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A lifetime in three years

Do you remember Otago Anniversary Day three years ago?

At 1.30pm, Prime Minister Jacinda Arden announced New Zealand was moving to Alert Level 3, effectively immediately. And in 48 hours, the country would move to Alert Level 4 lockdown. A whole nation in self-isolation, borders already closed, once again an island cut off from the rest of the world, and now each other.

I remember some really strange feelings that long weekend, including a fair amount of anxiety. The next six weeks were extraordinary. We became glued to the one o’clock broadcast and saw hugely unsettling news from overseas, as the seriousness of the pandemic unfolded. I remember the scenes beamed from New York, where I once lived, of refrigerated morgues and tents set up in hospital car parks, to accommodate makeshift wards. There were positives, though. Back then, it felt we were really united as a country and a community, just determined to get through it and look after each other. We got to know our neighbours more, there was little road noise, no airplane noise, nowhere to rush to. Pets were delighted to have us home all the time, kids enjoyed time off school. This whole new world or remote learning and working unfolded.

But for the majority, they were incredibly stressful weeks and months. This was Covid Alpha, the first variant, and appeared absolutely lethal. People were washing groceries before they brought them in the house. Kiwis were stuck overseas, a nightmare which would eventually lead to one of the most controversial Government policies: managed isolation and quarantine. Meanwhile, many foreigners were stuck in Queenstown, with no work, no way to get home, and initially no way to pay for food or rent. And for business owners the future looked absolutely bleak.

The speed the Covid protocols, the wage subsidy and business support packages were introduced, along with how quickly borders were closed, demonstrated when push comes to shove governments can actually do things at speed – who knew! What a shame the same can’t be said for the planning and execution for when borders re-opened, developing an ongoing staffing crisis that has impacted nearly every business across the country, particularly in this region.

Otago Anniversary Monday will always be seared into my brain as the day I was with friends having a brunch and watching the announcement. We all knew something was going to happen but none of us could have predicted what the next two years would hold.

Roll on three years and I attended Ripe in Wanaka last weekend, with a thousand guests from all over the globe, enjoying our wine and food providers, without a care in the world. It is almost ‘Covid - what Covid?’ Masks are rare once again, even when an average of 26 deaths are recorded a week due to Covid, a figure that used to be scary. It’s three years on and now feels a lifetime ago.


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David Gibbs - Queenstown Media Group Ferg Spary with two of Lakes Weekly’s longest serving and most treasured employees. Kendalle McLeod and Cat Mercer celebrated their big 50 with a big bash on Saturday at Lone Star.

Staff housing information series to be run for business leaders

A free three-part Staff Housing Information Series run by the Queenstown Business Chamber of Commerce aims to provide more detail about purchasing, leasing, and managing worker accommodation to help business leaders with decision-making.

The series kicks off on 4 April with Kelvin Davidson, Chief Economist from Core Logic, and Anita Vanstone, Queenstown Lakes District Council’s Strategic Growth Manager.

Kelvin will talk about the real estate market, particularly for those looking to invest in worker accommodation, as well as giving a wider New Zealand perspective, current trends, and what’s happening in Queenstown. Anita will provide more detail about the district’s housing strategy and context about how it affects people’s businesses.

With funding support from Te Hau Toka Southern Lakes Wellbeing Group, the Chamber has expanded the information series beyond its usual membership to anyone interested across the Southern Lakes region.

While in-person event numbers will be limited due to the venue size, livestreams and session recordings will be made accessible to all. Participants are also encouraged to submit any specific questions they’d like answered to membership@queenstownchamber.org.nz ahead of each seminar.

Queenstown Business Chamber CEO Sharon Fifield says that staff housing and workforce shortages are two key issues keeping people up at night so it’s important they have the best possible information from a range of experts to help them formulate strategies.

“We know staff housing and workforce shortages are creating huge stress, both for businesses and for renters. And they’re not just local issues –people across New Zealand and the world are struggling with them as well.

“We need a multi-faceted approach to resolving the housing shortage because the problem is huge and too big for one person or entity to fix. Small changes, when added together, will make a difference but it will take a community effort from a lot of different industries to get some traction.

“Knowledge is power and this series is something proactive we can do as a Chamber to provide business leaders with relevant information and tools to empower them to make decisions. Many are already investing in staff accommodation to attract and retain staff and this information series will give them a good level of detail to help with planning and financial decisions.”

Te Hau Toka Chair Adell Cox says that her group recognises the pressure people are under and wants to do what they can to help support their wellbeing.

“We know that the constant stress and pressure around staff housing and workforce shortages is putting a huge strain on people’s mental health so we’re supporting a range of industry initiatives across the Southern Lakes region to ensure people have equitable access to relevant information.

“Ultimately, if the information helps people to resolve some stressors like attracting and retaining staff or finding a place to live, it will have a knock-on effect to improving overall mental wellbeing - not only for business leaders and their staff, but for the wider community.”

Mental health resources will be available at the seminars, including more information about the new nationwide First Steps programme which provides wellbeing support for business leaders and owners. For more information, including the dates, times and how to register for the events, use the QR Code here.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 2 CONTENT LIST 20-21 Hospo Guide 22-23 Goings On About Town 24 Mental Health How to hit back when criticised 26 Sit Vac - Jobs News 25 Train Your Brain 5 Lakes Weekly Poll Results 10 Arts+Culture - Aotearoa Surf Film Festival highlights local film 12 Travel Coolangatta The sleepy, southern end of Australia’s Gold Coast, is a great place to head, for a chilled, local and relaxing winter break where you can walk around barefoot with beach hair for a few days. 13 Tit Bits 15 QLDC Libraries Monthly Picks 18 Community Notes - Why are our supermarket shelves so bare? Wao Aotearoa launches Community Food Resilience Survey - A space for cultivating textile sustainability and a creative community in Queenstown 19 My Life Story Bruce Leitch 17 Not on our watch Honouring Queenstown’s little battlers. Without them Queenstown would not have its beautiful downtown Gardens reserve 4 Quality of Life Survey –Paradise with problems 6 Wanaka Freeskier Luca Harrington finished in fourth place at the FIS Slopestyle World Cup over the weekend 8 Studios and whisky for the win 9 A cellar door closes, a brewery opens Cargo Brewery’s iconic 1894 church in Gibbston Valley will be closing its doors on April 15 11 Safer junctions on the way 16 Hit in the pocket
LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 3 qldc.govt.nz/recreation @QLDCSportRec We’re open again on weekends starting Saturday 1 April. Enjoy the leisure pool, swim some laps, scream down the hydroslides! weekends are back at alpine aqualand! O'CONNELLS BAR Oyster Happy Hour $3 oysters & drink specials 3pm-6pm daily O'Connells Building 30 Camp Street (entrances from Camp & Beach Streets & Cow Lane) T&Cs apply. While stocks last & subject to availability.

Paradise with problems

Three-quarters of Queenstown Lakes residents are living the good life but housing, transport and the council’s performance are deep concerns.

Nearly 1500 residents filled out Queenstown Lakes District Council’s fifth annual Quality of Life Survey.

Some 76% rate their quality of life as good or better, 78% have at least some disposable income, 69% find their work fulfilling, 91% agree their neighbourhood is safe, and 62% feel a sense of pride in the district. You’re mostly all a healthy bunch too.

The survey found 79% exercise at least three times per week, 69% rate their physical health as good or very good, and 65% rate their mental health as good or very good. However, 14% suffer from a long-term health condition, affecting their quality of life, mental health and ability to cover expenses. And problems and stresses remain on the whole, especially where housing is concerned. Queenstown has a well-documented housing crisis, with limited rental properties and some of the highest house prices in the country. A fifth of respondents have had to move in the past 12 months, and 16% of those because their home was unhealthy to live in. Some 16% overall are worried about having a place to live, and 2% can’t find anywhere.

Queenstown Lakes District Mayor Glyn Lewers said the quality-of-life stats were up one per cent from the previous year.

“But dig a little deeper and we also see our district’s most pressing challenges reflected in these results, particularly when it comes to housing and the lower ratings in life satisfaction reported by people who are generally younger, have less work security, and are renting,” he says.

Lewers said the evidence will help council advocate on behalf of the community in partnership with other organisations, including central government, as well as informing its own Spatial Plan.

“Right away, it is being used to inform the Joint Housing Action Plan which will be out for consultation next month.”

A separate, abbreviated survey of people who own property in Queenstown but don’t live here full time found 49% do not rent their property out, 20% rent their property full-time to long-term tenants and 11% full-time to shortterm tenants.

Some 62% of respondents to the main survey said they would consider living in higher-density housing to help solve the problem.

Public transport also got a battering. There has been long-running cuts to the Orbus service, run by Otago Regional Council, due to driver shortages. Only 12% agreed that public transport is meeting their needs.

Lewers says the survey has also been provided to the Otago Regional Council to help inform its work on public transport.

And satisfaction with QLDC itself hit an all-time low. Only 19% are satisfied with elected members, and 20% with council performance.

However, council-run facilities and services, such as trails and cycleways, parks and reserves, and libraries, scored well, with user-satisfaction scores of 88%, 88% and 84% respectively.

The contrast between satisfaction with council-run services versus its performance was interesting and this disconnect would be explored further, Lewers says.

Finally, 76% of Queenstown Lakes residents are concerned with the effects of climate change. Satisfaction with the steps QLDC is taking to protect the environment increased from 19% to 22%.

Some 69% walk, and 37% ride their bikes, as an alternative mode of transport.

Photo by Peter Luo

If the blood bank came to Queenstown monthly, would you donate blood regularly?

With the recent change in focus, do you feel that government is still taking climate change seriously?

Is QLDC’s proposed rates increase of more than 13% reasonable in the current environment?

Has taxi deregulation allowed independent drivers to operate without any oversights?

Should Chinese video-sharing app TikTok be banned from

Daylight saving time ends this weekend at 3:00 am Sunday 3rd April. Clocks get turned back to 2:00 am to give you an extra hour of sleep time.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 5 OPEN NOW Phone: 021 081 25523 In Remarkables Park Shopping Centre Hours 11.30am to 8.30pm
regularly polls locals on issues affecting our
This weeks responses are below. There were 209 respondents this week. If you would like to take part: you can sign up on the LWB Facebook page. Yes - 44% No - 31% Unsure - 25% Yes - 24% No - 40% Unsure - 36% Yes - 14% No - 78% Unsure - 8% Unsure Yes No Unsure No Yes No Unsure Yes Yes - 63% No - 13% Unsure - 26%
Yes No Unsure Yes - 71% No - 6% Unsure - 23% Yes No Unsure
Parliament-issued devices?
this weekend


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Career-best World Cup finish for Kiwi freeskier

Freeskier Luca Harrington finished in fourth place in an incredibly heavy hitting FIS Slopestyle World Cup over the weekend, marking a career best performance for the young Kiwi.

Right after the event the Wanaka 19 -year-old said: “Honestly, it’s amazing, I am unbelievably happy to have finished in fourth place.

“I can’t believe I am even here skiing against some of these guys that I have looked up to my whole life, now to be here with them and contending with them is pretty amazing.”

In what was a stacked final, consisting of the majority of the world’s best slopestyle skiers, Harrington laced together a technical first run scoring an impressive 92.00. His run included a textbook left double 1440 safety grab into a right double 1800 lead stale grab on the second and third jumps. Harrington then had a nail-biting wait, sitting in podium position for just over half the competition. With just a few skiers left to drop into their final runs, Harrington got bumped down into fourth position by two decorated skiers.

• You can watch his incredible run on the new Lakes Weekly Bulletin website - lwb.co.nz

Jesper Tjader(Sweden) took the top spot, with Evan McEachran (Canada) second and Birk Ruud (Norway) third.

Harrington’s teammate Ruby Star Andrews (Queenstown, 18) was competing in the women’s Slopestyle finals in Silvaplana, finishing in a very respectable ninth position.

Andrews said: “I am happy with my second run, it’s nice to put down a run at the final competition of the season. The level was super high, all the girls killed it and I am happy to have made finals landed a solid run.”

This marks the end of a monumental competition season for Harrington and Andrews, who both recorded career best performances at both World Cup and World Championship level this Northern Hemisphere season. Meanwhile, just over the border in Austria, Kiwi Para Alpine Ski Racer Adam Hall was competing in his final race of the season, the European Cup Slalom Finals, where he claimed the silver medal.

Finn Bilous was set to drop into the Freeride World Tour Verbier Extreme finals, but the event was postponed by poor weather.

There were also some great results for Kiwi Snow Sports NZ Development athletes, with the snowboarders Cam Melville Ives (Wanaka, 16) and Lucia Georgalli (Wanaka, 16) claiming two gold medals at the World Rookie Tour Halfpipe and Slopestyle finals. Read more about the results on the LWB website.

Luca Harrington. Photo: Snow Sports NZ Harrington in action in Silvaplana. Photo: Stadler

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Studios and whisky for the win

Wanaka’s massive Silverlight Studios is a step closer after the Government agreed to underwrite a $4.5 million loan backing the first phase of the project.

Regional Development Minister Kiri Allan also announced a $2.9 million convertible loan to help Cromwell’s Scapegrace Distillery expand and consolidate its three New Zealand productions sites into one.

Allan says the screen industry, which employs 16,200 New Zealanders and contributes $3.3 billion to the economy every year, is a key component of Central Otago’s economic diversification away from tourism.

The Government has already backed Queenstown’s planned Target3D digital studio with a $2m loan.

• See this month’s Lakes Business (inserted in this week’s Lakes Weekly Bulletin) for more on the Target3D project.

Target3D’s studio will be located in the $45m Remarkables Park Research & Innovation Queenstown facility, itself backed by a $22.5m loan from Government’s shovel ready infrastructure fund.

Both Silverlight Studios and Target 3D are being funded through the $20 million Queenstown Economic Transformation and Resilience Fund (QET), which aims to support established businesses with proposals not related to the tourism sector.

“Silverlight Studios will provide new opportunities for local talent to be at the forefront of an evolving industry in the region,” Allan said. Plans for the $280 million film park studio on 322-hectares of land off the Luggate-Wanaka were given fast-track consent by the Government in December 2021.

It includes 10 sound stages built around a 11-hectare artificial lake, and recreations of areas of Paris, Venice, Italy, New York, and the Hamptons, along with a medieval hall, film school, offices, post-production, sound, visual FX and casting facilities.

But Silverlight Studios chief executive Mike Wallis told Stuff, at the announcement of Government underwriting last week, the company has pivoted to a much smaller initial phase after local concerns over the size and speed of the development.

A digital imaging of Silverlight Studios, although the first phase will be much more modest .

It will instead bring three fast-build modular stages from Belgium, with the work likely completed by this time next year. They will be replaced as the larger facility progresses in the coming years.

Meanwhile, the $2.9m loan through the $200m Regional Strategic Partnership Fund will enable Scapegrace Distillery to meet growing national and international demand for its whisky, gin and vodka.

The expansion will create 218 jobs in construction and 24 permanent roles once operational. It also aims to reduce emissions through an electrode boiler.

“This investment supports our goal of supporting local businesses to do great things for local economies. The further development of the food and beverage industry in Central Otago will add to the region’s international brand reputation,” Allan.

A $2.9 million Government investment has been approved for the expansion of Scapegrace Distillery in Cromwell, to meet growing national and international demand and consolidate their three New Zealand productions sites into one.

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A cellar door closes, a brewery opens

Cargo Brewery’s iconic 1894 church in Gibbston Valley will be closing its doors for the last time on the 15th of April. This marks the start of a new chapter for the long-standing establishment as they open a new brewery at their Cargo Gantley’s site; just a wee sprint from the bottom of Coronet Peak.

Since opening in 2018 they’ve played host to an array of events including Fatboy Slim, Ben Harper and The Innocent Criminals, and Kendall Elise. They’ve also been a popular venue for functions, offer a spot of beer and wine tasting, and have served up countless divine platters.

Cargo Brewery’s owners, Malcom and Meron Blakely, started brewing beers in a garage in Arrowtown before setting up shop at the Waitiri Creek cellar door in Gibbston. They soon learnt all about the wonderful world of wine and developed the site into what we know it as today.

Rachel Pitt is the Event Manager for Cargo and says the team is excited to have a fully-fledged brewery, which is expected to open by the end of this year.

“It wasn’t a decision that was made lightly, but it just seemed like the right time,” says Rachel.

“They’ve had the Cellar Door for about six years now and with the construction starting on the new brew hall that’s going to be in Arthur’s Point behind Cargo Gantley’s, it seemed like the right time to let go of it and focus on the new hall. That’s more Cargo and who we are.”

The team are looking forward to being able to produce more of their core range as well as fresh seasonal beers – they have been a little limited with what they’re currently able to produce. The brew hall will have capacity for up to 200 people once completed and will also be used as a function space. They’d also like to offer somewhere for companies to come and brew their own beers, as an experience.

“There will be 3,600 litre tanks going in, so we’ll definitely be doing some seasonal beers, which will be going straight on the tap at Gantley’s. We’ll have a canning line there as well, so that’ll be great for us to better distribute beer whilst selling it directly from the brewery, which is awesome. I imagine we’ll stick with our core range, which is usually our IPA, Porter and Pale Ale.”

Queenstown’s beer industry and taproom scene is an ever-evolving one, and we’re very fortunate to have a wide selection of breweries on our doorstep. Cargo are excited to put themselves into the mix – expanding on their current offering from their existing venues.

“It’d be great to produce some different things and get back in line with the other breweries in and around Queenstown. It’s pretty exciting,” says Rachel.

As for the Cellar Door, the owners will be taking it back over and everyone’s excited to see what happens with the space.

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Aotearoa Surf Film Festival highlights local film

The 11th annual Aotearoa Surf Film Festival took place in Queenstown and Wanaka last week. The event celebrated the best of surf culture and cinema, as well as connections to the environment. A curated selection of local and international surf feature films, documentaries and short films were showcased, and one in particular showed off some of what our region has to offer.

Absent Without Leave was directed by Kiwi, Fin Woods, and includes some highly-regarded surfers, who came to do a tour around South Westland. The surfers featured included Harrison Roach, Nate Zoller and Parker Coffin. They jumped in two old Land Rovers, packed up a few motorbikes and headed out to explore Otago and the West Coast for two weeks. They visited Purakanui Bay and met Blair, a pilot and surfer who took them on a bush plane to a secluded beach. They soon hit our beautiful district.

Our stunning mountain-scape is on display as the team ride motorbikes and camp in a remote area. Next up was the Hawea River Wave – a favourite among locals and a bit more of a unique surfing experience. The purposebuilt whitewater park is at Camphill Bridge and features two different waves – the smaller wave is bouncy and soft, which is super fun on shorter boards and it’s easier to perform spins and tricks. The bottom wave is bigger, steeper and has more power – it’s recommended for more experienced riders.

Matthew McClurg is the tour manager for Aotearoa Surf Film Festival; he says that there is a strong surf culture in Queenstown and Wanaka, which is why they wanted to bring the tour here despite our lack of ocean.

“There are so many people here that still have an interest, particularly in the outdoors and surfing,” says Matthew.

“I think surfing, skiing and snowboarding all go pretty well together. I live in Dunedin and we spend most of our winter weekends in Wanaka skiing and I know that many people from Wanaka do the same with Dunedin to get surf. I guess they cross over pretty well and it’s cool to be able to go to places that appreciate a different kind of event as well. I think sometimes you get all the mountain-related stuff and then maybe not so much of other things.”

Submissions for next year’s Aotearoa Surf Film Festival open in Winter 2023, around mid-year. Matthew would love to see some more Kiwi film submissions.

“The more Kiwi films we get submitted, the more it actually does become Aotearoa’s surf film festival. It’s great to tour the country and see all the places that put these films on. Our goal is to make it predominately New Zealand films, and we need people to be making films to make that happen,” says Matthew.

A panel of four judges will decide this year’s winning film, which will be announced at the final stop of the tour in Auckland. The winning filmmaker

Art News


two new national monuments in the American Southwest Both sites contain examples of Indigenous art including petroglyphs and pictographs.

The United States has designated two new national monuments in the American Southwest, President Joseph Biden announced last week, designations that will provide additional protections to areas in Nevada and Texas that are home to Indigenous art, including pictographs and petroglyphs. The move will protect more than half a million acres of land in southern Nevada that contains a large section of what’s known as the Spirit Mountain area, or by the Mojave name Avi Kwa Ame. The region is one of the largest contiguous wildlife corridors in the US, rich in biodiversity and contains “sacred lands that are central to the creation story of so many [Native American] tribes that have been here since time immemorial”, Biden also designated the Castner Range in Texas as a national monument, more than 50 years after residents of nearby El Paso first began appealing for safeguards for the area located at the Army base Fort Bliss.

President Biden designates will score a camera package from Canon valued at $5,000. Absent Without Leave is currently streaming on Facebook. If you’d like to stay up to date with the festival and winner, head to asff.co.nz

Safer junctions on the way

Work begins this week to improve the safety of two busy junctions on Queenstown’s Hawthorne Drive

Traffic lights and raised pedestrian crossings will be installed at Red Oaks Drive, outside Wakatipu High School and Frankton Library, and Cherry Blossom Drive, near New World supermarket, connecting Remarkables Park and The Landings.

QLDC infrastructure boss Tony Avery says the $1.2 million project will make the road safer for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.

“We’ve seen significant growth around the Frankton area over recent years along with changes in the way the Hawthorne Drive area is used,” Avery says.

“There’s a real mix of things happening out there, from the high school and library to a range of recreational opportunities and accommodation options.

“These intersections are currently very busy so introducing the lights at Red Oaks and Cherry Blossom Drive will reduce the risk of an accident and vastly improve the safety for all road users. Furthermore, raised tables will reduce vehicle speeds and create a more pedestrian friendly environment.”

Work is expected to take two to three months to complete, weather dependent. Drivers can expect reduced speed limits, narrow traffic lanes

and potential delays. There may be lane closures required at times, this will be communicated well in advance, by the contractor Downer.

It is joint funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.

Meanwhile, a new roundabout for the dicey from State Highway 6 to Howards Drive, which leads to both Lake Hayes Estate and Shotover Country subdivision, is taking shape.

On Thursday, councillors agreed to sell 4150m2 of the 14.6-hectare 516 Ladies Mile to Waka Kotahi for the project. QLDC paid the $13.8 million for the whole property back in 2019. Waka Kotahi will buy the land through the Public Works Act, although there’s no price agreed yet.

Roughly half of the 29 trees planted by the late Bill Walker, who owned the Ladies Mile property, will be chopped down to make way for the roundabout, while a dozen other younger trees will be relocated.

Walker tended the oak, cherry, beech, ash, maple, sweet chestnut and horse chestnut trees for 25 years before his death in 2014. They were threatened with the chop back in 2016, as they are only metres from high-voltage power lines, but were saved through a community campaign and trimmed back instead.

Two native trees will be planted for every one removed, as per QLDC’s tree policy.

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Hawthorne Drive’s junction with Red Oakes Drive, outside the high school, library and bustling recreation hub.


With the weather cooling down we’ll soon be thinking about get aways for a warmer quick break. The sleepy, southern end of Australia’s Gold Coast, Coolangatta, is a great place to head, and its nothing like its manic Surfers cousin. Coolongatta is chilled, local and relaxing where you can walk around barefoot with beach hair for a few days. With the temperature in the mid 20’s even in winter, you’ll find all the locals out very early, even at 5:30, exercising while the day is at its coolest. All the cafes and coffee spots are also open at 6:00am for an early coffee fix while you walk the beach.

Learn to Surf Coolangatta operates surf classes all year round at Greenmount beach and Rainbow Bay, including equipment and Billabong wetsuits. Those daring enough to explore the ocean deeper can dive the Kirra Reef, the 8-metre depth range being ideal for new divers. Try out stand up paddle boarding (SUP) with JM SUP School and be coached by owner and paddle boarding champion Justin Mitchell. Day Trip to Byron. It’s shrugged off its hippie vibe but Byron Bay still knows how to do laidback like nowhere else. What makes Byron Bay such a drawcard is it’s beaches, the food scene or the natural attractions such as the lighthouse, the most easterly place in mainland Australia. It also has a bustling shopping strip and friendly locals.

A post early morning watersports workout calls for a well-balanced meal. Head over to Griffith St Larder for good coffee and ciabatta, or sample a delicious breakfast mixed up with a caramel popcorn milkshake.

Australia does the clubs so well and the Coolangatta Surf Club would have to be one of the best. Its absolute beachfront, and offers really affordable dining for visitors. If you are staying a few days, then sign up as a member for a paltry $5 and you get discounts on all food and drinks. The bucket of prawns is a winner. Step straight off the sand and into the club for lunch or dinner, no dress code required!


Most of Coolangatta’s accommodation is in apartments, which is ideal for the family as they come equipped with kitchens, nice family areas and wrap around balconies. Depending on the time of year and how far in advance, a modern two bedroom unit goes for around $A250 a night staying 5 plus nights. Northpoint Apartments are centrally located and a great place for the whole family to put their heads down.

With direct flights from Queenstown, admittedly its JetStar, Coolangatta is only 3 hours away. Once you land and have completed Immigration and collected your bags, Coolangatta is just 4 km from the airport, and you can be in the ocean in 10 minutes.


Tit bits Tit bits


Yellen Reassures Banks

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expressed confidence in the US financial system in a speech last week, saying regulators are ready to further support troubled banks if the need arises. The speech came amid the worst banking crisis since 2008, with failures at several midsized banks and stock volatility across the industry.

Elevated interest rates have placed pressure on some banks with investments in devalued long-term bonds, forcing them to sell those bonds at a loss to shore up cash for customer withdrawals. After Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failed earlier this month, regulators set up an emergency program where banks facing similar cash crunches could borrow to keep money available for customers without needing to sell holdings at a loss.

AP News

Google Rolls Out Bard

Google opened limited public access in the US and the UK last week to its artificial intelligence chatbot Bard, a competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, whose underlying technology also powers a new version of Microsoft’s search engine Bing. The rollout is Google’s first public foray into a recent rush by tech companies to leverage generative AI— software that creates new content from input prompts. Unlike Microsoft, Google has started Bard as a standalone application rather than integrating it into its search engine. The company says it wants users to think of Bard as complementary to Google Search. Google, in a blog post, said it will expand access to Bard to more countries and languages over time as its underlying technology improves. Like ChatGPT and its newer model GPT-4, Bard uses reinforcement learning from human feedback.

Tech Crunch

Sailing crew rescued after giant whale sank 44ft boat in Pacific Ocean

A giant whale sank a sailing crew’s boat in the Pacific Ocean before the group was rescued at the end of an ordeal that could have come out of a novel.

Rick Rodriguez of Tavernier, Florida, and three friends spent 10 hours on a lifeboat and dinghy after a whale sank the crew’s 44ft sailboat Raindancer. The group had planned a three-week sailing trip from the Galápagos Islands to French Polynesia, about 3,500 miles away in the south Pacific. But on 13 March, only 13 days into the crossing, disaster struck. At about 1.30pm, Rodriguez was enjoying a vegetarian pizza for lunch with the others when he heard a loud noise.

Five seconds after the whale’s collision, an alarm sounded, warning that the boat was filling with water. Rodriguez said the crew members, who each have experience boating, quickly sprang into action.

Rodriguez placed a mayday call on a VHF radio and dispatched the emergency position indicating radio beacon, a distress signal that is connected to a worldwide rescue network.

The Guardian

Virgin Orbit eyes options as it works to generate cash flow:

Launch company Virgin Orbit is going through some tough financial times, according to media reports. The company is “drawing up detailed contingency plans” after pausing operations last week, according to a media report.

Virgin Orbit was aiming to give an update to employees by Wednesday last week (March 22) or Thursday (March 23) after furloughing all but a small number of its workforce.


The Council Word

Let’s talk about the Annual plan

We want your views on the draft QLDC Annual Plan 2023-2024. How do you feel about our priorities and proposed changes to rates and fees for Council services? Consultation closes 26 April. Find out more and chat to Councillors at an informal drop-in session at Frankton Library from 2.00-3.30pm on Tuesday 4 April, or head to letstalk.qldc.govt.nz

Shape the future of Warren Park

Share your thoughts on a draft development plan for Warren Park on Gorge Road. How do you see its potential as a well-used recreational and community space? Review the plan and leave you feedback by Sunday 23 April at letstalk.qldc.govt.nz

Kids’ boredom busters

QLDC Sport & Recreation’s school holiday programmes for Queenstown and Wānaka can now be booked online. Find full details and book your spot at www.qldc.govt.nz/shp

Pool back open on weekends!

Thanks to a successful recruitment campaign for lifeguards, Alpine Aqualand will be back open on weekends from this Saturday. Come along to swim, slide and play! More info at qldc.govt.nz/recreation/swim

Arrowtown-Kawarau by-election

Voting papers for the Arrowtown-Kawarau Ward by-election will be mailed out to electors from 13 April and voting will close at midday on 5 May. Are you enrolled to vote? Find out more at qldc.govt.nz/2023-by-election

Foreign language books wanted

Tiny ‘Lilliput Libraries’ have popped up outside Frankton Library! They’re a great way to share books not written in English. The team would love donations of books written in languages from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America. Gracias, asante, salamat, xièxie, shukran!

Only rain down the drain!

What goes into the drain outside your house or business –whether poured in intentionally or washed down with rain – ends up in our waterways untreated. We all have a part to play to protect our lakes and rivers. If you spot anything suspect call the 24/7 pollution hotline 0800 800 033.

Arts funding

Apply for a Creative Communities Scheme grant. Find out more at qldc.govt.nz/community/community-funding



UNCLAIMED ITEMS SITTING AT THE POLICE STATION, at 11 Camp Street, this week include:

• GOLD HOOP EARRING WITH BLUE STONE, FOUND in the garden at St Peter’s church






• SMALL SILVER HUBCAP, FOUND NEAR BUNNINGS, POSSIBLY belongs to a classic car, no markings






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Trades & Services

BOOKKEEPING & PAYROLL FOR SMALL BUSINESSES - XERO Partner. We provide bookkeeping - GST Returns, Payroll Processing, IRD Compliance, IR Filing. Payroll Reviews. We are accountants & payroll professionals who understand business. Call: 021 529 100

NEED AN IDYLLIC SPOT IN KINGSTON TO rent for your tiny home or caravan? Please text 022 404 3545.

THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE ARROWTOWN RSA will be held in the Arrowtown Bowling Club Rooms at 7pm on Wednesday 29th March.

SPCA OP SHOP – 51 GORGE RD. Open Monday – Saturday 9.00 – 5.00. Pre-loved goods and clothing at great prices. Help support the ongoing work done by the SPCA. Your old goods, or your time, could help save a life. Accepting donations (no electrical at the moment) and volunteers now. Volunteers wanted!

WHAKATIPU DRIVE MY LIFE ARE SEEKING VOLUNTEERS to become mentor buddies to help our vulnerable people achieve their drivers licence. If you are interested or have any questions contact Louise Ward louise@reap.co.nz

FREE ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLASSES AVAILABLE AT KIWI English Cafe on Mondays between 6pm - 8pm at St Andrews, 26 Stanley Street, Queenstown. Call 020 4189 9160 for free registration now.

ALWAYS WANTED TO LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE? Keen to speak Brazilian Portuguese? Native tutor available online or in person. E-mail me on learnbrazilianportuguese@hotmail.com or check out my website: www.learnbrazilianport9.wixsite.com/ learn-brazilian-port

FREE IMMIGRATION CLINIC. IF YOU NEED IMMIGRATION information or advice the Citizens Advice Bureau run an immigration clinic every Wednesday from 7pm. To make an appointment call them on 03 442 6679

SPECTACULAR AUTUMN COLOURS OF WANAKA ON OUR guided private gardens tours. Depart daily starting @$95. Group discounts (max 7). Info booking 021 0279 2481 beautifulgardenswanaka.com

QUEENSTOWN DHARMA CENTRE, 12 LAKE ST. LAMA MARK WEBBER’s Comprehensive Month of Teaching and Retreat continues with 9:30am and 7pm teachings on TUES & WED (28 & 29 Mar) and FRI & SAT (31 Mar & 1 Apr). Apart from Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche’s guidance on “A Guide to the Way of Life of a Bodhisattva” on SUN (2 Apr), from 2:30pm - 5:30pm, our regular programme is on hold while Lama Mark is teaching. For full details, please see dharmacentre.org.nz or FB.

HAVE THAT NIGGLING ACHE OR PAIN THAT just won’t go away? A recurring condition, or maybe you’re looking for something to assist alongside your more traditional treatments to speed up recovery? Two Feathers can help, an Alternative & Holistic Health Service including Tuning Forks, Energy Healing & Reiki Master. For more info contact Amy on: healing@twofeathers.co.nz or 022 454 8288

LOCAL NZ FASHION DESIGNER JANE SUTHERLAND IS bringing limited edition and one off designs to the Ivy Box Art Gallery. 31 March, 134 Park Street, 4pm–7pm. All welcome!

LET’S GO SLOW AND CHILL AND CREATE together in this craft workshop. Hot drink included. Embroidery Kit: Hoop, cloth, needle, threads and pattern included. Saturday 15 April 2023. 2pm-4pm, Hosted at MorArt on Shotover Street. Cost is $85. To purchase a ticket: https://natalieperks.com/products/embroideryworkshop-saturday-15-april-2023

WSCA – ROOMS FOR HIRE - SPACIOUS, sunny rooms are available for hire to Queenstown Community Groups. The rooms hold up to 90 people, with seated dining for 40. Located on the 1st floor of Malaghan House, 10 Memorial Street, Queenstown with lift access. There are kitchen facilities, toilets, Wi-Fi, media equipment for projection onto large screen plus large screen TV. Contact us on 03 442 9214 or info@wsca.org.nz for more details DID

Contact the Lakes Weekly Bulletin today 03 409 2800 or email enquiries@qmg.co.nz and take the first step to successful advertising.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 14 Lost & Found For Sale
Else THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE DIVINE REALIGNMENT ENERGY HEALING | REIKI HEALING | BI OPTRON LIGHT COLOUR HEALING, to rebalance and re energise PHONE PAULA FOR AN APPOINTMENT - 0211171389 www.naturalhealingpaulapetersen.com fbnaturalhealingpaulapetersen XS STORAGE Secure self storage units – various sizes available Phone: 0800 297 786 | www.xsstorage.co.nz
Community Everything

QLDC Libraries Librarian Profile

Lakes Weekly Bulletin and Queenstown Lakes Libraries are profiling our librarians. This month we are profiling Diana Espie who is the Library Assistant at the Arrowtown Library.

Arrowtown Library has long felt like a second home for me.

When my three children were babies, we spent many, many pleasant hours reading under the soft glow of the lantern windows. The library was warmer than our house –and a heck of a lot tidier. And so, when my youngest donned her backpack and toddled off to school, it seemed logical (to me, at least) that I should join the payroll. Fortunately, the powers-that-be concurred. I’ve never been to “librarian school”, but I’ve tried my hand at various roles over the years: journalist; Routeburn Track guide;


Room – Emma Donoghue

communications manager and full-time parent (is there any other kind?). There was even an edifying period during my student years at Canterbury University, when I worked concurrently as a dental assistant and in a supermarket deli. If you want to know the difference between an impacted wisdom tooth and blood sausage, then I’m your gal.

When I first started working at the library, I assumed that the biggest perk would be being surrounded by books all day. In fact, the best part is being at the centre of such an engaged – and oftentimes hilarious and inspiring - community of readers.

Told in the voice of a five-year-old boy, Room recounts the story of a young woman who has been abducted and kept prisoner for seven years – and the child who resulted from the abduction. This novel could have been a horrific, voyeuristic read, but in Donoghue’s hands, it becomes an inspiring tale of resilience, maternal devotion and love.

The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Somehow, I managed to complete an MA and 46 years on the planet without reading this book. Thankfully, I rectified that situation a couple of weeks ago and I’m so glad I did. If you haven’t already, you should read this book. Ideally twice. PS. It’s better than the Baz Luhrman movie.

Kurangaituku by Whiti Hereaka

This novel reads more like poetry than prose and immerses the reader in a completely different world. Mesmerising and different from anything I’ve ever read before.

Poor People with Money – Dominic Hoey

A darkly comic, gritty, punch-in-the-guts novel that captures life on the poverty line in New Zealand. I loved the female protagonist. Not a book to read if you’re offended by naughty words.

The other day, I signed up a gregarious 84-year-old for her first library card. She drip-fed me Maltesers and royal gossip as I downloaded Libby and Borrowbox onto her iPad. My next customer was a mother who wanted to sign up her 9-month-old for a library membership. The baby didn’t give me any Maltesers, but he did reward me with a gummy grin.

Not bad for a day at the office.

The Happiest Refugee – Anh Do

Anyone with children at primary school will be familiar with Anh Do’s excellent and hugely popular books for younger readers. This heart-warming autobiography is a salient reminder of how little we know about the private pasts of people we pass on the street (or the authors of the books our children read!).

I’ll be Gone in the Dark – Michelle McNamara

This is true crime at its best: a fast-paced page turner and a story of obsession on multiple levels, both laudable and horrific. If you don’t know the full story of the Golden State Killer, then I suggest you wait till the end before you google him. Of course, if you’re the sort of reprobate who prefers to sneak a look at the last page before you read a book then who am I to judge?

Reading Allowed: True Stories and Curious

Incidents from a Provincial Library – Chris Paling

A light and enjoyable read, written by a former BBC worker who takes a break to work in the underfunded community library system in southern England. It won’t change your life, but it will provide a few hours of pleasant diversion and a reminder of the importance of libraries in increasingly fragmented communities.

Queenstown Lakes District

Hit in the pocket

Queenstown Lakes home owners will be stung for around $500 extra each on average later this year, with one of the highest rates rises this century.

A whopping 13.6% average increase is proposed by Queenstown Lakes District Council, which has massively increased its debt in recent years to meet the costs of crumbling infrastructure.

Under previous mayor Jim Boult, when much of the spending and debt was approved, the rates increase hovered around 4%, while before him, Vanessa Van Uden, was known for her zero-percent increases.

Clive Geddes, mayor from 2001-2010, was criticised for a 7.7% increase in 2010, not least by Van Uden herself, who labelled it “unacceptable”.

Now, under mayor Glyn Lewers, who took the reins in October, Queenstowners face a 13.6% increase for 2023/24.

The impact varies across the district, depending on location, capital value and the type of property, be it residential, commercial, accommodation or other.

The percentage increases range from 8.15% to 21.24%. The dollar increases range from $282 to $29,326 (for a $71m downtown hotel).

For a typical $1 million property in the Lake Hayes or Shotover Country subdivisions, the $3000-ish rates bill will rise by around 15%, to $3450.

QLDC finance boss Stewart Burns breaks the 13.6% average increase into four chunks, in the annual plan consultation document (members of the public can now have their say on the plan and proposed rates hike, online). Some 4.5% will cover the “dramatic overall increase in interest rates in the last 12 months” - council debt sits at $627 million, almost three times its annual revenue.

Some 4.1% will cover the “record high annual inflation at 7.2%... coupled with growth in our operational costs to maintain service levels”. And 4% will cover high costs associated with leaky buildings settlements.

QLDC building inspectors signed off on the leaky buildings around 20 years ago, and now that the developers have gone bankrupt or wound their businesses up, the council has been left carrying the can for repairs. Last year, council settled the claim from Oaks Shores apartments, which had claimed more than $160 million.

When councillors approved the annual plan consultation document on Thursday, deputy mayor Quentin Smith and councillor Esther Whitehead questioned Burns on what had been done to mitigate the costs to ratepayers and future risk.

Burns says council has loaned money to pay the settlement, to spread the cost over many years. So much of the 4% increase will be used to pay the interest on those loans.

It has also used the higher-than-expected Queenstown Airport divided (QLDC is the major shareholder) to repay some of the loan debt.

“If we hadn’t done that, the rates impact would have been much higher, probably doubled to 8% impact.”

When asked by Smith, Burns said attempting to repay the claim in a single year would “certainly not have been sustainable or acceptable”, likely more than doubling people’s rates bills.

Whitehead asked how they can ensure to the community that it is not going to happen again, as the law “leaves us as the last man standing”.

Burns says there are another three or four leaky building claims in the works, but not at the same level as the Oaks properties.

“That’s not to say that there will not be another,” he said, although there is a limitation period on when claims can be made.

He says the standards QLDC now has to meet for building inspections and consents is on a different level to what it was 20 years ago.

The remaining 1% of the 13.6% is to cover a depreciation expense

To keep the rise down to 13.6%, QLDC has deferred dozens of capital expenditure infrastructure projects to future years, mostly related to water supply, storm water and waste water, totalling $106.7m.

It is also proposing to bring in an extra $1.9m in revenue by increasing user fees for things like dog licences, consents and leisure activities.

The draft Annual Plan is now open for submissions on the council’s Let’s Talk website at: https://letstalk.qldc.govt.nz/annual-plan-2023-24


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How to advertise Ph: 03 409 2800

Email: info@qmg.co.nz

Place your ad online: www.lwb.co.nz

Advertising Deadlines Display Advertising: 12pm Friday

Situations Vacant: 12pm Friday

Queenstown Media Group 2nd Floor, The Mountaineer Building Cnr Beach and Rees Street PO Box 1546, Queenstown 9300

Meet the team

David Gibbs General Manager

Kendalle McLeod Finance

Catherine Mercer Account Manager 027 777 2785 | cat@qmg.co.nz

Kylee De Suza Account Manager 021 044 2968 | kylee@qmg.co.nz

Ana Paula Salvi Graphic Designer

Patricia W. Becker Graphic Designer

Paul Taylor Editor/Journalist

Sue Fea Journalist

Bethany Rogers Contributor

Lauren Prebble Contributor

Jay Cassells Contributor

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 16 • Upholstery • Loose Covers • Furniture • Marine • Automotive • Boat Covers • Blinds • Headboards • Fabrics Central Lakes Upholstery Ltd. 022 372 56 49 centrallakesupholstery@gmail.com centrallakesupholstery.co.nz20b McNulty Road, Cromwell
Queenstown’s new councillors face some difficult decisions

NOT ON OUR WATCH - Honouring Queenstown’s little battlers

They may have been dubbed “little old ladies in tennis shoes”, but without them and their band of environmentalist supporters Queenstown would not have its beautiful downtown Gardens reserve preserved as it is today.

In 1968 the Mount Cook Company reportedly wanted to build a flashy, 10-storey tourist hotel encroaching onto Crown land adjoining the treasured Queenstown Gardens (Park Street Reserve). The Queenstown Borough Council had turned down its plans for a multi-storey hotel on the Eichardt’s site. Mount Cook failed in its bid, then in the 1980s the government-owned Tourist Hotel Corporation (THC) had a go, and also tried and failed to secure what is now the Park Street Reserve for a flash new hotel.

Three wee senior ladies, Margaret Templeton, affectionately known as ‘Mrs T’, Ailsa Smeaton and Marygold Miller, together with other Wakatipu environmentalists, wouldn’t have a bar of either plan and courageously stood up to the ‘suits’ from the city.

They then became part of the local ‘Guardians of the Reserve’, headed up in the mid-80s by Greg Thompson. Greg says he “saw red” when the then Queenstown Borough Council granted permission to THC to build part of its hotel on the treasured Park Street Reserve at the town end of Queenstown Gardens. “THC, as a Crown entity, was empowered by the government to build hotels outside of tourist centres under new legislation so they leapt onto that site,” says Greg. “They were going to build a great big monstrosity that went across Horne Creek onto Park Street Reserve.” THC was legally permitted to build on Crown land like reserves and national parks, he says. Other supporters like Neil Clayton, Bill Taylor and Irenie Adamson, backed the charge, joining the three feisty little women, who’d become renowned as ‘local environmental watchdogs’.

They held a public day with a petition, marking on the reserve trees how high the hotel building would reach – 10 to 12 storeys staggered into the hillside, recalls Greg. “Somebody skimmed up a pine tree and strung a red banner there showing how high the buildings would be,” says Greg. “People wandered into the park and once they saw that said, “Show me where to sign!”

The Guardians then appealed the council decision to grant use of the reserve to THC before the Planning Tribunal (now Environment Court), and won. “I received a phone call out of the blue from a Nelson lawyer I didn’t know offering his services for free - Jon Jackson, who later went on to become a respected Environment Court judge,” says Greg.

THC then submitted a revised plan not encroaching onto the reserve, which

drew more flak from the locals because of its “Disney-like” coloured trellises, on what’s now the Novotel Queenstown Lakeside site.

So the Guardians - now Friends of the Gardens, lived up to their name with ‘three little old ladies in tennis shoes’ leading the charge. This was only one of many environmental battles for this courageous trio, trailing newspaper public notices and taking on many battles with bureaucracy.

Theirs were the days of token environmental awareness and should the Green Party have been around back then ‘Mrs T’, Ailsa, or Marygold would’ve surely won the local seat.

While tiny in stature and voice, ‘Mrs T’ alone was a force to be reckoned with, attending almost every council meeting religiously for decades, reporting back to the local environmental community if she smelled a rat. “She’d call me at 10pm to brief me on the week’s issues for an hour or so,” says Karen Boulay, of Friends of the Gardens.

In a 1986 Mountain Scene profile ‘Mrs T’ says she and Ailsa fought for six years to stop the Mount Cook reserve proposal and had told the town clerk afterwards they’d “spilled their life blood there”.

Despite her battles she was always welcomed by the councillors and asked if she wanted to speak, and speak she did, but always in a nice, convincing way. ‘Mrs T’ pretty much had on demand speaking rights at council meetings and became highly respected through the decades for her tenacity and stepping up to the plate where others wouldn’t be game. Many a hotel height bid failed under ‘Mrs T’s watchful eye.

“I’ve been called a stirrer, a nutcase…but my battles aren’t nasty ones. I’m just a little old lady sitting here who believes in people’s land,” she said in that 1986 article.

Marygold, new to town in the 1960s, had quickly joined the local battles, fighting hard to save the Earnslaw from being sunk in Queenstown Bay and to save the historic stone library building, also serving on the local council.

As a Southland Times article says, these “little old ladies” were not about to stay home and bake scones and allow a then male-dominated bureaucracy to run amok in their “sleepy hollow”. They were clearly indignant there would be no corporate takeover on Crown land that had been decreed by Queen Victoria, and where Queenstown’s first businessman Bendix Hallenstein had planted trees - not on their watch.

The fact that Park Street Reserve still stands untouched is testament to this feisty little trio of battlers, and other local environmentalists who followed. She may have been deemed a ‘little old lady in tennis shoes’ but Queenstown’s Margaret Templeton – ‘Mrs T’, was a force to be reckoned with. Pictured here, left, with fellow environmental battler, Greg Thompson in the 1990s This Roma McAndrew painting of Queenstown’s much-loved Margaret Templeton, affectionately known as ‘Mrs T’, is hanging in the Queenstown Lakes District Council chambers. ‘Mrs T’ fought many a battle to preserve downtown Queenstown’s pristine beauty and reserves


Why are our supermarket shelves so bare? Wao Aotearoa launches Community Food Resilience Survey

What would you do if all the bread ran out? Or all the fruit? Have you thought about it? It seems an odd question, when we’ve got everything we desire right at our fingertips. Frozen berries from eastern Europe, bananas from the Philippines, coffee from Central America. It seems almost too good to be true, and that’s because it is.

You may have noticed our supermarket shelves looking awfully bare in places. And this seems to be becoming commonplace. So, what can we do about it? As food resilience and food systems sustainability expert Julia Blackford says, our current food system is in a pretty vulnerable state. Blackford explains that food resilience is basically the ability to continue to feed ourselves in the face of disruptive shocks or chronic stresses that our system might face. And right now, she says we’re at the worst possible point.

“In a really short space of time, we’ve totally lost our individual responsibility and ability to feed ourselves,” Blackford explains. “It’s created a really dangerous and non-resilient system.” The good news is, the soil beneath our feet can be fertile, and there’s plenty we can do with it. But we need everybody’s help. The first step is to find out where we are at, as a community, and exactly what holes we have in our food system. To that end, Wao has launched the Community Food Resilience Survey of the Queenstown Lakes District, designed by the wider Wao Aotearoa network and funded by the QLDC. You can find it at wao.co.nz, as well as at your table in local cafes and restaurants. The information that gathered will identify our strengths and weaknesses as a district, and help to design a collective vision for our community. Your voice is essential.

If we take action now, building a vibrant, low-emission local food system is well within our reach. After all, as Blackford explains, where we find ourselves is a relatively new situation. “Even 75 years ago in Queenstown, we would

have been able to source most of our food within a 50 kilometre radius,” she says. Right now, the food we eat here in the Southern Lakes is mostly dependent on a fragile global supply chain. Research is showing that citizen and community action, empowered by knowledge, has a huge impact in preventing ecological breakdown. Bringing our food production closer to home allows us to be more self-sufficient, and this sufficiency creates security. Community gardens and other projects offer up volunteer and work opportunities. Local groups are increasing their capabilities to process community food waste, while other organisations are focussing on the food which really shouldn’t be thrown out in the first place. KiwiHarvest Queenstown, for example, diverts food which was destined for the landfill from donors like supermarkets, and donates it to community organisations. Food for Love, takes this food and creates home-cooked meals, delivering them to those in need.

So our food waste champions are working hard, but we need more widespread action to transform our local food system. And that begins with you, our survey, and getting a lay of the land. It’s about taking an honest, collective consideration about where we are at, where we are going, and what we want our future to look like. With a bit of forethought, hopefully that’s one where we never run out of bread, fruit or eggs, and one where we can harvest most of what we need from our backyard. You can complete the survey here.

To take the survey simply scan the QR code or go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6SV8SXT

A space for cultivating textile sustainability and a creative community in Queenstown

and Clothing Design and work experience in an apparel manufacturing company, Nina has connected consumers, designers and makers through sewing workshops that encourage the public to repair, upcycle and sew textile goods.

Acknowledging that sewing is a dying life skill that used to be passed down through generations, T I K K I has provided a space for people to continue that tradition. Last year for example, T I K K I ran children’s after school sewing programs, adult group lessons from sewing basics to advanced level, pattern making, homemade wardrobe workshops and private lessons. Nina also organised a community dye vat for stained or dull clothes to save them from landfill and a clothing swap for pre-loved items.

T I K K I Studio is a sewing studio based in Lower Shotover that runs workshops and sewing lessons with sustainability at its heart. It has recently expanded into a co-working space for anyone needing to hot desk. This is especially great for creative entrepreneurs, hobby sewists and students as T I K K I provides access to a creative space with a range of industrial machines and tools that most wouldn’t ordinarily have access to. The studio is immersed in nature, surrounded by floral gardens and situated next to the Shotover River. The perfect spot to cultivate creativity with a peacefulness you won’t tend to find in town.

Nina Chen started T I K K I Studio in an effort to promote sustainability in the consumption of textile goods. Many of our everyday textile goods are mass produced at low cost and as a result they are low quality, ending up in landfill soon thereafter. With her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Fashion

Every month T I K K I invites the community to join in for our favourite “Sip and Sew” sessions as a good opportunity to drop in and learn from the collective minds that attend, and have some fun!

Nina and the T I K K I Team have managed to provide a valuable space for creativity, connection and education. Now thay are able to share this creative space with fellow hobby sewists, remote workers and entrepreneurs through our membership. Our goal is to utilise the space to its full potential and continue to grow our services to the crafting and creative community with lots more exciting workshops and events in the near future.

The T I K K I Studio can be found at 108 Spence Road, Lower Shotover and contact details are 027 220 9547 | hello.tikkistudio@gmail.com | www.tikkistudio.com


My Life Story


He may be one of Queenstown’s most legendary hospitality icons and restaurateurs, but these days Bruce Leitch is iconic for his own catch of the day. One of the region’s most sought-after backcountry guides, Bruce has guided some of the world’s most rich and famous.

Raised in Alexandra, Bruce grew up chasing rabbits, fishing and playing ice hockey on the Manorburn Dam. “It was before the days of TV and all the hoohaa that’s twisting minds,” he says. After completing a refrigeration engineer’s apprenticeship Bruce travelled through South Africa and Europe, scoring a job as house barman at Queenstown’s Vacation Hotel (now Frankton Tavern). After stints at Travelodge and Ramada Hotel, Bruce spent five months at McMurdo Station in Antarctica as “sponge technician” in the kitchens with mate Bazz de Hood. “We smuggled cross country skis down there through the pilots and did a lot of skiing up Mt Erebus. You weren’t allowed to ski in case of accidents.” It took two months for frostbitten fingers to heal after he whipped his glove off to take a photo in minus40deg at Scott’s Hut. He then opened NZ’s first licensed skifield restaurant at Coronet Peak – Lilly’s Restaurant, running it for two years. Unfortunately it burnt down in 1986. “It was a challenge as, being licensed, it had to be open year round, so in summer we had Contiki busloads up there on the Cresta Run (alpine slide).” Ambulance officer Owen Genty-Nott would be in for coffee every day waiting while they dragged another one down off the hill. “There were some horrendous injuries as they flew off round those corners. Then ACC kicked in and that was the end of that,” says Bruce.

A summer running an unconsented hotdog stand on Mount Maungauni beaches followed. Back home, Chico Lanz asked Bruce to fill in at Black Forest Inn for three weeks with five-star German chef Ralph Hahn, while Chico went

home to Switzerland. “He came back three months later,” grins Bruce. The trio then saw an opportunity to buy Jo Champion’s Joni’s Pancake Parlour in the Mall. “I sold all that I owned, sold my shotgun, and between us we got the deposit.”

The three five-star specialists revamped Joni’s into two-star, “cheap and cheerful”, Italian family restaurant, Avanti, which became a really popular locals’ hang-out.

Their seafood chowder and braised lamb shanks - before they were in vogue, became renowned. Avanti was even ranked Best Café in the South Island in food critic Michael Guy’s Guide To Eating Out. Ironically, the $13,000 authentic Italian coffee machine they’d dug deep for two days before the 1987 sharemarket crash saved them, while other top local restaurants didn’t survive. “We became really popular because of that.”

Local paragliders, ‘bungy boys’ and tradies came daily. Avanti turned over 200 to 250 meals on Wednesday Seafood Nights. Regulars, like TV producer Andrew Hillman, dined in every night for four years. They opened an hour early every morning just for (mountaineer) Bruce Grant’s 7am apple strudel and coffee.

A keen skier, Bruce (Leitch) even had his own female ski team – Bella Avanti, boasting world and Olympic champions, who did him proud. Skiing stars Annaliese Coberger and Claudia Riegler, joined local skiers like Fiona Boyer, Janey Blair, Anna Archibald and Katie Deans, taking out the weekly Winter Classic. “They always won, beat the guys like Brown’s, whoever was out there,” says Bruce, who’d arrive with hot food from Avanti to cheer them on.

Bruce won the Winter Festival Waiters’ Race four times and Cocktail of the Year six. By 2000 he was worn out so sold up, taking over the Robert Harris coffee franchise, then building up Café 111 in Isle Street, before pursuing his passion as a fishing guide, launching Dream Waters Fly Fishing with Henare Dewes nearly 20 years ago.

Among his clients, English cricketer Ian Botham, Google co-founder Larry Page and Alibaba owner Jack Ma, who also hired him to cook breakfast for a week. There’s been the “guy who owns the Empire State Building”, and “Mrs Getty”, who at about 95 went ‘flick, flick’, didn’t enjoy it and asked to go back in the limousine to watch the Super Bowl, says Bruce. “I took another very wealthy wee Chinese lady up the Greenstone with her entourage and bodyguards. She said, ‘I don’t like this’, flew back, leaving me and guide Gordy Watson there with a chilly bin of fine wines and Blanket Bay food, and we got paid!”

It’s not all been a picnic though. Bruce has spent an entire day in the wilderness with a painful barbed fishing hook folding his ear in half after a Brazilian client mistook the wind. “When the chopper returned we went to hospital and the doctor had to look up the computer to see how to inject anaesthetic into my head so I said, ‘If you’ve got to look up how to do it you don’t know, so give me a bullet to bite on and just pull it out!”

Bruce lands a large snapper on his last fishing trip to Tutukaka in Northland Bruce delivering hot coffee to the workers during Queenstown’s record 1999 floods Bruce in his first hospitality job at Vacation Hotel in Frankton with friend Kevin Kluts Bruce shaking up the competition at the local Barperson of the Year Competition Bruce on fire in the Queenstown Winter Festival Waiters’ Race in the late 1980s


Saturday DJ MAD from 9.30pm

Taco Tuesday $3 tacos

Wing Wednesday 20c wings Thursday 1/2 price fajitas

Mad Monday $5 tacos & $1 wings


Happy Hour all night + DJ ‘Just Bill’ from 9pm till late

Tom Kotahi Saturday DJ Dam GROOVE Wednesday ‘TGI Wednesdays’

Thursday Enjoy 20% off pizzas

Dine in or takeaway

Wednesday - Sunday Happy Hour 5-6pm $16 margaritas and $10 selected tap beers

Friday, Saturday, Sunday Happy hour 4-6pm

Saturday DJ Ribera live! From 5pm Signature Cocktail Specials

Open 4pm - 10pm

– Saturday 47 Camp Street misslucys.co.nz

OPEN FROM 4PM DAILY PIZZAS SERVED ALL NIGHT OPEN WED - SUN 5PM TILL LATE - COW LANE OPEN TIL 3AM WEDNESDAY - SUNDAY! Wednesday FREE Pizza Night Sunday Karaoke from 9pm – 1am with FREE spicy chicken wings from 8pm-12am. FREE Pool and Shuffle Board Game. FREE Bull Riding. Or just relax and enjoy a night out at Cowboys. Wednesday Ladies night $10 pornstar martini’s Brett Walker Tuesday $10 Food specials every day Thursday DJ Mo 6pm Friday DJ Ribera 6pm Saturday Jah Fire 6pm Every Day from 3pm-8pm Free Bar Snacks Happy Hour 8-10pm $7 Spirits, $7 Wines, $7 Beer & $18 Cocktails Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday Nightly House DJ’s from 8pm-4am Tuesday Hospo night DJ MAD Drink Specials all night and $4 Tacos Tuesday $12 Classic Pizzas Wednesday Open Mic Night from 9.30pm Wednesday Doubles Pool Tournament Monday Free Chicken Wings* *T’s & C’s apply DJ JUST BILL from 9.30pm Saturday Live Sports Monday Singles Pool Comp Thursday Pizza Night Quiz from 7pm Live music from 9.30pm Friday Live music from 9.30pm Sunday DJ MAD from 9.30pm Sunday Alex & Ellie 3pm Ribera 6pm Friday DJ Risk 10pm-Late Saturday DJ Stevie Tom 10pm-Late Thursday Dannika Peach 10pm - Late Wednesday Hospo Night with DJ Ribera 10pm-Late | $8 Basics $10 FOOD SPECIALS, $6 HOUSE BEERS, WINES & SPIRITS ALL DAY EVERY DAY!! Wednesday Quiz Night 7pm start, free entry, 2 hours of fun, Email info@lokalqt.co.nz to register your team Closed Monday 20th & Tuesday 21st Open on Sunday from 12pm Happy Hour from 4pm – 7pm, with drinks from $7 Available Tuesday - Saturday Thursday 2 for 1 Woodfired Pizzas Friday DJ
Friday DJ Momo live! From 5pm $18 Double cheeseburger, fries & a house drink Tuesday


Tuesday $1 Wings*

Wednesday Silent Disco 9.30pm Three Colours, Three Channels, Three Djs

Thursday Bangers with DJ Tess 9pm


Thursday $12.95 Schnitty with fries* All you Can eat Ribs $56pp*

Wednesday All-You-Can-Eat Meat $35pp* Friday

All you can eat Wings $20pp* Monday $12.95 Burgers* All you can eat Sausages $28pp* Every Day Try our Bav Fest! 2 hours beverage package & all you can eat meat $89

Saturday Digital Love, House, Techno & Digital 9pm Ft CARD3X AKA Elliot Cardwell, Slimberley, Bodzilla, Elliot Tierney


$9 Whakatipu Brewing pints & $9 house wines!

Thursday Beats n’ Bao’s 5pm $6 Bao’s Every Thursday Yonder’s Classic Beats and $6 bao’s are back! Open Mic Night 9pm Bring your mates, play whatever!


That is the power of Business Line Ads

Contact the Lakes Weekly Bulletin today 03 409 2800 or email enquiries@qmg.co.nz and take the first step to successful advertising.

Sunday Sunday Sessions with Danny Atkinson, 5pm Late Nights with DJ Yuki, 9pm

13 Taps of local and NZ craft beer and cider!

Patio Beats & Cocktails with DJ Grizzly, 5pm

Saturday Danny Atkinson Band 9pm

Monday Mondays with DJ Tess 9pm

Food by Mojo Kai available 12-9pm everyday!

Friday Hedex [UK] & EJ Kitto [UK] Queenstown, 9pm. D&B Night, tickets online

JANE SUTHERLAND - DESIGNER FASHION. Friday, 31 March at the Ivy Box Art Gallery. 134 Park Street, 4pm–7pm. Stunning one-off and limited edition designs and jewellery. All welcome!

FREE VENUE HIRE T&Cs apply, contact us on 03 442 9995 or email queenstown@lonestar.co.nz to plan your next function. T&Cs apply, contact us on 03 442 9995 or email queenstown@lonestar.co.nz to plan your next function. Corner Tex Smith Lane & Hawthorne Drive, Frankton www.superliquor.co.nz | 03 442 9801 | manager@slremarkables.co.nz The bottle store with something more Now OPEN for email orders and contactless deliveries LIVE MUSIC DJ’S SPORTS BAR SPECIALS EVENTS OPEN FROM 11AM - 7 DAYS A WEEK! OPEN EVERYDAY FROM 5PM! HAPPY HOUR EVERY DAY 4-6PM (*TERMS AND CONDITION APPLIES) ALL SPORTS. ALL DAY. LIVE & LOUD | OPEN FROM 12PM | FOLLOW US ON FB + INSTA FOR ALL UPCOMING SPORTING EVENTS Friday DJ JT 10-4am Thursday DJ Zahn 10-4am Saturday DJ Foz 10-4am Sunday DJ Charlie 10-4am Wednesday John Healy live from 9pm! Thursday Danny Atkinson live from 9pm! Friday John and Jamie live from 9pm! Saturday Treble Trouble live from 9pm! Sunday Sunday Roast Served all Day! Sunday trad session from 5pm! Tuesday TACO TACO HALF PRICE TACOS UNTIL 9PM Wednesday WING IT half off wings until 9pm
9pm Monday HOSPO NIGHT 7PM - 11PM LATE NIGHT HAPPY HOUR & FREE POOL AFL THUR / FRI SAT & SUN Saturday BREWDAY $5 off selected jugs 12pm - 5pm Sunday CAESAR SUNDAYS $2 Caesars & Bloody Marys ALL DAY LONG Friday BURGER DEAL $2 off any burger 12pm - 5pm
smothered or dry rubbed | 15 flavours until
All you can eat Schnitzel $32pp*
The T The Bunker
Friday Fridays with Stubacca 5pm




Arrowtown Beech Party Planting Day

Queenstown Blood Drive

The NZ Blood Mobile Services unit is back for the first time since 2019. The unit is only here for three days and while the schedule is full spots may come up as peoples circumstances change.

To check visit please visit: www.nzblood.co.nz/booking/?siteid=2186#schedule

When: Tuesday 28 March to Thursday 30 March 8:00am – 2:00pm

Where: St Margaret’s Presbyterian Church, Ross St, Frankton, Queenstown

Arrowtown RSA AGM

This year’s Arrowtown RSA Annual General Meeting is being held at the Arrowtown Bowling Club Rooms. All welcome.

When: Wednesday 29 March at 7pm

Where: Arrowtown Bowling Club Rooms, 6 Hertford Street

Kelvin Peninsula Community Association


All Peninsula residents are welcome to attend, whether or not a member of KPCA.

There is much to discuss of the year’s activities including the ongoing building of our capability of responding to an emergency, whether climate or tectonic related; our predator free 2050 programme; and the need to develop our community engagement activities. Our guest speakers at the AGM will be Jon Bitcheno and Jayne Macdonald, representatives of the Lakes District Hospital Foundation.

When: Wednesday March 29 at 7:00 pm

Where: Queenstown Golf Club, 759 Peninsula Road

Green Drinks : Future proof - building our region’s food resilience

Wao and the Wanaka Festival of Colour are teaming up to bring you their next Green Drinks: future proof - building our region’s food resilience and how to understand the current local food system and see why it needs improvement.

In the light of recent events up North, and other disruption events happening, it becomes more apparent how important it is we look at our food system and identify ways to make it more resilient. Julia Blackford, lead researcher will provide insight on this project in a brief but impactful session. Tickets are FREE but limited, so register your interest online at Wao.co.nz

This month’s Green drinks is for: anyone interested in

• who our local food stakeholders are

• how we feed ourselves as a community

• how to keep feeding ourselves when natural disaster, political unrest, supply chain interruption or disruption to the energy systems occur.

When: Wednesday 29 March 4.45 to 6pm

Where: Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Center

A day for all ages, families and friends to come together and enhance the biodiversity of the Arrowtown area by planting native Beech, Ribbonwood, and Totara up on the Sawpit Gully Track. Kid friendly planting with all the holes being pre-dug. Stay up the hill after the plantings as there is a complimentary BBQ, refreshments and kids prizes. Meet at the Chinese Village at 9am, and people will be directed to the planting site. For more information email arrowtownchoppers@gmail.com

When: Sunday 2 April Sunday 9:00am - 1:00pm

Where: Arrowtown Chinese Village

Te Kura Whakatipu o Kawarau - Primary School at Hanley’s Farm Community Fun Day

Everyone’s welcome to come & celebrate Hanley’s Farm’s awesome community & help raise some much needed funds for the Primary School at the same time!

When: Sunday April 2 from 11am

Where: Te Kura Whakatipu o Kawarau - Primary School, 85 Howden Dr, Jacks Point


Jackie Bristow LIVE

Jackie Bristow needs no introduction, she has made music her entire life. Gore-born, Jackie moved to Sydney, then LA and Austin while touring the world before relocated to Nashville to join long-time musical collaborator Mark Punch. Now Jackie regularly performs for us at shows and local events.

When: Saturday 1 April 4:00pm – 7:00pm

Where: Kinross Vineyard & Cottages, 2300 Gibbston Highway

Charlotte Graf - Bad Jelly and the Seven Deadly Sins

This is the tale of a WITCHY WOMAN…with raven hair, and ruby lips. A restless spirit on an endless flight, who drove herself to madness. She’s some kind of demon messing in the glue… if you don’t watch out - it’ll stick to you! Charlotte Graf is at it again; this time exploring the world of spells, magic and love potions.

When: Thursday 6 April 6:30pm – 7:30pm and 8:30pm – 9:30pm

Where: The Blue Door 18 Buckingham Street Arrowtown

South Island Schools Mountain Bike Championships

The 2023 MTB Championships will be held at Coronet Peak this week. Hosted by Coronet Peak and Queenstown MTB Club. This event will include Cross Country, Cross Country Relay, Downhill and Enduro events and utilise the infrastructure of Coronet Peak Ski Field.

When: 30 March - 1 April (with 2 April as a backup weather day)

Where: Coronet Peak


Composting Made Easy with Dr Compost

A great veggie garden starts with great compost. It’s the magical ingredient for growing your own food, boosting the microbial activity in the soil and helping your soil hold moisture.

In Dr Compost’s free workshop, you’ll discover how to turn your food and garden waste into nutrients to feed your plants and soil, and get tips to make your composting fail-safe.

Learn about cold and hot composting, Bokashi bins, and worm farms, plus find out which method will suit you best.

Whether you want to get started on your compost journey, or maybe your composting has been de-railed (stinky Bokashi anyone?!), you can get some help from the doctor.

With more than 20 years composting and gardening experience in our unique Central Otago climate, Dr Compost, aka Ben Elms, has all the tricks to get your compost heap working and your garden blooming. He’ll share his knowledge and answer all your questions in this entertaining workshop. Spaces are limited for this popular workshop, so please reserve your free ticket today

When: Wednesday 5 April from 6pm

Where: Sherwood Queenstown 554 Frankton Road


Catalyst Trust’s Historic amnesia – and the need to end the forgetting…

This is Catalyst Trust’s first event for the year, and it should be one to remember.

Andrew Gilhooly was one of 1600 Armed Constabulary and volunteers who invaded and occupied the pacifist settlement of Parihaka on November 5, 1881. Soon after, the landless Irish immigrant returned to Taranaki to run three family farms, all on land confiscated from Maori who were forced to leave their land, homes and possessions to seek refuge elsewhere.

Politics Professor Richard Shaw was 55 before he discovered his greatgrandfather’s story, part of the “historic amnesia” which he says has allowed families like his to ignore the advantages given them by colonisation. His Catalyst Conversation will connect the erased ‘small stories’ of colonial settler families to the ‘big story’ of colonisation and discuss the necessity for Pakeha New Zealanders to “end the forgetting”.

Cash koha will be given to Te Tapu o Tane for Whakatipu community environmental projects.

When: Thursday, March 30, 6 -7.30pm

Where: The Rees Hotel Queenstown’s conference room

WHS presents Rock Apocalypse

Wakatipu High School students return with their annual musical production, Rock Apocalypse. This year’s show is a rock n roll parody of classic horror and sci-fi B-Movies. Students will dive into the life and times of rockstar Ricky Valiant and his big band of misfit doctors and “deadhead” zombies.

The story follows megalomaniac rockstar Ricky Valiant who sets up an evil laboratory turning unsuspecting victims into zombie-like creatures called deadheads. Married couple Dawn and Ash are lured to the institute for counselling but find themselves embroiled in Ricky’s evil plans to turn everyone into deadheads. Will Ash and Dawn help the FBI take down Ricky? Will the planet be saved?

Tickets available online at iticket.co.nz

When: Wednesday 29, Thursday 30, Friday 31 March and Saturday 1 April at 7:30 pm

Where: Wakatipu High School, 47 Red Oaks Dr, Frankton, Queenstown

If you would like your show, event, exhibition or meeting promoted in Goings On drop me a line at davidgibbs@qmg.co.nz with the details


Artificial flowers and greenery can be so amazingly realistic, come and see for yourself.

Bring your own container and photo to show placement, then select your favourite flowers/colour and I can work within your budget (no arranging fee).

to my Emporium!
specials instore! Opening Hours: Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm Unit D/1091 Frankton Rd (BP Roundabout. Next door to Post Office) Phone: 03 441-4689 or 021 326 793 or email: dibowbyes@everlastingdaisies.co.nz

MENTAL health

How to hit back when criticised

Firstly I would like to look at what is criticism?

To me this is someone’s else’s opinion of what I am doing or thinking is wrong. Therefore it is someone else’s story, their reality, not mine.

Here’s how I deal with it.

I listen to what they have to say, I then ensure I understand what they are saying by repeating it back to them.

Then I ask myself this question;

‘What can I learn from this?’

If I can learn then I look at what I could do or think differently. Then I take action to install this, change this.

And I thank them.

If however, I don’t agree or there are no learnings then I simply delete it!

Yes, you read that right, delete it.

Let me give you a simple example.

I know that I am good at what I do, I know that I know my stuff and I love to learn so when someone offers me their opinion, I am all ears.

I have just landed in New Zealand to run my workshop for corporates on Creating Dream Teams. When I was sharing this in the business lounge with fellow traveler, he said I was doing this wrong, that I should scale and create this two day workshop as an online product, then I wouldn’t have to fly to NZ to run it.

We do have online products, just not this one, I know my subject, this needs to be bespoke and in person.

He was wrong, so I deleted it.

It goes like this:

I imagined a huge red delete button, it covered his whole head as shoulders and whilst smiling I hit my delete button.



1737 Need to talk, Freecall or text 1737, 24/7, for support from trained counsellors. www.1737.org.nz

Depression: P: 0800 111757 Free text 4202 | www.depression.org.nz

Suicide Crisis Helpline: P: 0508 828 865 | www.lifeline.org.nz

The Lowdown: P: 0800 111 757 / Free text 5626 | www.thelowdown.co.nz

Youthline: P: 0800 376 633 | Free text 234 | www.youthline.co.nz

Shouting this at the top of my voice.

INSIDE my head.

I then asked him what he did. I diverted him so I didn’t have to keep deleting him. Like the dog in the movie Up who gets distracted every time he sees a squirrel. And he was distracted.


I actively chose not to have the mind virus he was giving me to enter my neurology. I was consciously choosing that.

It’s powerful, in fact this tool is so easy to use that I featured it in my TEDx talk, all 9 and a half minutes of it.

Take a look and I can guarantee you will use your delete button before you lay your head on your pillow tonight.


Family Violence: P: 0800 456 450 | www.areyouok.org.nz

Alcohol Drug Helpline: P: 0800 787 797 / Free text 8681 www.alcoholdrughelp.org.nz

Women’s Refuge: P: 0800 733 843 | www.womensrefuge.org.nz

Sexuality issues: 0800 688 5463 between 6pm & 9pm | www.outline.org.nz

Southern DHB: Crisis Mental Health Service: 0800 467 846

Wanaka Mental Health Peer Support Group: www.mentalhealthwanaka.org

Your Life Live It: Helpline@yourlifeliveit.com | www.yourlifeliveit.com

Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland, Number 1 Best selling author, runs an International Neural Coding® Company. She has 30 Neural Coders working with her around the globe, online to help people identify their problem, delete it and install neural coding that empowers them.


1. Who won the Best Actress Oscar for the 2013 film Blue Jasmine?

2. What sort of animal is a blue-faced Leicester?

3. In which Australian state are the Blue Mountains?

4. Who won the Wimbledon Ladies’ Singles title in 2022?

5. What is actor David Tennant’s real surname?

6. Which long running Australian soap series was terminated last year?

7. Who is the mother of Uranus in Greek mythology?

8. English singer Robbie Williams was originally with which boy band?

9. What Italian herb liqueur is named after a 19th-century war hero?

10. Who played the witch in the 2014 film Into the Woods?

11. What was the scene of the first pitched battle of the English Civil War, fought in 1642?

12. Which Red Sea Israeli resort is adjacent to the Jordanian port of Aqaba?

13. To what class of mollusc do slugs, snails, cowries and whelks belong?

14. What type of rock is marble?

15. The Kuga is a make of car by which manufacturer?

16. Which river flows through Melbourne?

17. From which country does mariachi music originate?

18. Which actor starred as Dr Chris Kelvin in the 2002 film Solaris?

19. What mixture of opium and alcohol was commonly prescribed for ailments during Victorian times?

20. Who released the 1980 album Double Fantasy?

21. Asparagus is a member of which plant family?

22. What is a jus?

23. Who played the title role in the 2008 film The Incredible Hulk?

24. What is the substance in wheat that makes dough elastic?


I hope you find this humerus

3B Searle Lane www.hellpizza.com THE BEST DAMNED PIZZA IN THIS LIFE OR THE NEXT Comment in our facebook post your funniest Caption to be in the chance to WIN 1 x Double Pizza Voucher from Hell Pizza! Submit your entry by Sunday prior to the last day of this edition (check dates on the cover) Answers in next weeks LWB SUDOKU 4 735 129 21 97 38 54 4 2 64 851 This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. What am I? RIDDLE 679514823 215863947 384792615 723658194 956241738 841937256 437189562 592476381 168325479 QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. Cate Blanchett | 2. A sheep | 3. New South Wales | 4. Elena Rybakina | 5. McDonald | 6. Neighbours | 7. Gaia | 8. Take That | 9. Galliano | 10. Meryl Streep | 11. Edgehill | 12. Eilat | 13. Gastropoda | 14. Metamorphic | 15. Ford | 16. Yarra | 17. Mexico | 18. George Clooney | 19. Laudanum | 20. John Lennon and Yoko Ono | 21. Lily | 22. A gravy or extract | 23. Edward Norton | 24. Gluten. RIDDLE: Your breath. Winner of the last Caption Competition is Jo O'Connor Congratulations you won 1x Double Pizza Voucher from Hell Pizza. Collect your voucher from the LWB office.


Duty Manager

Part or Full Time Available

Come work in our busy little supermarket in Arrowtown with great customers.

A current Duty Managers Certificate or LCQ is desirable but not essential - as for the right person we will assist with this

• A team player & customer focused

• Punctual, reliable and honest

• Passionate about delivering excellent customer service

• Taking responsibility for supervising evening shifts and organising resources to ensure that Store presentation standards are met and exceeded

Please email your resume to Amanda Colmore-Williams at: Amanda.colmore-williams @foursquare-si.co.nz

Is looking for Trainee cook

Front of House

Please drop your CV into The Cow

REQUIRED NOW!!!!!! Skilled and Unskilled Labourers

Traffic Controllers

Looking for casual, temporary or long term work??

Queenstown Personnel and Labour Hire are looking for labourers for a variety of jobs around Queenstown with an immediate start. Contact Sharleen - 027 778 7377 or email sharleen@qtplabour.co.nz



We are looking for Bartenders, Security and Duty Managers to work in our busy bar in Queenstown. You must have current working Visa and speak excellent English for all roles.

The positions are on a roster that will vary from week to week. You must be able to work weekends and evenings.

For the In-House Security position, you must have current COA. Duty Managers must have their LCQ and Managers Certi cate.


Please send your CV to queenstowncowboys@gmail.com


Experienced Cabinet Maker / Joiner / Furniture Maker Glenda Drive, Frankton, Queenstown

$35 to $39.99 per hour * Full time

Bring our clients designs to life by producing expertly crafted pieces of furniture and cabinetry.

Come and join our experienced team, minimum 2 years experience in cabinet making working with solid timber, veneers and particleboard.

High attention to detail, ability to read plans and cutting lists. Experience using wood working machinery, power and hand tools. Enquires to info@onedogfurniture.co.nz or ph 03 451 0010

Page 26 Ph: 03 409 2800 info@qmg.co.nz jobfix.co.nz
LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023
AIRPORT CAFÉs Come join our fun team and work in an exciting airport environment! PERKS OF WORKING FOR US: • Discounted accommodation within walking distance •Daily staff meals • Competitive wage •Flexible roster to spend more time exploring Queenstown •Free coffee all day everyday
Professional career path
Relocating support •Work visa support THE FOLLOWING ROLES ARE AVAILABLE: •Cafe Manager •Front of House • Barista •Bar Staff •Duty Manager • Grill Chef We have full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions available. APPLY NOW Scan QR or email justin@airspresso.co.nz FOR YOUR JOB VACANCY FIND THE PERFECT CANDIDATE

Positions available:



Starting Rate $25 per hour

Shared staff accommodation is optional Please apply to kim_haynes@evt.com

WANTED! Hospitality professional

Just one more to complete our team! Maybe you?

Skills required – Experience in a busy front of house setting. A first, second, and top gear. A hospitality radar. If it’s in your blood… we want to talk to you. We offer – daytime hours. Free up your evenings. Top pay for the right candidate. Express your interest now scott@thedishery.co.nz or call/txt 021 664 553

Assistant Manager (2IC)

We are looking for an enthusiastic talented Manager to join our team.

If you are a people person and like being hands-on this could be the role for YOU. The role is versatile to suit business requirements.

Previous experience is preferable. Accommodation is negotiable. Working Visa required, long-term position. Email Neil@stayatsouthern or pop in and see us here

NEED accommodation? Paid to Stay?

Are you two friends looking for work & twin share accommodation?

Are you a couple looking for work & Double accommodation?

Are you an individual looking for work & accommodation?

Guest Services/ housekeeping

The Glebe apartments are looking for highly motivated and enthusiastic individual to join our team!

As a Guest Service Agent, you will be liaising with our guests, and your role will be crucial in creating a positive and memorable experience for them.


• Greet every guest with a smile and a warm welcome and make them feel at home from the moment they arrive.

• Handle guest inquiries with patience and empathy and provide accurate and helpful information about the hotel's services and amenities.

• Assist with guest check-ins and check-outs.

• Take ownership of guest complaints and concerns and do everything you can to resolve them to the guest's satisfaction.

• Assist with other duties as assigned by the Supervisor or Front Office Manager

What we are looking for:

• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to interact with guests and unit holders in a professional manner.

• Strong organizational and time management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks and handle multiple priorities simultaneously.

• Must be able to work a flexible schedule, including evenings, weekends, and holidays.

What we offer:

• Competitive pay

• Full time employment with minimum of 30 hours guaranteed and permanent position.

• Discounted staff accommodation (Conditions)

All enquires to Megan, HR/Head keeper Housekeeper@theglebe.co.nz

Advertise your job vacancy now at jobfix.co.nz

Looking for a COOK/CATERER with Club and/or commercial kitchen experience.

Min.25hrs per week with opportunity for more. Great location, relaxed atmosphere and huge potential to grow the role to suit your lifestyle. Contact manager@arrowtowngolf.co.nz for details.

Busy cafe in 5 Mile on the hunt for our newest superstars. No nights, great team and competitive pay rates. Positions available:

Cafe Manager Barista

Sous Chef

Previous experience is necessary. Send your CV to cafesocietyjobs@xtra.co.nz to apply!

Building Labourer Wanted

For full time residential building work. Previous experience in the construction industry is required. Competitive hourly rate. Must have full drivers licence and own reliable transport.

Good spoken English essential. Contact Mike on 027 566 3489 or email mikekelly77@hotmail.com

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 27

Customer Service Specialist

Over The Top - the helicopter company is a pioneer in New Zealand’s luxury travel sector - specialising for over thirty six years in creating extraordinary helicopter excursions throughout the region, Fiordland and New Zealand.

We are offering a fantastic opportunity for you to demonstrate excellence and innovative thinking within all areas of our tourism operation. This Queenstown based role will be diverse in duties from coordinating daily operations and managing flight schedules to confirming reservations and enquiries as well as supporting the executive team in administrative duties and campaigns. The ideal applicant would have:

• Flexibility in hours to suit the client requests and helicopter schedules

• IT and general office skills

• Customer service

• Market awareness

• Logistical planning and implementation

• English proficiency

• The right to work and reside in New Zealand

• A full driver’s licence (ideally with P & dg endorsements)

• Current Workplace First Aid

• A passion for New Zealand and our local area

If you are a multitasker, thrive in an ever-changing environment and enjoy interacting with a diverse range of people, we look forward to hearing from you.

Established relationships and proven experience within the New Zealand tourism sector are preferred for this position. Role specific training will be provided.

Flexibility with weekend, holiday and occasional evening work will be required in this varied role.

Please apply by email to projects@flynz.co.nz




Arrowtown golf course is a unique and “must play” course, located in New Zealand`s pre-eminent golfing destination of Queenstown. The Arrowtown Golf Club has a strong, passionate membership and a welcoming Club atmosphere.

We invite applications for the position of Course Greenkeeper to work within our greens team to help deliver to the Clubs Long Term Plan and realise the vision for this wonderful piece of natural landscape. You will play a key role in creating and maintaining one of New Zealand's premiere golf courses and protecting our wonderful heritage. Applicants will need to prove they have

• Comprehensive skills in turf management, with appropriate qualifications

• Ability to operate and maintain machinery and equipment as per standard operating procedures

• A strong commitment to Health and Safety, and the ability to execute on this

• Proven record of operating positively and productively within a team culture

• Willingness to undertake extra training as required to implement new technology, techniques or practices as determined by the employer

• Flexibility in work hours to meet demands as they arise

• Pride and great work ethic and commitment in your work (Attention to detail).

• Eligibility to work in New Zealand

• Minimum of a restricted NZ Drivers licence

Pay is negotiable to experience, with attractive terms and conditions.


Please email cover letter and a short CV to course@arrowtowngolf.co.nz


Welco is a leading refrigeration and air conditioning company that provides quality service to commercial and residential clients in Queenstown and the surrounding areas. We're looking for an enthusiastic and motivated individual to join our team as an Apprentice Refrigeration Mechanic.


• Assist in the installation, maintenance, and repair of refrigeration and air conditioning systems

• Troubleshoot and diagnose problems with refrigeration and air conditioning systems


• A valid driver's license and reliable transportation

• Ability to work well in a team environment

• Good communication and interpersonal skills

• Ability to work at heights and in confined spaces

• Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail

• A positive attitude and willingness to learn


• Technical training and on-the-job learning

• A supportive and friendly team environment

• Company-provided safety gear and equipment

If you are interested, please submit your application to tess@welco.nz

We look forward to hearing from you!

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 28
"Your itinerary is limited only by your imagination"
Looking for a Golf Operations Assistant who loves golf, to help in our busy Golf Shop. Varied role within a supportive team and successful Club. Contact manager@arrowtowngolf.co.nz for details.
Must be a NZ Resident or have right to work.

AVIS & Budget Queenstown


Do you enjoy working in a fast paced environment where the days go quickly?

Do you enjoy meeting and talking to people from all over the world?

Do you appreciate a consistent working roster because your life outside of work is important too?

If you answered yes to any of these then maybe this customer service, sales and office administration based role is the new job for you.

Full Time & Part Time contracts available with set days off, Shifts are mostly 8am to 5.30pm with at least one evening shift per week. The role also requires you to work weekends or at least one weekend day per week. You'd be based out of our Queenstown Airport office in Frankton.

What you need:

• Full drivers licence

• Good command of the English language

• Working rights in New Zealand

Please send a CV to: Claire.hampson@abgroup.co.nz


LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 29
EMPLOYERS! PLACE YOUR JOB ADVERT FOR MORE THAN ONE WEEK AND PAY LESS! The discount rate will be applied automatically when booked and cannot be cancelled once approved.


and be a part of Republic Hospitality Group

•Tired of being bored at work?

•Want to make your Queenstown life epic!

•Looking to meet a fun and friendly crew?

Republic Hospitality Group has 10 venues in Queenstown, and we offer casual, part-time and full-time work. So whether it’s bar, restaurant or kitchen work you’re interested in, we’ve got it available at all levels

Our perks are pretty hard to beat:

• Staff pricing (did someone say great deals on food & drink?)

• Staff accommodation options

• Epic staff parties

• Great staff incentives

• A trusting culture

• Competitive pay

• Free staff meals

• Training and upskilling

• A welcoming and friendly team

Republic is a finalist in the NZ Hospitality Awards for Excellence in People & Culture for a reason. Get in touch and join us today, email HR@republicqt.co.nz and tell us what you’re looking for.

Check out our venues at www.republichospitality.co.nz

Royalburn Farmshop - Assistant Retail Manager

We are looking for a experienced retailer with a proven track record, who shares our philosophy of Farm to Plate, who is a passionate foodie and who is able to assist our discerning customers with a confident service style.

Responsibilities include, assisting the Retail Manager to:

• Lead from the front and set the expectations for our team

• Assist in store operations to ensure compliance and e iciency

• Ensure rostering, ordering and stock control (including stocktake) is undertaken

If you are a customer-centric person with a confident leadership style and strong administrative skills, this could be the perfect opportunity for you!

View the full criteria for this role on our jobs page at royalburn.co.nz and apply via the link or enquire directly to people@royalburn.co.nz


Great careers start right here!

We seek exceptional people to deliver an authentic five-star experience to our guests. You will be part of a high-energy, supportive and rewarding work environment.

At heart, we are a vibrant community where employees are fully supported and everyone works closely together to achieve the best for guests and each other.

Millbrook Resort is a completely unique place to work and as an employee, you play a key role in contributing to the ongoing success of this beautiful resort.




We'relookingforexperiencedbartenderstojointheteamat Eichardt'sBar.Therightcandidateispassionateaboutcocktails, craft-focusedwithanabsoluteeyefordetail,andcandelivera polishedfoodandbeverageexperienceforourguests.Thisrole requiresflexibilitytoworkeveningsandweekends.











Your benefits:

Scan the QR code to find out why our team love coming to work each day.

Our people are our greatest assets, and we love rewarding hard-working team members. At Millbrook, we encourage learning and professional development. When you join the Millbrook family you will also enjoy: Discounted golf, restaurants and spa treatments; Friends & family hotel rates; Discounted gym membership; Onsite car parking; Complimentary sta meals; Daily travel allowance for team members who live more than 25k from the resort; and regular wellbeing workshop.

Begin your Millbrook journey today and apply!


You must have a valid NZ Work Visa to apply.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 30


Subsidiary of Queenstown Taxis

Ph 03 450 2920

Full time Mechanic position available with immediate start

We are seeking a skilled and experienced Mechanic to join our expanding Queenstown business based in Gorge Road and are offering a competitive remuneration.

The successful candidate will be responsible for maintaining, repairing, and servicing a wide range of vehicles, from cars, vans and trucks.

You must have extensive knowledge of various vehicle systems and the ability to diagnose and troubleshoot problems.

You should be able to work independently basically being your own boss, and be able to communicate effectively with clients.

If you meet the requirements for this position and are passionate about vehicle repair and maintenance, please email Grant on manager@queenstowntaxis.com or phone 021 450 291

Jucy Snooze Queenstown are looking for energetic and enthusiastic people to join us in our re opening!

You don’t need experience to work with us! We offer staff benefits from staff accommodation to car rentals and Food & Beverage discounts!

Housekeeping Room Attendant (Starting from $25.00 an hour)

Chef roles (at all levels)

Night Manager

Please send through your resume to marcos_diniz@jucysnooze.co.nz

Recreational Services – Vacancies

Mower Operators – Permanent, full-time

If you enjoy working outdoors, have an awesome work ethic and have your full driver’s licence then this role will suit you! We are looking for 3 Mower Operators to join our high-performing Queenstown team. What does a Mower Operator do you ask? Well for starters you get to work across some of the most spectacular scenery NZ has to offer. You will be responsible for general parks and grounds maintenance including (and we will train you if you're not an expert), mowing, weed eating, basic mechanical maintenance of plant, and ensuring that the grounds always look well presented. This is a varied, physical role upkeeping our local community, where you will be a highly valued member of the team!

Team Manager – Permanent, full-time


Love food and hospitality but tired of evening work and long hours = Dream job – Tuesday and Wednesday off

Starting rate $27.00 per hour plus excellent employee benefits including discounted food for home and free, healthy food at work.

Bidfood Queenstown branch look after some amazing chefs and businesses across the wider Queenstown Southern Lakes region. We’re looking for someone who is confident with telephone based customer service and order entry so excellent English and strong data entry skills are essential.

Of course you’ll also have to be highly reliable, self motivated and a quick learner.

If you love food and are keen to broaden your understanding of foodservice including spending time in our modern warehouses located in Glenda Drive, Frankton, send your CV to hr.queenstown@bidfood.co.nz and tell us why you’re the ideal new CSO Team Member!

Check out our latest Bidfood video on https://youtu.be/kWriZ_ncuXM

Are you an exceptional leader that is well organised, safety focused and has a great track record of fostering a productive and positive team culture? If so, we would like to hear from you! We’re currently seeking a hands-on and driven individual to step into the role of Team Manager. Based from our depot in Wānaka, you will be responsible for managing the exceptional team who include gardeners, mower operators, playground operators, response operators and facilities operators. As the team leader you'll be getting your "hands dirty" at times, supporting your people and exceeding our clients' expectations. Day-to-day activities include (but are not limited to) management of workloads, rosters, budgets, health and safety, audits and compliance, onboarding and training of new staff and helping the team on the ground when needed. This is a busy, diverse role where no two days are the same, one where you will inspire your team through leading by example. We are happy for the new Team Manager to travel from Queenstown, and you will get a vehicle for this.

Recreational Services are a business which specialises in sports turf management and have diversified into a professional full facility parks maintenance company, operating in 14 locations across New Zealand. For more information on the roles above or to apply, please contact Rebecca Campbell at rebecca@rs.kiwi.nz

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 31
Advertise your job vacancy Upload online at jobfix.co.nz

Full-time Chef

If you are ready for a change in pace, have passion for food & a love for cooking then you are the person to join our team! QRC Lodge halls of residence is recruiting a full-time chef. This is a sole charge position overseeing the kitchen operation to deliver 5 x dinner services (Sunday – Thursday) per week. While the hustle of a full-service kitchen may no longer tick your boxes, your passion for great food, innovative & seasonal menus and excellent service will still be a driving force. The ability to offer a variety of healthy and nutritious meals while accommodating specific dietaries is the daily requirement. Ordering, planning & ensuring compliance with our food control plan are all part of the role as are scheduled termly events.

For your capability and enthusiasm, we offer a competitive salary package, excellent work hours, (Friday & Saturday as rostered days off – finish work Thursday evening and back in the kitchen Sunday afternoon) and the opportunity for growth and role diversity within the wider organisation. Up to 100 18-24 years olds from across New Zealand (and beyond) call our Halls of residence home for 6 months as they begin their tertiary education journey. We work hard to create a vibrant, inclusive, and safe community. The positive connect and opportunity to impact the student journey is a hugely rewarding element of the role.

QRC is a category 1 tertiary education provider specialising in Tourism and Hospitality Business Management Qualifications. Assisting with accommodation is a possibility if required.

If you would like to find out more or to apply, with CV & cover letter, please email: lynsey.bullock@qrc.ac.nz

We are recruiting new Food & Beverage team members!

We are looking for:

•Sous Chef

•Senior Chef de Partie

•Commis Chef, and a

•Fixed Term Cleaning/Kitchen Hand

We can offer:

•Full time & part time roles

•Visa sponsorship

•Paid overtime & time and a half

•Various staff incentives & benefits!

If you want to join an amazing and inclusive team, with career opportunities to work at our other SkyCity NZ and Adelaide properties, then don't hesitate to contact us at employment@skycityqueenstown.co.nz

(Applicants must be aged 20 years or older due to government legislation and be legally able to work in New Zealand)


JointheteamatNewZealand sultimatecollectionoffinedining,consistingof TheGrille&No.5ChurchLane.

Wearelookingforconfident,energeticandexperiencedprofessionals,whostriveto deliverahighstandardofservicetoourguests.

Withpermanentandparttimepositionsavailable,wecanalsooffercareergrowth opportunitiesthroughsponsorshipfortherightcandidate.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 32

Joinourteam andbreak

free fromthe Matrix!

Areyou the best stainless-steel welder fabricator out there?

Our workshop is based in Wanaka. Great team environment and a 4-day working (Monday to Thursday) week to ensure you can enjoy a 3-day weekend every weekend! So, you can get your powder and dirt days in all year round and enjoy everything living in Wanaka has to offer. We are still open 5 days a week, the Boss has Friday covered! Find out more – get in touch with either Rowan or Olly.

Full Time Client Advisor Opportunities Available!


Blue Kanu is a popular Asian/Pacifica style restaurant, unique in QT, and we pride ourselves on the food and service we deliver to our customers. We have a great atmosphere, lots of laughs and good vibes!!

We are looking for a kitchenhand superstar to join our team! Evenings only, 5 days a week

Opportunity for you to earn some extra income. Training provided. Must have a valid NZ work visa.

Please send your CV to warren@hhgroup.nz or pop in and see us a er 4pm.

For more than 150 years Louis Vuitton has shared the spirit of excellence and passion. Founded at the dawn of the modern travel era, Louis Vuitton is on a perpetual mission to explore new horizons, propelled by an innovative spirit, boundless creativity, and unparalleled Savoir-faire.

Our agile and innovative retail teams have the power to share Louis Vuitton's history and ensure our brands success. Our top priority is each client’s experience, inspiring them in store across our product universe, and taking them on a journey of discovery through our passionate knowledge and a unique sense of service and initiative, listening and curiosity.

We never stop dreaming, we cra new realities. Join our retail team and be a part of an ever-changing adventure.

We are looking for client centric sales experts for our Queenstown store with experience gained from working within retail, hospitality, or customer service.

Are you an adventurous person who is looking for a refreshing and exciting change?

Jet Boat Driver

We’re looking for someone amazing to join our team here at Glenorchy!

Full training to Dart River Adventure standards

Maritime NZ Jet Boat licence

Competitive remuneration

Future career development

Medical insurance and wellbeing support Company and Queenstown discounts

Apply online: h ps://mahi.ngaitahu.iwi.nz


As a Client Advisor, you will be an ambassador of Louis Vuitton, daring to discover our valued clients and ensuring the Louis Vuitton promise of unparalleled service is delivered. You will bring your desire to exceed expectations, drive for sales results and passion for creating and maintaining exceptional client relationships.

Please scan the code below and apply today by emailing your CV to our ANZ Talent Team.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 33
• • • • • •
ww w.wa n aka st ainless. co. nz |03 4 43 6 89 1

We'relooking forconfidentand passionate peopleto be akey partof creatinguniqueandmeaningful experiences for our exclusiveguests.


We canofferpermanent& casualroles, with competitivehourly rates, andasociableenvironment. We areanaccredited employer and can provide full trainingand career-growthopportunities.



No experience necessary, full training provided. Four day work week, great culture & fantastic crew. Scan for more info and to apply.


If you are inspired by Asian/Pacifica food and want to be part of a top kitchen team, then we want to hear from you. We love what we create so it is important that you enjoy the industry and can handle a busy vibe and have the skill set to match.

What's in it for you:

• Market leading rate for the right candidate

• No split shi s

• Sta perks, including sta meal and beverage

• Work in a great team environment

• Full time position, with guaranteed hours

What we are looking for:

• Minimum of proven 3 years’ experience

• Good work ethic

• Team player

If you are looking to take the next step in a thriving and popular restaurant, then please get in touch!!

Must have a valid NZ Work Visa

Check out our website www.bluekanu.co.nz www.bluekanu.co.nz and send your CV and info through to Warren (General Manager) warren.ratana@gmail.com or pop in and see us a er 4pm

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 34
GUESTS SERVICES AGENTS HOTEL ASSISTANT EMAIL: Your CV to recruitment@imperiumcollection.com STOP BY: Drop off your CV and meet us in person! FIND OUT MORE: www.imperiumcollection.com
jet boat
a Jet Boat Driver with the World’s First Commercial Jet Boating Company.


Bayshore Builders are seeking a highly-organised and efficient Construction Administrator to join our team. This new, part time position will work with the business owner, foreman and other key stake holders to provide cost management for our building projects. If you enjoy being involved in the construction industry and are great with numbers we are keen to hear from you!

Key responsibilities

• Create monthly spreadsheets by job that summarises all invoices and variations, the percentage of job completed by trade and any retention amounts to be withheld

• Understand, identify and communicate any variations that need to be agreed by clients

• Ensure variations are being correctly identified from quoted work

• Check invoices against quotes to ensure clients are being charged correct amounts

• Work closely with external QS to understand any claims that are being disputed and why

• Work closely with accounts team to ensure invoices are coded correctly and variations are separated out

• Visit sites fortnightly so familiar with project status and what is being invoiced reflects where project is at

• Deal with subtrades accounts person if any issues with variations and resolve

• Develop and maintain strong working relationships with subtrades, Bayshore staff, accounts, QS, clients and other necessary parties

Key Competencies

• Proficient with excel spreadsheets and other office software

• Excellent with numbers

• Previous experience in a construction role so understands build process, subtrades and products

• Well organized and efficient

• Excellent verbal and written communication skills

This position would suit a junior QS or admin star who enjoys the construction industry and has an interested in the high-end homes that we build. Depending on the candidates skills additional hours may also be available at an associated company.

Please email your cv to jo@bayshorebuilders.co.nz

Restaurant Manager | Jervois Steakhouse

We have a very exciting opportunity for an experienced Restaurant Manager to come and lead the Jervois Steakhouse team in Queenstown. We will offer you a competitive pay package, fantastic work culture with the ability to develop your career with one of the leading restaurants in Queenstown.

About the role:

• Permanent full-time position

• Minimum of 40 -45 hours per week

Key accountability areas:

To be successful in this role, the Restaurant Manager needs 100% focus on the tasks detailed below.

• A major focus is our people along with other key areas outlined below. We want you to be defined and recognised by all team members as an effective leader whom they respect and enjoy working alongside.

• This role is hands-on, staff and guest-facing position and such expected to lead by example in all areas of the business.

• Manage and maintain an environment that is consistent with the group’s philosophy to exceed customer expectations

• Team supervision and development of the diverse team to deliver an exceptional standard of service

• Responsible for recruiting, training, and mentoring all members of the restaurant team to develop their skills and raise their performance levels creating a positive and well-balanced team.

• Build excellent relationships with guests and colleagues to enhance delivery and commercial success

• Strictly and consistently adhere to all Liquor Licensing and Health and Safety Regulations and ensure you are aware of and comply with the requirements at all times to minimise risk to yourself, your team, and the business

• Manage and ensure that all areas and equipment are in place to ensure the smooth running of the restaurant.

Why work with us:

• Competitive pay package

• $1000 sign-on bonus after 6 months of continuous employment

Are you sick of working your weekends?

Working long hours and different shifts?

Would you like your Birthday off every year?

Do you like the idea of free medical insurance? Want a job where you can enjoy some banter with your colleagues and customers?

Then REDPATHS have a job for you!

Electrical Wholesaler role

REDPATHS Queenstown is an Electrical goods wholesaler with branches across the South Island supplying electrical equipment to the trades.

REDPATHS has a full-time role and is looking for an energetic, enthusiastic team member with great communication skills to work with our fantastic customer base and to fit in with our branch team. Applicants must have full time residency.

So, if you’re keen for a change and want to join a fun team and carve a career path within the company email or drop your CV with a covering letter to:

The Branch Manager 105 Glenda Drive Frankton

Email: michelle.king@redpaths.co.nz

• A very supportive and skilled management team

• Paid day off on your birthday after one year of continuous service

• 50% discount across Nourish Group venues www.thenourishgroup.co.nz

• Flexible working hours - Nights only so you have the day to sightsee or ski with the team before service

• Annual staff party and awards

• Full support of all visa applications from our HR team

About you:

• High volume management experience (at least 3+ years in a busy venue of a similar style)

• Excellent communication and customer service skills

• Must work well in a team

• Sound food and beverage knowledge including local wines, beverages, and produce

• Hands-on and able to operate successfully in a high-pressure environment

• Punctual and reliable

• Friendly, energetic, and hard-working attitude

• An understanding of the legislation regarding Health and Safety, fire safety, food safety, licensing laws, employment law

• Hold a current General Managers Certificate or be willing to obtain one

Contact Shar Fonseca

People and Culture Manager

0204 232 120 | shar@nourishgroup.co.nz

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 35

Scarer and Sale Assistant

Fear Factory Queenstown are looking for an experienced Sales Assistant and Scarer. Average of 25-30 hours a week (full-time), mainly evening work. You will be working with a fun, hard working, scary team, passionate about horror, making people laugh and scream.

• Excellent customer service skills

• Minimum 6 months wih full availability

• Stock management skills

• Cash, eftpos, till and computer skills

• Excellent team player

• Problem solving and communication skills to brief guests and sell merchandise


Please email your CV and a cover letter telling us a bit about yourself to queenstown@fearfactory.co.nz


Office Admin / Driver Role

Unique and exciting role based in Frankton. Must have office experience & NZ licence with ability to obtain P Endorsement.

Email interest and CV to: sarah@appellationwinetours.nz

AVIS & Budget Queenstown


We are looking for fun and motivated people to join our team of car groomers. The role is non-customer facing, shifts are 8am to 5.30pm and transport from the city to the place of work in Frankton can be arranged if necessary.

Full time hours available, all you need is NZ working rights, a full valid drivers licence and an eye for detail

Estamos buscando personal para unirse a nuestro grupo de Car Groomers. Ingles no es necesario, puede aprender mientras trabajas.

Solo debes tener predisposicion, ojo para el detalle y licencia de conducir. Trabajo full time, solo necesitas permiso para trabajar en NZ y licencia de conducir

Apply via email in English or Spanish to qtworkshop@abgroup.co.nz

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 36
WE ARE HIRING WE ARE HIRING PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS... PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS... Contact Us Contact Us Now Now Competitivepayrates Flexiblehours Smallgroups Jobsatisfaction! Do you love teaching but don't want the full-time hours and weekly meetings? Callnowon034414615 or email queenstown@kipmcgrath.co.nz Part-time / Casual Driver Guide Love wine? Looking for extra hours? Become a Wine Guide! NZ Class 1 & P licence required. Full training provided. Email interest to: sarah@appellationwinetours.nz Join Team Devil!! We are looking for a Grill Chef/Cook and Duty Manager Full and Part-time positions available. Drop your CV to Blair at the restaurant or email devilburgerqtn@gmail.com HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISORS MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR –COPTHORNE LAKEVIEW PORTERS FOOD & BEVERAGE ATTENDANTS CHEF DE PARTIE – SOUS CHEF LAUNDRY ATTENDANTS
Fu���� Wi�� U� We have incredible opportunities in a variety of roles with shifts and hours that will suit whatever you are looking for across our 3 Queenstown properties. To apply please email fran@zigzagzoo.co.nz
Sh��� Y���
LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 37 Email: Melissa.Liu@pvh.com QUEENSTOWN STORE OPENING MAY 2023 JOIN THE TEAM PART-TIME ROLES AVAILABLE • Training and development • Inclusion & Diversity • Work-life balance • Career opportunities • Dynamic culture • Corporate responsibility BENEFIT FROM We’re looking for superstars! kitchen


jet boat mechanic

This is an exciting opportunity to become a Jet Boat Mechanic with the World’s First Commercial Jet Boating Company.

This role would suit a mechanic looking to branch out and gain specific skills relating to Jet boats. You would also put to use your current skills to maintain the operation of our world class fleet

To succeed in this role you will need to have dedication, good customer relations, a great work ethic and a "can do" attitude.

KJet operates seven days a week, so flexibility to work weekends and/or public holidays is required.

If you want to be part of a fun team, respond well to pressure, and enjoy interacting with people – then please contact us today for further information.

For more information and to apply please email your CV to operations@kjet.co.nz

Wine Sales

cellar door, or if you have enthusiasm for wine, hospitality and retail, then we have Part Time (15-30 hours/week) and Full Time (40+ hours/week) positions available.

If you have experience at

Essential is a great customer service attitude and a keen interest to learn and discover more about wine. You would bring additional value if you have your Duty Managers Certificate and/or WSET qualifications.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 28th March 2023 - 3rd April 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 38
our team and immerse yourself in the 1,500+ wines and spirits we stock as we showcase the 100+ wines, gins, whiskies & spirits we have for tasting everyday to customers who come from all over the world.
Enquire confidentially to: henry@thewinery.co.nz or come & chat with Henry at The Winery, 27 Ramshaw Lane, Arrowtown. NEED NEW STAFF? ADVERTISE WHERE IT COUNTS!! FIND YOUR NEXT TEAM MEMBER TODAY Job placements start from $35 on JobFix & Lakes Weekly from $73.50+GST Lakes Weekly ads also include 7 days on JobFix. Contact us on info@qmg.co.nz today.
are Queenstown’s specialist recruitment solution, meeting the needs of Jobseekers and Employers in all lines of business.
making sure employers
seekers are connected. LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Proudly part of The Queenstown Media Group.
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better and easier staff recruitment,
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Cardrona x Treble Cone are now hiring!

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