Winter 2012

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Grove News Winter 2012

Calendar of Events 2012

For details please refer to our school calendar at MARCH




Grade 8 Graduation Dinner



Closing Grade 12 Graduation Dinner


Toronto Alumni Reception


Grove Golf Tournament


1970s Old Boys’ Reunion (LCS)


Grove Society Mardi Gras Social (Peterborough)

26 GTA Parents’ Reception


Grade 12 Registration and Opening Day Grade 12 Boarders Move-In



Grade 9-11 Day Registration



Grade 9-11 Boarders Move-In

25 Volunteer Recognition Event


Grade 9-12 First Day of Classes Grade 8 Registration and First Day of Classes

26 Regatta Day


Fall Fair / Home to the Grove Reunion

Trustees’ Meeting

Lakefield College Trustees 2011/12 School Board Chair Paul Hickey Past Chair John Ryder ’77 Cindy AtkinsonBarnett Tim Bell ’00 David Bignell Walter Blackwell ’56 Marilynn Booth Carlo Bos ’94 Andrew Clarke ’85 Stephen Coates ’90 Peter Dunn ’62 Signy Eaton-Shier Stephanie Edwards Bishop George Elliott

Amanda Ethier ’98 Ann Farlow Jock Fleming ’74 Romina Fontana ’94 Bill Gastle ’68 Janice Green Rick Green Nicole Groves ’93 Jennifer Gruer Terry Guest Neil Hamilton Tim Heeney ’83 Brent Hurley Alan Ingram Brett Jackman ’03 Warren Jones ’88 Zack Kembar ’87 Jennifer Kotzeff Janet Lafortune Kathleen Leonard

Nick Lewis ’77 Kim Little ’53 Ross Little ’81 Hugh Macdonnell ’85 Kevin Malone ’77 Patrick Marshall ’90 James Matthews ’58 Andrea McConnell Jim McGowan Sarah McMahon John McRae ’70 Val McRae David Miller ’77 Tracy Morley ’93 Bill Morris ’70 Margaret Nelligan Anil Patel ’93 Sierra Peddie ’12 Tony Pullen ’63 Vicki Pullen

Sean Quinn ’82 Kathleen Ramsay Doug Rishor ’57 Noah Rosen ’12 Gretchen Ross John Schumacher Murray Sinclair ’79 Nancy Smith Scott Smith ’87 John Stelzer ’00 Losel Tethong ’89 Stuart Thompson ’91 Richard Tucker ’77 Christine Vogel Tim Ward ’62 Jane Waterous Chris White ’90 Terry Windrem HRH The Duke of York ’78


Jeffrey Marshall* Scott McCain Board Chair Andrea McConnell Bill Morris ’70 Robert McEwen Rosemary Phelan Honorary Chair Kathleen Ramsay Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73 Donald Ross ’48 Secretary Thomas Ryder ’53 James Matthews ’58 Géza von Diergardt Emilio Azcarraga Jean ’87 William Wells ’78 Marilynn Booth Richard Wernham Bruce Boren ’87 HRH The Duke of York ’78 Jonathan Carroll ’87 Brian Carter Directors in Bold Michael Cooper * Honorary Alumni Stan Dunford Jock Fleming ’74 John K. Hepburn ’68 Suzanne Legge Orr Angus MacNaughton ’48

FRONT COVER: Grade 7 Students Sophie Welsh and Juliette Polito enjoy an afternoon of tobogganing on Matthews Hill.

Planting Green Ideas In 1995 The Grove launched its first

that day so has the school’s mandate

efficiency in the residences through

Earth Day. The event included a

to adopt sustainable practices

upgrades to windows and heating

range of activities, from a cleanup

while promoting environmental

systems. And Cooper House, the

of the campus to work in the local


all-boys residence that is certified

community. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the highlight for me, along with a number of other students I’m sure, was the thought of getting out of class for the afternoon. But my friend and fellow classmate Caitlin Sainsbury ’96 put me to work, equipping myself and a few others with some shovels and trees that were to be planted on the new Andy Harris Field.

Today at The Grove, Earth Day happens every day. The LEAF program (Lakefield Environmental

LEED Gold, has its own composting program, as well as a native species flower and vegetable garden.

Action Force) is forging ahead with a

Such initiatives are part of the

number of initiatives this year, such

school’s mandate to challenge

as installing more water fountains

students and teachers to embrace

to cut down on the number of water

the idea of “Living LEED Gold,” a

bottles being used, in addition to

challenge that is destined to expand

ensuring that compost and battery

and grow in the years ahead, just like

recycling facilities are present in

the trees on the Andy Harris Field

each house (p. 12). Meanwhile,

that were planted years ago.

At that time the field was surrounded

teachers in Outdoor Education

by nothing more than fresh dirt and

are helping students learn about

a bit of brush, so we scattered the

sustainable practices through the

trees around parts of the periphery

Leave No Trace camping program

in hopes that at least a dozen or so

(p.10), and steps are continually

would grow. They did, and since

being taken to improve energy

Cameron Ainsworth-Vincze ’96 is a Toronto-based journalist and writer who has worked for the Globe and Mail and Maclean’s. He is currently a Communication Specialist with the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.

Grove News Winter 2012  | i



From the Interim Head of School

Sarah McMahon, Interim Head of School / COO Foundation

“That’s why one chilly spring night I started a tiny website called 1000 Awesome Things. For a boring guy with a nine-to-five job, it became a getaway from my everyday…It seems like maybe these tiny little

2011/12 SCHOOL VISION — To ensure that everyone

moments make an awesome difference in many of our

in the LCS community has an AWESOME year by

rushed, jam-packed lives. Maybe we all love snow days,

respecting, knowing and believing in yourself and

peeling an orange in one shot and popping bubble

others; taking responsibility for your part of the LCS


pie; maintaining and building momentum; being fully engaged, keeping an open mind; and making the

As Neil states, it is easy to be caught in the negative that

cheerful choice.

is around us and not celebrate the tiny little moments

When I shared our vision with the staff and students, the word “awesome” took on a whole new meaning and importance for me. Everyone, including myself, started using the word more. With the word floating around me daily, how could I not spread the awesome further?

that make a difference. At LCS, it is much easier to focus our energy on finding those things we believe need improving, than to find the good stuff. Finding ways to make the school a better place is incredibly important—we must never be complacent; however, we also need to take time to look at our school with a glass half-full perspective. Instead of focusing on what

Awesome means something that inspires awe or a

we need to improve, let’s take a moment to celebrate

feeling of wonder: “great,” “amazing,” “wonderful.”

what is special.

So, knowing that, how do we succeed with the school’s vision and get everyone to aspire to have an awesome year? How do we find the awesome at LCS?

There are so many places to discover the awesome around you at The Grove, and I learned first-hand by simply asking over 400 students and staff to name one

For each of us at The Grove, an awesome year looks

thing that has made the year awesome so far. I found

and feels quite different. I believe that for each of us

that, generally, “awesome” falls into key basic areas for

to experience an awesome year, we must consciously

people: the People, the Environment or Community,

decide to appreciate where we are, who we are, and

the Food (yes believe it or not—food!), Activities and

who we are with. And, in order to best gain from any

Sports, Learning, School Spirit and the category I love

experience, one must participate whole-heartedly and

to call “Everything Else.”

with enthusiasm. In his opening remarks in the Book of Awesome Neil Paricha writes:

People, as one might expect, play the largest role in providing an awesome year; students cite their friends,

“Polar ice caps are melting, hurricanes swirl in the

new students, teachers, advisors, coaches, Heads

seas, wars are heating up around the world, and the job

of Houses, the staff in the dining hall, day friends,

market is in a deep freeze… Whoa. It’s getting pretty

boarding friends, housemates and their roommate.

ugly out there.

Staff value the students and their upbeat and positive nature, the fact that they make them giggle, their

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confidence to try new things, the fact that they are

Students also found the awesome in their learning: OE

comfortable to take risks in and out of the classroom

class, learning how batteries work, WWI re-enactment,

and the positive energy and enthusiasm they show

biology class, orientation trips, the glass art project

for learning. Everyone values the relationships they

and science labs. Great marks were important to

have and they love the trust and friendliness of their

some students while others were extremely proud of


nailing the math test or improving their English mark.

Environment encompasses the surroundings, their home away from home, their residences and houses, the library, the dining hall, the outdoors, the

Guidance with university applications, extra help and I can’t forget how one student felt having less homework was contributing to their awesome year.

waterfront and the gym. Students love decorating

Spirit is important at LCS. At the top of the list is

their rooms, and it would appear that a large part of the

enthusiasm and participation throughout all grades

awesome students glean from these spaces comes from

at spirit events: bonfires, haunted halls, dances,

the camaraderie that is formed and the friendships

Coffee Houses, Lakefield’s Got Talent, spirit videos,

that are developed and solidified in these important

announcements, cheering at sports games, Secret


Santa, and Friday night spirit events. Everyone

The next category revolves around their tummies; clearly our students are happy if they are fed! I was very pleased to hear the number of students who said

shared a special appreciation for the grad class as they organize all of these fantastic activities for the benefit of us all!

the most awesome thing about their year so far was

So many students and staff said “everything” is

that the food in the dining hall is better. They love

awesome that I began to lose count. The awesome

having pickles every day, the amazing homemade

was found in the support for the Safe Space initiative,

soups, the special desserts, chocolate milk, more

sleep-ins, classing up the dress at LCS and the length of

chocolate milk, baking with their Heads of Houses

skirts also made the list (do you think they may have

and of course candy in the Admissions Office. And

been trying to earn brownie points with this one?).

who knew that two Panini makers would have such an awesome impact?

I am really proud of our community. Everyone is taking the time to discover the awesome that is within and

The fourth category related to the myriad of activities

around them. All of this while contributing to the best

and sports that everyone loves: riding, hockey, soccer,

of their ability to the betterment of their school and

basketball, volleyball, field hockey, Nordic skiing,

themselves. As your Interim Head I can honestly say

knitting, the Shaw Lakefield experience, rock climbing,

that it just doesn’t get any better than that!

SLASH, Washington, Algonquin, jazz band, a windy day for sailing, clubs, art, chess, expeditions, camping, the play and so much more.

BELOW: Sarah McMahon rewards Kayden Kaller ’13 and Caroline Dupuis ’15 on their “awesome” 1st place win at The Prince Andrew Run during Fall Fair, 2011.

Grove News Winter 2012  | iii

A New Century Plan Paul Hickey, Chair of the Board With the presentation of the key tenets of our long term plan to trustees at their October 2011 meeting, work is continuing towards the goal of gaining final trustee approval of A New Century Plan. Part of solid planning is to be keenly aware of what’s happening around you. When you look for the premiere boarding schools in Canada who are thriving, you see the two big schools on Vancouver Island and Lakefield. Canada’s top three boarding schools may be distinctly different in some ways but their success has been based on two common factors: they receive extraordinary support from donors and other stakeholders; and they are committed to maintaining their position as fine boarding schools, remaining true to their values and mission. The plan that is being finalized is a continuum of previous plans. It recognizes that to sustain our values and fulfill our mission we must evolve to a new global reality; be ready or left behind. Our school’s past success was based on taking prudent risks within the framework of a solid plan. Some of the bold steps we’ve taken in the past include such decisions as going co-ed, increasing enrollment, pace-setting fundraising, and significant infrastructure growth. And each time always raising the bar and meeting goals while many of our competitors struggled to survive. Many independent schools have empty beds, empty desks, and in some cases have been forced to add younger and younger grades to stabilize tuition revenue. Some of our traditional ‘competitors’ have morphed into hybrid schools of all ages and have moved away from boarding. That is not a place we want to be. As with previous LCS plans, A New Century Plan is bold but smart, anticipating and responding to evolving

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stakeholder needs: preparing students, faculty and in-

programming in the upper school or try to build a stron-

frastructure for a life without borders as we embark upon

ger 7-8 program, which makes more sense?’ The reality

the second decade of the 21 century. The sentence

is that unlike schools in the GTA, we have a very limited

below, taken directly from the plan, clearly says what we

catchment area for Grade 7-8 day students. We feel our

are aiming to be:

current numbers are below the critical mass needed to


“Canada’s finest boarding school, preparing students best for life in the 21 century.” st

truly excel with this age group. The numbers and dollars required to build a world class middle school are just not in the cards for us, due to demographics in this county and many other factors. Our small number of Grade 7-8 students limits the breadth of the program and the as-

We believe that with the right investment, creativity and

sociated leadership, social and athletic opportunities we

focus we can promise students and parents that there

can provide.

isn’t a better place to spend your secondary school years than at LCS; that we are uniquely poised to prepare stu-

With that backdrop, at the most recent Trustees Meeting,

dents more completely, more successfully for everything

LCS Trustees voted unanimously to support the Board’s

that 21st century post secondary education, careers and

recommendation that we begin the phasing out of of

life will require of them.

our Grade 7-8 program. It will be a two year phase-out, allowing our current Grade 7s to finish Grade 8 next year.

Along the journey towards building A New Century Plan

I expect that over the next 18 months we will be cel-

for LCS, the realization that our future belongs in a big-

ebrating the accomplishments and proud history of our

ger way to boarding has required that we make some

middle school program. We are indebted to all teachers

tough, strategic decisions about how we deploy our

and management who have been so personally invested

human and financial capital. Chief among these that has

in the success of our younger students. It will be sad to

been staring us down for months has been ‘The Grade 7

say goodbye to the program but we are fortunate to be

and 8’ decision. Within the research and planning that

able to offer all of our teachers an opportunity to work

has led to our focus on boarding, a focus on more 24/7

in the upper school. They have helped make Lakefield

living and learning at LCS requires that we let go of those

the special place it is and we look forward to their future

programs and activities that are outside of this special-

contributions with our older students.

ization. It is indeed an exciting time at Lakefield. We continue to As a past parent of two daughters who had amazing

make bold yet prudent decisions that set us up for even

experiences in Grade 7-8 here, it was clearly one of those

greater success in the future. It is inspiring to watch A

decisions filled with mixed emotions. In fact many of us

New Century Plan come to life and to envision the LCS of

on the planning committees and who were involved in

the future. We have a history of setting ‘stretch’ goals and

the consultations on this had a strong personal connec-

finding ways, through our most important resource—our

tion to our Grade 7-8 program. Ultimately it becomes a

community—to reach those goals. It is my hope that we

question of fit and focus and resources, probably best

can all step up and do our part in helping this latest vi-

illustrated by the question, ‘if you had a million dollars

sion for the school come to life.

to spend and you could invest it in the enhancement of

Grove News Winter 2012  | v

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School Highlights


Rick Hagg Celebrates 30 Years at LCS


On Being Green


From the Archives


Welcome New Trustees 2011/12


Alison Pick ’93—Internationally Acclaimed Author


Save the Date—The Andy Harris Cup Grove Golf Tournament


Class News


In Our Memories


The Origin of the Giving Bench


LCS Foundation—Donor Recognition and Fundraising Report 2010/11


Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Cameron Ainsworth-Vincze ‘96; Editorial Committee: Heather Avery, Joe Bettencourt, Theresa Butler-Porter, Richard Johnston, Sarah McMahon, Tom Milburn, Louise Paoli di Prisco, John Runza and Stephanie Wilcox ’03. Contributing Photographer: Simon Spivey. Please address correspondence to the Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0 705.652.3324 OPPOSITE: Incoming Head of School Struan Roberston participates in a Grade 9 OE Class while on campus during a visit this past fall. Grove News Winter 2012  | 1

School Highlights Lake Placid The 1st Boys’ Hockey team finished with a silver medal at the annual American Cup Tournament in Lake Placid, NY in December. The team earned much praise from their coaches and observers—a truly admirable performance and a great weekend.

interest, a personal symbol, and explored a variety of verb tenses—with a particular focus on futur antérieur—which highlight things they will have finished by the time they’ve graduated from university. These treasures were buried and marked. Students plan to dig up their time capsule during their Home to The Grove five-year reunion.

Fall Play—39 Steps

Art Students Create New Glass Mural More than 100 art students, across all grades, participated in the design of a breathtaking glass mural that was developed specifically for the Student Life Centre windows. In reponse to the question “What do you value about LCS?” the design depicts LCS values as we live them. Under the guidance of visiting glass artist Bonnie Thomson from Port

Congratulations to the cast and crew of The 39 Steps for their hysterical fall production that featured many brilliant comedic performances and some very creative and inventive staging. Bravo and thank you to Mr. MacPherson and Adam Bishop ’04 for all of their efforts in staging this year’s fall production.

Perry, glass pieces were modelled to represent the bark and

Lakefield’s Got Talent

foliage of the trees that grow on the school campus.

LCS hosted its very first “Lakefield’s Got Talent” this fall.

Students Raise Funds for Thailand A special Chapel Service was held recently in honour of Thailand and the devastating flood that has taken place there. LCS has a special relationship with Thailand. The Regent’s School in Pattaya has been The Grove’s Round Square ‘sister school’ since 2009. LCS students have worked in Phi Phi building a community centre in the sea gypsies’ village, and this March another group of students will work at an Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai and continue working on the community centre.

This successful event had 15 different acts including singing, dancing and piano-playing. Natalie Jennings ’12 opened the night with a magnificent cover of Amy Winehouse’s Valerie. Shortly after, she was judged by our entertaining guest judges Rick (Mr. Salt), Simon Cowell (Adam Bishop ’04), The Queen (Ms. Leslie Schumacher) and Burley Bear (Mr. Hurley). Each act was unique, and The Grove discovered some wonderful talents such as Ryan Lee ’12’s piano skills, Kylie Clark ’12’s dancing and Piers Eaton ’14’s song writing, just to name a few. One thing we know for sure is that LCS has definitely got talent.

At his Chapel talk in October, incoming Head of School

Debating Wins

Straun Robertson shared his experiences with the flood in Thailand where, at his current school, more than 98 staff

Deborah Trotchine ’13, Arynne Boyes ’13, and Noah

lost their homes and countless students were impacted.

Lehman ’15 competed at Country Day School’s Public

LCS students and staff have pledged to raise funds for the Thailand Red Cross. At the first event—Bread for Bangkok— homemade soups and breads were served at lunch instead of the usual hot meat and vegetable entrees. The money saved will be donated. Students set a goal of $2000 to help the Thai people.

team placed a very honourable fifth at the tourmanent. Deb Trotchine placed first in the individual category of Radio, and by achieving the highest overall score, won first place in the tournament as a whole. And congratulations to Terraleigh Stevenson ’12 who won fourth place at the winter Fulford Debating Competition in February in

Time Capsule The Grade 10 Extended French class has been working on self-discovery and identifying their adolescent identity. Through a variety of activities such as personality tests, doodle interpretations, readings and exploring past experiences, they put together items that they felt best represented who they are today. The students identified songs of 2  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Speaking Invitational Tournament in February. The LCS

Toronto. OPPOSITE (L-R) top to bottom: 1st Boys’ Hockey Team, installation of glass mural in Student Life Centre, the cast and crew of The 39 Steps, Laura Blair ’14 while on service project to Thailand, Deborah Trotchine ’13 wins first place in debating.

To view more news stories visit (search by date and/or keyword)

Grove News Fall/Winter 2011  | 3

“Lean, fit, a mischievous boyish sparkle ever-present in his eyes, Rick looks easily ten years younger than he is, and it is difficult to believe that I am speaking to a man completing a thirty-year tenure at Lakefield College School.”

Rick Hagg Celebrates 30 Years at LCS “Does this mean I am officially an old fart?” Rick Hagg

orchestrated those trips for a few decades now. Rick

jokes as we begin the interview. A glance across the

headed Ryder House for ten years, and Ondaatje

table confirms my instinctive answer: definitely not.

for three—guiding his boys carefully through the

Lean, fit, a mischievous boyish sparkle ever-present in

transition to coed. Gradually, over the last fifteen

his eyes, Rick looks easily ten years younger than he is,

years he has moved into guidance counselling and

and it is difficult to believe that I am speaking to a man

administration, and now, as Director of Academic

completing a thirty-year tenure at Lakefield College

Administration, he masterminds the exam timetable,

School. Rick’s energy and passion for the LCS lifestyle

the tutoring schedule, and the Advanced Placement

keep him animated and smiling, not only while we

Program. Somewhere along the way Rick picked up

chat, but in the halls, classrooms, and offices of the

a Master’s degree, a World Cup Championship Medal

school every day.

in kayaking (not to mention three national and nine

Like many at the time, Rick faced a tough job market in 1980: there were few jobs, and still fewer

provincial championships), and a couple of lovely grandsons.

in education. But Rick had a quality, even then,

Needless to say, Rick has seen a lot of change—and a

that gave him an edge: he loved what he did, and

lot of continuity. For him, the biggest transformations

continually volunteered, just for the joy of it. He had

have been in the size and complexity of the school: he

been kayaking in his free time with Grove students and

began work at a school with 220 boys and no email:

staff while he completed his degree, and had helped

now the graduating class alone totals approximately

LCS staff with race organization. When a teaching

100 students, and the demands made possible by

position opened at LCS, Rick not only had the paper

technology have heightened expectations and

qualifications—a Geography degree and Outdoor

intensity. Still, though, Rick notes, the positive

Education certifications—but was a known quantity

relationships between students and staff, the joy found

to the various LCS faculty who had seen him in action.

in spirit events, athletic competitions, and school

A one-year contract quickly morphed into a lifetime

plays, are “the same as day one” and are what makes


the school, always, “a fun place to work.”

And what a journey it has been. Rick has taught

The other element of continuity that has sustained Rick

Outdoor Education, Geography and Math, but probably

through three decades has been supportive leadership.

chief among his educational accomplishments was

From Terry Guest through to Sarah McMahon, the

his work to set up the Outdoor Education program as

school heads have created a “great environment for

a formal credit course with evaluations, structure,

new directions and growth” for staff, Rick notes. That

and a regular schedule. He has coached Nordic and

environment allowed him to flourish as an educator,

kayaking, soccer and even a stint of hockey—coaching

an athlete, and a person. With no definitive plans for

kayaking at a time when the team built its own kayaks

retirement any time soon, we can only guess at what

and carved its own paddles, leading Nordic skiers to

direction Rick will take next, but chances are he will be

phenomenal provincial triumphs. His administrative

mentoring younger faculty who share his zest for the

strengths and his expertise in wilderness outings

outdoors to fill his own, very large, shoes.

and the Canadian North helped the school to solidify the Irving and Ondaatje expeditions, and he has 4  |  Grove News Winter 2012


Grove News Winter 2012  | 5


Being Green

Our Environmental Audit

Although it’s currently fashionable in the independent school community to be talking about “green” schools, Lakefield College School has been moving towards this goal for a decade. The recently completed Environmental Audit Report found that over the past 10 years, LCS has improved its energy efficiency by 21%, cut natural gas consumption by 30% and reduced its overall carbon footprint by 10%. “And that’s with an additional 50,000 sq. feet of new buildings in Hadden Hall and Cooper House,” notes Richard Johnston, who chairs the plant management committee. The environmental audit was commissioned in August of 2011 to provide a blueprint of where the school stands in terms of sustainability practices, and to help establish a new plan for the future. But, as Johnston notes, the report indicated that many of the school’s sustainability practices are already showing savings.

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dences, the dining hall and the laundry. A flow-through system heats water just when needed, so there’s no waste in heating water for weekends and nights in the laundry, for example. Another positive initiative is the composting program, which has meant food waste going to the landfill has been reduced from 80% to 30%. The school’s on-site composter, located behind the dining hall, “has paid for itself in less than three years,” notes Johnston. Meanwhile, removing trays from the dining hall has reduced food waste and cut the amount of soap used dramatically. A new tree planting plan will see 20 or more new, full-sized trees planted on campus every year for the next 10 years. Even light bulbs haven’t escaped attention, with over 80% of campus lights now being energy-efficient CFCs and LEDs. Cooper House, which is LCS’s first Gold LEED-certified residence for energy efficiency, is the new model

In many cases, these practices are not “headline grabbers,” but rather the culmination of a variety of practices in all areas of the school. He credits Rob LaPlante and the facilities department for being ahead of the curve.

for how buildings will be

For example, “on-demand hot water” is now in place in resi-

internal practices and into the

constructed. “All future buildings at Lakefield College School will be Gold LEED, like Cooper House,” says Johnston. A major new initiative for the school takes LCS beyond just green marketplace, through the


Green Roof Tecnology

So far, there are two main solar

Greg Yuristy ’98 returned to the University of

solar panel projects recently

panel locations, one at the Northcote Campus and the other at Grier Farm, at the northeast corner of the campus. The solar arrays produce 10 kilowatts of power each, under a 20-year contract with the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to provide power for the Ontario power grid. “It’s a long-term investment,” notes Johnston, who adds the Ontario government provides financial incentives for the projects. Looking ahead, there will eventually be an additional 100-kilowatt project on the roofs of five buildings on the main part of campus, including the Desmarais Family Academic Building, Hadden Hall and the maintenance buildings.

Guelph after completing his undergraduate degree to work in its Controlled Environment Systems Research Facility where his work is focused on green roof technology. He began researching green roofs, adapting old technologies and creating new technologies to support the industry across the country. He is now researching “green roof substrates, autonomous maintenance systems, green roof plant production technologies, plant selection, and urban agriculture.” One of the goals of this research is to make green roofs more accessible to individuals, companies and builders. While green roofs have many positive uses, two familiar uses are to provide insulation and absorb rainwater. Greg has found an industry that he is passionate about as he explains, “It is a very exciting field to research as there is substantial room for improvement in all aspects of the technology.”

LCS is also committed to expanding the green bin program for organic waste to residences, as well as finding a way to reduce the number of mini-fridges on campus. And there’s a commitment to replacing furnaces, when they’ve reached the end of their life, to replace them with high-efficiency models and/or ground source heat pumps. Johnston notes the school’s commitment to sustainability will define how we build and renovate in the future. We are even adding a new sustainability value to our Mission and Statement of Values.

Greg Yuristy ’98 tending plants at the University of Guelph Green House.

TOM MILBURN Grove News Winter 2012  | 7

Classroom Sustainability Practices

Green Energy After leaving The Grove, Emma Haight ’98 went on to study at Oxford University in England. After graduating from university, she found work as an energy finance lawyer in London and Paris, where she advised African and Middle Eastern governments, sponsors and banks on various green projects including renewable energy projects. In 2010, Emma completed her thesis on “the role of large-scale concentrated solar power projects in addressing energy and water security issues in the MENA (Middle Eastern, North African) region.” She is now working in London as the Vice President at NIBC Bank, where she structures and finances renewable energy projects within the UK. Emma “specializes in biomass project structuring and regularly speaks at conferences on structuring bankable projects.” While remaining in the environmental field, she has taken a different standpoint from many in the industry.

For Biology teacher and Lakefield College School veteran Mike Arsenault, sustainability practices in the classroom are a natural outgrowth of his chosen field. “As a biologist, it’s something you’re trained to be aware of from the very beginning of your education in ecology,” he says. The underlying principles of ecology “reveal themselves as you peel back each layer of understanding.” It was former United States VicePresident Al Gore’s book An Inconvenient Truth that motivated Arsenault to start to work at putting sustainability practices into his course work. “The weather unit in Grade 10 Science was the place it made sense to introduce this topic. Gore’s book opened the door for a healthy debate within the context of the course on climate change.” As that debate resonated beyond LCS, the Ontario Ministry of Education updated the course, changing the “weather” unit to the “climate change” unit. Arsenault points out that members of the LCS Science Department, such as Gerry Bird and Ken Sunderland, were also discussing sustainability issues with their Science classes for many years before the recent focus on climate change.

Emma Haight ’98

As an Advanced Placement Biology teacher, Arsenault continues to “take every opportunity I can to cross reference material for

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students to provide them with a

The progression of skills actually

Lakefield Environmental Action

greater perspective regarding the

culminates with the senior year,

Force. LEAF continually promotes

issues involved.”

and the Algonquin canoe trip

a variety of sustainable practices

during Orientation. Thus, all

around the campus, including this

students, not just those taking

year’s initiative of installing filling

OE courses, are exposed to

stations for water bottles. This

sustainability practices as part of

follows the successful focus during

the trip.

last year’s Earth Day on reducing

Outside the conventional classroom, teachers in LCS’s Outdoor Education program model sustainability through practices such as the “Leave No Trace” (LNT) camping program. “LNT skills are the primary focus of all Outdoor Education activities,” says Peter Andras. This continues through all levels of the program, such as firebuilding and bush walks in Grade 9, practicing

“Throughout their time in the outdoor education program the

bottled water consumption on campus.

students gain an understanding

During a sabbatical in 2008, Mike

of sustainable practices with

Arsenault produced a report on

experiences in all seasons and

school practices that can increase

various topographic locations,”

sustainability. He wrote, “along

says Andras.

with everything else we do, we need

LNT skills away from campus in

Faculty contribute constantly to

Grade 10 and emphasizing them

sustainability practices at LCS

further in the three-day winter

in many different ways. Vicky

camping trip in Grade 11.

Boomgaardt is the current faculty leader of LEAF, the student club

to nourish ecological intelligence across our entire community.” He adds, ‘sustainable is better’ should be part of everyone’s new mantra. TOM MILBURN

Grove News Winter 2012  | 9

Living LEED Gold Over the last few years, the

own unique style and personality.

“tax” when someone leaves their

residents of the houses at LCS have

This is evident in many aspects of

lights on or music playing when

challenged themselves to embrace

school life including the approach

she has left the room. Matthews

the idea of “Living LEED Gold.” We

that each house takes when

has installed timers on the lights

all have been able to boast that we

considering the environmental

in its hallways to ensure that lights

walk to work/school every day, but

impact of the residents’ daily

go off at bedtime and do not come

we were anxious to contribute more


on until needed. In Memorial

to support the environment. The adjustments have ranged from the predictable to the unique.

Students in Wadsworth, Lower Colebrook, Moodie and Upper all take their shoes off at the door

At LCS, we take pride in the fact

to help with cleaning efficiency.

that each residence develops its

Lower Colebrook charges a $0.25

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House, all of the taps have been replaced with Brita water filters so that students can fill up their own reusable water bottles instead of buying bottled water.

Cooper House residence stands out as the forerunner in environmental initiatives. Cooper House is LCS’s newest and only residence certified LEED Gold. Like the other houses, it takes its own approach to “living LEED Gold” thanks to the leadership of Garret Hart, Head of House. This residence has its own in-house composting program with composters on its property. During the months that they are at school, the Cooper House boys maintain a native species flower garden and vegetable garden which completes the full circle of planting, composting and fertilizing. Other steps have been taken to improve energy efficiency in the residences. Structural changes, such as window upgrades and heating system replacements are ongoing.

Green Policy After leaving The Grove, Joanna Dafoe ’04 went on to study at the University of Toronto where she earned a degree in Peace and Conflict studies and Environmental Policy. She makes use of this degree everyday as she works for the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Part of her job includes writing for the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, an independent reporting service that is updated daily with information from multilateral negotiations on environment and sustainable development. She recently returned from Durban, South Africa where she participated in the UN Climate Change Conference, and will now continue to track international climate policy developments. She has been fortunate to travel to many places as she follows her passions, but she makes sure to take time out to take in the different locales she visits. While in South Africa she watched the sun rise over the largest game reserve in Africa, where she reflected that, “this experience brought perspective and inspiration to my daily work.”

Recycling is practised in every house. There are blue bins in students’ rooms and central collection sites to facilitate the program. Each residence has at least one LEAF (Lakefield Environmental Action Force) representative that works to keep each house in tune with the environmental actions of the wider school community. At LCS we will strive to improve our attitudes and actions towards sustainability and the health of the

Joanna Dafoe ’04

environment. KERRIE HANSLER Grove News Winter 2012  | 11

Green Farming Julie Fleming ’99 has returned to the Peterborough area and begun Circle Organic, an organic community farm. She discovered her interest in organic farming

At Home and Abroad, Student Leadership for a Sustainable Future

while living in Hamilton where she studied community

The current generation of Grove

food security and food policy. She and her husband

students is wasting no time in

joined a community of small-scale growers there that

visibly and effectively addressing its environmental stewardship

produced clean food for local markets. Circle Organic

duties. For Rhiannon Gilbart ’12

also employs a Community Shared Agriculture (CSA)

and Kara Lawrie ’12—the 2011/12

program where individuals can buy a membership and

Students In Charge (SICs) of LEAF, the Lakefield Environmental Action

receive fresh produce from Circle Organic. Julie has

Force—inspiration came from an

managed to turn something she loves into her career,

awareness of their unique place in

“We have been afforded a unique opportunity to make a living doing something we love, outdoors, with lots

history. Thanks to the ongoing revolution in computing and

of heart and soul, connecting with great people who

the commercialization of green

care deeply about food, their health, and their ecolog-

ideas, today’s Grove students

ical footprint.”

are certainly the first to have access to such detailed information about our society’s environmental challenges. They also find themselves at a crucial pivot point, when ecologically benign products and practices have a chance to gain traction in developed and emerging markets. Naturally, Earth Day and Earth Hour will be important aspects of LEAF’s campaign in the 2011/12 year. Last Earth Day (April 22, 2011), Grove students met in the Chapel to hear from Vanika Chawla ’08 about “Close the Cap

Julie Fleming ’99

and Turn on the Tap.” Before entering, students and staff waded through piles of empty plastic

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water bottles to help them envision

LEAF initiated an energy use

community. In addition to one

the extent of the problem.

challenge (results pending) to

student rep from every house

engage students and staff in

(boarding and day), twenty Grove

becoming more energy conscious.

students have signed up to be LEAF

Also included on this year’s agenda

members and the group now enjoys

are “Meatless Mondays,” when

the support of a committed core

the whole Grove community will

group of ten students.

Rhiannon and Kara are quick to emphasize, however, that their goal for 2011/12 is to increase the visibility and presence of LEAF throughout the year. They have initiated a series of Chapel videos featuring random environmental facts, and have plans for a retreat and conference at Trent University’s Environmental Centre. New practices to be undertaken at Lakefield College School include composting and battery recycling

be encouraged to go vegetarian on a trial basis. LEAF has also raised student awareness about the potential consequences of the proposed “mega quarry” in Honeywood, Ontario, which­— if excavated—would be Canada’s largest open pit mine.

In the past year, LCS students have also taken their environmental interests to other countries, affirming their commitment to the Round Square “IDEALS”— of which the third pillar is “Environment.” These projects are facilitated by Operation Wallacea,

in all houses. Water filters are to be

According to its two SICs, one of

an organization which performs

installed on all taps, and signs have

LEAF’s greatest accomplishments

conservation research through

been placed at water fountains to

this year has been the degree

academic partnerships.

encourage tap water use.

of participation from the LCS

Grove News Winter 2012  | 13

In March 2011, a team under the guidance of Greg MacPherson and Heather Dockrill went to Peru to take part in a biodiversity monitoring project in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, located in the western Amazon basin. Students assisted with fish sampling, collected caimans, did a census of macaws, river dolphins, turtles and primates, and performed data-gathering transects through the rainforest. They contributed to scientists’ understanding of forest resource use by the Cocama Indians, the impacts of climate change, and other anthropogenic disturbances in the Amazon. This March, a group of students will travel to South Africa to begin a 14-day project. In the first week, students will assist scientists with biodiversity research in support of an effort to remove fences from private game reserves. The goal of this work is to allow elephants to follow their natural, centuries-old migration routes. In the second week, the group will travel into neighbouring Mozambique to complete an Indian Ocean reef ecology course consisting of lectures and in-water practicals. Through these lectures in Sodwana Bay, students will be introduced to coral and algal species, megafauna (whales, sharks, manta rays), mangrove and seagrass ecology, and threats to the reefs and strategies for conserving them. The school community looks forward to hearing the reflections of its young environmentalists when they return from this exciting project! BRENDAN FELL ’04

14  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Green Building Sean Harris discovered an interest in sustainable building while volunteering in Costa Rica where he used bamboo and cob to help build a variety of structures. He returned to Canada where he embraced the outdoor life as a Assistant Head of House at The Grove. Sean went on to complete a course at Fleming College in Sustainable Building, Design and Construction. His interest in sustainable building led him to establish Sean Harris Construction in Peterborough. “I was shocked when I learned how many toxic materials we use in conventional construction. We live in an era where we take so many precautions for our safety but often neglect to think about the air quality of the buildings we live and work in.” Sean uses many different sustainable building supplies such as straw bales, earth bags, cordwood, cork and FSC-certified wood. Sean has pursued his passion in sustainable building and has found happiness in helping others, “Whether it’s consulting on a design or being the general contractor, it’s always nice to help my clients make a healthier space for themselves and the environment.“

Sean Harris

Grove News Winter 2012  | 15

From The Archives This is a photo from our archives without a caption. Do you recognize this group? Can you help us fill in the missing names? Please contact Richard Johnston at

16  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Welcome New Trustees 2011/12 On Saturday, October 29, 2011 LCS celebrated Trustees’ Day and warmly welcomed more than 50 school and foundation trustees back to The Grove. Highlights of the day included an update on the school’s progress on A New Century Plan, the school and foundation’s next joint strategic planning effort. Trustees spent the morning discussing the results of a comprehensive staff report on the future of the school’s Grade 7 and 8 program which resulted in a unanimous vote to phase out the middle school program (p.iv). The community welcomed Incoming Head of School Struan Robertson who was on hand throughout the day and shared some of his early perceptions and involvements with the school. At the annual meeting of the trustees, ten enthusiastic members of our community were elected as school trustees. We would like to extend a warm welcome to each of them and acknowledge their commitment and support for LCS.

NEW SCHOOL TRUSTEES Tim Bell ’00 President, Grove Society Alumni Chapter Associate Vice President/Broker, CBRE Ltd. Toronto

Carlo Bos ’94

Zack Kembar ’87 Co-Founder, Pacific Agri Capital Singapore and Bogota

Ross Little ’81 President/CEO, IAG U.S.A

Senior Consultant, Knightsbridge Human Capital Management Toronto

Patrick Marshall ’90

Rick Green

Sierra Peddie ’12

President, Grove Society Parent Chapter Regional Manager, Newell Rubbermaid Canada Mississauga

Noah Rosen ’12

Neil Hamilton Market Research Consultant Peterborough

Director, VRG Capital Toronto Co-Head Student, LCS Co-Head Student, LCS

Christine Vogel Staff Representative, LCS

Grove News Winter 2012  | 17

Save the Date




The Andy Harris Cup Grove Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Deer Creek Golf Course, Ajax Login at for more

1 2 0 2 0.

HOME TO THE GROVE 2011—Class of 2006

London, U.K. Alumni Reception 2011 Keep up-to-date and save the date for upcoming alumni events, login at and view Event Registration for details.

Grove News Winter 2012  | 19

Alison Pick ‘94—Internationally Acclaimed Author “My next bit of advice is to find another writer, one you trust, to exchange work with. This sounds easier than it sometimes is, as it’s important to find someone whose opinion you respect, who is gentle with fledgling work, and who is also skilled in giving constructive criticism.” “What is your next project?” I asked—though conscious that some writers prefer not to answer that particular question. “I’m currently working on a memoir,” said Alison. “It explores a depression I suffered while I was exploring my family’s hidden Judaism and writing Far to Go. Memoir is a new genre for me, and I probably wouldn’t have chosen it, but the material presented itself and I felt I couldn’t refuse. The challenge is to let myself be as honest as I need to be, remembering that truth, although uncomfortable for the writer, is what draws a Alison Pick ’94 during her visit to LCS in April 2011

reader through a story.”

Avid readers know the name Alison Pick. Her novel,

“How did you come to be a writer?” I asked, finally.

Far to Go, has been a best-seller in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy and the Netherlands. It was a Top 10 Book of 2010 at the Toronto Star and at NOW magazine, a Top 40 Book of the Decade at Canada Reads, and the winner of the Canadian Jewish Book Award for Fiction. And it is, let it be said, a brilliant piece of work—gripping, moving and ennobling.

Alison took a long moment to think. “I never thought I would be a writer,” she replied. “It was only in the final year of my undergraduate degree that I took a Creative Writing course as an elective and fell in love. A series of lucky events followed: I published right away (only two poems, but enough to encourage me); I got a small grant; I won the Bronwen Wallace Award for most

Alison was a student at Lakefield College School in

promising Canadian writer under the age of 35. It

the early 90s, and on April 7, 2011 she returned to the

was because of the Bronwen Wallace Award, I think,

school to give a talk to my Writer’s Craft course. The

that my first book of poetry, Question & Answer, was

students listened with respect and admiration as

accepted in 2003. My novel The Sweet Edge followed

she read an excerpt from Far to Go, then entertained

in 2005 (it was a Globe and Mail Top 100 Book and was

questions. After the class, we sat down together and I

optioned for film) and then more poetry, The Dream

asked several other questions.

World, in 2008.”

“What advice,” I asked, “might you have for young

“And now Far to Go,” I said. She nodded.

writers like the students you spoke to today?”

Alison Pick may well have some distance to travel, in

“I have three main pieces of advice, and they are as

the sense that she has, we hope, many more books

follows: read, read and read; as widely as possible, in

in her. But she has already, with her national and

different genres, writers you admire and writers you’ve

international success, achieved a great deal, and it feels

never heard of before. I’d follow this advice with three more instructions: write, write, write. You get to be a good writer by practising. “

good to celebrate that accomplishment. If you’ve not yet read Far to Go, I warmly recommend that you seize an early opportunity to do so. PAUL MASON

20  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Class News The 1940s

The 1960s

Ted Byfield ’44, former editor-in-

John Graham ’69 lives in

chief of the conservative weekly

Peterborough and writes, “I’ve

newsmagazine, Alberta Report, was

worked in the optical industry

recently featured in the Globe and

for the last 29 years and enjoy the

Mail for his part in the founding

summers at our cottage on Stoney

(with Preston Manning) of the


Reform Party which celebrated

The 1970s

its 25th anniversary. Ted is writing about the reign of Queen Victoria, finishing Volume 11 of his 12-volume series on the history of Christianity.

The 1950s

event celebrating the Grand Opening of the Canoe North Adventures Outfitting Centre in Norman Wells, NWT. Newcomers Alex (Doc) McCubbin and Geoff Heseltine ’77 joined this group on the Horton River. Bill Wells ’78 has been elected to the board of directors of ACADIA

Paul Keaveney ’76 retired in

Pharmaceuticals Inc., a biophar-

December after celebrating 30 years

maceutical company utilizing

with CBC. His wife Susan and their

innovative technology to fuel drug

three girls (Erica, Emily and Rachel)

discovery and clinical develop-

are all well. According to Paul, “Some

ment of novel treatments for central

people would say that being the only

nervous system disorders

Ian Binnie ’57 retires as a Judge of

man living under the same roof as

the Supreme Court of Canada after

four women would be enough of a

13 years.


The 1980s Allan Avard ’85, Andrew Little ’13, Allister Avard ’13, Max McEachern ’13, Ross Little ’81, and Michael MacEachern canoed the French River this past summer for a fun father/son Grove-inspired adventure. The boys even got a chance to show off their OE whitewater skills (and their canoe rescue skills on some unsuccessful attempts too). When Vancouver Canucks player,

Rod Baker ’58 and his wife Anne

Paul Keaveney

Congratulations to Rod Baker

This July, Al Pace ’77 hosted a canoe

’58 and his wife, Anne, who will

Christmas from the National Hockey

trip with his classmates, including

celebrate their 50th Wedding

League Players Association, he was

HRH The Duke of York ’78 who also

Anniversary on May 12, 2012. Rod

honoured with a one-of-a-kind

spoke at Celebrate Sahtu, a special

painting by Tony Harris ’82.

and Anne are proud of their greatest

Daniel Sedin, received the Most Outstanding Player Award this past

accomplishments—their three children (Shari, Robert and Colin) and six grandchildren (Amanda, Cameron, Evan, Theresa, Samual and Sarah). David Evans ’58 lives with his wife, Elisabeth, on Buckhorn Lake near Gannons Narrows. He welcomes visits from his ‘old school friends!” (Back) Geoff Heseltine ‘77 (2nd row L-R) Donald Grant ‘77, Doc McCubbin, David Thompson, HRH The Duke of York ‘78, Al Pace ‘77, Nick Dale (RCMP) (Front Row) Terry Guest, Hilary Abbott, Nick Lewis ‘77 Grove News Winter 2012  | 21

James Hicks ’84 has moved to Hong Kong from Prague, where he was living with his family for the past few years. Jon Hyslop ’87, Colin Trethewey ’87, Evan Davies ’87, Hugh Rance ’88 and Michael Kulas ’87 reunited for a trip to Parkside Bay in Algonquin Park in September. They are all looking forward to their 25th reunion this fall. Jon Hyslop ‘87, Colin Trethewey ‘87, Evan Davies ‘87, Hugh Rance ‘88 and Michael Kulas ’87

Erica and Angus McCabe ’88 hosted a recent LCS gathering in Ottawa. They plan to continue the tradition with the next gathering to be hosted in L’Orignal (Moose) Ontario by Katie and Richard McCall ’88. Christopher Graf von Spee ’88 is living in Munich Germany. He is married with four children: Teresa (9), Cecilia (7), Frederick (4), and Valerie (3). Christopher runs a commercial real estate/corporate transaction advisory.

The 1990s Alexis Ravet ’91 returned to Paris, France in 1995 when he graduated from the University of Florida, and after an imposed eleven months in the French Army. In 1996, he joined an equity brokerage firm

Richard McCall ’88, James Moore, Kristen Coupland, David Moore ’88, Aidan Moore, Andrew Robertson ’89, Corry Robertson, Lucy Robertson, Sally Robertson, Callum McCabe, Isla McCabe, Angus McCabe ’88, Matthew McCall, Erica Miskew, James McCall (Missing: Katie McCall).

his sixth year with Credit Agricole

siblings, Emerson and Quinlyn, are

Cheuvreux and Co-Head of the

very pleased to have a baby brother

Operations team (of 45 people).

added to the family.

He married Catherine in 2002 and together they have two children Chloé (8) and Théo (6).

and remained in this industry

Ehren Mendum ’92 was excited to

with Paris-based firms such

tell us that his wife, Melanie, gave

as Schroders, Citigroup Global

birth to Grady Barrett Mendum

Markets Ltd, Refco. He is now in

on November 2, 2011. Grady’s two

Chloé and Théo Ravet

22  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Emerson, Grady and Quinlyn Mendum

Nathaniel Evan Haddon Sparling was born July 9, 2011 to parents Andrew Sparling ’92 and Manon Laframboise and brother Luis. Susie Hendrie ’93 lives in London, England. She works for the global trade association for the mobile

The Sparling Family

communications industry and specializes in policy and regulatory work related to children and young people’s use of mobile technology. Her work takes her to all corners of the globe including countries such as Iran and Bangladesh. Susie became involved in this line of work after completing a Master’s degree in media and communications policy and regulation at the London School of Economics in 2005. She is involved with a charitable foundation that supports Scottish and Canadian Charities for the Annaliese and Tristan (Kruger) Vanderloo

young and the old. Susie recently participated in an expedition to Ladakh, Northern India in aid of raising funds for the Druk White Lotus School which sits at the base of the Himalayas. Johanna Kruger ’97 and Carlos Vanderloo, and big sister Madeleine announce the birth of Annaliese and Tristan Vanderloo born November 2, 2011. On a beautiful Saturday, August 20, 2011 Jonathan Holmes ’97 married Amy Curtis at LCS. John Runza presided over the ceremony.

Amy Curtis and Jonathan Holmes ’97 Wedding

Grads in attendance included, Mark Soder ’00, Amanda Ethier ’98, Graham Bos ’99, Jeff Bos ’96, Daisy Moores ’96, Andrea Knowlton ’96, Bryan Nunnelley ’96, Nicola Holmes ’94, Trevor Burgiss ’97, Erica Chellew ’95, Jen Horrigan ’99, A.J. Sainsbury ’99, and Jess Fitchette ’99. Ryan Drury ’98 and Ardyth Correia ’98 were married in Costa Rica on August 1, 2011. Joining them in the wedding party were Allison Collins ’98 and Kristina Drury ’01. Ryan and Ardyth had not been in contact after graduating until they both returned to their 10 year reunion at LCS.

Ryan Drury ’98 and Ardyth Correia ’98 Wedding

They now live in the former community of Port Credit in Southern Mississauga, Ontario. Kalen Ingram ’99 and Paul Elsley became parents on December 10, 2011 with the arrival of their daughter Madigan Jennifer Moira Elsley. Jenny Moores ’99 and Sean Whitaker of Westwood, Ontario scrapped their plans for a big wedding on Stoney Lake and instead quietly got married on a nature trail near their home in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories on

Baby Madigan Jennifer Moira (Ingram) Elsley Grove News Winter 2012  | 23

October 21, 2011. Jenny works for the Government of Canada in communications and public affairs. Elena Zorrilla ’99 married Sergio Fernandez on May 28, 2011, in Menorca, in the Balearic Islands in Spain. The week-long wedding celebrations began when the Canadian LCS alumni and Wilfrid Laurier University friends arrived from all over the world! Miwa Takahashi ’99 arrived from Japan; Laura Schoenberger ’00 from Cambodia; Erin Stephenson ’99 from Guelph, Ontario; Lena Miller ’99 from Toronto; and Amy Bangay ’99 (bridesmaid) came from London, England. The ceremony, set by the

Jenny Moores ’99 and Sean Whitaker Wedding

sea on a cliff in the 19th century fortress of La Mola, was followed by a cocktail and amazing Minorcan horse show, dinner and dancing till sunrise, Spanish style! The couple lives in Madrid, where Elena works in fashion/luxury PR & Communications and Sergio works in investment banking.

The 2000s Trevor Johnston ’00 married his sweetheart of seven years, Sarah McCaffrey, on January 14, 2012 in Costa Rica. Twenty eight family members and friends spent a pleasant week at the Westin Resort near Tamarindo concluding with a wonderful ceremony

Zorilla-Fernandez Wedding: Laura Schoenberger ’00, Miwa Takahashi ’99, Elena Zorrilla ’99, Sergio Fernandez, Amy Bangay ’99, Erin Stephenson ’99 and Lena Miller ’99

overlooking the ocean followed by a pool-side reception. Seven classmates made the trek including: John Stelzer ’00, Mark Sunderland ’00, Mark Soder ’00, Mark Ambler ’00, Ian Fung ’00, best man and brother, Malcolm Johnston ’02, and bridesmaid and sister Rachel Johnston ’09. Congratulations to Laser sailor David Wright ’00 for his 2012 Olympic qualification at Miami OCR. His fourth place finish in the medal race was enough to clinch the Olympic spot and capture the bronze medal at this event. He was joined by fellow LCS alumnus, Greg Douglas ’08 who also won a bronze

Johnston-McCaffrey Wedding (L-R): Ian Fung ’00, Mark Soder ’00, Mark Ambler ’00, Trevor Johnston ’00, Malcolm Johnston ’02, Mark Sunderland ’00 and John Stelzer ’00; the Bride and Groom.

medal in the Finn medal race. Jennifer (Foran) McNorgan ’00 and her husband Mike welcomed a baby boy, Jackson Michael, on January 13, 2012. Meghan Roach ’01 obtained an MBA with distinction from New College, Oxford in 2011. She is living and working in London, U.K. Meghan and her husband, Chris Harris, were among a very small group graduating ‘with distinction’.

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Jennifer (Foran) McNorgan ’00 with husband Mike and Jackson Michael

Jacob William (Heikoop) Andrew

(L-R): Reynold Caskey ’02, Melinda Pierce, Andrew Wells ’02, Megan (Broomhall) Wells, Sean Adey ’02, Keltie Tomlinson.

Sarah (Heikoop) Andrew ’02 and

Declan Roger on February 6, 2012 in

her husband David welcomed their


first child, Jacob William Andrew, on February 3, 2012. Andrew Sainsbury ’02 held a successful photography exhibition recently in Toronto. The event was attended by many LCS friends including, Malcolm Johnston ’02 Claire (Blanchette) ’03 with husband Kyle Townshend and baby Logan

and Kelly McCauley ’02. Andrew Wells ’02 married Megan

Katie and Joe Mallette ’03 welcomed a daughter, Sophia Beverley Mallette, born January 5, 2012. Siobhan Antoni ’04 and Thomas Bates were married on November 11, 2011 in The Bahamas. They were joined by family and friends from near and far, including Eirene Kaklamanakis ’06.

Broomhall in Edmonton September 10, 2011. Fellow ’02 Grads and “Best

Angus Gastle ’04 was married to

Men” were Sean Adey and Reynold

Maria Walker on Saturday, July


30, 2011. Noted Grove alumni in attendance were: Andrew

Claire (Blanchette) ’03 and her

Grummitt ’04, Adam Cooper ’04,

husband Kyle Townshend gave birth

Erin Northey ’04 and Bill Gastle ’68

to Logan Joseph on January 22, 2012

(Father of the Groom).

in Peterborough. Molly Johnston ’04 married Don Kara (Rashotte) York ’03 and her

Kaufman on September 24, 2011.

husband Bryan became parents to

LCS alumni in attendance were

Sophia Beverley Mallette

Angus Gastle ’04 and Maria Walker

Siobhan Antoni ’04 and Thomas Bates Wedding Grove News Winter 2012  | 25

Martha Ramsay ’06 Bride Molly Johnston ’04, Brooke Jan ’06 and Sarah Cooper ’06

Brooke Jan ’06, Charlie Bierk ’05,

Award, worth $10,000. Colin is a

Martha Ramsay ’06, and Sara

first-year University of Western

Cooper ’06.

engineering student.

Taylor Pace ’07 and Matt Casson ’09

D’Arcy McDonell ’06 is the Director

LCS Staff

of Communications for the Economic Club of Canada and he is

LCS teacher Amy Wallwork married

working in their new (second) office

Matthew Moore on August 27, 2011 at

in Ottawa.

LCS. Rebekah Sibbald ’11 played the

Taylor Pace ’07 and Matt Casson

harp at the ceremony.

’09 were on the front cover of

Faculty members Rory Gilfillan

November’s Canoe/Kayak Magazine.

and Carrie Murray were married on

Suzy Lee ’09 took some time away

Suzy Lee ’09 and Gerry Bird

Saturday, December 10, 2011.

from school in London, U.K. to

Faculty member Peter Andras and

welcome faculty member Gerry

his wife Sarah announce the arrival

Bird. Gerry was visiting London and

of Sophie Aurora Andras born on

Paris with a group of students for

September 11, 2011.

the Round Square Conference at Wellington College.

Faculty member Sarah Young and her husband Neil and Odinn

LCS congratulates Colin Sharpe

welcomed Soren Alexander on

’11 who received the Roger Neilson/

October 19, 2011.

Toronto Maple Leafs Scholarship

Rory Gilfillan and Carrie Murray wedding

26  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Amy Wallwork and Matthew Moore Wedding

The Andras Family

Soren Alexander Young

The Origin of the Giving Bench In June 1992, Beverley Hicks-Lyne, a

the entire Grove community. Many

mother of one of Beverley’s ski racers,

teacher at Lakefield College school,

students and staff will never forget

owned an inn near Bobcaygeon.

died tragically of anaphylaxis. It was her. In her memory, the school

Bev told one of her guests about

her first year as a teacher, assistant

acquired a bench that was donated in Beverley and the bench and the guest

housemaster and alpine ski coach.

her name. The bench that now sits in

was so overwhelmed by the story

She endeared herself early on with

the lower classroom hallway has an

that she insisted on paying for the

everyone on campus. The students

interesting story.

bench anonymously! The woman

trusted, respected and adored her in response to her keen interest and personal understanding. She worked in Moodie House as a “then” assistant housemaster and grew very close to the girls in a short period of time. She ignited the Alpine Ski team with her passion and expertise, coaching them to provincial champions. Needless to say, her death devastated

In July 1992, Jan Matthews was in an antique store in Bobcaygeon and saw a beautiful antique bench. Lakefield College School had just opened a new classroom addition and there were some halls in need of furnishing. Jan decided to purchase the bench and dedicate it to Beverley and place it in the hall. Bev Matthews, the

never wanted any recognition for her generosity but her kindness continued the genuine caring that Beverley began earlier that year. Therefore, to this day, the bench is referred to as “The Giving Bench.” Hopefully it will remain a enduring memory and symbol of all that Beverley gave the school in so many ways. She will never be forgotten.

Grove News Winter 2012  | 27

In Our Memories Barry Allen ’59 in Elliott Lake, Ontario on September 11, 2011. Eleanor Galambos, wife of Ted Galambos ‘53, on November 15, 2011 in Ottawa, Ontario. Douglas Newson ’56 on November 23, 2011 in Oshawa, Ontario. Jim Earon on December 8, 2011 in Peterborough. Father of Ernie Earon ‘95, Beth Earon ‘99 and Bob Earon ‘02. Archie Stewart on December 10, 2011 in Lakefield. Father of Bill Stewart ‘70. John Childs ’49 on December 19, 2011 in Petawawa, Ontario. Jim Bethune ‘47 on January 12, 2012 in Oshawa.

28  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Remembering Captain Ritchie (“Ratch”) Burnill “Ratch” Wallace ‘62 (1944–2011) By Mercedes Calvert Just to know him was an adventure. Ratch sailed off into history on October 16, 2011, but he was where he would have wanted to be: finishing up the cruising season commanding the Canadian Empress on the St. Lawrence River. Born in Toronto on November 7, 1944, Ratch was the only child of Bill, a bookstore owner, and Grace, a librarian. He attended Humberside Collegiate, Lakefield College School and the University of Waterloo. He began his professional stage career as an actor at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. In 1966, he starred in the Canadian feature film The Offering. His film career encompassed ten feature movies, including Ragtime Summer. He spent twenty years on a favourite

Captain Ratch was an engaging, high-spirited and

project, writing a screenplay about the tragic final

kind man who enjoyed cultivating friendships with

voyage of the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald, a Great Lakes

a wide cast of characters and then introducing them


to each other. He was a man full of integrity, and was

Ratch also developed an interest in maritime pursuits, which led to marine officer training. He obtained his Master Mariner certification and navigated fast sailing yachts in several Lake Ontario long distance races. Combining his talents for seamanship and business, he established Moviemarine, a company providing vessels and sailing personnel for film projects. During this time, from 1981-1987, Ratch played the role of Kenny Volker, on the CBC television series, Seeing

generous to those with his time and support. No one was ever boring to Ratch­— he was always able to find their story. He thrived on both being a storyteller and having stories told to him. His sense of humour was superb and he could spin many a fascinating tale with a range of theatrical effect. As a leader, Captain and boss, he was highly respected, both personally and professionally. No one who knew him will ever forget him.

Things. Ratch thoroughly enjoyed playing the role of this hockey playing, tough-guy-with-a-heart character.

He will be very much missed by his hundreds of friends

From 1992 - 1999, Ratch was the Senior Superintendant

and colleagues across Canada.

at Robert Reford, a General Steamship Agent Company.

He is lovingly remembered by his entire family,

In the late 1990s, Ratch moved from Toronto to Victoria,

including his two daughters and their families: Kate

B.C. to be closer to his family and to take a position

Wallace and Lance Priestley and their three children

with B.C. Ferries, as commanding officer of several

(Jackson, Ruby and Shane); and Mercedes Calvert and

different ships and later, as an executive responsible

Todd Legault and their children (Johnny and Jake). He

for aspects of safety, planning and new construction.

will also be deeply missed by Lissa Calvert, his lifetime companion, and mother to his daughter Mercedes.

Regarding “retirement “ as merely a nuisance, in 2010 he rejoined one of his former employers, Bob Clarke at

To read further stories, see photos or to add a tribute to

the St. Lawrence Cruise Lines, operating cruise ships

Ratch, please see the website:

down the St. Lawrence River between Quebec and


Ontario. Grove News Winter 2012  | 29

30  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Donor Recognition and Fundraising Report 2010/11 The Grove community has once again demonstrated astounding generosity in their support of Lakefield College School and, as a result, the Lakefield College School Foundation is able to meet the needs of the school. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, the foundation received a total of $6.2M in donations ($1.8M over previous year)—the ninth year in a row that gifts received have exceeded $3M. Our Endowment Fund experienced an increase of $3M or 17% over the previous year as a result of $1.6M in gifts, $2.1M in investment returns as the market recovered, reduced by $0.7M in bursary awards and fund management expenses. The foundation transferred $5.2M to the school for the year: 57% for capital additions, 35% for financial assistance, and 8% for specific operating items. We deeply appreciate the generous support and contributions received from all of the friends of LCS. Without you, LCS wouldn’t be able to provide such enriching opportunities to our students.

William O. Morris ’70, Chairman Lakefield College School Foundation Grove News Winter 2012  | 31

JULY 01/10 toJUNE 30/11

To Our Annual Donors:


“Thank you. Merci. Gracias. Grache mile. Nyweh. Mgwetch. There are so many ways to say thank you, but how do you thank someone who has changed your life? I am not sure how, but I am going to try.”


Each year our donors generously support bursaries, program needs, facilities and help to enhance a variety of opportunities for our students. The many gifts we receive from alumni, families and friends—people like you—help to ensure that our students have access to the resources they need to achieve their goals and realize their dreams. We thank you for believing in the power of a Lakefield College School education, but more important we thank you for your ongoing generosity and commitment to our students and their futures.

Golden Oak Society

Statement of Financial Position—as of June 30, 2011 Assets

2011 $ 1,041,288 21,695,875 15,332 6,310

2010 $ 74,199 19,698,221 2,846





Accounts Payable Due to LCS

5,976 618,458

4,200 411,132

Total Liabilities



Endowment Fund Restricted Fund General Fund

20,892,205 5,973,484 154,948

17,867,061 5,771,424 299,153

Total Fund Balance



Total Liabilities and Fund Balances



Cash Investments at Market Accounts Receivable Prepaid Expenses Land and Artifacts Total Assets


Fund Balances

32  |  Grove News Winter 2012

The E.W. Bickle Foundation The Cooper Family Paul ’73 and Hélène Desmarais Bryce and Nicki Douglas Stanley and Eva Dunford The Estate of Tim Dunn ’35 The John C. and Sally Horsfall Eaton Foundation Bill ’68 and Susan Gastle Helen Hepburn John Hepburn ’68 Paul and Kris Hickey Angus ’47 and Cathy MacNaughton Andrea and Peter McConnell The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation John ’70 and Val McRae Bill ’70 and Betty Morris Jeffrey Orr and Suzanne Legge Rosemary Phelan and Sam Blyth Donald ’48 and Gretchen Ross Barb and Tom ’53 Ryder Stephen and Rita Shefsky The von Diergardt Family William M. Wells ’78

Richard Wernham and Julia West The W. Garfield Weston Foundation Anonymous

Royal Oak Society The Dalglish Family Foundation David and Sylvie Forest Furs by Leonard Gorski The Grove Society Maurice Pinsonnault and Marie-Josée Dupuis The Armagh L. Sifton Charitable Foundation Winfield Sifton ’78 Linda McCain and Dan Walshe

Oak Society Duncan and Ann Abraham Emilio Azcarraga Jean ’87 David Bignell and Janice Green Bruce Boren ’87 John and Susan Buchanan Stephen Coates ’90 Roger Garland Margaret Gillis Zack Kembar ’87 Jocelyn Lefebvre and France Deshaies Lefebvre Nick ’77 and Christine Lewis Brian MacKenzie and Sheila Alexander Juleen Marchant Warwick Marchant ’89 McLean Budden Limited The McLean Foundation Terry and Mary Olsheski John Ryder ’77 and Lily Harmer Dan and Shelley Slobodian Anonymous (2)

W. Ross Pinkerton Memorial Trust Fund Travis Price ’84 The Shehadeh Family Murray Sinclair ’79 The Vincent Family Terry and Janice Windrem

Birch Society

Shon and Cindy Barnett Walter ’56 and Anneliese Blackwell The Blair Family Marilynn Booth The Bryk Family Andrew Clarke ’85 and Betsy Maple Society Britnell Jennifer Allen Ray and Susan DeNure Brian and Charlotte Carter Larry Evoy and Sara Houstoun Tom and Vicki Cole Glenn Garneys and Pearl Dixon Nan-b and Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien Estate of William Gibson Gerard and Janet Glynn Richard Dupuis and Heather David and Susan Hadden Drysdale Neil Hamilton and Kerri Jobe Jock ’74 and Susan Fleming Cathy Forster Bill and Anne Hepburn The Foster Family Jon and Shelagh Grant Haliburton Broadcasting Group Brett Jackman ’03 Kevin and Ruth Kaller Richard and Annie Johnston Peter Mackenzie and Kate Zeidler Guy and Vanessa Laframboise Steve and Suzanne MacCulloch Dean and Donna Mackey Jeffrey Marshall and Nancy Smith Hugh ’85 and Margot Macdonnell Daniel and Rose Mann John Martin and Jane Edwards Jim Matthews ’58 and Jacqueline Mark McLean ’74 Le Saux Jack Nesbitt ’62

Graham and Dorie McDonald Bruce and Sarah McMahon Linda Nower Giovanni Di Prisco and Louise Paoli di Prisco Sean Quinn ’82 and Libby Dalrymple Aman and Shamim Rajan Kate and Alex ’53 Ramsay Alan ’78 and Stephanie Redfern Ray Richardson and Anne Nurse-Richardson Douglas Rishor ’57 John and Janice Runza Rupel Ruparelia ’89 Martin and Sheilah Scrocchi Jeffrey Shier and Signy Eaton-Shier Maurice Switzer ’63 Losel Tethong ’89 Alan and Dori Thompson Edward Walker and Cheryll Holman Nancy Webster-Thurlbeck Christopher J. White ’90

Red Ash Club John Abraham ’76 John and Julie Andras Arrell Family Foundation Nadine Jean Azcarraga Nicholas Barbaro ’07 Rosalind and John Barker Jim Bethune ’47 Sonja Bird David Brock ’86 Robert W. Clark Grove News Winter 2012  | 33

FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THE GROVE ... Kathleen Leonard and John May Harry Macdonell ’49 David ’78 and Sheila McCracken Margaret Nelligan and David Quail Peter Perry ’42 Hugh Rawling ’77 Joan Richardson Hugh Sibbald ’78 Scott Smith ’87 Brodie Townley Michael Townsend ’51† Charles Turpin ’98 Nik Van Haeren ’98 Barbara Weir Robert Welch and Sandra Hodgson-Welch Anne-Marie Wielhorski-Lyttle Alan and Vera Wilcox John B. Wilkes ’40 Windsor’s Dry Cleaning Anonymous

Green Ash Club

Peter ’62 and Judi Dunn Andrew W. Durnford ’85 Bruce and Ann Farlow Michel Fortier Rory Gilfillan Jennifer Gruer Eric and Karen Hill-Whitson Alan and Jenny Ingram Ibn and Nadia Jan Johnson Family Fund at the Toronto Community Foundation Warren ’88 and Denise Jones Robert J. Ketchum ’49 The Kingdon Family

34  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Michael and Deborah Aben Michael and Sarah Adamson Peter Andras Ian ’83 and Susan Armstrong Mike and Lynn Arsenault Andre and Donna Arseneau Heather Avery Karen Awrey ’90 Roddy Baker ’58 John Bennett ’59 Nicolaus A. Berlin ’08 Joe Bettencourt Gerry and Sandra Bird Adam Bishop ’04 Tyler Bishop ’08 Samuel and Ann-Marie Blatchford Art and Tracey Blodgett Bob Johnson Photography Don Bocking and Anne Morawetz John Boyko Bill Bradburn ’58 Katie and Ron Brown Brian Buchardt and Elizabeth Messervey Deborah Buckley David Budden ’67 Douglas Burrows ’77 Pat and Ruth Butcher Theresa Butler-Porter Diana Cable Kingsley ’70, Barb (Swanson), Kira and Mackenzie Campbell Ian Carswell ’93 John and Nancy Casserly


Parri Ceci and Karen Sylvester Frank Chow ’87 Andrew Combe ’50 Hugh R. Cowans ’66 Robert Creasy ’68 James Dalton and Cara Westcott Anne-Marie DaSilva and Walter Brennan Peter and Jane Darling Ron and Suzanne Davis Bruce Disney ’93 Hugh and Kim Dobson Andy and Cathy Drury Solange Dugas Jonathan Dunlop ’89 Adrian Dunn ’92 Gillian Dunn ’04 Leslie and Brian Dunn ’69 Stephanie Dunn ’01 Michael and Stephanie Edwards Amanda Ethier ’98 Rev. Canon Gerry Fairhead ’42 Brendan Fell ’04 Bob and Melanie Fell Jan Fialkowski Ian Fleming ’74 John Fleming Louis Fleming ’43 Robert Fleming ’43 Carol Florence Romina Fontana ’94 Patrick Frewer ’75 Michael Gabbani and Lynda Chilibeck The Gainey Family John and Rosemary Ganley Jonathan and Alice Goldbloom Peter Grant ’54 Rick and Kathy Green David Griffith ’66 Roberta Griffiths Kerrie Hansler Todd and Helga Harris Garret Hart and Jessica Fitchette Hart ’97 Steve Hart ’56 Goodith Heeney Matthew Heeney ’87 Michael Heeney ’76 Tim Heeney ’83 Bob Henderson ’75 Susie Hendrie ’93 Tony and Nique Hendrie Tom and Judy Hendy Stephen Hill ’81 and Carol Miller Bill and Eileen Hill John Hiscock ’52

Hing Ngan Ho Peter Ho and Winnie Kwok Amy Hollingsworth Donald Hosking ’59 Christopher Howard ’95 Mary Howell Brian Hull ’60 Gord Hunter ’63 Brent Hurley Andrew Hutchison ’50 Ted and Daphne Ingram Irene Jamieson AJ ’95 and Kirsten Johnston Ross Kembar ’53† James Kemp ’77 Elizabeth Ketchum Angie Killoran Rob King ’81 David Kitchen ’83 Howard and Ruth Kitchen Bill Koerner ’61 Robin and Heather Labatt Yves and Janet Lafortune Robert Langmuir ’46 Stu Lawrie and Carol Lethbridge Brett Leach ’95 Leahy Music Inc. Brian Lee ’09 George and Sheila Lee Peter and Linda Leus Duncan Lewis ’79 Bernd and Jutta Liebroth-Leden Richard and Patricia Life Kim ’53 and Sally Little Ross Little ’81 Adrian Lyttle ’05 Alexander Lyttle ’03 Brianna Lyttle ’02 Pip Lyttle ’09 Ian and Janette MacDonald Myles and Dianne MacDonald Ian Macdonell ’81 Christine MacIntosh ’93 Davin MacIntosh ’95 Christine MacKenzie ’93 Bruce MacNaughton ’52 Stuart ’63 and Kyle Macrae ’09 Gilly Macrae Steven Maher ’72 Kevin Mako ’03 Kevin ’77 and Mona Malone Kathleen Mandry Austin and Margaret Marshall Patrick Marshall ’90 Paul Mason Tam ’73 and Jan Matthews Ian McCallum ’51

Peggy McCallum Cole McKinnon ’08 Samuel McLaughlin ’01 Todd Melville Tom Milburn David Miller ’77 John and Bid Milligan Terry and Pierre Monnard David N. Morgan ’77 Tracy Morley ’93 John Murray ’81 Pete and Ally O’Grady Kathryn Olsheski ’06 Norma Orgill Al Pace ’77 and Lin Ward Andrew Parke ’03 Katia Pawlak-Omnes Fevri and Brikena Pazari Frank Pearce ’53 Frank Peniston ’67 Deane Purves ’70 Melissa Rathier Peter Reid ’75 Andrew Richardson ’09 Doug and Lynn Robertson Cynthia Rogers William and Deborah Rogers David Ross and Katherine Spencer-Ross Ashley Royer ’00 Ronald Ryan ’72 John and Kerry Schumacher Don and Beth Scott Bruce and Linda Selman Perry Shearwood ’69

Samantha Shefsky ’08 Catherine Sheridan Joel and Julie Smith Richard and Joan Smyth Mark Soder ’00 Manal Stamboulie Alan and Jane Stewart Duncan and Deborah Stewart Tim Stewart ’09 Patrick Stoker Nicholas Syrett ’93 Ed Taylor ’94 Sandra and Michael Taylor Stuart Thompson ’91 David Tiedje ’00 Marcia Tupling ’92 Guy Upjohn ’48 Wilfried van Haeren and Monique van Haeren-Jagers Robin Cavanagh and Christine Vogel Peter Ward ’49 Hubert Washington ’43 Allison Webb Elizabeth Whitney Karen Young Robin Young Jane Zupo Anonymous

Friends Century 21 United Realty Inc. Brokerage Rachel Adams ’99 Tuoyo Adokpaye ’11 Hillie Allen ’10

Fundraising Report—July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 2011 $

2010 $



Expendable Bursaries Gifts-In-Kind Learning Centre Other Restricted Gifts Cooper House Dining Hall Renovations Towsend (Faculty) House Student Recreation Centre and Interest Theatre Renovations Northcote Farm

778,827 4,604 82,730 68,344 1,236,150 125,000 310,899 1,712,124 7,700 100,540

887,859 56,712 121,500 111,720 758,306 617,072 40,900 105,450

Total Restricted







Endowed Gifts Restricted Gifts

General / Unrestricted Gifts

Total Donations

Grove News Winter 2012  | 35

FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THE GROVE ... Nick Allen ’11 Mark Ambler ’00 Jesse Anglesey ’11 Kate Anthony ’00 Jamie-Lee Armstrong ’06 Jeanne Armstrong Meagan Armtrong ’11 Nathaniel Arnill ’11 Catherine Arseneau ’11 Jason Ayotte Piers Barker ’87 Elsa Barreto ’06 Benjamin Bartlett ’11 Christina Barwinsky Donald Beaton ’56 Tim Bell ’00 Ed Bell and Margaret McBride Kelly Bignell ’04 Jamie Bignell ’05 Sydney and Pamela Birrell Margaret and Richard Blanchette Frank and Janet Boniakowski Vicky Boomgaardt Carlo ’94 and Ali Bos Marnie Bowcott Jen Boyko ’00

Johnathan and Erin Braeckman Connie Brown Tim Buhr ’11 Tom Burpee Nan Campbell Mark Carducci ’00 John Carroll and Anthea Horne Andrew Caruso ’10 Hope Casserly ’11 Michael Casson ’11 Meggy Chan ’11 Sarah Chung ’03 Brad Clairmont Margaret Clark Lisa Clarke Jim Coghlan Dana Cooper ’11 Tim Cooper ’98 Haultain Corbett ’71 Erin Crowley ’03 Alan Cundall George Cuthbertson ’38 Loic Dalle ’03 Rhys Davidson ’00 Steven Davie ’11 Brent Davis ’11

Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances Revenue Donations Bursary Reimbursement Investment Income Realized Gains on Investments Unrealized Gains/Losses Transfer from LCS for Fundraising Expenses

2011 $ 6,231,505 6,120 589,191 339,465 1,198,168 589,660

2010 $ 4,353,377 6,630 558,090 (237,626) 545,629 744,494

Total Revenue



Transfers to LCS Capital Additions Bursaries and Scholarships Expedition Bursary Specific School Operating Items Fundraising Investment Management Fees Insurance and Administrative

2,974,469 1,734,950 53,086 410,572 589,660 79,653 28,720

2,506,412 1,700,000 31,874 516,808 744,494 75,097 16,132

Total Expenses



Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue Over Expenses Fund Balance, Beginning of Year

3,082,999 23,937,638

379,777 23,557,861

Fund Balance, End of Year




36  |  Grove News Winter 2012

Marysia De Luca ’11 Charles-Edouard Desmarais ’11 Abby DeWolfe ’93 Selene Di Prisco ’09 Peter and Dale Douglas Krista Dunford Brooke Dunford ’11 John Easson ’49 Zoe Edwards ’09 Laura Edwards ’00 Dina El-Baradie ’11 Robert Eldridge Elizabeth Elliott Rev’d W. Glenn Empey Isaac Eshikaty Elliott Exton ’11 Jennifer Fairbairn Rob Fleming ’06 Dan Forest ’00 Kate Foster ’06 Christabel Foster James and Majorie Foster Nancy Frankish Phil Frewer ’40 Ian Fung ’00 Dario Gabbani ’11 Anna Gainey ’96 Ted ’53 and Eleanor Galambos Kyle Gardner ’11 Kaitlyn Gillis ’10 Chris ’92 and Tara Gilmour Alex Goldbloom ’11 Jonas Greiner ’11 Nicole Groves ’93 Andrew Grummitt ’04 Smreeti Gurung ’08 Maddy Hackstetter ’11 Emma Haight ’98 Brooke Harvey ’06 Jon Hazell ’00 Anna Heffernan ’11 Robin Herriman Matt Higgins ’11 Molly Hill ’11 Dalton Hill-Whitson ’11 Jean Holding Jon Holmes ’97 Rachel Honig ’06 Jennifer Horrigan ’99 John Hoyle ’11 James Hutchinson ’06 Rio Ison ’11 Andrew Irwin ’11 David Johnston ’97

Malcolm Johnston ’02 Trevor Johnston ’00 Bill and Margaret Jones Carol and Mark Jorgensen Florian Jostes ’11 Benedict and Catherine Kan Lois Keller Quinn Kieffer ’11 Ailish Kilmartin ’00 Ryan Kinslow ’10 Joseph and Jean Konecny Lisa Krauss ’11 Joyce Kubin Mary Kudrac Stephanie Lacey Max Lafortune ’08 Sophie Laframboise ’11 Arjun Lall ’11 Kristy Lanigan ’11 Tessa Lapense ’03 Mel and Sandy Lawrence Bill and Virginia Leach Angela Lee ’11 Kiana Leung ’11 Heather Levie Yan Li ’11 Justin Loga ’06 Megan Walsh Lohmann ’00 DJ Loman Kitty Lorriman ’00 Kitty Luo ’11 Catherine MacCulloch ’11 Iain MacKenzie ’11 Paige Mackey ’11 Bruce Mackie ’11 John MacKinnon ’11 Greg MacPherson Joe Mallette ’03 Jonathan Markovich ’11 Connor Massie ’11 Julie McCann ’11 Kaitlin McCann ’11 Oliver Porte ’06 Doc and Jose McCubbin Bernice McDevitt James McDonald ’11 D’Arcy McDonell ’06 Jim McGowan Roy McLaughlin ’03 Gillian McRae ’06 Rick and Sonja Miller Julia Miller ’11 Ellie Mitchell ’11

Kyle Moes ’11 Dan and Jen Moore Alysia Munoz ’11 Carrie Murray Anand Natu ’11 Paul Niedermayr David Ondaatje ’79 Karin Ossenkopp Cici Pan ’11 Selda Panchishin Bruce and Barbara Patterson Heather Pease Karin Persson Emmy Pullen ’11 Martha Ramsay ’06 Bill ’54 and Mary Rashleigh Ali Rawling ’11 Lucas Reader ’11 Hanna Reddick ’11 Bronwyn Redfern ’11 Dan and Lisa Rice Alaina Robertson The Roblin Family Penny Rogers Barb and Bill Rutherford Steve Salt William Saviuk ’11 Stefanie Schiele ’11 Belinda Schubert ’99 Lianne Schumacher ’05

Sonia Scrocchi ’11 David and Patricia Scroggie Robert Selman ’11 Colin Sharpe ’11 Elly Scott ’11 Michael Sheen ’11 Sami Shehadeh ’11 John Sherin Stefan Shier ’11 Erin Shirreff Rebekah Sibbald ’11 Ali Sifton ’11 Austin Sinclair ’11 Mark Sinker Kelsey Slobodian ’10 Tiffany Sly ’00 Kelly Smith ’96 Greg Smith ’11 Jessica Song ’11 Alex Spiridis Bernadette Springford-Watson David Staples ’98 Rebecca Stears ’11 John Stelzer ’00 Lauren Stiles ’07 Kaitlin Sullivan ’11 Mark Sunderland ’00 Teruki Tauchi ’11 Bella Taylor ’11 Justin Thompson ’00

In the preparation of this Annual Report we have tried to avoid errors and omissions. If any are found, kindly report them to Stephanie Lacey in the Advancement Office at or 705.652.3324 ext.349. If your name is not listed as you would prefer it to be, please let us know so that our records may be corrected. If your contribution was received after June 30, 2011, your name will appear in the Annual Report of 2011/12.

A Lifetime of Consecutive Giving


Saki Tomioka ’11 Spiro Trent ’11 Travis Turner Megn Walker ’11 Sofia Vazquez Arroyo ’11 Amy Wallwork David and Margaret Walsh Nicole Warren ’11 Mika Watanabe ’08 Stephanie Wilcox ’03 James Williams ’67 Joshua Wilson ’11 Michael Wilson ’06 Elizabeth Woods Kathleen Wright ’98 Sheena Wu ’11 Peter Xie ’11 Connie Xu ’06 Crystal Yang ’11 Bryan Yantha Pat and Kelly Young Sarah Young Michael Zahradnik ’11 Anonymous (3)

5 + consecutive years of giving 10 + consecutive years of giving 15 + consecutive years of giving 20 + consecutive years of giving 25 + consecutive years of giving

Paddling is an ultimate metaphor for life—working

the years, these gifts have supported a

hard toward a goal or reward, reaping that reward,

number of initiatives: a new chapel, a

and then doing it all over again. Every paddler

renovated theatre, bursaries, program

contributes the skill and strength that they are

enhancements and more.

blessed with; ultimately enjoying, not only the destination, but the journey as well.

especially the past, current and future At Lakefield College School, the paddle—a unique

students who have, and will benefit from

symbol of participation and perseverance—is

their support, we extend our thanks

presented annually to an exclusive group of donors

for their inspirational and unceasing

in acknowledgment of their ongoing philanthropic


relationship with The Grove. For the third year in a row, LCS is thrilled to have the opportunity to recognize, celebrate and thank individuals and families who have chosen to support LCS and its students for 25 consecutive years with the presentation of a hand-made maple paddle. For many organizations commitment of this type is unheard of but, at The Grove, we are blessed to have such a passionate and dedicated growing group of long-term donors. Many of our recipients acknowledged the speed at which time passes and were surprised that they had been giving for such a significant length of time. For others, ‘a little bit’ every year helped to convey to the school what a significant impact it

† Deceased

had on their lives and/or their children’s. And over 38  |  Grove News Winter 2012

On behalf of Lakefield College School, but

Rosalind and John Barker Sue and Jock Fleming ’74 Peter Grant ’54 David and Susan Hadden Goodith Heeney Bob Ketchum ’49 Bruce MacNaughton ’52 Val and John McRae ’70 David Miller ’77 John and Bid Milligan Doc and Jose McCubbin Peter Perry ’42 Hugh Rawling ’77 Doug Rishor ’57 Barb and Tom Ryder ’53

Donald Ross ’48, Angus McNaughton ’48 and Tom Ryder ’53 “When you combine the years that Donald Ross ’48, Angus MacNaughton ’48 and Tom Ryder ’53 have been involved with the school it totals an incredible 207!” On July 24, 2011, Interim Head of School Sarah

many initiatives: the Whitney, Smith and other bursaries,

McMahon joined Donald Ross ’48, Angus MacNaughton

the chapel, Hadden Hall and our Northcote Campus. He

’48, and Tom Ryder ’53 and their spouses in Toronto for

has made such a difference in the lives of so many of our

a celebratory dinner in their honour.

students through his long-standing, generous support of

Lakefield College School is so grateful to the three alumni who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and are among the school’s longest and most significant benefactors. When you combine the number of years that Angus MacNaughton, Donald Ross and Tom Ryder have been involved with the school, it totals an incredible 207!

Angus MacNaughton attended the school with

expendable financial assistance.

Tom Ryder, the grandson of A.W. MacKenzie, attended the school from 1943 to 1953. He was the first of three generations of Ryders to attend (John ’77, stepson Michael Pooley ’01, Matthew ’08 and Jordon ’13 He has generously supported a multitude of projects and LCS has been the beneficiary of Tom’s transformational leadership over the past three decades as a board member

the support of his uncle—and the impact of this gift

and trustee, a former Chair of the School Board, Chair of

helps to explain why Angus is such a strong champion of

the Lakefield Challenge Campaign and Chair of the

the bursary program. He has supported countless initia-

Foundation Fundraising Committee. Tom continues

tives and many exceptional students. Among his initia-

today as a member of foundation Fundraising and

tives are: the British Alumni Travelling Scholarship, LCS

Governance committees.

strategic plans, programs and capital projects. The school has been the beneficiary of his wisdom and exper-

We thank these visionary leaders for their creativity, energy and support in making Lakefield College

tise as a school trustee and now as a foundation trustee.

School the truly outstanding place that it is today. Your

Donald Ross, G. Winder Smith’s stepson, began

leadership is truly a legacy.

leading The Grove at an early age. He has championed

Grove News Winter 2012  | 39


LEGACY William Wells ’78

To many, a legacy is about building on who you are and consciously designing what you do—to make a significant impact on what’s important to you, and quite possibly the rest of the world. A legacy has the potential to be positive and transformational. More specifically, a legacy is what you create now that enhances other lives and will continue to enhance lives when you’re gone: that’s what a legacy is. 1n 1983, when William (Bill) Wells ’78 made his first gift to honour Bryan Jones and his legacy, little did he realize that 29 years later he would be laying the foundation for his own legacy gift. It was during those years that

“I value what LCS does and wish to preserve it. The school provides a unique experience which is substantially different from any other school I am familiar with. It is a true balance of the many factors which contribute to a well rounded mature person; very much in the spirit of ‘Mens Sana In Corpore Sano.’ When I am gone I like the idea that the school will still be there doing what it always has done.”

Bill’s appreciation for what Lakefield College School had given him grew. In time, he came to appreciate that through his support he could help to ensure that the school would thrive and continue to make a difference to others. Just like it had for him. It was in June 2011 that Bill announced his commitment to the future of Lakefield College School by providing a significant bequest in his will. “The best way to ensure the long term survival of The Grove is to have a well-funded endowment…planned giving is an excellent way to build that endowment, so I decided to include LCS when updating my estate plan.” As Chair of the 1879 Society, Planned Giving Committee, Bill passionately believes that the future of Lakefield College School lies with everyone doing what they can: “We must all get involved. It does not matter how—there are many ways to support The Grove and the spirit of the school. We are strongest when everyone participates.” For some, especially those with a lifelong connection to Lakefield College School, the opportunity to make a gift through their estate is an extraordinary occasion to give back. It is a simple deed which honours the past with a heartfelt investment in the future. Like Bill, everyone has their own idea about how they want to be remembered in this world once they are gone—what footprints will be left behind, what lives will be changed, and what memories revisited. Perhaps

40  |  Grove News Winter 2012

“We must all get involved. It does not matter how—there are many ways to support The Grove and the spirit of the school. We are strongest when everyone participates.”

The 1879 Society honours and recognizes alumni, parents and friends who have chosen to enhance opportunities for future generations of Grove students by

it means making a difference through words, actions, or by providing funding through a bequest that would affect long awaited change.

including LCS in their estate planning. The Society recognizes the generosity

For Bill, leaving a bequest is one way of honouring his parents:

and special foresight of those who have

“My greatest mentors and role models are my parents who demonstrated

made a gift to provide for the school’s

the importance of hard work, persistence and a sense of humour in

future. These provisions include gifts

confronting life’s ups and downs. They provided my LCS experience at considerable sacrifice to themselves. By supporting the school, I feel I am honouring them.”

through bequests, life insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, or the

Leaving a bequest which will enhance the lives of our students is choosing to leave a gift from the heart. It brings meaning, dignity and purpose to

proceeds of an RRSP/RRIF.

a life well lived. A gift to Lakefield College School is an opportunity to participate in the future vision for The Grove. Today, LCS continues to focus on the needs of the future—on the


possibilities. To be able to continue to provide young people with “the

Tim Dunn ’35

essence of the LCS experience—confidence, a strong sense of self, a love

In 2002, Tim Dunn ’35 created the

of nature and a sense of adventure,” is a priority. In the grand scheme of things, when everyone does their bit, the tiny gestures multiply in

Gwylum Dunn Endowed Bursary to

significance. The value of the past can only be retained with an investment

be awarded annually to a deserving

in the future.

student who would be an asset to the school. This needs-based bursary was

“My greatest mentors and role models are my parents who demonstrated the importance of hard work, persistence and a sense of humour in confronting life’s ups and downs. They provided my LCS experience at considerable sacrifice to themselves. By supporting the school I feel I am honouring them.”

designed to assist deserving students

The Lakefield College School community is especially grateful to Bill Wells

arranged through his estate to complete

’78 for his leadership, his inspirational vision and his investment in the

the financial commitment to this

future. It is this vision that will guarantee the future of Lakefield College

bursary that meant so much to him.

School and the students who will benefit from his generosity. If you are interested in joining Bill and other members of the 1879 Society and wish to help secure the future of Lakefield College School please consider a bequest or other planned gift. For more information please see or contact Theresa Butler-Porter, 705.652.3324 ext. 329.

with access to a Lakefield College School education regardless of their family’s financial situation. Tim’s significant and generous commitment did not end with his passing in 2008. His lifelong passion and affection for the school was evident when he

Lakefield College School gratefully acknowledges Tim Dunn ’35 and his family for this generous gift to the students of The Grove.

Grove News Winter 2012  | 41

Supporting Talented Young Minds



“I just couldn’t imagine what my Lakefield experience

No one will ever know exactly how the

would have been like without some of my friends and

Brockville mother and Jack Matthews,

conversation flowed between a young

classmates who—I discovered later—were getting

Headmaster of Lakefield College School,

financial assistance. The quality of my education, and

Sifton packing his bags and moving to

that resulted in 12-year-old Winfield

the friendships I still have today would be very

The Grove—the best place in the world—


sation that transformed this young man’s

The Sifton Family Bursary

in the fall of 1971. But it was that converlife forever. Winfield found at Lakefield ‘two hundred brothers’ to play with. He found mentors and friends—Terry Guest, Andy Harris ’44, Bryan Jones and Richard Hayman among others. He discovered his passion for nature and the outdoors and acquired the lifelong values that team and individual sports like cricket, tennis and sailing instill. While some students leave LCS with a good education and fond memories, Winfield retained strong ties with the school. He was an active alumnus and soon became one of the youngest trustees on the LCS Board. When Winfield returned to the Peterborough area in 2008, he and his wife Janet enrolled their children Alison ’11 and Alexander ’14 in the school so that they too would have the opportunity to experience the place that meant so much to him. Since his graduation in 1978, Winfield has remained a passionate supporter and friend to the school. He was one of the first young alumni to commit a legacy

At Closing 2011, Winfield ’78 and his family were present as the Sifton Family bursary was announced. (L-R) Alison ’11, Patrick, wife Janet, Winfield, Alexander’14, and Diandra

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gift through his estate to LCS in 1985 to

become one of the founding members of the 1879 Society (p.41) and was an active volunteer and participant in many fundraising campaigns. It was his passion for the school and knowing that for many young people a Lakefield College School education was not financially feasible that inspired the creation of the Sifton Family Bursary. “I just couldn’t imagine what my Lakefield experience would have been like without some of my friends and classmates who

The Jeffrey Marshall Bursary The Jeffrey Marshall Bursary will be awarded to a family whose financial circumstances have changed during their time at The Grove and compromised the return of their child to the school. At Closing, on June 18, 2011 The Jeffrey Marshall Bursary was announced to the Lakefield College School community. The bursary was created by the LCS Foundation to honour and recognize the outstanding contribution and leadership of Jeffrey Marshall.

(I discovered later) were getting financial

Jeffrey’s long history of distinguished service to The Grove began when his son Stephen

assistance. The quality of my education,

’87 became a student in 1983. Since that time, no one has made a greater contribution

and the friendships I still have today

to LCS in its governance development, strategic vision and general counsel than Jeffrey.

would be very different.”

He was the chief architect of Empowering Ownership, the document that established

It is a direct result of Winfield’s affection for The Grove and appreciation for the role it has played in his life that has inspired the creation of the Sifton Family Bursary which will benefit deserving young people for years to come: “To provide bursary funding for a child or grandchild of a Lakefield College School alumnus who, without this support, would be unable to attend The Grove.”

To Winfield Sifton ’78 and family:

the current trustee structure at the school, and Endowing Our Future which was the visioning document for the establishment of the foundation and its relationship with the school. Jeffrey has been a trustee and governor of the school for close to 15 years, school board chair, a trustee of the school since 1996, and for two years (2008 – 2010) Chair of the Lakefield College School Foundation. For his exceptional service, he was awarded the Jeffery Page Rein Wadsworth Award for Volunteerism in 1999. His three sons, Stephen ’87, Patrick ’90 and Christopher ’96 all attended the school. His wife, Nancy Smith, has played a critical role in the strategic plans for Securing our Future and Leadership Through Transition. Jeffrey has always made himself available to the school and his guidance to the heads of school has been invaluable. This endowed bursary, will recognize Jeffrey’s commitment to The Grove and support its students, in perpetuity.

The entire Grove community extends its heartfelt gratitude to you. The impact that this bursary will have in the lives of young people, for years to come, is unimaginable. Your significant commitment to Lakefield College School and your unwavering belief in the values that The Grove imparts is inspirational.

Jeffrey Marshall and his wife Nancy Smith

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Collectively, our youngest alumni—graduates from 2006-2011—are making a difference with their support and speaking out to tell us why! Connie Xu ’06 I want to keep LCS as I remember it—and better—forever. The Grove is always the same; when we pass the candle lights upon graduation, when we canoe on the lake in the summers, and when we ski down the snow-covered hills in the winters. And yet it gets better too; when we can play basketball all year long at the gym, when we can play hockey right after school on our outdoor rink, and when we can spend time in the beautifully renovated houses. LCS is a special place where we learn, fail, grow, win and seek to take on more adventures. Like others, I am grateful for the community of teachers, staff and peers who care, who teach us, and who help make us better people. This community would not exist without the support and caring of generations of alumni. The Grove has been a great community for the past 132 years, and I want to do my part. What you and I contribute today may seem like a small amount, yet together many small amounts accumulate to become bigger and will make a difference that can be passed on to future generations. Five-year pledges are reminders of LCS: a timeless place, and a special bond that lasts a lifetime!

THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF THE CLUB! For more information about the 5-Year Wonder Club contact Stephanie at 705.652.3324 ext.349 or

For the 6th consecutive year LCS graduates are ‘all-in’ with their support! Congratulations to the Class of 2011 for reaching 100% participation in contributing to their Grad Class Gift and continuing a six-year trend! With the participation of 92 grads, along with some of their parents who stepped forward to make matching gifts, the funds raised created the 2011 Class Bursary—a bursary to help students experience a LCS education who would otherwise be unable to attend due to financial constraints. Special thanks to Co-Head Students Dana Cooper ’11 and Michael Casson ’11 for leading the grads to their success.

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and JOIN THE FUN Campaign HONOURING THOSE YOU LOVE WITH A NAMED BLEACHER SEAT When Lakefield College School came up with the Buy a Seat and Join the Fun Campaign—to honour those you love with a named bleacher seat in support of the new gym—I thought it would be a wonderful way to honour my husband, Alan, for all of his time spent as a coach, cheerleader and parent.

Lakefield College School celebrates the many people who have been honoured with a named bleacher seat in the McEwen Gym: alumni, students, parents, grandparents, coaches and cheerleaders alike!

In his 39th year as a basketball coach, Alan

Whether you have your own name on a one, or you have honoured

coached in public schools and one other

that special person in your life by gifting them with a named bleacher

independent school before coming to LCS 11

seat in the McEwen Gym, we thank each and every one of you for your

years ago. Basketball is his passion and if he’s

ongoing support of the Student Recreation Centre at Lakefield College

not coaching, he’s watching the junior and

School. The contribution you have made will continue to support the

senior teams (girls and boys) from a corner

spirit of LCS in athletics. One look around the gym at a volleyball or

bleacher seat where he can see the entire floor.

basketball game and you will be witness to the incredible spirit the

To add another dimension to our time spent

school has.

on the bleachers, as parents, we spent many years watching both our son Michael and most recently our daughter Stephanie ’03 play basketball and volleyball. Alan was also a wonderful cheerleader during my 25-year volleyball coaching career.

Needless-to-say, when Alan saw the plaque beneath his favourite seat he was so surprised and honoured to be remembered this way! So when my daughter, unbeknownst to me, honoured me in the same way, I have to admit, it brought tears to my eyes! She invited me down to the gym to see her father’s newly installed plaque only to surprise me with my very own—which she had purchased to honour me as a coach, cheerleader and parent! It really means a lot to both Alan and me to be remembered this way. Everytime we sit in “our seats” to watch our LCS athletes in action, it brings a smile to our face! VERA WILCOX Grove News Winter 2012  | 45



LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE FOR US! Thanks to the generosity of the Lakefield College School community the following gifts enhanced our students’ experience.

2010-2011 Lower Colebrook Dishwasher Stratford LCS Experience Winter Carnival at Northcote Faculty House Renovations School Life Centre Renovations Marsden Circles Dining Hall Renovations Optical Kits for Science Room Campus Reforestation Spring Carnival Graduation Awards Student Bursaries Classroom Smart Boards Irving Expedition Ondaatje Expedition

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“TO ADVANCE AND ENDOW LAKEFIELD COLLEGE SCHOOL” Lakefield College School Foundation is dedicated to supporting and sustaining its mission. The foundation is governed by volunteers who represent alumni, current parents, past parents and friends, all of whom have made significant contributions to its advancement. The affairs of the foundation are conducted in an environment that embraces the values of excellence, collaboration, integrity and accountability.


TOP ROW (L-R) Board Chair Bill Morris ’70 Honorary Chair Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73 Secretary James Matthews ’58 ROW 2 (L-R) Emilio Azcarraga Jean ’87 Marilynn Booth Bruce Boren ’87 Jonathan Carroll ’87

Brian Carter

Robert McEwen

Michael Cooper

Rosemary Phelan

ROW 3 (L-R) Stan Dunford

Kathleen Ramsay

Jock Fleming ’74 John K. Hepburn ’68

ROW 5 (L-R) Thomas Ryder ’53

Suzanne Legge Orr

Géza von Diergardt

Angus MacNaughton ’48

William Wells ’78

Jeffrey Marshall ROW 4 (L-R) Scott McCain Andrea McConnell

Donald Ross ’48

BOTTOM ROW (L-R) Richard Wernham HRH The Duke of York ’78 Directors in Bold

Grove News Winter 2012  | 47

! W E N Alumni Affinity Trip Now registering for July & August

Relive Your Algonquin Park Canoe Trip! Summer 2012 trip led by LCS staff

Programs open to students seeking Ontario Ministry of Education credits


For more information please contact John Boyko: or 705.652.3324 ext.302

Lakefield College School, 4391 County Road 29, Lakefield, Ontario, Canada K0L 2H0

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