Spring/Summer 2007

Page 7

“Never waste a minute of your time, because you can

life, so live it. Grow, not because you have to, but because

never get that minute back. Never plan on putting

you’re lucky enough to have been given the opportunity

something off till the future, because you don’t know


what the future holds in store for you.

To the members of the leaving class, on the eve of your

“If I could ask one thing of everyone here today it would

departures from The Grove, it would be my hope that

be to donate blood. I can’t because no one wants my

you truly appreciate the opportunities you have been

blood, but seriously it saved my life more times than I

given. It would be my hope that all of you have made the

have fingers and toes.

most of them and years from now, when you reflect back

“Live for now because there may not be a tomorrow; smile every chance you get; only worry about something if you have to worry about it. You’re put on Earth to live a

upon your time here, it would be my hope that this place, its values, and the experiences you have shared together will have added real meaning and purpose to your lives.

Grove News Spring /Summer 2007  |

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