa Monica, CA

“There’snomagicrecipe.Dowhatyoufeelis good.Ithelpsifyou’rebuildinga company thatisbuiltasadoublebottomline.The successdependsonthecommunitybeing advancedandmovedforward.”

Jocelyn Ramirez

Chef & Founder

Todo Verde

Los Angeles, CA

“Iwantedtobeabletomakefoodthatmade usfeelbetterinourbodiesbutthatalso didn’ttakeawayallthecultural,traditional nostalgicfoodthatweknow.”

Liliana Aide Monge

Co-Founder & CEO

Sabio Los Angeles, CA

“IfyougothroughtheSBA,theyhavetonsof businesscenters.Chambersofcommerceare fantastic.Youwanttofindcommunityand supportsothatyoucannetworkwithother businessownersandlearnfromthem.”

Stephanie Parra, M.Ed.

Executive Director

All in Education Phoenix, AZ

“It’ssoimportantforwomen,Latinaswho wanttostartorganizationstobeintrospective

andlookatwhyyouarestartingsomething. Whenyoudoitwiththatpurpose—thathas motivatedmetremendously.”

Yasmin Cruz Ferrine Co-Founder & General Partner Visible Hands Boston, MA

“Trackyourfeedback.There’sadviceand there’sgreatadvice.Bycategorizingit,you’re notsusceptibletotryingtobecomeeverythingtoeveryone.”

Maresa Friedman

Founder and Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer

Executive Cat Herder San Diego, CA

“Financialfitnessisthekeytomaintaining andkeepingasuccessfulbusiness.Onceyou havethatfoundation,you’llgetsomeclarity. It’llbeeasiertodothings.”

Stephanie Vasquez Founder & Owner Fair Trade Cafe Phoenix, AZ

“Ifyouseesomeonesuccessfulordoingwhat youwanttodo,askthemhow.Wewantto share.Iwanttoconnectyouwithsomeone whocanhelpyou.”




What is the biggest satisfaction you get having created Gloria’s Latin Cuisine?

GF: One of the biggest satisfactions is seeing our guests experiencing our authentic Salvadoran and Tex-Mex cuisine while sharing a meal around our table with the ones they love. We also get satisfaction in providing opportunities to our employees.

If you were to look back to your childhood, what experiences shaped you into who you are today?

GF: The education I received from my parents. They showed us how to be honest, have a good work ethic, the fear of God, and to show love for one another.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced as a Latina business owner and what lesson did you learn from it?

GF: One of the biggest challenges was from when we first started our business back in the late 1980’s. The Oak Cliff area of Dallas was a high crime area at the time. There were a few occasions that we were held at gunpoint. We learned to just keep going and not let the crime deter us from running our business.

How would you describe the essence of Gloria’s Latin Cuisine?

GF: It all started in April 1986, when Gloria and Jose Fuentes worked at a small Salvadorian eatery in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas owned by Gloria’s sister. As fate would have it, Gloria’s sister decided to give up on her restaurant, providing Gloria and Jose the perfect opportunity to turn their passion of cooking and Salvadorian cuisine into a life-long career. Since then, Gloria’s® Latin Cuisine has always been about fresh ingredients, creative recipes, and an ongoing commitment to our guests to provide an amazing Latin experience. Gloria’s now has locations throughout Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, Houston and San Antonio, featuring signature menu items, black bean dip, award-winning margaritas and exciting nightlife. For more than 38 years, Gloria’s has flourished throughout Texas under the continued ownership and artistic vision of the Fuentes family.

How are you empowering the next generation of Latinas on the rise?

GF: By passing along a strong work ethic and knowledge from my experiences to my two daughters, Glenda and Nancy, so they can be successful into the future. Additionally, being able to mentor our employees to have the strength necessary to be successful as well.

Gloria’s® Latin Cuisine Luis E. González



Jeanette Prenger is the Founder and CEO of ECCO Select, an "innovative technology leader providing proven IT services, solutions, and staffing" who embodies the spirit of resilience, empowerment, and vision in the technology sector. Her journey from humble beginnings to industry leadership results from her determination and commitment to excellence. Jeanette shared insights from her upbringing, her challenges as a Latina entrepreneur, and her bold vision for her company's future and the next generation of Latino leaders.

From her birth in Portugal to her American father of Mexican descent and her Portuguese mother, Jeanette's early years were a tapestry of cultural diversity. She reflects, "My father's technical training in the Air Force led us to live in Mallorca, Spain, for nearly three years before returning to the U.S. By the time I was five and we were settled on the East Coast, I was fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, a bit of French, and of course English." These experiences taught her the importance of embracing differences and appreciating diverse perspectives, a value she carries today.

Prenger moved to the U.S. at a young age and faced the challenge of adapting to a new environment and confronting biases and stereotypes. As a Latina entrepreneur, she encountered unique hurdles that she had to overcome: "Transitioning to Kansas City during my formative years was a bit of a culture shock because I was the only person of color in a lot of environments, my maiden name is Hernandez, I spoke fast, and I had a New York accent," Jeanette comments. However, with the support of her parents, who in-

stilled in her the values of kindness, empathy, and resilience, she navigated these challenges with grace and determination.

“Thanks to my international background, my team has been able to move beyond their comfort zones.”

Her academic journey led her to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems at Park University in Missouri, where she became one of the few women in her field. Despite facing skepticism and bias in a male-dominated industry, she persevered due to her passion for technology and a desire to prove herself: “Due to my youthful appearance, I often found myself not being taken seriously when discussing technical solutions with decision makers who seemed to harbor a bias, likely due to my age and gender.”

Throughout our conversation, Prenger emphasized the importance of integrity and empathy in leadership. Drawing from her own experiences, she shared valuable insights on fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Her commitment to these values is evident in her actions, as she has empowered her team to embrace differences and challenge biases: "What I think our associates learned from our leadership team during dif-

ficult business environments, like COVID or 9/11, is that we were very thoughtful, pragmatic, and resilient. We continued to work with integrity and transparency, fostering an environment where everyone's voice is heard and respected."

Jeanette is poised for ECCO Select's continued growth and expansion. Her plans include offering offshore and nearshore solutions to meet clients' evolving needs. Her commitment to driving positive change is evident in her active involvement with numerous nonprofit organizations, such as The Latino Coalition and Harvard Kennedy School of Business, where she serves as a board member. "Our contributions to charities have not only been an investment of our time, talent, and treasures, but we've also raised significant funds to support causes that support children and their families, healthcare, education, and economic development," she proudly shares.

In perspective, Jeanette offered inspiring advice to aspiring Latina leaders in the IT field: stay focused, ask questions, and believe in yourself. Her journey serves as hope and inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of diversity, determination, and empowerment in facing challenges and achieving success as a Latina woman of color in the fast-paced world of technology.

Luisana Rodríguez Courtesy of Ecco Select Luis E. González



What is the biggest satisfaction you get from working in the media creation industry?

MA: For three decades I have been flexing my creative muscles to find solutions that build brands for corporate clients and community partners. In building this strength I feel ready to move mountains for my clients! So, if you ask me the most satisfying part of my job is creating custom-tailored solutions for my clients.

If you were to look back to your childhood, what experiences shaped you into who you are today?

MA: During my high school years, my passion for photography was already deeply ingrained, and I held the position of lead photographer for my school. Possessing a camera and a strong desire to express myself creatively enabled me to cultivate my distinctive eye for capturing moments. However, one day with my father stands out as pivotal in shaping my career trajectory.

On the day of my graduation in 1984, amidst the flurry of preparations and the excitement of the ceremony, I was entirely focused on the event and celebrating with loved ones. Following my walk across the stage, my family gathered for photos to commemorate the occasion. As everyone assembled for the perfect shot, my father turned to me and asked, "Where is your camera?"

In that moment, the realization dawned on me that I had left my camera behind in the rush of preparing for the ceremony, and this was before the convenience of smartphone cameras. The disappointment evident on my father's face at the prospect of not capturing such a significant milestone taught me a valuable lesson: always be prepared. From that day forward, I adopted the habit of ensuring I was equipped with the necessary tools, with my camera becoming a constant companion.

Thanks to my father's lesson in preparedness, I have captured countless spontaneous, iconic moments, cherished memories with loved ones, and transformed seemingly or-

dinary instances into visual art. My entire career has been built upon the foundation of that one profound lesson learned from the simple question, "Where is your camera?"

What is the biggest challenge you have faced as a Latina business owner and what lesson did you learn from it?

MA: One of the biggest lessons that I learned through adversity is sustainable and scalable success in business relies on hiring the right people and being mindful of their professional fit within your company. I learned this by making the worst decision of my career that ended up being incredibly valuable in teaching me the best lessons.

At a certain point in my career, I made the mistake of hiring talent based on ties, and placing them in positions within my company that were not suitable. This misstep lead into the worst season of my career because the appointed employee was set to lead an entire department at ISP Creative. It's imperative to ensure the talent is the right fit for the role. Regrettably, my decision led to financial losses and a sense of losing control over my leadership position.

Though the experience was painful and costly, it provided invaluable lessons. I discovered the importance of not relinquishing control of one's business too hastily and the necessity of maintaining my voice and authority. I now understand that achieving sustainable, scaleable success in business hinges on hiring the right individuals, and being vigilant about hiring for relationship loyalty.


How would you describe the corporate culture of ISP Creative?

MA: At ISP, we operate like a close-knit family residing in a vibrant hub of creativity. Within our familial dynamic, we foster a culture of dreaming big about concepts and leveraging innovative techniques alongside cutting-edge technology to ensure our campaigns leave a lasting impact. With clearly defined roles and responsibilities, we collaborate seamlessly as a cohesive team.

Drawing an analogy from my love for tacos, crafting a truly exceptional taco relies on achieving a harmonious balance among its ingredients. The meat must be expertly seasoned and cooked to perfection, the tortilla should maintain just the right texture without excess grease, and the toppings should complement and enhance the flavors of the meat. Similarly, in our work environment, I have meticulously curated a team of top-notch editors, accountants, assistants, producers, and crew members, each contributing their expertise to deliver the finest product.

Just as a well-crafted taco requires precision and attention to detail in its components, I have dedicated myself to assembling a team that complements each other and excels in their respective roles to ensure the delivery of exceptional results.

How are you empowering the next generation of Latinas on the rise?

MA: Steve Jobs famously stated, “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.” Upon hearing this, I realized that a pivotal area of growth for me lay in embracing vulnerability and sharing my own story as a Latina who found her voice and place in the business world. My aspiration is that my journey will empower and inspire young women who are embarking on their own paths or are a few steps behind me, encouraging them to persevere and progress.


I often express my belief in making an impact through the metaphor of the ripple effect. Every single impact we make generates numerous ripples that expand outward. By sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to also share their triumphs and adversities. While my impact may create a ripple, collectively, we have the power to create waves of change. Furthermore, I actively contribute to the empowerment of the next generation of Latinas through personal mentorship. Having been profoundly influenced by mentors in my own life, I recognize the transformative potential of mentorship. Being involved with organizations like Young Women’s Preparatory Network and The Concilio, I frequently encounter young Latinas seeking mentorship, and in potential mentees, I seek a specific quality: hunger. I am drawn to individuals who demonstrate an insatiable desire to grow both personally and professionally. This hunger for growth is often inherent in Latinas, driven by a deep-seated desire for generational change within our families—a quality that I hold in high regard.



As a child, Yvonne Garcia evokes how every morning her mother would do a scrub top, fix her hair and spread rouge across her lips. Then, just before leaving for her job as a medical technologist in Harlem, she would tenderly kiss her three children, leaving behind a smudge of lipstick on their foreheads as they slumbered deep in the land of dreams.

Joseph Treviño Courtesy of Yvonne Garcia F. Izquierdo

THE SMEAR was no accident. It was her mother’s way of letting her children know that though she was away for most of the day, she loved them dearly—for 37 years she toiled at work to help her family get ahead.

“In the morning we'd run to the mirror and look for the red lipstick mark. For me that lipstick mark represented my mother's strong work ethic, her desire to do whatever was possible to provide her children with a great education,” Garcia said, who is a Queens, New York native. “That has translated into my work ethic.”

Now, Garcia, continues the work legacy she inherited from her mother as the Chief of Staff to State Street’s CEO, Ron O’ Hanley. In addition, she is the Global Head of Internal Communications and the CEO Experience Program.

State Street is a global leader in investment servicing, markets and financing, and investment management. Based in Boston, the corporation is one of the largest asset management companies in the world, in addition to being one of the oldest banks in the United States dating back to 1792.


For Garcia, hard work and sacrifice is something she dove into ever since she began her career. At ease speaking several languages, including Spanish and French, she earned an M.B.A. in finance and marketing at Boston University.

Her path took her to Liberty Mutual’s Agency Corporation as director of Marketing and Distribution Strategy, followed by being the vice president of Bank of America’s China Construction Bank Strategic Assistance.

To go work in China, she had to leave her children behind for two years. It was one of the toughest decisions she had to make.

“It was certainly one of the greatest accomplishments of my career, but also one of the biggest personal sacrifices I have ever had to make. It paved the way for a lengthy career working with extraordinary global organizations.” she said.


And what accomplishments! She led her team to build a private bank for China Construction Bank, which has since grown into many branches.

She learned a lot by working in a new culture with a local team. Despite the differences, Garcia learned that there were many parallels.

“It taught me that although people come from different walks of life and parts of the world, we are more similar than not. The team in China wanted the same thing; they wanted the project to be successful, to be able to be recognized for their great work, to provide and make their family proud just like the American team,” she said.

Leading the way

Garcia’s relentless drive (she’s a marathon runner) was front and center when she was doing her accounting finals for her MBA. She recalls going into labor during her accounting final and finishing the exam before heading to the hospital to complete the semester on time.

“That’s how driven and wired I was and quite frankly, still am!” she recalled.

Somehow, Garcia has found time to serve as the Chairwoman for the largest Latino Professional Organization in the country, the Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA). She is also the co-founding Chair of Milagros para Niños, a board at Boston’s Children’s Hospital that raises funds for Hispanic children whose families are unable to afford medical care.

However, Garcia, who is among the 50 most powerful Latinas in Fortune 500, has learned to value the moments in life. Her upbringing and values also play a role in her drive to become a CEO one day. A mother of two children -Izzy and Max- she credits her Latina values in being the main differentiator in how she leads her team to greater heights by treating them like a family.

“And like a familia, we look out for each other, we care for each other, and hold each other accountable.” she said. “At the end of the day, it's all about leading with purpose, and making an impact.”



FOR THIS YEAR, we have put together a list of 20 rising stars. These are Latinas who have demonstrated extraordinaire drive, creativity, and talent. They represent the female leaders of the future as they keep advancing in their careers. Keep watching them closely as they will continue to succeed and shine. Congratulations!

Ingrid Aguirre Director, Business Valuation Services division VMG Health Christina Kolbjorsen Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate and External Affairs NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises Jovelyn Castellanos Director, Women In Science and Healthcare Health Wildcatters Sara Bronin Chair Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Pia Lara Namdar Senior Manager, Executive Compensation Fluor Corporation Tatiana Chamorro VP of Marketing & Digital Toucan Cocktails Daphne Calderon Director, Culture and Engagement, People & Culture Warner Bros. Discovery Jennifer Lopez Venture Partner Capital One Ventures Camila Garcia Product Policy Planning Lead Meta


Sandra Masciarelli

Finance Director, Financial Planning and Reporting Transformation Lala USA

Maria Jose Palacio CEO and Co-Founder Progeny Coffee

Zuhaly Ramon Marketing Director ALPFA

Luz Varela Director of Communications UnitedHealthcare


In 10 years, I see myself continuing to establish myself as a healthcare expert in my industry. Additionally, servant leadership is very important to me. I hope to continue serving those in my community, particularly as it relates to serving as a resource for those in need.

Ingrid Aguirre

Ivonne-Marie Mendoza First Line Risk Manager Clarfeld | Citizens Private Wealth

Giancarla Paredes

Talent & Culture Sr. Manager L&D Athenahealth

Cristal Retana

Community Relations Officer and Senior Director, Government Relations Children's Health

Melanie Villarreal Sr. Associate Brand Manager Danone

The fruits that will grow come from seeds of today. That starts with what matters and where I spend my time right now. I am expecting my first child and should be celebrating being a parent! I have been planting seeds by nurturing, developing and encouraging the next generation of Latino technologists. In ten years, I can't wait to see and feel what it's like when more of them are in the highest seats of the public and private sectors, making decisions and driving the future. As a maker, I can't wait to see what else we have built and how the seeds I scatter today will expand people’s point of view and contribute positively to the world.

Jennifer Lopez

In the next 10 years, I envision myself leading the largest impact coffee company that will redefine the coffee supply chain and ensure that coffee farmers and communities thrive again.

Maria Jose Palacio

Leyla Osorio CEO/Co-founder Global Cruises LLC

Jacquelyn Puente

Vice President of External Affair ComCast

Ana Karla Reyes Gonzalez

Group Finance Manager, GitHub Microsoft

Accomplished professional and life-long learner. Wife and mom driven by healthy choices centered on our development and wellbeing. Making a positive impact by collaborating in a company or a personal venture. Exploring life with family through travel, sports, books, amazing food and good friends.

Daphne Calderon

In the next 10 years I see myself in a position where I can empower, provide opportunities for, and help the next generation of Latinos accomplish their goals in the corporate world.

Pia Lara Namdar

My hope is that in ten years, I continue to be in a position to help ensure equitable access to opportunities and resources so that our communities, regardless of socioeconomic status, can have an overall better quality of life.

Cristal Retana


On April 19th, we had the privilege of attending the inaugural C-Suite & Board Directors Forum 2024 in Puerto Rico, organized in collaboration with the Latino Corporate Directors Association and the Hispanic C-Suite Corporate Council.

he event, hosted at the elegant Condado Vanderbilt Hotel, was a resounding success, offering a valuable platform for networking among industry leaders. Notably, we were honored to have the Governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, in attendance, who also served as the keynote speaker for the event. Following engaging panel discussions, attendees gathered on the breathtaking terrace overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, enjoying the perfect weather. As part of the evening's arrangements, I had the pleasure of curating a tasting experience for our esteemed guests. From Rojas Cigars, I personally selected two distinct blends to cater to different preferences, one boasted a rich San Andres Maduro wrapper, complemented by an Ometepe binder and Nicaraguan fillers—a tantalizing combination that promises a medium-full flavor profile.

The other blend, suited for those seeking a milder option, featured the same binder and filler, wrapped in a smoother Connecticut-Shade wrapper, offering a medium-bodied smoke. Accompanying these exquisite cigars were fine spirits courtesy of Constellation Brands, including High West Bourbon, High West Double Rye, and Casa Noble Tequilas in Añejo, Reposado, and Blanco varieties.

To enhance the tasting experience, we structured the pairing into thirds, guiding guests through a journey of flavors. For the Connecticut blend, we recommended starting with Añejo tequila, transitioning to Reposado, and concluding with Blanco, creating a nuanced contrast as the smoking experience progressed. Similarly, for the Maduro San Andres, we suggested beginning with Double Rye Whiskey and progressing to bourbon, mirroring the evolution of the cigar's flavors. Adding to the cultural richness of the occasion, we were honored to have Randy Perez, esteemed Cigar Sommelier, and proprietor of Juana Diaz Cigars. Hailing from Puerto Rico, Randy shared insights and anecdotes while we celebrated the island's heritage. We reflected on the history of Juana Diaz, a town named after a pioneering woman who cultivated some of Puerto Rico’s largest tobacco crops in the late 1600’s.

Recognized by the Spanish Crown before its official founding in 1798, Juana Diaz remains deeply intertwined with the island's rich tobacco legacy. The tasting experience served as the cherry on top of an already exceptional conference, providing a delightful culmination to a day filled with insightful discussions and fruitful networking opportunities. As guests savored the array of flavors and aromas, it further enriched the shared experience, leaving a lasting impression of camaraderie and enjoyment.

Rojas Cigars was paired with Casa Noble Tequila Anejo, Reposado & Blanco


We present interviews with Latinos who are spearheading the industry. Their footmark is incredibly relevant to the advancement of the industry, and most importantly, the inclusion of Latino talent to the corporate ranks and public sector.



Energy is the cornerstone of our modern civilization and now forms a colossal $4 trillion industry in the United States. With increasing demands driven by population growth, the rise of electric vehicles, robust manufacturing processes, and the expansion of data centers, the energy sector offers substantial opportunities for those poised to engage.

HISPANICS, who represent nearly 20% of the U.S. population and over 40% in states like California, Texas, New Mexico, Florida, and Puerto Rico, play a vital role as consumers within this sector. Established twelve years ago, Hispanics In Energy (HIE) aims to ensure that Hispanics are consumers and active participants in energy business operations, employment, and corporate governance. Through strategic partnerships with entities like the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and Hispanic Serving Institutions facilitated by the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), HIE is committed to advancing Hispanic engagement in the energy industry.

This year, Hispanics In Energy is excited to introduce the 'America’s Hydrogen Hub Forum Series.' Scheduled for the summer of 2024 in cities including Sacramento, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, and Seattle, this series will delve into how Hispanics and other diverse groups can leverage community benefits to support their businesses and workforce development initiatives. With a focused public/ private investment of $40 billion in the hydrogen hub initiative, Hispanics are poised to make a significant impact.

The energy sector—dominated by oil and gas, which comprise about 80% of the market—offers lucrative opportunities. It is also burgeoning in sectors like nuclear

power, electrification, energy efficiency, and renewables— biomass, geothermal, hydro, wind, and solar. HIE collaborates with key stakeholders to cultivate a STEM workforce ready to meet these future energy challenges. It supports vocational training through organizations like the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA).

There are about 3,000 energy companies in America. Few have Hispanic CEOs, and even fewer have Hispanics on their corporate boards. Few have proportional numbers of Hispanic employees or business contracts with Hispanic owned businesses. Few can speak Spanish adequately with their growing Hispanic consumers. We are working to fix that.

We extend our gratitude to Latino Leaders Magazine for highlighting the significance of this industry and the achievements of Hispanic business leaders. We thank the readers for their ongoing support and encourage them to explore the economic opportunities within the energy sector. Join us in striving for equitable representation and success in energy.

For further details about Hispanics In Energy, please visit our website at:




What were your values growing up? How do you still reflect them today in your professional life?

MPT: I am originally from Argentina and my family moved to the United States when I was eight years old to seek a better life. I grew up in Miami Beach, Florida, and have lived in Argentina, Washington, D.C. Germany, Indianapolis, and now Virginia. I’ve had the good fortune to have travelled extensively throughout my life, which has allowed me to experience other cultures and perspectives.

My parents instilled in me the values of hard work, commitment, loyalty, perseverance, and the ability to deal with change. They emphasized the need for education and career goals. As many immigrants’ experience, living in a new country was a challenge for me and my family. We left our extended family, friends, and everything we knew to come to a new country and start a new life. My parents had to struggle to make ends meet. Their sacrifices taught me to overcome struggles and persevere.

I practice those values of hard work, perseverance, and adaptability to change in my professional life every day. They have helped me reach my American dream.

What inspired your interest in joining the energy industry?

MPT: I spent most of my career in government and held a variety of roles in the administration of President George W. Bush as well as the Department of Defense. I enjoyed working in government because we worked on policies that affected the everyday lives of people around the nation. The work helped people and made a real difference in the lives of Americans as well as people around the world.

The energy industry – especially a public utility – also affects everyday people and has an aspect of public service that I am drawn to. Energy is so vital to what we all do every day.

It is not a nice-to-have but a must-have. Our customers need energy to live their lives, and that matters.

At Dominion Energy, our mission is to provide the reliable, affordable, increasingly clean energy that powers our customers every day. And we also have a big focus on serving our communities in other ways, from energy assistance and charitable giving to employee volunteering. That is important and rewarding.

What has Dominion Energy done to increase Latino representation in the industry?

MPT: It’s important that our company’s workforce represents the communities we serve. The Hispanic population in the U.S. is growing faster than the overall population. Hispanics in the U.S. now number 62 million, and by 2060, Hispanics will make up more than 30% of the U.S. labor force.

At my company, we are following through on our commitment to make sure our company reflects our

Courtesy of Dominion Energy Carlos Cuevas

communities. We are working to reach Latino students by partnering with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) in the Dominion Energy Building Hispanic Talent Initiative® (BHTI). We’re in the third year of a three-year, $2-million partnership to develop leaders and increase awareness of the clean-energy industry. Below are some key accomplishments from the first two years of BHTI:

A total of 770 summer bridge students from 133 different high schools have been served since the initiation of the Building Hispanic Talent Initiative® .

Cumulatively, 63% of summer bridge students served through the initiative will be first-generation college students. A total of 3088 college credits have been awarded to summer bridge students through this initiative with a success rate of over 92%. In year two, 3 in every 4-summer bridge student indicated interest in entering a STEM related career field.

In addition, in 2022 we launched the Promesa: Hispanic Higher Education Initiative, which will provide $50,000 a year to seven colleges and universities over three years. The funds will underwrite a range of programs, including scholarships, emergency aid, re-enrollment aid, stipends for faculty-mentored research, and cohort models with wraparound supports.

In October we will hold our Careers in Energy Diversity Student Conference for college students. Typically, about two-thirds of those who attend that conference land jobs at Dominion Energy.

We have a program for diverse interns. We work with organizations such as Hispanic chambers of commerce, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, HACU, the National Hispanics Corporate Council, and Hispanics in Energy. And we hold hiring roundtables with leaders of diverse organizations serving Hispanics.

We also have the HOLA employee resource group which I serve as the executive

sponsor. Our employee resource groups provide employees with shared interests and backgrounds the chance to connect, to create communities, to develop networks, to share their experiences with others, to encourage professional development — all of which enhances our workplace not just for Hispanic employees but for everyone.

What are the most notorious changes you’ve seen in the Energy industry during your career? What do you think will be the biggest challenges going forward?

MPT: Fortunately, all the changes I have seen have been positive. One of the biggest is a greater focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. I know at our company our workforce is growing more diverse — though there is still work to be done. The clean-energy transition is transforming our industry, and we need to continue innovating to help lead the way. We know greater diversity leads to greater innovation, so it’s important to us to find the best candidates wherever they might be — including in the Hispanic community.

What advice would you give to Latinos considering a career in Energy?

MPT: I would say, recognize that you are wanted and welcome, especially at my company. And remember that while we hire many individuals with STEM backgrounds, you don’t have to be an engineer to work at a power company. We have a huge range of opportunities. Many of our employees are lawyers, biologists, accountants, human-resource professionals, supply-chain managers, IT professionals, writers, people who work with the media — the list goes on and on.

The other piece of advice I would offer is to recognize that our industry is changing rapidly, and we are helping to lead one of the biggest societal transformations since the Industrial Revolution. It’s very exciting, and it’s a big responsibility. We’re looking for people who want to make a difference and grow and improve while they do so.



community in Southern Arizona. It led to my run for Congress in 2018 to further my work for Southern Arizona where I was proud to win my primary but lost the general election.

I was honored that the Governor’s office reached out to appoint me in 2019 to a vacancy on the Arizona Corporation Commission which regulates over 400 private, investor owned utilities in electric, water, gas and wastewater and manages railroad and pipeline safety. With my appointment, I became the first Latina to serve statewide in a public official role. I ran to keep my seat in a statewide election in 2020 and was successful. I have served now as a Commissioner for five years and am the Past Chairwoman. In my capacity as a Commissioner, I am the vice-chair for a national water committee, co-chair of a national nuclear taskforce, and vice chair of the western interconnection regional advisory board. I also serve on the boards of EPRI (electric power research institute) and the New Mexico State University’s Center for Public Utilities.

How would you describe your professional journey as a prominent Latina in the Energy sector?

LMP: I am often asked how one “grows up to be a Commissioner”. It’s a funny question, and I always answer that sometimes the different turns that our life takes coincides with the right time and the right opportunity. I’m sure it is not a very satisfying answer to a young person asking me the question and looking for direction, but it’s exactly what happened to me.

My professional journey began with my first job out of college with Shell Oil Company. I relocated to Los Angeles with my husband, Dan and we began our corporate careers and received our MBA’s. After seven years, we decided to return home to Arizona and to launch our own business – a chain of gasoline stations with convenience stores based on my experience at Shell. I enjoyed engaging in the industry and served on a national convenience store board where I advocated as an independent retailer. Fast forward a decade, and after exiting the business, I took the position as President/CEO of the Tucson Hispanic Chamber to represent the small business


If you were to select a moment or experience in your career that has shaped you the most, what would that moment be and why?

LMP: I have two pivotal moments in my career. The first would be deciding to follow my dream of entrepreneurship and leave my corporate career at Shell Oil to build my chain of gasoline stations and convenience stores. It was a thrilling endeavor, but I had the support of my husband and family as well as the experience and education to feel confident. The second experience was my decision to run for Congress in 2018. I had participated in advocacy at all levels of government on behalf of my chamber members’ small businesses and had watched many candidates succeed and fail in running for office. With the support of my family and my community, I took the bold step to run for federal office.

Courtesy of Lea Márquez Peterson Carlos Cuevas

Both experiences taught me a lot about my own endurance for risk, strengthened my leadership skills and helped shape my perspective on many important issues facing our region and the nation.

What do you think are the most common obstacles Latina’s face when trying to build a career in the Energy industry?

LMP: The energy industry is not a typical career track for many young people or Latinas, and many may not be aware that there are great career opportunities in the electric sector and many innovative companies and projects to work on to strengthen the electric grid of the future. In the west, we are facing increasing demand for energy load and every company is hiring qualified engineers, financial analysts, and attorneys. I recommend to Latinas to research the industry, consider an internship, join an energy-related organization (there are many!) and apply for positions that interest them. This is an opportune time to engage in the energy industry!

How has the energy industry and the consumer needs evolved during your journey?

LMP: We are at a crossroads in the energy industry. As an elected utility regulator, I hear from constituents about their concerns about energy reliability at the most affordable utility rates possible. We also hear from large industrial customers about their need for clean energy such as solar and wind to meet their clean energy goals. During my five years as a Commissioner, I’ve engaged in many discussions about how we can ensure energy reliability, especially in the heat of summer, while supporting our state’s clean energy transition. For me, the answer has been an “all of the above approach” and encouraging our utilities to utilize all source RFPs (requests for proposal) when procuring or building new energy resources. I am a proponent of nuclear energy and small modular nuclear reactors as well as solar with battery and natural gas peaker plants to handle the intermittent nature of solar.

What are the most common trends you in the energy industry?

LMP: There are new technologies being worked on to assist with the clean energy transition happening across our nation

with a focus on affordability for utility ratepayers. I serve on the advisory board for EPRI – an electric power research institute and have been able to study first-hand new technologies that will impact our future transmission lines and wildfire mitigation. I am also co-chairing a national nuclear taskforce studying how we prepare for small modular nuclear reactors to bolster our electric grid at a cost-effective rate for our ratepayers in the future. With the growing interest in artificial intelligence, there is also a lot of discussion on AI’s application in the energy industry such as forecasting the energy load needs during peak times and the analysis of data used to determine potential outages due to extreme weather.

What is the greatest satisfaction you get from your current position at the Arizona Corporation Commission?

LMP: With my chamber of commerce background, I enjoy speaking to the public and discussing the “state of energy” in Arizona. Much of the work we do is complex and wonky. I like speaking to groups (chambers, rotaries, etc) about the steps we take to ensure they have energy reliability and the clean energy transition occurring across the nation. I have also been honored to represent ratepayers across our state as a Commissioner. I am the first Latina to serve in a statewide public official role in Arizona where the Latino community comprises 35% of our population and I appreciate the opportunity to serve.

What are your plans for the next few years, professionally and personally?

LMP: I am currently running for re-election to the Arizona Corporation Commission ( for another four-year term. Following my service at the ACC, I would like to serve on Corporate Boards to continue to serve the industry and their customers. I may also pursue other elected positions as I enjoy problem solving and representing families and small businesses in a leadership role.

What advice would you give to the next generation of Latinas?

LMP: I encourage Latinas to engage in public policy discussions at all levels of government. As a past President of the Tucson Hispanic Chamber, I always reminded my chamber members that votes and decisions were being made weekly by elected officials that impact your work, your family and your life. Every voice and vote matters. It is important to educate yourself on who the candidates and elected officials are in your state.

Consider running for or being appointed to your Public Utility Commission. Each state manages the process differently, so do your research. I have found it fascinating to learn about the industries we regulate (electric, water, gas and wastewater) and to better understand the role we play in economic development. Learn more about the ACC at



How would you describe your professional journey as a prominent Latina in the Energy sector?

LC: My professional career has been a journey grounded in hard work, resilience, perseverance, and a deep commitment to the success of the energy industry and State of Texas. I was born and raised in Alpine, a small rural town in far west Texas and the youngest of a family of eleven. I quickly learned at an early age that hard work, grit, and relentless persistence were the key to overcoming challenges and achieving success. These traits led to three college degrees, including a law degree. As a West Texan, growing up near some of the largest shale oil basins in the world, I have always been interested in energy and natural resources. This longstanding interest led to my career in the energy industry.

Fast forward, now with over 20 years of experience in the Texas electric power industry, I have worked in every area of the energy sector, including major policy, regulatory, and legal issues affecting all types of power generation, transmission infrastructure, and new technologies in three major U.S. electricity markets (ERCOT, SPP, and MISO). I have garnered extensive, multi-faceted experience in the electric power industry and have faced many challenges and obstacles along the way. I have relied on my West Texas grit to keep pushing forward, taking important experience and lessons learned from each chapter of my professional career.

If you were to select a moment or experience in your career that has shaped you the most, what would that moment be and why?

LC: Winter Storm Uri in February 2021. The devastating impacts of Winter Storm Uri left millions of Texans without power for days, resulting in the death of hundreds of Texans and billions of dollars in financial loss. I was the Chief Executive and Public Counsel of the Office of Public Utility Counsel (OPUC) at the time and the first Latina to head OPUC. OPUC represents our state’s millions of residential and small business consumers in the electric, water, and telecommunications industries.

When I took the oath of office, as I did when Governor Abbott appointed me to OPUC in 2019 and the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) in 2021, I committed to faithfully serve the people of Texas. At no other time in my career, and in the state’s history, was this commitment more important than during and after Uri. As PUCT Commissioner, I have spent the last three years working on fortifying the reliability and resiliency of our state’s electric power grid. Because of my experience during and after the storm representing our state’s consumers, I understand just how critically important “keeping the lights on” is for the lives, safety, and welfare of people. I continue to be a strong advocate for our state’s consumers and play a leading role in ensuring all Texans have a reliable, resilient, and affordable supply of electricity.

How has the energy industry and the consumer needs evolved during your journey?

LC: The electric power industry in Texas, and nationally, has dramatically evolved during my career. Pervasive extreme hot and cold weather conditions, drought, and wildfires have placed the reliability and resiliency of our state’s electric power grid at the forefront of importance for state leadership,

state regulators, industry stakeholders, and all Texans. Renewable generation in the state has dramatically increased, making Texas No. 1 in the nation in wind and solar generation, and technological innovation has unlocked significant investment in battery storage in the state.

The Texas electric power industry is also undergoing unprecedented change driven by a significant increase in electricity demand stemming from our state’s economic and population growth, expansion of industrial, manufacturing, oil and gas, and high-tech industries, electrification, technological advancements like artificial intelligence in data centers, bitcoin mining, and hydrogen interest across the state. These key drivers are requiring state leadership, state regulators, ERCOT, and the electric industry to proactively and creatively prepare and plan for extreme weather conditions, an evolving generation mix, and rapidly increasing load growth across the state. This will require a significant amount of investment in infrastructure. A heightened focus will have to be placed on balancing the need to maintain a reliable and resilient supply of electricity, with affordability for Texas consumers.

What is the greatest satisfaction you get from your current position as Commissioner?

LC: It has been a tremendous privilege and honor to serve as Commissioner on the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Texas is a global and national economic powerhouse with an over two trilliondollar economy – the 8th largest economy in the world. The critically important electric industry and electric power grid in Texas represent the backbone of our state’s economy and is essential to the lives, safety and welfare of all Texans. Being asked by the Governor to step in to fix the issues that occurred during Winter Storm Uri and building on that success to fortify our state’s electric power grid for the future is and will always be an honor of a lifetime.

of Lori Cobos F. Izquierdo


We will be publishing constant updates, depending on new revenues being confirmed or companies entering the index.

For this edition the highlights are:

The Diez Group


Grabler & LeBrocq PC

Revenue 2023*:
Revenue 2023*: 146,000 Revenue 2023*: 26,537 *in thousands Ranking #125 Ranking #440 Ranking #19 Employee count: 1,200 Employee count: 130 Employee count: 690
will continue to update the index as new information comes in.


Chateau Margaux 2004 ($975)

• An amazing wine! Intense red color with ripe fruit aromas coming out the glass. Red currant, licorice and plum with herby-minty notes. Powerful and bright. Silky and round. It develops espresso coffee beans and coconut hints. It is an amazing wine that keeps evolving. Awesome sophistication in layers of fruit, spice, and herbs. It develops earthy notes with hints of truffle and mushroom. What a wine!!. The longer you taste it the more flavors and aromatic it becomes.

Aperture 2022 Chenin Blanc ($22)

• Hedonistic and flowery aromas lead to violet, vanilla, lavender, and guava notes. Medium bodied with a great balance and acidity. A beautiful wine full of tropical notes: mangoes, kiwis, and some hints of grapefruit. It is light bodied and long. Excellent wine to sip by the pool before lunch.

Knappstein “The Mayor’s Vineyard “ Shiraz 2020 Clare Valley ( $47)

• This wine displays an awesome fruit with spicy character, with cherry, blueberry and currant aromas. Deep and bold with red fruit marmalade and vanilla notes on the mouth. It is young and vibrant with a medium to full body and a long life ahead. Still too young for me but it will evolve to a fantastic sophisticated and powerful wine.

Azelia Barbera d’Alba “Punta” 2017 ($45)

•Very succulent wine showing dark and reddish shines with nice aromas of black fruit and black pepper. Young and vibrant with high acidity and medium to full body. Dark chocolate and blackberry notes. Elegant and complex, still needs to open. I would put a red sauce pasta with this one.

Domaine Collotte Marsannay 2020 Les Champsalomon ( $30)

• Delicious, fruity and spiced with citric, cherry and floral notes. Ample and medium bodied with a lot of the beautiful Burgundy unoaked Pinot Noir character. Sweet tannins and orange marmalade hints. Nice affordable red Burgundy for everyday drinking.

La Chablisienne Château Grenouilles Chablis Grand Cru 2018 ($67)

• First class of Chablis! Outstanding Grand Cru with a lot of complexity and layers of fruity notes. As we poured it showed an austere nose at first sniff but it opened fantastically over time. Orange candy, vanilla, pear and some spice. Succulent but still shy, however there’s substance and finesse down there. It has a long finish with apricot spread notes.

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