Los Alamos Public School 1968 Yearbook

Page 83

Dick Penland makes a motio n at a typical student council meeting. Bruce Byers (LEFT), T im b o Van Hecke, Debbie Dodds, Kathy Fulgenzi, and Kay Treece listen with interest.

" T h e f e e li n g seems to be there are tremendous oppor­ tunities for improving student representation," said Mr. Wil­ liam Morris, Student Council sponsor. C o u n c i l m e m b e r s feel t h a t SC gives students a chance to expresstheiropinions, prac­ tice in using forms of govern­ men t, and so m e in fl ue nc e in school life. Each year S t u d e n t C o u n c i l s po n s or s h o m e r o o m v o l l e y ­ ball, H o m e c o m i n g , and the Christmas formal. This year members attended the state Student Council con­ v e n t io n , s t a rt e d a n A F S c o m mittee, and sponsored a " c a m ­ pus cleanup.”

Student Council sponsors are Mr. Pau Black, Mr. William G. Morris, and Mr. H o ra ce G a m b le . N o t p i c t u r e d is Mr. A u th u r Nichols.

Student Council officers are Mike Rob­ e rts o n , v i c e - p r e s id e n t; L o u is Rojas, p re s id e n t: Steve C id d io , a s s e m b ly chairman: Bev Shaffer, secretary; and Janet Fuller, treasurer.

Organizations 79

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