Langeland Guide 2013

Page 125

Familie Fitness should be mentioned here, an institution which became a reality by joint effort and which today has many members. Bagenkop Hallen together with the harbour is the focal point of many activities such as the “Music and Cultural” event – a weekend with exhibitions and the serving of fish one day, the next day the serving of cakes. Hall dances as well as many children’s activities take place here.

a great view. During the summer you can also buy bread and see an art exhibition here. Anglers can hire one of many boats and go shopping in the wellstocked anglers’ shop.

Bagenkop Harbour Here you will find a genuine fishing harbour atmosphere with the many cutters that sail out every day and return to unload their catch. At Bagenkop Fællessalg the fish are sold and distributed to retail shops all over Langeland, but it is also possible for visitors to buy the freshly caught fish here. At ’Fiski’ you can buy fish sandwiches and the most delicious shrimp/crab salad.

Round hat shaped hills and fantastic cliffs The southern tip of Langeland has a unique landscape with many round hat-shaped hills created du­ring the last ice age. In the area where the wild horses graze you can climb the hills and enjoy fantastic views, including over to Kelds Nor lighthouse which today is privately owned. The most southern point is Dovns Klint – on the beach under this beautiful cliff you find shingle that has been grounded smooth and round by the constant movement of the sea. This is also one of the best places to fish. There are many signposted walks in the area and if you would like to spend a night in the open it is possible at one of the primitive shelters with open fireplace in the forest.

In the yacht harbour the boats are moored close to each other and we can highly recommend a walk along the pier while the sun is setting. At the end of the pier stands the red tower from which there is

There is also a restaurant at the harbour, and it is not far to Bagenkop Kro where you can enjoy a delicious meal of fresh fish and stay overnight.

Tag på oplevelse i den skønne sydlangelanske natur ... Tæt på marina, hyggeligt havnemiljø, naturpark og golfbane byder

Bagenkop Kro


dig velkommen til en kulinarisk oplevelse i hyggelige og atmosfærefyldte lokaler. Den ideelle ramme om festlige begivenheder:

BARNEDÅB - KONFIRMATION - BRYLLUP FØDSELSDAG - JUBILÆUM - RECEPTION Stemning, hygge og god mad Vi hygger om vores gæster - og giver gerne en god oplevelse ... Med venlig hilsen Marianne & Flemming

Bagenkop Kro • Østergade 15 • 5935 Bagenkop • Tlf. 62 56 13 04 •


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