Lakeside Christian Church Annual Report 2013

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mission service worship adults studen life change baptism mission service ide numbers vision life change bap enhancements lakeside numbers vis lts students children enhancements la rvice worship adults students childre baptism mission service worship adu s vision life change baptism mission s lakeside numbers vision life chang en enhancements lakeside numbers lts students children enhancements la rvice worship adults students childre baptism mission service worship adu s vision life change baptism mission lakeside christian church s lakeside numbers vision life chang ANNUAL REPORT 2013 en enhancements lakeside numbers lts students children enhancements la rvice worship adults students childre baptism mission service worship adu s vision life change baptism mission s lakeside numbers vision life chang


we are celebrating... What God Celebrates ................................................ 2 Numbers ................................................................... 4 Vision ....................................................................... 6 Life Change ............................................................... 8 Missions ................................................................. 10 Service ................................................................... 12 Worship .................................................................. 14 Enhancement ........................................................... 15 Adults ..................................................................... 16 Students .................................................................. 18 Children.................................................................. 20 Appendix ........................................................... 22-28 Financial Report .............................................................22 Fiscal 2014 Consolidated Budget .....................................23 LCC Mission Budget Fiscal Year 2014 .......................... 24-25 Annual Meeting Minutes from June 6, 2012 ................... 26-28 Amendments to the Constitution .........................................29

What God Celebrates


I have never been there, but I have a hunch heaven is full of party hats and kazoos. I also have an inkling when I meet Jesus he will be wearing one of those hats and blowing one of those kazoos. Heaven will be a place of unbridled celebration. The church should be a reflection of heaven on earth. In some ways I think the church is a great reflection of heaven, but in others we fall woefully short. One of the ways we fail to reflect heaven the most is in terms of celebration. Our mission and task as a church should be taken seriously, but we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously. And we certainly shouldn’t be too serious about ourselves that we fail to take time to celebration. Our God is a God who loves to celebrate. But what causes God and all of heaven with him to break out into wild celebration? People. God is not impressed by facilities, he is not in awe of policies, and he does not jump for joy while studying financial spreadsheets. However, God cannot help, but to celebrate when one who has been lost is found. Luke 15:8-10 says, ‘Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of angels of God over one sinner who repents.’ All of heaven celebrates when those who are in the darkness, step into the light; when those who are blind receive their sight, when those who have been lost are found, and when those who are dead come to life. So should we. Over the next several pages you will have opportunity to celebrate with God and his angels as you read stories that speak of life change. Everywhere you will notice the fingerprints of God at work, and if you listen closely you will hear heaven still singing and dancing and shouting and laughing because of what has been happened in and through Lakeside Christian Church over the last year. So before you turn to the next page put on your party hat and pick up the kazoo, it is time to celebrate like it is 1999, or 2013! Jamie Snyder, Lead Pastor


398 people 4,542 in Life Groups


regular attendee s

147 services

316 online volunteer applications submitted

$3,518.41 raised from baby bottle campaign 300 people attended Hebron town hall LIGHTING


cameras $1,700

1670 4296 2

active members 4

new staff members



4 expected

staff babies in fiscal year 2014

2513 Easter Attendance



new staff baby


paint cans s p i l l e d o n s ta g e

number of communion cup prepared


1200 presents given at Christmas

1409 giving households


589 MyLakeside Accounts


kids went to summer camp


bulletins printed

11,880 fruit snack eaten in KidNation

427 facebook fans


Financial Report

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FY2013 FY2013 has been a very blessed year at Lakeside Christian Church from a financial perspective as well. While the current fiscal year ends on June 30th, we are currently set to exceed our annual general offerings budget by approximately $150,000! This surplus in offerings has allowed us to establish the framework and key resources needed to launch a second campus in the coming fiscal year. As you will see in the budget spreadsheet, operational expenses exceeded the budgeted amount. This is primarily due to improving our communications media and venues, overhauling our database to better facilitate and empower our volunteers, and enhancing our graphics design capabilities in preparation for the Hebron launch campaign. mp

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instead of to waiting for the budget, community to of come to the church, a be allocated to the missions committee With regard the missions 20% all offerings will still multi-site strategy allows usyear to take the community. to distribute. One caveat this willthe be church that thetomissions committee will invest the 20% of Hebron offerings directly back into the Hebron Campus. We believe that the Hebron Campus is a mission opporHEBRON tunity this amount allocated by for the an missions committee is is crucial to cover the first-year start-up costs Theand ideal geographical location additional campus a of the Hebron where Campus. community we are already drawing members but have potentialProperty/IMAGINE to reach many more. In other words, the ideal location Turkeyfoot Fund a community at the very edgeinofthe ourcurrent currentfiscal geographical TheisIMAGINE fundsitting was officially closed year. Through the generosity and sacrifice reach. With that in mind, we carefully studied numerous areas in to: of the people who gave to the IMAGINE Campaign, we were able the Northern Kentucky region and determined Hebron to be the • Raise just over $2.7 million location that would give us the best opportunity for success. • Pay off all debt on the 195 Buttermilk Pike property • Purchase the Turkeyfoot property for $2.42 million with cash and a $1.9 million loan • As of February 2013, we had enough cash on hand to pay down that debt to just over $500,000 ($509,911 to be exact) So we celebrate the fact that after the IMAGINE Fund/Account was closed, Lakeside Christian Church was left with only $509,911 in debt and a 30 acre property that is a tremendous asset to the church. This amount of debt was then rolled over to the Hebron project debt. 22 6

appendix a


One church. Multiple Locations.

FY2014 Budget TheThis FY2014 budget a is huge presented as a consolidated budget of the Lakeside Park Campus operational year marked transformation for Lakeside Christian budget andasthe With the FY2014 budget, we Gare all projecting that pus Church weHebron moved Campus from oneoperational location to budget. a multi-site church. ag am heon theAcombined offeringsallows at Lakeside Parktoand Hebron will grow by over $561,000. Based r, Hgiving ebron C multi-site strategy Lakeside geographically expand trends theinfluence current fiscal and analyzing dataresponsible. trends from multisite churches across the country, our during Kingdom whileyear being fiscally wise and weThe believe this isinvolved a realistic We estimate that expenses in estimate. a multi-site strategy pale inapproximately comparison $188,000 in offerings will transfer from Lakeside Parkfacility Campus to the HebronMost Campus. to the building a large in one location. importantly,



Additionally, you will see that we exceeded our missions budget. As you may know, Lakeside Christian Church gives 20% of all offerings to missions. Therefore, by exceeding our offerings budget, we are able to spend more on both foreign and domestic mission opportunities.

Vision HEBRON CONSTRUCTION PROJECT While we are still in the early stages of the Hebron Campus construction project, the following is a projected construction budget: Hebron Construction Budget ITEM AMOUNT Lease Deposit .....................................................$17,200 Guaranteed Max. Construction Price ................$1,780,000 Preconstruction Agreement ...................................$69,500 Hebron Audio/Video.........................................$360,000 Hebron FFE ......................................................$200,000 Lakeside Park Audio/Video ................................$175,000 Turkeyfoot Loan Refinance ..................................$509,911 Contingency Fund .............................................$388,389 Financing Amount: .............................................$3,500,000 As the construction project progresses, we will update the congregation on the actual costs of the project at a later date. Please note that this construction budget is separate from the operations budget included in the overall consolidated budget.


I met Chris Giordano through my work as a special agent with the FBI-Cincinnati. Chris was transferred there after the training academy and after several initial conversations with Chris it was evident he was not attending church anywhere, much less growing in Christ. In fact, I recall one occasion when Chris poked fun at the fact another Agent in the office kept a Bible at his desk. Several in the office would even joke with Chris and refer to him as the Anti-Christ. Given how blatantly adverse to anything spiritual Chris seemed to be, it seemed an unworthy cause or investment of my time.

a positive one. Ironically, the first person we ran into was Craig Crynes and Craig welcomed them both. Within 10 steps and just before getting to the doors to the auditorium we ran into Jamie who also warmly greeted them both. (Jamie and Craig were not yet aware of the situation with Chris). After several more hellos we all found our seat and began to wait for the service to start. With two minutes left on the countdown clock on the screen, Chris leaned over to me and said, “this is already the best church I’ve ever been to.” I about fell over, I couldn’t believe my friend, the anti-Christ, was sitting next to me at church!

However, Chris and I formed a friendship. I avoided the topic of Christ and church thinking it would be illreceived. While I prayed for Chris, I found myself praying for myself even more. Why, given all Christ has brought me through, would I be fearful of a person’s reaction to me sharing what means the most? I was ashamed at the fact I couldn’t answer that so I prayed God would give me courage or just provide an opportunity where He could speak to Chris even if it wasn’t through me.

When church began, Chris was amazed to learn the person he just spoke to was the guy leading worship and said, “that’s awesome.” Then Jamie got up to preach. He then leaned over and asked “isn’t that the guy we talked to before? He looks like a kid!” After church, Chris said he loved the service and would be coming back. With the exception of being sick or out of town, he hasn’t missed a Sunday since. He later told me he actually goes to sleep on Saturday excited to wake up and go to church because he feels he is learning something every week.

One day while at work, Chris and I were working a later shift and working alone. Chris asked what my weekend plans were and I simply said that it would be a typical weekend with church on Sunday. Chris then began to laugh and said, “I know you all think I’m the anti-Christ but I used to go to church every Sunday when I was little.”. Stunned to learn he’d ever seen the inside of one, I asked where he used to attend church. He said he grew up in a Catholic church and was even an altar boy at one point. He went on to say he knows he needs to get back into church at some point but just doesn’t have the time. My heart actually began racing as I knew the fact he was even making this revelation was the Holy Spirit working on him. I shared with him that God has shown me that I don’t have to live up to or earn what has already been given to me. Discovering that truth has revolutionized my life! I then told Chris that Lakeside is actually pretty close to where he lives and we would love to have him come visit with us, if and when, he was ready to give church another try. He accepted the invitation much to my amazement...I called my wife Katie right away! He was a little worried about what to wear, whether or not he should cover his full sleeve tattoos. I just laughed and said to wear something that shows as many as possible because these people won’t care! My family met Chris and his wife Meghan at the door and I was sweating in hopes the experience would be


One Sunday Chris pulled me aside and said, “Next Sunday, I want you to baptize me, I just talked to Jamie and took care of business.” I about fell over! He further explained there was just “something” that kept telling him there was a piece missing in his life and he could not wait any longer to get it settled. The very next Sunday, Chris allowed me to baptize him and while behind the stage he told me he is praying that his wife Meghan would make the same decision. Several weeks later, Meghan was saved and asked my wife Katie to baptize her. Since “taking care of business” Chris has the boldness I often wish I had. One day while at work, we sat down for lunch with no less than seven co-workers while Chris held court telling everyone there he was baptized the previous Sunday. I think he couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces when the anti-Christ shared such news! He also explained that he has learned that it is not about all the things he can do to be a good person, it’s about knowing what God has already done for you, because He loves you, in spite of all the bad in your life!! I couldn’t eat due to the inability to close my mouth at that moment so I just listened in total amazement to what it sounds like when someone begins to understand the gift of Grace our God provides. I am thankful for Lakeside, and thankful God can do big things through very weak people... like me!!!!!! Paul Herron

105 46 31 32

total baptism baptism sunday kids baptized member transfers

Life Change


The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Genisis 12:1-3

Lakeside Supported Mission 10



Thirty-one is way too young to die. He had survived three tours in the Persian Gulf as a member of the US Navy only to be taken way too soon one Sunday afternoon by a sudden heart attack at only thirty-one. Mom was devastated. The holidays became difficult to get through each year. But this year, Mom had a plan: she would reach out to someone else and help them rather than focusing on her own grief. Her ABF group signed up to bring a Thanksgiving meal to a family in need through Lakeside’s Go! Home for the Holidays event. The family they provided food to wasn’t used to being the recipient of a “hand out”, but Mom and her husband reassured them that it wasn’t a hand out, but rather a hand up. They prayed with the family and as they drove away, Mom realized that this family would be perfect as the first recipient of the memorial fund established in her son’s name. Over the next few weeks, Mom continued to reach out to this family to provide needs that would go a long way in enabling them to come to church. This family has a young mother who lives with her Grandma and young son. In addition to providing food, a car seat was provided for the three year old, new tires were put on the car, and in January Mom was able to bring this family to Lakeside. The young mother was introduced to Shamus Staubach, Student Minister, who gave her a Bible so she could follow along with the message and teaching time. The entire hour she was reading, underlining and bookmarking the scriptures that were being explained. The rides to church and back over the next few months were filled with conversations about all that she was learning. As the weeks went on, the young mother grew by leaps and bounds, continued her search for Truth and even began volunteering in the middle school. The conversations in the car eventually turned to questions about baptism. Lazy Sundays can be difficult when it means there is extra time to miss someone. Mom struggled with Sundays, too much time to think and remember that her baby died on Sunday. But one Sunday in April, Mom was given the opportunity to be part of something joyful. She baptized the young mother in the name of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. Mom says, “I think I have gained far more than they have from our relationship. We have seen the love of Jesus at work in so many ways. The Lord sent this family, particularly this young lady, into our lives to help us know that the Lord has a plan for us and we are to love Jesus and love like Jesus wherever we are given an opportunity”.

Event Average Weekly Volunteers FY 2013 Average Weekly


Service Community Impact Day

Home for the Holidays Thanksgiving

Home for the Holidays Christmas


Whiz Kids








Angel Tree



50 different

volunteers worked at Action Ministries with 35 of them being regulars each month.

“Lakeside Christian Church has given not only monetary donations to Action Ministries but countless hours of volunteer time over the past several years their willingness to help those in need in the community. We want to say ‘thank you’ to all of those who serve our may clients at Action Ministries on a daily, weekly and monthly basis at the mission.” Tom Dorman, Executive Director

Community Impact Day:

577 volunteers severed throughout the Northern Kentucky area.

Home For The Holidays:

91 families received Thanksgiving dinner from 103 volunteers. 443 people donated Christmas presents to children in local schools.

Food Drive:

30 volunteers helped to pack 4400 pounds of donated food items.

Family Promise: This past fall, Lakeside became a host church for Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network), an organization that provides care and housing for homeless families. Life Groups bring a meal and get to know the families who make Lakeside their home for one week each quarter. The families stay overnight at the church and go back to the day center each morning. “Our past few families have been amazed at the hospitality coming out of your church. The children told me daily that they are going to church at night with a smile. It is refreshing to hear such excitement from the children.” ~Jodi Penick, Case Manager, Family Promise of Northern KY.


Food Drive




not tracked

Heritage Park: Lakeside organized a task force of area churches, government leaders, family resource coordinators, and school officials to raise funds, and coordinate to relocate nearly 70 families facing immediate eviction from their condemned apartment complex. Nearly $30,000 was raised to help relocate these families.


Worship Event


• CD sold: 550 • T-Shirts sold: 180 • Digital sales: $173.30 • Volunteer hours spent on project: 200 • People involved in recording: 28

Average # of Participants

Average # of Volunteers




The 9th Hour



Like Jesus Release




en·hance [en-hans, -hahns] verb raise to a higher degree; intensify; magnify

The Focus Weekly Newsletter and The Focus Video Announcements were introduced as an enhancement to The Focus Magazine in April 2013. The newsletter directs our audience to our main communication tool, No matter the vehicle, The Focus is all about what is going on at Lakeside.

Stage Design & Lighting Lakeside chose to enhance the worship experience each week by investing in stage design and lighting. The light boxes and colored lighting have helped to create a more impactful display while worshipping Him each Sunday. LIGHTING FOR STAGE: $5,400 STAGE DESIGN MATERIALS: $1,000 CAMERAS: $1,700 LIGHTING KIT FOR VIDEO: $2,200

My Lakeside & Online Giving In December, Lakeside launched My Lakeside, an online account where members and attendees have the opportunity to change their contact information, use the church directory, and give online. Online giving offers the ability to set up recurring donations or one-time gifts allowing for convenience and flexibility for each individual’s preferences.



I met Grace George when she attended our First Step class as a 10 year old with her mother and stepfather, Kim & Josh Moats. Grace was obviously mature for her age and while seemingly out of place in an adult session, she fit right in. Following the class it was clear that Grace and her mom Kim were ready to follow Jesus. While no doubt impacted by her mother’s great example, Grace had a faith of her own. So without much delay, I was privileged to baptize Kim Moats and Grace George on Christmas day 2011. Grace’s faith didn’t stop there. Grace loved to read and learn the scriptures. She contently sang worship songs and was lovingly telling her family and 5th grade friends about the love of God. Grace was even an encourager to me in the work I was doing preaching and teaching as a minister at Lakeside. I’m unapologetic when I say Grace was one of my favorites and I enjoyed watching her mature in the Lord’s favor. It was a very hot mid July day when I received a message about a serious car accident that resulted in the tragic death of my new friend Grace George. Kim asked me to perform the funeral ceremony, which was my complete, yet gut-wrenching, honor. I concluded the service with this story about Grace: The morning before the wreck, while Kim was getting all the other kids ready and stuff packed she asked Gracey to pack her own bag. Grace loved to read and so Kim reminder her to pack something to read for the trip, so she picked out a book and packed it for the road. After the tragic wreck, her dad Duggin went back to retrieve Gracie’s things from the car. In her bag, her dad found the book she had packed for her trip. Her book of choice: HER BIBLE. Grace George took with her the one true story of Grace. Not just for her trip to Louisville, but her trip to heaven. She had not only in her bag, but in her heart The story of God, the story of a God that loved us so much he would rather die than live without us. A story that tells about man’s desperate state in a world corrupted by sin & death, a world where little children die tragically. But all of that tragedy is rescued by a loving savior who chose to die himself, to take away our sin rather than let our deaths be permanent, instead it’s a temporary passing into the arms of our Savior. That is what her name means, and no doubt he is living up to her name today GRACE. Josh Moats, inspired by the truth of God in his stepdaughter’s life, was baptized into Christ the following November. Mike Tolle, Ministry Lead



Matt Glass and Amanda Harris started attending Lakeside in 2012. Matt & Amanda grew up around church but never fully connected to following Jesus. While they weren’t terrible people, they lived life their own way. They found themselves dating around, found themselves in unhealthy and abusive relationships. When they eventually found each other they knew it was the perfect fit. Despite what they as positive steps; moving in together and the successes of Amanda’s nursing school, there was still something missing. That’s when they stumbled upon Lakeside Christian. I was first introduced to the engaged Matt & Amanda when they registered and attended Starting Point. Through the scripture and curriculum they learned God’s Story. A story that starts in the Scriptures that’s about Creation, Brokenness, Promises, Law, Rebellion, Grace, God’s Spirit and Eternity. In the midst of that study Matt and Amanda came to an discovery of what was missing…their loving God. They recognized their sin and how much God love them and rescued them from that sin. By the end of Starting Point they both completely and obediently then turned their lives over to God. I had the absolute honor to baptize them both into Christ December 16, 2012 and unite them together in Christ in marriage April 27, 2013.

Mike Tolle, Ministry Lead

Adult Bible Fellowships

Men’s and Women’s Electives

Life Groups

First Step Class

Starting Point Class

Average Weekly Participants FY13






Average Weekly Participants FY12








Middle School

The best stories in our ministry are not of big events and programs, but rather personal stories that are worth celebrating. I have seen an awesome journey of transformation in Bradley Ligas as he has gone from a quiet young fellow who would typically slip in and slip out of our programs without much interaction to a passionate young man with a servant’s heart and tons of leadership potential. Bradley really started to come out of his shell this fall as he began arriving early to our Wednesday night program to help us prepare. When we announced our Middle School Christmas Party, Bradley promptly asked if he help with snacks for the event. Bradley showed up the evening of the party almost 3 hours early with nearly 10 fully decorated Christmas cakes of various shapes and sizes. He spent the time leading up to the start of the event baking cookies and preparing hot chocolate. Bradley also stayed after to help us clean up the mess that a room full of middle school students created. This was not a one time, isolated occurrence for Bradley. He has been an incredible servant at nearly every middle school program and event this entire year. Bradley has a passion for being a part of the student ministry at this church, and I can’t wait to see the leadership role he takes as he moves from our middle school ministry into our high school ministry.

Jordan Gallagher, Student Worship Minister

10am service

Life Groups



Avg Participants FY13





Avg Participants FY12




not tracked

Avg Volunteers FY13





Avg Volunteers FY12




not tracked



High School

A little over two years ago one of our middle school students began to bring one of her best friends, Abbi, to Lakeside with her. She would get her parents to pick Abbi up on Sunday mornings if she needed a ride, or have her spend the night on Saturdays so that she could attend. As the two girls entered high school they grew apart, but Abbi continued to come regularly as she had made other friends here and was excited about what she was learning in the student ministry. Abbi attended our annual summer “BigStuf” camp trip to Florida and while we were there, she got baptized in the ocean! This was a big decision for her as she had grown up in a different faith tradition. She came home from BigStuf and began to pray for her family to truly give their lives to Christ. Her mom began attending soon after that first summer and Dad began to come a few months after that. Abbi and her Mom, Lisa, started to volunteer together in the Off the Streets program. Last summer, they both came on our Haiti trip and shared a life changing experience together. Following that trip, Mom and Dad began to come regularly with their daughter as a family. Abbi continued to pray for the day that her parents would get baptized. This past Christmas during our “Christmas Colors” series, Lisa stepped forward on our baptism Sunday and was baptized by her daughter. Dad followed a few months later. In April, he too decided to give his life to Christ and was baptized by Abbi as well! This family has had their lives changed through our student ministry, our life groups, and the intentional investment that many people have made over the last two years in this family. It is a vivid example of disciples making disciples!

Shamus Staubach, Student Minister

ONE MEAL • 120 attended • $700 raised • 8 turkeys consumed


Haiti Trip


Avg Participants FY13




Avg Participants FY12




Avg Volunteers FY13




Avg Volunteers FY12






“I love working with my Kindergartners because sometimes you think we’re just building with blocks or drawing a picture... then one of them says or does something that shows you that THEY GET IT! I love to see how much they grow from just starting to learn about a school environment in the beginning to reading & ready to be big 1st graders by the end of the school year. :) “

OUR KIDS • Alyssa, one of our 4th grade students, worked to help collect over 2,000 coloring books and crayons for hospitalized children. • Max, one of our 5th grade students, raised over $1,000 by holding a lemonade stand to benefit Welcome House of Northern Kentucky. • We hear stories every week of kids of all ages applying what they are learning about God to the realities He wishes to use to reveal Himself in their lives. CAMP • 35 volunteers • 100 kids • 1 baptism with more planned





Baby Dedication

Avg Participants FY13






Avg Participants FY12






Avg Volunteers FY13






Avg Volunteers FY12








BABY DEDICATION We launched a new curricular approach to our Baby Dedication Service where we can spend 3 weeks engaging parents in a way that lays a solid foundation in the partnership between church and home. We had 12 families in the fall, 14 this spring -- all coming together to join as one body to pledge our dedication to raise our kids in a way that they will not only hear of this Amazing God, but see Him worthy to be loved and followed. We have received a significant amount of appreciation for this new experience by those that have participated.

“I ENJOY SERVING IN THE CHILDREN’S MINISTRY BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH I AM AN ADULT (OF COURSE MY WIFE MIGHT ARGUE THAT STATEMENT) I FEEL I CAN LEARN FROM THE KIDS... YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN... EVEN FROM THE ONES YOU TEACH.” “I love serving in the children’s ministry because the kids actually teach me too! It is amazing to see the truth come out of the mouths of babes! I love their happy attitudes and amazing stories and energy! They make it all worth it.”

“I love continuing to serve in the children’s ministry because the 5th graders are like family to my wife Carrie and I since we’ve taught them since 1st grade!”



Financial Report FY2013 FY2013 has been a very blessed year at Lakeside Christian Church from a financial perspective as well. While the current fiscal year ends on June 30th, we are currently set to exceed our annual general offerings budget by approximately $150,000! This surplus in offerings has allowed us to establish the framework and key resources needed to launch a second campus in the coming fiscal year. As you will see in the budget spreadsheet, operational expenses exceeded the budgeted amount. This is primarily due to improving our communications media and venues, overhauling our database to better facilitate and empower our volunteers, and enhancing our graphics design capabilities in preparation for the Hebron launch campaign. Additionally, you will see that we exceeded our missions budget. As you may know, Lakeside Christian Church gives 20% of all offerings to missions. Therefore, by exceeding our offerings budget, we are able to spend more on both foreign and domestic mission opportunities. FY2014 Budget The FY2014 budget is presented as a consolidated budget of the Lakeside Park Campus operational budget and the Hebron Campus operational budget. With the FY2014 budget, we are projecting that the combined offerings at Lakeside Park and Hebron will grow by over $561,000. Based on giving trends during the current fiscal year and analyzing data trends from multisite churches across the country, we believe this is a realistic estimate. We estimate that approximately $188,000 in offerings will transfer from the Lakeside Park Campus to the Hebron Campus. With regard to the missions budget, 20% of all offerings will still be allocated to the missions committee to distribute. One caveat this year will be that the missions committee will invest the 20% of Hebron offerings directly back into the Hebron Campus. We believe that the Hebron Campus is a mission opportunity and this amount allocated by the missions committee is crucial to cover the first-year start-up costs of the Hebron Campus. Turkeyfoot Property/IMAGINE Fund The IMAGINE fund was officially closed in the current fiscal year. Through the generosity and sacrifice of the people who gave to the IMAGINE Campaign, we were able to: • Raise just over $2.7 million • Payoff all debt on the 195 Buttermilk Pike property • Purchase the Turkeyfoot property for $2.42 million with cash and a $1.9 million loan • As of February 2013, we had enough cash on hand to pay down that debt to just over $500,000 ($509,911 to be exact) So we celebrate the fact that after the IMAGINE Fund/Account was closed, Lakeside Christian Church was left with only $509,911 in debt and a 30 acre property that is a tremendous asset to the church. This amount of debt was then rolled over to the Hebron project debt. 22

appendix a

Fiscal 2014 Consolidated Budget Fiscal 2014 Consolidated Budget

Amount as of 3/31/13 % of Budget FY2013 Budget FY2014 LSP Budget FY2014 Hebron Budget FY2014 Consolidated Budget Income: Offerings Opera9ons Business Ministry Missions Other

$ 2,067,423 $ 3,182 $ 33,032 $ 32,776 $ -­‐ $ -­‐

Total Income

$ 2,136,413

Expenses: Opera9ons Business Ministry Missions Other Capital Reserves

$ 36,940 $ 1,102,996 $ 112,712 $ 416,873 $ 12,683 $ 225,000

Total Expenses $ 1,907,203 Surplus (Deficit)

$ 229,209.85

84% 636% 220% 26%

$ 2,460,000 $ 500 $ 15,025 $ 127,850 $ -­‐ $ -­‐

82% $ 2,603,375 107% 74% 41% 85% 91% 75% 73%

$ 34,650 $ 1,485,865 $ 276,860 $ 492,000 $ 14,000 $ 300,000

$ 2,693,750 $ 17,000 $ 10,000 $ 129,750 $ -­‐ $ -­‐

$ 481,989 $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ 96,398 $ 278,358

$ 3,175,739 $ 17,000 $ 10,000 $ 129,750 $ 96,398 $ 278,358

$ 2,850,500 $ 856,745 $ 3,707,245 $ 91,425 $ 1,583,125 $ 271,450 $ 538,750 $ 65,750 $ 300,000

$ -­‐ $ 91,425 $ 730,347 $ 2,313,472 $ 30,000 $ 301,450 $ 96,398 $ 635,148 $ -­‐ $ 65,750 $ -­‐ $ 300,000

$ 2,603,375 $ 2,850,500 $ 856,745 $ 3,707,245 $ -­‐

$ -­‐

$ -­‐

$ -­‐

**Please note that we are s9ll in the 4th Quarter of the current fiscal year, so financial data for FY2013 is only reported through the end of the 3rd Quarter.

appendix b b appendix

23 23

Mission Budget FY14


Annual Amount FYE 6/30/2014 FOREIGN - 45% OF BUDGET 2403- 101 MASTER Provisions 2403- 102 Jamaica - Herko Family Mission 2403- 103 Chikwati Development Fund 2403- 104 Christian Arabic Services 2403- 106 Philippines - Pels 2403- 107 Zimbabwe - As He Is - Mashoko Hospital 2403- 108 India - V Benni 2403- 109 Kenya - Cluff’s 2403- 110 Nepal Training Center - Disciple Makers 2403- 111 SE Asia- David Dale 2403- 112 Come N Serve (Muslim Hope - Tingle) 2403- 114 Polish Ministries 2403- 115 Ninos de Mexico 2403- 116 India - Strategic World Evangelism 2403- 117 Northwest Haiti 2403- 128 Ghana - Cline’s 2403- 129 SE Asia - Jenny Snyder 2403- 171 Youth Mission Trips (Accumulating Acct) NEW Prishtina High School - Kosova 2403- 170 TBA Later * (Variable) Total



$18,600.00 $12,000.00 $6,000.00 $12,000.00 $10,800.00 $10,200.00 $9,000.00 $24,000.00 $8,400.00 $8,400.00 $6,000.00 $12,000.00 $15,000.00 $12,000.00 $9,600.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $10,000.00 $6,000.00 $32,788.00 $234,788.00

$1,550.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $900.00 $850.00 $750.00 $2,000.00 $700.00 $700.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,250.00 $1,000.00 $800.00 $500.00 $500.00 $833.33 $500.00

HOME - 20% OF BUDGET 2403- 201 Mountain Mission School 2403- 204 Weekday School of Religion 2403- 205 North American Christian Convention 2403- 206 National Missionary Convention 2403- 207 Power Ministries 2403- 208 Long Island Project - Jerry Halpin 2403- 209 Woodland Lakes Christian Camp 2403- 210 Challenge Unlimited 2403- 211 Woodland Lakes Scholarships (Accumulating Acct) 2403- 213 CSF UK - Greg Schuette 2403- 214 Verve Church Plant - Las Vegas NEW Capernaum - Young Life 2403- 250 TBA Later * (Variable) Total

$12,000.00 $3,600.00 $7,020.00 $5,220.00 $2,580.00 $12,000.00 $6,000.00 $9,600.00 $6,000.00 $9,000.00 $6,000.00 $10,000.00 $15,330.00 $104,350.00

$1,000.00 $300.00 $585.00 $435.00 $215.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $800.00 $500.00 $750.00 $500.00 $833.33


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ANNUAL $27,600.00 $12,600.00 $7,200.00 $12,000.00 $6,000.00 $10,200.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $4,750.00 $104,350.00

MONTHLY $2,300.00 $1,050.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $850.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

BENEVOLENCE - 10% OF BUDGET 2403- 401 McDaniels 2403- 402 International Disaster Emergency Services 2403- 403 Gideon’s International (Accumulating Acct) 2403- 404 Action Ministries 2403- 405 New Hope Center 2403- 406 Local Benevolence (Accumulating Acct) Total

$6,000.00 $12,000.00 $900.00 $7,200.00 $6,000.00 $9,600.00 $52,175.00

$500.00 $1,000.00 $75.00 $600.00 $500.00 $80

NEW MISSIONS - 5% OF BUDGET 2403- 501 New Mission Opportunities * (Variable) 2403- 502 Mission Ministry Expenses (Accumulating Acct) Total NEW Community Involvement (Accumulating Acct) NEW Hebron Campus

$22,487.00 $3,600.00 $26,087.00 $17,000.00 $96,398.00

EDUCATION - 20% OF BUDGET 2403- 301 Cincinnati Christian University 2403- 302 Milligan College 2403- 303 Kentucky Christian University 2403- 306 Nepal - New Class of Evangelists 2403- 305 Ozark Christian College 2403- 310 Cincinnati Christian University - Capital Campaign 2403- 330 Bible College Scholarships (Accumulating Acct) NEW Men in the Mirror 2403- 331 TBA Education * (Variable) Total

$300.00 $1,416.67 $8,033.17



20% of General Offerings Variable Input Accounts Monthly Fixed Payments * Figures are approximate because gifts vary upon actual offerings

appendix c


Annual Meeting - June 6, 2012 Larry Nelson, Chairman of the ,Elders, called the Annual Meeting of Lakeside Christian Church, Lakeside Park, Kentucky, to order at 6:32 p.m. on Wednesday, June 6, 2012. Mr. Nelson opened with prayer, praising God for sending Jesus Christ, thanking Him for this church and for allowing us to live in such abundance. He asked for God’s blessing on the meeting. The first order of business was to make sure each member, age 16 and older, signed in and received an Annual Report and a ballot of nominees for the position of Elder or Trustee, plus proposed revisions to Articles III and X of the Church Constitution. Larry explained that earlier this year, the Board had reached out to other churches to learn how their Boards are run, how many people are on the Board, how they are organized and how they conduct their business meetings. One recommendation is that the Chairman serves more than one year in a row to provide continuity to the staff. Since our elders serve a four year term, the Chairman could serve two consecutive years, then the Vice Chair could serve two consecutive years. As current Elder Chairman, Larry was asked to serve a second year and agreed to do so as long as the proposed Constitutional amendment is ratified. The Board recommends that future Elder Chairmen serve two years. Since our elders serve four year terms, they didn’t want to limit our Chairman candidates only to men who have served their first or second year on the Board. Therefore, in the future, if an elder serving in the third year of a four year term is asked to be Chairman, he would serve a fifth year to finish out the two-year term. The Board asks that you approve or disapprove these changes on your ballot. The men who are on the ballot for Elder positions are Jeff Breeze, Kerry McGehee, Mark Nease, Ken Peck and Anthony Rowe. Candidate for Trustee is Pete Ryan. The nominating committee consisted of Larry Nelson, Jamie Snyder, Kelley Westwood, Fred Banta and Jack O’Connell. Cordelia Schaber asked if the five nominees would be filling the five vacancies and if there is a set number of elders. She asked to have the rules explained. Larry explained that the number of elders in any given year can vary and can be increased as the church increases in size. He also stated that in his years serving on the Board, there have been as few as eleven and as many as twenty elders on the Board. The elders have found that it is more difficult to make decisions when the Board is too large. He stated that about 10-12 elders seem to be a workable number. Importance is placed on diversity of thought and maturity and an influx of both old and new, stating that it’s healthy to do so. Lakeside members and the nominating committee can nominate candidates. Larry also responded to Ms. Schaber that nominees are elected by majority vote. Marshall Thomas stated that Ms Schaber might be questioning how long a person has to be a Christian to be a candidate for the Board. Larry explained that we follow the Scriptures: no new Christians can serve on the Board. The candidates are prayerfully considered and carefully interviewed before being placed on the ballot. The congregation was directed to mark their ballots which were then collected and counted by members of the nominating committee. The next order of business was to approve the recorded minutes of last year’s Annual Meeting. Dennis Zahler made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Eric Nease. Motion carried. Larry then introduced Shane Armstrong to present an overview of the budget. Shane highlighted the fact that the proposed budget from last year was $2.5 million based on an 8% increase in general offering giving. He said that we have a 4% increase in general offerings which reflects an actual estimate by the end of June at $2.449 million. We believe that is where we will land at the end of June. Our fiscal year is July 1-June 30. This year’s proposed budget is $2.46 million, which reflects a 1.5% increase from where we anticipate ending this year. Shane highlighted a substantial increase in line item #4, salaries and benefits. He stated that every year there is an increase in healthcare costs. Also, in the past we have had an IT contract worker, but now decided to bring that position on staff, so that was part of the difference. Shane then opened the floor for questions. Cordelia Schaber expressed her concern for the women’s ministry, stating that she noted a $6,000.00 increase for this year, hoping that means this church will make an investment in the women. Shane introduced Mike Tolle, Life Missions Minister, to address Ms Schaber’s concern. Mike said that, after several months of meeting with David Monroe, Minister of Adult Involvement, and other members in the church, he has drafted an email inviting a women’s leadership team to partner with us to lead the women’s ministry in a whole new way. That money reflects things we have planned and hope to do in the next year. Shane then introduced Fred Banta to present the Mission’s Budget. Fred stated that the mission’s ministry is open to anyone in the church who would like to participate. Being on the team requires dedication and a desire to get involved. During the past year, three new missions have been added, one U.S. based, one foreign and one education. This year we are not adding any new missions to insure that our budget is not so tight that we can’t meet the commitments already allocated for the salaries of our mission workers. We are currently evaluating two of our supported missions, as we do all of our missions, on a scheduled basis, making sure we still want to continue with them. The number of people going on mission trips has increased, both locally and internationally. The mission budget is in the annual report, allocating 45% to foreign, 20% to U.S. missions, 20% to education, 10% for benevolence, 5% for new missions, which includes the cost of publishing the mission newsletter and other administrative expenses. We have a small cushion, listed as TBA for each supported mission, for months we cannot meet our budget. At the end of July, we will total the funds left in the TBA’s, evaluate where the greatest needs are, and allocate those funds accordingly. Marshall Thomas made a motion to accept the budget as presented, seconded by Mark Nease. Motion carried. 26

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Shane asked for a motion to accept the whole budget as presented. Ken Peck made the motion to accept the church budget, seconded by Dennis Zahler. Motion carried. Jamie Snyder then stated that in his role his focus is very much about life transformation. Finances, strategy and committees all matter, but the bottom line for all ministries within our church is life transformation. He stated that will always be our focus. He said that as he looks back over the last twelve months, it’s a very exciting time. Jamie stated that he and the staff are very fortunate to get a bird’s eye view of all the stories of life transformation. He said that we have a man who is very active in our church, and just twelve months ago, as he was walking through the journey with a couple of staff members, he said that he was “fine with his damnation”. Within this last twelve months he has been baptized into Christ, following hard after Jesus, is in a Life Group and is actively involved at Lakeside. There are so many stories like this. In times of discouragement, frustration and confusion in the church, we need to put our eyes back on Jesus which will put our eyes back on stories like that. If Jesus came to this meeting in person, He would not turn to the budget page or any other page, He would say, “Tell Me about the stories, tell Me whose life is being changed” because that’s what He is all about. We look at the Off the Streets ministry that many of you are actively volunteering in and these are women who have been on the streets in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. We have ten to twenty of these women coming to church every Sunday who are experiencing incredible life transformations, lives being put back together by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jamie stated that as he looks back at the leadership of Mike Tolle, David Monroe, and many others, the Life Group ministry has really flourished. We have more than 400 adults actively involved and even more in Adult Bible Fellowships. It’s out of these circles where community takes place that so many of these life transformations happen. People learn what Christ looks like and how Christ loves by being loved in the midst of Christ-centered community. As of June 6, 72 men, women and children have been baptized into Christ in this church since January 1. This is a really exciting time. We have a First Step class, a mile wide, inch deep introductory class led by Mike Tolle offered several times each year. At the end of each class an invitation to accept Christ is offered and we’ve seen many decisions come out of that. Jamie also thanked those who have invested in the Imagine Campaign over the past four years. He stated that the sacrifices made created a very firm foundation to now build and expand upon. He thanked us for the gifts given to Christ, not Lakeside, and the result of those gifts is transforming lives. The sacrifice is not for bricks and mortar, but for hearts and souls and minds and names to be written in the Book of Life. Jamie said that we will need you to sacrifice again in the future, unapologetically so, to carry out the dreams and plans God has for this church. We’re in the midst of expansion, trying to determine what that looks like. He stated that he’d love to tell us we have all the answers, where we will go, how it’s going to work out, but we do not. We are diligently and tirelessly having these conversations, doing the research, networking and praying and meeting. Jamie stated that the congregation will be the first to know. He said that he understands how difficult it is to be patient, but the Board is committed to keeping you updated along the way, to explain how we decisions have been evaluated. God has a very bright future for us. There are tens of thousands of people in this community who need what you already have, which is hope and salvation in Christ alone. Jamie then opened the floor for questions. Renee Henry stated that even though she doesn’t like change, she is very excited about what’s in store for Lakeside in the future. She asked about the satellite churches. Will there be more staff? If the satellite church grows, will they be cut off and be a whole, separate church? Will the congregation have an opportunity to vote on this kind of decision? Jamie answered that the language we will use is “multi-site” as opposed to “satellite” for a variety of reasons. Agreement has been reached as a group of Elders and leaders that we will go down the route of multi-site as far as approach and strategy. As far as locations, we don’t have those answers yet. In general, the way that multi-site works is that each site will definitely have its own staff, bare bones as compared to here. It will start with a much smaller nucleus of people. We will likely challenge at least 200-300 of our Lakeside people at 195 Buttermilk to make that location their home, to give us volunteer teams and a core to build upon. Church planting and multi-site are two different things. Hopefully we will one day plant churches locally, regionally and internationally. A church plant would be its own autonomous church with its own staff, own senior minister, own elders that would go their own way. The multi-sites, no matter how much they grow or flourish, will not be cut off from who we are here. We will be one church with several locations; one DNA, one eldership, guided and led by one group of leaders. They will have their own staff, but structured under the staff of the central campus. They will have their own facility, but will not be their own church – they and we will all be “us”. We have not made this decision lightly. In fact, two years ago I was opposed to it myself, skeptical of the concept, but the more I have networked with leaders across the country, across denominational lines, churches of all sizes, I’ve learned that multi-site churches, when done well, are an incredibly strategic and fiscally responsible way to increase and expand the influence of Christ and experience the same, if not much more, growth than by building one incredibly expensive building. If we had built what we had been dreaming of on the Turkeyfoot property, you would be essentially looking at a $25,000,000 price tag. I think we all understand the implications of that number, especially considering the economy we’ve experienced recently. I do not think it is wrong for churches to do that, but I think that it’s easy to make a case, Biblically even, the church should be community focused. It is not intended to be one place where people drive past multiple communities to get to church, and then drive back through to get home and close the garage door. We want to be in communities, knowing names and faces, school districts and teachers. We hope with the multi-site approach there will be appendix d


multiple sites over the next several years that will give us an incredible opportunity to expand in the influence of Christ and geographically across the northern Kentucky region. We anticipate to grow by thousands with a price tag collectively of far less than it would be to build one building on one piece of land. Marshall Thomas stated that because of his past work with the deaf, he wondered if our interpreter is paid and if there is any plan to expand and what the future of that service is. Shane responded that he has a deaf neighbor and he is one of the men he would like to see here. Yes, the interpreters are paid. This ministry is run through our community involvement ministry, and at the same time it is part of our worship. We will continue to listen, to determine our needs, to see what that ministry looks like in the future. Shane then commended our eldership and stated that he and Jamie enjoy our staff who work very hard and passionately each day in the community. Shane then introduced Kevin Wethington, our new IT manager and Edwin King, who will be assuming the Business Manager responsibilities when Don Doerr retires at the end of June. Jamie then asked for any other questions. Donna Flynn stated her concern that as we grow she is losing touch with the people she knew in the past. Things have been dropped like the prayer requests, and a listing of new members. She said that with three services, you don’t always get to see people. You don’t get to know when members pass away, or relatives of members. Jamie answered that those are legitimate concerns. As far as prayer concerns, please continue to write them on the back of the connect cards. They are emailed out to the staff weekly. Jamie said that sometimes when people write their prayer requests, they are not necessarily intended to be shared with 1800 people. We do have prayer chains when people need that. Circle of evangelism is one thing we need to work on. When people come to Christ, we want you to celebrate. We are actively and literally daily working to improve communication, especially since bringing Jessie DiMartile and Christon Belden on board. The more we grow, the more important it becomes what and how we communicate. We will never fully be able to “scratch that itch” because 1800 people need 1800 different things, but we want to be as strategic and efficient as we can in communicating things that we know will be valuable. One of the values in a multi-site approach as opposed to one large building is that we can maintain smaller but still vibrant community where people still do know and are known. That is part of the reason we value the community opportunity. That is why Life Groups and ABF’s are so important. It’s where you can know and be known. Loss of contact usually occurs when someone comes to church on Sunday and doesn’t participate in anything else. We have to be strategic, as staff and congregation members, to invest intentionally in meaningful relationships. Fred Banta then announced that we had 64 ballots cast out of the 69 ballots that were signed for. All candidates were elected by a large majority and the amendments to the constitution were passed by a very, very large majority. Larry Nelson thanked the elders who are going off the board, Lamar Chambers, Doug Lund, Chris McGuire, Bob Draper and Roy Lucas. He commented that it is a real investment of time and effort. The church has gone through some dramatic changes in the last 3-4 years and these men were very much a part of that. Each of us in this church view the church through our own lens, from the life that we live, from the people we are close to. We really have a sound group of men who are very spiritual, very financially minded and really care about this church. We’ve cried together, laughed together and spent a fair amount of time together. It really brought us close. Larry also welcomed the new elders. He noted that Jamie and Shane also attend the Board meetings. The Board is excited about the vision of this church; more than anything that lives are changing. He said that he doesn’t think we’ve ever seen more life transformations than we have in this past year. It’s exciting to see what Lakeside will do in this community, nation and around the world. Art DiMartile then said that he would like to thank Don Doerr, retiring business manager, and give him a note of appreciation for the many years of service that Don has given to this church. Let the record show a great round of applause. Larry stated that not only is Don a faithful member, but also a friend of his. He stated that he loves Don dearly. Don is looking so forward to being retired. Larry said that it is divine intervention that we got Edwin (King). The Lord is working well. Jamie then spoke, stating that he totally agreed with the words spoken about Don Doerr. He said that Don really does have a servant’s heart and a pastoral heart. He really loves God and loves this Church. It’s amazing the way God moves the pieces together. Don desired to spend more time in retirement to relax and enjoy his family. If you could see the resumes from Kevin and Edwin, it is amazing the kind of talent God is attracting who want to help pursue what God is doing in this place. It’s a very good sign for the church to attract that kind of character and talent. Jamie stated that the meeting would end with a special prayer. Our friend Larry (Nelson) is in a battle right now with a recurrence of cancer. God is still good, Larry is a fighter. He is going to battle this hard. We need him to, his bride needs him to, and so we participated personally in this prayer, asking for two things; one that Larry will be healed, or (2) that he will have Paul’s perspective, “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Larry and Jamie had a conversation recently and discussed that he really is in a win-win situation. He either gets more decades with his beautiful bride and grandkids, or gets to be with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who designed all this and breathed life into us in the first place. Jamie then asked Larry to sit down in the front and every person in the room came forward to lay hands on him and pray for God’s intervention. Respectfully submitted, 28

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Darlene Morales, Corporation Secretary

Lakeside Christian Church By-Laws Revised - June 5, 2013

Article IX Annual Meeting of the Church Section 1. There shall be held each year, the first Wednesday night in June, during a regular service, a general meeting of all members of the Church, as far as possible, which shall be known as the regular Annual Meeting of the Lakeside Christian Church of Lakeside Park, Kentucky. The purpose of this meeting shall be for the hearing of ministry reports of the Church (said reports may be printed and made available for each member present in order to conserve time), election of the Elders and Trustees, and to transact such other business as may legally come before it. (Proposed Change Date Change for Annual Meeting) Section 1. There shall be held each year, the second Wednesday night in July, a general meeting of all members of the Church, as far as possible, which shall be known as the regular Annual Meeting of the Lakeside Christian Church of Lakeside Park, Kentucky. The purpose of this meeting shall be for the hearing of ministry reports of the Church (said reports may be printed and made available for each member present in order to conserve time), election of the Elders and Trustees, and to transact such other business as may legally come before it. Article III Elders Section 1. Elders shall be elected at the regular annual meeting of the Church to serve for the term of four (4) years. All newly elected Elders will assume their duties August 1. The number of Elders shall increase with the size of the congregation, as men become willing and meet the requirements. In case of a vacancy appearing for any reason, the Board of Elders may fill such a vacancy for the unexpired term of the member causing such a vacancy. Section 2. In the main, Elders are to shepherd the flock, guard the flock, and watch the flock, as set forth in the New Testament Scriptures. It shall be the duty of the Elders to create and maintain a vision, set direction and policy consistent with New Testament Scriptures, oversee the Ministry Council and work with the ministry Teams to foster and assure operations consistent with the Church goals. Section 3. Any candidate for the eldership must make known to the Nominating Committee before his name is presented to the Church, that he believes, agrees with, and promises to uphold without reservation: Article I and Article II, Section 1. (Section 1 Date Change And Proposed Section 4 Addition) Section 1. Elders shall be elected at the regular annual meeting of the Church to serve for the term of four (4) years. All newly elected Elders will assume their duties August 1. The number of Elders may increase with the size of the congregation, as men become willing and meet the requirements. In case of a vacancy appearing for any reason, the Board of Elders may fill such a vacancy for the unexpired term of the member causing such a vacancy. Section 4. The Senior Minister (whom is an Elder) will be a voting member of the full board of Elders. He will serve continuously while holding the position of Senior Minister at Lakeside Christian Church. He will not be eligible to serve or become a candidate for Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board of Elders. appendix e


umbers vision life change baptism m ancements lakeside numbers vision l udents children enhancements lakesi ce worship adults students children e aptism mission service worship adul sion life change baptism mission ser keside numbers vision life change b en enhancements lakeside numbers dults students children enhancements rvice worship adults students childre aptism mission service worship adul sion life change baptism mission ser keside numbers vision life change b en enhancements lakeside numbers dults students children enhancements rvice worship adults students childre aptism mission service worship adul sion life change baptism mission ser keside numbers vision life change b en enhancements lakeside numbers dults students children enhancements LAKESIDE.ORG

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