JAHAZI issue 04 - Kilimanjaro Fast Ferries, AZAM Marine

Page 35

Humpback whales in Zanzibar

WHALE-WATCHING How to get the best experience Humpback whales head to the warm waters of Zanzibar every July to November to breed as part of an annual thousands-of-miles migration. Marine biologist and general manager of luxury west coast hotel Zanzi Resort Ekaterina Kalashnikova is lucky enough to have got close to these gigantic nomads many times as part of her studies and here she shares advice on making the most of the season’s sightings.


frica has long been a cradle where intricate relationships between humans and the nature exist. Tanzania with its unparalleled biodiversity attracts travellers from all over the world. Among the country’s fascinating natural wonders this beautiful country has to offer is the Great East African migration across the Serengeti, but we also have an equivalent in the marine realm. The annual migration of humpback whales is a spectacular event that can be witnessed in Tanzanian waters. These majestic marine nomads cover thousands of miles from

grounds, where they take advantage of the food resources of vast swarms of krill that feed on the phytoplankton blooms, to low-latitude winter breeding grounds, where they mate, give birth, nurse, and then return.

high-latitude summer feeding

streams of vapour due to difference

First sightings From June to December fishermen, marine enthusiasts, and anyone with a sharp eye can see the ocean surface being broken by powerful blows of migrating humpback whales. A huge puff of mist in the air, which can reach three metres in height, is a whales’ explosive exhalation which forms vertical

Kilimanjaro Fast Ferries book online at azammarine.com


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