Are we shouting loud enough?
New Zealand will go to the polls to elect the next Government on Saturday, 14 October, just over a month away. Unfortunately, for Queenstown Lakes it appears neither of the major political parties have decided to be its white knight, riding to the rescue with concrete solutions to its infrastructure funding and housing issues.
Queenstown’s long been a National town and whatever happens next month it’s odds-on Joseph Mooney will remain as MP, perhaps also becoming New Zealand tourism minister, which could help.
But when National Party leader Christopher Luxon launched his tourism election pledges up at Skyline last week, it all seemed tone deaf to our needs. More-bums-on-seats tourism backed by turbo-charged immigration. It’s very ten years ago. National will remove rules which make businesses pay migrants 95% of the median wage, around $30. This will encourage potentially “tens of thousands” of people to leave their home countries to work in NZ. Cheap labour, headed for Queenstown Lakes.
Good news for business owners, but surely the answer to Queenstown’s growth pressures is not encouraging much more growth. It also leaves everyone asking the obvious question: where will they all live? After all, this comes a week after National announced it will once again allow overseas buyers to purchase NZ property worth more than $2 million, and attempt to tax them for the privilege. What’s that going to do to the housing market?
Luxon also ruled out a bed tax, or visitor levy, for Queenstown Lakes, at least in the short term - something the district council was banking on to ease the burden on ratepayers, who’ve just swallowed a 14.5% annual hike. Instead, National will establish a National Infrastructure Agency to help places with high visitor numbers but low ratepayer bases, such as Queenstown Lakes. That all seems a bit ‘please sir, can I have some more’ territory, going cap in hand to central government, just as we have to under Labour.
Don’t get me wrong, Labour are no better. Local median house prices remain at an all time high, around $1.7m, so do rents, if you can find one. Inflation is high, wages are high, and infrastructure funding is scarce, and most of what we do get we have to match-fund, through rates, with council picking up budget blowouts. Hardly a vote-for-me track record, even taking Covid into account. At least the destination management plans Labour ordered Destination Queenstown and the likes to draw up have a more holistic approach to the benefits of tourism, but then, Labour is now not providing funding for them to be actioned.
Perhaps we’re not making enough noise about our problems and the funding blackhole the council faces, because whoever is in power after next month’s election, Queenstown looks a bit buggered, relatively speaking of course. Still, if I don’t like it, at least I can flick my home an overseas buyer for $2m, more than double what it’s worth, and move.
Paul Taylor
No 918 12 Sep18 Sep
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The Wakatipu High School thespians cleaned up at the weekend scooping five top awards at the TheatreFest Showcase finals in Christchurch. Pictured at Christchurch airport on Sunday evening the cast of 12 and two support travellers with performing arts teacher Jake Hansen. See story on page 5.
Recycle Boutique is a consignment store that celebrates conscious shopping and provides a platform for you to sell your clothing, shoes and accessories.
Airport bosses slammed over Tarras
By Paul Taylor
Blowback against plans for a massive new international airport in Tarras continue with academics highlighting the financial and environmental risks.
A group of 79 researchers and scientists have penned a letter to the Prime Minister outlining their “significant concerns” over the project.
Christchurch International Airport Ltd wants to build the wide-bodied jet capable airport on land in the Central Otago farming community.
Last week, CIAL released more information about the airport, including the runway alignment and the fact it could have capacity for four million passenger movements (arrivals and departures) by 2050.
CIAL chief strategy officer Michael Singleton said the airport could be environmentally sound. He says its own research shows the demand is there, and if the airport is not built, tourists will come into the districts by road instead, travelling an extra 500,000 road miles by 2050.
James Higham, distinguished professor of sustainable tourism at Griffith University and honorary professor at the University of Otago, says the claims have only served to elevate the concerns of the group.
The letter says CIAL’s public communication contains “imbalance, bias and predetermined view”.
“Not only is their communication largely devoid of reference to rigorous supporting evidence, but many of its assertions and conclusions are contrary to scientific insight,” it reads.
The group outlines six key “unsubstantiated claims or assumptions” which underpin the airport company’s report.
CIAL is ultimately owned by Christchurch City Council. The group is meeting with councillors later this month.
“In our view, the significant financial risks alone associated with this project are enough that it should be shelved, as those risks will ultimately fall on the people of New Zealand, and specifically our children and grandchildren.
“These risks include the burden which will come as the costs of carbon increase. But there are also others.”
The letter, as well as details of the signatories and the research index, can be found at
Queenstown is one of New Zealand’s fastest-growing areas, driven by growth in population, the tourism industry and supporting activities. This is increasing pressure on infrastructure, services and the transport system.
A business case is underway looking at future public transport options. This is an opportunity to provide feedback on this challenge and what you’d like to see in Queenstown in future years.
Come along to one of our community pop-ups and chat about the future of public transport:
Thursday, 21 September
10am–2.30pm | Frankton Bus Hub
4pm–6pm | Stanley Street Bus Hub Kiosk
Saturday, 23 September
10am–2pm | Arrowtown Community Centre
Saturday, 30 September
9am–2pm | Queenstown Market, Steamer Wharf
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*Paper copies of the survey are available from the Otago Regional Council office, Queenstown Lakes District Council offices and libraries, and our community pop-ups.
Luxon rules out visitor levy
By Paul Taylor
Queenstown’s deputy mayor Quentin Smith says local ratepayers simply can’t keep footing the bill for growth-related infrastructure in New Zealand’s tourism capital.
Smith has spoken out after National Party leader Christopher Luxon came to town last week to announce plans to boost tourism to aid the country’s economic recovery, but also ruled out any local visitor levy.
Luxon, if elected next month, plans to make changes to the immigration system, including removing the median wage requirement and fast-tracking applications, to encourage potentially “tens of thousands” of workers to come to NZ.
Up Skyline on Thursday, he also announced a host of other measures aimed at increasing tourist numbers into the regions.
But, asked directly about whether the National supports a bed tax, or visitor levy, Luxon dismissed the plans.
“Look, the reality for us, in a cost of living crisis, that is not the right answer for New Zealand at this point in time,” he says.
Neither was an increase in the $35 International Visitor Levy the answer, although he said he would like to see the existing funds raised from it applied better.
Smith says the policies are disappointing.
“The visitor levy, particularly, was one that has been worked on for a long time in this district to help our residents to reduce the cost of living by getting tourists to pay a bit more of the infrastructure share,” Smith says.
“In making the announcement they referred to not wanting to increase the cost of living, but I think they missed the point.”
Luxon says National will work directly with councils with high visitor numbers but low ratepayer bases, through a proposed National Infrastructure Agency. Smith says council are open to finding out more about that but understands the models are about providing additional borrowing capacity and cheap loans.
“And that just doesn’t help us because we’re already struggling to service the debt we have, and we already access a range of different measures from the Housing Infrastructure Fund, from the Infrastructure Acceleration Funds. There’s all sorts of things that we’re already using.”
Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has included revenue from a proposed visitor levy in its 10 year plan.
“Obviously, that’s increasingly unlikely,” Smith says, “so it does leave a hole and equally, the potential for changing timelines and issues around the three waters reform also has an impact on us.
“We are required to account for the fact that in two years time, we could hand off all our three waters debt . . . if that doesn’t eventuate then we also have a funding problem there. Not being able to offload that debt puts us in a very difficult position.”
Luxon was challenged by media on what increased migration might mean for Queenstown Lakes housing availability, where workers are already sleeping in cars.
He says National will increase the land available for housing by asking every council in the country to consent 30 years of housing growth.
Smith says QLDC has already done that through the Spatial Plan and other work.
“We’ve got enough residential land for all the projected growth models over the next 30 years . . . so once again, they seem to be missing the point around what the issue is for our district.
“Firstly, it’s the cost of housing, and secondly, it’s cost of infrastructure. We just cannot afford to keep up with the cost of implementing growth-related infrastructure.”
National would also pay councils $25k for every consent above the five-year average, while enabling private capital to flow into build-to-rent schemes and housing trusts.
Aiming to boost visitor numbers was a bit “tone deaf”, Smith adds.
“They really seem to be heading down the route of wanting to just supercharge more visitors and growth back into our district. And we know through the work of DQ and the destination management plan, that’s really not where the industry now in our district is headed right now.”
Read more about National’s plans at or on the Queenstown App
Luxon, five weeks out from the General Election, fronting to media at Skyline, with Queenstown’s MP and National Party Tourism spokesman Joseph Mooney
“We had a small but important job to enable us to reopen our BnB. Dominic went above and beyond to do the job and provide really great technical information. Thanks so much you are AAA+”
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Wakatipu High talent takes five national theatre awards
By Sue Fea
The Wakatipu High School thespians cleaned up at the weekend scooping five top awards including Best Production and Best New Director at Theatre NZ’s national TheatreFest Showcase finals in Christchurch.
The cast of 12, including three technical and two support travellers performed against 53 theatre groups from around the country, just over half of them adult groups.
In a huge coup, Year 13 student Rochelle Tickle took out the Drama Development Trust’s Best New Director Award.
“I’m ecstatic,” an exhausted school performing arts teacher Jake Hansen said speaking from Christchurch Airport on Sunday night. “They are absolutely ecstatic and every single person in the basin should be so proud of what they’ve achieved,” says Hansen. “I’m really humbled that all their hard work has paid off.”
The team won Theatre NZ’s Book of Honour Best Overall Production at the event, after competing with hundreds of entrants to the top award. Their superb performance of one-act play ‘That Time, That Place’, written by Ken Mizusawa, won the Bryan Aitken Best Youth Production Award and Denise Walsh Best Production of a NZ Play Award.
Not only was Rochelle impressing the country’s best with her directing skill, but Bethany Graf, who delivered a brilliant portrayal of the lead character, also won one of three Distinction in Emerging Talent awards.
It’s believed to be the first time the school has ever won Best Overall Production and Best NZ Play and the first time a Wakatipu school group has made it to the nationals since 2018.
After what was a bit of a stressful but exciting build up to the event for Rochelle, who flew to Wellington the day before the showcase finals for her first audition for Toi Whakaari – NZ’s leading performing arts school, it was all worthwhile. “I had an amazing team to work with and was so supported along the way. I’m feeling very proud of myself and my team,” she says. “It’s always what I’ve wanted to do, but proving I can do it is so cool.”
The Wakatipu High School cast during rehearsals at the Theatre NZ national TheatreFest Showcase finals which the team won in Christchurch at the weekend She says the hardest part throughout the competitions had been having to critique her peers. “I love them all to bits and didn’t want to break their hearts.”
“Not only was it a great team and show, but our director has come into her own, actors, technical, all aspects,” says Hansen. “Rochelle managed it all on her own without my help. She selected the script, did auditions, casting, created the show and characters. She’s essentially done every element to put it on at showcase level and is not only a talented director, but actor,” says Hansen.
“So many students have come together for this as a well-oiled machine, delivering high quality theatre,” he says. “I’m always overwhelmed by the quality of the students coming through the school.”
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Shapeshifter loving Queenstown for Snow Machine
By Jess Allen
Kiwi EDM royalty Shapeshifter took the Snow Machine stage on Thursday night and put on a phenomenal performance. The energy on stage was high and was reciprocated by the predominately-Australian audience, and the setlist included some older classics along with new faves.
The band originally hail from Christchurch and were excited to be playing the festival, feeling lucky to be able to play a show with the beautiful backdrop we have to offer. They have their own ties to Tāhuna Queenstown – Dan McGruer on synths lives in Queenstown and vocalist PDigsss lives in the area. “Dan has lived in Queenstown for many years and also Digsss, our vocalist, has roots in this town going way back to before shapeshifter existed,” Nick Robinson of Shapeshifter says. “Digsss still lives in the area and many of our earliest memories as a band were made here. In many ways this is a hometown gig for us.
“It’s always good to be here in Queenstown. As soon as we step off the plane, you see the mountains, breathe the fresh air and you can feel the excitement. The locals have always supported us in this region and we all feel it. We played a lot of epic gigs and even wrote a few old songs while playing at the iconic Subculture Club for many years. Local act Sunshine Sound System has been a great influence on us and we’ve toured the world together many times. So yeah, the Queenstown influence on Shapeshifter has always been there.” On the horizon for the band is a new single, ‘On Your Side’, which they describe as the Shapeshifter sound, but a little different to what they usually do. They’re always writing new music and hope to keep releasing it – there might even be a new album in the pipeline. Most importantly, they just want to keep having fun expressing themselves and enjoying moments like Snow Machine.
“To anyone that has been to a gig, bought our music, streamed it, introduced us to a friend, or in any way supported us; we love you. We feel blessed every day. And I just want to mention how awesome our whole team is, it’s not just the band, we have a team that goes above and beyond and we wouldn’t be here without them,” Robinson says.
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Quirky colour comes to Queenstown
by Jess Allen
Lyttelton-based artist Alexandra Weston’s art is lining the walls of QT at their new art space, Gallery 6. Her unique work uses vibrant colour, and her interest in detail and generous allowance of time gives each piece great depth.
Alexander became a full-time artist in 2017 after spending some time in Hong Kong. She has since shown her work at a number of group and solo exhibitions in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland, and has sold work to collectors all over the world.
“I lived in Hong Kong from my early 20s for 14 years,” says Alexander. “I was in the creative industry there – I worked in a gallery, and then I, with a business partner, created a lifestyle store in 2010. It was very much a creative world for me, and it’s really the land of opportunity in Hong Kong.
“While I was there, I used to troll the back streets and there’s a lot of interesting alleyways and spots there, including this street that made perfect signage. Unlike here, where most signage is metal or wood, over there it’s all made out of Perspex and a lot of it is lit from behind. So this street with all these sign makers – they would chuck their offcuts onto the street in a cardboard box hoping someone would take them away, and they were quite decent-size cuts.”
Alexander began collecting the Perspex offcuts over the years, not really knowing exactly what she would do with them. When she moved back to New Zealand in 2018, she decided to start painting on them, and the art that we see today was created.
“It’s a really cool product to paint on – the paint runs beautifully onto the Perspex because it’s so slippery. Then when I have my work framed, I’m framing it so that the bit that I’ve been working on is at the back of the artwork, so the viewer is seeing the clean size through the Perspex. I haven’t had a desire to paint on a board or canvas. The Perspex has just become my thing, and it’s a really cool product.”
While she will occasionally check the underside of the art as she’s working on it, she often tries to refrain from looking to allow some mystery. It can be quite
Arts+Culture News
time consuming to get enough coverage across the back of the Perspex to get the desired effect.
For the current exhibition at QT, Alexander is displaying a new series of work – rather than painting the back of Perspex, she is has been placing paint between two panels of Perspex, crushing and manipulating the paint, and allowing it to dry and then repeating the process. This is the first time she’s had this style of work on show.
Gallery 6 is on level 6 at QT and will display 16 of Alexander’s works for the next six months, and pieces will be available to purchase. You can find out more about Alexander and check out some of her artwork at
David White one-off workshop
Kiwi director, producer and writer, David White, will take over Te Atamira for a one-off workshop on Saturday 16 September. The focus of the day will be how to take your film idea through development from a one-pager to a dynamic and compelling script.
David’s body of work includes a number of documentary and drama works, which have gained considerable national and international success, including Meat, Shihad: Beautiful Machine, and The Cleanest Pig. He has been commissioned and screened on networks including BBC, Paramount +, Sky and TVNZ.
He will share his own experiences and discuss how one of his projects went from an idea to a short film and subsequently was reworked into a feature. He’ll also touch on the importance of collaboration and how to attract the right creative and producing partners to your project.
Ticket for the workshop are $25 and it will run from 9-5 on Saturday. Head to for more information on David and the workshop
Thursday, 28 September 5.30pm upstairs in the QLDC Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Rd, Queenstown
All welcome!
Meeting link at
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LIVE MUSIC DJ’S SPORTS BAR SPECIALS EVENTS Tuesday Reconnect Film Premiere Free Entry, 7:30pm Wednesday World Bar’s Silent Disco, 9.30pm Free Entry Three Colours, Three Channels, Three Djs Thursday It’s Complicated Snowboard Film Second Screenin Tickets Online, 7:30pm Friday Stubacca B2B Grizzly, 9pm Free Entry, Party Beats all night long! Saturday Peak Sounds: What So Not Sachi 9pm Sunday Sunday Sessions with Danny Atkinson, 5pm Monday Burger Mondays $25 Burger, Fries & Pinto Combo 5pm – 9pm OPEN FROM 11 AM - 7 DAYS A WEEK! Wednesday Je Marco live from 8.30pm Wednesday TJ / Mo Ackermann live from 8.30pm Thursday Danny Atkinson live from 8.30pm Friday TJ live from 9pm Saturday Rob Glen live from 9pm Sunday Traditional Irish Trad session from 5.30pm! Sunday Roast served all day! Monday Dave Bell live from 8.30pm ALL SPORTS. ALL DAY. LIVE & LOUD | OPEN FROM 12PM | FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM FOR ALL UPCOMING SPORTING EVENTS Tuesday TACO TACO HALF PRICE TACOS UNTIL 9PM Wednesday WING IT WEDNESDAYS HALF OFF WINGS UNTIL 9PM SMOTHERED OR DRY RUBBED | 21 FLAVOURS Thursday BIG DAWG DAY HALF OFF BIG DAWGS UNTIL 9PM Friday BURGER DEAL $2 OFF ANY BURGER 12 PM - 5 PM Saturday BREWDAY $5 OFF SELECTED JUGS 12PM5PM Sunday CAESAR SUNDAYS $2 OFF CAESARS & BLOODY MARYS ALL DAY LONG Monday HOSPO NIGHT 7PM - 11PM LATE NIGHT HAPPY HOUR & FREE POOL Tuesday Seek Presents Ben Lock Wednesday Snow Machine After Party ft. Ribera & Momo Thursday Huffer Party Friday DDD presents Truth, Paige Julie & Ashez Saturday Seek Presents Ben Haskell Sunday Seek Presents Frank Booker Tuesday & Wednesday Yonder Après 5pm DJ & Cocktails from the heated patio Thursday Open Mic Night 9pm Bring your mates, play whatever! Friday Yonder Apres Soak Up The Sun 5pm - Late Saturday Rugby World Cup Live! All Blacks v Namibia 7am Kick Off Sunday to Monday Coffee Happy Hour 1/2 Coffee with a BYO cup 8-9am Everyday $6 QMTBC/ Hivepass membership handles Everyday Locals Loyalty Rewards Thursday Band Night Rosa Good 5.30pm Friday Live Music TJ Music 5.30pm Thursday to Saturday Pizzas all day (*TERMS AND CONDITION APPLIES) Tuesday $10 Hot dogs* Wednesday All you can eat meat $40pp* Thursday $18 Schnitty* Saturday OKTOBERFEST Opening Party! Keg Tapping & Brass Band from 2pm Monday $16 Burgers* Thursday DJ ZAHN 10-4am Friday DJ LUKIE M 10-4am Saturday DJ FOZ 10-4am Sunday DJ ZAHN 10-4am LOCATED AT MAYA MUSIC 5/15 REMARKABLES DRIVE FRANKTON Friday Lounge Bar Music from 7pm - free entry Saturday Gustavo 7pm open, 8pm-Solo artist, Free Entry Happy Hour 4 pm till 6 pm 15% off for Locals Wines at $10, beers at $9 and cocktails at $15 Friday Combo deal Royalburn Lamb Rump + Glass of house red wine $55.00 12 SEPTEMBER- 18 SEPTEMBER
Tit bits Tit bits
Meta to drop ‘Facebook News’ tab in some European countries
Meta Platforms said last week it will discontinue the “Facebook News” feature on its social media app in the UK, France and Germany, later this year.
Users will still be able to view links to news articles and European news publishers will continue to have access to their Facebook accounts and pages after the change is implemented in December, Meta said. However, Facebook will not form new commercial deals for news content on “Facebook News”, nor offer product innovations for news publishers in these countries.
Along with Big Tech peer Alphabet [Google] the company has come under increasing pressure from lawmakers around the world to share a higher percentage of its advertising revenue with news publishers. Meta has started blocking news on its Facebook and Instagram platforms for all users in Canada in response to a new law requiring internet giants to pay news publishers. Australia implemented a similar law in 2021.
The Rolling Stones announce ‘Hackney Diamonds,’ their first album in 18 years
The Rolling Stones are releasing their 24th album, the rock ‘n’ roll band’s first in 18 years.
In a conversation Wednesday last week, with US late-night host Jimmy Fallon, the British group — comprised of lead vocalist Mick Jagger, guitarist Ronnie Wood, writer and guitarist Keith Richards and drummer Steve Jordan – announced Hackney Diamonds will come out Oct. 20. Wood said they began brainstorming ideas for an album around Christmas last year, and gave themselves a deadline to complete it by Valentine’s Day. They ended up with 23 songs spanning two albums. The upcoming album was completed in January and mixed in February.
Driving out the rainforest invaders
Brazil is cracking down on illegal mining in conservation parks and Indigenous territories. Operations have focused on the Alto Rio Guamá Indigenous territory, where 43 dredgers, 33 excavators and 30 pump engines have been destroyed. It’s one of the biggest federal actions against illegal mining in decades.
Meta Disrupts ‘Spamouflage’
Thousands of fake Meta social media accounts with ties to an alleged Chinese disinformation network were removed recently, according to Meta’s quarterly security report. Officials believe the network is the largest to infiltrate its stable of social media sites—which includes Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp—in the company’s history of mitigating such threats.
The company was first aware of this specific network late last year, which it claims is part of a broader influence apparatus experts dubbed “Spamouflage” in 2019. Meta believes the network’s operators, which it claims are dispersed throughout China, are directed and supported centrally. The network frequently pushes spam-like content appearing to criticize the US while supporting China; according to a 2021 report, some of its content was amplified by authentic users with substantial followings.
The Council Word
Last call for views on intensification
What do you think about changing building heights and densities in our district’s urban areas? We’re inviting submissions on proposed changes that would enable intensification where there’s suitable infrastructure. This could include a greater variety of housing for our growing community. Learn more and make a submission before 21 September at
Multicultural Festival
Celebrate our district’s wonderful diversity at the Queenstown Multicultural Festival on 7 October. There’ll be live music and performances, yummy food, crafts and kids’ games from all over the world. 10.00am-4.00pm, Queenstown Events Centre. For more info visit
Free motorcycle courses
September is Motorcycle Awareness Month. QLDC funds courses through Ride Forever for beginner and advanced riders looking to touch-up on their skills. Use promo code MAM23 when signing up to receive free lessons this month at
Kids’ holiday boredom busters
Book now for QLDC Sport and Rec’s school holiday programme and holiday swim weeks at Queenstown Events Centre and Wānaka Rec Centre – full details at
Let’s talk about housing
We’d like feedback on your experience of housing conditions and affordability in the district. It’s part of a social impact assessment on QLDC’s Inclusionary Housing Plan Change. More info and online survey at
Arts funding
Got a creative idea or community arts project and need funding support? Grants of up to $2,000 are available from the Central Lakes Arts Support Scheme (CLASS). For more info and an application form click ‘Arts, Heritage & Culture funding’ on
Boost your emotional intelligence
This five-week course based at Queenstown Events Centre will help you master your emotions, increase selfawareness and manage stress. Cost $99. Wednesdays from 6.45-8.00pm, 20 Sep–18 Oct. More info at recreation/gym-group-fitness/gym-programmes
Cheaper parking on Hay Street
Lakeview carpark on Hay Street has been reduced from $3.00/hr to $2.00/hr as part of recent changes to parking fees around Queenstown. More info at
Lost & Found
Unclaimed items sitting at the Police Station, at 11 Camp Street, this week include:
•SEAN LOGIE – wallet
•JASON KERR -wallet
•Phone possibly belonging to RORY BRENNAN
•Google phone in transparent case
•Blue MI phone in colourful case
•BEN SIMPSON – phone case
•Iphone with multi coloured cover and black sucker pad on back
•Black Iphone in black transparent case
•Purple Samsung phone
•Silver Indian style ring
•Gold coloured ring with bow
•Gold necklace with single pearl pendant, found in Queenstown Gardens
•Gold ladies Titan Riga analogue watch
•Ocean Lovers Skateboard
•Grey Everest 21 speed bike
•Black baby changing bag, found down by the Bathhouse playground
•Gold coloured analogue Pulsar watch
ALTRUSA CHARITY FASHION SHOW IS ON 12 October from 6:30pm at Arvida Queenstown Country Clubhouse. You’re Invited for a night of fashion & fun! We are raising funds for Whakatipu Youth Trust. Grab your tickets early and support your community Tickets $35 includes welcome bubbles, cheese platter & cash bar. Tickets & info email call Ngaire Hayes 021 078 2997
For Sale
BUSINESS FOR SALE - A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY has emerged to acquire an online store for bulk goods & pantry refills to support consumers on their journey to a more sustainable lifestyle. Genuine interest only. contact: Halie
Everything Else
AT THE WORLD’S EDGE MUSIC FESTIVAL, 7-20 October, Queenstown Lakes. The classical music festival in the heart of the Southern Alps. Six programmes, free events and international artists.
CRÊPE&SNOW CAME ALL THE WAY FROM HAAST, West Coast to Queenstown for the winter until 27th September. You can find us in Isle Street. We are here to take you to France with our French crêpes and to Hawaï with the famous Shaved Ice (the only place in Queenstown where you can eat a yummy yellow snow).
QUEENSTOWN DHARMA CENTRE, 12 LAKE ST. WED (13 Sept), @ 6:30pm, Mindfulness Practice; SUN (17 Sept), @ 10am, “Cultivating Awareness Practice” followed by “Social Sunday.” All sessions are free with dana for the centre/teacher gratefully accepted. For session details, see or FB
DOES ANYONE HAVE AN OLD BULLWORKER THEY WANT TO GET RID OF? I’d be happy to give you a few bucks in return. Thanks - Peter. ALPHECCA@GMAIL.COM
Por Daniela Díaz Soto
¿Cómo hacer amigos de adulto?
La importancia de los vínculos de amistad y conexiones interpersonales son fundamentales para nuestro bienestar emocional. Pero en la era moderna, la soledad se ha convertido en una epidemia cuando paradójicamente estamos más conectados que nunca.
Somos seres sociales por naturaleza, por lo que la necesidad de establecer relaciones con otros es innata, sobrevivimos gracias a la comunidad y la precisamos para sentirnos completos. Podemos tener cientos de amigos virtuales, recibir innumerables likes y comentarios en nuestras redes sociales, pero eso sólo llena un vacío de forma superficial provocando aún más aislamiento.
Mi sobrina Aurora tiene ocho años y cada vez que va a un parque, sólo se acerca a algún otro niño y le pregunta “¿quieres ser mi amigo?” y automáticamente se crea una amistad transparente y sin juicios, en la que jugar y reír son las bases fundamentales. Pero ¿qué pasa cuando somos adultos, por qué es distinto establecer este tipo de vínculos? Como explica la sicología, solemos creer que la amistad debe surgir de manera espontánea, sin esfuerzo de nuestra parte. Para cambiar esta realidad, debemos estar conscientes de que construir es la clave.
La ciencia nos dice que la amistad se basa en la continuidad de nuestras interacciones sociales. Los niños usan dos ingredientes: interacciones repetidas no planificadas y la capacidad de mostrarse vulnerables. En la adultez, aunque haya contacto reiterado, a menudo nos falta el componente de la vulnerabilidad, ya que nos cuesta mostrarnos de forma abierta debido a las normas sociales, los prejuicios y los preconceptos que hemos adquirido a lo largo de los años. Siempre está el miedo de no gustarles a los demás. Entonces, ¿cómo podemos dar el primer paso para hacer amigos como adultos?:
1. Demuestra interés genuino: En lugar de tratar de impresionar, muestra autenticidad y aprecio, comparte lo que te gusta y lo que valoras de esa persona. Envía mensajes y demuestra que estimas su presencia.
2. Mantente cerca: La proximidad es esencial para construir amistades sólidas. Cuanto más tiempo pasas con alguien, más confianza se desarrolla. Y no se trata sólo de estar físicamente cerca, sino de mantener un contacto continuo.
3. Muestra vulnerabilidad: Aunque puede ser desafiante, exponer tus miedos, debilidades e inseguridades te permitirá crear un vínculo basado en la confianza. Compartir experiencias personales puede generar conexiones más fuertes en poco tiempo.
4. Evita tu teléfono: En la era de la tecnología, es fácil caer en la trampa de estar en nuestro móvil en lugar de conectarnos con las personas. Opta por interacciones reales cuando estés con gente, sin distracciones en una pantalla.
Mientras que para algunos hacer verdaderas amistades es sencillo, para otros se vuelve una tarea compleja. Pero no importa la edad ni de dónde vengas, como adultos tendremos la capacidad de formar conexiones si volvemos quizás a interactuar como en nuestra infancia, sin ocultar nuestra identidad, siendo espontáneos y genuinos. Abrámonos a lo hermoso que es crear nuevos vínculos y a dejar una huella en los demás.
An English version of NUESTRA VOZ is available on
Grant spending time with the ‘Sound Effects Department’ for his short film to be shot locally early next year
Short film to be shot in Queenstown
By Sue Fea
Internationally published researcher and writer Grant McLachan has adopted Queenstown as the location to produce several film projects he wrote based on true local stories.
With a background in law and town planning, McLachan was admitted to the bar as a barrister and solicitor but opted to work at Parliament to focus on research. Certified as an environmental hearing commissioner, McLachlan took up writing as part of his rehabilitation after a mountain biking accident left him with serious and debilitating injuries. “You could say that becoming a writer was an ‘accident’,” he says.
Prior to his accident, his interest in World War II history saw him travelling extensively, documenting the life stories of World War II veterans who fought alongside his grandfathers, including some who fought alongside Sir Charles Upham VC. That led to interviewing veterans of the Cold War clandestine services.
Since his accident, his works have been themed around the empathy between humans and animals.
He wrote a children’s novella for his niece and nephews about his experiences with a Staffordshire puppy that befriended a white Kaimanawa colt while convalescing in Tolaga Bay. “A friend suggested that I show it to a literary agent,” he says. Instead of submitting it to a publisher, it was optioned by a film studio.
McLachlan then undertook research into the Auckland Island pigs, documenting the discovery of the pigs’ unique characteristics for use in the treatment of life-threatening human conditions. Pigs were first introduced to the islands by sealers in the 1800s as a food source for castaways, then shipping routes changed and the pigs lived in isolation. When they became a problem to protected native wildlife, the Rare Breeds Conservation Society, trailed by a Country Calendar crew, recovered some pigs. Sir Tim Shadbolt and the Invercargill City Council unwittingly ended up funding the quarantine.
“The story has all the elements of a Kafkaesque farce,” says McLachlan. “Just like my war veterans’ interviews, however, my Auckland Island pigs research was a race against time,” says McLachlan.
With an extensive library of interviews, he asked for advice.
“A local legend took a look at my catalogue of work and introduced me to people who offered to mentor me. They told me that to get anything done, I needed to learn how to direct,” he says.
As a result, what was meant to be a short stay in Queenstown has been extended while he hones those director skills.
The short film project will be shot over four nights in central Queenstown, with many local cast and crew involved, plus extras from more than 20 countries on set.
“The story is based on a hilarious situation while I was waiting for a friend at a Queenstown bar,” says McLachlan. He told local cinematographer John Cavill what happened and he offered to help make a short film. Brett Mills, of The Queenstown Camera Company, offered to provide the film making equipment.
The storyline details are being kept under wraps but it’s a hilarious heartwarming story focusing on how people from different cultures react to a very local situation. Cromwell-based dog wrangler Gary Wolfe has been working with the animals cast for the project. A second unit began shooting earlier this year and principal filming is scheduled for early next year.
Production has already been disrupted twice by the availability of crew following Cyclone Gabrielle and film industry strikes taking place in the US. However, McLachlan remains optimistic.
“If there is one thing people in the industry learn it’s patience.”
The disruption has produced an unexpected silver lining.
“A comedian mate looked at the script and suggested that it had the formula for a TV series,” he says.
The short film will be submitted to international film festivals in 2024.
Funding boost
Queenstown’s AJ Hackett Bungy New Zealand has kicked off a national fundraising mission for conservation organisation Southern Lakes Sanctuary with a $300k donation. The adventure company will back SLS’s predatorcontrol work for the next three years. SLS was established as a result of the Workforce Alliance, which was launched by AJ Hackett Bungy NZ during the pandemic to keep Queenstown’s tourism workers in the area. Since 2021 it has increased the trapping network in the region by 50%. Bungy boss David Mitchell says: “We believe in the benefits these dedicated people are providing to local conservation and we would like to see them continue.”
New chair for climate group
Glenorchy’s Dr Leslie Van Gelder has been appointed as the new chair of the Climate Reference Group (CRG), by Queenstown Lakes councillors. Dr Van Gelder is also Co-Chair of the Southern Lakes Sanctuary, Chair of both the Glenorchy Heritage and Museum Group and Glenorchy Dark Skies Sanctuary Group. Her background is in archaeology and strategy, focusing on the Upper Paleolithic period to today with a special emphasis on climate change’s impacts on humanity across time. “The Climate Reference Group is such an outstanding group of people who deeply care for this place and our future,” she says. “I’m looking forward to seeing how we can amplify the work that’s already taking place in the district and finding more opportunities to work together in a cohesive, strategic, and impactful way.”
Carbon Zero 2030 board appointed
A board of directors has been appointed for Destination Southern Lakes, the organisation which will lead the region’s tourism industry into a regenerative future. The destination management organisation (DMO) is the first of its kind in New Zealand. It will implement the region’s high profile destination management plan ‘Travel to a Thriving Future,’ which includes the Carbon Zero 2030 goal. The new board is Murray Strong (Chair), AJ Millward, Dr Kate Meyer, Dean Fraser and Kristine Dunne, along with the chairs of Destination Queenstown and Lake Wānaka Tourism, Richard Thomas and Calum MacLeod. DQ boss Mat Woods says: “ It’s great to have the governance in
Page 15
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Bailey talks resilience
By Paul Taylor
Bestselling New Zealand author Jake Bailey will be in Queenstown Lakes this week giving speeches about resilience, in the Mental Health Awareness Week.
Diagnosed with the most aggressive form of cancer in 2015 and given just weeks to live if it went untreated, Bailey’s school prize-giving speech from a wheelchair went viral.
Now in remission and living abroad, he works full time on the psychology of resilience and has shared his strategies and research with over 85,000 people, including corporations, organisations and schools around the world. He has family in Queenstown Lakes and he’s looking forward to engaging with the community.
“Over the past few years this region has faced, and continues to face, its fair share of adversity,” he says, “and so it’s great to see people get behind this effort to provide people with practical tools and skills to help them overcome some of those challenges.”
Presented by the Te Hau Toka Southern Lakes Wellbeing Group and supported by Central Lakes Trust, the free events aim to help people get a head start on Mental Health Awareness Week, with its theme: Five Ways, Five Days.
Te Hau Toka’s Central Lakes mental wellbeing navigator Ella Hitchcock will be on hand with info on the five ways to wellbeing in our community.
“This is about finding all the good stuff for you that’s in your community, and fitting it in to your life so that your mental health is a resource you can use when you need it, not a goal you never reach,” Hitchcock says.
Check out the Queenstown App and Lakes Weekly Bulletin website for an interview with Bailey on the Outlet Podcast.
Lake Hayes Pavilion, Queenstown
Wednesday 13 September, 7-8.30pm
Cromwell Library
Thursday 14 September, 5-6.30pm
Albie Tavern, Wānaka
Friday 15 September, 5.30–7pm
Central Lakes Upholstery Ltd.
King says the social enterprise Pride Pledge has also grown into a significantly sized organisation, with work around the country promoting inclusion for LGBTTQ+ people in communities, workplaces and organisations.
“Winter Pride was becoming a smaller component of what we do, so we needed to find it a new home.”
King and Hughes have been popular owners for the festival, which wrapped up on 3 September after celebrating its 20th year in the resort, with a record 50 events.
Pride baton passed on
By Paul Taylor
After six years at the helm, Winter Pride owners Martin King and Mike Hughes have sold the festival to new owners.
Queenstown-based Sam Coulthard and Odette Rose have taken the reigns of what is the biggest Pride festival in the southern hemisphere. They’ll operate the 10-day bash for 2024 and beyond, under their company Winter Pride Limited, after buying festival company South Pacific Pride Ltd from King and Hughes.
Dates for 2024 have been confirmed, with the slightly earlier window of 23 August to 1 September.
King says the festival is in great shape, with a record year of attendance and ticket sales in 2023, as well as business and community participation, with more than 4300 people hitting the slopes for the first ever Pride in the Snow at Coronet Peak skifield.
“It feels like the right time to pass it on,” King says.
“Our vision has always been to grow and expand the festival, but my husband and I have moved up to Auckland for family reasons, and we believe it needs someone local to run it, someone on the ground with those relationships, for it to be authentic.
“Everything has a time and a place, and we think it needs fresh blood to evolve it to what it needs to be for future generations. We know Sam and Odette can do that.”
They’ll work with Coulthard and Rose over the next six months as a hand over, setting the festival up for 2024.
Coulthard and Rose say they’re “deeply honoured to take the reins from Mike and Martin, who have dedicated six remarkable years to nurturing and growing this incredible festival”.
They plan to build on the festival’s legacy of success and growth.
“We hope to inject fresh energy and innovative ideas into the festival to evolve it into the future, including expanding our reach and attracting participants and visitors from around the world.”
Coulthard has been involved with the festival for years, as the technical manager, and has a diverse background, steeped in performing arts. He’s a prominent wedding and corporate DJ in Queenstown, and also spent a decade working as a truck driver, where he found acceptance and support from his colleagues in what is a traditionally masculine workplace.
He and Rose have been friends for more than 15 years. Both are from Christchurch, originally.
“We’ve always been there for each other and just work really well together,” Coulthard says.
“We know taking on the festival will be stressful but we just seem to get things done together.”
They both have a passion for LGBTQ+ rights, particularly locally, and aim to make Pride “even more inclusive and welcoming to all members of the LGBTQ+ community”.
“Overall, we aspire to elevate Winter Pride to international acclaim while maintaining its essence and quality.”
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022 372 56 49 McNulty Road, Cromwell
Jake Bailey, internationally acclaimed public speaker and author on resilience
Pride’s new owners Sam Coulthard and Odette Rose
Creating your own Gardening ‘Microclimate’
I love living here in these mountains and the adventures of trying to grow food that comes with that.
I’m writing this early on in spring, well that’s what it says but last week was really cold so felt more like winter. I wonder if I should shift my spring start mind to the ‘Vernal Equinox’ around 21/22 September rather than the 1st.
While this was a decent winter, winters generally, however are definitely trending towards being warmer. This winter was a one of two halves. It felt very cold in June and July and then the end of August was quite warm. That said, I think we’re still a long way from Avocado’s and citrus orchards.
The extremes of weather lead me to the topic of creating your own gardening ‘Microclimate’. It’s a word I rattle on about all the time and rightly so, when we’ve had barmy winters days followed by harsh cold snaps with snow on the ground.
So depending on the depth of your pocket, and possibly whether you’re renting or own a property or you have an allotment here’s 9 ways you can up spec your own microclimate to even out the highs and lows of the coming growing season.
1. Frost Cloth. With the use of homemade or store bought hoops it’s easy to cover a bed with frost cloth. Having a cloth changes the temperatures under the cloth by lifting it anywhere from 2 to 6 degrees warmer than the surrounding temperature. I also use frost cloth during the summer months to grow tender leafy greens, asian greens and some brassicas like broccoli.
a) Build a frame and cover it with windbreak.
b) Using up materials you’ve begged and borrowed, build a more permanent boxy structure. This will have the same effect as the frost cloth. It also has the added bonus of keeping white butterflies at bay in the summer months.
2. Cold Frames. Somewhere in the New Zealand gardening psyche we forgot all about semi permanent cold frames. Think box bed with a window on top that can be opened up during the heat of the day. Our gardening ancestors have been using these successfully for hundreds of years. A great way to get a head start on snowy spring mornings.
3. Raised your garden beds. The higher you come up, the further Jack frost has to climb to get to your veggies. The soil in raised beds also warms up quicker and the temperature of the soil is a key factor in seed germination. Raised beds in combination with the hoops, frost cloth and you will start seeing differences.
4. Black plastic. Old silage plastic or recycled builders’ black plastic can be used to heat up the soil. Push any mulch to the side, cover the bed with the black plastic and leave for a couple of weeks before removing and sowing seed directly.
5. Recycled glass house. There’s a lot of windows sitting around propped up against someone’s wall for a one day- someday project. A great project for you would be to build yourself a glasshouse for next to nothing. You might even score a load of double glazed windows. Remember, you don’t need any glass on the south side, this could be a thermal mass of bricks or concrete of something similar to soak up the heat during the day and let it all out at night keeping your veggies a little toastier.
6. Tunnel house or glass house. These start to cost a few dollars but will be one of the best investments you make for your garden. Always go a little bigger and wider than you think you need. This space becomes one of your most productive. Great for growing tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, winter greens, early strawberries and so on. Thermal mass placed on the south side of a garden really makes a huge difference with random frosts that come out of nowhere during the season. This could be a gabion rock filled wall, or black/blue barrels of water, even a fence or a wall of a house. Plants that need extra heat like corn and pumpkins are ideal in these spaces.
The western side of a tunnel house or glass house is perfect for a veggie bed. The bed receives reflective and radiant heat from the structure. It will be one of the last places you get a frost outside, great for those longer season frost tender growing plants.
Lastly there is nothing quite like observation. Get outside on those cold frosty mornings, and see where is it warmer and where is it colder in your growing zone??
Dr Compost aka Ben Elms is a permaculture and gardening expert who’s been operating in the unusual Central Otago climate for over 20 years. Funded by QLDC and delivered by Wanaka Wastebusters, the Dr Compost project aims to reduce organic waste going to landfill. Got a question? Check out @drcompost on Facebook or
@dr_compost | @doctorcompost |
by Sue Fea
My Life Story
IAN TODD Backcountry boy
The Wakatipu backcountry has been Ian Todd’s playground since his Scottish family emigrated to New Zealand in 1967, where his parents bought Junction Hotel, later named Arthur’s Point Pub.
Raised until 13 in Stranraer, southwest of Glasgow, Ian’s father was in the World War II RAF Bomber Command, assigned to the NZ 75th Squadron, flying Lancasters. After managing a few pubs Jock Todd announced to wife Eileen in 1966 that he was heading to NZ to find his squadron mates. One was Wellington ski industry businessman Sir Roy McKenzie and after a stint for the NZ Forest Service in the King Country Jock sent money home for Eileen and their four sons to join him. They sailed on the SS Southern Cross, Ian being the eldest. “In three months, my parents had bought Junction Hotel, later Arthur’s Point Hotel, with Roy and had it from 1968 for 10 years.”
Younger sister Ngaire arrived nine months after Jock and Eileen reunited and the family, including five kids, were packed into a three-bedroom flat built on the back of the eight-room hotel, once a popular goldminers’ stop.
At 16 Ian was pouring beers for regulars like Geordie Coburn and the Greenslade brothers. “The drinking age was 20. I’d be listening to some hard case yarns,” says Ian. Sergeant Warwick Maloney would arrive to give a tonging up, or to join them for a beer. “Mum was the boss really and did all the work. Dad was the show pony, out entertaining the guests,” grins Ian. “Once we had some geologists and surveyors checking gold prospects who stayed for a month, flown in and out by well-known West Coast helicopter pilot Goodwin McNutt, who’d land across the road in the car park.”
Ian and mate Laurie Scheib roamed the hills catching nanny goats for Deer Park Heights founder Frank Mee who paid them $10 a goat. “We’d load a few in the back of the car at weekends. We were earning more than our parents.” Naturally, Ian shone during 10 days camping at Branches Station on the second ever Queenstown Districts High School Branches Camp in 1968 – a big highlight.
Head prefect in sixth form, Ian made his move on fellow prefect Suzie Hamilton, daughter of legendary local farmer ‘Hammy’ Hamilton. “Suzie was locked in for three years nursing training in Dunedin from 1970 so I did a season guiding on the Routeburn Track.” He then began almost six years as goat shooter for the NZ Forest Service in the early 1970s, living in backcountry huts.
In the first three years their crew of eight, armed with rifles and packs, culled 35,000 goats from the high country with Te Anau helicopter pilot Bill Black later netting between 80 and 100 at a time, the meat exported to Fiji. Ian worked one month, then five days off.
“I’d grab a shower and shave, jump in the Land Rover, pick Suzie up in Dunedin and we’d grab a motel and go for long walks on Otago Peninsula holding hands,” he grins. Back home they’d stay in the Borrell’s Branches Station huts, lazing in the outdoor tin bath under the stars, supping Kahlua and milk, cows looking on.
Goldmining was another hobby, learned from ‘Hammy’, Ian once finding an ounce nugget. “We’d camp up the Rees, Dart or Matukituki Valley, and later on Jerry’s Aspinall’s Mount Aspiring Station, possum and deer shooting, often based at Cascade Hut.”
“I’d set 20 traps and lay poison which Suzie checked every morning. I’d skin them that night.”
Ian had to “retire” from goat shooting once he married in 1976. In 1977, with help from ‘Hammy’, they bought 500 acres (200ha) of Bendemeer Farm overlooking Lake Hayes for $250,000 - $500 an acre. “We only managed to keep it three and a half years. We’d borrowed from a stock firm at 6% interest and three years later that was 19%. They said I had to sell. I was running 2000 sheep and the deer farming industry was just getting started.”
They retained a block for farming deer and Ian did contract shearing and crutching with Bill Grant. “In 1987 Roger Douglas (Labour Finance Minister) killed the farming industry. Deer dropped from $2000 each to $200.”
They’d built a home on their property featuring Ian’s stonework in 1982 and soon he had a stonemasonry business going, hiring staff. That lasted for 20 years.
Since then, they’ve developed a few sections, turning 18ha (44.4 acres) into six lifestyle blocks and retaining a few.
Living off the land and loving the backcountry is still very much part of Todd life with daughter Casey and son Willy also inheriting that keen love of the outdoors.
Ian back in his prime hunting and fishing days
Ian, front left, with his mum, Eileen, centre, a well-known local hospitality identity who passed away in 2021, and siblings Jimmy, front right, then, from left rear, Johnny, Ngaire and Alan, all celebrating Eileen’s 80th
Ian showing off his goat tally while working for the NZ Forest Service in the 1970s
Whakatipu Walkie Talkies
This is a walking group with a difference! Each week there will be a discussion topic and a guest speaker will attend once per month. It’s a great way to connect with others whilst staying active.
The group will walk and talk from Frankton Beach to the Hilton for morning tea and return.
Meet at Frankton Beach near the BBQ area to begin the walk.
When: Every Thursday at 10:15am
Where: Frankton Beach
ASB Great Debate
The ASB Great Debate, is a keenly anticipated insightful and informative event in the lead-up to the election. The speakers are the current Finance Minister and Finance Spokespersons from the top four polling parties and will focus on the financial matters and policy discussions, all designed to help voters in their decision making prior to the election. The debate will be moderated by TVNZ’s Q&A Jack Tame.
Meet the Speakers:
Hon Grant Robertson, Deputy Prime Minister Labour Party, Nicola Willis Deputy Leader National Party, Julie Anne Genter Green Party, David Seymour ACT Party Leader.
Book at online at
When: Thursday 14 September, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Where: Queenstown Memorial Centre
Queenstown Tennis Club Open Days
Tennis anyone, Queenstown Tennis Club is looking for new members and to encourage previous members to reconnect. The club is holding a series of open days across September. The open days are being held on Saturday 16 and 23 between 1pm and 4pm. Everyone is welcome with a request to wear non marking shoes. The tennis club in the heart of the Queenstown Gardens. See more at
Ultimate Community Quiz Night
The Arrowtown RSA is raising much needed funds to maintain and service AEDs (defibrillators) in Arrowtown CBD. Ultimate Community Quiz Night is open to teams of between 4 and 6 to a maximum of 20 teams – Register early. Ages 10 to 117. $30 entry per person. Amazing prizes must be won. Please register in advance with Howie Barnes –
When: Tuesday, 19 September. Doors open at 6:30pm with first question at 7:00pm
Where: Arrowtown Community Centre, Jack Reid Park, Arrowtown
Central Lakes Trust Annual Meeting
Everyone is invited to join CL for their Annual Public Meeting in Wanaka next week. If you are unable to attend in person, you can also join virtually via Zoom: The formal proceedings will be followed by: Guest speaker: Kate Murray, Community Networks/ LINK
Presentation: Mathew Doyle, Mount Aspiring College
Performances by Mount Aspiring College students
RSVP: | 0800 00 11 37
When: Monday, 25 September from 5:30pm
Where: Wānaka Community Hub
Colin Walker Memorial Swimming meet
Queenstown Swimming Club is holding the Colin Walker Memorial Swimming meet on Saturday and Sunday The swim meet attracts competitors from both the North and South Island from 19 clubs around the country.
When: 16 and 17 September
Where: Queenstown Event Centre, Frankton
Queenstown Salsa Festival 2023
The third annual Queenstown Salsa Festival comprises three social dance events, one day of bootcamps, two days of workshops, and one performance showcase. The Queenstown Salsa Festival will feature workshops with some of New Zealand and Australia’s top instructors, performances, and parties, organised to be a fun filled, party for dancers of all levels. The boot camps and workshops will take place at Te
Atamira and the social nights at the Lake Hayes Pavilion and the Queenstown Memorial Centre. For more head across to
When: September 21 to 24
Where: Queenstown Memorial Centre, Memorial Street
Alexandra Blossom Festival
Celebrate the arrival of spring at Alexandra’s Blossom Festival. This festival has marked the arrival of spring for 65 years. It still has a unique feel of a country fair in the modern age.
The weekend includes the Friday night Mardi Gras and carnival, Saturday’s Grand Parade down Centennial Ave featuring a flurry of florreys, incredible floats, street performers, marching bands and more! Following the Grand Parade there is a party in Pioneer Park.
When: Saturday, 23 September to Monday 25 September
Where: Alexandra, various venues
Blackadder - The Golden Age
Set in Elizabethan England, Blackadder: The Golden Age is a timeless story of boy meets girl disguised as boy, boy falls for girl/boy and questions his sexuality, boy owes money, boy is kidnapped, boy is in danger of suffering an agonising death, boy loses girl, boy becomes King... Just a typical week in the 17th century. Remarkables Theatre is the region’s premier theatre group so this will be a great night’s entertainment with a limited season.
When: Thursday 7 September until Saturday 16 September
Where: Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall, 33 Buckingham Street
SkyCity Stand Up Comedy Night
SkyCity has set their next comedy night for Friday, 22 September with special guests, Guy Montgomery - New Zealand’s King of storytelling and host of hit show Guy Mont Spelling Bee, Liv McKenzie from 7 Days and Have You Been Paying Attention with Paul Douglas as MC.
Tickets online at eventfinda.
When: Friday, 22 September 8:00pm – 10:30pm
Where: SKYCITY, 16-24 Beach St, Queenstown
If you would like your show, event, exhibition or meeting promoted in Goings On drop me a line at with the details
1. Which wide London road runs between Admiralty Arch and Buckingham Palace?
2. In The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994), who or what is Priscilla?
3. Which actor played Tim Canterbury in The Office?
4. Clove hitch, running bowline and Hunter's bend are types of what?
5. What was the surname of the brothers who made up the Bee Gees?
6. Proverbially, what is a change as good as?
7. Who created the character Emma Harte, heroine of A Woman Of Substance?
8. The name of which sporting discipline is often abbreviated to Super-G?
9. At the border of which two countries is the peak known as the Matterhorn?
10. What name is given to the River Thames at Oxford?
11. “Drink sangria in the park, And then later, When it gets dark, we go home” is a lyric from which song?
12. Which British actor plays Dr Watson to Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock Holmes?
13. According to the popular verse, Tuesday's child is what?
14. In which county is Sandwich golf course?
15. Which town in Germany, near Dresden, is famous for porcelain?
16. By what two-word title was Benito Mussolini known?
17. What canine breed is also known as a sausage dog?
18. Which actor starred as Will in the 2002 film About a Boy?
19. In Indian cuisine, what is the term for clarified butter?
20. What is the correct form of address to a duke?
21. What is meant by the Latin phrase Veni, vidi, vici?
22. Basra is in which country?
CAPTION COMPETITION 3B Searle Lane THE BEST DAMNED PIZZA IN THIS LIFE OR THE NEXT Comment in our facebook post your funniest Caption to be in the chance to WIN 1 x Double Pizza Voucher from Hell Pizza! Submit your entry by Sunday prior to the last day of this edition (check dates on the cover) Answers in next weeks LWB SUDOKU 2 3 7 1 6 9 4 2 1 7 6 8 1 5 9 5 7 3 6 4 6 8 If you’ve got me, you want to share me; if you share me, you haven’t kept me. What am I? RIDDLE 647923581 352816947 189574326 965248713 718635294 423197658 531462879 874359162 296781435 QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. The Mall | 2. A bus | 3. Martin Freeman | 4. Knots | 5. Gibb | 6. A rest | 7. Barbara Taylor Bradford | 8. Super giant slalom | 9. Switzerland/Italy | 10. Isis | 11. Perfect Day (Lou Reed) | 12. Jude Law | 13. Full of grace | 14. Kent | 15. Meissen | 16. Il Duce | 17. Dachshund | 18. Hugh Grant | 19. Ghee | 20. Your Grace | 21. I came, I saw, I
| 22. Iraq.
A secret. Winner of the last Caption Competition is Helen Skudder Congratulations you won 1x Double Pizza Voucher from Hell Pizza. Collect your voucher from the LWB office.
Heymakeit snappywith thatpizza! SUDOKU ANSWER
Mental Health Awareness week - 18 to 24 September
By Grace Ramsey (Youth Practitioner), Whakatipu Youth Trust
We’re just about a 1 week away from the start of Mental Health Awareness Week, a time when we come together to spotlight the importance of mental wellbeing, foster understanding, and create a supportive community.
Whakatipu Youth Trust is inviting the community to join a week of exciting events for Mental Health Awareness Week. This year’s theme is “Five Ways in Five Days”- a toolkit to support our mental health by noticing, moving, giving, connecting, and learning. Whakatipu Youth Trust offer mental health support to our incredible rangatahi across the Whakatipu Basin and are encouraging the community to do the same by embedding these actions into their daily practices. They are hosting a variety of events that demonstrate ways to support our well-being and connect with one another. Whilst doing this, they are hoping to fundraise for their new Adventure Therapy Programme; supporting youth to connect life experiences through outdoor activities. Here is the low-down on what’s going on at Whakatipu Youth Trust over the week.
Recycle Boutique Clothes Swap
Tuesday 19, September, 5pm -7pm at Queenstown Resort College Café
Cost: Gold-coin donation as entry fee.
In light of “giving” and “connecting”, Recycle Boutique (a local consignment store where you can shop and sell your clothing) and Whakatipu Youth Trust are hosting a Clothes Swap at Queenstown Resort College. Drop off your clothes to Whakatipu Youth Trust, 4a/15 Red Oak’s Drive, Frankton between 9am -5pm Monday -Friday before 19 September and bring the tokens we give you to the swap. The number of tokens you have is how many pieces of clothing you are eligible to take on the night! Alternatively, you can bring clothes on the night- if you do this, please only bring 5-7 pieces of clothing so our incredible volunteers are able to display all the clothes donated. This event is inclusive of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and sexual identities; the clothing will not be separated into gendered items. Come down, connect with your Queenstown whanau and pick up some preloved clothing - for free! (Well, for one gold coin donation).
Art in Motion with Sunny Sky
Wednesday, 20 September, 5:30pm - 7.00pm at The Hub, 5a Red Oaks Drive Frankton
Cost: $5-Register ahead of time at
Sunny Sky and Whakatipu Youth Trust have created a fun-packed night of music, movement & art. Come and uplift your energy and feel groovy through mindful movement & art meditation. What a great way to “connect”, “move” and “learn” a new way of taking care of our wellbeing. This event is open to 10 to 14-year-olds and is registration only.
Community News
Urban Intensification Variation drop-in sessions
Interested in learning more about what Queenstown Lakes District Council’s proposed Urban Intensification Variation means for Queenstown, Frankton, and the wider Queenstown Lakes? QLDC are hosting drop-in sessions in Queenstown, Hāwea, Arrowtown and Wānaka where staff will be available to chat about the proposed changes to heights and densities in some zones around the district.
For more information on the variation and to make a submission, head to
Arrowtown at the Community Centre, Tuesday September 12, 5pm – 7pm Wanaka at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Wednesday September 13, 12pm – 2pm and 4.30pm -6.30pm
Ride to Thrive
Saturday, 23 September, 10am-2pm at Pump track, Hanley’s Farm Cost: Free! (Coaching is $10pp, sign up online at nz prior to event)
As a round-up event for Mental Health Awareness Week, Whakatipu Youth Trust are hosting young people, families, and friends to their “Ride to Thrive” bike day. Onward MTB are coming along to offer coaching, there will be 2 time slots 1030 to 1130am and 12pm to 1pm, pre-registration for coaching is necessary, see our website to sign up. There will be some bikes and helmets for use. Neat Meats will be providing a sausage sizzle and raffle prizes and spot prizes are to be won. Ride to Thrive is about coming and giving biking a go!
Get in touch today for a free, no obligation quote. Phone: 027 209 8455 | Email: WATCH REPAIRS NOW For all your repairs, watches, clocks, batteries, key cutting & straps. Level One, Stratton House (Below Sky City), 24 Beach Street, Queenstown Mon - Fri, 9:30am till 5:30pm. Closed on Saturdays. Phone/ text: 027 217 0442
Small engine repairs, spares, service and professional advice
We service all makes and models.
162 Glenda Drive, Frankton | 442 9926 |
Diesel pumped directly to your home tank
Diesel is pumped straight from the truck into your house tanks so our truck won’t need to enter the property or risk damaging your driveway.
Discounted pricing.
Council CEO’s pay tops $415k
Queenstown’s council boss Mike Theelen has been given a pay rise bringing his salary to more than $415,000.
It means he’s earning $200 an hour and his take home pay, after taxes, is almost $5k per week.
Theelen received the 8% boost, which works out to about $30k extra per year, after his annual performance review by a panel of elected councillorsMayor Glyn Lewers, Cr Lyal Cocks and Cr Lisa Guy.
It is significantly more than the 2% bump he received a year ago.
Lewers says the pay rise, which includes 3% employer KiwiSaver contribution, reflects Theelen’s strong leadership through a time of uncertainty for local government, highlighting the pressure from Three Waters reform and Resource Management Act.
“Council is also facing an extremely challenging environment with increasing costs, insurances and borrowing rates, whilst trying to balance the effect of rates on the local community during a cost of living crisis,” Lewers says.
“Add in some significant building defect claims where Council is the ‘last man standing’ and you’ve a massive job on your hands.”
Queenstown Lake District Council (QLDC) has this year raised residential rates by a massive 14.5%, one of the highest raises in country.
“Council needs to keep planning and delivering for the current community as it grows rapidly, and to meet the needs of future communities to come,” Lewers says.
“That is a complex process that Mike and his team are guiding the elected Council through with skill and valuable experience.”
Theelen joined QLDC as chief executive in February 2016 and was reappointed for a further five years, from February 2021.
Lewers continues: “In the context of these challenges, and many more, Mike continues to demonstrate genuine care for the team he has built at QLDC.
“He sets high expectations and supports the organisation to deliver on them. The passing of former General Manager Pete Hansby was a blow
T&Cs apply, contact us on 03 442 9995 or email to plan your next function.
T&Cs apply, contact us on 03 442 9995 or email to plan your next function.
SEND A PHOTO OF YOU WITH THE LWB AROUND NZ to and be in to win a Devil Burger Meal Voucher
Mike Theelen
for employees and through that difficult time staff remained committed to delivering for the community.
Lewers says Theelen is a “true asset to this Council and the district” and he has valued working alongside him in his first year as mayor.
The Committee considered Theelen’s performance and prepared its recommendation based on its public excluded meeting on 10 August and councillors approved the package a public excluded session on 31 August.
Eligibility for value-added benefits by becoming an RD Petroleum customer. BONUS! South Island wide0800 44 00
By Paul Taylor
“That professionalism and resilience is a direct reflection on the culture and values that Mike has created and continues to uphold.”
Ultimate Hikes are the exclusive operators of multi day guided walks on the famous Milford & Routeburn Tracks. We are guardians of the environment we operate in. We are leaders in the safety and education of visitors to the region and we are responsible for the health, safety and wellbeing of the people who live and work there on our behalf. We take this commitment very seriously and pledge that everything we do will be in keeping with our own Tiaki Promise - caring for people and place.
We are looking for great people to work with us in the Ultimate Hikes Centre Queenstown – applications are now open for:
Visit our website for more information and to apply online Applicants must have the right to work in New Zealand until mid April 2024. Applications close 15 September but we will shortlist applicants for interview as applications are received so
Apply Now!
Magic Memories is a global tourism photography operator that captures smiles and shares memories. We take and sell photographs at over 180 tourism attractions all around the world - capturing over 30 million smiles each year for people to share.
Based in our Queenstown office, and offering a flexible working environment, we are looking for a part time (32 hours/week) Customer Service Agent to support our global business.
Key duties of the role:
• Following up on enquiries from customers, clients and general assistance.
• Investigating all customer issues, products and warranty problems.
• Supporting the Customer Service Team to achieve daily/weekly case quotas
• Reporting any recurring technical issues
• Assisting onsite teams with first-level assistance if further technicalsupport is not required
To become part of our magic team, please email your resume and cover letter to
Admin Role – Part Time
This is a permanent part-time role to deliver excellent service and a welcoming culture to our residents and visitors. The role includes a range of reception and administration duties as well as providing support for open days and show home tours at Arrowtown Lifestyle Village. The successful candidate will be expected to work up to 20 hours per week, including Saturday 10-4pm.
Mandatory requirements:
• Excellent communication skills
• A pleasant manner and respect for retirees
• Ability to work autonomously as well as part of a team
• Excellent Microsoft Office, Excel skills
• Experience with Xero or a similar accounting package
• Ability to learn new software programmes
• Sound writing ability
• New Zealand residency
• Drivers licence
• Sales/relationship management experience an advantage
Applications with a cover letter and curriculum vitae to by Monday 25 September.
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LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023
Sh��� Y��� Fu���� Wi�� U�
We have incredible opportunities in a variety of roles with shifts and hours that will suit whatever you are looking for across our 3 Queenstown properties.
BallsandBanglesarelookingforpeopletojoinourteam. Ifyouhavealoveofdeliciousfoodandexperienceworkinginafast pacedhospoenvironmentthenwewantyou! Fulltimeandparttimepositionsavailable,preferablyherelongterm.
FrontofHouse Baristas
Chef de Partie
Sherwood is looking for a CDP to join our Two Hat restaurant. Founded around sustainability & seasonality with a large kitchen garden, exceptional food & natural wines this is an awesome opportunity for a driven, professional chef to join our team.
Email if interested.
Senior Waitstaff
Sherwood is looking for senior waitstaff to join our Two Hat restaurant. Must be a driven hospitality professional with a love of seasonal, locally sourced food and natural wines and know what it is to other consistently exceptional service to our guests. Great team, great renumeration.
Email restaurantmanager@ if interested.
Building Labourer Wanted
For full time residential building work. Previous experience in the construction industry is required. Competitive hourly rate. Must have full drivers licence and own reliable transport. Good spoken English essential. Contact Mike on 027 566 3489 or email
Both full & part-time positions available. Awesome job opportunity for someone that loves both horses & the outdoors.
• Must have experience with horses, be hard-working, energetic with exceptional customer service.
• Current First Aid Certificate required OR the ability to obtain one.
• Prepared to work weekends.
• Start 1st week of July
• Fluent English required
Immediatestartpreferred. Toapply, ordropintoourShotoverStstoreandchattoourfriendlystaff:) R
Please send a CV to
Operations/ Reservations Manager
A full-time role has become available for Queenstown’s premier wine tour provider. This dynamic role involves the managing of daily reservations and operations. It requires strong communication, team work, customer service, computer proficiency and time management skills. Based in Frankton office working predominantly Mon – Fri. Call for more info or enquire for a job description.
Sarah Russell, General Manager (03) 442 6920
jOe’s fIvE mIlE
fRoNt oF hOuSe
dUtY mAnAgEr
Garage Five Mile is looking for someone just like you! Be a part of our bustling restaurant and bar that prides itself on simple, fast and reliable offerings that have us famous all over NZ. Part time & full time positions available.
Joe’s Garage Five Mile operates 7 days 7am till late so you must be available to work rostered hours over these days and times. We offer a competitive remuneration, staff discounts and benefits, plus working at the coolest spots in town. Applicants must have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa.
apply visit:
or email your cv to
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ArE lOoKiNg
- Cafe supervisor
- Barista / Allround Cafe Staff
- Kitchen hand - casual
Check out our instagram @marmoladacafeqt to get an impression of our lovely cafe
Contact if interested.
We also have roles available at our Frankton Cafe 'Odelay'.
We at Remarkable Glass are in search of a Trainee Glazier with a good attitude and willingness to learn! You can be a school leaver or an established local but you must be physically fit as you will be lifting glass, shower panels and mirrors. There is excellent remuneration here for the right candidate so please email a brief about yourself to
Wearelookingfordedicated ExperiencedRooferstojoinour highlymotivatedandbusyteams.
•Positiveworkenvironmentand socialclub
•Attentiontodetailsandmaintain highqualityofstandards
•Communicatewithstaffand clientseffectively
•Beorganised, trustworthyand reliable
•Agoodlevelofphysicalfitness andhardworking
Mountain Landscaping & Maintenance is looking for a full time gardener to work as part of a small team maintaining a range of 50+ properties to the highest standard. Experience preferred in pruning, weed control, power tool use and plant knowledge.
Competitive pay rates, full training & PPE provided. Opportunity for nationally recognised apprenticeships.
A NZ work visa and current drivers license are essential. Immediate start
Please email your CV and references to
Recruiting now for:
Construction Labourers
Crane truck / Excavator Operator
We are looking for experienced staff with trade, construction and outdoor industry backgrounds. If you have experience with ropeways, rigging and working at heights, we want to hear from you.
All roles are fixed term until May 2024. Excellent pay and a great team.
Apply at call Kris on 021 0883 5617
The Cardrona Distillery is looking to add a Full-Time Chef to our awesome kitchen team. Cook using local and ethical ingredients. Alternating roster, 6 days on 3 days off.
For more information, please email
Part time and full time positions available must be able to work weekends. Immediate start Must hold full NZ driving license. Positive attitude, hard working & physically strong.
Email CV to
Assistant Manager
We are an independently run friendly backpacker hostel in central Queenstown and we are looking for an enthusiastic manager to join the team.
If you enjoy working with people, have great customer facing skills, some management experience and able to work flexible hours we’d love to hear from you.
On site accommodation is available
Previous experience would be great but not essential. Working Visa is required, this is a long term role.
Apply by emailing or see us at 4 Isle St, Queenstown
Join the best team here at Kamana Lakehouse and Nest kitchen + bar.
We are top rated independent hotel and restaurant with a great team culture. Showing true care for our team wellbeing.
What we strive to offer: Complimentary anniversary stays with spa and meals, discounted hotel room/restaurant, flexible work schedule, daily staff meals, free parking, discounted gym access, career advancement opportunities, self-development resources, and a supportive environment.
Who you are? If you're all about teamwork, guest smiles, and good vibes, let's chat! Join our awesome team and let's make magic happen together!
We are currently looking for:
- Experienced Bartender
- Experienced F&B Attendant
Send us your current resume for the role you're applying for at
*Competitive remuneration is offered to the suitable candidate. Please note that we're considering candidates with an NZ work permit.
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LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | | Page 25
for experienced
staff to join our team!
Whether you’re already a skilled Jet boat driver or have what it takes to become one; we have an exciting opportunity for a Jet boat driver to join the world’s first commercial Jet boating company.
This is not just a job; it's a lifestyle. You'll be part of a close-knit team, sharing your love for adventure with people from all walks of life. We want passionate individuals who thrive in high-energy environments.
If you're ready to live life in the fast lane, possess some mechanical knowledge, and have a burning desire for adventure, then come and join our team of adrenaline junkies!
For entry level Jet boat drivers, we have a comprehensive training program and so a two-year fixed term contract will apply.
KJet thrill customers year-round, so this full-time position will include weekend and public holiday work.
For more information and to apply please email your CV to
This is an opportunity for an outstanding Front of House person to step up and specialise in Events delivery.
We offer:
• Stable team, great culture, positive work environment
• Staff meals and sales bonuses
• Training and Development – including company sponsored WSET training
• Winery, daytime hours, with occasional nights up to 11pm latest.
We are looking for an experienced (3 years) Front of House person, with a proven talent for delivering memorable events and group bookings. The role is for a Shift Leader, who has the particular focus and responsibility for pulling together all the details, communicating client requirements to all the teams, event set-up etc. The role reports to the Bistro Manager and works closely supporting the Sales and Events Manager.
Kinross is a fun place to work, we have a great team culture, staff benefits and sales bonuses. Pay range is $27 – $28.20, depending on experience. Minimum weekly hours 30, usually 40.
Please apply with CV and cover letter to, giving details of your qualifications and experience. Applicants must currently reside in NZ as a NZ citizen, resident or have a valid work visa. Please give details of visa type and expiry. Own transport and accommodation is required.
A unique opportunity exists to join our progressive, quality focussed team based at our Peregrine winery in Gibbston, Central Otago. We are an established, award winning, family-owned wine producer and we take pride in servicing our customers’ needs with our team dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service.
With one of our team “retiring” to the vineyard, we are looking for a friendly and professional candidate to liaise with our wonderful domestic and export customers, to ensure their wine delivery logistics are met through an easy and seamless experience. The successful applicant will become an integral member of a progressive sales and marketing team and would have some responsibilities relating to other business management activities.
The ideal candidate will offer the following:
• a friendly and positive attitude and exceptional customer service skills
• the desire to work effectively in our existing tight knit team
• an appreciation of marketing and selling to consumers of luxury goods and experiences
• the drive and motivation to build on Peregrine’s position in the market and continue to project our brand values
• be based in Central Otago, and can work permanently in New Zealand While customer service or logistics experience would be highly beneficial, a willingness to learn is a primary attribute and the position will suit applicants from a range of backgrounds. This role is preferably fulltime, with the primary place of work being the Peregrine winery, however some flexibility may be possible for the right candidate.
Applications in writing including a resume, must be lodged prior to Sunday 24 September to Claire Cordelle, Peregrine Wines Limited.
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LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | | Page 26
Real careers, real purpose
Find professional development, master a work-life balance, and join our whānau in the most beautiful places on earth.
With a wide selection of work available, and accommodation for the right candidates, we’re here to support you for a good time AND a long time.
Some positions available in Queenstown and further afield:
• Experienced Coach Driver
Contact Centre, Sales, and Reservations Consultants
• Experienced Jet Boat Driver
• Senior Sous Chef – Pastry
• Gardener
• Stoker / Boiler Operator
• Engineer – TSS Earnslaw
Cardrona x Treble Cone are now hiring!
• Lifts Maintenance Maintenance Manager
Te Anau:
• Nature Guide – Glowworm Caves
Store Person
Local Sales Executive & Sales Consultant
Doubtful Sound:
• Chef – Overnight Cruises
• Crew – Day Cruise
Page 27 Ph: 03 409 2800 VACANCIES LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | | Page 27 READY FOR TAKE-OFF JOIN OUR TEAM Swissport is a global leader of ground handling services and cargo handling in the aviation industry SCAN THE CODE TO APPLY NOW AVIATION JOBS QUEENSTOWN, NEW ZEALAND § Ramp Handling Agents § Baggage Handling Agents § Customer Services Agents The Frankton Arm is the Local’s Local. A busy venue with great beer, great food, gaming, sports & a community feel. We’re looking for a Venue Manager to take the reins & really become the heart of the place. You’ll be the kind of person that always puts customers first, loves great beer, enjoys good yarn & makes friends with all the familiar faces with a passion for hospitality. It’s a job with a lot to it, you’ll be in charge of hitting targets, managing the team, following & implementing procedures, organising functions, preparing KPIs, rostering & managing stock.
like you? To apply please email with a CV & cover letter. We look forward to hearing from
we’re hiring! venue manager
Food & Beverage Attendants
The Dishery in Arrowtown are seeking a Commie Chef, Kitchen Porter or similar ambitious trainee to join our team. This role will also suit someone looking to return to the work force in a part-time or full-time capacity.
You would be working in a small team under skilled and creative chefs. You will learn food preparation, help with deliveries, stock rotation, washing dishes, kitchen cleaning and maintenance, training and learning all aspects of kitchen operations. This is a great opportunity to learn from the best and further your culinary career.
Part-time or full-time available.
If this opportunity appeals, please send your expression of interest to
Anexcellentworkethicand initiative.
Thisrolewillincludeboth cleaningdutiesandcustomer service
Mustbeavailabletowork rosterwithworkdays,evenings &weekends
WorkinanawardwinningDay spa
Supportiveteamculture Reservationsexperience required
Excellentcommunicationskills Highlevelofattentiontodetail Mustbeavailabletoworkdays, evenings&weekends.
Sick of working nights!? Wanting a great work life balance! This is the perfect role for you.
We are a busy winery restaurant open for breakfast and lunch near Arrowtown with a reputation for great food and service
I’m looking for a professional and a real people’s person! Someone who leads the team ensuring they keep the company standards and ensuring our customers are always looked after.
This is a permanent “long term” contract and is a minimum of 35 hours + 3 years + in Restaurant Management in a busy restaurant.
Start date October/November (flexible to start earlier in finding the right person).
Must have a work visa.
Must have 3 years plus experience in a restaurant management role, stock control, pos systems, booking systems, administration, training and managing staff.
If this sounds like a bit of you, email your CV and cover letter to
Page 28 VACANCIES LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | | Page 28
Staff Accomodation * conditions apply
CustomerService Representative
• 14 Room Boutique Vineyard Hotel
• Have the time to build relationships and experiences for guests
• Rostered on the same days every week, 8.30 – 5.00. No night shifts and no rotating shifts!
We are looking for a Front Office superstar to join our team, to welcome and care for our in-house guests. We are proud of our 500+, 5-star Trip Advisor reviews, where our staff feature prominently in creating memorable experiences for guests.
We are a small hotel, so this role is a combination of front and back office responsibilities. As well as being the first impression of our brand, you will manage our reservation system, all guest communications, agent relationships, dynamic rates, OTA’s etc.
This is a full time, permanent role. You will be rostered on the same days every week and will work every weekend. No night shifts and no rotating shifts! Minimum of 30 hours and usually 40 hours per week. $27 – 29 per hour, depending on experience. You will have:
• Exceptional communication and problem solving skills
• A minimum of 3 years’ experience in a similar role in a large or 5 star hotel
• A personality that is engaging and guest focused
• Ability to maintain focus and attention to detail in a busy environment
• A high level of written and spoken English and impeccable personal grooming
• Skills with Microsoft office suite of products, in a Mac environment Kinross is a fun place to work, we have a stable team and have been fully staffed since last summer. We have a great team culture, staff meals and benefits, including a Wine Training programme, paid for by the company, up to WSET Level 2.
Please apply with CV and cover letter to, giving details of your qualifications and experience. Applicants must currently reside in NZ as a NZ citizen, resident or have a valid working visa. Please give details of your right to work in NZ including visa type and expiry. Own transport and accommodation is required.
Senior & Intermediate Roles
Develop professionally and as a leader, using your exceptional interpersonal skills to build strong relationships with clients and colleagues.
Roles & Duties: Lead resource consent applications and other planning projects • Manage diverse local projects for successful outcomes • Collaborate in teams for high-quality client work.
Key Responsibilities: Supervise resource consent applications and other planning projects • Foster client and stakeholder relations • Ensure transparent team communication • Offer expert planning advice • Proactively update and support clients.
Full job details:
Apply with CV to: Queenstown:, (03) 441 4715 or Wanaka/Cromwell:, (03) 443 0110
Surveying • Planning • Engineering
Your land professionals
Page 29
LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | | Page 29
We make people happy by making epic drinks and giving incredible service.
Bluekanu is looking for a Bar Manager, with drive/energy and is motivated, we will teach you the rest.
If you love people, have a good knowledge of food & beverage, like working in a fun, busy environment then get in touch!
Please forward your CV to
Must have a valid NZ Work Visa.
We are looking for an experienced chef to join the team!
Daytime shifts (no nights) 4 days on / 3 days off
Must have 3 years + experience in a senior chef position. Experience in working in a fast paced kitchen across all sections.
Must have a valid work visa
Must have great communication skills
We are looking for someone passionate, someone who wants to get stuck in and keen to get involved with menu input and bouncing ideas between the chef team.
Someone who thrives on busy days and knows how to hustle!!!! And most importantly someone with a solid work ethic and positive attitude!
If this sounds like a bit of you, email your CV and cover letter to
Maintenance Assistant
Located in Arrowtown, The Hills Golf Club is one of the most beautiful places in the world to work. We currently have a unique opportunity for a maintenance assistant to join our team.
We are looking for an all rounder who can assist us with inside and outside property maintenance duties of the Clubhouse, maintenance shed and surrounding houses. We are looking for someone who is solutions focussed and handy at repairing and maintaining the assets of the club. Our ideal candidate will be required to carry out general property maintenance, diagnosing breakdowns and liaising with internal teams and contractors.
If you are wanting full time work or looking for something part-time we can be flexible with days and hours for the right candidate. With great staff benefits including staff golf, subsidised lunches, discounted fuel, easy access & uniform supplied this opportunity comes with an immediate start.
Please send your cv or letter of application to
We are on the lookout for:
Kitchen Roles
Front of house
Senior Bartender/ Duty manager
We’re on the lookout for customer facing superstars to join the Lone Star family! You need a can-do attitude and passion for giving the best service in town! Experience in a busy restaurant is desired but not necessary.
If you’re interested or have any questions, please contact Dave. | 0274223565
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Do you want to be part of a family that prioritises wellbeing and the collective strength of the team?
We are looking for teachers and relievers who are passionate about providing education and who share in our ideals.
If you have experience with children and would like to be part of a team that believe that a connection to ourselves, each other and our learning
environments both indoors and out, is essential for learning, this is for you!
We work as a cohesive team, but we also recognise that individual talents and interests are golden!
• Flexible hours
• Competitive remuneration
• No working on weekends!
• A great environment, full of amazing humans who want to make an impact.
Submit your applications to: or visit
NZ’s #1 Original Zipline company is looking for adventurous people to join our team.
Are you....
• Highly organised with excellent attention to detail?
• Passionate about the environment and selling a sustainable product?
• A team player
• Enthusiastic and motivated with great interpersonal skills
• Excited to share our eco journey. We are looking for:
Guest Services Agents
Someone who’ll brighten anyone's day with a smile and is excited and enthusiastic to connect with others and works well within a dynamic team.
Tour Guides
Our Tour Guides are responsible for delivering an unforgettable experience for all our guests.
Go to to view the full job descriptions and to apply.
Scan QR or email
We’re Hiring
Baker, Chef, Duty Manager required
Work Perks:
•We offer a competitive salary, best in the industry discounts, ongoing development, and opportunities
•A fun, friendly and positive work environment where you’ll make a bunch of new mates
•A flexible roster
•Discounts across the wider MacFarlane's group
•A clear career path with opportunities for advancement
•Delicious food & staff meals
•Free coffee - all day every day
•Epic work stories
Scan QR or email
• Business is fully staffed and now gearing up for summer
• Daytime, winery hours
• Stable team, great culture, positive work environment
• Staff meals and sales bonuses
• Training and Development – including company sponsored WSET training
We are looking for a fun, enthusiastic food and beverage professionals for our Winery Bistro. You need to have a can-do attitude, love people and have a minimum of 1 years front of house experience, preferably with barista skills and wine knowledge.
Kinross is a fun place to work, we have a great team culture, staff benefits and sales bonuses. We have full time, part-time, fixed term and permanent roles available.
Please apply with CV and cover letter to, giving details of your qualifications and experience. Applicants must currently reside in NZ as a NZ citizen, resident or have a working holiday visa. Own transport and accommodation is required.
Public Kitchen and Bar, Finz Seafood and Grill, and Bella Cucina are looking for superstars who genuinely care and want to join an amazing team to help deliver memorable experiences for our guests. We are hiring in the following positions: Waitstaff
Duty Manager Bartenders
We offer:
• Competitive compensation
• Flexible scheduling for work-life balance
• Exceptional team spirit
• Professional development and opportunities for growth
• Accommodation available
Send your CV to Liz at
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LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 12th September 2023 - 18th September 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | | Page 31
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