Vol 50 no 9 (May 2, 2018)

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2018 // VOL. 50, NO. 9 LARIATNEWS.COM | FACEBOOK.COM/LARIATNEWS twitter.com/lariatnews

We hope you enjoy our last print issue

Jazz students showcase work at special ‘Compositions’ event in McKinney

the student voice of Saddleback College since 1968

// page 6


FASHION Fashion department rewards students with prizes and $500 grand prize scholarship at spring show // page 8

// page 7

// page 14

// page 2-5

Starbucks training is a good step in the right direction, a Lariat staff editorial


Service animals to gender-neutral bathrooms, staffers take on multiple special reports


Come sail away with marine science technology dept.’s unique off-shore boating classes



“Undocumented” author Dr. Dan-el Padilla Peralta visits for One Book, One College event

// page 12

2 Wednesday, May 2, 2018 | News


DON’T WHITE FANG: Kaya is certified through Tacket Service Dogs, an agency recognized by multiple veterans funds.

Defining ‘service animal,’ according to the ADA A lack of certification leads to the misrepresentation of service dogs MARISSA YOCHAM DESIGN EDITOR

Service dogs are not an unusual sight at Saddleback college; they are also not just any ordinary dog. These service dogs are working animals that have had countless hours of socialization and intense behavioral and obedience training. These working animals are schooled to be mentally and physically ready to assist and help

their human partners in multiple situations. However, there has been a spike in fake service dogs, pets who have had a service vest stuck on them and who have had none of the training needed to be an active service animal, that could potentially jeopardize real service dogs due to the flaws in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or ADA that have created unintentional loopholes to get around

the regulations, which have been poorly defined and managed by the ADA itself, thereby leaving things ripe for loopholes. To fully understand what qualifies as a working service animal, one must look at the official definition stated by the ADA that is defined as follows. “A service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical,

sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability.” Within the confines of this general definition, service animals are required to be trained for a specific task in helping their partners such as seizure alert and other medical responses. Another oversight of the ADA is a lack of a formal certification system and a service dog registry that could help weed out pets who are being passed off as trained service dogs.

News | vol. 50, no. 9 3

lariatnews.com But, the technicality that is taken advantage of by individuals who try passing off their pets as service animals. That technicality being that bystanders and members of the public are discouraged from actively speaking up about fake service animals due to the ADA putting a rule in their own handbook that can only allows people to inquiry the legitimacy of an individual’s disability and the explanation to why their service dog should be accommodated. This is to protect disabled people from being excluded and questioned to disclose their disability which is an invasion of privacy. Unlike pets, service dogs are allowed in places with no pet policies because the business or facility cannot separate the service dog from their handlers because they are protected by the ADA laws prohibit discrimination of disabled service dog handler and could face legal action. For example, Trader Joe’s has a no pet policy but they allow service dogs in their store to comply with ADA law. An individual who has a dog wearing a tag that says ‘service animal’ on the collar yet the animal is being disruptive by barking and growling at other customers. The store manager might approached the individual and is allowed to ask only two questions in regards to their service animal’s needed presence in their location. 1. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Staff members of businesses are not allowed to ask to see the dogs certification or question the individual about their disability. If the individual with the disruptive dog at Trader Joe’s can successfully answer those two questions in a competent manner, the staff cannot press any further questions of the legitimacy of the individual’s service dog. The South Orange County Community College District, which governs Saddleback Irvine Valley Community College and the Advanced Technology and


DON’T WHITE FANG: Kaya, left, attends a class in the Learning Resource Center, sitting out of sight to avoid distracting the class, and later visiting the on-campus bookstore, right.

The ADA defines a service animal as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.” Education Park, has had board policies put into place to help disabled students who require the aid of a service animal. SOCCCD Board policy 5640 states. “It is the policy of South Orange County Community College District to permit qualified individuals with disabilities to use service animals in campus facilities and on campuses.” This policy keeps any individual from discriminating against a disabled student and their service animals, a professor could not bar a student with a service animal from being separated from them during a class, unless under very specific circumstances. “The District imposes some restrictions on service animals for safety reasons. Restrictions may include but are not limited to nursing and health sciences programs, food services programs, rooms with heavy machinery, custodial closets, areas where protective clothing is required or areas that can pose a safety risk to the ani-

mal” says SOCCCD Board Policy 5640. A pet owner can obtain a service vest on Amazon for $24.95 and fake certifications for their eight pound chihuahua to pass them off as a service animal. There are websites such as “USA Service Dog Registration. Com” offers free certifications for service and emotional support dogs. The fact that the website says that they register ‘emotional support dogs’ is a red flag. The ADA clearly defines that emotional support dogs are not considered to be working service dogs. “Emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy dogs are not service animals under Title II and Title III of the ADA. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals” says the ADA. Emotional support dogs, or access dogs, are defined in the ADA legislature as animals who perform a benefit, not a service,

for individuals who have a disability. They can help individuals who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks to feel safe and secure, which is a benefit of their presence. Those who are caught with a fake service animal, here in California, face a $1,000 fine and spend up to six months in jail for violating the ADA regulations of our state. It is hard to get an exact number of people trying to pass off their pets as fake service dogs, but it has become serious issue to service dog handlers who are upset that the fake service animals are misrepresenting and undermining the credibility of trained service dogs. With news reports of fake service animals, has lead to places, such as airliners like Delta, to place stringent restrictions on service animals in the attempts to weed out the fake service dogs. The abuse of the ADA non-discrimination clauses has caused a spike in fraudulent service animals. Without a formal registry and an actual certification process, these pets masquerading as working animals, many who serve veterans who suffer from PTSD and physical disabilities, will continue to derail the progress of working dogs who are trying to enrich and support their human partners who have to face some form of disability in their everyday life.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018 | News


Navigating W-2 v. 1099 incomes Pros and cons for employment in both classifications ANDREA CLEMETT MANAGING EDITOR

Upon graduating from college, students embark upon a journey to pursue their studied profession with a degree or specialized certification from Saddleback. In addition to examining salaries when applying for careers, candidates may also consider flexibility in the field, work among teams, evaluate tax payments, unemployment benefits, health insurance and business expenses. Working for a company acquiring compensation or independently becomes an important decision. When planning for job placement students may discover what fields offer freelance opportunities or working for one specific employer and the benefits of pursuing one or the other. Some vocational fields may overlap when individuals choose their desired path but each has its distinct advantages and disadvantages. Taxes for both types of workers pay into social security in the accumulation of quarters or 10 years of working in order to receive benefits upon retirement. A worker who receives wages on an IRS W-2 Form commonly works set hours as established by the company on a fixed schedule. Whereas, independent workers’ income under a 1099-MISC, find themselves taxed at a higher rate than the same earnings than a W-2 employee. The contractor pays 15 percent of the employee and employer tax, entitled the “self employment tax,” according to quora.com. This designates that one would pay a total of 30 percent of net profit dollars earned in the duration of the 1099 year. Those who work independent-

ly or “freelance” essentially work for themselves by setting their own structure of the business, payment schedule and hours. Job opportunities include such jobs as software developer, writer, blogger, hair stylist, real estate agent, esthetician, photographer and online marketer. Common jobs for a W-2 include restaurant chef, nurse, teacher, accountant, engineer, surveyor and banker. According to an article from Thinkprogress, hair stylists progressed rapidly into independent contractors at a rate of 83 percent over the last decade. In a recent study, 90 percent of beauty salons have no direct employees paid on a W-2 and 34 percent of cosmetologists and hairstylists classify their work as self-employed. “The industry is constantly evolving, and hairdressers are able to create freedom to structure and craft their own businesses,” said Dannielle Gallo, salon owner and image consultant. “Today’s world offers countless resources for independent contractors such as business workshops, marketing courses and learning to work directly with a tax agent in organizing quarterly payment plans. It pushes stylists to develop social media skills, photography and branding their business.” Costs contributing to managing businesses can deduct those expenses through the company. Some deductions from gross wages range from 50 to 100 percent of coverage such as supplies, travel, meals and entertainment expenses. As an independent employee or employer, they can write out contracts to insure that each party fulfills the agreement. Diane Galvan, a senior graphic designer for Fox Racing, indicated when she previously worked as a freelance designer she had flexibility with her schedule and less distractions in working by herself. She had a wide range of clients with challenging and interesting work that she de-

scribed as continuously diverse. Galvan stated she could set specific dates to accomplish each project. Although she had flexibility, she stated drawbacks to working freelance such as not having a steady paycheck if working from contract to contract. In a report from AIGA, 19 percent of of graphic designers classify themselves as freelance in Los Angeles, earning an average of $57,000 annually. “In the past it was hard to turn down work because I wouldn’t know if another opportunity would come so I would just take what I could get no matter if was a small or big project,” Galvan said. “I often felt extremely busy and sometimes took on more than what I could

“Today’s world offers countless resources for independent contractors.” Dannielle Gallo

salon owner/image consultant

chew. That resulted in a lot sleepless nights without maintaining a healthy work and life balance.” For business owners and those who work independently with health insurance not covered through an employer, they can seek coverage through Obamacare depending on their age and location. For instance, a lower end silver plan covers 70 percent of costs, will be determined by income and family size. A single person who earns over $47,520 will entitle them to a government subsidy, with a monthly premium 9.5 percent of their total income. The subsidy equates to the cost of the monthly plan and one’s annual subsidy totaling $485 is deducted from $5,000 per year according to thebalance.com. “The pros of having a full time job is having the steady paycheck

with taxes deductions taken out of each paycheck, qualifying for health, dental, eye care benefits and a 401K plan,” Galvan said. “It is kind of nice to just received a W-2 at the end of the year without having to figure out all my recipes for expenses and compute taxes.” Both employees and self-employed individuals provide savings to retirement accounts. Employees can pay into through their employees for a 401k program for additional retirement from social security whereas independents can open a retirements savings plan, IRA’s tax free plan based upon their income level. Licensed vocational nurse, Donna Sanchez, worked freelance nursing jobs until she began working at retirement community, The Fountain at Sea Bluffs in Dana Point. Currently she works part-time and returned to school for her registered nursing license in order to receive more clearances for other patient services. Her position entitles her to automatic deductions into social security but without health insurance or retirement due to her parttime status. Although Donna freelanced while earning a living, the driving force to work for a company revolved around working with a high volume of clients. “Working for different companies has allowed me to gain experience and learn from different people, from pediatrics, hospice and geriatrics,” Sanchez said. “My objective, after receiving my RN license, is to apply for a job that ideally offers benefits and a retirement plan.” Outlining benefits desired in a workplace can contribute to the selection of a vocational field. Students can research fields or speak to college counselors in considering future careers. Students need to look beyond the pay being offered and delve into those other areas that ultimately translate into dollars gained or lost over a year’s time.

News | vol. 50, no. 9



Saddleback College continues to investigate submitted transgender student complaints ASHLEY HERN


National Public Radio reported the United States Department of Education would discontinue its policy in investigating transgender students’ access and complaints with regard to gendered restroom facilities on Feb. 12. The U.S. Department of Education’s “Office of Civil Rights Instructions to the Field re: Complaints Involving Transgender Students,” claims that President Nixon’s Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sexual discrimination but cannot be extended to include gender identity. South Orange County Community College District’s District Risk Manager, Toni Brandy, confirmed that the district’s sexual harassment complaint and investigation policy includes gender identity or expression. Governor Jerry Brown signed the California School Success & Opportunity Act or Assembly Bill No.1266 which reinforced that public schools did not possess the ability to discriminate against students on the basis of gender, gender identity and gender expression on Aug. 12, 2013. Furthermore, it allowed students to participate in athletic teams and use restroom facilities that corresponded with their gender identity regardless of their gender at birth or on file. The Saddleback College 2016 Annual Safety & Security Report describes that one hate crime has been reported since 2014. The crime involved a fine arts flyer being vandalized with a Star of David and Soviet symbolism in 2014. The report concludes that no other hate crimes have taken place which regard gender reported since 2014. “We haven’t received any complaints in district services,” said Jen-

Ashley Hern/Lariat

1 OF 6: Saddleback has six single-unit, gender-neutral bathrooms, like this one located on the first floor of the Learning Resource Center. nie McCue, SOCCD’s directory of public relations and marketing. Saddleback College currently has two gender neutral restrooms labeled in its campus map located in the Learning Resource Center’s first floor and in the Fine Arts Complex. Jeanne Harris-Caldwell, the director of the student health center, stated that the student health center contains two restrooms facilities which include gender neutral labeling and contain washing or bathing amenities for students. The college asserts that any new facilities on campus will include the inclusion of gender neutral restrooms. The new sports complex’s floor plan in the program validation and schematic design show two restrooms labeled as “G.N.R” for gender neutral restroom equipment. However, in an email to previous Saddleback President Gregory Anderson, the Saddleback Equity and Diversity Committee explained the single-use bathroom facilities for math, science and engineering faculty lack of compliance with California’s Assembly Bill No. 1732 or the Equal Restroom Access Act. The law asserts that single-use restroom within public agencies,

including businesses and government buildings, must adhere and display labels for all genders starting March 1, 2017. Some single-use bathrooms on campus continue to be designated as male and female,” said Carmenmara Hernandez Bravo and Ray Zimmerman, co-chairs of the Equity and Diversity Committee. “Specifically, the faculty in Math, Science and Engineering recently voted to maintain gendered single use bathrooms for themselves rather than convert them into gender neutral bathrooms accessible to students.” It remains uncertain whether the college will follow up with its compliance with the Equal Restroom Access Act after Anderson’s sudden resignation on April 10. The Equity and Diversity Committee plan to address and solicit solutions with Acting President Jame Buysse promptly. According o the SOCCCD Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure, the district recommends that complaints be filed orally or in writing within 30 days of the occurrence. The district has appointed officers who receive and organize investigations based on complaints.

However, these appointed officers may not be the individuals examining the situation if a conflict of interest exists. “South Orange County Community College District takes every student, staff, public complaint/issue very seriously,” said Brady. “Depending on the content/context behind the complaint, there are two different responses. For general complaints, students are encouraged to surface these complaints to managers in charge of said areas. If the nature of the complaint is gender-based discrimination (Title IX) in nature, there is an SOCCCD brochure that describes our District process.” Harassment complaints can be resolved through informal or formal resolution. Informal resolution can be pursued during situations that involve misunderstandings and does not include an investigation, instead it serves as a mediation process. Whereas, formal resolution involves an investigation and interviewing process with both the complainant and alleged harasser. Unlawful discrimination complaints legislature in California requires the SOCCCD to prepare a report and conclude the investigation within 90 days after receipt of a formal complaint. Complainants have the ability to appeal within 15 days of administrative determination with the district’s Board of Trustees. The Saddleback College 2016 Annual Safety & Security Report also recommends filing a crime report. Crime reports have the ability for complainants to remain confidential but require that the college campus reports the incident in its annual disclosure of crime statistics. Saddleback College Police employees or Student Health Center counselors possess the ability to file crime reports.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018 | Culture



MUSICAL INGREDIENTS: Joey Sellers conducts Ben Chasin and jazz students in the McKinney Theatre on Saturday, April 27.

Big Band performs student compositions Saddleback creates a new generation of composers each spring ANDREA CLEMETT MANAGING EDITOR

Students from Saddleback College’s Jazz Composition and Arranging course showcased their world premiere charts and arrangements in a West Coast premiere. Joey Sellers, the director of jazz studies, conducted the ensemble through the student compositions. The course commences solely in the spring semester and alternates every other year with the big band and with a petite seven-piece group. Indicated by Sellers the class challenges students in harmonic, cultural, rhythmic and most importantly, notational knowledge. The time accumulated in writing the music stood out as the biggest obstacle for the musicians. Some of the charts or composi-

tions will be utilized in workshops in the fall by creating altered variations by the students. Ben Chasin composed a piece entitled “Ctenophora” that featured solo performances from Logan Ivancik on bass clarinet and Ryan DeWeese on the flugelhorn. With a supportive trumpeter father and teachers, Chasin left the Orange County School of the Arts to attend the applied music program and other programs while homeschooled. “Ben is a creative type with a natural gift in music,” said Sellers. “He wants an emphasis in music composition and tonight was his first world premiere. It was for most students and in some cases their first jazz composition as well.” Brian Szesny began playing the flute as a child and incorporated sax, clarinet, guitar, bass and drums into his repertoire. Despite his previous experience writing music, he remained new to jazz and composing for a large band. His piece, “A Romance in Victorian Days,” inspired from chords of a Chopin ballade in which he harmonized and felt

it smoothly translated into jazz. He describes writing a melody overlapping with someone else’s chords in the jazz community refers to as a contra fact. “It’s hard to know what the sound is going to be until the band plays it,” said Szesny. “You can write the melody and have the harmonies and even program the computer to play it back, but it’s nothing like the real thing.” The course spent a lengthy amount of time focusing upon the rules of vocals in leading in the context of jazz, which differs from classical music, according to Szesny. He also equates the act of harmonizing a melody to a time-consuming Sudoku puzzle. Daniel Rowe, like the other two composers, made his world premiere of his chart entitled “Meshug.” He enrolled in the class out of curiosity and there he dabbled with a melody he created for his saxophone. The small idea expanded into a threeweek journey composing for the big band. He currently plays numerous woodwind instruments such as the saxophone family, flute and

bass clarinet. He ultimately incorporates the horn section when composing, using independent sounds or accents characterized by those instruments. “I want to continue composing more music, but I want to take more time and be a bit more methodical.” said Rowe. “In the future, I plan to continue playing as a community member, stay involved with the classes and finish my degree at a Cal State University.” The course provides a creative atmosphere in which students can contribute and work together. Former Saddleback student, Tyler Carmody, went on to Cal State Northridge and returned as a community member. “It is fun for me to see students venture away and come back with immense improvement,” said Sellers. “It has been a pleasure to see Tyler play a very mature level being one of the greatest solo guitarists we have ever had.” Many students from the class indicated they will continue writing and developing the skills acquired from the course.

Culture | vol. 50, no. 9



One college meets one author Dan-el Padilla Peralta comes to Saddleback College to discuss immigration MARISSA YOCHAM DESIGN EDITOR

Saddleback College held the One Book, One College author visit for Dan-el Padilla Peralta’s memoir titled “Undocumented” at the campus McKinney Theater on Tuesday April 24. One Book One College is a shared school-wide read that has the goal to promote a broader understanding of experiences to open up our own viewpoints as a campus. With the current political climate on the topic of immigration, “Undocumented” has become a window for students to look into the experiences of Padilla who The event started at 9:30 a.m. with a free Dominican style breakfast that was prepared and provided by the Saddleback College culinary arts program. Jazz musicians from the Saddleback Jazz Studies Combo performed for those who waited and ate. English 1B student, Hanna Jackson stood with her friends while waiting for the theater to open and commented on what she looked forward to during the event. “I’m just looking for a new perspective on like the whole immigration thing,” Jackson said. The doors to McKinney Theater opened around 10:15 a.m. with a live broadcast for overflow seating which was held in Room 313 of the Science and Math Building. The theater was filled to capacity and soft chatter


LITERARY DEVICE: A copy of Dan-el Padilla Peralta’s “Undocumented” along with the author’s visit flyer.

“I think this a book that definitely needed to be written.” DR. DAN-EL PADILLA PERALTA

filled the room as students, faculty and guest filed in. A ‘readers theater’, where several actors took passages from the book and acted them out, by Larry Radden, Lexi Gin and Jared Schreiner preceded the discussion. After Padilla made his appearance for the real event to begin. Padilla spoke on the themes of immigration and geo-political patterns in history that tied into his autobiography. He spoke of his personal struggle of trying to obtain his

Cole Peloquin

Phi Theta Kappa president

green card and how the immigration system here in the United States is severely flawed. Ann Mudry, who attended with a friend, stated that Padilla’s presentation was “simply fantastic”. The Q&A held after the main Cole Peloquin, who is the current president of Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society, gave his own personal insight of what he had taken away from Padilla’s presentation and his thoughts of how impact-

ful “Undocumented” was on him. “I think this a book that definitely needed to be written,” Peloquin said. Following the Q&A towards the end of the presentation, that were pre-written and given to a group of selected students to ask Padilla. The questions ranged from his current relationship with his brother from the strained relationship we see in the book to Padilla’s personal stance on his Dominican heritage. Padilla held a book signing in the campus quad outside of Mckinney Theater until 1:30 p.m. A following announcement was made before the end of the event that Padilla would make another appearance at Mission Viejo Public Library on April 25 for another author discussion at 6 p.m.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018 | Culture



Hundreds attended the annual student-produced fashion show at Saddleback College, which returned to the McKinney Theatre on April 26. Organized by the Special Events and Coordination Class or FASH 147, the event showcases the amalgamation of designs and garments made by students in the class throughout the term. Aside from offering a platform to produce and create garments, the class offers applicable experience in promotion, advertising, merchandising, sales and coordination through show preparation and production during the semester. The theme of this year’s show, BEYOND, focuses on environmental sustainability and raising awareness of fast fashion trends that impact the environment. New styles move quickly from the runway to manufacturing, promoting poor working environments in developing countries, questionable workmanship and the decay of synthetic fabrics, according to reporting by the Independent. “Textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of clean water globally, after agriculture,” Independent’s Patsy Perry wrote. The fast fashion industry remains one of the heaviest polluting industries in the world, placing second only to big oil in terms of global impact. With the event falling shortly after Saddleback College’s Earth Week, the two student directors overseeing the show this semester hope awareness of the alternative “slow fashion” movement will promote support of local designers and resources, as well as buying secondhand or ethically sourced garments. “Beyond” awareness, the event also highlighted student designs from recent months in four categories: corset, ready-to-wear, evening wear and unconventional. The three best designs in each category received an award which included


IN VOGUE: Student models strut down the catwalk in student-produced fashion at BEYOND. a prize ranging from a Rowenta iron for those placing third, to a Singer sewing machine for second place winners and a Prismacolor art marker set for first place recipients. An awards ceremony followed a choreographed runway show of student designs and models and a brief showcase of sponsored fashions from boutiques that donated time or resources to the event, including Stevie Sister in Newport Beach, Free Bird in San Clemente and Friar Tux in Laguna Niguel. All student designers and models returned to the stage to be acknowledged before awards commenced, which were judged and decided prior to the event by department faculty and fashion industry professionals. Corsets encompass tight-fitting reinforced garments with a broad presence in history and fashion since the sixteenth century. This category featured student designs which sought to replicate historical corsets into modern designs while reflecting their personal style. Amy Messinger placed third with a three-piece upholstered corset with white jumpsuit and brown ruffle skirt, Elizabeth Ramirez received second place for a black corset with white lace skirt and Emily Green won first place with a four-piece purple and black floral

coordinated skirt and corset with a black victorian top. Ready-to-wear represents sellable factory-made clothing, or garments able to make available in a variety of standardized sizes by design, but tailored enough to be flattering to a person’s frame. Ramses Osorio took third place with a beige mixed textile tunic with embroidered and dyed embellishments, Elizah Siegel placed second with a polka-dotted blue denim skirt and white top and Emily Reynaga won first place with a two-piece ‘70s printed crop top and denim printed skirt Evening wear encompasses unique one-of-a-kind garments with special attention paid to details and craftsmanship, with most students producing gowns for the category. Emily Green placed third with a white and black floral gown, winning her second award of the evening, Emily Reynaga also took her second award of the evening when she accepted second place with a red sweetheart strappy gown and Zheela Saberi won her first award of the night winning first place with a sheer mauve floral gown. Unconventional garments are draped and constructed from abstract materials which exclude textiles and fabrics, and encourage students to think outside the box. Lei

Holt came in third place with a twopiece pink duct tape top and bubble wrap skirt, Wendy Siegel placed second with a black and white checked dress featuring floral egg carton embellishments and Lindsay Orndorff won first place for a twopiece cellophane top and skirt. The same awards committee convened briefly to evaluate all entries to award Best in Show and a $500 scholarship to one student. Professional fashion industry judges included Amanda Rose, the owner of Free Bird boutique, Saddleback alumni Martha Nestor, a technical designer and junior pattern maker at Avalon Apparel and Debbie Dufour, technical design manager for The La Jolla Group. Ramses Osorio won the top award of the evening for his pink tulle evening wear gown, but also placed third in the ready-to-wear category, wherein he personally modeled his own design on the runway. Osorio and fellow designer Jay Cortes were the only two students listed to feature both design and modeling work at the event. Each fashion show brings a new theme every year, such as Movement in 2017 and Dystopia in 2016. Anticipated to return in the spring of 2019, the next show will also feature a theme of the students’ choosing.

Culture | vol. 50, no. 9



The Passion of Hippy Jesus “Jesus Christ Superstar” ★★★★ MARISSA YOCHAM DESIGN EDITOR

On Sunday, April 1, NBC broadcasted a staged concert version of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1970 rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar,” which tells the story of the last week of Jesus of Nazareth’s life before his crucifixion. However, this musical tells the story from the perspective of the traitor who has been made infamous for almost 2,000 years: Judas Iscariot. The main cast consisted of the following: “Hamilton” actor, Brandon Victor Dixon, Judas Iscariot; R&B Musician, John Legend, Jesus Christ; Broadway Veteran, Norm Lewis, High Priest Caiaphas; Sara Bareilles, Mary Magdalene; and Alice Cooper, King Herod. The set and costume design can best be described as post-apocalyptic grunge, which is not the first time the musical has diverged from its hippy roots of the original 1973 movie of the same name. The musical was sung completely through without any dialogue. The lack of dialogue was a weak point when it came to framing the songs because there was nothing to buffer scene transitions, which can be jarring for those who are trying to figure out where the plot is going. But knowing network executives, the dialogue was most likely cut to keep the run time down. Another shortcoming from making this musical concert truly enjoyable, was John Legend’s acting. While he delivered vocally, his acting or lack thereof, left the role of Jesus rather uninspiring. Legend’s facial expressions ranged from a “worried” expres-


JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR LIVE IN CONCERT: Brandon Victor Dixon, left, stars as Judas, and John Legend as Jesus in NBC’s teleplay of “Jesus Christ Superstar” by Andrew Lloyd Webber.


Line Up: John Legend, Alice Cooper, Brandon Viuctor Dixon, Sarah Bareilles, Norm Lewis Director: David Leveaux and Alex Rudzinski Air Date: NBC | April 1

sion to a “slightly distressed and constipated” one. The specific moment where that emoting was needed was in the Temple scene. In previous productions, the actor playing Jesus goes on a rampage and flips tables over while screaming at the merchants and money changers to get the f**k out of the temple for turning it to a “den of thieves”. Legend did not bring that intensity to that scene, he sounded like he was channeling an old man yelling at those ‘young whippersnappers’ to get off his front lawn. Sara Bareilles was also a rather bland Mary Magdalene who did not bring anything new to the role acting wise, she sang adequately,

but she did not move the cold, black void I call a heart, with her rendition of the power ballad: “I Don’t Know How to Love Him.” I was left feeling bored being emotionally moved by paint dry and wanting to fast forward every time it was her turn to sing. Alice Cooper, on the other hand, stole the show by gnawing on the scenery in probably the best version of “King Herod’s Song”, complete with show girls dressed as sexy pheasants. Norm Lewis also showed off his vocal prowess and strong stage presence that made him delightfully diabolical and imposing while rocking cornrows and his beautiful baritone with a long coat that made him and the other pharisees look like Sith Lords, far more competent Sith Lords than in the Star Wars Prequels. Brandon Victor Dixon was a powerhouse; his rendition of the song “Superstar” brought down the house putting him on par with the late Carl Anderson. Dixon’s

acting made Judas almost relatable, he brought depth and conflict to a figure who is often portrayed in a negative light, for many reasons, because betraying your friend and teacher is still a d*ck move, Judas. Even if you had good intentions and just wanted to get through to Jesus that his messiah complex has gone to his head in this adaptation of the story of the Passion of Christ, stop whining about how Jesus spends too much time with Mary Magdalene before FanFiction writers start making stories about this thinly veiled love triangle. “Jesus Christ Superstar” has been the best of the NBC Live Musicals so far, yet “the Wiz” still holds its own with this much larger production. It owes its success to a strong and diverse cast, strong ensemble, clever set design and excellent orchestration. Though the musical has some weak spots, it is leaps and bounds above NBC’s previous live musical productions.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018 | Eco News


Fashion trends center on brand transparency Former Volcom sustainability VP talks more “mindful,” USAbased consumer choices ASHLEY HERN


Imagine an American, Chinese, or Indian field surrounded by a milky white tint which contrasts its foliage possessing a color palette mimicking the deep, dark soil’s brown hues underneath. Cotton used for textiles and fashion grows with a powerful equilibrium throughout this farm which goes on to be harvested, pressed, treated with pesticides, insecticides and dyes, shipped, twisted and weaved into a t-shaped garment commonly known as the T-shirt. The department of environmental studies and Brittany Poloni planned events which illustrated the theme of sustainable fashion, like a denim recycle collection drive, a viewing of the documentary “The True Cost” and lectures presented by Derek Sabori and Barry Nerhus for Saddleback College’s Earth Week which occurred from April 16 to April 23. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that 20,000 liters of water go into producing one kilogram of cotton. Furthermore, The World Counts calculates that worldwide production of cotton each year averages around 29 million tons. These figures roughly translate that cotton producers use more than 526 million liters of water yearly. “The Citarum river is biologically dead, contaminated


KNOWLEDGE IS POWER: Speaker Derek Sabori presenting a lecture on sustainable fashion for Earth Week at Saddleback College. with lead, mercury, arsenic, & toxins from various industries,” said RiverBlueMovie on Twitter. “The #fashion industry is the 2nd largest polluter, next to oil.” Derek Sabori, founder of The Underswell and co-founder of Kozm, demonstrated a presentation which concentrated on sustainability in fashion, apparel, textiles and business on Wednesday, April 18 at the Saddleback College campus. Sabori used his experience with Costa Mesa-based action sports brand Volcom to reflect on sustainability and its application in the fashion industry. During his 19-year employment relationship with Volcom, Sabori job titles changed from head of environmental affairs to the vice president of global sustainability for the brand. “If you are like me, we all like a lot of stuff and I did not always recognize the cost that came along with all this stuff,” said Sabori. “It was at UCI that I had my flash moment and I started to realize that all the stuff that I liked and all the things that I did came with a consequence and an impact.”

Kozm features yoga apparel and accessories marketed for men. These products contain organic cotton, a product story of where each component of the production process occurred and an open book business model that displays the cost of the product to both the retailer and consumer. The brand has also received B Crop certification and donates 5 percent of each sale to the Warrior Spirit Retreat. “We currently make all our products in the USA because it gives us hands on oversight of every step of production, and it reduces our carbon impact,” said Troy Ecker, co-founder of Kozm. “There is no complex global supply chain. We know where everything we are making comes from, and we are in close touch with the people making it.” Hashtags like #madefairwithcare, #transparency, #sustainablebuisness and #whomademyclothes embellish the brand’s Instagram posts. The #madefairwithcare displays 203 tagged posts, #transparency exhibits 256,655 posts, #sustainablebusiness shows 35,209

posts and #whomademyclothes conveys 233,797 posts, respectively. The Fashion Revolution, a UK-based social enterprise, collects data on fashion retailers and their transparency in the supply and production chain. The enterprise judges and assesses 150 of the largest fashion brands based on five different criterias, policies and commitments, governance, traceability, “know, show, and fix” and spotlight issues. Their April campaign, #whomademyclothes, acknowledges the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse on April 24. “Five years on from the Rana Plaza garment factory disaster, there’s no better time to make more mindful, socially responsible fashion choices,” said FashionRevolution on Twitter. Adidas and Reebok received the highest final scores of 58 percent in the Fashion Transparency Index for 2018. Puma, H&M, Esprit, Banana Republic, Gap, Old Navy, C&A and Marks & Spencer achieved the 50th percentile section right behind the top scores. Retailers like Sandro, Nine West, s. Oliver, Mexx, Liverpool, Jessica Simpson, Dior and Max Mara obtained the lowest concluding scores of zero percent. The Fashion Revolution’s Fashion Transparency Index for 2018 concludes in its overall analysis that retailers and businesses still have multiple opportunities to develop more transparency. However, it views the 10 percent increase in accountability by 16 different companies optimistically. These retailers include The North Face, Timberland, Wrangler, C&A, ASOS, Espirit, Benetton, Levi Strauss & Co., Primark, Next, New Balance, LOFT, Hugo Boss, Under Armour, Lululemon and Zalando.

Eco News | vol. 50, no. 9 11


Master gardener’s compost tips


The department of environmental studies at Saddleback College held a week of events centered around recycling, sustainability, conservation and more for Earth Week. UCI Master Gardener, Brian Hale, taught a lecture about composting and vermicomposting on Tuesday. Master gardeners’ top priority is to provide residents of Orange County with current, practical and sound gardening advice that they can use. They accomplish this by having booths at various venues, website, brochures, presentations and seminar among other means. Hale has been a master gardener for 20 years. He shared two worksheets during the lecture. The first of which talks about composting. Compost is the biologically active material resulting from decomposition of organic matter under controlled circumstances. Composting requires a threeinch by three-inch bin filled with two parts brown waste and one part green waste. Brown waste includes dried leaves, woody plant materials, chopped or ground branches and twigs, straw, hay, shredded newspaper and sawdust. This waste type contains carbon that increases the surface area and makes decomposition easier. Green waste includes grass clippings, yard trimmings, green leaves, fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, tea bags and cow or chicken manure. Green wastes contain nitrogen that increases the rapid breakdown of organic material. Add water to create a favorable environment for the microorganisms that break down organic material. Make sure the bin gets enough air so the microorganisms can live and multiply. With composting there are


SPOILED FOR GOOD: Compost can consist of sawdust, food scraps, shredded newspapers and yard trimmings. two methods. The first is the University of California Rapid Hot Method. This method requires extra physical effort on the part of the composter, but if you want large amounts of compost in a relatively short period of time, this is the method for you. The second method, Traditional Cold Method, the slower one because it takes up to a year to decompose. People who live in areas where the weather changes seasonally use this method a lot. The labor becomes less intense and still makes a batch of compost once a year. After you have the bin situated you need to make a worm bed. The worms do not like to live in their own casting. You can use shredded cardboard, paper, newspaper or shredded coconut husk to make the bed. Always regularly check the bed to ensure it is deep enough and slightly moist. Add a handful of sterile soil, sand, coffee grounds or wellcrushed eggshells to provide grit for the worms’ digestion. When you are done preparing the bed you can add the worms. There are four important reasons why you should compost. First, it reduces green waste and landfill use. Second, reuses valuable green waste like grass clippings, yard trimmings and green

leaves. Third, recycles waste into a useful garden asset. Lastly, restores soil health. With worm composting you get more benefits. Although it takes up a little space and requires

some physical activity, you will only need to feed a half-pound of food every day for about one pound of worms. This method allows the compostable material to be added at any time without slowing the decomposing process and also reduces the amount of household waste which improves the environment. Landfills everywhere are running out of room for garbage. Roughly 25 percent of the garbage is made up of yard trimmings and food scraps. Composting and vermicomposting methods can be beneficial to your garden because it loosens clay soil and helps sandy soils retain water. Not only does compost contain no petroleum-based compounds, but it can suppress plant diseases and pests.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018 | Opinion


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Starbucks removes the elephant from coffee shops Starbucks’ response to Philly incident sparks positive workplace innovation EDITORIAL STAFF

The rising temperatures of racial differences from the popular coffee chain that led Kevin Johnson, CEO of Starbucks, to make significant strides forward in creating a nonracial work climate. While the manager of a Philadelphia location made an inauspicious decision against two African-Americans, the company’s plan for change promotes a positive shift for other corporations and sets a high bar. This event opened the vaults of prior experience of racial biases with people coming forward with their own accounts of discrimination. The news coverage and social media posts have helped to facilitate a dialogue across the country. This sharing of ideas and feelings plays a pivotal role in creating a culture shift. Society teaches persons to believe that those in positions of authority have our best interests at heart. What happens when a police officer, president of the nation or store manager acts in a racially biased fashion without any consequence? It establishes a precedent. A study of learned racism concluded that the environment plays a role of favorable and tendentious perceptions, according to a Boston Globe article conducted by Mahzarin Banaji a Harvard University Psychologist. When prominent authority figures like President Trump,

conveyed slanderous remarks in 2016 that “Mexican are criminals and rapists” and in 2017 he said 15 thousand recent immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS.” These words permit a license for free speech to be used in derogatory ways towards the group of the brunt of the slur. This new normal provokes a higher acceptance of bigotry and those targeted must tolerate the current status quo. When did the seemingly superficial concept of political correctness disintegrate to the point where people now openly exhibit their intolerance of others? The elephant in the Starbucks branch in Philadelphia provoked

their procedures in confronting and resolving non-violent disputes according to article reported by The New York’s Times. The verification of the videos exposes the truth, unlike in allegations of sexual harassment, that initially left a ‘he said she said’ debate. The #metoo movement began as isolated incidents and gave rise to an influx of victims coming forward. This further compelled work establishments to implement mandatory training protocols and regulations. Starbucks embarked on a path to alter the culture of the stores, ostracizing racially-biased behavior even if the individual’s

THIS NEW NORMAL PROVOKES A HIGHER ACCEPTANCE OF BIGOTRY AND THOSE TARGETED MUST TOLERATE THE CURRENT STATUS QUO. an immediate response wherein racial bias training will occur in 8,000 stores in the U.S. on May 29. However, it remains unclear whether racial preferences that began in early childhood can be changed by an afternoon session. Nevertheless, it will provide for the establishment of a policy within the company in order to determine what they deem to be inappropriate actions. When does the truth prevail? The exposure stems from iPhones capturing these moments in real time by minimizing the hearsay as it did in the Starbucks incident. It rightfully puts those at fault under a microscope, as it influenced the commissioner of police in Philadelphia to reassess

core beliefs do not appreciably change. If no action took place, perhaps a work environment where allowances to discriminate would ultimately enable a toxic culture to prevail. It may take time before other companies follow suit and change their protocols concerning racial biases. However, if similar situations arise such as what occured at Starbucks, those involved will expect repercussions and change. It all starts with incremental change and Starbucks hopes employee discipline in the implementation of revised policies. However, changing hearts and minds in order to ensure that individuals confront their biases becomes the end goal.

13 Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Student athletes achieve 3.24 team GPA Coach BJ McNicol and soccer team discuss athletic and academics success for fall ASHLEY HERN


The Saddleback athletic department announced a six percent increase and the largest number of athletic students named onto the Athletic Honor Roll for fall 2017 on March 16. The Saddleback women’s soccer team also executed their best academic year thus far in 2017. 79 percent of the team made the Athletic Honor Roll; furthermore, 27 percent achieved a perfect 4.00 grade point average in Fall 2017. The Athletic Honor Roll requires that student athletes register for and complete at least 12 units with a 3.00 GPA or higher during the semester. 23 of the 35 total soccer players made the Athletic Honor Roll. Marisa Covarrubias, Jackie Nichols, Sarah Parrick, Alyssa Pellow, Gabrielle Race, Sofie Johansson, Kailey Kerr and Rebecca Zachary make up the eight players for the women’s soccer team that completed their fall 2017 semester with a 4.00 GPA. According to BJ McNicol, the head women’s soccer coach, the team contains the largest sports program at Saddleback with a total of 35 players when including Red Shirt athletes, or team members that practice but do not play actual competitions or matches. They have performed at five consecutive California Community College Athletic Association playoff appearances as well. Currently, the National Soccer Coaches Association of American has ranked the team’s coaches in its top 25. “Dustin Bothwell directly works with our players and does an amazing job getting our students access to all the supporting resources available and he does an amazing job,” said McNicol. “Our players are required to turn in grade check forms twice a semester to ensure they are staying on track in their class.” During Kailey Kerr’s freshman season, she played in a total of nine games as a for-


PITCH: Soccer team members take pride in skills on the field and in the classroom. ward and scored one goal. According to the team roster, Kerr has also coached a boy’s soccer team. “The reason why I got a 4.0 GPA during season was because one, I used my resources, I took advantage of my free time [didn’t waste it on Facebook or Twitter], worked hard but gave myself breaks, always came prepared to class and lastly, I always thought of the long term and how my hard work will pay off someday.” said Kerr, a biology major. Jackie Nichols, another of the eight teammates that accomplished a 4.0 GPA, previously attended Chapman University. She currently plays defense for Saddleback College. “While the grades I achieved were through motivating myself and my own hard work, I feel like my coaches and teammates had a part in it as well,” said Nichols, a microbiology major. “The girls on the team constantly encourage one another to succeed and we would all go to the LRC once a week for an hour to study and do homework together.” Alyssa Pellow, an additional athlete that realized an ultimate GPA, currently performs as a midfielder. However, she played for Marymount California University on a soccer scholarship for her freshman year of college. The team roster specifies that she held the position of team captain before graduating from Laguna Beach High School. “I was originally not going to play soccer

at Saddleback but the coaches convinced me and I’m glad they did,” said Pellow. “My experience with Saddleback Soccer was definitely very fun and interesting. The coaches are really supportive of you and being forced to go study for a few hours every week in study hall helped a lot.” McNicol mentioned that the team trains from Monday through Friday during the fall semester, which is their game season time. Matches occur on Tuesdays and Fridays specifically. He estimated that the team’s athletes spend more than 15 hours a week training, traveling and competing with other colleges. The women’s soccer team participates in the student athlete PASS program which requires each individual player to spend at least three hours in Saddleback’s Learning Resource Center. The Division of Online Education and Learning Resources at Saddleback College provides free PASS tutoring for student players. Academic counselors Mike Long and Sheryl Christensen work specifically with Saddleback athletes. The women’s soccer team has also received Orange Empire Conference and California Community College Athletic Association scholar award nominations. Saddleback College’s women’s golf, women’s cross county, men’s basketball, women’s and men’s water polo also obtained CCCAA nominations for having each player on the team retaining a 3.0 GPA minimum.



Wednesday, May 2, 2018


POINT OF SAIL: Catalina dinghies practice tacking into warmer weather at Baby Beach in Dana Point.

Saddleback sails offshore

Students overcome challenging weather conditions in offshore sailing ANDREA CLEMETT MANAGING EDITOR

Saddleback students set sail in Dana Point Harbor for sailing lab and ocean-view classroom field studies. Students have opportunities to explore the rigors of sailing and the unpredictability of the ocean. The beginning sailing course of seamanship and safety uses fleets of Catalina Capri 14-foot boats docked at Westwind Sailing in Dana Point. John Keith founded Saddleback Marine Science and Technology in the late 1980s and partnered with Orange County. The program provided the boats for the classes’ use and public access in a cooperative agreement in 1987. Since then, Saddleback bought a new fleet of sailboats from University of California, Irvine and maintains them at the community center of Westwind Sailing. These

small boats, known as dinghies, are ballasted by human weight, possess one-mast and employ 2 sails. These sails wave the red and yellow spirit colors of the college. The course design encompasses a building block format whereby students build upon the knowledge they learn in each previous week. Students receive water time on the first day in the harbor and eventually progress onto the open ocean. Diane Wenzal, the executive director of Westwind Sailing and a member of the associate faculty, teaches theory in class and on the boat at the dock. The MST 212 course does not require prior boating experience, according to Wenzal. Students examine the anatomy of the boats, develop an understanding of weather elements and practice land drills. The smaller boats have sensitive movements with a response from a slight shift of the tiller or trim

of the sails. The instructors conveyed that the crew will rotate in performing all duties to avoid becoming overwhelmed. “The course I found to be the whole gamut of individuals from 16 to 80 years of age,” said Wenzal, Saddleback’s associate faculty. “I have asked students why they took the course, some have said they want to sail around the world or bought a boat and need to learn how to sail. Others in their sixties said they had sailed as children and a chunk of people who want these certifications to pursue a vocational field that requires boating in marine sciences and environment.” In MST 214B, the advanced cruising under sail course, students voyage on three-day offshore expeditions to both Catalina and the Santa Barbara Islands. The first-year students begin as crew members on the cruisers to establish their abilities, whereas in the second year, options for student skipper op-


vol. 50 no. 9


WINDWARD: Former student Marty Stoland of the adaptive kinesiology course in sailing, continues to sail every Friday with Westwind Sailing in Dana Point. portunities arise to learn and serve as captain of the crew on each journey. The Aventura Sailing Association provides a fleet of boats between 33 to 38-feet for use in the course. These boats differ from the Capri in that they have a fixed keel in lieu of a centerboard that can be raised for docking as well as an inboard diesel engine for secondary propulsion. “When students first go out at sea with a class, they are not sure what to expect and may even be fearful of setting sail as they leave the land behind,” said Mark Howe, instructor of advanced sailing. “Very quickly, they learn confidence in their vessel and their crewmates. The teamwork aboard a sailboat is like no other.” During this semester Howe indicated that delegating through stormy weather conditions posed the greatest challenge for students. Although each boat will have an experienced person on board for oversight, most of the tasks will be managed by students.

The crew adapted to learning a larger boat on the three-day excursions while performing man overboard recovery, reefing and unreefing the sails, reducing the area of the sail and in practice drills for rough weather. “While standing water under way you develop a sense of being able to depend on your watchmate and a realization of how crucial that dependability is when the weather is challenging or something goes wrong,” said Howe. “Many of these skills will transfer to other situations for the rest of their lives.” During the sailing excursion home from Catalina Island, the class faced stormy weather fronts with 30 knots of wind and nine foot swells. When supervising their crew, student skippers must work in constant communication with them in order to run the boat efficiently and safely on the water. “I used to be nervous when the boats would heel, this happens when the boat leans under the influence of the winds on sails”, said Casey Schaul, student of advanced sail-


ing. “However, after coming back under student skipper Joe Hoffman and instructor Rick Dahlin, I understood what needed to be done and was completely comfortable in my skills. The venture home was exhilarating and thus far, my greatest memory this semester.” Schaul has sailed for roughly three years and previously crewed on sailboats to destinations such as the white sandy beaches of Ibiza to the jungles of Costa Rica. With her sturdy sea legs, Schaul ventured to Saddleback in 2017 to complete the Seamanship Certification.The knowledge she gained prepared her for a seamless transition for future courses and to efficiently to receive certifications from the American Sailing Association, according to Schaul. On a recent trip to Tahiti, Schaul found herself in a similar situation to Catalina, in sailing through a scowl on the South Pacific waters. Maintaining her hands-on skills and theoretical studies from Saddleback, she works toward her goal of becoming a confident sailor on her own. After this program and other ASA certifications, Schaul works toward owning a sailboat, further sailing and chartering it internationally. Upon completion of a Seamanship Certification from Saddleback, many graduates continue on to receive their Captain’s license. Saddleback offers a course specifically for preparation for Coast Guard licensing as their program requires a specific examination and verification for sea time. A Seafarer vocation can be an applied skill to overlap in other fields or work part-time as means of support. The cooperative agreement of the Capris also partners with the Adaptive Kinesiology program wherein students with disabilities may participate in an introductory outdoor activities, including sailing in order to learn basic skills and safety. “Sailing can be a very intense mental sport, from jockeying for position to start, understanding the weather and combining the elements together in getting to point A to point B”, said Wenzal. “My students may go back to work in a cubicle or back to class and reflect about sailing in the open ocean. It’s an adaptable sport for all and empowering people becoming stronger individuals from it.” Westwind sailing will be hosting “Aqua Fest” on May 13, with the objective of raising awareness for ocean safety and wearing precautionary life jackets. The festival gives persons the opportunity to explore the ocean with free outdoor water sports including sailing, paddle-boarding and kayaking.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018 | Monthly Horoscopes


Horoscopes Expect the Eta Aquarids meteor shower, a new and blue moon for an interesting turn of events in May ASHLEY HERN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

ARIES: This month will bring new beginnings and bittersweet endings for you, dear Aries. The Eta Aquarids meteor shower from May 5 to May 6 brings romance as a peak focus for the month. Focus on what you need romantically. The new moon occurring on May 15 will cause reflection on what obstacles can be removed or worked on. During your time of introspection, be certain to indulge in new and exciting activities. TAURUS: Romance takes the centerstage this month, passionate Taurus. The Eta Aquarids from May 5 to the blue moon on May 21 highlight romantic affairs. The energy from both of these events makes the perfect setting for a first date for singles or a date night for couples. You will also see a boost of positive activity or growth in your financial pursuits. The blue moon will have you radiating your dependable and persistent nature. GEMINI: The theme of selfimprovement will be your focus this month, dear Gemini. You certainly can be adjustable or

flexible to new ideas or plans. However, it can be hard for you to dedicate your time to longterm projects. The new moon on May 15 will provide the push needed to think about future plans. Use self-reflection to focus on what plans or projects you can follow through with realistically. CANCER: Home happiness will be your central focus for the month, faithful Cancer. You certainly can be quite the homebody. This is the perfect time to focus on that attribute. Most of your energy will be drawn inward for the month. The blue moon on May 21 will create an air of generosity around you. Your loving, protective and faithful qualities might attract romantic interactions at the connclusion of your month. LEO: Consider this month multifaceted in the areas of romance and creativity, optimistic Leo. The Eta Aquarids meteor shower in the beginning of May along with the blue moon on May 21 will bring romantic plans and ideas to fruition this month. The blue moon will also peak your creativity, enthusiasm and energy. VIRGO: Health becomes pivotal for you this month, dear Virgo. Your tendency to be quite the perfectionist might have you burnt out at the beginning of the month. Self reflect or reevaluate your consistency to procrastinate on important projects during the new moon on May 15. Consider focusing on the positive mental and physical changes you can create this month. The blue moon will end your month in a creative tone. Use this time to self reflect, recharge your batteries and

your guide to what’s up this month in astrology

reach out to loved ones. Focus on yourself, Virgo. LIBRA: Focus on communication this month, charming Libra. Your ability to be diplomatic, just and tactful will have friends and acquaintances drawn to your magnetic pull. Now would be the time to partake in the social activities you have been wanting to fulfill previously. The new moon on May 15 will bring future projects to fruition, consider reaching out to business professionals or experts for help. The month ends with the blue moon having you focus on developing healthier communication with your loved ones. SCORPIO: Psychological healing becomes the theme for the month, intuitive Scorpio. Consider what you might need to improve your psychological health. Remind yourself of your focused, brave and balanced nature when reflecting inward. The new moon on May 15 will bring reflections of which behaviors are healthy and unhealthy. On a lighter note, the Eta Aquarids meteor shower and blue moon will have passion at an all time high throughout the month. SAGITTARIUS: This month will bring much needed positivity to multiple departments in life, generous Sagittarius. The Eta Aquarids meteor shower in the beginning of the month will have you giving off a lot of flirtatious vibes. The new moon on May 15 will have you shifting gears. Consider why your deposition to become bored easily occurs. Try shutting off social media outlets

at the end of the month for a much needed spiritual and social recharge. CAPRICORN: Consider breaking your disciplined inclinations this month, practical Capricorn. The combination of the Eta Aquarids and the blue moon create a plethora of fun social activities throughout the month. An unplanned trip or vacation might prove to be resourceful and create the new energy needed to embrace certain projects or ideas. This month creates a timeframe to recharge your batteries through social engagements and activities. AQUARIUS: Your energy consists of looking at the bigger picture this month, dear Aquarius. Consider questioning your impact to your community and society during the new moon on May 15. What positive attributes do you bring to loved ones in your life? Try expanding those attributes or traits to the rest of your community. The blue moon at the end of the month will have individuals aware of your contributions and embracing your positive disposition. PISCES: Focus on reality, instead of daydreaming this month, imaginative Pisces. This month will bring forward the energy needed to make your deepest dreams come true. The new moon during the middle of the month will have you focus on establishing or nurturing relationships that can prove to be helpful for future projects. Consider letting go of the energy that can be metaphorically holding you back.

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