Winter 2013

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Grove News Winter 2013

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Calendar of Events 2013

For details please refer to our school calendar at APRIL



Toronto Alumni Reception - Bringing Our Way to You



Bringing Our Way to You (Mexico City, Mexico)



Bringing Our Way to You (Peterborough/Lakefield)


Grade 8 Graduation Dinner


Closing Grade 12 Graduation Dinner


Andy Harris Cup Grove Golf Tournament

20 1960s Old Boys’ Reunion (LCS) 22

Grove Society (Parent Chapter) Speaker Event: Leonard Sax PhD, MD (LCS)

Going Grove Advancement Dinner

23 Toronto Parent Reception - Bringing Our Way to You


30 1879 Society Event (Toronto)


Grade 12 Students Opening Day Move-In for Grade 12 Boarders



All Days Students (Grades 9-11) Registration


Alumni Networking Event (Toronto)


All Boarders (Grades 9-11) Registration & Move-In


Trustees’ Meeting


Chapel & First Day all Grade 9-12 Students


Volunteer Recognition Event


Fall Fair / Home to the Grove Reunion

25 Regatta Day

Lakefield College Trustees 2012/13 School Board Chair Paul Hickey Past Chair John Ryder ’77 Tim Bell ’00 Walter Blackwell ’56 Marilynn Booth Carlo Bos ’94 Andrew Clarke ’85 Stephen Coates ’90 Peter Dunn ’62 Stephanie Edwards Bishop George Elliott Amanda Ethier ’98 Ann Farlow Jock Fleming ’74 Romina Fontana ’94

Bill Gastle ’68 Janice Green Rick Green Nicole Groves ’93 Jennifer Gruer Sue Guest Terry Guest * Neil Hamilton Tim Heeney ’83 Brent Hurley Alan Ingram Brett Jackman ’03 Warren Jones ’88 Zack Kembar ’87 Janet Lafortune Kathleen Leonard Nick Lewis ’77 Andrew Little ’13 Kim Little ’53 Ross Little ’81

Hugh Macdonnell ’85 Kevin Malone ’77 Janet Markus Patrick Marshall ’90 James Matthews ’58 Andrea McConnell John McRae ’70 Val McRae John McWilliams ’65 David Miller ’77 Tracy Morley ’93 Bill Morris ’70 Margaret Nelligan Anil Patel ’93 Tony Pullen ’63 Vicki Pullen Sean Quinn ’82 Doug Rishor ’57 Struan Robertson Gretchen Ross

John Schumacher Murray Sinclair ’79 Nancy Smith Scott Smith ’87 John Stelzer ’00 Losel Tethong ’89 Stuart Thompson ’91 Richard Tucker ’77 Travis Turner Christine Vogel Tim Ward ’62 Jane Waterous Chris White ’90 Terry Windrem HRH The Duke of York ’78 Millie Yates ’13


Jeffrey Marshall * † Scott McCain Honorary Chair Andrea McConnell Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73 Robert McEwen Rosemary Phelan Board Chair Kathleen Ramsay Bill Morris ’70 Donald Ross ’48 Secretary Thomas Ryder ’53 James Matthews ’58 Géza von Diergardt Emilio Azcarraga Jean ’87 William Wells ’78 Marilynn Booth Richard Wernham Bruce Boren ’87 HRH The Duke of York ’78 Jonathan Carroll ’87 Brian Carter * Directors in Bold Michael Cooper * Honorary Alumni Stan Dunford † Deceased Jock Fleming ’74 John K. Hepburn ’68 Suzanne Legge Orr Angus MacNaughton ’48

FRONT COVER (L-R): Grade 12 students Connor Mahony and Moritz Malina-Altzinger with faculty member Tim Rollwagen, competing against each other during the staff versus students shinny match on Hockey Day, February 10, 2013. OPPOSITE: Outdoor Ed/Geography students in Grade 9 and 10 participated in a comprehensive review of Grade 9 Canadian Geography using an enormous hand drawn map of North America, a resource which has been making its way around the province, affording students a more experiential perspective of our continent.

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Setting a Course for Tomorrow When I first heard that Lakefield

years of the school’s life—Our Way /

Inspiring—underscore the school’s

College School was working on a

More Intentionally Lakefield—strives

mission to provide students with a

new strategic plan, I felt a sense of

to push the school’s evolution into

life-long passion for learning and

empathy towards those involved.

overdrive on the path it has been on


After going through a similar process

now for several decades.

at my current place of employment, I envisioned a certain amount of hair pulling—and not just of one’s own hair.

And along the way, as emphasized in

When I first attended LCS in 1989,

Struan Robertson’s opening note (p.

the school had just set a new course

iii), students will be challenged, and

to become one of the country’s

they will fail…as we all do in life. But

premier private schools. That

what makes a person succeed, like

Strategic plans can sometimes

realization was evident during my

The Grove’s mission to create a well-

expose unpleasant cracks in the

first year when the school opened its

rounded person, is that to evolve and

foundation of an organization,

doors to co-education, and was in

improve we need to learn from our

cracks that can turn a positive vision

full swing when I graduated in 1996

shortcomings, understand where we

for growth and prosperity into harsh

and the school was teeming with

are at today, and then set a course

doubts about future progress. Simply

new programs, initiatives, and state-

for how we are going to be better

put, it takes courage to put together

of-the-art facilities.


Today, Lakefield College School is

Cameron Ainsworth-Vincze ’96 is a Toronto-based journalist and writer who has worked for the Globe and Mail and Maclean’s. He is currently a Communication Specialist with the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.

a bold plan for the future—just as it does to plan one’s life a decade down the road.

without question one of the best high schools in Canada, and the six

Yet not surprisingly, The Grove’s

interconnected goals put in place

trustees and directors didn’t take the

to guide it for the next decade—

easy way out. Instead, the strategic

Enduring, Challenging, 24/7,

plan that was created for the next 10

World-Renowned, Connected and

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From the Head of School Struan Robertson

I have enjoyed many wonderful conversations during my relatively short time as the Head of School at Lakefield College School. I have talked with students

Professor Tony Wagner, author of The Global Achievement Gap and Creating Innovators or Paul Tough, author of How Children Succeed, who both argue that learning to fail is vital to success later in life.

about their hopes and dreams, and about their chal-

This is a message I have been preaching to our students

lenges. Students have shared their successes and their

since my arrival in March, 2012—the idea of failing

failures. They have shared which universities they hope

forward. It is a vital aspect of our new strategic plan—

to be accepted by and which ones they think are out of

challenging our students even more so they are prepared

their reach. I love talking to our kids—I learn so much

best for life in the 21st century. I believe that there is no

about them and about how they learn. It is great feed-

better place to learn to fail than at The Grove. The way

back and helps me understand our school more each

our teachers know our students is amazing and I believe


we need to support our students to fail and then, more

One conversation stands out for me though from this past fall I was walking through the hallways as I often do during class and happened on a pair of students talking—one of the students was crying. I stopped and asked what was going on and we got into a very long conversation. It turns out, this student was upset because school had become challenging. I struggled to

important, to learn from their failure and develop resiliency. Resiliency comes from experiencing failure and then figuring out how to avoid failure again. Failure happens every day in schools across our country, but are we always aware of the valuable learning lesson? Do we take advantage of this learning opportunity or do we try to avoid it?

disguise my pleasure and urge to jump in the air and

I believe that we need to embrace failure, and ensure

pump my fist in hearing these words, and instead

that we are intentional about learning from it. When I

probed more deeply with questions—why? This student

watch our students succeed and fail, whether in a class-

told me that they were used to getting 90s on all tests

room, playing an instrument or on the soccer field, I am

and assignments and this year they were getting grades

always watching how they react—do they think about

in the 70s, while still working really hard and had even

what happened and how they can learn? Do our teachers

failed a quiz! Again—I found myself bursting with excite-

and coaches support our kids to dissect a tough loss or

ment. The student went on to explain that this year they

understand why they did not do well on a test? I believe

were enrolled in an AP class—a more challenging class

we do and I believe that with our new strategic plan we

and the advanced material was much harder than the

will do this even more and more intentionally. This is

previous year. In addition, the teacher was encouraging

what makes Lakefield different and how we will help our

the students to think and be proactive time managers

students to be even better prepared to be successful in

with their assignments. When I asked what she was

life at whatever they try.

doing about it, she shared that she was doing all her homework, asking questions, attending extra help,

Back to the story about the student, she continues to be

seeking clarification from the teacher, collaborating with

challenged in her AP class. She continues to ask ques-

classmates and on and on. All excellent strategies for

tions, reflect on her learning and improve. She has

active learners—this was great. But the student was still

chosen challenge and is learning. Although she is not

extremely upset about her grades. When I pointed out

getting 90s on her work, she is steadily improving and

that she was doing all the right things to succeed and

enjoying applying her learning to real-life problems

that she was building resiliency, I was met with a very

every day in class. She inspires me with her resiliency

blank stare...“well, what good is that?”

and I look forward to watching her soar!

What good is that? Resiliency is one of the most important skills you can learn in school! Just ask Harvard Grove News Winter 2013  | iii

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Governance—The Lakefield College School Way Paul Hickey, Chair of LCS Board and Bill Morris ’70, Chair of LCS Foundation With the launch of Our Way / More Intentionally Lakefield (included with this edition of the Grove News), we are reminded of how fortunate we are to have such an innovative and effective governance structure. The model we have defines and directs the roles and relationships between Lakefield College School’s management, its two boards, its trustees and our community at large and has shown its strength throughout the conception and writing of this plan over the past three years.

Innovative Governance Model Adopted in 2006






JOINT COMMITTEES Strategic Finance Performance Review



This model, adopted in 2006, promotes the intersection

goals, like one bigger team, the results can be nothing

of Lakefield College School and LCS Foundation matters

short of incredible.

in select areas, and is a great expression of teamwork. It is unique among independent schools. Our joint schoolfoundation committees in finance, strategic planning and Head/CEO performance review give us a better perspective on those areas that are key to the long-term health of the school. Our two boards, each working on their own with management, are effective. This is no surprise given the kind of commitment, expertise and passion around the tables that we have. But when you take governance to the next level and have two teams working in concert with each other towards common

Nowhere is our unique approach more evident than in the way our Head of School Struan Robertson and LCS Foundation CEO Sarah McMahon have partnered in the development of the most recent strategic plan. By good fortune we have in Sarah a foundation CEO who has spent the past two years as Interim Head, overseeing and guiding the plan’s development. Sarah is now in a position to steer the fundraising necessary to bring the strategies within Our Way / More Intentionally Lakefield to life.

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We are grateful that Struan has, over just a few months,

and foundation, volunteers and management, worked

been able to mold and shape the plan so that he can own

side-by-side developing the priorities and funding

it and implement it with the kind of passion and rigour

required to make Lakefield College School even stronger.

he is known for. To have both Sarah and Struan working

To borrow words from the plan—to “help make Lakefield

together as they are, equally invested in the plan, is what

even more Lakefield.” This is exactly what is happening.

our governance model envisioned.

We are grateful for the creativity and foresight of our

The clear, open communication between school leader-

leaders back in 2006 who were years ahead of their time

ship and our boards leads to understanding and support

in so many ways—governance being one of them. They

for the kind of big ideas that make a plan, like this most

created the framework that has enabled plans like Our

recent one, bold yet prudent. But we also know we must

Way / More Intentionally Lakefield to take shape. The

be careful. A governance structure and engaged com-

biggest gesture of gratitude we could give those leaders

munity of volunteers like we have needs to continually

of yesterday is to make our most recent plan the most

be conscious of that gray area between guidance and

successful yet. Cheers to that. And cheers to them.

interfering—between oversight and meddling. It’s something we recognize and are not afraid to discuss, which is healthy.

BELOW: While attending the fall trustees’ meeting in October, school and foundation trustees spent the morning in the classroom enjoying the opportunity to interact with students and experience “Grove-style” learning at its best.

The unique LCS governance structure envisioned a completely integrated planning process where both school

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School Highlights


Our Way—More Intentionally Lakefield 6 The LCS Campus: A Hub of Summertime Activity


Welcome New Trustees 2012/13


Alumni Dinner Honouring David Walsh and Ken Sunderland


Creativity, Loss and Resilience—An Interview with Nick ’03 and Charlie Bierk ’05


Class News


In Our Memories


In Memory of Jeffrey Marshall (1944-2012)


LCS Foundation—Donor Recognition and Fundraising Report 2011/12


Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Cameron Ainsworth-Vincze ‘96; Editorial Committee: Heather Avery, Joe Bettencourt, Theresa Butler-Porter, Richard Johnston, Sarah McMahon, Tom Milburn, Louise Paoli di Prisco, John Runza and Stephanie Wilcox ’03. Contributing Photographer: Simon Spivey. Please address correspondence to the Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0 705.652.3324

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School Highlights Marsden Circle Event Canadian author Joseph Boyden spoke in Chapel in September about his novel Three Day Road. His strong advocacy for First Nations Peoples fits perfectly with

depicting the life of Canadian artist Tom Thomson. The actors, crew and musicians turned in four wonderful performances to four enthusiastic audiences.

Lakefield College School’s Marsden Circle, a program that

Award-winning Writers Visit LCS

helps Grove students understand the need for Canada

On the afternoon of November 24, the LCS Literary Affairs

to respect and honour the rights of the First Peoples to

team invited two local secondary schools to participate in

occupy this land. This visit is made possible through the

the LCS Literary Festival. Award-winning author Jonathan

Jack Matthews Fellowship, a Trent University-Canadian

Bennett and award-winning journalist Sarah Hampson

Canoe Museum-Lakefield College partnership. This

gave readings and led students through workshops on

annual cooperative effort honours former LCS Head of

creative writing and journalism. After the workshop/

School Jack Matthews, whose ideals of Canadian global

discussion, students convened in the theatre lobby for a

citizenship and education have benefited all three



Adventurer Wade Davis

Olympic Optimism

In November, geographic explorer, renowned

This October, Canadian Olympic Women’s Eight Rowing

anthropologist and ethnobotonist, photographer,

Silver Medalist Ashley Brzozowicz visited the school. She

filmmaker and author Wade Davis visited Lakefield

spoke about her athletic career, and inspired students to

College School. Mr. Davis shared his unusual path to

keep moving forward and stay positive.

follow his passions to a career of writing, anthropology, speaking and photography.

A Movember to Remember 51 students and 17 staff members participated in

Student Documentary at Film Festival

Movember, raising awareness and $8000 for men’s

Miranda Hersco ’13 co-directed the short film Girls

health, particularly prostate cancer. Activities included

Between Two Worlds for the SkyWorks Charitable

the MOlar Bear Dip, Tape a MO Bro/Sista to the Wall,

Foundation’s Real Change Girls Filmmaking Project 2012.

MOlden MOs—a takeoff of the Golden Globes for

It was shown at the Regent Park Film Festival in October,

MOcumentaries—and a MO Caricature Contest. Mo Sista

where Katie Uhlmann ’05 interviewed Miranda. The film

Leslie Schumacher ’06 cut and donated her hair to a

examines the challenges and experiences that many first-

foundation that makes wigs for young adults. We truly did

generation Canadian girls face and considers how family,

“change the face of men’s health’’ here at LCS and abroad.

friends, and culture influence their identity.

LCS Receives a Royal Visit

Senior Student Published in Globe and Mail

Lakefield College School welcomed His Royal Highness

In December, a story written by Millie Yates ’13 for her

The Duke of York for a visit on November 16, 2012. At

Writer’s Craft class was published in the Globe and Mail.

morning Chapel, he addressed the students and staff and

It’s a Wonderful Loaf: Dad’s Bread Tastes Like Home, takes

spoke of his passion for the school and his commitment

you on a journey through her father’s love of baking bread,

to its future. He challenged the students to think of their

and how it resonated throughout her family.

opportunities to take leadership roles in their school and their communities and to fully utilize the life skills and knowledge that they gain during their formative years.

Fall Play—A Musical Success!

OPPOSITE (L-R) top to bottom: Students took part in “flash mob photos” as part of Movember activities; HRH The Duke of York visits LCS; The cast and crew of the fall play Colours in The Storm; Katie Uhlmann ‘05 interviews Miranda Hersco ’13 about her co-directed short film at the Real Change Girls’ Filmmaking Project 2012; Millie Yates ’13 had her article published in the Globe and Mail.

The fall play the musical Colours in the Storm performed for four audiences. The play was written by Jim Betts, 2  |  Grove News Winter 2013

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School Highlights Golden Jr. Girls’ Field Hockey The Grove’s Jr. Girls’ Field Hockey won the CISAA championships in November claiming a gold medal against Appleby College. It was a fantastic game and finish to a great season for the entire team who were happy to bring home the gold!

moves, and as Coach Libby Dalrymple explains, “‘Awe’ for the dancers’ grace, finesse, strength and expression of soul that was shared through their dances.” Choreographed, danced, produced and directed entirely by the students, this year’s showcase saw ballet en pointe, hip hop, tap, contemporary and even gymnastics worked in. The three performances were hits, a great job

New This Year—Winter Play

by all the dancers.

During the winter months, Assistant Head of House

1st Girls’ Volleyball Win CISAA Gold

Jordan Muise ’08 directed a small group of students in Martin McDonagh’s The Cripple of Inishmaan. These students maintained their previous athletic commitments and found rehearsal time during their free time. After three months of broken legs (real and fictional), Irish accents and set-building, the three entertaining performances took place in February.

LCS Welcomed Gwynne Dyer On February 12, world-renowned author, filmmaker and Order of Canada recipient Gwynne Dyer spoke with Grade 11 and 12 students about the geo-political ramifications of climate change. His films have been

The 1st Girls’ Volleyball team hosted the CISAA Championships on Saturday, March 2, 2013. The girls began the playoffs undefeated, and kept that streak alive as they won gold against Country Day School. It was the first gold medal won in the McEwen Gym, and we hope this is the first of many to come.

Jr. Girls’ Volleyball at Semi Finals After a tough loss in the semi-finals, the Jr. Girls’ Volleyball team emerged victorious earning the bronze medal in an excellent win over The York School 2-0.

nominated for Academy Awards and won two Gemini

Engineering Week Trophies

awards, his twice weekly column is published in over

Students in Grades 11 and 12 Physics competed in the

175 newspapers around the world and his many books

annual Engineering Week Challenge in Peterborough.

always find their way to top of best seller lists.

Each group of four students designed, built and tested the launching arm of a trebuchet using the basic

Students Take a Stand Against Bullying Inspired by the tragic story of Amanda Todd and her struggles with bullying, the Grove House girls prepared an anti-bullying presentation for the school. They shared stories and video from students and staff, wrote lyrics and music for an original song and prepared meaningful messages. The community was inspired and united by this initiative, “We are here for you and you do not stand alone—join us in this fight against bullying.”

materials provided. Scoring was based on how far the trebuchet could launch a marshmallow as well as a written report, which posed questions regarding the physics behind a trebuchet. Of the four teams LCS sent to compete, the team of Will Thomson ’13, Henry Zhang ’14, Raymond Lee ’14 and James Tory ’14 finished in a very close second to the champions, also from LCS, Timothy Chan ’13, Matthew Betteto ’13, John Russell ’13 and Abraham Lau ’13. We are proud to have multiple teams earn trophies!

Gold and Silver in Snowboard Racing The Snowboard Racing team had a very successful season culminating in Emilie Norris-Roozman ’15 winning a gold medal in the alpine race and a silver

OPPOSITE (L-R) top to bottom: Jr. Girls’ Field Hockey team win gold; Snowboarding champions Emilie Norris-Roozman ’15 and Austin Hill-Whitson ’13; The cast and crew of The Cripple of Inishmaan; 1st Girls’ Volleyball CISAA Gold Medal Champions

medal in the slope style race, while Austin Hill-Whitson ’13 won the gold medal in the slope style race.


To view more news stories visit and choose (LOGIN) ALL NEWS or search by date and/or keyword

This year’s dance showcase Shock & Awe was titled for the dances that contained unexpected or surprising

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The Lakefield College School Strategic Plan 2012-2022

Our Way | More Intentionally Lakefield This edition of the Grove News is

focused community. It is because

year consultative planning process

a special one. It contains a copy

of our people—the outstanding

involving students, staff, alumni,

of the information booklet for

staff who know our kids through

trustees and parents. We believe

Lakefield College School’s new

caring, learning-focused relation-

it will position our school as the

strategic plan: Our Way / More

ships and the deep engagement of

boarding school of choice in Canada

Intentionally Lakefield. The vision

our community—that we are able

and throughout the world.

for this exciting 10-year plan is to

to offer these exciting opportuni-

be Canada’s finest boarding school,

ties. This strategic plan is different

preparing students best for life in

from our other plans because it is

the twenty-first century. We believe

focused on our program: on how we

that we are uniquely positioned

teach our students through expe-

to deliver on that vision because

riential learning, through a love of

of our people, our place and our

the outdoors and the environment,

program. It starts with the “like no

and through an emphasis on global

other” feeling that you get when you

learning opportunities and connec-

set foot on our distinct waterfront


campus, with our small classes and residences and our family-

What do we mean by “Our way— more intentionally Lakefield?” It comes right from our mission and values—to instill a life-long passion for learning and service to others. We want more students to be able to experience the Lakefield Difference, because we believe it is the best place to spend four years of high school and we believe we

Our Way / More Intentionally

offer a unique learning experience.

Lakefield, was born out of a four-

Going forward, we want to be more

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intentional about instilling the LCS

“Academic rigour, while important, is not the only way to

values in our students—using our

educate. We want to maintain our unique approach by

24/7 learning environment to teach our students the values of trust,

learning through relationships—something LCS can offer

individuality and citizenship. We

“like no other.”

want to collect data from long after our alumni graduate about how they have learned when they were here, how they applied that learning in their lives and how they are meeting their individual potential in mind, body and spirit. As you will see, we have six interconnected goals which we believe will help us reach our vision: Enduring, Challenging, 24/7, World-Renowned, Connected and Inspiring. Our goals are high, but we believe they are attainable. They are flexible enough to shift with the ever-changing world, but bold and prudent enough to challenge us all to meet the high standards we have set.

Enduring We intend to emphasize our financial, human and environmental capital. We want to build our endowment so that more students can benefit from a LCS education. We want to create more programs of distinction and we want our campus to retain its unique and homey feeling while being modern and progressive.

Challenging Academic rigour, while important, is not the only way to educate. We want to maintain our unique approach by learning through relationships—something LCS can offer “like no other.” It fits with our Learning Commons program and the introduction of 24/7 learning opportunities. Grove News Winter 2013  | 7

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“In learning how to fail, our students build resiliency, so that when they leave our campus and experience failures in their lives, they are equipped with the skills and strategies to navigate and learn from their experiences.”

While we continue to teach the traditional “Rs”—Reading, Writing and Arithmetic—three new “Rs” will be key aspects of our new plan: RIGOUR, RESILIENCY and RESOURCEFULNESS. Going forward we want to continue to challenge our students to think, wonder, apply, deduce, collaborate and problem solve, while adding a level of challenge that will prepare them for university and to become contributing members of a global society. Closely related to rigour in our academic program is resiliency. We believe that there is no better place to experience failure than in the safe, nurturing, learning environment of The Grove. In learning how to fail, our students build resiliency, so that when they leave our campus and experience failures in their lives, they are equipped with the skills and strategies to navigate and learn from their experiences. An important part of this strategic plan will be to support our students when they fail, teach them how to learn from their mistakes and to ensure that they do not repeat the same mistakes later on in life.

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The third of the three Rs is resourcefulness. We want

technology to enhance their learning experiences. We

to continue to challenge our students and help them

want technology to provide our learners with authentic

build the skills and strategies that they will need to be

problem-solving experiences that would otherwise be

successful in the twenty-first century. These include

impossible. We will be visionary, yet strategic, in differ-

critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving, flex-

entiating between technologies that truly enhance

ibility, adaptability, initiative, curiosity and imagina-

learning and those which are short-term fads.

tion. Just as important will be teaching our students to be resourceful to choose which skill to apply to


new and unique situations. Again—with our special-

It is about our people: being an employer of choice

ized way of knowing our students—we feel that we are

for the employees of choice. We want to continue

perfectly positioned to offer this new kind of learning.

to attract, retain and develop the best staff, because

World Renowned

we know this is what enables us to offer a first class learning experience. We will continue to pursue best

We will focus on our global strategy—being Canada’s

pedagogical practice and provide focused profes-

finest boarding school and attracting the best possible

sional development and regular feedback to help us

students to our campus. It’s also about providing our

to improve the learning experience for our staff and

students with world-class facilities and a world-class


education. It is about connecting our students with the world beyond our campus, our community and our country and building global citizenship and international mindedness so our students are equipped with the skills and strategies they will need to help solve the problems of tomorrow. Our 24/7 goal refers to the unique 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week learning environment that only a boarding school like LCS can offer. This past year we offered our first night course

Our Way / More Intentionally Lakefield is bold, but prudent, like our other strategic plans. When we set out to raise $30 million in Securing Our Future between 2002 and 2012, never did we think that we would far surpass our goal and raise $52 million. In this plan, we hope to raise $100 million in commitments by 2022 including $70M in cash and pledges and $30M in planned giving commitments.

and we need to continue to explore ways to prepare

LCS has a track record of high achievement and we

our students for the rigours of university and the real

look forward to your support in helping us to set a new

world. We will expand our boarding numbers and

bar for Canadian independent schools. We hope you

intentionally invest in immersing our day student

are excited to read about our new plan and that you

population into our 24/7 learning environment.

are inspired by its message.



Using technology, we will connect our students to the

OPPOSITE: Senior students at the Passion to Action leadership retreat facilitated by Dr. Betsy MacGregor, November 2012, in the Bryan Jones Theatre.

world. We want our teachers and our students to use

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The LCS Campus: A Hub of Summertime Activity In the glory of a Kawartha Lakes

band members and talented

in August. Professional jazz and

summer, Lakefield College School’s

professionals such as Natalie

classical musicians teach guitar,

campus bursts with excitement—

McMaster teach fiddle, guitar,

bass, piano, organ and more to

and you’re invited to join in the fun.

dance, voice and more. A stage is

help students become increasingly

The opportunities are as broad as

erected in the gym and each night

proficient with their instruments.

your imagination.

campers demonstrate all they have

Smiles and applause greet

learned along with teachers whose

students and teachers alike in

riveting performances inspire

evening concerts in the dining hall

effort and excellence.

and theatre.

a number of successful albums.

Lake Field Music Camp invites

New this year is the Nyquest

On June 30, LCS welcomes the

amateur musicians of all ages


five-day Leahy Music Camp where

and abilities to LCS for a week

Camp. For three days in

Leahy is a Juno-award-winning band that has thrilled audiences around the world and recorded

Photo courtesy of Will Callaghan

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August grandparents and their

celebrated Canadian novelist

grandchildren from ages 2 to

Margaret Laurence, who made

12 will enjoy time together in

her home in the village. The busy

our supportive camp setting.

three days in July involve readings

Counsellors will lead activities that

in the theatre, a dinner in the

make full use of the waterfront,

dining hall and youth awards. It

courts, fields and woods. Bonds

has become one of Canada’s most

will be made or deepened and

respected festivals. Past authors

lasting memories will be forged.

have included Margaret Atwood,

New as well will be the Cosmo Soccer Camp. It is for young people who want to hone their skills with other like-minded athletes under the direction of world-class UEFA

Graeme Gibson, Charlotte Gray, Peter Gzowski, Rohinton Mistry, Michael Ondaatje and many more. This year’s festival offers a special surprise.

coaches. The five-day August

Lakefield College School’s Summer

camp challenges young people to

Academy is based on the premise

become better at what they love,

that learning, like summer itself,

and camp activities make it all

should be fun. It offers online

even more fun.

courses written and taught by LCS

Lakefield Camp International offers English as a Second Language lessons and a lively camp experience for children from around the world. For seven weeks, a cacophony of languages fills the air as children finish morning lessons and move to programs such as canoeing, sailing, swimming and high ropes instruction. Some paddle to Northcote and camp in the woods, and all enjoy day trips to Canada’s Wonderland, Niagara Falls and Toronto. The Toronto East Christadelphians look forward to a weekend retreat every June, and this summer we also welcome them for week-long retreat in August. Participants appreciate the beauty of our campus, the richness of our facilities and the tranquility of our chapel as they enjoy the fellowship of friends linked by a common bond. The Lakefield Literary Festival commemorates the birthday of

teachers who provide the guidance and support young people need to succeed. The program is open to all students including those not enrolled at LCS—last summer 105 students enrolled. Each earned a credit that counted toward graduation, developed academic skills, and enjoyed the ability to later take an elective course for which they might not otherwise have room in their timetable or a spare. Courses include Grade 9/10 Business and Computers, Grade 11 American History, Grade 12 Earth and Space Science, English and Advanced Functions. After Closing Ceremony’s last handshake, tear and cheer, The Grove takes a breath and then springs back into action. All summer activities are detailed on our web site: summercamps. Consider enjoying one of the opportunities designed to make your summer one to remember. JOHN BOYKO Grove News Winter 2013  | 11

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Welcome New Trustees 2012/13 On Saturday, October 27, 2012 LCS celebrated Trustees’ Day and warmly welcomed over 50 school and foundation trustees back to The Grove. Two key goals for the joint trustee meeting were achieved: endorsement of the strategic plan Our Way / More Intentionally Lakefield and an examination of LCS values, in particular the learning value, to determine whether or not any values needed to be contemporized. Trustees participated in classroom experiences, with exposure to different technologies and new learning skills, providing them a better understanding of some of the opportunities available to LCS students while directly engaging with students throughout the day. At the annual meeting of the trustees, seven enthusiastic members of the LCS community were elected as school trustees, including the new Head of School, by virtue of his position. We would like to extend a warm welcome to each of them and thank them for their commitment to and support of LCS.


John McWilliams ‘65

Retired Educator & Spouse of Former Head of School Warsaw, ON

Former Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Nexen Inc., Calgary, AB

Andrew Little ‘13

Struan Robertson

Co-Head Student, LCS

Head of School, LCS

Janet Markus Coordinator of the Teacher Education Seminar Program, OISE/University of Toronto

Travis Turner Faculty Representative, LCS

Millie Yates ‘13 Co-Head Student, LCS

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Toronto Alumni Dinner Honouring David Walsh and Ken Sunderland The second Grove Society Alumni Dinner was held on Wednesday, November 7 in Toronto. It was a great evening at Archeo in the Distillery District, where the alumni community celebrated and welcomed Ken Sunderland and David Walsh as Honorary Alumni, presenting each with an alumni tie and a certificate. Combined, Ken and David have spent more than 50 years at The Grove, so it was a special evening for the alumni—many, former students of the two—to honour the recently retired faculty members.

Save the Date




1 3 0 2 7.

The Andy Harris Cup Grove Golf Tournament Thursday, June 27, 2013 Deer Creek Golf Course, Ajax Early Bird (to May 1) $135 Students $100 For information login at

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L-R: Alex, Nick ’03, Charlie ’05 and Jeff Bierk. Photo Courtesy of D.A.Cooper via

Creativity, Loss and Resilience An Interview with Nick ’03 and Charlie Bierk ’05 Sir Kenneth Robinson quotes

Reflecting on this, I find even

Grove, hang in the lobby of the

Picasso as saying “All children are

more reason to be intimidated

Bryan Jones Theatre, but they have

born artists,” and then challenges

by the upcoming interview I

also beaten the Kenneth Robinson

educators to address the

have scheduled with Nick ’03

educational system odds and

conundrum of how to encourage

and Charlie Bierk ’05. Not only

have managed not only to grow

children to remain artists as they

is the art of their youth part of

into creativity, but to flourish in

grow up, noting that currently, “We

my everyday Lakefield reality,

the Canadian and international

do not grow into creativity—we

as portraits by both young men,

art worlds. A studio shared with

grow out of it.”

created while they were at The

brothers Alex and Jeff just off

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Queen Street West (Toronto), art

importance of building resiliency

from the one their parents

fairs, gallery openings, favourable

in our children: Nick and Charlie

inhabited; the rise of the internet

reviews, commissions: these

seem to be resilience personified.

and social media has meant that

young men, still in their twenties, are well on their way to becoming household names. It is hard not to be intimidated.

Nick attributes their ability to flourish as artists despite their grief to the “family and extended family of Lakefield

Two seconds into the interview,

and Peterborough,” and Charlie

though, I relax: I am having coffee

adds, “The intergenerational

with two of the most genuinely

artistic netting that we fell

nice people I have ever met.

into has completely helped us

Compassionate, respectful,

throughout our career so far.”

hopeful and happy, full of

Family continues to be a key, as the

praise for and gratitude to their

brothers have chosen Toronto as

supporters, their families, and

a home base so that they can stay

their Lakefield, Peterborough and

close to each other. The role model

Toronto communities, Nick and

of their father has also sustained

Charlie exude groundedness, and

them. Nick notes that his father

reflect thoughtfully on creativity,

was able to support eight children

loss and resilience.

through his art, and reflects, “The

Charlie and Nick were born into art, completing art tasks set by their father, David Bierk, after dinner in the way that

example that he set for us was that, yes, this [making a successful living as an artist] is totally possible.”

most children complete math

Loss, rather than hindering

homework. They grew up in a

creativity, has in fact become a

home filled with “crazy art,” and

muse for all of the four Bierk sons.

both started working at their

Charlie acknowledges that “a lot

father’s studio while still in grade

of what Nick and I paint stems

school. The painting methods

from loss of all sorts. The desire to

learned there have remained, even

paint people maybe comes from

through years of art school where

this inherent need to hang on to

they were encouraged to ‘go every

faces, to people...Articulating loss

direction and explore everything.”

is tough...and you can get a lot of it

During high school, LCS offered “incredible flexibility” and the time needed to develop their talent; but it was also home base

out on canvas. It is part of what has informed and shaped really is the line that connects all of our work, including Jeff’s and Alex’s.”

the opportunities to have people view their work have increased exponentially, and they can give their audiences a glimpse into their artistic practices in a way that would have been inconceivable for artists of their parents’ generation. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and professional websites now enrich the traditional art venues of gallery and exhibition. Nick is currently building a new website ( while Charlie’s finished work can be viewed at www.charlesbierk. com. Brother Jeff’s compelling photographs are available at www. and Alex’s work is displayed at www. Recent and upcoming projects include a commission from the Richard Ivey School of Business for Charlie in 2014; for Nick, a major show with his brother Jeff (fall 2012) in Toronto. The world seems ripe with possibility. Still, their old world of LCS is remembered with affection, and Nick notes, “One of my greatest accomplishments at the time I was at Rhode Island School of Design was being able to have a piece of work at Lakefield College School next to my Dad’s, next to Charlie’s; I get goose bumps thinking about that, and knowing

while the boys dealt with the

While deeply affected and

that it’s there.” No doubt it will be

death of their father in 2002, and

influenced by their parents,

there for a long time to come.

still part of their community

Charlie and Nick are nonetheless

when their mother, Liz Bierk,

moving forward into their own

died in 2006. In this issue (p8),

limelight at lightning pace. Their

Struan Robertson writes of the

21st century art world is different


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Alumni Grove Spirit Alive and Well Overseas! In addition to the Munich (summer) and London UK (fall) dinners, we were delighted to connect with alumni at new locations in Hamburg, Tokyo, and Madrid.

Hamburg (L-R) Annika Ehrigsen ‘14, Noah Schlosser ‘12, Johannes Wolters ‘08, Katharina Richter ‘07, Gereon Rotering ‘06, Mike Studli ‘04, Antje (Ulrich) Varwig ‘97, Jon Holmes ‘97, Katja (Ulrich) Hartmann ‘94 and Marc Ulrich ‘93.

Tokyo (L-R) Haruka Ozaki ‘01, Koh Araki ‘04, Yuko Okunuki ‘99, J.S. Struan Robertson, Amy (Yamamoto) Kano ‘01 and Sho Araki ‘03.

Madrid (Front to back, clockwise): Shane Smyth ‘96, Jose Cosin ‘95, Ramsay Wells ‘81, Grimoalda Wells, John Deane ‘81, Tim Ward ‘62, Sarah McMahon, Sofia Kristic ‘06, Gracia de Amescua, J.S. Struan Robertson, Patricia Gabilondo ‘08, Sergio Fernandez , Nicolas Blanquez, Elena Zorrilla ‘99, Isabel Casado, Carlos Berrocal ‘95, David Nicuesa ‘95, Jorge Trigo ‘05, Isabel Serrano, Daniel Ruilope ‘92, Sergi Tarragona ‘08, Pablo Castello ‘09, Osbourn Kemp ‘91, Clara Lonjedo ‘06, Philipp Ortmann ‘10, Guzman Melendo, Philipp Duffner ‘09, Pelayo Gil Abando

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Class News 1950s George Jones ’51 has been inducted into the Greater Victoria Sport Hall of Fame for his leadership role in supporting rugby. “...George has had a profound impact on Victoria’s sports scene. In fact you would be hard pressed to find a kid in the last twenty years, in any sport in the Greater Victoria region, that has not benefited from George’s vision, money, time, talent and knowledge.... As a young man he played both Club

Companions of The Order of Canada

and Representative Rugby, and over the years he served as a Captain for 11 different clubs in four different

Lakefield College School extends congratulations to two outstanding alumni who have been recognized with an Order of Canada. In July 2012, it was announced that The Honourable Ian Binnie ’57, who retired from the high court last year, was named a companion of the order, its highest rank, “For his contributions to the legal profession, notably as a justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, and for his commitment to legal education and the rule of law.” On December 12, 2012, Governor General David Johnston’s office announced that Donald Ross ’48 would be appointed as an officer of the Order of Canada for his outstanding achievement and commitment in philanthropy.

provinces. With his playing days behind him, George dove into coaching, administration, fundraising and building, and in the past 40 years he has left a formidable legacy.”

1970s Tam Matthews ’73 will be leaving his post as Head of Ashbury College at the end of the current school year (June 2013) and will become the new Head of School at West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver, BC.

Established in 1967 to recognize outstanding lifetime achievement in one’s field as well as community service, the Order of Canada is considered one of the country’s

Canoe North (owned by Lin and

highest civilian honours. More than 5,000 people have been invested into the order

Al Pace ’77) was selected by the

in the past 40 years.

Canadian Tourism Commission into the Signature Experience Collection. This honour means that their Keele River Adventure is now considered to be “Iconic Canadian”—with the likes of the Calgary Stampede and the Stratford Festival, etc. To learn more visit: news-events/the-canadian-tourismcommission. Opposite (Top to Bottom): Donald Ross ‘48 with his wife Gretchen at the Fall Trustees Meeting, 2012 (BELOW): The Honourable Ian Binnie ’57 at Closing, Spring 2007.

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1980s Margot and Hugh Macdonnell ’85 hosted John ’85 and Jennifer Guest, Paul Sandford ’85, Andrew Clarke ’85, Terry and Sue Guest, Doc and Jose McCubbin for a gathering at the Macdonnell family cottage in August 2012 that included the “mini Class of 1985” pictured opposite (L-R): James Guest (16), Cameron Sandford (13), Patrick Guest (14), Betsy Macdonnell (12), Alex Sandford (11), James Macdonnell (11), Cooper Clarke (10), Charlie

Mini Class of 1985 reunion, Macdonnell family cottage, August 2012

Macdonnell (9), Anna Guest (9) and Teddy Macdonnell (4).

1990s Nancy and Marc Cunningham ’90 are excited to announce the arrival of Paul Frank Cunningham on September 12, 2012. Paul is pictured with his proud big sister, Cindy. Katie Robinette ’90 is working as an associate at the global executive search firm EMA Partners. She was recently a political commentator for the Republican Convention,

Nancy and Marc Cunningham ’90 with baby Paul and big sister Cindy

the US Presidential debates and election night on CTV News Channel! Katja (Ulrich) Hartmann ’94 lives in Hamburg with her husband Philipp and two children Johanna (born in 2008) and Caspar (born in 2010). She works for Shell. Big brother Jackson (3) and parents Jason and Nicole (Bendaly) Groves ’93 welcomed baby Matthew on September 30, 2012 in Toronto. In her professional life, Nicole and her mother Leslie Bendaly have co-authored a book, Improving Healthcare Team Performance: The

Jason and Nicole (Bendaly) Groves ’93, with baby Matthew and brother Jackson

Seven Requirements for Excellence in Patient Care. A new addition to the Chellew-Doucet house in time for Christmas! Parents Erica Chellew ’95 and faculty member Derek Doucet, along with big brother Nigel, welcomed Roxanna Béatrice Chellew Doucet on December 19, 2012. Uncle Matt Chellew ’97 and Grandparents Mike and Pam Chellew are very excited! Erica Chellew ‘95 and Derek Doucet with baby Roxanna and big brother Nigel

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Amy Neufeld ’97 and Sam Varteniuk had a daughter, Matilda Alexandra Banjo Varteniuk on Groundhog Day (February 2, 2013). Antje (Ulrich) Varwig ’95 runs her own physiotherapy practice in Hamburg. She is married “with two wonderful step-children.” Heather Hadden ’97 and her husband, Tim Gleiser, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Suki, on November 7, Suki Hadden-Gleiser

2012 in Toronto. Aunt Katie Hadden ’00 and Grandparents David and Susan Hadden are over the moon! Madeline Mary-Anne Holmes arrived on January 27, 2013. Parents Amy and Jon Holmes ’97 were excited to introduce her to Sadie (dog) and Annie (cat). Marc Ulrich ’93 is a property developer in Hamburg. He is married with three children. Andrea Morris ’99 married Fraser McKay on

Amy and Jon Holmes ’97 with baby Madeline

August 25, 2012 at LCS. It was truly a Grovey affair with many alumni in attendance: Bill Morris ’70, Michael Morris ’05, Mark Sunderland ’00, Kelly Smith ’99, Mark Soder ’00, Kingsley Campbell ’70, John McRae ’70, Erin Thomson ’98, Laura McIntyre ’02, Sarah Nobel ’02, Bill Stewart ’70, Stuart Macrae ’63, Kaley Morris ’02, Lindsay Gordon ’70, Sarah Leavens ’98, Erinn Piller ’99, Jill Hayhurst ’99, Jenny (McRae) Cooper ’99, Robin Atkinson ’99, Kelly Carmichael ’99, Margaret Saari ’99, Chris Dancel ’99 and Jock Macrae ’70.

Andrea Morris ‘99 and Fraser McKay Wedding

Yuko Okunuki ’99 graduated from Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg in Germany for composition. She is working as a composer and music teacher in Tokyo, Japan. The Economist recently featured the Sierra Leone company, Flash Vehicle Rentals, coowned by John Stelzer ’00. Margaret and Sandy Davies ’00 welcomed their baby boy, August, on September 27, 2012 in Stratford.

Margaret and Sandy Davies ’00 with their son August

Haruka Ozaki ’01 is working as a receptionist at a British law firm called Clifford Chance Grove News Winter 2013  | 19

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(Tokyo). She encourages her classmates to find her on Facebook. Kim Rutherford ’01 and Kate Smolina were married on July 28, 2012 at a sunny outdoor ceremony on Stoney Lake, officiated by Justice Alan Ingram. LCS grads in attendance included Holly Rutherford ’04, Lindsey Hepburn-Aley ’02, Carmen Lishman ’01, Oliver Barker ’01, Shannon (Barnett) Meland ’01 and Jim Kim Rutherford ’01 and Kate Smolina Wedding

Matthews ’58. The couple live in Vancouver, BC where Kim recently completed fellowship training in HIV/AIDS through the University of British Columbia. She is now working as a family physician at clinics specializing in HIV care, refugee health and addiction medicine. Amy (Yamamoto) Kano ’01 is in Tokyo, working at Japanese department store, Mitsukoshi, in the design section. She is excited to announce that she is getting married in May 2013! Zara and Imran Habib ’02 celebrated the arrival of their baby boy Aryan Imran Habib on

Zara and Imran Habib ’02 with baby Aryan

September 2, 2012 in London UK. Revolution, a documentary co-produced by Warren Needler ’02, won best documentary at both the Vancouver and Atlantic Film Festivals and was voted runner up for the People’s Choice Award Documentary at TIFF. The film releases nationally on April 12, 2013. Megan and Andrew Wells ’02 welcomed a baby boy, Oliver, on November 29, 2012 in Edmonton, AB. Sho Araki ’03 tells us he is, “Working and

Megan and Andrew Wells ’02 welcomed a baby boy, Oliver

enjoying life!” Sho works for Fujitsu Ltd. Consulting and Sales and hopes to move abroad soon. Dominic Crossan ’03 and Annabelle Langmead ’07 were married on July 15, 2012 in England. Brother Jonathan Crossan ’05 was a groomsman. OPPOSITE (top) The Grove Society (Parent Chapter) Mardi Gras Event, attended by a number of alumni, was a great success thanks to the dedicated work of our gracious volunteers; (middle) Halifax Alumni Reception; (bottom) Kingston Alumni Reception.

Dominic Crossan ’03 and Annabelle Langmead ’05 Wedding

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Dan and Jess (Foran) Roud ’03 welcomed their baby daughter, Peyton Jennifer, on October 2, 2012 in St. Catharine’s, Ontario. You can now by a CD from Jordan Vlasschaert ’03’s band “Shred Kelly” on iTunes! Koh Araki ’04 is getting married on October 14, 2013. He works for Hitachi, Ltd. in global sales and was transferred in November from Tokyo to San Francisco.

Peyton Jennifer (Foran) Roud

Ali Kara ’04 paid a visit to the LCS campus recently. Ali is in his second year of residency at Western University in Internal Medicine. Michael Studli ’04 works at S & C Electric Canada Ltd. in Montreal, Quebec. He enjoys keeping in touch with many of his classmates. Katharina Richter ’07 has completed her Integrated Social Sciences B.A. and is pursing a Masters in Social Science in Ethnic Relations. She is working as a Research Associate at Jacob’s University in Bremen.

Ali Kara ’04 visiting with Tom Milburn while at The Grove Olympian sailor Greg Douglas ’08 now 8th in the world.

Olympian sailor Greg Douglas ’08 has moved up to 8th in the world. Greg was also awarded the 2012 Gill North America, Sailor of the Year award at the Ontario Sailing AGM in January 2013. Johannes Wolters ’08 has completed a Bachelor of Engineering in Naval Architecture. Olympic sailor Greg Douglas ’08 now 8th in the world.

LCS Celebrates Six More “Royal” Volunteers! The Diamond Jubilee Medal, created to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession to the throne, is a Canadian medal intended to “honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.” In the Grove News Summer 2012 we proudly congratulated two LCS community members awarded the Jubilee Medal. We are pleased to announce six more individuals have recently joined Gretchen Ross and Carol Corner as recipients of the medal. Past parents Heather Stelzer, Sylvia Sutherland, Sandy Lawrence and Betty Morris were honoured for their long-standing commitment to volunteerism and philanthropy; John Wilkes ’40 for his contributions to the tradition of heraldry; and Kim Little ’53 for his work with the Royal Naval Association. 22  |  Grove News Winter 2013

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In Our Memories Lt. Gen. A. Chester Hull, CMM, DFC, CDon April 9, 2012 in Belleville, ON. Father of Brian Hull ’60.

John J. L. White on May 17, 2012 in Toronto, ON. Father of Jamie White ’79 and Christopher White ’90.

Former LCS staff member Dolly Hockaday on September 21, 2012 in Peterborough, ON. Mother of Jackie McQuade (Facilities).

Gerald McCready ’60 on September 9, 2012 in Kingston, ON.

Jeffrey Marshall (p.24) on November 26, 2012 in Niagaraon-the-Lake, ON. Jeffrey was a former LCS School and Foundation Board Chair and father of Stephen Marshall ’87, Patrick Marshall ’90 and Christopher Marshall ’96.

Julia Warren on December 29, 2012 in Kingston, ON. Widow of Richard Warren ’38.

John Turner ’41 on January 20, 2013 in Peterborough, ON.

Fergus Brown ’60 on January 22, 2013 in Harrowsmith, ON.

Former LCS Staff member Bob Scott on February 2, 2013 in Lakefield, ON.

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In Memory of Jeffrey Marshall (1944-2012) Excerpts from his eulogy delivered by former Head David Hadden on December 1, 2012 Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73

Jarrett, and to his soul mate,

observed in his Citation

Nancy, whom he adored.

of Distinguished Service presented to Jeffrey: “Over the course of Jeffrey’s 27year tenure as a Governor and Trustee, no person has made a greater contribution to the mission, values and well-being of Lakefield College School.” When I think of Jeff’s qualities of character—and there are so many—one beacon stands out: his grace. It permeated all he did. There are several definitions of grace: I chose this one: “The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, I have had the great pleasure

I have always been

and privilege of working

awestruck by what—and

closely with, cherishing the

in what manner—Jeff has

friendship of, and learning

contributed to the people

enormously from Jeffrey

he knew and the causes he

Marshall for virtually half of


my life.

As Chair of the Lakefield

All of us who have known

College School Board and

Jeff will have our own

later Chair of its Foundation

quite personal and distinct

Board, Jeffrey revolutionized

recollections of him and

governance for both

the various ways he has

entities, creating a model for

meaningfully touched our

engagement that has become


the envy of other Canadian

For me, when I reflect about

independent schools.

Jeff, first and foremost, I

Together, his governance

think about the truly unique

initiatives, combined with

depth and breadth of his

his wife Nancy’s planning

qualities of character and

genius, propelled Lakefield

the incredible talents he

forward to new pace-setting



He served with humility. Jeff once observed of a beautiful woman, “The thing that makes her really beautiful is she doesn’t know it.” Jeff didn’t get it about himself either. Not until the end, after receiving an overwhelming outpouring of love and respect, did Jeff begin to understand the power of his influence and that, to my mind—combined with his grace—is what made Jeff such a beautiful human being.

favour; disposition to

He served with

benefit or serve another;

determination and a true

favour bestowed or privilege

grit that would make even


John Wayne envious. I will

Jeffrey Marshall epitomized grace. He believed deeply that it was a privilege to serve. And serve he did.

never forget the look in his eyes when he told me, having lost everything in 1992, “I am going to rebuild my life one brick at a time.” Jeffrey’s

He served always with

stubborn will to succeed

kindness, caring, respect,

was enhanced by his ability

and a deep sensitivity to

to focus on an issue with

the needs and perceptions

laser-like attention. The

of others. He honoured

gnarlier the issue, the more


consumed he would become

He served with a deep love for and commitment to his family: to his children Stephen ’87, Emily, Patrick

with it, and the more he would have to make use of that wonderful mind of his. And what a mind it was.

’90 and Christopher ’96, to

Jeff’s voice was the one in the

his stepchildren, Crystal and

board room that everyone paid extra attention to. You

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know, the voice that somehow makes sense out of it all, when others have not, and leaves everyone feeling “I wish I’d thought of that.” Lucky for me— and Lakefield—I had virtually 24/7 access to that voice. Jeff reveled in the complexity of things. He rejoiced in finding insights. He relished making connections. Jeff’s obituary made reference to how much he valued hope. Perhaps that’s why he so enjoyed recounting the starfish story about a passerby throwing back one of thousands of starfish washed up on a beach. When questioned why, given there were so many of them that could not be saved, he responded, “it made a difference to that one.” Not unlike “one brick at a time,” Jeff shared his gifts generously, making a difference, “one person at a time.” You could not know Jeff without learning from him or being positively affected by him. I have been truly blessed. I count myself as one of Jeffrey Marshall’s biggest starfish; no doubt, to varying degrees, these pews are filled with others who feel similarly, who carry his spirit forward within them, who will continue to be guided by his influence over the course of their lifetimes. A rare gift to us, reflective of a life truly well lived.

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The Grove community has once again demonstrated astounding generosity in its support of Lakefield College School and, as a result, the Lakefield College School Foundation has been able to meet the needs of the school. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, the foundation received a total of $3.9M in donations—the tenth year in a row that gifts received have exceeded $3M. The foundation transferred $4M to the school for the year, including approximately $2.1M for capital additions, $1.6M for financial assistance, and $0.3M for miscellaneous operating items. Unfortunately, our investment returns were disappointing, with a net loss of about $0.4M for the year. In the second half of the year, the Finance and Investment Committee completed a formal review of our investment managers. This led to an active search process and face-to-face reviews of six managers. The firms were evaluated on their investment philosophy and process, long-term performance, and expertise and tenure of their management teams. In the end, the committee recommended the hiring of two new investment managers, Jones Collombin Investment Counsel and CGOV Asset Management. The foundation’s investment returns have exceeded $1.3M for the first six months of the current fiscal year. While capital markets improved significantly over this period, the foundation’s returns exceeded the applicable benchmarks. We deeply appreciate the generous support and contributions received from all of the friends of LCS. Without you, LCS wouldn’t be able to provide such enriching opportunities to its students. Sincerely,

William Morris, Board Chair

Sarah McMahon, CEO Grove News Winter 2013  | 27

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Each year our donors generously support bursaries, program needs, and facilities, and help to enhance a variety of opportunities for our students. The many gifts we receive from alumni, families and friends—people like you—help to ensure that our students have access to the resources they need to achieve their goals and realize their dreams. We thank you for believing in the power of a Lakefield College School education, but more important we thank you for your ongoing generosity and commitment to our students and their futures. Golden Oak Society The E.W. Bickle Foundation The Cooper Family Paul ’73 and Hélène Desmarais The Grove Society John Hepburn ’68 Paul and Kris Hickey Angus ’48 and Cathy MacNaughton The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation Rob and Cheryl McEwen John ’70 and Val McRae Claude Mongeau and Guylaine Leduc Bill ’70 and Betty Morris Jeffrey Orr and Suzanne Legge Rosemary Phelan and Sam Blyth Donald ’48 and Gretchen Ross Barb and Tom ’53 Ryder Gabriel Vazquez Arroyo and Maritza Vazquez The von Diergardt Family William M. Wells ’78 Richard Wernham and Julia West Anonymous

Royal Oak Society The Dalglish Family Foundation Sophie Desmarais The Armagh L. Sifton Charitable Foundation

Oak Society Jennifer Allen Emilio Azcarraga Jean ’87 David Bignell and Janice Green Sean and Jennifer Cameron Bryn and Julie Campbell Jock ’74 and Susan Fleming David and Sylvie Forest 28  |  Grove News Winter 2013

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The Foster Family Roger Garland John and Kathy Gillis Jon and Shelagh Grant Jocelyn Lefebvre and France Deshaies Lefebvre Bill Lett ’92 Nick ’77 and Christine Lewis Jeffrey Marshall and Nancy Smith Andrea and Peter McConnell McLean Budden Limited Linda Nower Win Sifton ’78 Richard Tucker ’77 and Jennifer Young Anonymous

Maple Society Bob Abraham ’82 Christina Chan ’12 and Thomas Chan ’14 James Dalton and Cara Westcott Vincent Duhamel and Anne Charron Cathy Forster Margaret Gillis David and Susan Hadden Haliburton Broadcasting Group Neil Hamilton and Kerri Jobe Kevin and Ruth Kaller Linda McCain and Dan Walshe Grant Murray and Lucie Laplante Jack Nesbitt ’62 W. Ross Pinkerton Memorial Trust Fund Travis Price ’85 Thomas D. Reburn Ltd. - Leon’s Furniture Kumar Sridhar and Femida Gwadry-Sridhar Anonymous

Birch Society John Abraham ’76 Marilynn Booth John Carroll and Anthea Horne Brian and Charlotte Carter Giovanni Di Prisco and Louise Paoli Di Prisco Peter ’62 and Judi Dunn Bob and Melanie Fell Glenn Garneys and Pearl Dixon Bill and Anne Hepburn James ’84 and Barbara Hicks Stephen and Sue Howe Brett Jackman ’03 Richard and Annie Johnston Gilles Labbé Ross Little ’81 Hugh ’85 and Margot Macdonnell Brian MacKenzie and Sheila Alexander Peter Mackenzie and Kate Zeidler Jim Matthews ’58 and Jacqueline Le Saux Mark McLean ’74

Statement of Financial Position—as of June 30, 2012 Assets

2012 $ 195,217 21,528,796 6,015 6,310

2011 $ 1,041,288 21,695,875 15,332 6,310





Accounts Payable Due to LCS

9,255 259,133

5,976 618,458

Total Liabilities



Endowment Fund Restricted Fund General Fund

20,266,158 6,021,324 54,895

20,892,205 5,973,484 154,948

Total Fund Balance



Total Liabilities and Fund Balances



Cash Investments at Market Accounts Receivable Prepaid Expenses Land and Artifacts Total Assets


Fund Balances

Bruce and Sarah McMahon Marc Parent and Sylvie Lecours Sean Quinn ’82 and Libby Dalrymple Hugh Rawling ’77 Douglas Rishor ’57 Douglas and Lynn Robertson Struan and Jennifer Robertson John and Janice Runza John Ryder ’77 Cindy Scanlon Martin and Sheilah Scrocchi Jeffrey Shier and Signy Eaton-Shier Maurice Switzer ’63 Losel Tethong ’89 Alan and Dori Thompson Brodie Townley Karin Ucci Nancy Webster-Thurlbeck Ramsay Wells ’81 Christopher J. White ’90 Rainer and Kristin Zimmermann Anonymous

Red Ash Club Arrell Family Foundation El Príncipe de Asturias ’85 Nadine Jean Azcarraga Rosalind and John Barker Shon and Cindy Barnett Don Bartlett and Barbara Weir † Jim Bethune ’47

Walter ’56 and Anneliese Blackwell Alfred and Susanne Bramkamp David Brock ’86 Lindsay Carswell ’91 Parri Ceci and Karen Sylvester Andrew Clarke ’85 and Betsy Britnell Tom and Vicki Cole Dana Cooper ’11 Jordan Cooper ’08 Sara Cooper ’06 Andrew W. Durnford ’85 Jane Edwards Bruce and Ann Farlow John and Angela Fox Bill ’68 and Susan Gastle Rory Gilfillan Jennifer Gruer Lily Harmer Eric and Karen Hill-Whitson David and Elizabeth Hoyle Alan and Jenny Ingram Robert J. Ketchum ’49 Rob King ’81 Yves and Janet Lafortune Harry Macdonell ’49 Daniel MacKinnon and Melissa Kolt MacKinnon David ’78 and Sheila McCracken Graham and Dorie McDonald Grove News Winter 2013  | 29

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FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THE GROVE ... Sandy Mactaggart ’44 David Miller ’77 Peter Northrop ’65 Peter Perry ’42 Gavin Rainnie ’57 Aman and Shamim Rajan Joan Richardson Rupel Ruparelia ’89 Kevin and Anne Roach Stefan Shier ’11 Hugh Sibbald ’78 Dan and Shelley Slobodian Scott Smith ’87 Mary Soder Jessica Song ’11 Derek Taylor ’62 John S.M. Turner ’79 Nik Van Haeren ’98 Alan and Vera Wilcox John B. Wilkes ’40 Terry and Janice Windrem Anonymous (4)

Green Ash Club Michael and Deborah Aben Jim Alexander ’84 Peter Andras Sarah ’02 and David Andrew Ian ’83 and Susan Armstrong

Jeanne Armstrong Mike and Lynn Arsenault Allan Avard ’85 Heather Avery Karen Awrey ’90 Roddy Baker ’58 Paul Balfour ’81 Randal Barker ’83 John Bennett ’59 Nicolaus A. Berlin ’08 Joe Bettencourt Gerry and Sandra Bird Syd and Pamela Birrell Bishop Family Trust Adam Bishop ’04 Tyler Bishop ’08 Margaret and Richard Blanchette Samuel and Ann-Marie Blatchford Art and Tracey Blodgett Bob Johnson Photography Don Bocking and Anne Morawetz Carlo Bos ’94 John Boyko Bill Bradburn ’58 Brian Buchardt and Elizabeth Messervey Deborah Buckley David Budden ’67 Tom Burpee Douglas Burrows ’77

Fundraising Report—July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 2012 $

2011 $



Expendable Bursaries Gifts-In-Kind Learning Centre Other Restricted Gifts Cooper House Dining Hall Renovations Towsend (Faculty) House Student Recreation Centre and Interest Theatre Renovations Northcote Farm

710,360 19,852 57,330 93,919 1,374,398 708,914 15,300 6,130

804,604 4,604 82,730 68,344 1,236,150 125,000 285,122 1,712,124 7,700 100,540

Total Restricted







Endowed Gifts Restricted Gifts

General / Unrestricted Gifts

Total Donations

Theresa Butler-Porter Nick Carter ’54 Robin Cavanagh and Christine Vogel Russell Christianson and Heidi Schaeffer Jim Coghlan Andrew Combe ’50 Hugh R. Cowans ’66 Heather and Geoffrey Cox Cam Crawford ’02 Scott Current ’93 David Dancy ’81 Peter and Jane Darling Anne-Marie DaSilva and Walter Brennan Hélène Deacon ’95 John Deacon ’58 Bruce Disney ’93 Hugh and Kim Dobson Ian Dobson ’78 Jonathan Dunlop ’89 Adrian Dunn ’92 Leslie and Brian Dunn ’69 Andrew ’10, Matthew ’13 and Caroline ’15 Dupuis John Easson ’49 Michael and Stephanie Edwards Shelley, Brian, McKenzie and Madison Edwards Isaac Eshikaty Olivia Essen ’12 Wolfgang Essen Amanda Ethier ’98 David Evans ’58 Rev. Canon Gerry Fairhead ’42 Hugh Faulkner ’51 Brendan Fell ’04 David Fell Jan Fialkowski Ian Fleming ’74 John Fleming Louis Fleming ’43 Robert Fleming ’43 Carol Florence Romina Fontana ’94 David French ’05 Robert French and Jennifer Lewis Aiden Fung ’87 Michael Gabbani and Lynda Chilibeck Ted Galambos ’53 Gary Genosko and Rachel Ariss Geraldine and Lorne Gold Jonathan and Alice Goldbloom Alan Gordon Peter Grant ’54 Larry Greaves ’81 Rick and Kathy Green David Griffith ’66 Roberta Griffiths Nicole Groves ’93

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Terry and Sue Guest Leif Haase ’83 Richard and Vaila Hagg Kerrie Hansler Adam Harbutt ’02 Todd and Helga Harris Liz Harrison ’92 Garret Hart and Jessica Fitchette Hart ’97 Steve Hart ’56 Goodith Heeney Matthew Heeney ’87 Tim Heeney ’83 Bob Henderson ’75 Susie Hendrie ’93 Will Hendrie ’64 Tom and Judy Hendy Stephen Hill ’81 and Carol Miller David Ho Hing Ngan Ho Harry Hobbs ’64 Amy Hollingsworth Jen Horrigan ’99 Donald Hosking ’59 Jon Houston ’03 Stuart Houston Mary Howell R. John Hughes ’58 Brian Hull ’60 Gord Hunter ’63 Brent Hurley Andrew Hutchison ’50 Ted and Daphne Ingram Irene Jamieson Ibn and Nadia Jan AJ ’95 and Kirsten Johnston Malcolm Johnston ’02 Warren ’88 and Denise Jones Benedict and Catherine Kan Elizabeth Ketchum Angie Killoran Bryan Kingdon ’96 David Kitchen ’83 Howard and Ruth Kitchen John Kraus Stephanie Lacey Robert Langmuir ’46 † Jane Latimer Stu Lawrie and Carol Lethbridge Laura Lawson ’00 Brett Leach ’95 Garry and Carol Leach John May and Kathleen Leonard Peter and Linda Leus Duncan Lewis ’79 Hugh and Margaret Lewis Richard and Patricia Life Heather Lightfoot

David and Mary Lindsay Bruce Lister Kim ’53 and Sally Little Jim Lorriman ’66 and Lisa Garber Greg and Chris Lowry Adrian Lyttle ’05 Alexander Lyttle ’03 Brianna Lyttle ’02 Pip Lyttle ’09 Ian and Janette MacDonald Myles and Dianne MacDonald Ian Macdonell ’81 Davin MacIntosh ’95 Christine MacKenzie ’93 John and Andrea MacKenzie Bruce MacNaughton ’52 Gilly Macrae Stuart ’63 and Kyle Macrae ’09 Shane Madill ’12 Kevin Mako ’03 Kevin ’77 and Mona Malone Kathleen Mandry Patrick Marshall ’90 Hamish Martin ’10 Robert and Joanne Marttila Paul Mason Tam ’73 and Jan Matthews Thomas and Jill Maxwell John McBride Scott McCain Richard McCall ’88 Ian McCallum ’51 John McConkey and Colleen Crowley McConkey Bob and Joan McRae Shannon (Barnett) Meland ’01 Tom Milburn John and Bid Milligan Terry and Pierre Monnard Tracey Morley ’93 Michael and Rosemary Munoz Alex Murphy ’83 John Murray ’81 Pete and Ally O’Grady Norma Orgill Andrew Parke ’03 Anil Patel ’93 Katia Pawlak-Omnes Frank Pearce ’53 Frank Peniston ’67 Deane Purves ’70 David Quail and Margaret Nelligan Melissa Rathier Dan and Lisa Rice David Ross and Katherine Spencer-Ross Ashley Royer ’00 Ronald Ryan ’74 John and Kerry Schumacher

Bruce and Linda Selman Perry Shearwood ’69 Jenna Shelley ’02 Riley Shier ’07 Oskar T. Sigvaldason Joan and Rick Smyth Manal Stamboulie Bill Stein ’48 John Stelzer ’00 Alan and Jane Stewart Patrick Stoker Nicholas Syrett ’93 Ed Taylor ’94 Mike and Sandra Taylor Stephen and Marie Thomas Stuart Thompson ’91 Kenji and Masai Tomioka Emma Trottier ’03 David U.K. ’81 Hubert Washington ’43 Allison Webb Christoph and Barbara Weichsler Bud Wesley ’60 Anne-Marie Wielhorski-Lyttle Stephanie Wilcox ’03 Kenman Wong ’07 Leala Wong ’05 Connie Xu ’06 Grove News Winter 2013  | 31

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Jane Zupo Anonymous (3)

Friends The Hon. Anthony Abbott Samira Abed ’12 Michael and Sarah Adamson Colin Aldis ’12 Abby Allen ’12 Baillie Allen ’09 Hillie Allen ’10 Joel Allen ’01 Lauren Allen ’03 Mark Ambler ’00 Kate Angus ’12 Sho Araki ’03 Samuel Ault ’98 Jason Ayotte Justin Barlow ’12 Tim Bell ’00 Paul Bethel ’90 Phil Bian ’12 Ian Binnie ’57 Jessie Blair ’12 Chloe Blatchford ’12 Vicky Boomgaardt Ashley Bourne ’12 Marnie Bowcott Johnathan and Erin Braeckman Connie Brown Lorraine Brown Daniel Buchardt ’12 Jessica Burns ’12 Keegan Campbell ’12 Wendy Campbell Dustin Cantwell ’90 Andrew Carroll ’08

Susan Casson Maria Castello Oliva ’12 Ryan Cavell ’97 Christopher Chan ’12 Karan Chawla ’12 Dagmar Christianson ’12 Sarah Chung ’03 Brad Clairmont Kylie Clark ’12 Stephen Coates ’90 Adam Cooper ’04 Maddy Cooper ’12 Haultain Corbett ’71 John Corbett ’72 Michael Corner ’03 Rob and Judy Cory Trevor Cory ’99 Christopher Courtis ’12 Lawrence Crocker ’60 Kelly Crothers ’96 Erin Crowley ’03 Catie Cundall ’03 Loic Dalle ’03 Donald Dawson ’65 Paul Desmarais III ’00 Abby DeWolfe ’93 Heather Dockrill Duncan Donnay ’12 Derek Doucet Sarah Douglas ’12 Mary Beth Duncan ’12 Krista Dunford Rachel Dunford ’12 Jane Dunlop John Dunlop ’59 Madison Edwards ’12 Zoe Edwards ’09

Dan Eldridge ’89 Robert and Elisabeth Eldridge Muaz Elharram ’12 Bishop George Elliott Olivia Essen ’12 Sarah Ewing ’02 Stan and Darlene Ewing Jennifer Fairbairn Joanne Farley ’00 Alison Farlow ’04 Max Fondyga ’12 Madelaine Fortier ’12 Emilie Fox ’12 Hakan Frik ’12 James Gale ’12 Rhiannon Gilbart ’12 Tara Gilchrist ’00 Patrick Gill ’01 Jade Gonsalves ’12 Nicole Gosselin ’12 Kirk Graham ’94 Janice Greenshields ’03 Ceci Gregory ’12 Sophie Grossman ’04 Sean Harris Brooke Harvey ’06 Jon Hazell ’00 Michael Heeney ’76 Cameron Henderson ’12 Douglas Henderson ’12 Tony and Nique Hendrie Nora Hickey ’12 Matthew Ho ’98 Jon Holmes ’97 Celeste Hutton ’12 Vasif Ibragimov ’12 Rod Innes ’60 Mikel Ipiña ’12 Natalie Jennings ’12 Rachel Johnston ’09 Trevor Johnston ’00 Bill and Margaret Jones Carol and Mark Jorgensen Samier Kamar ’12 Sebastian Kern ’01 Lorcan A. Kilmartin ’02 Zoe Knowles ’12 Joseph and Jean Konecny Konstantin and Jennifer Kotzeff Joyce Kubin Max Lafortune ’08 Mel and Sandy Lawrence Kara Lawrie ’12 Bill and Virginia Leach Ryan Lee ’12 Stu Lee and Diane Rogers Kevin Li ’12 Matt Litwin-Davies ’12 Zephyr Liu ’12

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Lauren Lobley ’01 Catherine MacCulloch ’11 Hugh MacDonald ’55 Colleen MacKenzie ’12 Sarah MacKinnon ’12 Nayna Maini ’12 Joe Mallette ’03 Daniel and Rose Mann Gyuri Marton ’12 Julianne McConkey ’12 Doc and Jose McCubbin Tess McCutcheon ’12 Jim McGowan Jason McKague ’04 Jackie McKerroll ’12 Roy McLaughlin ’03 Samuel McLaughlin ’01 Cody McMahon ’12 Todd Melville Kristen Meng ’12 Zoe Mills ’03 Ellis Mingie ’12 John Morden Chris Morgan and Robbin LaRue Andrea Morris ’99 Andy Mui ’12 Carrie Murray Grace Ni ’12 Kathleen Nower ’12 Mark Olsheski ’03 Klas Olsson Al Pace ’77 and Lin Ward Ronan Padmore ’12 Selda Panchishin Fevri and Brikena Pazari Sierra Peddie ’12 Karin Persson Anna Porte ’12 Joanna Potts ’12 Alex Procyk ’12 Jack Quail ’12 Christina Ravens ’12 Chloe Rees-Spear ’12 Alaina Robertson Katie Robinette ’90 Noah Rosen ’12 Grant Roy ’12 Barb and Bill Rutherford Vince and Janice Saccucci A.J. Sainsbury ’99 Andrew Sainsbury ’02 Kristel Salesse ’00 Steve Salt Belinda Schubert ’99 Zak Schwartz ’12 Lindsay Scott ’12 David and Patricia Scroggie

Robert Selman ’11 Samantha Shefsky ’08 Eric Siebert ’97 Mark Sinker Jacob Slobodian ’12 Tiffany Sly ’00 Mark Soder ’00 Anissa Sridhar ’12 David Staples ’98 Matthew Stevens ’12 Teraleigh Stevenson ’12 Lauren Stiles ’07 Risako Tamura ’12 Rob Thompson ’12 Guy Upjohn ’48 John and Martha Vlasschaert Megan Vlasschaert ’02 Johannes Prinz zu Waldeck ’12 Josias Prinz zu Waldeck ’12 Megan Walsh Lohmann ’00 Mitchell Walsh ’12 Sophia Walter ’12 Peter Ward ’49 Douglas Watson ’12 Isabelle Weichsler ’12 Nancy Whetstone Liz Whitney Peter Wilkes ’45

Sandy Wilson ’12 Erik Wimmelbacher ’12 David Wolf ’90 Katherine Worsfold ’12 Kathleen Wright ’98 Cecilia Yang ’12 Bryan Yantha Erin Yeatman Pat and Kelly Young Fanbo Zhou ’12 Carly Zubrickas ’12 5 + consecutive years of giving 10 + consecutive years of giving 15 + consecutive years of giving 20 + consecutive years of giving 25 + consecutive years of giving † Deceased

Special Thanks To the Friends of Lakefield College School UK Foundation for their ongoing support: Randal Barker ’83, Stephen Coates ’90, John Hepburn ’68, Tim Ward ’62, Roger Wyand ’65, Tony Wyand ’62, HRH The Duke of York ’78

Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances Revenue Donations Bursary Reimbursement Investment Income Realized Gains/(Losses) on Investments Unrealized Gains/Losses Transfer from LCS for Fundraising Expenses

2012 $ 3,866,690 3,238 441,549 (776,759) (101,777) 707,230

2011 $ 6,231,505 6,120 589,191 339,465 1,198,168 589,660

Total Revenue



Transfers to LCS Capital Additions Bursaries and Scholarships Expedition Bursary Specific School Operating Items Fundraising Investment Management Fees Insurance and Administrative Amortization

2,067,980 1,593,151 931 338,643 707,230 76,939 28,000 5,557

2,974,469 1,734,950 53,086 410,572 589,660 79,653 28,720 -

Total Expenses



Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue Over Expenses Fund Balance, Beginning of Year

(678,260) 27,020,637

3,082,999 23,937,638

Fund Balance, End of Year




In the preparation of this Annual Report we have tried to avoid errors and omissions. If any are found, kindly report them to Stephanie Lacey in the Advancement Office at or 705.652.3324 ext.349. If your name is not listed as you would prefer it to be, please let us know so our records may be corrected. If your contribution was received after June 30, 2012, your name will appear in the Annual Report of 2012/13.

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Will you be there? The 1879 Society Appreciation Event Hart House, University of Toronto

This spring we will celebrate members of the 1879 Society at an exclusive Thank You event in Toronto.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 If LCS is part of your estate plans, please let us know—as a member of the 1879 Society we would like to include you on our invitation list. Please contact Theresa Butler-Porter at 705.652.3324 ext.329 or email

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Many of us are life-long learners. We ask

In response to questions collected from dozens of conversations

questions, seek answers, take action, ask more

over the past three years, we have provided you with answers about

questions and get more answers. The cycle

how planned giving impacts Lakefield College School and how your


thoughtful gesture can make a difference.

Today, thousands of not-for-profits in Canada are reaching out to friends, suggesting that they consider making a gift that sounds too good to be true. This gift will cost them nothing in their lifetime, may not be available to the charity for decades, yet has the potential to transform the organization. This type of gift is called “planned giving” and has garnered the attention of hundreds of thousands of philanthropically-minded Canadians who have chosen to make a gift to their favourite charities through their will or estate. The Lakefield College School Foundation is no different than other charitable organizations. We regularly seek support from our community to help raise funds for our financial assistance

To many, the phrase “planned giving” conjures thoughts of long legal documents, complicated tax laws and uncomfortable reflections on mortality. But a planned gift is merely a contribution that transfers to a recipient according to a formally stated schedule or set of conditions. Simply said, planned gifts are most commonly received through bequests in a will. In addition to bequests, there are several other ways of making a gift from your estate such as life insurance, gift annuities (providing income for life), retirement funds, charitable remainder trusts and others. Committing a planned gift to Lakefield College School—an organization that you care about—should leave you with a sense of joy and satisfaction, knowing that your support will make a significant impact on the lives of future generations at The Grove.

program, to renovate or build facilities and to

In fact, the best way to start thinking about planned giving is to imagine

assist in funding programs of distinction and

what you want the future to be and take action to make that vision real.

other unique opportunities. As a school, we are committed to providing an exceptional education to the teenagers who join us every year. It is our intent that the education they receive today will provide them with the tools necessary to live out their lives as leaders, innovators and valuable global citizens. Educating our Grove family about the impact planned giving will have on the school, and the generations of students who will benefit from it, is key to transforming today’s extraordinary plan for the future into a reality. As one of our trustees recently noted,

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If you don’t have a will, you should look into establishing one. At that time, you can instruct your lawyer that you wish to include a charitable bequest to LCS. Bequests are the easiest form of planned giving. A bequest has absolutely no impact on your assets or cash flow during your lifetime. Your quality of life won’t change. You can change your will or bequest at any time. Your charitable bequest is an expression of what you value and demonstrates what is important to you— your sense of place, your values and the high esteem that you have for LCS.

Life insurance is one of the most flexible planned giving options available. Depending on your choice, you can realize significant tax advantages during your lifetime or benefit your estate later on. By donating a paid-up life insurance policy, you may receive a tax receipt for

Making a planned gift is not so different from setting

its value. If LCS is made owner and beneficiary of a new

up a Christmas or university fund, or saving for your

insurance policy, annual premium payments are tax

dream of retiring to a tropical paradise. Your vision of


a wonderful future depends on your plans today. If you love an organization and what it means to you—if you love The Grove—planned giving is one way to take part in shaping its future.

Everyone who informs us that they have made a planned gift automatically becomes a member of the 1879 Society. The 1879 Society was established to

No minimum is required when making a bequest. Over

recognize those who have made legacy gifts to LCS

the years, LCS has received a number of unique estate

during their lifetime. As a member, you will receive a

gifts. One alumnus chose to provide new books to our

unique 1879 Society lapel pin; enjoy special events such

library collection, while another designated his gift to

as our biennial appreciation reception (April 2013); be

our “next construction project” (which happened to be

recognized on our 1879 Society display wall (unless you

Hadden Hall). Others allocate their estate gift to the

prefer to remain anonymous); and most importantly,

area of greatest need. Everyone’s situation is different

experience the joy and satisfaction of knowing that your

and any bequest amount is welcomed and appreciated.

actions will inspire others to do the same.

At LCS, any gift of $100,000 or more can be permanently endowed* and may be named for you or for a person who

If you are ready to discover more about the power

has been influential in your life. If this is something you

of planned giving, call Theresa Butler-Porter at

are considering, we suggest that you contact our office

705.652.3324 ext.329 to confidentially discuss the

to discuss your intent.

possibilities and benefits of making an estate gift to Lakefield College School. In addition, visit for:

Your lawyer can prepare a simple statement, called a codicil, to add your bequest to your existing will. You can state a specific dollar amount or you can choose


inspiration—read the heartfelt stories of some of our 1879 Society members;


the proper wording for your will; and


gifts of life insurance and other ways to donate.

to give a percentage of your estate. If you are not sure about your future circumstances, you can set up a contingency bequest, thereby ensuring that your spouse and/or family is provided for first.

*Endowed gifts are preserved in perpetuity. Portions of the investment income earned fund a donor designated program in perpetuity and add to the fund to preserve its value over time. For example, over a 50year period, a $100,000 endowment could grow to roughly $300,000 and provide a similar total amount of investment income for the designated priority.

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Motivation is a wonderful thing. When inspired, enthusiastic and hopeful, activities that may otherwise feel far too arduous or onerous, are achievable. Motivation makes it possible to go that extra mile, turn that crucial corner and, as in the case of supporting Lakefield College School annually for more than 25 years, it is a cause for community celebration. Without a doubt, all of our donors are extraordinary people. For six of our LCS families, their affection for, and commitment to LCS (and more important its students) has not only impacted their own lives but changed the lives of hundreds of young people. For the fourth year in a row, Lakefield College School is thrilled to have the opportunity to recognize and celebrate those individuals and families who have chosen to support LCS and its students for 25 consecutive years by presenting them with a handmade maple paddle by local artist John Bell. While each presentation paddle is personalized with an inscription, the essence of the message is constant: ABOVE (L-R Clockwise): Celebrating 25 years of giving: Gretchen and Donald Ross ’48, Bill Morris ’70 (with Struan Robertson) and John Ryder ’77.

extend our thanks for the inspirational and unceasing generosity of:

For many organizations, commitment for this length of time is unheard of, but at The Grove, we are blessed to be able to boast of such an enthusiastic and dedicated group of quarter century donors. In fact, for the fiscal year ended on June 30, 2012, approximately 32% (1 of every 3 donors) had been giving annually to LCS for five consecutive years or more, compared with only 20% (1 in 5) five years earlier.

These individuals join the following as part of a growing group who have celebrated over 25 consecutive years of giving to The Grove:

Every paddle recipient’s story is different. Some are motivated by the difference The Grove made in their own lives and moved by the desire to pay it forward, while others have seen first-hand the impact a Grove education has on countless students. But the common thread woven through every story is the desire to make a difference by making LCS their philanthropic priority. For past faculty member and honorary alumnus Ted Ingram (who continues to stay connected by tutoring weeknights at LCS) and his wife Daphne, it was— and continues to be—an easy decision to support the school. Confident that every gift makes a difference, their 25 years of support has helped countless students experience a Grove education. “It is an honour to be part of this and an honour to be recognized,” Ted noted when presented with his paddle last December. On behalf of Lakefield College School, but especially on behalf of the past, current and future students who have and will benefit from their support, we

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Did you know, tuition revenue alone cannot meet the school’s annual budget? Many of the academic and extracurricular programs enjoyed by our students, as well as the $1.6M we disburse annually in financial aid, are dependent on the generous support of our community. When it comes to extraordinary expenses to construct new buildings or renovate existing facilities, we rely solely on our fundraising efforts. Every gift—large or small—makes a difference. We simply could not deliver on our vision to be Canada’s finest boarding school without the support of our donors.

It’s Easy to Become a Forever Grove Monthly Donor With Twelve Easy Payments Many of us intend to give annually to LCS, but our busy lives intervene—we forget or lose track of mailings. In light of this reality, Lakefield College School offers a convenient monthly giving option whereby a set amount is automatically charged to your credit or debit card each month. This also enables you to spread your annual gift into twelve equal monthly payments as opposed to one lump sum annual payment. Below are some reflections from three of the many people whom we would like to thank who have signed up for our monthly giving program:

Losel Tethong ’89: “I give to LCS because it was and remains the most formative experience of my life—the life lessons, the lifelong friendships and the education of the entire person had such a major impact in shaping me into the person I am today. I also give because I received, and I want to make sure others have the opportunity to receive. Following a family tradition initiated by my great-grandfather, my grandfather (Duff Pullen ’26) helped my parents with much of the tuition, and Terry Guest and David Hadden also invested significantly in me with bursaries and financial aid. I can never repay that debt, but I am sure trying!” “The monthly giving option appeals to me as a student of David Chilton’s philosophy from The Wealthy Barber—that is, that you should pay yourself and those you care about first. The gift to LCS is built into my monthly 38  |  Grove News Winter 2013

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budget and I never have to think about it—it’s so easy

life and is engaged in such a wide variety of activities—

and convenient, as opposed to coming up with a lump

she is really thriving at LCS.

sum payment every year.” In addition to his monthly gift, Losel also donates

“In light of the transformative experience both my children have had at Lakefield, I find it rewarding to do

to Lakefield College School by way of his employer’s

whatever I can to help other young people gain access to

United Way campaign, adding that “many people

all the school has to offer. I also give to be a role model

don’t realize that you can elect for contributions to the

to my children—in the hope that they will be inspired

United Way to be directed to Lakefield.”

in the future to contribute to the place that has helped

Losel attended Lakefield College School from 1984 to

nurture them at such a pivotal point in their lives.

1989, and is the fourth generation of the Pullen family

“I like the monthly giving option in particular because

to be connected to the school. He is an LCS trustee and

it’s automatic—I don’t need to think about it, and the

director. Losel lives in Toronto with his wife Kristi and

gift is made in bite-size chunks.”

their sons Tenzin (7) and Kai (5), and is Senior Manager, Canadian Sustainability Practice Lead with Accenture.

Lynda lives in Lakefield with her husband, Mike Gabbani, and their daughter, Sophia, who is currently in Grade 12

Rosalind Barker:

at LCS. Their son, Dario, graduated from The Grove in

“I believe in the kinds of educational opportunities

Teams in Peterborough.

2011. Lynda is the lead pharmacist with Family Health

offered to the students. When I attended the graduation ceremonies last June, I saw so many of the grads being recognized for their achievements and contributions to the school on every front. I could sense how incredibly valuable their Grove educations had become—as individuals who had grown and had gained during their

THANK YOU FOREVER GROVE DONORS: Michael Aben, Peter Andras, Ian ‘83 & Su Armstrong, Mike Arsenault, Heather Avery, Karen Awrey ‘90, Jason Ayotte, Emilio Azcarraga Jean ‘87, Nadine Azcarraga, Rosalind and John Barker, Joe Bettencourt, Gerry Bird, , Tracey Blodgett, Carlo Bos ‘94, John

years there. Their confidence, pride and happiness

Boyko, Jonathan Braeckman, Walter Brennan and Anne-Marie

came across again and again.

DaSilva, David Brock ‘86, Deborah Buckley, Douglas Burrows ‘77,

“The crowd of parents, relatives and friends showed

Theresa Butler-Porter, Andrew Combe ‘50, Cam Crawford ‘02, Bruce Disney ‘93, Hugh and Kim Dobson, Derek Doucet, Krista Dunford,

their enthusiasm for the experiences and achievements

Isaac Eshikaty, Jennifer Fairbairn, Carol Florence, Cathy Forster,

all of these students demonstrated. I did not have a

Michael Gabbani and Lynda Chilibeck, Rory and Carrie Gilfillan,

relative there, but I was just as proud as if I had. Of

Kathy Green, Kerri Hansler, Todd Harris, Matthew Heeney ‘87,

course I will continue to contribute monthly to The

Stephen Hill ‘81 and Carol Miller, Amy Hollingsworth, Mary

Grove in the coming years because this is a school I

Howell, Brent Hurley, Ted Ingram, Brett Jackman ‘03, Warren Jones

loved when I was there and believe in now more than

‘88, Andrew Johnston ‘95, Richard Johnston, Carol Jorgensen,


Stephanie Lacey, Roy and Jane Latimer, Kathleen Leonard and John May, Richard Life, Ross Little ‘81 and Dorothy Vandervlist-Little,

Rosalind was an LCS faculty member for 27 years from

Adrian Lyttle ‘05, Alexander Lyttle ‘03, Brianna Lyttle ‘02, Philippa

1974 to 2001, and was named an Honorary Alumna of the

Lyttle ‘09, Christine MacKenzie ‘93, Kevin Mako ‘03, Daniel and

Class of 2001. All three of her children graduated from The Grove: Randal ’83, Piers ’87 and Crispin ’92. Now retired, Rosalind and her husband, John, divide their time between homes in Lakefield and Australia.

Lynda Chilibeck: “I donate monthly to Lakefield because I want to

Rose Mann, Patrick Marshall ‘90, Paul Mason, James McGowan, Bruce and Sarah McMahon, Tom Milburn, Tracy Morley ‘93, John Murray ‘81, Peter Northrop ‘65, Peter O’Grady, Herb and Norma Orgill, Andrew Parke ‘03, Selda Panchishin, Louise Paoli Di Prisco, Frank ‘53 and Mina Pearce, Peter ‘42 and Judy Perry, Ashley Poblocki ‘00, Aman and Shamim Rajan, Melissa Rathier, Doug Rishor ‘57, Struan Robertson, John Runza, John Ryder ‘77, Manal Samboulie, Dan and Shelley Slobodian, Kelly Smith ‘96, Shane Smythe ’96, Sandra Taylor, Losel Tethong ‘89, Alan and Dori

give back to the school that has given so much to my

Thompson, Marcia Tupling ‘92, Christine Vogel, Allison Webb,

children. My son really found his niche at the school—it

Nancy Webster-Thurlbeck, Liz Whitney, Anne-Marie Wielhorski-

was a place that enabled him to maximize his potential.

Lyttle, Stephanie Wilcox ‘03, Vera Wilcox, John Wilkes ‘40, Nik Van

My daughter has fully embraced every aspect of school

Haeren ‘98, Jane Zupo Grove News Winter 2013  | 39

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The Grad Class Gift is a wonderful way for our graduating students to give back to Lakefield College School, learn about philanthropy at The Grove and witness how, together, their gifts can have a significant impact on others. How does it work? Last year, under the leadership of Co-Head Students Noah Rosen and Sierra Peddie, the Class of 2012 rallied together to commit to each grad donating ‘their year’: $20.12. Their voluntary gift contributed to the Class of 2012 Bursary which was awarded to deserving students during the 2012/13 school year—and helped those who would otherwise be unable to attend due to financial constraints experience an LCS education. We are very proud of our grads and what they do to lead the charge, showing others it isn’t how much they give that speaks volumes, it’s their participation. Like many graduating students before them, grads from the Class of 2012 furthered their commitment to the school by making a five year pledge for $20.12 per year, demonstrating their ongoing commitment to LCS. Their pledge is their membership to the 5-Year-Wonder Club. The 5-Year-Wonder Club recognizes those young alumni who continue to give back to LCS and encourage others to follow in their footprints. The actions of this group of young alumni have already inspired those in the Class of 2013: “I think the five year pledge is a fantastic way to keep that Grove spirit with you even after you graduate. It has been a long-time goal of mine to graduate and leave something of my own behind here at The Grove. The five-year pledge is a great way to achieve just that. It’s just a nice way to stay connected and give back too.” Andrew Little ’13, Co-Head Student We would like to recognize the Class of 2012 for achieving 100% participation in contributing to the Grad Class Gift. This is the seventh straight year that a graduating class has given back to the school in this way. With the participation of 94 grads, together with some parents who stepped forward to make matching gifts, the Class of 2012 raised close to $10,000, which was contributed to the Class of 2012 Bursary.

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“As I approach my third year of living and working in Toronto, I’ve taken to mindfully reflecting on all of the factors and experiences which have shaped me and defined my path from adolescence to independence. While I have enjoyed the luxury of many wonderful experiences throughout my life, from my childhood in Aurora, to the four years I spent working towards my Queen’s Commerce Degree, I can confidently say that it was my year at LCS that had the greatest impact on who I am today. The warmth and support I was shown from the LCS staff and students—especially as a new student coming in at the start of my graduating year—instilled in me a sense of unshakable confidence, and the education I received at The Grove opened every university door to which I applied. “I annually give to Lakefield College School because I know that it was the gifts of others who made my time at LCS possible, and for that I will be eternally grateful. I feel passionately that it is never too early to start giving, and that every little bit counts. I am so proud to have gone to Lakefield, and will always look back upon my time at The Grove with the fondest of memories. ‘To those who much is given, much is expected.’” Luke 12:48

For more information about the Grad Class Gift or 5-YearWonder Club contact Stephanie at 705.652.3324 ext.349 or

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“TO ADVANCE AND ENDOW LAKEFIELD COLLEGE SCHOOL” Lakefield College School Foundation is dedicated to supporting and sustaining its mission. The foundation is governed by volunteers who represent alumni, current parents, past parents and friends, all of whom have made significant contributions to its advancement. The affairs of the foundation are conducted in an environment that embraces the values of excellence, collaboration, integrity and accountability.

TOP ROW (L-R) Michael Cooper Honorary Chair ROW 3 (L-R) Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73 Stan Dunford Board Chair Jock Fleming ’74 Bill Morris ’70 John K. Hepburn ’68 Secretary Suzanne Legge Orr James Matthews ’58 Angus ROW 2 (L-R) MacNaughton ’48 Emilio Azcarraga Jeffrey Marshall † Jean ’87 ROW 4 (L-R) Marilynn Booth Scott McCain Bruce Boren ’87 Andrea McConnell Jonathan Carroll ’87 Robert McEwen Brian Carter

Rosemary Phelan Kathleen Ramsay Donald Ross ’48 ROW 5 (L-R) Thomas Ryder ’53 Géza von Diergardt William Wells ’78 BOTTOM ROW (L-R) Richard Wernham HRH The Duke of York ’78 Directors in Bold

† Deceased

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Lakefield College School, 4391 County Road 29, Lakefield, Ontario, Canada K0L 2H0

If addressee has moved, DO NOT forward. Return with present address if known. Mailed under Canada Post Publication Agreement #40025808 The Grove News is published twice a year by the Advancement Office. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please contact Tracey Blodgett at 705.652.3324 ext.333 or

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