Ramakrishna Mission Singapore Nirvana Magazine (Oct 2020 - Dec 2020) -107

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In this Issue . . . A few words about us................................................. 1 Pearls of Wisdom ...................................................... 2 President's Page ........................................................ 3 Glimpses of Spiritual life Swami Samachittananda .................................. 4 Leaf of Harmony ........................................................ 9 The Stalwarts of our Order-II Swami Shuddhananda ....................................10 Romain Rolland on Sri Ramakrishna ........................................ 11 Charles Freer Andrews on Swami Vivekananda .................................. 13 Birthdays of the Direct Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.......................................... 14 Vedanta Through Stories .......................................... 16 Vedanta Art ............................................................. 17 News and Notes ...................................................... 18 Notice ..................................................................... 24

A few words about us . . . "Order of Sri Ramakrishna" Monks and devotees of Ramakrishna Mission carry out all the services in the spirit of dedication and commitment as a means to realize the Divinity within. Sometimes there are practical problems. The wisdom of the enlightened is unparallel. At that time, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi was at Koalpara, known as a parlour of Holy Mother. There is a centre of Ramakrishna Mission since the days of the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. There used to be a charitable dispensary run by Ramakrishna Mission. Some well to do people also started coming to avail the medical facility. The situation was explained to Holy Mother and she was requested for the solution. Instead of telling no to those who are well to do not to avail the medical facility, she gave a unique answer. She said “who is poor, my child? Poor is the one who spreads hands for help�. The questioner understood that the standpoint which creates minimum disharmony in the society should be the solution of the problem.

Koalpara, West Bengal, India 1

Pearls of wisdom Success PhalatÐsòÀÒunyena kriyamÀòe karmaòi sattvaÒuddhijÀ jnÀnaprÀptilakÒaòÀ siddhih, tadviparyayajÀ asiddhih (Ādi ŚakarÀcarya's commentary on Bhagavad GītÀ , Chapter II. Verse 48)

Translation Success is characterized by the attainment of knowledge from the work done by a purified mind without the craving for result, and the failure is opposite to it.

Note by the Editor We have different definitions of success and failure for the different works we do. In short, when our desired purpose is fulfilled, we call it success. This success becomes the purpose of our work. What we do not think is, that every purpose of our work itself becomes a means to fulfil other higher purpose. This is a chain of actions and its purposes. No purpose can be a final purpose if the success is transient like money or name and fame or position in the society. Purification of the mind is the purpose of all actions and there by achieving Supreme knowledge about the TRUTH or GOD is the final purpose of life. All relative success is only a steppingstone for the final success.


President's Page Death There is only one thing which is certain in our life and which is also common for everyone. That is Death. Swami Vivekananda once said, “Great is the tenacity with which man clings to the senses. Yet, however substantial he may think the external world in which he lives and moves, there comes a time in the lives of individuals and of races when, involuntarily, they ask, "Is this real?" To the person who never finds a moment to question the credentials of his senses, whose every moment is occupied with some sort of sense-enjoyment — even to him death comes, and he also is compelled to ask, "Is this real?" Religion begins with this question and ends with its answer.� Most of the people think that it is a taboo to talk about death. Death is something that puts everything of this world to an end. All our miseries and happiness, all our love and hatred, all our egos and vanities end when we leave this world. The king and the beggar both leave this world empty handed. Remembering death keeps us detached, keeps us awake and prevents us from being swayed away in the current of the transitory existence. Purpose of religion is to know about our eternal existence, where death is merely a change, just like our childhood, youth and old age. 3

Glimpses of Spiritual life Swami Samachittananda Single-mindedness is the first necessity to grow in spiritual life. One cannot progress spiritually unless everything else become secondary to him. We may have many things in our homes, for instance some artefacts or some statues or photos of a religious personality. Having these things are not enough to call ourselves as spiritual. Such a state of mind is not enough to call ourselves as true spiritual seeker. One thing we need to understand that the way of life could be different for different people, but the Goal cannot be different. Monks lead one way of life, householders have another, and businesspeople have yet another way of life. But the Spiritual Goal is not different. If it is told that achieving God is the goal of life, then the goal remains uniform across all sections of mankind. It does not change just because a person is a monk or a householder. There are no two Gods, one for the monks and another for the householders. So, the way of life could be different, but the Spiritual Goal is always the same. Now, if your life becomes God-centred, then your Ishta devata (chosen deity) takes the centre stage of your life. Whatever you do revolves around HIM. One must perform one’s duties like job, family, business etc but our life must be a Godcentred life in order to reach that Spiritual Goal. Even the monks, have their own duties to perform. Everything is fine and nothing is wrong if we live a God-centred life. Now, how to make our life God-centred? Many ways have been adopted by people. There are certain ways which are 4

common between monks and lay devotees. You do Japa and we do Japa as well. You serve people, we serve people too. For some, spiritual maturity comes at a very early age. Spiritual maturity has nothing to do with age. There might be some, who may be much younger than you in age, but they might be more knowledgeable. So, we must respect such individuals with higher spiritual maturity. Which is the first thing you compromise in life when difficult situations arise? Suppose that someone is not keeping well. So, they immediately stop reading religious books, doing Japa, worship (puja) etc. Yet, they continue to do other chores. They go to market; they watch television etc. If we are leading a sincere spiritual life, the spiritual activities should be the last to be compromised. By observing this all the time, spiritual practices slowly come closer to the centre of our lives. When it comes to the centre then everything revolves around HIS name. When the spiritual instructions are given to the devotees to do Japa every morning and evening, but actually what it means is to repeat the name of God whenever the devotee has little free time in between their works. We have some devotees who are writing the universal mantra “OM NAMO BHAGAVATE RAMAKRISHNAYA� in a notebook. This mantra is used by Swami Vivekananda and his brother disciples while writing hymns etc. In a short period of time about 100 over devotees from different parts of the world have written this mantra for more than 2 million times. Together they have a target of writing this mantra be 10 million or 1 crore times. Some of the devotees, who are involved in this practice quite intensely, expressed how happy they are while writing this Mantra. 5

Let me share about the devotees from Argentina. There are quite a few of them, who are teachers or musicians or artists by profession. One lady devotee from this group, had written this mantra for more than a hundred thousand times. Another devotee who himself writes this mantra told me that this lady is writing continuously, whenever she gets little free time. A corner of her room has become like a small mountain with all those notebooks full of this Mantra. The purpose of sharing this information is for all of us to know that there are devotees, for whom Sri Ramakrishna has become the centre of their lives. Renunciation is the key word for spiritual life. But how to renounce and what to renounce? Renunciation must be natural. Sri Ramakrishna says that the dry skin on the wound should drop off by itself. If you forcefully remove that dry skin, the wound will become raw again. Your mind will be ready to renounce when time comes in your life. Unless you understand the futility of the object you cannot develop detachment towards it. Constant thinking and discrimination are the only ways. As the love for God increases, the attachment for the sense objects will reduced by itself. In this process of renunciation, no hatred is developed. Aversion or hatred is opposite to attachment. Detachment is just a normal state of mind which is free from attachment or hatred. That is why Sri Ramakrishna after renouncing everything, had no hatred for anything. He is neither attached to anything nor did he hate anything. This is one of the qualities of Mukta Purusha or a liberated soul. 6

There was a Sufi mystic saint called Rabia Basri (714-801 CE). She used to say, I love God with all my heart and soul. Once she was asked, “Do you hate Satan?” Then she replied, “if there was any part of my heart which could hate Satan, with that very part also, I will love God.” So, there is no place for hatred for the lovers of God. Whoever is on the path of renunciation there is no question of hatred for anything for them. If hatred is there, then it is not at all a path approaching towards God! Detachment is the ideal state of mind for spiritual seekers. Whoever has too much of attachment or hatred cannot practice spirituality. God-centric life is the life which revolves around God and godly thoughts. If all the activities we do, is done with the attitude of service to God then our life can become God-centric. If we do all work for Sri Ramakrishna it means that the fruits of actions also belong to Him. There are two results of this attitude. Firstly, we are unaffected by the success or failure of the action. Secondly, we would be able to perform selfless actions. We can work for Him, we can repeat His name, we can sing His name and glory. Then God takes a centre stage in our life. Glorifying one’s own name, working for self-appeasement or appeasement of others/superiors cannot be called selfless action. Sometimes some people are de-motivated by not being able to see the effect of selfless work which is purification of mind. Holy Mother gave a beautiful example. Suppose a person is in deep sleep, sleeping on a cot. In that state if he is shifted from one place to another, he will not realize that change of place because he is in deep sleep. When he wakes up, he notices where he has come. Same happens with us also. Faith in the power of goodness and faith in the words of the wise people are the real treasures for the spiritual seeker. 7

Logically speaking, every action has a reaction. Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. There is no action which does not produce result. Good action must produce good result and bad action must produce bad result - so what, if it does not show apparent results. The cause of unhappiness is always the unsatisfied desires. Satisfying desires gives happiness for a short time, till another desire surfaces in our mind. Permanent or long-lasting happiness come only by renunciation. Devotees pray for other things of the world along with spiritual welfare. Most of the initiated devotees say that spiritual bliss still seems far away in their life though they repeat the mantra every day. True devotee of God asks for Him, they do not ask from Him. Instead of asking for the things of the world it is better to ask for little happiness in doing Japa. Getting joy while repeating the mantra is very essential in pursuing our spiritual life. Swami Vireswaranandaji Maharaj, the 10th President of our order used to give a very nice example in this context. A patient suffering from jaundice tastes the sugarcane juice bitter. But that does not mean that sugarcane juice is bitter. Because of the disease he feels that bitter taste of sugarcane juice. As that patient gradually recovers from jaundice, he or she develops the true sweet taste of the sugarcane juice. HIS name is sweet, nay, He is Sweetness itself. As we are suffering from jaundice of worldliness and ignorance, we are not able to taste that sweetness while repeating HIS holy name. As our mind becomes purer, gradually, we develop the taste and we start enjoying the sweetness in repeating the holy name of God. 8

Leaf of Harmony The seed is put in the ground, and earth and air and water are placed around it. Does the seed become the earth; or the air, or the water? No. It becomes a plant, it develops after the law of its own growth, assimilates the air, the earth, and the water, converts them into plant substance, and grows into a plant. Similar is the case with religion. The Christian is not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist, nor a Hindu or a Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the spirit of the others and yet preserve his individuality and grow according to his own law of growth. If the Parliament of Religions has shown anything to the world it is this: It has proved to the world that holiness, purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any church in the world, and that every system has produced men and women of the most exalted character. In the face of this evidence, if anybody dreams of the exclusive survival of his own religion and the destruction of the others, I pity him from the bottom of my heart, and point out to him that upon the banner of every religion will soon be written, in spite of resistance: "Help and not Fight," "Assimilation and not Destruction," "Harmony and Peace and not Dissension." -Swami Vivekananda Ref: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol.1, Pg.26 9

The Stalwarts of our Order - II Swami Shuddhananda 'The Fifth President of Ramakrishna Order ' It was Friday, February 19, 1897 that Swami Vivekananda arrived at Sealdah railway station at Kolkata. About 20,000 enthusiastic people came to see the Swami. Sudhirchandra was one of them. Swamiji was to be given a grand reception at Ripon Collage. Some enthusiastic youth unharnessed the horses and pulled the chariot which carried their hero. Though Sudhir had to be satisfied by walking alongside of the horse carriage. Sudhir was already in touch with other direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna by his frequent visits to Baranagar Math. Sudhir along with four other friends dedicated their life in the pursuit of leading a traditional monastic life and for service of the poor as his practical spiritual practice. Sudhirchandra Chakravarty took the monastic vows and became Swami Shuddhananda. Later he was elected 5th president of Ramakrishna Order. He was an erudite scholar and an able administrator. He was the first to take helm of the order in his hands after the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. The monks found an ideal combination of all the four Yogas (Jnana, Bhakti, Yoga and Karma) in him. 10

Romain Rolland on Sri Ramakrishna

Romain Rolland on Sri Ramakrishna Romain Rolland (1886-1944), was a French man of letters. He received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1915. Allowing for differences of country and of time, Ramakrishna is the younger brother of our Christ‌ I am bringing to Europe, as yet unaware of it, the fruit of a new autumn, a new message of the Soul, the symphony of India, bearing the name of Ramakrishna. It can be shown that this symphony, like those of our classical masters, is built up of a hundred different musical instruments emanating from the past. But the sovereign personality concentrating in himself the diversity of these elements and fashioning them into a royal harmony, is always the one who gives his name to the work, though it contains within itself the labour of generations. And with his victorious sign he marks a new era. 11

The man whose image I here evoke was the consummation of two thousand years of the spiritual life of three hundred million people. Although he has been dead forty years, his soul animates modern India. He was no hero of action like Gandhi, no genius in art or thought like Goethe or Tagore. He was a little village Brahmin of Bengal, whose outer life was set in a limited frame without striking incident, outside the political and social activities of his time. But his inner life embraced the whole multiplicity of men and Gods. It was a part of the very source of Energy, the Divine Sakti, of whom Vidyapati, the old poet of Mithila, and Ramaprasada of Bengal sing. Very few go back to the source. The little peasant of Bengal by listening to the message of his heart found his way to the Inner Sea. And there he was wedded to it, thus bearing out the words of the Upanishads, “I am more ancient than the radiant Gods. I am the firstborn of the Being. I am the artery of Immortality.” It is my desire to bring the sound of the beating of that artery to the ears of feverstricken Europe, which has murdered sleep. I wish to wet its lips with the blood of Immortality.” (From: The Life of Ramakrishna (Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta, 1979), pp.1114.)


Charles Freer Andrews on Swami Vivekananda C F Andrews on Swami Vivekananda Charles Freer Andrews (1871-1940), was an English priest who was an ardent admirer of Tagore and Gandhi. He spent a considerable amount of time in Santiniketan with Tagore and also worked in the Indian Civil Rights Struggle in South Africa and in the Indian Independence Movement.

I would refer in the first place to that greater word Advaitam…The word Advaitam really means namely, the oneness of all spiritual life, to see (as the Upanishads tell us), the Universal Self in all things and all things in the Universal Self. I feel the greatest of all debts the youths of modern India owe to Swami Vivekananda is the renewal in practical life of this faith in Advaitam. (From: C F Andrews, “The Great Mantram”, Vedanta Kesari, November 1923.) 13

Birthdays of the Direct Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna "How Sri Ramakrishna taught Them" (During this quarter we observed birthdays of the following direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. These small notes are our humble and devotional tribute to the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. All the pictures in section are the drawings of late Shri Sanatbhai Thakkar of Rajkot, Gujarat, India. All the originals are permanently displayed in Sri Ramakrishna temple at Rajkot. We are thankful to Shri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Rajkot for giving their kind permission to use these photographs.)

Swami Subodhananda Childlike nature and guilelessness are gift of God. Those who realized God had all the Godly qualities. When these Godly qualities start manifesting in our life then only, we can say that we have started moving towards God or we are becoming spiritual. Cunning and calculating people may be successful in the worldly life. Success which makes or keeps you humble is the real success as the tree full of fruits always lean down in the same way heart that is full of Godly qualities reap the real success which is their blissfulness and simplicity. All these are manifested in the life of Swami Subodhanandaji Maharaj or ‘khoka maharaj’ as he was lovingly addressed. ‘Khoka’ means a little child.

Swami Vijnanananda An incarnation can transmit spirituality with a touch or even with a glance. Sometimes an idea changes the course of life of a person. Sri Ramakrishna once said about Swami Vijnananandaji: ‘He wrestled with Krishna in his previous incarnation; he is not an ordinary person’. 14

When Hariprasanna (pre-monastic name of Swami Vijnananandaji) first met Sri Ramakrishna, the latter asked him ‘can you wrestle? come, let me see how you wrestle!”. “I thought to myself”, Hari Prasanna recalled, “What kind of Holy man is this?” But he replied “Yes, of course, I can wrestle”. Hariprasanna was the well build, strong physique, young man. When both started wrestling, though physically Hariprasanna could push Sri Ramakrishna to the wall but he felt an incredible spiritual experience by the touch of Sri Ramakrishna. Hariprasanna later said “That touch made me completely helpless. I lost all my physical strength. I went into ecstasy… Wave after wave of bliss engulfed my whole being. … For days the spell of that intoxicating joy lingered, and I realized that he had transmitted spiritual power to me.”

Swami Premananda Spiritual life starts with the pursuit of purifying one’s mind and ends with the realization that ‘I am the Atman, eternally pure, eternally awakened and eternally free’. The Bible also says, ‘Blessed are the pure at heart because they shall see God’. Purification of mind is the only condition for knowledge as Bhagavad Gita also says, ‘there is nothing purer than knowledge’. Baburam (premonastic name of Swami Premanandaji Maharaj) was such a pure soul. Once Sri Ramakrishna said about him, ‘In this (ecstatic) mood I cannot allow other to touch me’. Once Sri Ramakrishna said to ‘M’ (the recorder of ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’) … “His (Baburam’s) body is pure. Only a very little effort will awaken his spiritual consciousness … He is pure, pure to the very marrow of his bones” 15

Vedanta Through Stories Swami Sambuddhananda (We are grateful to Ramakrishna Math, Mumbai for allowing us to publish this story from their publication "Vedanta through Stories" page 77)

Unconquerable Nature Certain students who had come to the teacher for their education once asked him how it was possible to conquer one’s evil habits which are found it difficult to overcome them. The preceptor said, “Old habits gradually become so much a part of one’s nature that they become practically impossible to eradicate. Even if one has conquered them, they come back at times with more that their usual force and thus reassert themselves. When boughs of coconut and palm trees fall off, they leave permanent impression on the trees throughout their life. It has been aptly said that those whose nature is low cannot rid of it even though they rise to great heights, for they behave like the digit nine.” The students were unable to follow this reference and requested the preceptor to explain it. The preceptor said, “You see, whichever number you may multiply by the digit 9, the digits in the multiple when added together will always be found to be 9, provided the digits of the resultant sum are, if necessary, again added together. For instance: 9 multiplied by 2 is 18 and 1 and 8 added together make 9. Similarly, 9 multiplied by 202 is 1818 and the digits of this figure make 18 which again yields 9. Thus, whatever habits – good or bad – you form, would communicate their essential qualities to your actions and it is extremely difficult to get rid of them. Only by persistent efforts carried on for a long time can bad habits be replaced by good habits and a man’s nature be fundamentally altered.” 16

Vedanta Art

A painting by Ms. Pushpa Chitrak of New Delhi, India


News & Notes

Mr. S Radakrishnan (09 Jun 1931 - 12th Nov 2020) th

Many passes by the door of the Lord but some enter and never leave; Mr. S Radakrishnan was one such person. His association with Ramakrishna Movement spanned more than 60 years. He came in contact with Ramakrishna Mission in the late fifties. Swami Siddhatmananda, then President of the Mission in Singapore, identified his potential and in 1963 he was co-opted into the Advisory Committee. Since then Mr. Radakrishnan served in this Committee in different capacities; Assistant Secretary, Secretary, Treasurer and finally, since 1989, as one of Ramakrishna Mission’s Vice Presidents. He actively assisted the Swamis in government matters and looked after the Boys’ Home. The ex-boys fondly remember him as a loving supervisor who was also a hard task master. Being an educator he was instrumental in the formation of Sarada Kindergarten and served as its honorary Supervisor for 28 years, till his last breath. There was hardly any celebration of the Mission in which he did not participate. His valuable advices and guidance helped Ramakrishna Mission in Singapore to grow. With his passing, Ramakrishna Mission lost a sincere devotee and a dedicated volunteer. 18

We are now part of the Hougang Heritage Trail From October 2020 onwards Ramakrishna Mission Singapore is part of the Hougang Heritage Trail. This will encourage tourists, students and community volunteers to visit our centre to know more about the history and philosophy of Ramakrishna Mission and also our role in spreading the message of Harmony of Religions in Singapore. Ramakrishna Mission Singapore is one of the founding members of Inter Religious Organization in Singapore.


Workshop @ NUS A Workshop "Religious Perspectives on Precision Medicine" was conducted by NUS on 1st October 2020. Swami Samachittananda participated in this webinar as one of the panellists' representing Hindu faith.

Our distribution continues......... 140 families each were given 1 lit Cooking Oil, 1 kg Sugar, 1 kg Wheat flour, 1 kg Rice, Coffee, Salt, Sardines, ghee etc. This fogging, pest control and grass cutting contract workers and other migrant workers. The items were donated by Foodbank and Palelai Buddhist Temple. 20

Webinar by Mental ACT Singapore On 15th October Swami Samachittananda participated in a Webinar on “Religion and Mental Health� organized by Mental ACT Singapore.

COVID-19 Relief work Continues ... We distributed 1400 goodie bags which contained Cookies (400 grams), Muruku (100 grams) and a drink 240 ml) to 1400 migrant workers of different areas of the island. Areas covered were : Tekka Market, construction sites at, Thompson Road, near CGH, Sin Ming ave, Tg Katong, Ang Mo Kio Hub, Ubi Ave etc. Dormitories at Pungol Kaki Bukit, Pioneer. 21

AGM of Ramakrishna Mission Singapore The 92nd Annual General Meeting of Ramakrishna Mission Singapore was held on 22nd November 2020. 40 members attended the AGM in -spite of heavy rain. Swami Gitasarananda did the invocation and Mr B Uthayachanran, our treasurer presented the Vote of Thanks. Since it is COVID-19 situation, we strictly followed all the measures (taking Temperature, wearing the Mask, maintain Safe distancing, etc...) to conduct the AGM.

IRO Meeting @ Ramakrishna Mission On 23rd November 2020, we provided venue for the Council meeting of Inter Religious organization. The General Manager of IRO Ms. Faheema Nazhath found in her research that the first IRO Council meeting also was held in Ramakrishna Mission in 1961. Around 20 members attended the meeting.


Participation @ Singapore Festival of Hinduism On 29th November, Swami Samachittananda attended and addressed the closing ceremony of Singapore Festival of Hinduism 2020.

CLOSING CEREMONY Address by Swami Samachittananda Head of Ramakrishna Mission Singapore In Attendance: H.E. Mr P Kumaran High Commissioner of India, Singapore Sunday, 29 November @ 8.05 pm

'Interfaith Sharing' session th

On 7 December 2020, on Zoom, Swami Samachittananda attended the ‘Interfaith Sharing’ session. He spoke on concept of “Dana and Seva” in Hinduism


Notice Dear devotees and friends, From 1st January 2021, we have a designated a mobile phone number for Ramakrishna Mission Singapore. This is for an easy communications with the members, devotees and friends. If you want to receive the Invitations and all different programmes information from us, please send an email to us, with your mobile number and your acceptance to receive the communication from us. Your email will help us to best practice the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) protocol. Our email address is sendmeinfo@ramakrishna.org.sg. We can add you only after we receive the email confirmation from you. We will be using either Whatsapp / Signal app. This is part of our effort to reduce the printing cost and a step towards total digitalization of our services. Yours in the service of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Samachittananda President


Schedule of Religious Classes 5.00 pm

6.00 pm

5.00 pm

6.00 pm

Every Saturday Discourse on "Hindu Scriptures" in English By Swami Gitasarananda at the Conference Room of the Mission Library Q&A with Swami Samachittananda at the Conference Room of the Mission Library Every Sunday Discourse on "Yoga Sutras" in English by Swami Satyalokananda at the Conference Room of the Mission Library Discourse on "Bhagavad Gita and Our Spiritual Life" in English by Swami Samachittananda at the Sarada Hall

(Because of COVID-19 situation all the above classes are suspended till further notice)

Programmes for Jan-Mar' 2021 Kalpataru Day ....................................................................... Friday, 01st January Birthday of Sri Sarada Devi .............................................. Tuesday, 05th January Ekadashi (Sri Ramnam Sankirtan) ................................... Saturday, 09th January Swami Shivananda Jayanti Swami Saradananda Jayanti ............................................ Tuesday, 19th January Ekadashi (Sri Ramnam Sankirtan) ...................................... Sunday, 24th January Swami Turiyananda Jayanti ........................................ Wednesday, 27th January


Birthday of Swami Vivekananda .................................. Thursday, 04th February Ekadashi (Sri Ramnam Sankirtan) .................................. Monday, 08th February Swami Brahmananda Jayanti ........................................ Saturday, 13th February (Special Ramnam Sankirtan after evening prayer) Swami Trigunatitananda Jayanti .................................... Monday, 15th February Ekadashi (Sri Ramnam Sankirtan) .................................. Tuesday, 23rd February Swami Adbhutananda Jayanti ....................................... Saturday, 27th February


Ekadashi (Sri Ramnam Sankirtan) ...................................... Tuesday, 09th March Maha Shiva-Ratri ............................................................... Thursday, 11th March Birthday of Sri Ramakrishna ............................................... Monday, 15th March Ekadashi (Sri Ramnam Sankirtan) ..................................... Thursday, 25th March Birthday of Sri Chaitanya Deva ............................................ Sunday, 28th March

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