Focus Forward Newsletter - Issue 3

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Summer 2017


1879 Society

Creating your legacy for the future of Lakefield College School inscribed on back LAKEFIELD COLLEGE SCHOOL

David Hadden on

Why I Give


he truth is, giving makes you feel good. So it’s actually self-serving. Giving is all about feeling good about doing it.”

David Hadden leans back on his couch with that impish grin we all know so well. The former Lakefield College School Head of School, who retired almost nine years ago, is trying to convince me that making a bequest to the school benefited him the most. I try again. Why did he choose to make a bequest when he and Susan have already given so much to LCS, including yearly donations and countless

David Hadden, Former Head of School, Closing 2008

volunteer hours over the last nine years?

“Frankly, I can be more generous with

He looks away, pondering the question.

a bequest. I can make a difference to

“I have a very deep belief in the difference Lakefield

a place I believe in and have so much

makes to its students,” he says, fixing me with his

affection for in a way I can’t in the here

Hadden gaze. “It really is a unique place. Lakefield

and now.”

not only permits, it encourages students to discover who they are. To be themselves. To know themselves.

“Also, I could direct the bequest where I wanted

Lakefield does that. Not all schools do.”

it to be. I fervently want students who deserve to

The passion David Hadden feels for The Grove is palpable. I ask him why he felt a bequest was a particularly smart way to give.

be there—but can’t afford it—to be there. Their contributions to the quality of life at Lakefield are enormous; they help other students grow by Continued on back





and Deliberate Because the future matters

Eight years ago, Lakefield College School began a journey on the student experience at LCS. to reinvigorate its planned giving program and provide interesting and creative opportunities for our LCS community to invest in its future through gifts in their estates. What we realized early on was that, for many, making a gift in their will was not driven solely by tax incentives and asset distribution. It was, in fact, nostalgia:

Would Hugh Lumsden, Class of 1901, have ever imagined that today, 116 years later, we would still be acknowledging his kindness? Since receiving an estate gift in 1997 from Rickey Crang ’54, his endowed memorial bursary has provided more than 70 students with the financial assistance necessary for them to experience an LCS education.

“The opportunity to give back; to leave this world a better place; to make a difference in someone else’s life; to be remembered.”

Liz Ketchum, who grew up on campus in the late 30s and

As one of our alumni parents said, “Planned giving is

respond back immediately with a note of her own—full

proactive philanthropy. It is thoughtful and deliberate, designed not to fix something but to make things possible.”

40s, supported the school every year without fail. Each year, within days of receiving a note of thanks from the Hugh and Jean Ketchum Bursary recipient, she would of encouragement and congratulations. Thrilled that the memory of her parents was being honoured. Courtney Foster, who to our knowledge never

It is. And it does.

stepped foot on campus, made a bequest in his will to

wasn’t that long ago, it was his love for the school and all that it made possible for him that inspired him to create a bursary for other young people. Each one of these individuals believed in “the possible.” They believed in the Lakefield of the future and in the young people who would, because of their generosity, have an opportunity to experience it. To those of you who have made a gift through your estate, or are considering one, or until now, never dreamed it was possible—thank you. We thank you on behalf of every student who benefitted or will benefit from the generosity of a planned gift, past, present and future. We thank you for being proactive in your philanthropy, for being thoughtful and deliberate by including Lakefield College School in your estate plans. Most importantly, we thank you for believing in the little school on the shores of Lake Katchewenooka and making the future—one we can’t even imagine or understand—possible. By Theresa Butler-Porter, LCS Foundation, CFRE, Member of the 1879 Society

acknowledge, with gratitude, a kindness he had received

Proactive? Absolutely.

from a friend—and LCS alum.

Thoughtful and deliberate? Without a doubt. Make things possible? This is the part where the skies open and the angels sing. It is what inspires and motivates people like David Hadden to commit to future gifts to The Grove. But there are those who, with their passing (see opposite page), have already made a difference. Their visionary gifts have already had, and will continue to have, impact

Bill Kilbourne, an alumni parent and board member, was key in ensuring the coed future of the school. His children, who had no idea that he had included LCS in his will were, and continue to be, thrilled and honoured that he did. The Bishop Family Bursary was initiated through the estate of Darren Bishop ’03. While Darren’s time at LCS

What is the 1879 Society? The 1879 Society was established to honour and recognize alumni, parents and friends who have chosen to enhance opportunities for future generations of Grove students by including Lakefield College School in their estate planning. The 1879 Society recognizes the generosity and special foresight of those who have made a gift to provide for the school’s future. These provisions include gifts in a will, life insurance policy, charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity, or the proceeds of an RRSP/RRIF. To learn more, visit



Thank You to the individuals who

have passed and whose belief in the future of LCS inspired these legacy gifts.

Hugh Lumsden, Class of 1901

Realized: 1976—Centennial Bursary

John Davidson, Class of 1914

Realized: 1987—Area of Greatest Need

RA Pearson (Friend of LCS)

Realized: 1987—Bob Armstrong Endowed Bursary

Blair Angus ’83

Realized: 1997—Angus Art Room

James Harold (Rickey) Crang ’53

Realized: 1997—James Harold (Rickey) Crang Jr. Memorial Bursary

William Gibson ’48

Impact and

Appreciation Event

May 11, 2017

Granite Club, Toronto

“Spending time with these great young people reminds me why it is so important to keep supporting LCS and its students.” Impact and Appreciation Event Attendee Every two years, members of the 1879 Society and

Realized: 1997—Sport Equipment Room / Day Student Locker Room

their families are invited to a special appreciation

Hugh Charles Harvey ’35

event to demonstrate the impact that estate gifts

Realized: 1997—Tennis Courts, Technology, Bursaries

Rod Pringle ’29

Realized: 1997—Endowment

have, and will continue to have, on students of LCS. Forty-five special guests and 20 students interacted

George Walter Booth

during the 90-minute programme. Guy McLean,

Realized: 1998— Library

Head of School, Shane Smyth ’96, Foundation COO,

Jerald B. Potts ’37

Theresa Butler-Porter, Philanthropic Relations and

Realized: 2000—Hadden Hall

Dr. Heather Avery, updated guests on school and

Stephen Gilbert ’39

foundation activities.

Cliff Abraham ’74

Guests were inspired with a heartfelt address by

Realized: 2004—Cliff Abraham Memorial Bursary

alumna Hilary Windrem ’07, who shared why she

Donald Brennan ’52

chose to include Lakefield College School in her

Realized: 2002—Area of Greatest Need

Realized: 2004—Library

Willy Williams ’57

Realized: 2004—Waterfront

John ’34 and Joyce Frewer (Alumni Parents) Realized: 2005—Bursaries

Verne and Ramona 
Stevenson (Alumni Parents)

Realized: 2008—Verne and Ramona Stevenson Memorial Bursary

Tim Dunn ’35 and 
Pam Holt Dunn (Alumni Parents)

estate plans. “It’s what I can do for a place that will always be so special to me.” The 20 student Lorelei Consort members opened and closed the event with beautiful music and had the opportunity to have many conversations with our guests, sharing their Lakefield experiences and the

Realized: 2011—Gwyllym Dunn Memorial Bursary

impact LCS has had on their lives.

Richard ’43 and Julia Warren

Visit to see video of the event.

Realized: 2012—Bursaries

Courtney Foster (Friend)

Realized: 2013—Area of Greatest Need

Bill Kilbourne (Alumni Parent) Realized: 2013—Bursaries

Darren Bishop ’03

Realized: 2015—Bishop Family Fund

Elizabeth (Liz) Ketchum

Realized: 2015—Hugh and Jean Ketchum Bursary

Peter Perry ’42

Realized: 2017—Bursaries


Half of Canadians are making this

unforgivable money mistake “One of the great mysteries of personal finance is why so many people fail to have a will drawn up. Fail is exactly the right word here. Epic fail.

The latest evidence of this behaviour comes in a poll from Toronto-Dominion Bank that suggests half of Canadians don’t have a will. Almost 30 per cent of those who lack a will are between the ages of 53 and 71, an age range when people may have accumulated significant assets. Without a will, your assets are distributed according to a formula that varies by province. You would have no say in how much your spouse or children get. If you don’t have a will, make getting one your No. 1 personal finance project for the remainder of 2017. A 2015 fee survey from Canadian Lawyer Magazine says simple wills cost $441 on average, while complex wills for a couple averaged $1,357. For most people, the time of life to start thinking about a will is when they have kids. Update the will as you get older to reflect the changing needs of your children and the assets you’ve accumulated.” Reprinted from Carrick On Money, Globe and Mail May 26, 2017

David Hadden visits the Grade 10 WW1 Reenactment

“If you believe in the school and love it; if you’re engaged with it; if you’ve benefitted from being a part of it—it’s a

David Hadden speaking with students, 2004

Why I Give

great way to pay it forward. And it’s pretty painless.”

David Hadden

Continued from page 1

association. So I directed the bequest to a bursary.”

Should everyone involved in The Grove make a

Did David think bequests were more beneficial for the

bequest—alumni, parents, even teachers and staff

school than moderate annual donations?

who are neither alumni nor parents?

“Both are essential. It isn’t a matter of one or the

“Absolutely. If you believe in the school and love it; if

other. “For LCS to offer the best to its students—without hefty fee increases—it must have a substantial

you’re engaged with it; if you’ve benefitted from being a part of it—it’s a great way to pay it forward. And it’s pretty painless.”

endowment. To support our distinct programs

So what gets in the way of making a bequest?

and values; to bring the many deserving young

“I think some people are uncomfortable about

people who could not otherwise attend Lakefield to

planned giving, as though it’s macabre to make a

Lakefield; to have the most talented and motivated

donation that won’t materialize until you’re gone. But

teachers—to be a truly great school—it must have a

I feel the opposite. Like planting an oak tree you know

great endowment. We’ve managed to increase the

you’ll never sit under, there’s something noble and

endowment from $2 million when I started in 1985 to

gratifying about helping young people—who may not

$33 million today, which is wonderful. But it has to

even be born yet—flourish in a place you’ve come to

keep growing.

love. I can’t imagine any other gift or cause that would give me greater satisfaction.” By Stephanie Edwards, Alumni Parent

Lakefield College School Foundation

Please contact Theresa Butler-Porter T | 705.652.3324 ext. 329 E | 4391 County Road 29, Lakefield, Ontario, Canada, K0L 2H0

1879 Society

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