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Julie Scott, Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust FOREVER FEATUREINSIDE QTBUSINESS

Push for affordable housing continues 2022 marks 15 years in operation for QLCHT – a crystal anniversary worth stepping back and reflecting upon. Having been with the Trust for most of its journey, I’m stoked to see how far we’ve come. After kicking off operations in 2007 as a small not-for-profit Trust focused solely on a shared ownership scheme, we developed further programmes over the years in response to the changing needs of the community. This evolution has resulted in several rental models, a mortgage product and most recently, our award-winning leasehold programme, Secure Home. We now cater to a much more diverse range of residents, from young single workers seeking assisted ownership, through to seniors looking for affordable and secure long-term rentals. And of course families remain a high priority for us, making up more than 50% of our waiting list demographics. This month the waiting list hit an all-time high of 806 eligible households. Although rental costs dropped by as much as 30% post-pandemic, but we’re now starting to see these creep back up as borders reopen, and more properties move back to short term visitor accommodation and are lost to the long-term leasing pool. Not a welcome situation for our local renters. However, something happened in recent days to send hope to all those not in the advantageous position of owning their own home. Last Thursday QLDC passed a resolution confirming a proposal which will mean developers are required to make a contribution to community housing. This is a process called inclusionary zoning (IZ) - or inclusionary housing. This practice has actually been happening for nearly 20 years, but Council is now seeking to embed this into its official rule book, the District Plan. This resolution is a milestone in itself, and when the plan change goes through, it will be a game-changer for ensuring we can continue to adequately house the hundreds of people on our register. The basic philosophy behind inclusionary zoning is all about value uplift. Value is created when land is rezoned, let’s say from rural to residential. The community (via Council) enables that value uplift by permitting the upzoning of land. IZ principles state therefore, that some of the value created should come back to the community for the purposes of providing decent housing to those who need it. This ensures that a fixed proportion of all new developments are retained as affordable in perpetuity. It really is as simple as QLDCthat.is a standout leader in the space of IZ. No other Council in the country is doing it like ours, and by means of robust relationship agreement, our Trust is the recipient of all IZ contributions which we use to house key workers in the Queenstown Lakes community.

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Lochie was inspired by mum’s cancer journey and started NZ’s newest 12-hour ski challenge over the weekend, which saw teams of skiers and snowboarders compete for a range of prizes. Pictured: Lochie with family and friends from left to right Luke Win, Lottie Faulkner, Lochie (in yellow), Kahlee Ross and Rebecca Win.


LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 2 CONTENT 24-25LIST Hospo Guide 6 Major milestone for affordable housing 9 Ace Aviation delt devastating blow 14 Train Your Brain 30 Mental Health by Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland 29 Purrfect peace QT Community Cats 13 Tit FromBitsaround the world 17 Library Picks 31 Situations Vacant 10 My Life Story Neki Patel - ‘hands on’ with the world’s elite 4-5 Lochie’s 12-Hour Ski Challenge Success 19 Council candidates step up in last day rush 23 After two years tourists are coming back News 26-27 Arts and Culture Long nights and open mics in the Tight9300Five – Kyla Cresswell 20-21 Community Notes Whakatipu Reforestation Trust Spring Planting Season is about to get underway

by David Gibbs, Queenstown Media Group

Wanaka Tourism and QLDC have come up with a well-thought-out regenerative tourism plan we can all support, with the country needing to attract fewer but higher revenue generating visitors in the future. However, these visitors will want an experience that matches their expectations and their outlay to get here and stay. They are less likely to be as accommodating of our pressures as our current winter group. Hopefully by summer the situation will have improved, because if we can’t deliver on the experience all the planning counts for naught. There is no silver bullet, but I cannot figure out why Government isn’t even a little concerned given how important the region is to the overall attractiveness of the country.

But still, with the capacity constraints, I’ve seen numbers recently which suggest millions is being let on the table. Every 1% of unmet visitor demand is worth $30 million in lost expenditure to our economy. That’s a huge number and I’m sure it’s multiples of that 1% right now. And, of course, the conversations visitors have with their friends when they get back home can have a long-term DQ,impact.Lake

OPINION What price will we pay in the long run for our current labour shortage?

The borders are open and visitors are back, all terrific news, but at what cost to the town’s reputation when we are so unprepared to deliver the experience visitors expect. How would you feel if you were invited to stay at a friend’s place in the North Island and when you arrived you were housed in the garage, with no shower and just a piece of toast for breakfast? You probably wouldn’t return. The bumper 2022 snow has been a huge draw card this winter. But after a terrific day on the mountains, if you can find space on a bus, the après ski is quite subpar. The CBD is an absolute state and staff shortages in the accommodation and hospitality sector mean everyone is rushed off their feet. Businesses cannot get anywhere near capacity to meet the demand. According to the Chamber of Commerce’s recent confidence survey, 57% of businesses are struggling to find the staff they need. Incredibly, there are fewer people employed in the food and beverage (F&B) sector than there were a year ago, when the streets were empty. And desperate tactics are being employed just to keep the door open. I’ve heard of businesses flying staff in from out of town and putting them up in hotels, just so they can open. It means many F&B outlets cannot take anymore bookings, so for the visitor it’s potluck whether they find anywhere. Take a walk around town and a stunning number of stores, cafes, bars, and restaurants aren’t able to open, or are opening heavily reduced hours. The Government’s still suggesting “just pay more to attract Kiwis” but wages have risen around 10%, much faster than the rest of the country. It’s good that workers are getting more, but many businesses are approaching the threshold where they are at the limit of what they can pay and stay in business. You’ll have noticed too, if you’ve been out for a meal, prices are rising substantially, which will also leave many visitors a little put out.

Success by Sue Fea A special little Cromwell bloke in his trademark yellow ski suit shone a big ray of sunshine all around him as he completed yet another mammoth ski challenge to raise money for the Cancer Society of New Zealand on LochieFriday. Win, 8, “but 9 in November”, is fast becoming a household name nationally, raising more than $47,500 for the Cancer Society in the past three years, together with his dad, Luke Win. It all started in 2020, two years after Lochie’s mum Rebecca was diagnosed with a rare adrenal tumour when he was just four years old. It was an extremely tough time for the family of three, but Lochie’s idea to ski 40 days to celebrate Cardrona Ski Area’s 40th birthday and help others with cancer that year soon caught on. That effort raised about $12,000 while last year he and Luke brought in almost $17,000 skiing all 24 skifields in the country on a six-week challenge, staying in the family caravan all the way. This year, with help from NZSki, they set up Lochie’s 12-Hour Ski Challenge at Coronet Peak, attracting 15 sponsored teams – 60 racers, from as far away as Christchurch, raising a total of more than $20,000. “That Christchurch team drove down the morning of the event and skied flat out all day. They were unbelievable,” says Luke. “It was a massive day. We’re just so stoked,” he Littlesays.Lochie’s legs managed to ski all 12 hours, cranking out 39 laps (16,380 vertical metres) on the Coronet Express Run course, no mean feat that left his proud Mum and Dad beaming. “He skied all day with his wee schoolmates, Kahlee Ross and Lottie Faulkner. We looked down from the chair and the three of them were going flat out,” says Luke. Like a true pro, Lochie, who’s now readily recognised on local ski mountains, packed in a number of media interviews and photos as well. But the biggest highlight for Lochie was the arrival of his hero and good friend, Olympic freestyle ski champion Nico Porteous, who drove over from Wanaka to help Lochie dish out the prizes. Wakatipu Ski Club won the distance prize, clocking 64 laps – 26,880 vertical metres.

Lochie’s 12-Hour Ski Challenge


It was a long, but very fruitful day and an emotional end to yet another Dad and son fundraising journey. “I pulled in at the end and Lochie came round, Lochie has raised more than $47,000 in the last three years for the Cancer Society

Businesses around the region donated great prizes for Friday’s event and even the local Kitchen Café in Cromwell got behind his fundraising, donating a percentage of every hot drink sold for all of this month. (August) Thankfully, Lochie’s little legs held out on Friday and he lived up to his winning name. “Everybody says that I’m a winner,” he grins. Lochie was going to have a year off next year. “My legs are getting sore,” he smiles. However, after much needed rest Lochie woke his dad up the morning after the event to say, ‘Dad, let’s do it again next year – 2023!’ “It was amazing. I loved it, and appreciate everyone’s help,” says Lochie. After all it’s all good training for his desired career in ski patrol, hopefully working with rescue dogs if he can get family dog, Everest, to live up to her name and leave her cosy spot by the fire to get out and train.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 5 LeatherCareFreeKit SideTablevalued&at$599witheveryseatpurchased Shop 4, Building 10, Remarkables Park Shopping Centre, Queenstown, 9300 Ph: 03 442 2460 Email: info@QFG.co.nz6th - 28th August2022 IMG® Comfort 30%OffSaleAllIMGRecliners&Sofa’s *T’s & C’s 30% off all IMG Recliners & Sofa’s. Please note the side table offered is not pictured in this advertisement, for more details please visit FG Queenstown showroom. RESIDENTIAL AND PROPERTYMANAGEMENTCOMMERCIAL IN PARTNERSHIP WITH If you have an investment property - contact us today! The Accommodation Centre | 03 442 7777 | reception@tacc.nz We service the wider Central Otago area! Queenstown, Arrowtown, Wanaka and Cromwell Queenstown based and across wider Central Otago Longest serving PM company in QT / Central Otago High level of experience and expertise Personal points of contact: • Wanaka / Cromwell: Melanie Moore • Queenstown / Arrowtown: Nathan Gee / Chloe Holliday • Interviewing and carefully checking potential tenants –strict screening process • Managing applications and bond lodgements and refunds • Thorough and regular property inspections • Positive and regular interaction with tenants including regular tenant surveys • Managing your tenancy risks including regular updates on tenancy law and regulations changes unhooked my skis off the bindings, gave me big hug and said, ‘Well done, Dad! We did it!’” “I’m so proud of him,” says Rebecca, who’s now down to annual checks and doing well. “When they had the idea to ski 40 days in 2020 I thought, ‘this will never happen’, but it’s just snowballed,” she says. In the first two years Lochie bought items like pots and pans, electric blankets, microwaves and fridges for Cancer Society Daffodil houses with the funds he raised. This year, with Lochie showing no signs of letting up Luke says they’ve set up Lochie’s Charity Trust to formalise the fundraising process. “Lochie’s ultimate goal is to help different organisations through the Cancer Society, whether that’s people battling cancer, or ultimately he’d like to help Southland Charity Hospital,” says Luke. “In his eyes he’s got a pretty important job to help others with cancer.”

Lochie’s distinctive yellow ski suit and the family’s sign-written ute have been like a beacon of love and hope to other families on the mountain. “One man came up to us on the mountain after seeing the ute and opened up about how that day was the one-year anniversary of losing his daughter to cancer,” says Luke. “He said, ‘I just can’t believe we’ve met you on this particular day. We’ve heard all about you.’ We’re pretty bad at opening up and talking about tough stuff in New Zealand and Lochie’s been a real inspiration to people,” he says. “People ski up to us when they realise and last year, at seven years old, next minute he’s stepping up and giving them a hug.”

To donate to Lochie’s 12-Hour Ski Challenge see: www.12hourski.co.nz Lochie with family and friends from left to right Luke Win, Lottie Faulkner, Lochie, Kahlee Ross and Rebecca Win.

A last-minute request from iwi for Māori land and Crown land reserved for Māori to be exempt was not included in the final recommendation.

She said inclusionary zoning had worked well as part of the now-repealed Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act. “But to me, if you take it out of its little silo, it doesn’t work and there are much more effective, efficient methods that could get us the money much “Isooner.fullysupport the housing trust getting the money, I just don’t think this is the way to do it.”

He praised the work of the planning team on the project. “It is brilliant. It’s essential work that’s been done for this district, on behalf of this district, by people who live here and feel that pain.”

Under the plan change, developers creating subdivisions with fewer than 20 lots in urban areas will contribute 5% of the sales value of the lots, while those over 20 will contribute 5% of the lots.

But deputy mayor Calum MacLeod effectively said ‘bring it on’. “If we do have to take it to the High Court, so bloody what? I’m happy to go into a ring with anyone to defend this. It is fundamental to us as a district succeeding as a district and being as inclusive as we possibly can.”

That was one of the main objections from councillor Niki Gladding too, the only councillor to vote against the item.

Glover said using the Resource Management Act to “basically tax” developers “is really quite perverse” and stretches the scope of the RMA. He argued the council already had the mechanism to do raise the funds needed, through rates. “What you’re actually doing with this model is taxing those who are actually providing housing,” Glover said, pointing out the council was not proposing to tax tourism operators, or supermarket chains, who brought many workers to the “We’redistrict.hearing the ski fields, with their thousands of workers, are having the best year ever, but they’re not being asked to pay under this policy.”

Glover said it’ll cost hundreds of thousands of ratepayer dollars “defending the indefensible in the higher courts”.

She believes it could be contested all the way to the Supreme Court, and it could be five years before the council and QLCHT see any money from it, if at Gladdingall.

“There’s been a lot of comment about how long this process will take and the fact that it will be contested, I agree with that, totally. “But... this issue of affordable housing is probably one of the greatest issues that we in the district will face, now and going forward.

also wanted to see other mechanisms used to raise funds from “those who perpetuate the problem”.

In the public forum before the meeting, Glenorchy Community Association chairman John Glover spoke against the move.

QLCHT boss Julie Scott also praised the council and councillors, saying the trust is “the envy of every other community housing private provider throughout the country” and the plan change is a “significant milestone”.

QLCHT chair Richard Thomas with executive officer Julie Scott


“It has been a problem for a long, long time.”

Residential flats, social and community housing, and retirement villages are Theexempt.proceeds will go to Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust, enabling it to continue its 15 years of work which has seen it house 243 households in affordable housing. It has 215 more in the pipeline in various parts of the district, including its 68-lot Tewa Banks development in Arrowtown, on land gifted from QLDC.

Major milestone for affordable housing by Paul Taylor Developers in Queenstown Lakes will be forced to pay towards affordable housing under new rules. The district has some of the highest house prices in the country, with the median price rising to $1.2 million in July, bucking the national downturn. They’ve risen 40% in the past two years according to leading economist Shamubeel Eaqub, who helped pen a report which went before councillors on SomewhatThursday.ironically, the unaffordability of housing in Queenstown has made Queenstown one of the leading districts in the country in creating affordable housing projects. That’s down to the work of Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust, backed by Queenstown Lakes District Council, majorly funded by a process known as ‘inclusionary zoning’. Until now, that’s been an ad-hoc process where the council effectively negotiated with developers to set aside land or money, such as 5%, or they were required to under now-repealed Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act. Now, the council has taken the first steps towards making almost all developers contribute going forward as a matter of course, through a plan change to the district plan. It is expected to be challenged through the Mayorcourts. Jim Boult, who set up the Mayoral Housing Affordability Taskforce in one of his first actions as mayor five years ago, praised councillors for a “watershed decision.”

“The common question I get is ‘why as QHCRT so successful?’, and I can hand on heart say that it’s due to inclusionary zoning being implemented by QLDC. This process truly is the backbone of our organisation.”

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 8 Talk toour superhermanagementpropertyoes for rentalaadvichonest,experteandafreemarketppraisal. Awarded QueenstownChamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year 2021www.housemart.co.nzPh:034423815 Looking for the best return on investment? GET CASH FOR YOUR UNWANTED VEHICLES Kiwi owned and operated DAMAGED, MECHANICAL ISSUES DEREGISTERED, CRASHED NO WOF - NO PROBLEM WE BUY ALL CASH FOR YOUR UNWANTED CAR, VAN, UTE, TRUCK, 4WD ETC. Call today for a free Quote 0800 333 422 | 027 233 3533 WE ALSO SELL A WIDE RANGE OF CAR PARTS FOR MOST MAKES AND MODELS INCLUDING ENGINES, WINDSCREENS AND TYRES Beautiful bespoke jewellery and a range of local and international jewellery Come see Trond and the team WE’VE GOLDFIELDSMOVED!JEWELLERSHASRELOCATEDTOQUEENSTOWNMALL(BELOWMARGO’SRESTAURANT)shop@goldfieldsjewellers.co.nz 03 442 9356 Queenstown’s newest restaurant, ORO at The Carlin, elevates traditional NZ fine dining with delightfully surprising, innovative cuisine. Savour the creative menu produced by our two chefs with Michelin Star experience –award-winning executive chef Thomas Barta and talented head chef Yann Robert. Enjoy the freshest seafood Queenstown has to o er while taking in the stunning lake views. Where art and cuisine meet Open seven days a week, for breakfast and dinner. Valet parking available. Oro Restaurant at The Carlin Boutique Hotel, 43 Hallenstein St 10% locals’ discount for weekday dining WATCH REPAIRS NOW For all your repairs, watches, clocks, batteries, key cutting & straps. Level One, Stratton House (Below Sky City), 24 Beach Street, Queenstown Mon - Fri, 9:30am till 5:30pm. Closed on Saturdays. Phone/ text: 027 217 0442 Looking for someone with a WOOD CNC machine that would like to be involved in a small fun project and make some extra CASH. Please call or text 0211586735

“Then on darkness we got a call from the neighbours to say that a garage had ended up on the number nine hole of Kingston Golf Course. It had been torn clean off the foundations, walls and all, and, miraculously, my two boats in there and an Australian friend’s car were completely untouched,” says Kerry. “The rooves off farmers’ sheds and hay barns blew off, and grazing sheep were picked up by the wind and blown some distance into the flooded Kingston Creek.” The sheep ended up in the lake with builders’ Portaloos, garden furniture and polystyrene building materials, which the locals and builders spent the weekend clearing out of the water. “Builders took away three large truckloads of rubbish on Monday, 40foot (12m) containers blew sideways, or flipped over completely.” It’s been heartening that Kerry’s been inundated with offers from aviation friends in the North and South Islands of aircraft to use in her business. “Unfortunately I’ve had to turn them down because I have no hangar, which is ironically meant to protect a plane.”

my entire business in one second,” says Kerry, whose aeroplane hangar blew apart, obliterating her four-seater Piper Pacer tail dragger aircraft inside during the massive winds. Kerry and other locals say it was a miracle that nobody was killed with massive trees down, huge iron rooves flying wild and sheds and offices blown large distances and smashed to pieces.

Down the road at Fairlight, Real Country owner Laura Koot’s office blew away out of the paddock and she lost all of her merchandise, papers and office gear. “There will be Real Country merchandise strewn from here to Stewart Island,” says Laura, who has just recently resumed her agriculture tourism business tours now that the borders are open. Fortunately the office blew up and over the fence not through it or the animals would’ve escaped onto the road. She had everything backed up and insured and nobody in the community was injured, so it’s just a matter of rebuilding, she says. “The paddock was a mess and my 30sqm standalone office is decimated.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 9 Ace Aviation delt

Insurance assessors came to check out the devastation on Wednesday, but it’s been an emotional week of upheaval for Kerry losing her Ace Aviation flight instructing business of 22 years, 10 years based in Kingston out of a 30-year career. “The tail dragger type of aircraft is really hard to replace. I’ve spent hours searching the internet and there are about three available between Australia and America,” she says. One door of her plane is about all that was left for this experienced instructor, who previously spent many years instructing for aero clubs around the country, including the local Wakatipu Aero Club. She and Stu just stood back from a safer vantage point and watched in shock as the winds continued for two hours at more than 140 to 150km/hr.

Kingston-based flying instructor Kerry Conner feels lucky that everyone escaped last Friday’s nearhurricane force, 150 to 200km/hr winds alive, but the winds have decimated her long-standing aviation “I’vebusiness.lost

Devastating Blow by Sue Fea

There’s only the base left in the Thepaddock.”roofof the shed where she hosts her Contiki Group farm shows completely blew off, but in typical rural resourcefulness she managed to continue on with a tour yesterday (Thursday) with no roof overhead, “because it was fine”. Both Kerry and Laura say the community rallied round to help each other amid power outages stretching 27 hours, which meant no water for residents on pumps, no phone, cellphone or internet connection. “People had to go door to door asking strangers so they could heat babies’ milk, or have water,” says Laura. “It was really dramatic down here.”

Kerry and friend, Stu Campbell, who’d been visiting were in Kerry’s hangar trying to secure the aircraft as the winds picked up. “We were in there until a couple of minutes before the roof and walls blew in, trying to tie down the plane,” she says. One of the doors blew in so they got out quickly, just in time as the hangar collapsed, disintegrating within seconds. “If Stu had continued to crouch under the wing, where he’d taken cover one second prior, he probably wouldn’t be alive,” says Kerry. “I got out to take a photo then went to film a video and got blown over flat on my face. You couldn’t stand up in it,” she says. “It was the strength of a 3 hurricane. A lot of locals drew their curtains to protect themselves from shattering glass as they were sure windows and ranch sliders would blow in.”

The devastation from last Friday’s winds which ruined Kerry’s long-time flight instructing business.

Despite his international recognition and regular rubbing shoulders with sporting elite, Neki says his career highlight is seeing patients he treated as children return with their kids and sitting chatting with them. His own childhood wasn’t without tragedy. Born in Kenya, where Neki’s Indian father was a district surgeon, the family moved to London when Neki was six. Sadly, his father passed away from a heart attack at only 41 when Neki, the youngest of three sons, was eight. His Indian, but South Africanborn, mother, who also lives in Queenstown, and his father, had met at Medical School. “Losing your father like that so young always leaves a hole that you can’t fill, but I think it builds character and makes you stronger,” he says. It was tough for an Indian family living in London during the 1970s. Neki arrived speaking little English, only Swahili and Gujarati. “We had to live Indian culture at home and English outside of home.” Despite all this Neki had a very positive upbringing, always taking every opportunity with both hands. “I thought I wasn’t going to live long because of my father, so I said, ‘yes’, to everything, all the crazy stuff, and volunteered for anything.”

With his father gone, Neki and his brothers had to fight hard to earn private school scholarships. “We were not that well off, but we were really happy kids. We still travelled widely visiting friends and family in Kenya and the United States.”

Sadly, Graham was killed in an accident in 2010 the day before Neki was to introduce him to his baby daughter. In 1993 Neki emigrated to New Zealand after falling in love with this country on a trip down under with a flatmate. A big step. He’s now had a very successful, multidisciplinary practice in the Queenstown area for almost 30 years, treating all manner of sporting elite. He’s travelled overseas for three months a year as chiropractor for Australian PGA Golf since 1998, and with the Highlanders, Crusaders and All Blacks. “I was only in my 20s when I started, but I was never scared. I was so grateful for the incredible offers.” Those offers have continued to flow with Neki working with Italian Rugby, Ricki Herbert’s Football Academy, the World Triathlon Championships and the 2002 NZ Commonwealth Games squad. He’s treated the stars on Avatar, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and Vertical Limit. After arriving in New Zealand Neki teamed up with Sir Ed Hillary, Sir Michael Hill and Sir Howard Morrison to start Prince Charles’ Raleigh International in New Zealand. “We’d hold selection weekends at Burnham Military Camp for 17 to 24-year-olds. I went to London and wrote the programme for New Zealand.” He still serves on Raleigh NZ with Sir Michael and former All Black Norm Hewitt. Throughout the years Neki’s volunteered locally, treating Cure Kids 50K racers, Queenstown Alpine Ski Team, Thriller in the Chiller boxers and many more. He’s also sponsored Southern Stampede ice hockey and Queenstown Rovers Football for many years. Work life balance is paramount these days so there’s room for wife, Liz, and children, Bela, 12, and Santi, 10. “I had no kids until I was 42. There have been many highlights, but I never thought I’d have children so they’re my greatest highlight.” Neki works his stuff on the late Aussie cricketing great, Shane Warne, during the NZ Open in 2020

The school masters at his London school went out of their way to ensure the Patel boys didn’t miss out. “Our headmaster Mr Collie took us all around Europe in a Bedford van – Yugoslavia, Morocco, Italy and Greece. We also went to Italy for a fortnight each year on Scout Camp from nine to 13.” As a youngster Neki was passionate about playing cricket, playing with former English cricket team captain Nasser AtHussain.18, Neki went on an Operation Raleigh expedition to Chile to volunteer building a bridge on Isla Tabon and working with geologists on a glacier. Here a seed was planted. He took several years off after school to travel and decide on his career. There are 32 doctors in his family and while he’d earned a place in Medical School he discovered chiropractic. His eldest brother is now an osteopath in Dunedin, and his middle brother is a gastroenterologist in America. “I was 19 and I decided to try chiropractic even though I didn’t know much about it,” he says. There was one Chiropractic College in all of Europe in Bournemouth. “I loved it,” says Neki.

From left, rear, Neki, wife Liz, with Santi, 10, left, and Bela, 12, in front, in Brisbane recently on holiday

Freshly graduated, he scored work for then head of the British Chiropractic Association and President of the European Association, Graham Heale. “He pushed me outside my comfort zone. I worked enormous hours, but it was loads of fun. I owe a lot to his influence.” Fresh from College, Graham let Neki work with the British Olympic Team. “His practice was in central London and I got to treat the Royals, and I remember Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone attended the clinic when they were opening Planet Hollywood there at the time,” says Neki. “He sent me to talk to the top orthopaedic surgeons. It was incredibly scary. I studied more for that than the whole of University.”

He’s literally been ‘hands on’ with some of the world’s top sports stars and actors, but for renowned Queenstown chiropractor Neki Patel his greatest joy is treating second generation clients back home. “People ask me why I live in Queenstown,” says a very well-travelled Neki. “Why wouldn’t you? It’s the best place in the world to return to.”

M Lf Soy

by Sue Fea Neki ‘HANDSPatelON’WITH



Libraries running fine-free trial Fines for overdue items sometimes stop families from using our libraries. If that’s you, we’ve got some great news. We’re running a fine-free trial for junior members. Bring back any overdue children’s and young adult’s items borrowed on a junior membership and all fines will be waived. To give us feedback on this initiative go to codc-qldc. govt.nz/blog/tell-us-what-you-think Looking after our landscapes Our district is famous for its beautiful landscapes and we’re working hard to protect them. Schedules setting landscape values for 29 priority areas have been drafted. If approved, these will be added to the Proposed District Plan. Submissions close on 26 August. For details of the landscape schedules and ways to make a submission see www.qldc.govt.nz/landscape-schedules

If you’re interested in applying for one or want to renew an existing permit, please see transport-and-parking/parkingwww.qldc.govt.nz/services/

LOST & FOUND LOST LADIES GOLD RING WITH SINGLE AMETHYST (purple) stone. Very sentimental value. Reward. Ph 027 2874332 THE FOLLOWING have been found and can be claimed from the Queenstown Police Station, at 11 Camp Street: • B.H.R MCCHLERY – PURSE • THOMAS CUNNINGHAM – WALLET • DANIEL HILL – WALLET • M. PORTEOUS BLACK WALLET • REHANA DANIELS – WALLET • CHANTELLE WALLER – CARD HOLDER • LANCE PASAOL – CARDHOLDER • SAMSUNG GALAXY A12, BLUE IN BLACK CASE • SAMSUNG S20, BLACK IN OTTERBOX • IPHONE S, ROSE GOLD IN GOLD AND white Moshi case • BLACK IPHONE IN CREAM FOLDING CASE • IPHONE IN RED CASE • SAMSUNG PHONE POSSIBLY BELONGING TO ‘HIKAWAI’ • IPHONE IN A PINK MARBLE DESIGN CASE • IPHONE IN CLEAR CASE, FOUND AT WINNIES • CHARLIE VAN DER VEEK – HANDBAG • GO PRO 9, FOUND AT REMARKABLES SKI Field • GO PRO 3+ FOUND AT REMARKABLES SKI Field • SILVER METALLIC FITBIT EXERCISE TRACKER, FOUND AT the Remarkables Ski Field • ZEBRA MOBILE COMPUTER WITH NAME ‘SHEILA’ ON the back ‘ABANDONEDVEHICLES VEHICLES TO BE SOLD OR DISPOSED of if not claimed within 1 week’ - Honda Odyssey, Registration: CET950. Contact Remarkables Towing, 0276034140 FOR SALE SUBARU IMPREZA MANUAL HATCH 2004. 4WD petrol, very tidy & economical. 261,000 kms. Cambelt done, current WOF & Rego. Great wee car. As is where is. Tel 021 055 4060 View Frankton $2800 DOUBLEACCOM ROOM TO RENT ARROWTOWN. FURNISHED $250 per week including internet. Plus power. Sunny location. Non party house. Bond $500 plus 1 weeks rent in advance. Text 0275399112 A ROOM AVAILABLE IN HANLEYS FARM FOR mature, tidy, nonsmoker and dog lover, single only. Rent includes all the bills $230 pw. 1week bond required. Text 02102638355 Lost & AccommodationVehiclesFound Call or email for a free quote today Richard 021 99 44 office@iglooheatingandcooling.co.nz72 REFRIGERATIONVENTILATIONHEAT www.iglooheatingandcooling.co.nzPUMPSAIRCONDITIONINGVEHICLEA/C

Work to enhance Marine Parade and improve public access and connection between Queenstown’s town centre, lakefront, and Te Kararo Queenstown Gardens begins later this month. Stage 1 of the project will include new lawns and drainage, pathing, lakefront furniture, and a four-bay public toilet block. You’ll still be able to walk or cycle safely through the site while we work to enhance Marine Parade. Find out more about the project at www.qldc.govt.nz/marine-parade

Upgrades to Marine Parade

The Council Word Goat control operation An operation to reduce the possibility of goats endangering motorists or causing nuisance on properties around Queenstown will begin next week. This will involve ground hunting and will continue for about a month. Any public walking tracks where work is being carried out will be closed. For more information and details of the locations see www.qldc.govt.nz/goatcontrol

Get your posters in We want young people to design a poster that encourages voting in this year’s local election. The competition is open to anyone aged 15 to 20. Entries close on Sunday 21 August. Read more at www.qldc.govt.nz/youth-design-competition

. Permits will be allocated to those who apply first with all the required information.


Want a parking permit? A variety of parking permits are available in the Queenstown Lakes District for the 2022-2023 period.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 12 • Upholstery • Loose Covers • Furniture • Marine • Automotive • Boat Covers • Blinds • Headboards • Fabrics Central Lakes Upholstery Ltd. 022 372 56 49 centrallakesupholstery@gmail.com centrallakesupholstery.co.nz20b McNulty Road, Cromwell 03 442 QUEENSTOQueenstownWWW.QUEENSTOWNHEALTH.COM8190/FiveMile/MillbrookWNHEALTH PAIN IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG ACC Registered Pain Symptoms Joint PosturalDysfunctionSpinalMisalignmentDysfunctionCausesofPainNervePain ChiropracticTreatsTheCausesofPain COMPASSIONATESERVICES FRIENDS OFFERS FRIENDSHIP, SUPPORT AND UNDERSTANDING to bereaved parents, grandparents siblings to help with coping and dealing with grief that has come about through the loss of a child. Our next informal meeting is at Hole In One Cafe Millbrook. 1.00pm. Thursday 25th August. For further information please call Pauline Trotter on 0273960611 or email centralotagocf@gmail.com SPCA OP SHOP – 51 GORGE RD. Open Monday – Saturday 9.00 – 5.00. Pre-loved goods and clothing at great prices. Help support the ongoing work done by the SPCA. Your old goods, or your time, could help save a life. Accepting donations (no electrical at the moment) and volunteers now. WHAKATIPU DRIVE MY LIFE ARE SEEKING VOLUNTEERS to become mentor buddies to help our vulnerable people achieve their drivers licence. If you are interested or have any questions contact Louise Ward louise@reap.co.nz EVERYTHING BACKCOUNTRYELSEAVALANCHE COURSES. 1.5 & 2.5 DAY courses. Queenstown Mountain Guides. July/Aug/Sept. Learn safe backcountry travel techniques, use of touring skis or split board & avalanche rescue skills. Enquire for more info. contact@ queenstownmountainguides.co.nz MAKE $$$ IN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR PRE-LOVED garments! Bring your excellent condition clothing/footwear/jewellery into The Walk In Wardrobe, www.thewalkinwardrobe.co.nz - Call 03 409 0190 IS YOUR BUSINESS ELIGIBLE FOR UP TO $60,000? Registrations for Tourism Communities funding closes on 31st August 2022. Over 1200 businesses in the Queenstown-Lakes area have utilised this funding and support. If you are a supplier to tourism businesses or a tourism business, you could be eligible for funding of up to $60,000. To find out more contact the Otago regional Business network on support@otagorbp.co.nz UPPER CLUTHA TRAMPING CLUB IS CELEBRATING ITS 20th anniversary this month. There is a get together for past and present members on Sunday 21st August at Urban Grind between 4pm and 6pm. If you are coming along please email karenslogohq@yahoo.co.nz THE LIBRARIES FINE FREE TRIAL NEEDS COMMUNITY Feedback.do you support keeping fine free in place for our children and youth, and potentially expand to adults. Please complete a short survey which asks a few questions about library usage (or non-usage) and will then ask them for their thoughts about fine free. The survey closes 21st August. We need your help so we can make sure it stays. Here’s the link: https://www. surveymonkey.com/r/9S9DMV QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “YOU HAVE TO believe in the long term plan you have but you need the short term goals to motivate and inspire you.” - Roger Federer NEED AN IDYLLIC SPOT IN KINGSTON TO rent for your tiny home or caravan? Please text 022 404 3545. JAPAN SKI SEASON – WE ARE CURRENTLY interviewing dual Sk/|Snowboard instructors for the coming season. Email info@ japanpowderculturetours.com for further information CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR VISA? NEED RESIDENCY HELP and Advice. Need a new visa? Contact your local licensed immigration advisor 03 443 8386 info@easyvisa.co.nz


FOR ARTS PROJECTS. ANYONE WHO WOULD like to deliver an arts based project in the district can apply for a grant from the Creative Communities Scheme: Round 2 of the Grants program opens 1 August and closes the last Friday in August. More information and the application form is available on the QLDC website. Projects in the Queenstown, Arrowtown and Glenorchy areas, return the application form to: Creative Queenstown, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown. Wanaka grants are available through the Upper Clutha Community Arts Council. Contact uppercluthaarts@outlook.com BRANCHES TRUST ART AUCTION & HORS D’OEUVRES – The annual fundraiser event for the Branches 2022 Camp is on August 26th from 5.30pm – 9.00pm at Te Atamira Community Art Centre. Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased from Wakatipu High School office or at the door on the night. Cash Bar is available. For more information contact: Sally Mingaye 021 256 2816 or Jane Bamford 021 949916 EverythingServicesElse

Billboard Magazine Judith Durham Judith Durham, the lead vocalist of the 1960s Australian folk-pop band the Seekers, whose shimmering soprano voice and wholesome image propelled singles like “Georgy Girl” and “I’ll Never Find Another You” to the top of the pop charts, died last weekend. She was 79. Her death, in a hospital, was caused by bronchiectasis, a lung disease that she had battled since childhood, according to a post from Universal Music Australia. A sunny folk-influenced quartet whose fresh-faced image and effervescent pop songs stood in marked contrast to the 1960s rock era. The Seekers sold an estimated 50 million singles and albums worldwide. They became the first Australian pop group to achieve global success, paving the way for other acts based in Australia, like the Bee Gees and Olivia Newton-John.

Variety Axios agrees to sell to Cox Enterprises for $525 million Axios has signed a deal to sell to Cox Enterprises, the companies announced last week. The cash deal values the company at $525 million, according to sources familiar with the deal. Why it matters: The deal is structured to ensure investments will continue to flow into local news at a time when most commercial investors have abandoned local markets.

• Axios was founded in 2016 by the same leaders who built Politico, with a focus on politics, tech and business. In 2020, it began a significant expansion into local news.

• Cox is a multigenerational, family-owned business that got its start in local newspapers. It wants to ensure local news remains a part of its legacy in the digital era. Axios is one of a tiny handful of digital news startups that have sold for more than $500 million in enterprise value in the past decade.

For Paramount, “Top Gun: Maverick” has also overtaken “Titanic” as the studio’s biggest film in its 110-year history. However, James Cameron’s disaster epic is still outpacing Tom Cruise’s fighter-jet adventure outside of North America with $1.5 billion at the international box office and $2.2 billion globally.

NYT Top Gun: Maverick’ Passes ‘Titanic’ as Seventh-Highest Grossing Release in Domestic Box Office History

Olivia Newton-John Actress and singer Olivia Newton-John, who starred in the 1978 movie musical “Grease” alongside John Travolta, died last Tuesday after a 30 year battle with breast cancer. She was 73. The actress had been diagnosed with cancer in the early 1990s and twice more in recent years. After landing chart-topping numbers on the Billboard’s top country hits in the 1970s, Newton-John went on to perform No. 1 hits “You’re the One That I Want” and “Summer Nights” in the classic musical film “Grease.” Released not long after, her album “Totally Hot” went platinum, followed quickly by the single “Physical” which was regarded as one of the top songs of the 1980s.

AXIOS Tit bitsTit bits FROM AROUND THE WORLD THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE DIVINE REALIGNMENT ENERGY HEALING | REIKI HEALING | BI OPTRON LIGHT COLOUR HEALING, to rebalance and re energise PHONE PAULA FOR AN APPOINTMENTwww.naturalhealingpaulapetersen.com0211171389fbnaturalhealingpaulapetersen HAVE THAT NIGGLING ACHE OR PAIN THAT just won’t go away? A recurring condition, or maybe you’re looking for something to assist alongside your more traditional treatments to speed up recovery? Two Feathers can help, an Alternative & Holistic Health Service including Tuning Forks, Energy Healing & Reiki Master. For more info contact Amy on: healing@ twofeathers.co.nz or 022 454 8288 WHY DOES LAKES WEEKLY LINE ADS WORK? Because your market is searching for your ad – make it work for you.. Book online at www.lwb.co.nz or by email to enquiries@qmg.co.nz SC PLASTERING LTD. Craftsmen exterior plasterers - 20yrs local experience. Phone Shawn Cruise: 021 539 138 or skcruz@outlook.com SEND A PHOTO OF YOU WITH THE LWB AROUND NZ to graphics@qmg.co.nz and be in to win a Devil Burger Meal Voucher

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 13 How to advertise Ph: 03 409 2800 Email: info@qmg.co.nz Place your ad online: www.lwb.co.nz Advertising Deadlines Display Advertising: 12pm Friday Situations Vacant: 12pm Friday Queenstown Media Group 2nd Floor, The Mountaineer CnrBuildingBeach and Rees Street PO Box 1546, Queenstown 9300 Meet the team David Gibbs General Manager Kendalle McLeod Finance Catherine Mercer Account Manager 027 777 2785 | cat@qmg.co.nz Kylee De Suza Account Manager 021 044 2968 | kylee@qmg.co.nz Ana Paula Salvi Graphic Designer Patricia W. Becker Graphic Designer Paul Taylor Editor/Journalist Sue Fea Journalist Bethany Rogers Contributor Lauren Prebble Contributor Jay Cassells Contributor

Australia loses two iconic singers in a week.

Top Gun: Maverick has toppled “Titanic”, earning $662 million in ticket “Titanic,”sales. one of the biggest success stories in box office history, earned a monumental $600.7 million in its original 1997 release and it has generated $659 million with subsequent re-releases.


TRAINBRAINYOUR ? LWB QUIZ CAPTION COMPETITION 3B Searle www.hellpizza.comLane THE BEST DAMNED PIZZA IN THIS LIFE OR THE NEXT Send in your funniest Caption to be in the chance to WIN 1 x Double Pizza Voucher from Hell Pizza! Submit your entry via www.lwb.co.nz or our Facebook Page by 3pm Thursday. Answers in next weeks LWB SUDOKU 3 1 5 3 5 8 7 2 3 1 8 5 4 1 3 9 6 2 3 8 5 4 6 1 2 8 What two words, added together, contain the most letters? RIDDLE 916372584238654971745198236421536798659827143387941625594763812872415369163289457 QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. Hexagon | 2. The ears | 3. Chlorine | 4. The trachea | 5. Tarka | 6. Zinfandel | 7. An ounce | 8. Shaggy | 9. P | 10. Bay of Plenty | 11. New Romantics | 12. Bindi | 13. New York | 14. Ragtime | 15. Russia | 16. Sean Penn | 17. Gareth Malone | 18. Junk | 19. Runty | 20. Let | 21. China | 22. Shirley Temple | 23. KGB | 24. Lederhosen | 25. Entry | 26. Apache | 27. Indian Ocean | 28. Harmonica | 29. Water | 30. The Catlins RIDDLE: Post office Winner of the last Caption Competition is Tobias Congratulations you won 1x Double Pizza Voucher from Hell Pizza. Collect your voucher from the LWB office. COMPETITIONCAPTION Pigs blankets...inYum 1. What term is given to a six-sided plane figure? 2. Tinnitus affects which part of the body? 3. Which chemical is used to disinfect swimming pools? 4. What is the medical name for the windpipe? 5. About which fictional otter did Henry Williamson write? 6. Which Californian grape variety is used to make pinkish white wine? 7. Which imperial weight measure approximates to 28 grams? 8. Which Jamaican-American singer had hits in 2000 with It Wasn’t Me and Angel? 9. What is the chemical symbol for phosphorus? 10. Which province do the town of Whangamatā? 11. What term was given to early 1980s groups such as Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet? 12. What is the term for the Asian dot of forehead colour? 13. LaGuardia airport serves which city? 14. Which style of music with a syncopated rhythm is associated with the composer Scott Joplin? 15. In which country is the Lada car made? 16. Which actor won an Oscar for his starring role in the 2008 film Milk? 17. Which TV choirmaster formed the Military Wives Choir? 18. A Chinese boat and unsolicited mail are linked by which word? 19. Which popular girls’ comic featured The Four Marys? 20. What, in tennis, is a service obstructed by the net? 21. The lychee is a fruit from which country? 22. Which child star sang On the Good Ship Lollipop in the 1934 film Bright Eyes? 23. What were the initials of the former Soviet secret service? 24. What are the leather shorts worn with braces popular with both men and boys in Bavaria called? 25. In UK road signs, what does a red circle with a white horizontal bar forbid? 26. Geronimo was a member of which Native American tribe? 27. In which body of water are the Maldives? 28. Which small musical instrument did Larry Adler play? 29. “Adam’s Ale” is a term for which liquid? 30. Which area in New Zealand does Kaka Point sit?


The LWB Winter Pride Feature will be out in the 23rd and 30th August editions. ROARING MEG - RESERVOIR - DRONE Back in February (back when I could go for walks in the wilderness) I headed up the track alongside the Roaring Meg pipeline. If you have ever wondered where all that water comes from at the power station in the Kawarau Gorge then this is where. I didn’t see a person all day and we weren’t in lock down! LOVE THIS SHOT? Go to andrewbusst.wixsite.com to learn moreCrowning Shot ANDREW BUSST LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER

Winter Pride 2022 starts next week

She also issued a raft of recommendations in the hope that “no other family will experience the loss of a loved one in a rotor blade divergence incident in a Robinson helicopter in this country”.

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“This will take some time, and our process will include working through them with other agencies and stakeholders and so this means that at this stage of our analysis we are not in a position to make comment on the way they will be “Theaddressed.CAAacknowledges the coroner’s findings. We will ensure our response to these recommendations is thoroughly considered, balanced and continues to maintain robust safety oversight of the aviation industry.”

She called on owners and operators of helicopters to fit their cockpits with video recording systems.

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Warning over Robinson helicopters after pilots’ deaths

An accident which killed two men in a Robinson R44 near Queenstown would not have occurred in any other type of helicopter, a coroner has found. Steve Combe, 43, and James PattersonGardner, 18, were killed when the blades of the helicopter struck the cabin, breaking it up in mid-air, in the Lochy Valley in February 2015. Combe, a very experienced pilot, was taking Patterson-Gardner on a training flight. Combe had more the 4500 hours of experience flying helicopters, including 2145 in Robinsons, 2435 of mountain flying and 1380 hours of Patterson-Gardnerinstruction. had flown 10 hours of training flights in the R44, though he had been around aviation all his life. The Robinson was owned by Over The Top, a long-standing Queenstown business owned by Louisa Patterson, Patterson-Gardner’s mother. She was a very experienced and well-known pilot with over 12,000 flight hours. Coroner Alexandra Cunninghame said the sequence which killed the men occurred in a matter of seconds. Both were killed instantly on impact. There have been 19 deaths in Robinson helicopters in Aotearoa due to similar incidents.

“An airspeed of 102 knots increased the risk of a right roll and/ or main rotor blade divergence during a low-G event. The risk was also increased because a student pilot was at the controls. “The encounter by a student pilot with an abrupt change in wind direction or gust at 102 knots ground speed resulted in a main rotor blade divergence sequence. The blades of the helicopter struck the cabin, breaking it up in Themid-air.”coroner said this sequence occurred in a matter of seconds. Both pilots were killed instantly on impact. “In any other type of helicopter, the accident would not have occurred in these circumstances. The design of the Robinson rotor head makes the R44 [and the R22] particularly vulnerable to gusts, turbulence, and wind direction changes, even at relatively conservative speeds.”

A Civil Aviation Authority spokesperson said they were studying the coroner’s “Therecommendations.CAAiscarefully working through the comprehensive findings and recommendations of the coroner, which are largely policy and technically focused,” the authority said in a statement.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 16 Get in touch today for a free, no obligation quote. Phone: 027 209 8455 | Email: www.remarkablecoatings.co.nzalex@remarkablecoatings.co.nz PW AUTOMATIC SECURITY GATES NZ LTD Kevin: 021 162 1077 Email: pwgates@xtra.co.nz Web: www.securitygates.co.nz

“The Lochy Valley is a mountainous region which is susceptible to turbulence and changes in wind speed and direction. It is more likely than not that ZKIPY encountered an abrupt change in wind direction or an abrupt gust on a day that for any other make of helicopter, would have been perfect for flying, when only light turbulence was expected.

Residential and

Among the recommendations was the Civil Aviation Authority and the Transport Accident Investigation Commission working with the Ministry of Transport to study the Robinson’s rotor blade system, and regulations to prohibit the helicopters being flown in potentially dangerous conditions. She also recommended limiting their speed to 70 Knots Indicated Airspeed.

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission said the design of Robinson helicopters meant they were uniquely risky in mountainous terrain and weather conditions common in New Zealand. Photo: Supplied / TAIC

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission has the issue with Robinsons listed on its watchlist of pressing safety concerns. CAA ‘working through’ findings


The Transport Accident Investigation Commission said their design meant they were uniquely risky in mountainous terrain and weather conditions common in New Zealand. “James was at the controls of Robinson R44 ZK-IPY as it flew down the Lochy Valley at 102 knots ground speed, at the end of a training flight. He was being trained and supervised by a very experienced and safety conscious pilot and flight instructor,” Coroner Cunninghame said in her findings.

The coroner advised that until more research was done, which would provide greater certainty regarding the cause of main rotor blade divergence, Robinson helicopters should not be flown over 70 KIAS (Knots Indicated Airspeed) in areas where moderate to severe turbulence was likely. “Many areas in New Zealand are mountainous and moderate to severe turbulence is likely. Therefore, Robinson helicopters are vulnerable for much of the flying that is done in them in New Zealand.”

“James, who had flown a total of ten hours of training flights in ZK-IPY, was appropriately experienced to fly down the Lochy Valley on a training flight.




Originally from the UK by way of France, Italy, and the Middle East, I moved to Queenstown back in 2011 and it only took me a decade to work out that using the library wasn’t enough - I needed to work there! When you want to spend your free time in your workplace because there are so many awesome programmes and events, or because you just enjoy the atmosphere (and being surrounded by books), you know you’ve found a pretty special place. As my title suggests, I want to engage with the wonderful people of the Whakatipu. The libraries and their free resources are here for the entire community and my goal is that everyone, no matter who you are, feels as safe and welcome at our libraries as I do. Whether the Creative Writing Club is for you, or the Virtual Reality sessions are more your scene, pop on in to see us. Do neither of these float your boat? Tell us what does! These are the hills I will die on: • enjoying graphic novels means that you are a reader • listening to audiobooks means that you are a reader • being partial to children’s books and young adult books means that you are a reader Fun Fact: I have been learning te reo Māori for the past four years. I buy every book that is published through the Kotahi Rau Pukapuka Trust through Auckland University Press on the basis that when I am able to read well enough in te reo Māori I’ll have a stack of books waiting for me. Here are some of the books I have read recently: Atomic Habits by James Clear Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving—every day. James Clear, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.

The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman In The Man Who Died Twice, the Thursday Murder Club gets back into action when someone Elizabeth used to know comes looking for help. He’s in hiding after being accused of stealing millions in diamonds from a man known for his connections to the criminal underworld. Sapiens: A Graphic History, Volume 1&2. by Yuval Noah Harari This is an epic, radical adaptation of Yuval Noah Harari’s bestselling book into a graphic novel series; bursting with wit, humor, pop culture references and colourful illustrations. Harari (as co-writer) has teamed up with renowned comics artists, David Vandermeulen (co-writer) and Daniel Casanave (illustrator), to retell the story of humankind in a way that will captivate all adults and young adults – including those who don’t usually read science and history books.

Librarian Profile Lakes Weekly Bulletin and Queenstown Lakes Libraries are profiling our librarians. This month we are profiling Alice who is a Librarian at Frankton Library. @qldclibraries Queenstown Lakes District Libraries Kia ora koutou! My name is Alice and I am the Community Engagement Librarian for the Whakatipu. I’m usually found hanging out in the Frankton Library but you can find me in the Queenstown Library at least once a week catching up with the team there.


The Contortionist’s Handbook by Craig Clevenger John Dolan Vincent is a talented young forger with a proclivity for mathematics and drug addiction. In the face of his impending institutionalization, he continually reinvents himself to escape the legal and mental health authorities and to save himself from a life of incarceration. But running turns out to be costly.

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus One of Us is Lying follows the gripping story of Bronwyn, Addy, Nate, and Cooper as suspects in the murder of Simon Kelleher. Each of the high school students have secrets that they would do anything to protect, so how far would they go to make sure they’re kept out of the spotlight?

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 18 Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008 03 441 0777 FOR A RENTAL? SCAN QR CODE TO VIEW OUR LATEST LISTINGS! Looking Queenstown P 03 441 0777 E rentals.queenstown@harcourts.co.nz HOUSE ELECTRICAL for all your electrical needs new builds | renovations | maintenance rob harvey rob@houseelectrical.co.nz 021 115 www.houseelectrical.co.nz5637 Trade N Go available now 162 Glenda Drive, Frankton | 442 9926 | lakesmowers.co.nz Feeling down or anxious? Need some help or just someone to talk to? FREECALL OR TEXT 1737 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Council candidates step up in last day rush by Paul Taylor

Robertson said the focus would now be on encouraging people to vote with a big campaign by QLDC kicking off soon, including a competition for young adults to design a poster to increase voter participation. “We strongly encourage people to learn about the different candidates and what they stand for. There are upcoming candidate debates, hosted by organisations such as Ignite Wānaka and the Queenstown Chamber of Commerce, which we will list on our QLDC Facebook page.”

Brigid Marie

Candidates for the Arrowtown-Kawarau Ward (three seats): Duvnjak, Ferguson,DanijelCraig Lindsay Guy, Lisa Jeanelle Hunter, Nellie Rose Shetty, Neeta White, Melissa Candidates for the Queenstown-Whakatipu Ward (four seats): Bartlett, Gavin Stewart Chernishov, Stephen John Dorner, Anton Josef Gladding, Nicolette Winona Newport, Peter Roland Turnham, Claire Louise Weston, Mary Ila Whitehead, Esther Vivien Wong, Matthew Donald Candidates for the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Ward (four seats): Bruce, Barry William Burke, Oliver Stephen Cocks, Lyal Alexander McCarthy, Ross Peter Shand, Daniel James Smith, Wellington,Tucker,QuentinCodyRossJohnAaron

Sebastian Candidates for the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board (four seats): Bruce, Barry William Cocks, Lyal Alexander Hadfield, Christopher Keith Joll, Linda Maree Telfer, Simon Antony Wellington, John Aaron Sebastian Candidates for the Central Otago Health Inc for the Ward of WānakaUpper Clutha (one seat): Overton, Richard Leigh Check out who’s nominated them all on the QLDC website.

An eleventh-hour flood of nominations has created a race for council seats in Queenstown Lakes. There are now six candidates for mayor, six for the three ArrowtownKawarau Ward seats, nine for the four Queenstown-Whakatipu Ward seats, eight for the four Wānaka-Upper Clutha Ward seats, and six for the four Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board. That means there’ll be no candidates elected automatically and Queenstown will go to the polls in October. The nominations closed at noon on Friday.

A person can vote in the elections if they are: •18 years or older AND •a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident AND • have lived in Aotearoa New Zealand for one year or more continuously at some point. Voting papers will be sent in mid-September for their return by Saturday, 8 SpecialOctober.votes are available to people who are not enrolled but qualify to vote, for people who did not receive voting papers in the mail, or whose papers have been spoilt or damaged, and for those whose name appears on the unpublished electoral roll. A person can make a special vote by popping into the QLDC Wānaka office at 47 Ardmore Street, or the Queenstown office at 10 Gorge Road between Friday, 16 September and Saturday, 8 October. Robertson was also the Returning Officer for the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Ward of Central Otago Health Inc. Leigh Overton was the sole candidate for the seat so will be declared elected. Check out the candidates below: Candidate for the position of Mayor: Angus, Alistair Graeme Mitchell, John Frederick Lewers, Glyn Alan Shand, Daniel James Shetty, Wensley,NeetaOlivia

QLDC’s Electoral Officer Jane Robertson had a busy morning dealing with a last-minute rush. “We now have plenty of candidates and that’s really pleasing.”


Image: Votelocal.co.nz

When: Thursday, September 1st, 6 – 7.30pm Where: The Rees Hotel Queenstown’s conference room. Registration required. Please bring cash for your koha. Masks must be worn.

The Arts in Schools programme is about to wrap up another year with students in Years 5 to 8 at Remarkables Primary School. More than 700 tamariki across the Queenstown Lakes District will have had the opportunity to work alongside local artists to create their own work through the programme.


For more www.wrtqt.org.nzwww.facebook.com/wrtqt.org.nzinformation:

This previously willow infested tributary of Mill Creek is looking fantastic with the last 3 years of planting becoming well established! This season we will be planting a further 1000 native riparian trees & shrubs to continue to help improve water quality of this stream which feeds into Lake Hayes.

Please bring GUMBOOTS or other sturdy footwear to this planting day, Slope Hill Road (access off Speargrass Flats Road), adjacent to the Queenstown Bike Trail

Designed by Arts in Schools to give students an opportunity to connect with local artists, exercise their creativity, learn new ways of thinking, and to promote connection and well-being. Students had the choice to work in printmaking, sculpture, photography or painting, with local artists: Sue Marshall, Marion Vialade-Worch, Liz Hawker, Tony O’Keefe, Fiona Garlick, Lisa Duncan, Kym Beaton, Grant Whibley or Patrick Fallon. The Remarkables Primary School’s exhibition at Te Atamira is on now with works from Years 5 & 6 until 24 August. Works from Years 7 & 8 will be on exhibit from 30 August to 17 September. Te Atamira, is open 10am to 5pm Dart House, Remarkables Park Town Centre 12 Hawthorne Drive


WHAT TO BRING: Gardening gloves, a sturdy garden shovel (if you have one), closed footwear, water, hat & sunscreen along with your friends, family & kids. Planting days are definitely the best way to get over the end of ski season blues! There are jobs for everyone (it’s not all digging and planting), including plenty of organising roles to help keep the day running smoothly. It’s drop-in style - from 9am onwards. No experience is needed, just a desire to make a difference to this beautiful place we love to call home.

Spring planting season kicks off on September 3rd at Whitechapel Reserve in Arrow Junction, where WRT will be planting another 1500 native trees & shrubs, further extending the regeneration of this QLDC reserve. Plenty of parking is available. The awesome crew at the Hilton Queenstown Resort & Spa will be providing morning tea & hot drinks, and Wakatipu Reforestation Trust will be hosting a lunchtime sausage sizzle.

Spring is around the corner and it’s time to take off the skis and pick up a shovel and join the Whakatipu Reforestation Trust’s community native tree planting days. The first community planting is happening on Saturday 3rd September at Whitechapel Reserve in Arrow Junction where 1500 natives will be planted along the cycle trail. Planting days are a great opportunity for the local community to work together to make a difference to our local environment. With over 65,000 native trees and shrubs planted since 2015, we are making a real and tangible impact on reestablishing habitat & food sources for our native birds, lizards & insects, as well as sequestering carbon to help mitigate climate change.


*Morning tea kindly provided by Hilton Queenstown Resort & Spa Slope Hill Road Saturday, 17th September from 9:00-12:00 noon

Reforestation Trust’s Spring Planting Season is almost here

The following 2 Saturday’s community planting will be happening at: Bush Creek, Arrowtown (behind the Chinese Village) Sep 10th between 9am and noon Join us as we celebrate DOC’s Conservation Week! This year’s theme is take action for nature, so join us planting a further 850 natives along the cycle trail beside the Arrow River.

Catalyst Trust presents - Disinformation, Misinformation and Democracy. A talk by Sanjana Hattotuwa

*Morning tea kindly provided by Crowne Plaza Queenstown

TLCT Arts in Schools Exhibition: Remarkables Primary School

Dr Sanjana Hattotuwa has watched “splintered realities” emerge in New Zealand, as divisive and destructive disinformation and misinformation spread through social, media and political landscapes with the pandemic. His fears for democracy in his adopted country are based on having seen and studied this, in his homeland Sri Lanka, since 2010. For six months prior to the start of the occupation of Parliament grounds, he analysed often poisonous, conspiracy-propagating threads and live streams as part of The Disinformation Project. The exchanges he has seen are “so horrific that I don’t think most Kiwis would recognise their country”. If nothing is done to rein this in, he says, the trajectory is chilling for its impacts on next year’s general election and the very foundations of New Zealand’s democracy.

This operation will involve ground hunting and contractors will be clearly visible. Any public walking tracks will be closed in reserves where work is being carried out, and signage and personnel will be in place during closure periods.

In early December a candlelight Memorial evening is held and everyone is invited to attend. Once a year we endeavor to run a grief workshop.

Our committee of volunteers meet regularly to see that Central Compassionate Friends (COCF Otago) continues to operate efficiently so to support all bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents in Central Otago and the Lakes District.

• Area above Greenstone Place, Scott Place and Caples Place, Fernhill

Compassionate Friends provides someone to talk to, a listener who understands and often has been in a similar situation and can empathise with what you are going through. Personal support is given by phone calls, email communication and home visits.

Community News

The committee makes applications for grants to fund operating costs. There are no subscriptions. The newsletter and workshops are free to bereaved families. No commitment is expected from bereaved families to attend workshops, bi-monthly gatherings or to receive newsletters.

The Central Otago Compassionate Friends area includes; Queenstown, Arrowtown, Wanaka, Cromwell, Clyde, Alexandra, the Teviot Valley and the WeManiototo,currently have close to 100 families in Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes that we support. Our next informal meeting is at Hole In One Cafe Millbrook. 1.00pm. Thursday 25th August 2022. For further information please call Pauline Trotter who is the new Central Otago Co-Ordinator on 0273960611 or email centralotagocf@gmail.com

Library Fine Free Trial Community Feedback Initiative The local libraries have been tailing a fine free initiative and they’re gathering feedback to seek support in keeping fine free in place for our children and youth, and potentially expand to adults. They’ve created a short survey for people to complete which will ask a few questions about their library usage (or non-usage) and will then ask them for their thoughts about fine free. The survey is completely anonymous and should take less than 5 minutes. They would love locals to share the survey link with friends and also take the survey. The survey is open until 21 August.

Pauline Trotter Compassionate friends Co-ordinator

Some parents feel hesitant the first time about attending, which is very natural. Most parents however find the mutual support very helpful and continue to come.

In Central Otago and the Lakes Districts we come together to support each other every two months, where we either have a speaker who provides insight and information, or we share our journey of grief where we provide positive ideas shared by us or we chat informally. Informal coffee meetings are also arranged for those who prefer to meet in smaller groups.



• Area above Bowen Street and Kiely Lane

• Water Tank Reserve Crows Nest - Arthurs Point

Arrowtown Library reopens The Arrowtown Library refurb took a wee bit longer than planned. It reopens however this week on Monday, 15 August in fact. QLDC extend borrowing periods and will waive overdue charges incurred during the Arrowtown Library closure period. A goat control operation will be underway in Queenstown starting from Monday 22 August, aiming to reduce the likelihood of goats becoming a hazard to vehicles, and causing further nuisance to residents’ properties. The operation will target the following areas:

Compassionate Friends Supporting bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents through the loss of a Compassionatechild.

Formoreinfopleasecontact: codc-qldc.govt.nz@qtlakeslibraries @qldclibraries inefree YouThink...

All the people involved are parents who have experienced the death of a child whether it be as a result of an accident, suicide, murder, sickness, still birth or cot death.

• Area above Boydtown Way, Huff Street and Fryer Street

Friends offers friendship, support and understanding to bereaved parents, siblings & grandparents to help with coping and dealing with grief that has come about through the loss of a loved one. We are about hope and sharing our own personal experiences to help give you the skills and support to carry on living a fulfilled and happy life.

• Matakauri Park, Gorge Road • Bluffs above Matakauri Park

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 22 Need Immigration advice? Come talk to the team at Collective Consulting. The local experts in their eld. Honest professionals that will get your Immigration matter sorted. 03 428 www.ccqt.nzinfo@ccqt.nz2672 qldc.govt.nz/recreation@QLDCSportRec Join Alpine Health and Fitness for just $22.95 a week Visit qldc.govt.nz/membership qldc.govt.nz/recreation@QLDCSportRec Diesel pumped directly to your home tank Diesel is pumped straight from the truck into your house tanks so our truck won’t need to enter the property or risk damaging your driveway. Discounted pricing. Eligibility for value-added benefits by becoming an RD Petroleum customer.BONUS!BONUS!South Island wide0800 44 00 14www.rdp.co.nz Open Tuesday 16th -Sun 21st BOARD PANDEMA Gold Coin Donation and alL artwork sales donated to: HapPinesS House & I Am Hope. Prize-giving and drinks with artists Sat 20th 6.30pm The Barn, SherwoOd AlL Welcome A Recycled Snowboard Exhibition

The plan includes a Tourism and Hospitality Accord to set employment standards, better education, adopting technology to better future proof the industry and improve workers’ experiences, developing cultural competency, and using seasonal fluctuations in demand to upskill people and provide more consistent work.

Both Brains helps businesses streamline internal processes and use the right applications to offer support, rather than adding to the workload. “With the right technology solutions in place, tourism businesses have less down time and more time to concentrate on delivering the amazing service the industry is known for.”

Stuart Nash Matt Wong IT solutions for tourism by Paul Taylor

That’s good news for Queenstown businesses, battling back from two years relying on domestic travel. Some 94,600 overseas visitors arrived in New Zealand in June, a 30% increase on May 2022 and more than double compared to international arrivals in June 2021. By comparison, overseas visitor arrivals totalled just 37,900 in the first three months of There2022. were 22,500 international passenger movements through Queenstown Airport in June, with July even busier.

International visitors are returning to New Zealand at higher numbers than previously expected, are staying longer and spending more. New data from Statistics New Zealand and MBIE show a strong uptick in international visitor numbers and overseas card spend, with June 2022 seeing the highest number of international visitor arrivals since the border was closed in March 2020.

After two years, they’re coming back by Paul Taylor

“I know there is still a ways to go to get back to pre-Covid levels but these numbers show a strong growth in demand and represent a higher-thananticipated winter tourism season.”

Busy ZQN, the tourist queue to head home at Queenstown holidays

Nash, at the Tourism Export Council’s conference in Nelson last week, launched the first phase of the Government’s Tourism Industry Transformation Plan, which aims to strengthen the tourism workforce and make the industry As‘regenerative’.Queenstowners know, the tourism and hospitality industries have a historic reputation for offering low wages, long hours and relying on migrant Nashlabour.said the industry is often a stepping stone, not a destination for many “Weworkers.have done, I believe, a poor job of creating an aspirational career pathway in tourism for young people when they’re considering their employment options.”


Tourism Minister Stuart Nash says: “What is also really positive to see is that visitors from the US and UK are staying longer and spending more than in pre-Covid times – despite visitor numbers being far less than 2019, the card spend is back to the same level.” Of all visitor arrivals in June 2022, 74 percent were from Australia, 5% were from the US, 3% from the UK and 2% from Singapore.

Both Brains team, from left, Skulk de Wet, Jenni Powell, Ryan Howard, Shane Logue, Connar McConville

iFly Queenstown owner Matt Wong told RNZ: “I think the action plan is pretty much spot on with what we’re thinking as an industry anyway. “We’ve all been thinking about it probably for the last couple of years or so, and now that we’ve got some major issues with our labour force, it’s quite a timely reminder that actually as an industry we probably need to mature a little bit and address some of the labour issues that we’ve had for quite a few years.”

Queenstown IT specialists Both Brains are sponsoring an Auckland conference showcasing the value of the backpacker and adventure tourism sectors. The theme of the upcoming BYATA (Backpacker Youth Adventure Tourism Association) conference is ‘reconnecting with the world’, embracing high-value youth within the rebuild of tourism. It resonates with Both Brains General Manager Jenni Powell, who has a strong tourism background and chaired BYATA until March 2021. The company provides consulting and IT support services to a wide range of businesses, with expertise in Microsoft 365 and Azure systems. “We’re stoked to support the BYATA conference and have the opportunity to engage with tourism leaders within this key sector, especially with current challenges the industry is facing,” Powell says. “With limited staff resource, low budgets post Covid, and still so many operational moving parts to a business, it’s really important to use modern technology to your advantage.” Powell says Azure cloud environments enable businesses to scale rapidly on demand, as well as minimising costs during quiet periods, the perfect solution for seasonal tourism businesses.

Hotels across the country have also show a three-fold increase in guest nights compared to April, while the first cruise ship returned to NZ on Friday.

He is keen to see technology and innovation play a greater part in addressing workforce issues, but wants to see more development opportunities for managers and leaders.

1876 HOSPOGUIDE OPEN FROM 4PM DAILY OPEN FROM 12PM EVERYDAY! $8 HOUSE DRINKS ALL DAY! Wednesday FREE Pizza Night Sunday Karaoke from 9pm – 1am with FREE spicy chicken wings from 8pm-12am. FREE Pool and Shuffle Board Game. FREE Bull Riding. Or just relax and enjoy a night out at Cowboys. pornstarLadiesWednesdaynight$10martini’sBrettWalker8pmspecials$10TuesdayFoodeveryday Thursday DJ9pmMo Friday DJ Ribera Saturday DJ Jah Fire Every Day from 3pm-8pm Free Bar Snacks DrinkHospoTuesdaynightDJMADSpecialsallnightTuesday $12AllPizzasClassicDay Wednesday OpenNightMic from 9.30pmWednesday Doubles CompetitionPool@8pm Monday ChickenFreeWings* *T’s & C’s Mondayapply Singles CompetitionPool@8pm Thursday TJ live9:30pmfromThursday-Sunday NRL & AFL LiveFridaymusicfrom9.30pmSummersidesLiveFridayMusicwithJack@6pmSaturday DJ MAD from 9.30pm Sunday DJ MAD from Sunday9.30pm UFC 278 LIVE: Usman fromEdwardsvs2pm $7JasseUFCSundayMIDDAY&Jaime6pmBloodyMary’s $10 FOOD SPECIALS, $5 HOUSE BEERS, WINES & SPIRITS ALL DAY EVERY DAY!! Wednesday Quiz Night @7pm. Bar tab and spot prizes to be won! co.nzinfo@lokalqt.Emailtoregisteryourteam Happy Hour from 4pm – 7pm, with drinks from $7 WednesdayAvailableSunday Thursday 20%pizzasoff Dine in takeawayor Thursday 2 for Woodfired1Pizzas Wednesday $37 Export Gold Towers (minimum 3 people) Happy Hour 8-10pm $7 Spirits, $7 Wines, $7 Beer & $16 Cocktails Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday Nightly House DJ’s from 8pm-4am Saturday SignatureCocktailSpecials Fri, Sat & Sun 4pm-6pmHappyhour Friday $18 friescheeseburger,Double&ahousedrinkLunch Fri, Sat & Sun 12pm- 2pm Brunch Sat & Sun 11am - 2pm Sunday $25 1kg chickenfriedbucket Sunday $25 Sunday Roast now for lunch & dinner Bookings highly recommended! 03 442 5444 47WednesdayandMondayTuesdayCLOSEDOpen4pm-8:30pm-SundayCampStreetmisslucys.co.nz

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Long nights and open mics in the 9300 by Jessica Allen Queenstown is a melting pot of artists and musicians from all over the world, and long-term local Dave Arnold is someone who has been supporting the local music scene for over 10 years. Moving to town 20 years ago, he cut his teeth managing bars before becoming a full-time musician and is now helping to organise open-mic nights in town.

The two open-mics he hosts offer very different vibes and are open to any musicians in Queenstown who want to give it a go. The Yonder night is run with Martin Guy and Michael Eden. “I’m at Crew Room on a Wednesday and they start at nine. I come out with an acoustic guitar and one microphone. Usually, one person gets up and plays and somebody else sings. “Yonder is more full on. We supply electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, a drumkit – everything’s miked up, coming through the biggest and best PA system in Queenstown. We do the sound engineering, so whoever’s playing, we will do the mixing for them from the background. Michael does the audio engineering at the desk and Martin, the drummer, talks to people and writes up the list of who’s going to be playing when. I’m the one on the microphone that introduces everyone – it starts off acoustically and then and then moves into band stuff after about an hour. That one starts at 9:30,” says Arnold. The best way to get involved in the music scene in Queenstown is to support local musicians. Word-of-mouth spreads around Queenstown, and many musicians meet through the open-mic nights, and build a “Goreputation.inand support who’s already playing. Just by turning up to gigs, if you’re already a musician you’ll know what it’s like, and then approaching bar managers or bar owners. It’s such a small town that if you’re good the word spreads pretty quickly. It’s like a revolving door – you just need to get your foot in the door, open that, and once you do if you’re good at what you do, it doesn’t take long for word to get around that there’s a good musician in town. Also, a lot of the guys busk quite a lot so they can get heard on the street by people. There’s lots of different avenues, but the best one is to walk in the door and talk to the right person,” says Arnold.

For Arnold the focus is on getting back to normal. Before Covid his band, Victory, was playing five or six nights a week with another one or two solo gigs. Recently it’s closer to one or two band nights a week. “I want to get back into playing more as a band, playing with some very talented musicians, who love playing. It’s very different playing with three other guys than it is playing just by myself, standing on the stage playing to people eating dinner,” says Arnold.

Each week we publish a Hospo Guide with a list of events happening around town. You can find out more about Dave’s band and his openmic nights at his Facebook page, Dave Arnold Music.


4 - Is there something that constantly links your work? Tree-scapes are a constant for me. I am drawn to bringing attention to the forgotten, the overlooked. My work is often underpinned by a sense of fragility in our environment. Chasing the light, finding a sense of place—the raw drawn marks and energy of a drypoint, the intensity and contrast of a mezzotint. I like to work small to focus the viewer’s attention and draw them close. Some works explore the displacement of endemic species by dominant exotic plants such as in ‘ElsewhereHillside I, II and III’.

5 - What’s your dream project? A residency in nature, maybe even the snow, followed by an intensive printing session in an awesome studio where I can try lots of new techniques and take lots of risks with technicians on hand for advice! Followed by an exhibition where I have pushed out of the frame and been able to transform a space. It would also be fun to work on a collaborative project, and to do some lithography again. See Kyla Cresswell’s work with that of Emma Kitson and Kim Lowe in the exhibition Ko Murihiku Tōku Whaea | Southern Mother until 14 September at Te Atamira in Remarkables Park.

Kyla Cresswell with ‘Elsewhere - Hillside I, II and III’ (2022) Kyla Cresswell, ‘Waihopai’ (2021)

Interview with Kelly Carmichael TIGHT FIVE – KYLA CRESSWELL

2 - What drew you to printmaking? Printmaking is so varied and encompasses many techniques: woodcut, intaglio methods, screen-printing, lithography, embossing… there are many ways to make marks and build up imagery. Everything in the process lends something to the resulting artwork. I see printmaking as a form of communication and I hope to encourage the viewer to reevaluate the margins; to see how the scrappy matagouri on the road verge or the last remnant of bush is an important part of the larger ecological community.

1 - When did it click? I think it all came together when I discovered the evocative qualities of mezzotint, especially the dark, velvety blacks I find this so compelling. I enjoy the process of burnishing and scraping a copper mezzotint plate; it is really slow and a bit like meditation, and there is plenty of time to think about the image and ‘be’ in that place.

Contemporary printmaking is flourishing and the traditional intimacy of these often small scale art works is finding a new audience. Kyla Cresswell’s work is delicate, but explores heavy issues including the physical impact of the elements on our environment and the consequences of human occupation. She recently returned to her home province of Murihiku/ Southland and now lives in Dunedin.

3 - Printmaking is having a resurgence. What can this age-old and respected art form offer a contemporary context? In a time where we may be feeling overly plugged in and disconnected from each other, the tactile nature of making prints with our hands is the perfect remedy. Print requires a slowing down, giving over to the steps of a process, maybe working with others in a collaborative studio—and it gives us a chance to play with multiples or create a one off. Printmaking connects us. You can pick up a plate or a block and start printing straight away, but you can spend a lifetime perfecting the process too. Ideas spark, one thing leads to another, and it all pushes the boundaries of the medium.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Page 28 • Health Monitoring – on site • Pre-employment health assessments • Drug testing, we have a mobile unit • Respirator / P95 mask Fit Testing • Workplace Healthy Heart, Cardiac Risk Assessment, programme • Ergonomic Assessments 18 Glenda Drive, 03 442 3682 / 027 442 www.engagesafety.co.nz3682COVIDRESPONSE • VACCINATIONS • SWABBING • FIT 2 FLY supervised RATs and PCA TESTS HEALTH AND SAFETY PLANS and QUEENSTOWNAUDITSFIRST AID NZQA unit standards 6400, 6401, 6402 pilatesstrengthfor 22 August – 26 September, Mondays 7.00-8.00pm $89, book online at qldc.govt.nz/pilates-strength This 6-week pilates course will take your training to the next level. No pilates experience necessary. when cost qldc.govt.nz/recreation@QLDCSportRec Caroinstructor:Ramirez

To get in touch: Email: qtcats2020@gmail.com See www.qtcommunitycats.com or QT Community Cats on Facebook QT Cats kitties ready to share some loving. Who me? Couldn’t be

“We’ve decorated the Frankton therapy room in warm, soothing colours and comfortable couches with help from child therapist Emma Kent, and people can relax in there with anything from one cat to 16 if they want,” says Andrea. “We’ve had groups of neuro-diverse kids coming from the high school with their carer and just spending time with the cats.” Their carers are reporting huge improvements in their confidence, sense of responsibility and sense of self-worth. “They’ve been so impressed with how it’s made these kids feel so valuable and needed.”

Trustee Andrea Balona says QT Community Cats is a charity set up by a group of like-minded volunteers who saw a huge need in the community in 2020 as lockdowns loomed and the community scattered to homelands across the globe.

In just two years the need and growth of the organisation has blossomed to some 40 fosters and volunteers around the Wakatipu, providing homes for about 90 cats and kittens. About a third of those furry felines are contained at Andrea’s place – the younger ones in the therapy room attached to her home and the older ones in a custom-designed cattery in her yard. Thankfully, her patient, previously non cat person husband has been very supportive as he’s seen the wonderful results. Not only is QT Cats rescuing stray, abandoned and sick cats and assisting existing cat owners financially to help keep their pets in these tough economic times, but the cats are giving back too.

QT Cats is now on the hunt for sponsorship for a mobile van or caravan to take mobile cat therapy to local kindergartens, primary schools and the local rest-homes as the benefits have been so profound.

Andrea says they’ve seen remarkable results in the mental health of people, from children to the elderly, who’ve come to spend some warm, comforting time with the cats and kittens in the therapy room. Prior to the lockdowns elderly clients would come in and enjoy cakes that had been baked by volunteers, while spending time enjoying the cats and kittens, she says. “We had an old gramophone set up and they just loved it.”

The demand to interact with the cats for mental well-being has grown way faster than expected.

QT COMMUNITY CATS by Sue Fea There’s nothing like a cosy cuddle with a purring puss to calm the nerves and lift the soul - something the grateful recipients of lots of cat loving at QT Community Cats’ therapy room in Frankton can testify to.

Purrfect peace

Emma Kent has been bringing child clients into the cat therapy room and says she’s seen remarkable results. “One neuro-diverse client, Louise, just loves the cats and we’ve found that if she’s feeling a bit overwhelmed and spends time with the cats on her lap it regulates her breathing,” says Emma. “There’s scientific evidence for this. When cats lie on humans they try to match their heart rate with ours, calming and lowering it. Their purring is reserved just for humans too and is extremely calming for the human limbic system, causing our bodies to secrete happy hormones,” she says. “Children, especially those with a disability, need that tactile comfort as they can get into sensory overload,” says Emma. The cat’s fur, its weight and warmth, and the purring, is extremely comforting. “They’re just natural therapists,” says Emma, who’s very grateful for the work QT Cats is doing. “Louise’s teachers say it’s really helped with her emotions and behaviour, and she’s now using a quieter, calmer voice and helping other students when they’re overwhelmed,” she says. “Purring regenerates their cells and scientifically is released at a frequency that generates cell growth in humans too.” Louise recently celebrated her 21st birthday and chose time in the therapy room with the cats as her birthday treat. QT Cats has now been involved with more than 300 cats since 2020, de-sexing and preventing up to a dozen kittens per cat each season.

“People let us know and we have a team of dedicated trappers who monitor and humanely trap the strays,” says Andrea. There have been some horrific stories of cats thrown out of car windows, and with badly infected eyes, so they’re given vet treatment. All cats rescued by the group are de-sexed, vaccinated, micro-chipped and registered. Those that can’t be tamed are adopted out as barn cats to people who have to agree to feed and shelter them. It’s a costly business, coupled with feeding the cats and QT Community Cats is constantly needing funds. Andrea herself experienced the benefits firsthand while recovering from chemotherapy. “I have cats of my own. They always respect each other’s space, but when I was feeling lousy on the second and third day of treatment they gathered in a circle around me, while I lay on the couch, and purred,” she says. “Each cat always took the same position and I realised it was so healing.”

Here’s 3 easy steps to get stuff done!

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2. Do this first, it is that simple.

Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland

Here’s your 3 steps to get what you want done.

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Whenview. in position the Lion need he Theycan.are you’ve it, straight behind him. and the single lioness. But he didn’t. his mistake.

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If you say to yourself, right I am doing this, it will be easier than I ever thought and I may be surprised by their reaction, you take away the roar, you make it into a little kitten purr.

Whatever is your roar, run to that the first, whatever is taking up your mental energy, making you nervous, maybe even scaring you, then run to that and here’s why: If you don’t then you give it power, let’s say you need to send an email to your boss that could be contentious, the more you think about it the more power you give it and the bigger it gets. Then each time you think about it the task has a louder roar. What you have done is imagined their response, it is not going well and so you put it off, again and again. Now it seems too big and most probably will not get done.


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How running to the roar could be your only way to really get what you want in life I am in the UK at the moment and we took our boys to Chester Zoo yesterday, we saw tigers, giraffes, lions, elephants, you name it, this zoo had it all. In the wild, Lionesses hunt in a very clever way, there’s a strategy to their success and it goes a little like this: One lioness goes to the front of their prey, in this case lets say its a gazelle, this little guy is busy eating away and doesn’t notice the lioness getting in position, then two other lionesses go to the back of the gazelle and spread themselves out, hidden from When everyone is in position the Lion at the front of the gazelle lets out a huge ROAR, the little gazelle goes: Holy moly I need to get out of here and fast he turns and runs as fast as They are pretty speedy these gazelles and, yes, you’ve guessed it, he ran straight into the path of the two waiting Now if the gazelle had read this article he would have known to run to the roar, skip to the side and out run Let’s learn from

1. Ask yourself what is my roar?

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3. Everything else will be easier after that. Out run your roar, take it from a pack of three who have a stealth like strategy to have a large dinner and transform it into a kitten’s purr.

The other great thing about running to your roar is that it saves time, you get the task done and it has been much easier than you thought and now you are like, go me!! Let’s get onto the next thing, you build momentum and confidence. It’s like that old saying, if you want something doing ask a busy person. They have the bit in their teeth, they have speed and an energy that brings people with them.


Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland runs an International Neural Coding® Company. She has 30 Neural Coders working with her around the globe, online to help people identify their problem, delete it and install neural coding that empowers them. 456 www.areyouok.org.nz Drug P: 787

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Join missioaninternationalteamonantobringrealfuntolife. skyline.co.nz/careers Seejobs:our The busy winter season is here and we need help delivering real fun to the world. Whetheryou are a long-time local, arecent graduate or and opportunity in astunning location. Plus, you'll enjoy gondola and luge rides for family and friends, complimentary sta meals, a minimum of 30 hours and a great work life balance. We’re looking for: PhotoSalesFood&Beverage Attendants GuestBarAttendantsServiceCentre Supervisor Guest Service RestaurantGondolaAssistantRetailReservationistHostAssistantsAdministratorOperatorFloorManagerCome for a season, Stay for the fun! Restaurant Receptionists Kitchen Stewards Commis Chefs Chef de Partie Sushi RestaurantFoodStaCleaningCleanersChefSupervisorCafeteriaAttendant&BeverageTeamLeaderandBarManager If this sounds like you, jointhe fun and workwhere othersholiday!

Page 32 Ph: 03 409 2800 info@qmg.co.nz jobfix.co.nz VACANCIES LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 22nd August 2022 Jobs Available Daily for Construction and Trades Jobs aplenty! Register today, work tomorrow! Full-time and part-time hours available. We have jobs for: •Carpenters - commercial & residential •Roofers & Waterproofers •Site skilled Labourers •Hammer•Painters – Hands •Civil Landscapers We can offer you weekly pay, great rates, immediate starts and short and long term assignments. One interview - endless opportunities with a team to support your work life in QT. Come & see us TODAY We're on 66 STANLEY ST, next Avis car rental. Or call 03 442 8553 www.tradestaff.co.nzWE ARE RECRUITING NOW! To learn more about our exciting and rewarding opportunities, and to apply, visit our website today. https://swissport.com.au/work-with-us/ SWISSPORTOPPORTUNITIESCAREER WORK AT QUEENSTOWN AIRPORT! Ready for take-off? There has never been a better time to start your career in aviation. Swissport, the world’s leader in airport ground handling services some of the biggest names in aviation. If you have dreamed of working on the airport, working with Swissport is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Apply Now! Advertise your job vacancy Upload online at jobfix.co.nz

FULL TIME | PART TIME | STUDENT | CASUAL ROLES RECRUITMENT OPEN DAY Ferg Offices, Level 1, 36 Shotover Street FOR ANY QUESTIONS Email us, hr@fergfoods.com Saturday 20th Aug 10am - 12pm Join us for a chat and go into the draw to win a $250 Ferg Voucher We want to talk to you about a range of different roles. At Ferg we offer competitive wages, flexible working hours, training & development, discounted food & drinks, service recognition, welfare committee events and a chance to grow your career. Join us for a free coffee and donut! Front of House Kitchen Assistants Bakers ChefsBartendersChefsBartenders-Alllevels-Alllevels

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 34 Jucy Snooze Queenstown are looking for energetic and enthusiastic people to join us in our re opening! You don’t need experience to work with us! We offer staff benefits from staff accommodation to car rentals and Food & Beverage discounts! Housekeeping Room Attendant (Starting from $25.00 an hour) & Assistant Hotel Manager Please send through your resume to rory_bourke@jucysnooze.co.nz We’re recruiting new team members! We are looking for friendly, reliable and hardworking people to join us at SkyCity Casino Queenstown! We are looking for: • Sous Chef • Chef de Partie • Commis Chef • Kitchen Hand • Food & Beverage Attendants • Cleaning Attendant • Security Officer Interested? Contact@skycity.co.nz Work life balance so you can make the most of all our region has to offer. Excellent work culture and great staff benefits. (Applicants must be aged 20 years or older due to government legislation and be legally able to work in New Zealand) NZ Ski Pass available for $250 *employment conditions apply CustomerService Representative Staffaccommodationavailable EmailyourCVtocustservice@onsen.co.nz MassageTherapist Funfastpacedenvironment Supportiveteamculture Anexcellentworkethicand initiative. Thisrolewillincludeboth cleaningdutiesandcustomer service Mustbeavailabletowork rosterwithworkdays,evenings &weekends Workinanawardwinning Dayspa Supportiveteamculture Massageexperience essential Mustshowanoutstanding levelofcustomercare Mustbeavailablework days,evenings&weekends. WHITE AND WONG’S Looking for a energetic and hard working staffs at Busy Asian Fusion restaurant in the heart of Queentown. Chef de Partie Demi WhiteKitchenChefHandandWong’sQueenstown www.goodgroup.co.nz l benjamin.moon@whiteandwongs.co.nzwww.whiteandwongs.co.nz Seasonal Lodge Staff Required Seasonal Fixed Term Positions (2022/23 Summer Season) What better place to work in summer than in the heart of Southern Fiordland! The Humpridge Track comprises of a 3day 2night adventure - 62km and two Lodges, adding some luxury to the usual NZ walking track. We engage with a wide range of walkers and offer three quite different packages catering to their respective tramping needs. We are recruiting the following; Lodge Leads • 2ICs • Guides Want to learn more? Visit our staff vacancies page using the following link; https://www.humpridgetrack.co.nz/pages/staff-vacancies/ Or contact Emily by email at walk@humpridgetrack.co.nz

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 36 With another full season of weddings and events around the corner at our exclusive and scenic venue located in Gibbston and offsite catering events around Otago, we are looking for team members to join our outstanding & friendly kitchen team. We are looking for: FULL TIME CHEFS 27$+ CASUAL CHEFS 27$+ CASUAL / FULL TIME KITCHEN PORTER 25$+ Please get in touch if you have: •A love for food and great service •A can-do attitude • Friendly & confident attitude •Initiative & love a challenge •Previous experience in busy kitchen environment Flexible hours rewarded with a competitive hourly rate. Applicants must have a valid NZ work visa/residency. Please get in contact with Thilo at thilo@in2food.co.nz JOIN THE MOVEMENT and be a part of Republic Hospitality Group •Tired of being bored at work? •Want to make your Queenstown life epic! •Looking to meet a fun and friendly crew? Republic Hospitality Group has 10 venues in Queenstown, and we o er casual, part-time and full-time work. So whether it’s bar, restaurant or kitchen work you’re interested in, we’ve got it available at all levels Our perks are pretty hard to beat: • Sta pricing (did someone say great deals on food & drink?) • Sta accommodation options • Epic sta parties • Great sta incentives • A trusting culture • Competitive pay • Free sta meals • Training and upskilling • A welcoming and friendly team Republic is a finalist in the NZ Hospitality Awards for Excellence in People & Culture for a reason. Get in touch and join us today, email HR@republicqt.co.nz and tell us what you’re looking for. Check out our venues at www.republichospitality.co.nz We’re looking for a confident and motivated person to conduct research fieldwork in Queenstown, based at a variety of sites. You must be reliable, a great communicator and happy to work independently. We pay between $28 -$33 per hour + bonuses + contribution to travel costs. The role is approximately 8 - 12 hours per week (with opportunities for further work) – some weekend work expected. A driver’s license and your own vehicle preferred. To apply, email rob@angusassociates.co.nz with your CV and let us know why you’d be a good fit for the role. ISTHESMELLOFCUT GRASSYOURCOLOGNE? DOYOUWIELDA WEEDEATERLIKEA BOSS? APPLYTOOURLANDSCAPING GARDENERPOSITION 021951282 admin@groundswell.net.nz

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 37 At NPD Limited we strive for industry leadership. We are highly customer focused providing quality service throughout the South Island. We are seeking a passionate Sales Assistant to join the NPD family and bring our culture of friendly efficient service to life at our site in Frankton, Queenstown. NPD is truly focused on having a great culture and are flexible with hours to work around a good home life balance. The Sales Assistant key focuses include maintaining excellent site standards, provide excellent customer service and actively promote and execute a positive and welcoming work environment for all team members. Qualifications, experience, skills and attributes required for this role: • Retail experience preferred but not essential, as full training will be given. • Flexibility to work all days of the week. •Customer and results focused. • Strong relationship builder, team player and problem solver. •Strong •Maintainingcommunication.standardsand eye for detail. • Physically fit and healthy. Key responsibilities include: •Assists customers with refuelling needs. • Maintains a clean and tidy site by ensuring all cleaning procedures are carried out effectively and efficiently. •Assisting customers with making payment of purchased goods. • Promotes and practices Health & Safety, identifying potential hazards. Accurately documenting incidents or accidents. •Promote and practise outstanding customer service+. Do you think this job could be for you?

•Discounted Shop Products across most of our range.

• We offer competitive rates starting from $25.50 per hour, and better rates to work closing Shifts.

Contact Sanjila now on franktonmanager@npdretail.co.nz or call me on 027 288 0020 to discuss how you will come join our amazing team here at NPD Frankton.

Mower Operators Love the outdoors, like to move around all day? Then come and join us. We currently have two super cool vacancies for mower operators at our Queenstown Branch. What does a mower operator do you ask? Well for starters you get to work across some of the most spectacular scenery NZ has to offer. This could be working in Glenorchy one day, Kingston the next, or on the Lake front at Frankton. The activities we need you to do, include mowing (and we will train you if you’re not an expert), weed eating (yes you need to do some walking and not just sit on your mower), blowing down your site and removing any rubbish you may come across. We supply all your uniform, PPE, and other goodies after a hard day’s work. The lake is a great stop for lunch in a hot summer’s day (and a swim if your keen), and in winter we offer reduced hours, with full pay so you can get that extra days snow fix in.. Interested (well you should be ☺!!) please contact Rebecca Campbell on 021 743 185 or rebecca@rs.kiwi.nz Advertise your job vacancy | Upload online at jobfix.co.nz

• We have a subsided Fuel employee scheme.



•A small close-knit team – HOTEL Manager, Night Auditor/Porter,

Porter FOOD & BEVERAGE F&B Attendants, Kitchen Attendants CHEFS Sous, CDP, Commis, Apprentice HOUSEKEEPING & LAUNDRY Room Attendants, Laundry Attendants Shape Your Future With Us We have incredible opportunities in a variety of roles with shifts and hours that will suit whatever you are looking for across our 3 Queenstown properties We are on the lookout for an enthusiastic and driven individual to work with us as a Property Manager in a busy role with a growing portfolio. If you have great customer service and communication skills and are looking for a change of industry, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. If you no longer want to work nights and weekends, talk to us now about joining our high performing and award winning property management team. Apply by emailing annette@steapconsulting.co.nz with your expression of interest. All applicants must be a NZ resident / citizen and a clean driving license is essential. QUEENSTOWN PROPERTY MANAGER Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licenced REAA 2008 Advertise your job vacancy Upload online at jobfix.co.nz FOR YOUR JOB VACANCY FIND CANDIDATEPERFECTTHE

•Permanent full time 40-hour week

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 38 Don’t delay. Apply today! Contact Duncan duncan@queenstownmotorgroup.co.nzWright | 021 909 911 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Queenstown Motor Group has grown over the years, establishing a luxury brand in the Central Otago region. With the brands Audi, Volkswagen, Subaru and servicing Skoda, there is an opportunity for an Automotive Technician to expand their skills. We have exciting opportunities as automotive transitions into electric. Our brands give you the opportunity to learn and develop skills in the EV, Hybrid and PHEV world. We offer factory training in these fields and have required factory tooling onsite. Why join our knowledgeable team? •A lifestyle like no other •Permanent full time 40-hour week with overtime opportunities •Competitive remuneration and time and a half paid on overtime • Ongoing training and the opportunity to expand your skills with globally known brands •Excellent working environment and conditions •A small close-knit team You will be responsible for diagnosing, maintaining, and repairing customer vehicles, to manufacturer and franchise standards, using the latest diagnostic equipment JOIN US VEHICLE GROOMER At Queenstown Motor Group, we’re also looking for a Vehicle Groomer to join our busy and growing dealership. We’re looking for someone that has a high standard of workmanship, that takes pride in their work to ensure all vehicles are presented at its best. Have you got an eye for detail and a can-do attitude? Then this job is certainly for you!

•Excellent working environment and conditions


What’s in it for YOU?

•Competitive remuneration


• Ongoing training and the opportunity to expand your skills with globally known brands

This position requires an experienced & enthusiastic individual; the daily tasks include cooking guest breakfasts, staff meal, preparing canapés and daily afternoon tea, as well as various other kitchen duties. Start at 6am and finish at 3pm. The ideal candidate must have sufficient experience, be adaptable and well presented.

Luxury Lodge Housekeeper Full Time - $25 p/h for the right person We require an experienced housekeeper who is enthusiastic, motivated, have great attention to detail and who would be proud to keep our accommodation to a high level while working within a small friendly team.

Gardening & Maintenance Full time - $25 plus depending on experience level

• A positive and enthusiastic attitude with a high level of selfmotivation and initiative

Our team is looking for an experienced gardener who can also do small maintenance jobs around Azur Lodge. Minimum 30 hours per week, ideally 5 days per week but this could be discussed. The tasks involve cutting grass and weeds, keeping the outside area smart and tidy, assisting with maintenance to keep Azur to an acceptable luxury standard, looking after equipment.

Queenstown i-SITE Manager – MATERNITY COVER We are looking for a switched-on, passionate & unique individual to be the leader of our highly successful team of consultants who continually provide exceptional customer service & sales, enabling people from around the world to discover the beauty of Queenstown & NZ. About you You will have a demonstrated ability to motivate, inspire and lead a team, whilst continuing to provide the best in market source of destination information, accommodation & activities sales. You will also be building relationships, creating value to all current and future tourism operators. In addition to management experience particularly in travel and / or related businesses you will be comfortable managing operations, financial accounts, budgets, supplier relationships, and using data & trends to drive decisions about the key elements of the business. You have great attention to detail and love to go that extra distance for your customers. You are a real team player with a can-do attitude and will regularly pitch in to help your frontline team. Ideally, you will have: of New Zealand travel 3 years Management experience in a similar role Ability to successfully manage and lead a diverse team while creating a supportive and positive environment Excellent computer skills and knowledge of reservations systems e.g. customer service and communication skills legal right to live and work in Queenstown

Great new family French Bakery is opening soon in Remarkables park shopping centre. We can offer you the possibility to learn more about french bread and pâtisserie. You must be motivated, smily and friendly. You should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. We have a lot of option available for you. We are looking for cashiers, baristas, (assistant) bakers, (assistant) pastry chefs and everyone else who want to take part of this new adventure. Just let us know what you are capable of.

To apply or for further information

Azur Luxury Lodge in Fernhill is hiring Paid meal break daily with meal included. Famil night after 1 year for permanent team members.


•Ability to work under pressure and prioritise workload


Great Family French Bakery is waiting for you.

• Strong customer service focus and a passion for the tourism industry and sales

Great new family French Bakery is opening soon in Remarkables park shopping centre. We can offer you the possibility to learn more about french bread and pâtisserie. You must be motivated, smily and friendly. You should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. We have a lot of option available for you.

Applicants must have a valid work visa or the right to work in New Zealand Please email applications to Danielle danielle@azur.co.nz

We are looking for : Cashier/Barista (Serving customer, making coffee, cleaning, …) Full time or Part time. Starting wage $25 - Baker assistant (Making sandwiches, Baking goods, making products, making bread, cleaning,…) Previous experience is preferred. You must have legal right to work in New Zealand. Email : contact@maboulangerie.co.nz

Luxury Lodge Host Full time, mornings, or evenings - you choose! This position is very multi-tasked, the tasks range from serving breakfast, reception work, recommending activities & dining options, hosting guests during their stay, food and beverage service, housekeeping & various front of house duties. The morning shift is 7am to 3pm and the evening shift is 3pm to 11pm (so you can spend your mornings on the ski fields).

•Ability to lead sales team to reach sales targets and KPI’s


We are looking for cashiers, baristas, (assistant) bakers, (assistant) pastry and everyone else who want to take part of this new adventure. Just let us know what you are capable of.

Email: marion@maboulangerie.co.nz to apply or for further information

reliable team member.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 39

•Have excellent English language skills, both written and verbal

• National Certificate in Tourism is desirable This is a maternity cover position. An attractive remuneration package and benefits await the right person. To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to nick.guthrey@anzcro.com.au



Chefs - An exciting opportunity with evenings off and really use your creativity Part time permanent $30 p/h for the right person. Ideally Sunday and Monday

email : marion@maboulangerie.co.nz to apply or for further information

www.azur.co.nz a Please email your CV and covering letter to kitchen@sasso.co.nz Please apply to 2 Rees St 442 5288 or dine@primerestaurant.co.nz


for a vibrant and professional person to provide support to our Office Manager with the various administration and finance aspects of our business, including reception duties. This is

and have a

in a professional services office or consulting environment is an advantage.

with outstanding client service skills and a sound knowledge of professional office systems. The

•Good interpersonal skills & excellent phone manner •Flexibility essential- we operate 7 days a week 8am till 5.00pm •Training & development provided •Full or restricted drivers licence required. The job role can vary from serving customers to driving the shuttle, assisting with calls, administration to cleaning cars. Bring your best! •Permanent roster includes weekends •Previous customer service experiences an advantage • Must hold a full NZ Drivers Licence [CSR/Groomer plus shuttle driver] •Attention to detail •Ability to maintain a positive attitude in any situation Tasks & Responsibilities: • Face to face and over the phone interaction with customers creating a positive experience • Complete rental agreements in a timely efficient manner •Assist with depot administration and daily business tasks • At times may need to collect and return customers to the airport in the shuttle van. [CSR/Groomer plus shuttle driver] •Inspection of vehicles on collection and return Salary / wages correlates with experience between $21.50 to $27.80 per hour. Full time positions- between 30 to 40 hours per week. Part time positions – between 20 to 24 hours per week. Send your CV and Cover Letter to shobana@omegarentals.com McDonald’s Restaurants Queenstown are looking to fill permanent, full-time positions for our restaurants in Frankton and Camp St in Wetown.are hiring for the positions of: • Barista (experience required) • Kitchen staff • Service/Hospitality Stars • Maintenance/Cleaning Starting rate of $22 to $25 an hour for the above listed full time positions. Flexible working times (around skiing, kids etc). To apply, please send your CV in to: hr.mcds.qtown@gmail.com or scan the QR Code and apply online or come in and see us. OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR, QUEENSTOWN We are

•Good interpersonal skills & excellent phone manner

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 40 Exciting opportunities to join the team at Te Atamira, Queenstown’s newest arts and culture facility located at Remarkables Park. Front of House • Responsible for delivering Te Atamira’s front of house operations. • Managing and developing the boutique retail offering. Role includes:•welcoming visitors to the facility •gallery •managingguidethe retail shop •ushering for programs and events •range of administrative tasks Full time or part time position available. Days of work include weekend days and some evenings. Job sharing can be discussed for the right candidates. Youthtown Programme Delivery Support (Casuals) We are seeking casual team members to help deliver our afterschool Youthtown programmes during term time and school holiday programmes.•Toassist and support the delivery of safe, high quality developmental programmes for young people which promote their personal, educational and social development. • Availability required during school holidays and/or afterschool hours in term time (exact rostering can be discussed). • In designing and delivering programmes, proactively and directly engages with young people in order to support their personal, educational and social development. • Multiple casual positions available, rosters for days/hours will vary depending on programming including school holidays, afterschool hours and some evenings Applications for the above roles close on Wednesday 31 August at To5pm.apply, please email a CV and cover letter to support@teatamira.nz (full job description can also be requested from that email). Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to clarify either of the opportunities.

•Positive individuals with a bright smile

•Training & development provided CSR/ Groomer / Shuttle Driver

also includes support to engineering staff where advanced Word and Excel skills in document presentation are desirable, and you will have excellent written and oral communication skills. If this sounds like you, apply to; Office Manager jobs@hadleys.co.nz | 03 450 2140 Remuneration will be appropriate to experience. Applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

•Flexibility essential- we operate 7 days a week 8am till 5.00pm

•Positive individuals with a bright smile looking a full-time position experience You must demonstrate initiative bright personality role

Full and part time positions available at Omega Car Rentals

where you will provide support to both our Queenstown and Christchurch offices. Experience in a similar role, with some exposure to bookkeeping (QuickBooks, Xero or similar) and general office administration practices is preferred, however training will be provided. Previous

Front office requirements

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 41 All Front of House positions: Assistant Restaurant Managers FoodWaitstaffRunnersBarTenders Seeking hospitality professionals to join our busy restaurant. $23 - $30 per hour If you any of these roles are of interest to you, please drop your resume into the restaurant or email nicole.simister@botswanabutchery.co.nz Queenstown’s hottest 5 star luxury hotel and home to industry leading F&B outlets – Bazaar Restaurant & Reds Bar. HOUSEKEEPING ATTENDANTS From $25/hour Email:CHEFS,kim_haynes@evt.comALLLEVELS From $27.76/hour Email: ryan_henley@evt.com BAR & RESTAURANT STAFF From $24.15/hour Email: GUESTamy_ribera@evt.comSERVICEAGENT From $24.15/hour Email: anthony_harper@evt.com REQUIRED NOW!!!!!! Skilled and LabourersUnskilled Looking for casual, temporary or long term work?? Queenstown Personnel and Labour Hire are looking for labourers for a variety of jobs around Queenstown with an immediate start. Contact Sharleen - 027 778 7377 or email sharleen@qtplabour.co.nz The Coffee Club Remarkables Park is looking for the following positions to join the team • Front of House Staff •Kitchen•Barista Hand We offer: Flexible stable roster, Guaranteed hours, Competitive rate, Coffee skills training, free coffee and meal and Professional career Experiencepath. necessary for the Barista position. Email us on remarkablesparktcc@gmail.com or contact on 021 0818 4540 Come and join our fun team of cleaning maintenanceandexperts! •Full and part time positions available! • Great pay rates! • Must be able to work weekends! • Fit, fun, fast and effective! • Transport provided. Email slithytoves33@gmail.com Come join our fun team and work in an exciting airport environment. Perks of working for us: • Discounted accommodation within walking distance • Daily staff meals • Competitive wage • Social outings • Flexible roster to spend more time on the snow. • Free coffee all day everyday • Professional career path • Relocating support The following roles are available: CHEFS / BAKERS ALL KITCHENLEVELSHAND MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM-5PM AVAILABLE $25 P/H DUTY FRONTMANAGEROFHOUSEBARISTAS We have full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions available. To apply, email your CV to justin@airspresso.co.nz FRONT OF HOUSE WAITER If you have a spring in your step and enjoy good food and banter and can deliver fast and friendly service then come join our Arrowtown cafe team. Full time & part time position available. Family friendly hours and flexible shifts. Good wages. Bonuses. Send your application & CV to: Windowinfo@provisionscafe.co.nzCleaningPositionAvailable ExperiencePart-time/Full-time.Preferred. Possibly suit current window cleaner looking for extra hours. Wages or Contractor. Weekdays only. Excellent rate of pay to right candidate. Start ASAP. NZ Resident or Valid Work Visa. Email: 4seasonspestservice@gmail.com Cafe Society is looking for Barista, Head Chef and Chef de Partie Cafe society is looking for our new members to join us here in our busy buzzy Cafe at 5 Mile Frankton. Send us your CV and a cover letter at: cafesocietyjobs@xtra.co.nz We look forward to hearing from you.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 42 We are a fun and friendly awardwinning team who are all striving for the same results and looking for the following people to join our us!! PART-TIME OR FULL TIME BAR PERSON FRONT OF HOUSE WAITER KITCHEN PORTER What’s in it for you: - Competitive hourly rates - No split shi s - Sta food and beverages - Fantastic team environment - Guaranteed hours If you’re looking to take your next step forward with a thriving restaurant, want to earn some extra income, please get in touch! Either pop in and see us, message us, or send your interest / CV through megan@hhgroup.nztowww.bluekanu.co.nz RETAIL TEAM MEMBERS Permanent retail sales team opportunities available with Aelia Duty Free - Queenstown Airport Share your passion for customer service and meet people from all walks of life! We operate in a dynamic airport environment and some shifts may fall outside normal business hours. To apply, scan the QR code to apply online. Vehicle Detailer Wanted Get $25 an hour with the weekends off! Heated wash bay! We need a new detailer to help keep our vehicles looking their best, you’ll have access to all the best products, buffers and polishers to help you do your job! You’ll be joining a great team at our modern dealership that has fantastic facilities. Get your application in today to Nicholas Collins or call in with your CV. GWD Motor Group Queenstown, 52 Lucas Place, Frankton, Queenstown. Email your application to nicholas.collins@gwd.co.nx QUEENSTOWN NZ DUTY IN-HOUSEBARTENDERSMANAGERS,&SECURITYWANTED We are looking for Bartenders, Security and Duty Managers to work in our busy bar in Queenstown. You must have current working Visa and speak excellent English for all roles. The positions are on a roster that will vary from week to week. You must be able to work weekends and evenings. For the In-House Security position, you must have current COA. Duty Managers must have their LCQ and Managers Certi cate. Please send your CV to queenstowncowboys@gmail.com FamilypositionsAssistantStoreavailable Permanent - 37.5h p/w Must have 3 years retail / sales assistant Immediateexperience.start. Covid vaccination record needed. Email Talana for more information talana.stols@salvationarmy.org.nz Become part of the friendly team serving breakfast, lunch and dinner every day in The WeMall.need: Kitchen Hands No experience required Full training available Chef de Partie Three years experience preferred Good terms and conditions Start dates negotiable for successful applicants Applicants must be: •Available nights and weekends •NZ citizen/resident or have current work visa Bring CV to15 Ballarat St or email to goulding.tj@xtra.co.nz Chef de Partie Kitchen Porter Seeking committed and reliable professionals to join our busy kitchen in preparation for the busiest time of the year. If you have Full Time availability and any of these roles are of your interest, please apply sending your cover letter and CV to warwick.taylor@goodgroup.co.nz

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 43 Kitchen Hands | Chefs Bartenders | Ice Bar Hosts Servers | Duty Managers To apply, please scan the QR code or visit future.co.nz JOIN FAMILYTHE Perks • Outstanding staff discounts across all our venues •Weekly performance bonuses • Team events - including powder days, weekly group fitness, BBQ’s, PeopleExcellenceWinner!in&Culture Advertise your job vacancy now at jobfix.co.nz

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 44 JOINOURBARTEAM WORKINQUEENSTOWN'SMOSTICONICVENUE MARINEPARADE,QUEENSTOWN|IMPERIUMCOLLECTION.COM We'relookingforexperiencedbartenderstojoinourEichardt'sBar team!Theperfectcandidateis: *received4weeksafteryourstartdate,T&Csapply Passionateaboutcocktails craft-focusedwithaneyeofdetail Candeliverapolishedserviceexperiencetoourguests Applytodaytojoinourteamandworkalongside Queenstown's2021'BartenderoftheYear'.You'llalsoreceive: EMAILTOAPPLY: RECRUITMENT@IMPERIUMCOLLECTION.COM $200Sign-onbonus* Staffperks&discount Highlycompetitivehourlyrates Stunninglakefrontworkviews Fun&socialteamenvironment www.ultimatehikes.co.nz Chefs/Cooks. Apply Now Seasonal jobs Nov to April. Great people. Great places. Great Jobs. www.ultimatehikes.co.nz Great people. Great places. Great Jobs. Hiking guides. Apply Now Seasonal jobs Nov to April.

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 45 Advance International Cleaning Systems (NZ) Ltd Delivery Driver We are seeking a well-organised Delivery Driver /Stores person to join our Queenstown branch Key responsibilities: • Delivery of goods to customers in Queenstown and the outer areas. •Manage customer order entries •Answering incoming calls •Handling customer inquires •Customer Service in our showroom To be successful in this role, you must: •Have a full NZ Drivers License • Be Physically fit – Heavy Lifting will be part of the role •Be able to multitask •Excellent communication skills •Be able to work within a close-knit team environment •Ability to have an overview of many parts of the business •Good computer skills especially in terms of data entry. • A diligent and thorough approach in all aspects of the role with attention to detail. • Dangerous Goods Licence and Forklift License a plus but not necessary Please send your CV to louise.jenkins@advanceclean.co.nz Email us on info@flamebargrill.co.nz ExperiencedFrontKitchenhandsofHousePrepChefChefdePartie We are looking for Or come and see us upstairs at the Steamer Wharf. Duties include receiving stock deliveries, cleaning kitchen and dishes and food prep. 30 hour minimum contract, payrates starting from $25 per hour No experience necessary – just a can do attitude. Genuine pathway into chefs roles for the right applicants. Part-time and full-time positions available. No experience required – full training on the job. Day shifts only – very flexible roster. Part-time or full-time positions available. Rates starting from $28.00 per hour. Minimum 30 hour employment contract. We offer great staff discounts on food and beverage, sign on bonus, daily staff meals, relocation support and training and development. We have a fun social team – come and see us! Advertise your job vacancy | Upload online at jobfix.co.nz

NEED NEW STAFF? ADVERTISE WHERE IT COUNTS!! FIND YOUR NEXT TEAM MEMBER TODAY Job placements start from $35 on JobFix & Lakes Weekly from $84.70+GST Lakes Weekly ads also include 7 days on JobFix. Contact us on info@qmg.co.nz today. We are Queenstown’s specialist recruitment solution, meeting the needs of Jobseekers and Employers in all lines of business. Between the Lakes Weekly and JobFix, we are your answer to better and easier staff recruitment, making sure employers and job seekers are connected. LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN Proudly part of The Queenstown Media Group.

•Problem solving and communication skills to brief guests and sell merchandise Interested? Please hours over these days and times. We offer a competitive remuneration, staff discounts and benefits, plus working at the coolest spots in town. Applicants must have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. To apply visit: gasolinealley.joes.co.nz/careers/ or email your cv to birthes@joes.co.nz cAfEDm/BaRiStAmAnAgErGrIlLChEfcHeFs - aLl jOe’s qUeEnStOwN

•Minimum 6 months wih full availability

•Cash, eftpos, till and computer skills

Alternative Ventures Ltd is looking for a builder to join their team working on new builds in the Queenstown area. Attention to detail necessary.


Alternative Ventures Ltd is looking for a builder builds in the Queenstown area. Attention Carpenters, apprentices, hammerhands and further Immediatedetail.start with competitive rates dependent Contact Dave

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 47 LOOKING FOR SOME EXTRA $$? Reliable, enthusiastic, local person wanted for three hours every Tuesday morning from 9am to deliver our prized LWB's to the business community. Send an email to info@qmg.co.nz with your details BARSECURITY STATICSECURITY MOBILEPATROLS Talktousmichael@octoberprotection.co.nz0223752968 QUEENSTOWN MAINTENANCE & GROUNDS ASSISTANT Ridge Resort, Queenstown We are looking for a woman or man with a splendid work ethic to join our small, happy team in a great working environment. The ideal person would be keen on gardening, have basic handyperson skills and be able to interact with guests. Full training will be provided, with awesome management support, so you need to be willing to learn, show initiative and attention to PUNCTUALITYdetail. and RELIABILITY go without saying, and yet here I am saying it. Also, a fondness for doughnuts will go a long way. Hours are negotiable from 25hrs a week to full time, working Tuesday to Saturday. Starting wage $26 p/hr. Driver’s license helpful. NZ residency or valid work visaApplicationsrequired. or enquiries to ridgeresortmaintenance@gmail.com or 03 442 6502

•Excellentscream.customer skills

•Excellent team player

Scarier and Sale Assistant

Carpenters, apprentices, hammerhands and labourers welcome to contact for further Immediatedetail. start with competitive rates dependent on experience. Contact Dave daveviitakangas@gmail.com

•Stock management skills

Fear Factory Queenstown are looking for an experienced Sales Assistant and Scarer. Average of 25-30 hours a week (full-time), mainly evening work. You will be working with a fun, hard working, scary team, passionate about horror, making people laugh and


email your CV and a cover letter telling us a bit about yourself to queenstown@fearfactory.co.nz R We’rE lOoKiNg fOr... Joe’s Garage Queenstown and Five Mile are looking for someone just like you! Be a part of our bustling restaurant and bar that prides itself on simple, fast and reliable offerings that have made us famous all over NZ. Joe’s Garage Queenstown operates from 7am - 2pm and Joe’s Five Mile operates 7 days 7am till late so you must be available to work rostered

•Be willing to commit to at least 2 years

Queenstown Stopping Services are looking to hire trainee plasterers to join our team. If you would like to learn a trade with a progressive career and you meet the following criteria we would like to hear from you:

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 48 “The steak house to end all arguments” Jervois Steak House is an authentic and premium steak house which makes no apologies for unashamedly celebrating a love of meat. THIS IS A GREAT TIME TO JOIN OUR TEAM We are looking for Food KitchenBartenderRunnerHand Hardworking enthusiastic staff member required to work in our fast pace restaurant. Applicant must have current working visa or be eligible to work in New Zealand. Minimum 6 month commitment Why work with us •Competitive salary. • Chance to progress and work at other sites across the Nourish Group. •Training and development. • Daily staff meals. •Dining discount within the group. • Full support for visa applications from our in-house HR team. • Paid day off on your birthday. • Sign on benefits. • Monthly visits out to local wineries - explore our backyard! • Open for dinner only, so plenty of time to enjoy the mountains before work! Contact josephine@queenstownjsh.co.nz or 03 442 6263 HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED FRIDAYS ONLY Ridge Resort 67 Goldfield Heights, Queenstown No experience necessary. Great 2nd job opportunity to top up your hours and get some extra $’s. Hours approx. 9.00am – 3.00pm nicola.warren@classicholidays.co.nzEmailIf you are a motivated & well presented individual with good people skills then you could be who we are looking for! Previous experience, a current COA and Knowledge of NZ Liquor licensing ideal but not essential as full training will be provided. DOOR/ BAR & EVENT/ REQUIREDSECURITYFILM To APPLY please send through your CV and cover letter to James: james.freeman@alliedsecurity.co.nz CARPENTERS Triple Star is an award winning, full service project management and construction company located in Queenstown. We have a proven reputation in the building and management of high end / luxury homes and provide an unrivalled end to end experience for our clients. With lots of exciting projects either underway or in the pipeline, we are looking for more skilled carpenters to join our great team. We pride ourselves on our positive team culture and providing a safe and satisfying work environment with competitive pay rates, group health insurance and other company benefits.

If you’re a good sort, enthusiastic and a hard worker who is keen for a change, we would love to hear from you.

• Have your own vehicle and full New Zealand drivers license.

• Have a good work ethic and work well in a team.

• Have a good level of physical fitness to work in a fast paced environment. We are a well established local company with a sociable team and can offer competitive hourly pay within the industry. Please email your CV to queenstownstoppingservices@gmail.com

• Have a valid work visa or permanent residency.

CARPENTERS Triple Star is an award winning, full-service project management and construction company located in Queenstown. We have a proven reputation in the building and management of high-end / luxury homes and provide an unrivalled end to end experience for our clients. With lots of exciting projects either underway or in the pipeline, we are looking for more skilled carpenters to join our great team. We pride ourselves on our positive team culture and providing a safe and satisfying work environment with competitive pay rates, group health insurance and other company benefits. If you’re a good sort, enthusiastic and a hard worker who is keen for a change, we would love to hear from you. Please apply with a copy of your CV to admin@triplestar.net.nz or call 03 441 8064

Please apply with a copy of your CV to admin@triplestar.net.nz or call 03 441 8064

ZigZagZoo has Teaching vacancies for both qualified teachers and those seeking to further their existing skills and experience in working with children. For those passionate about the Education, care and development of young children we offer a supportive team environment with well resourced centres. To apply please email fran@zigzagzoo.co.nz

TOUR GUIDES WANTED Kiwi Crawl are looking for fun and sociable individuals to guide people around the bars of Queenstown and show them an awesome Thisnight!is an amazing part time job with many perks and offering good pay. You must be legally permitted to work in NZ. If this sounds like you then send a CV to gav@kiwicrawl.co.nz



• An eye for detail to ensure that vehicles are prepared to the high quality and safe standard required.

• Flexibility required- we are open 7 days a week (8.30am - 5pm)

Customer Vehicle Representative This position is based at our new Airport Branch at 5 Mile Queenstown. We’re looking for enthusiastic people to join our fun, high performing team. This position is based at our Ace Queenstown Airport Branch. a hands-on achiever you’ll have:

•Assistant •Guest•ReceptionistHousekeeper–fulltimeServices/Porter – full time •Night Manager Flexibility available with all roles, talk to us. There are a number of positions available, so in your cover letter please indicate your preferred position. Qualifications & Experience All our preferred candidates will need to be punctual, well presented, friendly, with a warm personality, and have a keen eye for detail. to Apply Apply by emailing your CV: Gavin Barr Hotel Manager gavinb@heartlandhotels.co.nz Are you a Hospo Legend looking to claim your life back? Daytime hours on offer. No split shifts. Get your full-time hours in a 4 day working week and be home by 5pm with nights off. The Dishery in Arrowtown is looking for friendly, hardworking and reliable people to join our FOH team. We employ people of all skill levels. While we are always on the lookout for experienced staff, we also believe in hiring people without experience, but with the right 'can do' attitude and work ethic. We offer lots of opportunities to develop and train. We are flexible and supportive of the right applicant. Contact scott@thedishery.co.nz or phone / txt 021 664 553 for more information. and ApplicatorsMetal Systems are looking for membrane and metal applicators for their Queenstown team, we waterproofer’s and roofers, operating across the Southern Lakes

•A fun, established team with varied work

Customer Service & RepresentativeSales



• A professional and progressive company We provide: rates of at Kate a call all chefs!

for Giveadvancement.yourselfthe


www.watertightsystems.co.nz /jointhe-team/ then give


Pure Milford is the premier cruising experience in Piopiotahi / Milford Sound. Along with our sister brand JUCY cruise, we are very excited to welcome visitors back to Milford Sound to show them her beauty & wonder. We are looking for a customer service superstar to join our team. You will be our frontline representative for Pure Milford. The role is based in our shop in shotover street, and you will be responsible for managing our reservations and liaising with our crew in Milford Sound. Our ideal team member loves people, enjoys a varied day and loves a good chat with our customers and crew. 40 hours per week. The role requires you to work on weekends 9am – 5pm. Your days off during the week will be flexible to work for your schedule. Great rate of pay and sponsorship is available if needed. Our team is small, fun, dynamic and inclusive. If you have the right skills, we would love to welcome you onboard. Be part of the magic of Pure Milford.Please send applications to becks@puremilford.co.nz Opportunities We are looking for hospitality professionals to join the Scenic Suites & Heartland Hotel family. Why not let your career take the scenic route? The Roles We have opportunities available across a of departments. If you’re a hard worker with a can-do attitude are willing to learn, these could be the opportunities for you!

• Be methodical, organised and have pride in

• Good listening and communication skills with a positive attitude,

We have roles available in: • Room Attendant – flexible hours

pay and training •An interesting and challenging work •Theenvironmentopportunity to constantly improve your •Potentialskillsto move up the ladder • Apprenticeships through Skills NZ •Flexibility to enjoy the Southern Lakes lifestyle You will be successful with us if you: •Are looking for permanent, full time work •Are motivated, organised, have an eye for detail and take pride in your work •Can work in a team environment, show leadership and initiative •Enjoy physical work, outside in the •Haveelementsavalid driver’s license and can legally work in NZ Like to know more? Check us out

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 49



• You will also be required to drive our shuttle bus so a full and current drivers licence is required’ So - take this opportunity to join our team... apply now. Send your CV and covering letter to douglas.twycross@hertz.com


Physical fitness to perform manual tasks,

• Great communication skills in written and spoken English



Wai hospitality is offering four days on and 3 days off in your working week. With competitive rates and opportunities lifestyle deserve and come and work in one of our professional kitchen teams. In search of Chef de partie Kitchen porters apply by sending your CV to Alex at wai.net.nz

your ••Immediateappearancestartisavailable

on 0274424667 Attention

Amisfield Restaurant & Cellar Door located at Lake Hayes in Queenstown, provides their guests with the ultimate wine and food experience. Our team are dynamic, creative, friendly and talented, coming together to showcase the best wine and food New Zealand has to offer. We are looking for like individuals to join our team: Chef Waitstaff Cellar Door Host And there’s a barrel load of benefits when it comes to working with Amisfield including great pay rates, generous wine allowance, discounts on our wine, dining, golf and yoga, free health insurance, designer uniforms and yummy staff meals. Jump online to join our team www.amisfield.co.nz/careers YOUR CAREER FIND

LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 50 Sous Chef Seeking committed and reliable professionals to join our busy kitchen in preparation for the busiest time of the year. If you have Full Time availability and any of these roles are of your interest, please apply sending your cover letter and CV to warwick.taylor@goodgroup.co.nz Permanent/Full Time Queenstown Kia TheOra!border is opening!!! And we are gearing up to welcome manuhiri (visitors) back! Do you pride yourself on your customer service skills and you’re looking to take the next step in your career? We offer flexible start dates for successful applicants - both immediately and during our busy winter period. We are looking for exceptional customer focused people, who thrive in an inclusive, engaging, and welcoming environment. If you love working in a fast-paced environment, then read on! We’re after people who: •Can impress our manuhiri with exceptional customer service skills (ideally with previous experience in customer service) •Have safety at the heart of everything they do •Are physically fit and mentally alert •Work well in a team and keep cool under pressure •Can work shifts on weekdays, weekends, and public holidays •Are eager to learn about Ngái Tahu culture and stories •Enjoy the outdoors •Are eager to learn and correctly pronounce reo Máori names and Wanttermstoknow more? You can find the position description below, or for confidential enquiries please contact Katie Gill on 03 926 2033 or email at katie.gill@shotoverjet.co.nz Find out more about us here: (ngaitahutourism.co.nz) Customer RepresentativeService/Ratoka




LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 16th August 2022 - 22nd August 2022 SITUATIONS VACANTPh: 03 409 2800 | info@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 51 VACANCIESINCLUDE: Hotel,TheSpireHotel,TheGrille,No.5ChurchLane,Eichardt'sBar, Eichardt'sPenthouse&PacificJemm. Wehavemultiplevacanciesavailable,offeringpermanent&casualroles, flexibilitytosuitschoolhours,competitivehourlyrates,andasociable environment.We providefulltrainingandcareer-growthopportunities. MAINTENANCEASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPERS NIGHTPORTER(PARTTIME) HOTEL/TRANSPORTASSISTANT EMAIL:YourCVtorecruitment@imperiumcollection.com STOPBY:DropoffyourCVandmeetusinperson! FINDOUTMORE:www.imperiumcollection.com RESTAURANTDUTYMANAGERS RESTAURANTSUPERVISORS FOOD&BEVERAGEATTENDANTS SOUSCHEF CHEFDEPARTIE HEADCHEF HOTELPOSITIONS F&BPOSITIONS @WHITEANDWONGS.CO.NZ WEANTYWOU ! WAIT STAFF BAR STAFF FULL AND PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMPETITIVE RATES OF PAY GROUP WIDE BENEFITS PLEASE ENQUIRE AT THE FRONT DESK OR ALTERNATIVELY EMAIL YOUR CV TO: NOW HIRIN G EMPLOYERS! PLACE YOUR JOB ADVERT FOR MORE THAN ONE WEEK AND PAY LESS! The discount rate will be applied automatically when booked and cannot be cancelled once approved. 10% DISCOUNT 2 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS 15% DISCOUNT 3 OR CONSECUTIVEMOREWEEKS

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