2 minute read

A Final Message from the Boardroom

2022 President

Happy Holidays! As 2022 and my tenure as LCA President concludes, I want to thank all our members and volunteers who have worked hard to make LCA a valuable resource within our industry. It has been a challenging couple of years stemming from a worldwide pandemic, but we have made it through and are striving to bounce back better than ever, becoming a resource for each of our members to ensure each of you can be the industry leaders and gold standard of the landscape industry.

As leaders of the industry, our community is full of people who consistently show excellent examples of professionalism, design, and craftsmanship within our field. We recently had the opportunity and honor to acknowledge some of these members and projects at the LCA Annual Networking Dinner and Awards Celebration. As always, it is incredible to see the fantastic projects that our industry is involved with and being able to chat with the teams and individuals involved to take those projects from concept to reality. In addition to the company and project awards, we were excited to announce merit awards to emerging and veteran leaders within the industry. It is great to see the commitment to excellence span through different eras and generations of landscapers. These awards truly highlight the dedication that each of you aspire to being the best in the industry and LCA is here to help you achieve those goals moving forward.

As we look to the future, we welcomed the incoming LCA President Ron Rubin and our new Secretary/ Treasurer Zack Kline to the stage to highlight the goals and direction of LCA in the coming years. In addition to incorporating more networking and educational events, we want to stay at the forefront of the sustainability movement and make sure our members are informed and educated in all aspects of this movement. This starts with an understanding of sustainability to implement the practices into our designs and embracing new technology such as battery powered tools and robotic mowers. While we know that these ideas may take a while to fully implement, it is important to stay on top of these new trends, especially as they work to help improve the quality of the environment and habitat for the wildlife and people who live and work within it.

On behalf of LCA, I want to thank each of our members and encourage you to continue your involvement within the association. We have many exciting ideas and events coming up to continue showing that we are the best in the industry. I want to extend our congratulations to each of the 2022 Award Winners, I cannot wait to see the submittals and projects in years to come.

I also want to congratulate our 2023 slate for the board of directors. I am thrilled to continue working with them in a new role for the upcoming year. I like to think that my work as president leaves LCA in a positive place and sets the association up for long term success. I know we have great leaders on the board and within the association to keep the momentum going. I would also like to extend a thanks to Management Solutions Plus, who helps to manage LCA and make our visions and goals for the association a reality. I have truly enjoyed my time as LCA President and want to thank all of you for your continued commitment and investment to LCA. I wish you all much success in 2023 and a wonderful holiday season.

Happy Holidays, Paul Jester, PLA, ASLA LCA President 2022