Happy holidays!
This is the last issue of the Lakes Weekly for 2024 and as the year wraps, it is time to reflect before turning our attention to the promise of a New Year ahead.
Every year has its ups and downs and for this district the rollercoaster just keeps on rolling. It would be fair to say we long term locals are getting a bit fed up with this relentless push to accommodate more and more within the mountainous edges of Lake Whakatipu.
No finger pointing please, because we are all part of the problem, growing up or moving here, building businesses that need tourists, and generally taking advantage of the sheer remarkableness of this stunning district.
But we do all keep asking, why will the BP roundabout roadworks in Frankton take so long, why has the road to nowhere taken so long, why start another roading project if you can’t finish the first one??? When will the powers that be, take a look around, read the mood of the people who live here and just stop for bit, and let us live without disruption. We do deserve it. Don’t we?
On a positive note, after the mad rush to Christmas comes for most of us, a chance to take a breather. If only briefly, like for one day, there will be calmness around the Basin. Then the population swells many times over, with friends and family, holiday homeowners, and domestic and international tourists all visiting. The ‘Full House’ sign goes up. That’s a fact of life in New Zealand’s most iconic drawcard destination.
With so many people here for the next few weeks, getting around, getting a park, going to the supermarket, or getting a lunch reservation will be a challenge, so book early and have patience on the roads, and with front line staff.
Our offices are closed from Wednesday, 18 December, until after New Year so it’s a nice break for us, but not everyone gets that time off. Tourism, transport and hospo businesses are gearing up to be slammed and our emergency services will also be ready to meet the inevitable demand this time of year brings. If you are one of them, thank you, from all of us. You make all that we love about living here possible.
From our family at Queenstown Media Group to yours, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We have our summer holiday edition out next week, so if you are on holiday and looking for inspiration, pick it up and enjoy. Our Queenstown App is also pushing on through, so check on there for all the latest news.
Lakes Weekly Editorial Team
The Kā Huanui a Tāhuna team thanks the whole Queenstown community for their patience and support this year.
We’ll wrap up our work for the year on 20 December. Then the team will return from 6 January 2025 to complete some finishing touches so we can open the main stage 1 alignment to traffic on Thursday 30 January.
There’ll still be a few jobs to finish off once it’s open, including a stormwater connection at the Ballarat/ Stanley Street intersection and final work on some side roads.
Over the holiday period we’ll reduce our site footprint (temporary fencing, traffic cones and machinery) as much as possible, so the community can enjoy a well-deserved break.
As always, our top priority is the safety of all residents and commuters, so we kindly ask you to follow the traffic and pedestrian signs and take extra care at all times.
If you have any urgent questions or concerns over the holidays, please contact QLDC customer services on 03 441 0499
It’s been another big year – here’s a snapshot of what we’ve achieved.
1 & 3
Artwork on the retaining wall - the project is called He Pae Mauka - referring to the various mauka surrounding the location - Kā Kamu a Hākitekura (Cecil and Walter Peaks), Te Tapunui (Queenstown Hill), and Kā Tiritiri o Te Moana (Southern Alps).
L-R: Keri Whaitiri (Aukaha), Jennifer Rendall (Artist), Angie York, James York (Artist), Catkin Bartlett (St Joseph's School), Alan Grant (Principal of St Joseph’s School) and Marlon Williams (Artist).
Arterial view of the road alignment
Want to know more? Visit www.qldc.govt.nz/ ka-huanui-a-tahuna
by Paul Taylor
It’s $40 million over budget, still not finished after three years, and one of the most unpopular projects in Queenstown’s history.
Councillors sat down on Thursday to discuss where they went wrong on the controversial Queenstown Arterial Road Project - about 1km of road costing $128m.
The project is being delivered by the Whakatipu Transport Programme Alliance - a partnership between Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC), Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Beca, WSP, Downer New Zealand and Fulton Hogan.
QLDC commissioned Dave Brash to conduct a review of the Alliance model and the project, and on Thursday considered the long-term lessons from the 107-page report.
Brash says the Alliance was created in the “fire of the Covid-19 crisis” and any review in the cold light of day is likely to find problems.
“Blaming and re-litigation of previous decisions in this context can be meaningless,” he says. “Broadly, this Review has found that the decisions to enter into the funding agreements and form an Alliance were reasonable in the context of the time. However, given the large size and high risks associated with the programme more oversight at councillor level, better reporting systems and more oversight by senior management would have avoided being “surprised” by cost increases.
Gladding says she still senses that defensiveness from councillors and staff. She wants to see the council look at how it defines tolerances and look at forecasting overruns and exceptions, so that they are reported in time.
“In particular, earlier heads-up would have given the Council a better opportunity to either descope elements or continue with a better understanding of the cost drivers and be confident that the benefits still outweighed the costs.
“Nevertheless, the overall outcome is still good value for money.”
The arterial road links Frankton Road with Gorge Road, a job already done by Stanley Street.
Lessons to learn
Deputy mayor Quentin Smith says: “This has been a really tough one for the council. The financial budget increases are probably the most difficult part it, and we all know the reasons for that, and I’m pretty confident we’re not going to let that happen again on a 30% design.
“That’s the biggest single learning from this, that we cannot commit to projects based on insufficient design, and now we’re still faced with a risk ... and I can assure you that any additional escalation in this project that comes back to this council will, at least from my perspective, not be looked at kindly.”
Both Smith and Cr Niki Gladding expressed concern at how long it took the review to be completed, some 18 months.
“I think the thing we’ve got to get right is our attitude towards things that go wrong,” Gladding says. “We need to stop being defensive, because people make mistakes, and people can improve, but you can’t improve unless you fully grasp the extent to which we’ve stuffed up.”
MP Joseph Mooney travelled to Dharamshala, India, last week to meet the 14th Dalai Lama.
“I gifted a pounamu necklace from New Zealand which I had chosen because it incorporated the koru shape representing new life, growth, strength and peace; as well as including the shape of a whale tail at the tip of the koru which to me represented the traditional name for Southland (Murihiku - meaning the tail end of the land),” Mooney says. “I explained this to the Dalai Lama and he took the pounamu necklace from me and touched it to his forehead.”
Mooney, whose Southland constituency includes Queenstown, travelled with New Zealand MPs Helen White and Ingrid Leary, and Fijian MP Rinesh Sharma, to participate in the 35th Anniversary of the Dalai Lama being awarded the Noble Peace Prize. They were there as individual MPs, rather than officially representing the NZ government.
Commercial Kitchen/shop front for rent on Gorge Road, approximately 40m2 + parking. Lease takeover. Start dates from 20 January, 2025. Share space with another business. Can include kitchen equipment if needed. Email: anouvasettin@yahoo.com.br
“It was really the lack of an early heads-up that’s the issue. There was no early opportunity for descoping or delaying to meet budget constraints.”
Gladding has also written to the Ombudsman to highlight the fact that council staff have refused to show her the original report presented by Brash and the edits made by staff. She says without that, the public doesn’t know who actually wrote what in the report.
Cr Lisa Guy, however, struck a different tone, saying the project was one of the few from Covid-19 ‘shovel-ready’ funding to come to fruition, kicking off when international borders were closed in September 2021.
“One of the bits that really stood out to me from Mr Brash’s report is that we have got a good outcome and that the Alliance was ... most likely the most effective way to get this project delivered,” Guy says.
“I know it has been really challenging for our community to experience this disruption in this build but I think we’ve got quite short memories of how disrupted we all were through the pandemic, and how we were really just trying to create opportunity to keep this community functioning through what we hope may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
Cr Craig ‘Ferg’ Ferguson was one of the councillors who made repeated visits to residents and businesses behind the barricades on the new roading project. He spoke again to a motelier on Tuesday.
“I asked her what she thought when the cage came down and she said she didn’t really know what to think,” Ferguson says. “Then she said ‘we’re very busy, it’s time to move on’. I think that’s where we’ve got to.”
After fleeing from the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959, the Dalai Lama established a governmentin-exile in Dharamsala.
Mooney says the trip emphasised to him the “powerful nature of the Dalai Lama’s many years of advocacy for peaceful solutions which had reverberated around the world”.
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Please note, due to the public holiday on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, all kerbside collections between 25-27 December and 1-3 January will be a day later than normal.
Car theft and arson
Police believe the Subaru vehicle torched and completely burnt out in an apparent arson at Seven Mile on the Glenorchy Road during the early hours of Saturday, 7 December, was stolen earlier that night. Constable Amanda Shute says at around 4.25am Fire NZ alerted Police to a well involved vehicle fire at the Seven Mile Delta Reserve car park. A Subaru was stolen from Earnslaw Street sometime overnight on 6 and 7 December.
Fire and Emergency Otago Lakes Group assistant commander Nic McQuillan says Queenstown volunteer firefighters were at the scene, near Closeburn, for about an hour and used breathing apparatus for protection as the vehicle was well engulfed upon arrival. No number plates were visible, and the vehicle was completely burnt out, he says. It had all the hallmarks of arson, so Police were called. “It was a total wreck,” McQuillan says.
Shute says Police are keen to hear from anyone who may have witnessed suspicious behaviour around the Seven Mile at that time or around Earnslaw Street overnight on 6 and 7 December. (Please call 105)
Kelvin Heights car break-ins again
Police also want to hear from anyone who witnessed suspicious behaviour in the Bay View-Peninsula Road area of Kelvin Heights on Friday night, 6 December, after two vehicles were broken into there. Shute says the rear quarter light window of the first vehicle was broken and the ignition barrel tampered with. The driver’s door lock and the ignition barrel on the second vehicle was damaged.
Four times the legal limit
The same night (6 December) at 10.50pm a driver stopped by Police in Lake Avenue, Frankton, allegedly blew 960mcg – almost four times the legal limit.
A 25-year-old local man had his licence automatically suspended for 28 days, has been charged and will appear in the Queenstown District Court on 16 December.
Runaway drink driver
A runaway drink driver who thought he could run faster than the Police was found hiding behind a bush after making a run for it on foot when asked to accompany Police for breath testing at 2.55am on Friday, 6 December, in Goldfield Heights. Shute says the vehicle had been stopped for a licence and alcohol check and an initial breath screening returned a result over 400mcgs. Once the driver was located a further breath test produced 517mcgs.
A 27-year-old male was charged with failing to remain stopped for an enforcement officer and driving with a breath alcohol level over 400mcgs/ litre of breath. He appeared in the Queenstown District Court on 9 December, was convicted and sentenced to a $500 fine and six months disqualification from driving.
*The legal alcohol limit is 250mcg. Anything over 400mcg goes to court and the driver receives a mandatory disqualification.
A 29-year-old French tourist got off with a formal warning after crashing into a parked vehicle in Robins Road, then continuing on to crash into another parked vehicle on Weaver Street at 11.40am on Monday, 9 December. Shute says there was no alcohol involved, and the driver was given a formal warning for careless driving.
A 23-year-old man was airlifted in a critical condition to Christchurch Hospital after a fall at Peninsula Road, Kawarau Falls at 5.23am on Sunday morning, 8 December. The Otago Southland Rescue Helicopter and a St John Ambulance responded. Police were called to assist but stood down.
A St John media spokesperson says it was understood to be a ‘fall-related’ incident. No further details could be provided.
LWB regularly polls locals on issues affecting our region. This week’s responses are below.
Do you open count up or down on your advent calendar?
1-24 is the way to go - 80%
Start at 24 and countdown to Christmas - 20%
Do you drink and drive? Never - 39%
I'll have one drink or two - 61% I drive over the limit - 0%
Are the summer school holidays too long?
Yes, seven weeks is insane and I'm going to tear my hair out - 26%
No, the kids need a good break - 37%
No opinion on it - 37%
Does your company close for Christmas and New Year?
Yes, we're having a break - 37% No, we're working through - 32% Doesn't apply - 31%
Is Queenstown heading in the right direction?
Yes, it has its problems but it's an incredible place to live - 18%
No, we need to stop growth and sort out our infrastructure - 65%
Hard to say, some good, some bad - 17%
I don't have an opinion on this - 1%
There were 131 respondents this week.
If you would like to take part: you can sign up on the LWB Facebook page.
Mud, peace and quiet, basketballs - they’re all on Queenstown Primary School’s list to Father Christmas.
The school has launched a fundraising drive as it looks to create new outdoor spaces for children, including a mud kitchen, a quiet space, and basketball hoops.
Principal Fi Cavanagh says the drive puts a twist on holiday giving.
“Queenstown Primary School has been on our current site for 50 years next year. We want to prepare the grounds for future growth, creating an exciting outdoor facility that will serve students and the wider community for the next 50 years,” she says.
“Supporting the QPS Project Christmas Drive will help us reach that goal.”
Through the school’s fundraising website, people can purchase specific items to help the project - like basketballs or plants - and in return they’ll receive a digital ‘thank you’ card and a fun digital Christmas card to share with loved ones.
For example, a contribution to the Mud Kitchen project will come with a playful card that reads: “You’ve been gifted Mud.”
Meanwhile, larger donations will be honoured with a named plaque at school. Visit bit.ly/qpsproject to donate or www.facebook. com/QueenstownPrimary for more info.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Queenstown Fabrics & Furniture would like to thankall of our clients forall thework in 2024
We look forward to working with youagain in 2025!
835 FranktonRd, Queenstown 03428 2805 info@qtfabrics.co.nz
Kōwhai Valley Crèche will open as Glenorchy’s first early childhood education service in late January.
The crèche will operate three days a week for 12 children each day, from the existing Glenorchy Playgroup premises on the Glenorchy School grounds. That’s thanks to a huge community effort led by playgroup parents, who formed the nonprofit Kōwhai Valley Crèche Trust in June, and began a $50,000 project to transform the space and obtain a licence to operate from the Ministry of Education.
Local parent and experienced early childhood educator Leah Orman will take the lead as Head Kaiako of the crèche, supported by a second registered kaiako, relievers and parent help.
“I am so excited to share my love of teaching and learning with my community,” she says. “This is a long held dream come true and I can’t thank all the talented individuals enough for their unwavering belief that we could really make this happen in Glenorchy.”
Her husband, local builder Damian Orman, has spearheaded the renovation project, which included spatial reconfiguration, code of compliance, playground safety certification, double glazing, public health, FENZ, plumbing, and electrical upgrades.
Orman personally sponsored the in-kind renovation assisted by Dart Plumbing, Voltedge Electrical, Tahuna Heat Pumps and Carpet Court. Funding support has come from more than a dozen charitable trusts, organisations and businesses.
Trust chair Philippa Hasselman acknowledged the support of the Playgroup Committee, Glenorchy School, Queenstown Lakes District Council, and the Ministry of Education.
“There are a multitude of benefits to operating on School land, so we are grateful for their support,” she says.
“Without the overhead of commercial rent, we can offer early childhood education that is affordable for everyone, and will lead to equitable education outcomes for Glenorchy children.”
We love the Holiday season, so we've brought you some ideas to help you look forward to your best Christmas yet. All that remains are a few final pressies to be bought before Santa arrives.
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Orange Tip Butterfly - Anthocharis cardamines
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Olaplex travel pack containing 100ml N°4 shampoo, 100ml N°5 conditioner 50ml N°3 treatment and full size N°7 bonding oil.
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Crafted from luxurious vegan leather and lined for additional durability, this timeless essential includes a zip-closure pocket to keep those smaller items safe and sound. Take a piece of home with you, with the Whenua Overnight Bag.
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35a Shotover Street
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Police have revealed Invercargill woman Karen White died as a result of injuries she sustained in a significant assault.
Last month, police launched a homicide investigation into her death of the 60-year-old at Lake Hāwea property on Saturday, 8 March, 2024.
Detective Senior Sergeant Regan Boucher says officers are following positive lines of enquiry and re-examined the scene last week.
“Police are actively working to establish the circumstances that led to Mrs White’s death,” Boucher says.
“We have confirmed the 60-year-old victim died as a result of injuries she sustained in a significant assault, and are speaking to a number of people who are assisting with enquiries.”
Boucher says officers and scientists from ESR completed further examinations on the scene last Wednesday, 11 December.
“Police cannot go into any more details about the examination or what was located.”
Boucher says police believe people in the community hold important information about Mrs White’s murder and we encourage those people to come forward.
“If you hold any information that could help, please update us online now or call 105.”
Use the reference number 240308/6198. Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
A new study reveals the likelihood of a future earthquake occurring along the Nevis-Cardrona Fault is lower than previously thought.
It also provides new constraints for estimating earthquake hazards around the rapidly developing Queenstown Lakes region.
Led by the University of Otago – Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka and funded by a Natural Hazards Commission (NHC) Toka Tū Ake University Research Programme grant, researchers excavated the southern part of the fault to determine when prehistoric earthquakes took place.
While doing so, they discovered new information which updates research from the 1980s.
Lead author Dr Jack Williams, of the Department of Geology, says prior studies have recognised the possibility of future earthquakes, but their rate and size were unclear.
“Our new data suggests that the rate of prehistoric Nevis-Cardrona Fault earthquake is lower than estimated by these previous studies,” he says.
“Although, it does serve as a reminder that earthquakes can happen anywhere across Aotearoa, and we should all prepare and plan accordingly.”
Researchers believe the sediments from the Nevis-Cardrona Fault experienced two earthquakes, about 12,800 years ago and sometime between 20,000-40,000 years ago. Comparatively, previous work inferred there were four earthquakes in the past 20,000 years.
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by Jennifer Smart
Native grasses only, mind you. Back by popular demand, the Whakatipu Reforestation Trust will host summer evening sessions at the Jean Malpas Community Nursery in 2025.
The evening sessions will run every Wednesday in February and March from 5.30pm – 7.30pm, so volunteers can step up the number of native plants ready for planting at community sites. The morning nursery sessions, which attract a core group of committed volunteers, will run as usual from 9am –noon.
As locals well know, the longer, warmer summer hours let us pack a lot more activity into a day, and create lots of after-work options. The evening nursery sessions are a great way to catch up with friends mid-week, decompress from the daily grind and meet like-minded people – all while giving back to our incredible environment.
Jean Malpas Nursery was established in 2014 to provide trees for the many planting projects carried out by the Whakatipu Reforestation Trust. Using eco-sourced seed, the nursery and its volunteers propagate and look after over 10,000 plants each year, nurturing them until they have reached the right size to be planted out at one of the Trust’s planting sites. Helping is not only a way to fit some essential green time into the day: there’s plenty to learn if you’re interested in native plants, gardening or understanding our local ecosystems.
On a given day, volunteers might be pricking out tiny seedlings, ‘potting on’ seedlings into larger pots or weeding and maintaining larger shrubs. No prior knowledge or planting skills are needed, as there is always a coordinator or skilled volunteer around to help.
And where do all these plants end up? Most likely it’ll be one of the keystone sites managed by the Whakatipu Reforestation Trust. These are public
reserves throughout the basin where we’ve planted over 120,000 native shrubs in our 10 years of existence. Or the shrubs might find a home in your own neighborhood. We’ve supplied plants to community groups for sites from Glenorchy to Gibbston and everywhere in between!
If you’re interested in attending a Community Nursery Session, roll up to Jean Malpas Nursery on Poplar Drive, Kelvin Heights, with gardening gloves, water bottle, a sunhat and sunscreen if needed. Up-to-date information and dates can be found on the Trust’s Facebook page and we send out a regular newsletter too. All are welcome!
FB: Wakatipu Reforestation Trust
IG: @wakatipureforestationtrust
Get your friends, family and workmates together and share some Christmas spirit. Two hours of laughs and great times painting a happy snowman – a great gift or to hang at home. Order lunch, tapas or drinks on arrival - food and beverage is additional – great fun as we slide into Christmas. Contact The Hayes to book –group bookings are welcome with a free tickets for the organisers of groups of 10.
When: Monday, 23 December, Noon – 2pm
Where: The Hayes Restaurant, 1 Onslow Road
Te Atamira’s Christmas School Holiday Programme
Get into the Christmas spirit with Te Atamira’s Christmas Holiday Programme. Led by accredited art teacher Michelle, the workshops inspire creativity through hands-on crafting and art for kids in Queenstown. Age groups 5-7 and 8-12. Workshops include crafting a macramé Santa, textile Pohutukawa, an introductory sewing workshop where children will craft beautiful ornaments inspired by the iconic flower, and printmaking Christmas Cards. There’s also festive painting gnomes or a Christmas toy train, and handmade miniature stockings.
When: Thursday, 19 – Monday, 23 December, 9am – 5pm
Where: Te Atamira
A monthly open mic for original music and spoken word. Come and share your creativity or sit back and enjoy the wealth of talent the Southern Lakes has to offer. Normally the last Thursday of every month, due to Christmas is on Thursday, 19 December, instead. 8pm – 10pm at the wonderful Sherwood Queenstown and hosted by local folktronica duo, Choice (aka Musicbychoice). Admission is free and performers receive a free Altitude Brewing beer.
When: Thursday, 19 December, 8pm – 10pm Where: Sherwood
International Migrants Day Potluck & Gathering
On International Migrants Day, this potluck and gathering is a festive evening designed to bring people from all backgrounds together to share food, stories and meaningful connections. Each year, the day marks a time to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contribution that migrants make to our community. It’s an opportunity to reflect on shared experiences of moving to a new place and the strength that comes from embracing cultural diversity. Put on by Kiwi Kit Community Trust, they’re asking each person to bring along a dish to share if you are able. Let’s celebrate the delicious diversity of foods that represent our many cultural backgrounds – from traditional family recipes to personal favourites, they’re excited to taste and experience the richness of our collective heritage. If you’re unable to bring a dish, that’s okay - your presence is the most important part! Please also bring a plate, cup or cutlery to eat with and a chair or blanket to sit on.
When: Wednesday, 18 December, 6pm – 8.30pm
Where: Lake Hayes Pavillion
Walker & Co Realty Christmas in the Park
Bring the whole family for a magical day filled with local entertainment and Christmas carols, a bouncy castle for the kids, face painting, food trucks serving delicious eats and most importantly – a visit from Santa. All donations will go to Baskets of Blessing Queenstown, helping those in need this festive season.
When: Saturday, 21 December, 10am – 3pm
Where: Hanley’s Farm Playground
Queenstown Markets Christmas Special
Your last chance to get all your locally-made gifts and goodies at the Christmas edition of Queenstown Markets. It’s a vibrant colourful arena, where visual and performing arts meld together for the public and visitors to enjoy. You can meet the market’s inspiring clothing designers, potters, jewellers, knitters, weavers, wood artisans, metal manipulators, soap makers, and so much more – you name it, they have it!
When: Friday, 20 and Saturday, 21 December, 9am – 4pm
Where: Earnslaw Park
Know What’s In Your Stuff? Free Drug-Checking Clinic
KnowYourStuffNZ is hosting a free, 100% legal, discreet, and judgment-free drug-checking clinic. Find out exactly what’s in your gear, ask questions, and get expert harm-reduction advice - no cops, no names, just information. Come by and make safer, informed choices.
When: Friday, 27 December, 2pm – 7pm
Where: Queenstown Memorial Centre, 1 Memorial Street
When: Saturday, 28 December, 2pm – 7pm
Where: Lake Wanaka Centre, 89 Ardmore Street
If you would like your show, event, exhibition or meeting promoted in Goings On drop us a line at info@qmg.co.nz with the details
The Cargo Collective will guide you through the steps to distilling your very own gin. This three-hour relaxed experience begins with a sensory journey as you make your way through the botanical aromas that are used to craft the best gins around the world. Whilst you are unleashing your creative spirit, you will learn about the history of this popular spirit, along with some fun and interesting facts about gin and the industry.
When: Friday, 27 December, 6pm – 9pm
Where: The Cargo Collective
Why not start the festive season with friends? Get together with your loved ones this Christmas Eve for some exquisite festive fare, stunning views and a great selection of wines. Come and enjoy a glass of bubbles at The Headwaters Lodge along with some canapés on arrival. This will be followed by a fourcourse dinner prepared by the executive chef, featuring seasonal specialties from local produce and Headwaters’ own cottage garden.
When: Tuesday, 24 December, 6.30pm – 10.30pm
Where: The Headwaters Lodge, Oban Street, Glenorchy
Christmas themed quiz
Wednesday, 18 December
This is our last quiz of this year! To book your team info@lokalqt.co.nz or ring 03 442 5444. Best dressed team gets an extra prize!
Tuesday Karaoke Night from 9pm
Pool Comp 8pm start $10 entry plus House Drink
by Altitude! ATLAS X QTMBC KARMA KEG - SLED DOG All proceeds to QTMBC
Happy Hour
20% off house beers, wines and spirits Tue - Thu 5-6pm Fri - Sun 4-6pm
Takeaways available, burgers, ribs, pizzas and more! Order online www.lokalqt.co.nz
lemon and a little
Summer Lunch Special $28 BBQ meat platter, dine in or takeaway, Fri, Sat and Sun only 12pm to 5pm | FRANK’S | Paint-A-Tote Paint & Tote bag included plus a free drink on arrival 19 Dec | 6pm
Poker Night 6.30pm | $20 Entry $12 Margaritas, $25 Pizza and Beer
$12 Espresso Martinis All day and night
Locals’ XMAS Quiz from 7pm
BINGO BEATS with JAHFIRE 9pm til late
Live Sports on 12 TVs $12 Cosmos
/ Saturday Live Music & DJs from 5pm – Late
UFC Live $12 Dark ‘N’ Stormys Monday Huge Singles Pool
Sunday Sesh DJ 5pm – 12am on the rooftop
Cocktail Monday $12 All Day
Tuesday Free Ice Hockey Morrison’s 3HL from 6.15pm Wednesday Ice Skating, Ice Bumper Cars & Frisbee Golf from 12pm Thursday Free Ice Hockey 2 games from 6.15pm
Stick & Puck Session + Free Ice Hockey (2 Games) from 7.45pm Saturday NIGHT SKATE Ice Disco with games and prizes from 6.15pm Sunday Sunday Social League FINALS Free to Watch from 5.15pm
$15 Nachos
Monday Closed for Public Sessions See you Wednesday! $6 Beer handles 7 days a week
$19 Burger & fries deal
$20 Pint & Poutine
$20 Chicken Parmy & fries Friday/Saturday DJs in the beer garden 4pm till late
$25 for 2 hours (6.30-8.30pm)
Skate Night
$10 for 2 hours Mini Ramp Access (6.30-8.30pm) Sunday 2-for-1 Jump Night
Bring your mate for free (6.30-7.30pm) Monday Launch Ramp Night No experience needed (6.30-7.30pm)
QTN’S best prices guaranteed OPEN 7 days 2pm-late Happy hour 3-7pm every day
Cocktails $12 | Tap Beer $7 House spirits $7 J-Bombs $6
GRZLY 9pm start Free Entry
2 for 1 pizza night
Silent Disco! 9pm! 3 DJs 3 Channels Free Entry
$35 Steak Night
Retro tunes/ easy listening
GRZLY & STUBACCA The b2b of b2bs! 9pm start
$1 Chicken Wings
$15 Pimms Afternoon Tea
Buckfast ‘Bucky Bombs’ Available Now
Danny Atkinson Live in the beer garden! 5pm - Late
Free parking for dining guests
by Jessica Allen
Kinross’ wine garden is filled with sweet sound on Sundays throughout summer – and part of autumn. Musicians perform weekly from 3pm at the picturesque winery. It’s a family-friendly environment with a play area and sandpit, as well as a snack menu full of pizzas, platters and small bites.
Amber Wonder at Kinross explains that many of the artists that perform have been coming for quite a number of years. Often once an musician plays, they’re excited to come back – it’s just as nice of an experience for them as it is for the audience.
“It’s just a really lovely way to spice up a lovely Sunday afternoon in our wine garden,” Wonder says. “We have a range of artists coming out over the four months over summer – enjoying the sunshine and the vines and the atmosphere out here, of beautiful summerness out here in Gibbston. They range from jazzy to soul singers, to Kiwi guitarists, to a little more dance. It’s just always been a lovely way to get people to come out and enjoy a Sunday afternoon.”
One of the musicians that often plays at Kinross and has a good relationship with them is Neil Chilton. He was in a touring band back in 1980 that frequently played at Hamilton’s Hillcrest Tavern – it was here he built a relationship with head barman at the time, John Erkkila, now owner of Kinross. Now, Chilton lives very close to Kinross, so gigs there are perfect for him. He talks through the history of his bands, which led him to performing as the solo artist he is today.
“We took the band to Australia and we got a record deal. We toured with Dragon and Australian Crawl – we supported Icehouse – we put three singles out and the keyboard player out of Dragon produced the first one, and INXS’ drummer produced the second one. We had a pretty nice time.”
Chilton came back home to New Zealand after all the fun and has been doing solo work since. He describes his voice as his strength and he sings classic songs that everybody knows. He describes the vibes at Kinross at their Sunday sessions as nice and relaxed.
“People are drinking wine and enjoying the music. The response is generally pretty good. I live nearby so it’s the easiest gig I’ve got – I drink some wine while I play as well. It’s lovely.”
Wonder says the idea for the afternoon sessions came about with wanting to get people to come and experience a chill, delicious summer glass of vino in their wine garden.
“We’ve got a big space for families with lots of picnic tables and bean bags –we’ve just built a new wine bar as well. We’re definitely leaning into this; how can we make the most of summer at Kinross, with all this outside space and a play area for the kids as well. It’s been a great way to capture that summer Gibbston magic.”
Some of the other upcoming artists include Sean Tinker, who can play most requests and has a focus on rock, country, indie and folk, and Chad Robinson who brings a soulful voice and flowing guitar melodies to the stage. Saxylady Sarah Lyttle will also perform, blending funky, uplifting house beats with a soulful touch of sax to create some irresistible grooves.
Kinross’ Summer Sounds will continue to run on Sundays until mid-April. Artists will play from 3pm – 5pm in the Kinross Wine Garden. Neil will next play on New Year’s Eve and then 5 January. You can see the full schedule including what artists are playing scanning the QR code. It’s free to enjoy the music, but table bookings are essential.
by Sue Fea
Quick rise
He’s one of New Zealand’s most successful tourism entrepreneurs, having headed up and owned renowned Kiwi tourism operations, but Mark Quickfall didn’t need a business degree to get there.
Instead, he learned his savvy through the school of hard knocks, owning his fi rst local tourism adventure business at 23 and even managing to get paid to do his OE as tour guide to seniors.
“University, for me, was running my own businesses,” he says. “As anyone in business knows, you need to learn quickly.”
He had some good business partners starting out though, working alongside local helicopter legends like Don Spary, Sir Tim Wallis and other skilled pilots, pioneering early helicopter adventure combo trips. All of this was at a very young age, fresh from driving Shotover Jet boats for Trevor and Heather Gamble.
By 23 he’d launched that fi rst tourism adventure business, Pro Jet, and was travelling the world with busloads of senior citizens for Sunbeam Tours. “It was like travelling with multiple sets of grandparents,” he grins. Young Mark’s Kiwi ingenuity saved the day on one occasion when the bus broke down on the autobahn.
He’s survived many tourism industry shocks like the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, but Covid times took the cake, proudly managing to retain his key staff. Once more Mark made it through, still at the helm of his once again thriving Totally Tourism stable.
Raised in suburban Sandringham, Auckland, Mark had an idyllic family upbringing fi lled with motorbikes, street trolley derbies, beaches and sport, representing Auckland in age-group and U19 rugby before completing a building apprenticeship.
Travel was next until the TV ads said, ‘Don’t leave home until you’ve seen the country’. Queenstown was fi rst before a planned OE. After pouring drinks at Skyline, a company he’d later be board chairman of, Mark fended off over 100 other applicants for the coveted role of Shotover Jet boat driver.
He learned fast, a new engine failing during a test run, leaving him drifting down the Shotover. “The staff were away at lunch, and I was holding onto the rocks for dear life trying not to get swept down the river.”
Fresh from training, driver Greg Ross handed him the reins to perform the 360-degree spin during a trip, leaving the bewildered passengers extremely concerned. Another day he towed Greg, an accomplished water-skier, up the fi rst gorge on one ski.
“They were fun times.”
Mark then launched his own Pro Jet Adventures in 1981 which was tough. “I had no clients. I’d launch the boat, tie it up at the jetty and pump fuel at Harry Kerslake’s Mobil gas station to get cash fl ow. You must do the hard yards to build equity.”
He then became sales and marketing manager for THL Leisure’s 17 operations nationally from 1992, general manager by 1996, overseeing everything from Kelly Tarlton’s and The Helicopter Line to Milford Sound Red Boats and Harris Mountains Heli-skiing. “I remember racing around Wānaka Airfi eld with Tim Wallis in his Commodore while he was yelling down the phone to Russia trying to explain his great idea for Warbirds, and struggling to convert English to Russian.”
In 1999 Mark established Totally Tourism to purchase his own stable of tourism businesses, including Challenge Rafting and Milford Sound Scenic Flights, buying The Helicopter Line in 2002. He sold the company to Skyline in 2011 before purchasing it back in 2019.
It’s been a family affair with Jackie having worked in the business and wellknown tourism personality, stepson Brad Patterson as sales manager. He’s been a director and chairman of Skyline Enterprises, chaired Destination Queenstown, served on the ITOC board for 14 years and is chairman of Destination Milford Sound.
“I’ve worked and partnered with so many great people in tourism. I never imagined I’d be doing this,” Mark says. “I’m so grateful and fortunate to have seen Queenstown evolve from a small village to what it is now.”
The perks may have gone: “I’d be running late and the girls at the airport desk would let me on my fl ight at the last minute, kindly taking my keys and parking my car,” Mark grins.
Notorious police sergeant Warwick Maloney’s dealings to unwanted riffraff may be no more and telephone exchange operators no longer know which pub your friends are at.
Within a year he’d also launched Queenstown’s fi rst ATOZ Visitor Guide with wife Jackie and began working closely with Alpine Helicopters, later The Helicopter Line, operating helijetboat combos, before partnering with The Helicopter Line in HeliSuper Jet.
But Mark still has to pinch himself. “We’re pretty blessed to live in this environment.” He makes the most of it, cycling and enjoying the outdoors with family, including his four much-loved grandkids, also fi nishing that OE as an almost senior himself and timeout at their Noosa apartment. Together 44 years, Mark says he wouldn’t be where he is now without Jackie. “She is very capable. She has been the real backbone for me and a huge supporter.”
Top tips for a tip-top summer
Summer living had me a blast, summer living happened so fast. Don’t have your summer dreams ripped at the seams, for info about opening hours, bin collection dates, free parking, noise control, alcohol-free areas etc (tell me more, tell me more) head to www.qldc.govt.nz/summer-101
How to contact us over the hols
QLDC offices will be closed from midday Christmas Eve until 8.00am on 3 January. We’ll still have a team of people available 24/7 to help resolve any urgent issues that crop up – just call 03 441 0499. For anything non-urgent use the Snap Send Solve app (not monitored when we’re closed).
Before you dive in...
Our rivers and lakes are stunning but can be unpredictable! Swift currents, steep drop-offs and unstable footing can quickly turn fun into danger. Stay safe: wear a life jacket, watch your footing and be cautious of strong undertows near river mouths. Check water quality at local spots using LAWA’s Can I Swim Here? map: www.lawa.org.nz/explore-data/swimming Ambassadors champion responsible camping
Our Summer Ambassadors have started visiting freedom camping spots around the district to share information on how to camp sustainably, promote local campsites, and encourage campers to make the Tiaki promise. Be sure to say hello if you spot them! Find more info and how to report any issues at www.qldc.govt.nz/responsible-camping
Our ‘Summerdaze’ events are back! These fun, familyfriendly gatherings include free BBQs, plenty of games, a pop-up library, face painting and the chance to chat with your local elected members. All welcome! Full schedule at www.qldc.govt.nz/summerdaze
We’re shaping a draft Reserve Management Plan for Te-Taumata-o-Hakitekura Ben Lomond and Te Tapunui Queenstown Hill. To find out more about community drop-in sessions in Jan and Feb, view the draft plan and provide a submission go to https://letstalk.qldc.govt.nz
Make sure you register! Most people offering short-term rentals play by the rules by completing our short registration from and getting resource consent if needed. It keeps things fair and provides important data to help address our district’s housing challenges. For more info and to register visit www.qldc.govt.nz/stva
Welcome to this month’s QLDC Libraries reading list! Our recommendations promise a journey through captivating stories and ideas. Happy reading!
Molly Mackenzie | Librarian Assistant - Collections
Kia ora! I’m Molly. I was born in Australia but moved to Queenstown at a young age. Libraries have always been my happy place.
Growing up I was the quiet kid who spent her lunchtimes in the school library reading about dragons and Greek mythology. I even spent enough of my time there to become a student librarian (I know, cool right?)
After school I would walk across the road to Queenstown Library, and even though I thought the Librarians were scary this was always my favorite part of the day. After finishing school, I knew I had to fulfill my prophecy of becoming a Librarian.
Librarian-ism is in my genes after all thanks to my Nana, who was also a Librarian. I started at Frankton library in September 2022 as casual, and after a small stint as Children’s Librarian I am now a Library Assistant specialising in collections.
Some new and old favorites:
Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh
Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh is a blend of humor and raw honesty, featuring illustrated stories that delve into her childhood, awkward moments, and the complexities of adulthood. Through her distinct art style and witty narrative, Brosh tackles themes of mental health, grief, and resilience, creating a heartfelt and relatable exploration of life’s ups and downs.
Strong Female Character by Fern Brady
Strong Female Character by Fern Brady is a sharp and honest memoir that shares her journey through childhood, life with neurodivergence, and breaking into comedy. With humor and vulnerability, Brady tackles themes of identity, mental health, and defying societal norms, offering an inspiring and relatable look at her path to self-discovery.
Helping to catalogue and maintain our library’s collection satisfies the part of my brain that craves order and structure. It may sound boring to some but methodically adding books to our catalogue and itemising its contents is my kind of fun.
The library is such a great community connector with a huge range of books of different languages and genres. Sometimes we even have dogs! Yep, you can come and read to dogs.
But my favorite thing about working at the library (other than shushing people who are too loud) is connecting people with books. Chatting with our patrons about their interests and matching them to a book that they enjoy is so rewarding. If you are looking for non-fiction recommendations,
I’m your girl. Come say hi and ask me about my favorite memoir.
The Good Women of China by Xinran is a heartfelt and eye-opening account of women’s experiences across China, drawn from her time as a radio journalist. Through their personal stories, Xinran uncovers the challenges, strength, and determination of women living through love, hardship, and societal change in a rapidly transforming country.
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn is a dark and suspenseful thriller about Camille Preaker, a journalist who goes back to her hometown to report on the murders of two young girls. As she investigates, she is forced to confront her own painful past and unravel disturbing secrets about her family, leading to a tense and haunting journey into the unknown.
FLEMING, Richard John “John”: (Formerly of Invercargill and Queenstown). Passed away in Christchurch, on December 8, 2024. Loved husband of Gael, dearly loved father and father-in-law of Andrew and Jacque, Paula and Rich, Margot and Danny, much loved Grandad of Louis, and Reuben; William, and Annabel; Jessica, and Amie. Loved brother and brother-in-law of Judith and Max, Dave and Sharon. Messages may be addressed to: The family of the late John Fleming c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. At John’s request a private cremation has been held.
359 9018
UNCLAIMED ITEMS SITTING AT THE Police Station, at 11 Camp Street, this week include:
- APPLE WATCH WITH GREEN material strap
- REDMI EAR BUDS IN black charging case
- SAMSUNG IN CLEAR 3SIXT case, emergency contacts Alicia and Michelle
- LARGE FUJI FILM CAMERA, left at the top of Henman Road, Asian owner
- J. B. KOPA – wallet
MENS 100% COTTON NIGHTSHIRTS. SOUTH Island (Cromwell), made to order, french seams, 25+ fabrics, 4 necklines, 3 sleeves, length to suit you. Www.40winks.co.nz or Jessica 0275818696. Also 2 styles at Mr Davis in Frankton.
LOOKING TO RENT. WE ARE 3 professionals needing to rent an unfurnished house in 2025. Please message me on 0272296053
SUPER, AMAZING AIRBNB HOST - Ready to take on more beautiful properties across Queenstown & Wanaka this winter. We can take care of everything for you, from booking platforms to linen & everything in between. Email - laura@beautifulstay.co.nz
NEVER BIN A BATTERY. THEY cause fires if damaged so keep them out of all rubbish and recycling bins. Safely recycle your batteries and electronic devices at Wānaka & Frankton Transfer Stations. RUBBISH AT REMEMBERING? SIGN UP for weekly bin day reminders and public holiday alerts via text or email at www.reminders.saveourstuff.co.nz CANCER Care / SELF CANCER Care Program / SELF CANCER Care machine Don Kim, acupuncturist (ACC Provider: Sports Injuries specialized) E: oawcentre@gmail.com T: 027-698-2136
Tuesdays from 7pm
Ph: 03 409 2800 enquiries@qmg.co.nz jobfix.co.nz
Free entry & great prizes!
1. What was the first name of Argentinian soccer star Maradona?
2. What was the name of the ancient Egyptian sun god?
3. Where is Disney's European theme park located?
4. Where is the strongest human muscle located?
5. Which country has the most islands?
6. Which country has won the most World Cups?
7. Which planet has the most moons?
8. Who has won the most total Academy Awards?
9. Who is the director of the critically acclaimed film Parasite?
10. Which river flows through the Grand Canyon?
11. Which famous historical document begins with the words "We hold these truths to be self-evident"?
12. Where did sushi originate?
13. Who discovered that the Earth revolves around the sun?
14. Which planet is the hottest in our solar system?
15. What year was the United Nations established?
16. What was the primary cause of the Great Irish Famine?
17. What was the name of the crime boss who was head of the feared Chicago Outfit?
18. Which day of the week does the Jewish Sabbath begin?
19. Who was the first Disney princess?
20. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
1. Diego | 2. Ra | 3. Paris, France | 4. Jaw | 5. Sweden (270,000) | 6. Brazil | 7. Saturn | 8. Walt Disney | 9. Bong Joon-ho | 10. Colorado River | 11. The Declaration of Independence | 12. Japan | 13. Nicolaus Copernicus | 14. Venus | 15. 1945 | 16. Potato blight | 17. Al Capone | 18. Friday | 19. Snow White | 20. Marie Curie
Are you passionate about locally made craft spirits and love sharing great stories? Rifters is on the hunt for an enthusiastic and friendly individual to join us in our Distillery Shop & Tasting Room at historic Dudley’s Cottage in Arrowtown as a Tasting Room Host.
The Role
This fixed-term position runs from December/January till Late April, perfect for someone looking to immerse themselves in the world of boutique, small batch distilling, but also has other commitments. You'll work 20 hours a week (12 noon to 4 pm) over 5 days, guiding visitors through the unique stories behind Rifters and helping them discover our award-winning spirits. What You’ll Be Doing:
• Welcoming guests to our charming Distillery Shop & Tasting Room inside historic Dudley's Cottage.
• Sharing the story of how Rifters began and introducing our diverse range of gins, vodka, and whisky.
• O ering tastings of our spirits and assisting guests in choosing their favorites.
• Showcasing our award-winning spirits, recognised with prestigious domestic and international accolades.
• Helping visitors find the perfect gift or keepsake to take home.
• Carrying out general housekeeping duties, including cleaning windows, floors, and maintaining the overall appearance of the shop.
• Meeting sales targets—and enjoying generous rewards when targets are met.
• Ensuring every guest leaves with a smile (and maybe a bottle or two!).
What You’ll Need:
• A current LCQ & Duty Manager’s License
• A warm, engaging personality and the love for meeting new people.
• A positive attitude and willingness to learn (we value the right attitude over experience!).
• Availability from December / January through Late April.
Why Join Us?
Rifters is more than just spirits; we’re about stories, community, and sustainability. With multiple major awards under our belt, both locally and internationally, we’re proud to o er visitors an experience steeped in quality and craftsmanship.
To help you shine in your role, full training is provided, giving you the knowledge and insight to grow your understanding of our industry and products. Plus, we o er generous rewards to celebrate your success when sales targets are achieved! And we have generous sta discounts too! This role will pay between $28 - $33 per hour depending on experience.
Our Distillery Shop & Tasting Room is a cosy hub for sharing the art of distillation and the beauty of Arrowtown’s history. Be part of a small, fun, dynamic team and represent a brand that’s making its mark in New Zealand's craft spirit scene.
To apply: Send your CV and a brief cover letter to philip@arrowtowndistillery.com. Applications close 20 December 2024. For a confidential chat, please feel free to call Philip on 02102995056. Come join us and raise a glass to a summer of stories, spirits, sales—and rewards! Applicants must have the right to work in New Zealand.
Ph: 03 409 2800
Our story is about Queenstown.
It is about lakeside holidays, winter sports, great food and soaking tubs.
It’s about keeping it real, slowing down, and stopping to talk to strangers. It’s about trying new things, taking in the views, skis on snow and the water.
It’s about bikes, beautiful walks and embracing what our backyard has to offer.
It’s about living in paradise every day.
It’s about you, living your best life.
We are looking for:
Guest Service Ambassador
Food and Beverage Attendant
Housekeeping room Attendant
Qualifications and requirements:
• Excellent communication skills. Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the team
• A passion for contributing to and enhancing guest experiences
• Problem solving, decision making and organizational abilities
• Excellent personal grooming and presentation
• Be a positive representative of the hotel
• Availability to work across a 7-day roster including weekends and public holidays
Send your current resume and cover letter to jagan@kamana co nz
**Please note that this role is only available for applicants currently in Queenstownwith a right to work in New Zealand**
We are looking for a fantastic new team member to join our busy practice! Remarkables Dental is a modern dental practice with stunning views of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown. We currently have a part-time position available for a new Receptionist - as the first point of contact for the practice, you must have great customer service and administrative skills, and work well in a team environment.
The successful applicant:
• Must be available to work Thursday – Saturday, 8:15am - 5:30pm. Other shifts available from time to time.
• Previous admin/reception experience is essential
• Previous dental or medical practice experience is an advantage but not essential
• Previous experience with Xero is an advantage but not essential
• Commitment to a long-term position in the team
• Computer literate
• Good standard of written and spoken English
Perks include staff benefits and discounted treatments, being part of a supportive and fun team, and the potential to upskill.
About you:
• A willingness to learn and develop your skills
• A strong work ethic and ability to communicate effectively
• A bubbly personality and strong people skills
• Attention to detail, good at multitasking and highly organised
If this sounds like you, we would love to hear from you! Please email your resume and cover letter to: manager@wanakadental.co.nz
Join our team as a Senior FOH staff!
We’re currently seeking a full-time Senior FOH staff to join the Lone Star family!
We value a positive, can-do attitude and a genuine passion for providing topnotch service.
Leadership experience is a plus, but not mandatory.
LCQ and Duty Manager certificate preferred, not essential.
We offer:
• Opportunities for career development and growth.
• Discounted bar and food tab.
• Flexible roster with regularly scheduled consecutive days off.
• Embrace unique staff and franchise culture, which includes birthday presents, staff gatherings, and a warm family atmosphere.
For inquiries or to express your interest, please reach out to Dave: queenstown@lonestarhq.co.nz | 027 422 3565
Ph: 03 409 2800
We are currently seeking to hire a hospitality professional who understands what great service looks and feels like. You will work closely with the owner to maintain standards and provide training and support for fellow staff members. Smiths offers some of the best social hours in the industry, we provide a great work life balance.
The ideal candidate has a valid DM’s cert or a willingness to get one.. we can help if needed.
If the normal day to day or night to night is getting you down, come see us or email Chris@smithscraftbeer.co.nz
$25-$28 depending on experience and DM’s cert.
Must have a valid visa, we can not afford to sponsor anyone for this position.
Looking for extra money forChristmas?
We are again looking for a select number of women to join our team. Are you into fit, adventurous and consider yourself attractive? If you live in/or near the Queenstown-Lakes area, and think escorting might be for you... give us a call. Remuneration is over $450 (in the hand) per hour and you dictate your hours. All applications are handled in confidence and with no obligation.
Contact Jennifer on 021 895 131
CaFe MaNaGeR HeAd BaRiStA
Monday - Friday 6:30am - 3:00pm
DuTy MaNaGeR & fRoNt oF HoUsE
Starting 10 January 2025 or sooner by negotiation. Three-hour cleans following family, friends and paying guests. Average 3 cleans per month, more in winter/summer. Task includes washing and drying laundry, vacuuming, cleaning kitchen and bathroom and leaving out council bins. All equipment and consumables supplied.
Ideal candidate would live nearby. All applicants must have cleaning experience, be tidy and self directed, be flexible, have good communication skills, and be able to access an online booking calendar.
For more information or to apply contact malcolmandanna@me.com
Guest Services - $27.00/hr+ DOE
Full-time position 40hrs/week daytime Long-term preferred, seasonal considered Must have excellent customer service skills Role includes various hostel duties Apply to info@hippolodge.co.nz with your CV
Housekeeping - $23.15/hr
Casual Morning Position, must have legal right to work in NZ
Apply to info@hippolodge.co.nz with your availability and experience
We are currently looking for a van delivery driver in Queenstown to assist and support our linen operation. Starting early January 2025. The role is for Thursday, Friday and some Saturday's with around 22 hours each week. Penal rates paid for Saturday work.
You will have a clean and valid class 1 driver's license. Be a safe and careful driver - an assessment will be undertaken on your driving ability.
Fit, keen, motivated and above all have a high degree of customer focus and service. You are able to work in New Zealand and hold both a New Zealand bank account and IRD number.
You will be a team player, be on time and reliable.
Be comfortable in using our loading and despatch app (training will be given).
If the above sounds like you then we would love to have a chat.
“The steak house to end all arguments” Jervois Steak House is an authentic and premium steak house which makes no apologies for unashamedly celebrating a love of meat.
We are looking for Waiter
Hardworking enthusiastic staff member required to work in our fast pace restaurant. Applicant must have current working visa or be eligible to work in New Zealand.
Minimum 6 month commitment
Why work with us
• Competitive salary.
• Training and development.
• Daily staff meals.
• Dining discount within the group.
• Paid day off on your birthday after a year of continuous service.
• Monthly visits out to local wineries - explore our backyard!
• Open for dinner only, so plenty of time to enjoy the mountains before work!
Email your CV to briony@queenstownjsh.co.nz
Mountain Landscaping & Maintenance is looking for a full time gardener to work as part of a small team maintaining a range of 50+ properties to the highest standard. Experience preferred in pruning, weed control, power tool use and plant knowledge.
Competitive pay rates, full training & PPE provided.
A NZ work visa and current drivers license are essential. Immediate start
Please email your CV and references to roy@mountainmaintenance.co.nz
Full Time Position - Arrowtown
The ideal candidate must:
- work weekends
- have great customer service
- good English and time management
Phone Lara 0274 808 804
Ph: 03 409 2800
Fear Factory Queenstown are looking for an experienced Custumer Service and Scarer. Average of 32-37 hours a week (full-time), mainly evening work. You will be working with a fun, hard working, scary team, passionate about horror, making people laugh and scream.
• Excellent customer service skills
is looking for a wonderful part-time permanent cleaner to work approx 23 hours per week, weekdays only during school hours. This job involves cleaning many beautiful residential homes around Queenstown and Arrowtown. Transport is provided but we need someone who has a full drivers license as well as a valid working visa (if not already living here permanently). Start date approx 7th Jan 2025
We are looking for someone who can commit to at least 12 months. We need someone who is reliable, well organised with the ability to work quickly & carefully with a great eye for detail. If this sounds like you then please do email a cover letter and CV (with referee contact details) to Abby at info@ppqt.co.nz
• Minimum 6 months wih full availability
• Stock management skills
• Cash, eftpos, till and computer skills
• Excellent team player
• Problem solving and communication skills to brief guests and sell merchandise
Please email your CV and a cover letter telling us a bit about yourself to queenstown@fearfactory.co.nz
Looking for casual, temporary or long term work??
Queenstown Personnel and Labour Hire are looking for labourers for a variety of jobs around Queenstown with an immediate start.
Contact Sharleen - 027 778 7377 or email sharleen@qtplabour.co.nz
Experienced cafe allrounder required to run a 7 day cafe in central Queenstown. Daytime hours and friendly team.
We are also looking for Baristas & All-rounders
Call Ed on 021 280 2425 or email marmoladacafe@yahoo.com
We're looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic individual committed to delivering exceptional customer service. Responsibilities include customer assistance, reception and administration. Flexible hours, including weekends, are required.
Email your CV to Laura.E@Odysseum.co.nz
Both full & part-time positions available. Awesome job opportunity for someone that loves both horses & the outdoors.
• Must have experience with horses, be hard-working, energetic with exceptional customer service.
• Current First Aid Certificate required OR the ability to obtain one.
• Prepared to work weekends.
• Fluent English required
Please send a CV to Lloyd.brown@xtra.co.nz
Ph: 03 409 2800
Summer has arrived, and we’re looking to fill multiple roles in our exciting new bar/ restaurant in the bustling Queenstown Airport.
If you have an eye for quality, a passion for hospitality, or skills on the grill, come see us!
Whether you’re experienced or simply passionate we would love to hear from you.
Apply now Scan QR or email birthes@joeshq.co.nz
•Staff accommodation available within walking distance
•Accredited Employer
•We offer a competitive salary, best in the industry discounts, ongoing development, and opportunities
•A fun and positive work environment where you’ll make a bunch of new mates
•A flexible roster
•Discounts across the wider West End Hospitality group
•A clear career path with opportunities for advancement
•Delicious food & staff meals
•Free coffee - all day every day
It is heating up for summer, so we are looking to fill more roles.
This exciting breakfast/brunch eatery is a real hit with the locals & visitors to the town.
Full time roles are for a minimum commitment of 6 months
Role includes:
• Preparing and cooking both cabinet food & dine in Diverse Middle Eastern inspired dishes
• Following the Food Control Plan/Cleaning
• Using World class online systems for stock management
• Leadership skills & directing your team
• Working as a team for maximum results
• Daily ordering, stock rotation, quality control
• Be able to work in a fast paced environment
• Opening & closing duties
Role includes:
• A great personality to be part of the Front of House
• Passionate about the guest experience in a small but mighty team
• Upselling skills, experience using a POS
• Opening & closing duties inc assisting in cash ups
• Serving & making drinks/serving food
• General cafe duties
• Assisting in leading the team
• Barista skills are a bonus
Please send your CV, stating which role you are applying for to karan@peoplelikeus.co.nz
We are looking for an experienced salesperson to join our Team. You will have great customer service skills and be a strong team player. An interest in running advantageous. Duties include: competent cash handling, excellent stock control and exceeding customers’ expectations. You will be committed to the Queenstown area and legally entitled to work in New Zealand. The successful candidate will be available to work weekdays, weekends & public holidays.
Apply via email to: qtown@thefrontrunner.co.nz or alternatively pop in store with your CV.
www.slowcuts.co.nz www.peoplelikeus.co.nz
Our busy Arrowtown eatery & brewery is looking to hire
• This position requires a 6 month minimum commitment
• A person who is passionate about an excellent guest experience
• Loves to come to work & be busy looking after the locals & visitors
• Prior experience in a hospitality role. Basic knowledge of wine/beers
• Available for a mix of day/night shifts
• All FOH jobs such as taking orders, running food, upselling, cleaning
• Cash handling skills & using the POS
• A fantastic opportunity to grow in the industry, working with a strong team & world class systems
• This position requires a 6 month minimum commitment
• Up to 20 hours per week, possibility of more hours
• Taking the correct food from the kitchen to the table
• Assisting in clearing/resetting tables
• Basic knowledge of the hospitality industry, a great smile & positive attitude & required
• These roles are for a minimum of 3 months commitment
• Washing dishes, cleaning as you go
• Basic kitchen prep, smashing potatoes, weighing food portions
• Opening/closing duties
• Day & night shifts available
Excellent remuneration based on previous skills & experience. I am happy to discuss roles in more depth
All roles require your own transport to Arrowtown
Email pj@peoplelikeus.co.nz for enquires or to send your CV. Please state what roles you are applying for
Daily meal, tips, bonuses & discounts apply across all our venues
Ph: 03 409 2800
Position Summary:
As a housekeeper at Aro Ha you will be part of a small team providing high standards of housekeeping during our retreats at Aro Ha Wellness Retreat.
Position Responsibilities:
• Daily housekeeping of guests rooms, all guest facilities and staff areas including spa building
• Laundry including guests laundry as required
• Knowledge and understanding of effective cleaning methods and techniques using eco friendly products
• Attention to detail and high standards of cleanliness
• Adhere to all Health & Safety standards
• Other various tasks as assigned
• An eye for detail and ability to multi task
Roster works around our retreat schedule and includes weekend work
Physical Requirements:
While performing the duties of this job: the employee must be able to work in a physically demanding environment; maneuver on uneven ground; stand for long periods of time; regularly lift and carry bags and bundles of linen, reconfigure guest rooms, lift, bend, carry, load and unload laundry in and out of commercial washing equipment
You must be able to legally work in New Zealand
Please apply by 29 December 2024 email office@aro-ha.com www.aro-ha.com
We are looking for someone to come join us at Provisions of Arrowtown
A full-time, permanent position for someone who lives and breathes food. If you have a love for fusion flavors and want to grow your career under an inspiring leader, we’d love to hear from you ! We’re seeking a chef with: Proven experience across all areas of the kitchen, from pans to larder and also pastry and baking. A strong passion for culinary creativity and high-quality dishes
This is your chance to be part of a passionate team, create amazing food, work day time hours and make the most of the buzzing summer season here in Arrowtown. Competitive rates and we have fun !
To apply, email us at matthias@provisionscafe.co.nz with a bit about yourself and why you’re interested in the role.
Find professional development, master a work-life balance, and join our whānau in the most beautiful places on earth.
With a wide selection of work available, and accommodation for the right candidates, we’re here to support you for a good time AND a long time.
Some positions available in Queenstown:
Food & Beverage Attendant – Walter Peak
Chef de Partie
General Hand
Rural Demonstrator
Rural Host – Mandarin Speaking
Operations Support – Whakatipu Transport
Host – TSS Earnslaw & Spirit of Queenstown
Begin a journey to your career today Visit employment.realnz.com
Our last day is 17 December and that’s also when our last edition for 2024 hits the streets. We return to work 7 Jan with our first issue of 2025 out on 14 Jan.
JobFix will be available 24/7 across the holiday period for any recruitment requirements. If you haven’t placed an ad on directly, it’s easy to set yourself up as an employer