Fall/Winter 2006

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Grove News Fall/Winter 2006

Calendar of Events 2005-2006 For details please refer to our school calendar at www.lakefieldcs.on.ca, click NEWS FEBRUARY



Kingston Pub Night


Trustees' Meeting


Winter Carnival


Grove Society Annual General Meeting


London, ON Pub Night


Regatta Day




Grove Society Meeting (LCS)


Grove Society Pot Luck Luncheon


Victoria Pub Night


Grade 8 Graduation Dinner


Vancouver Pub Night


Closing Grade 12 Graduation Dinner

Class Reps Workshop (Toronto) Toronto Pub Night


Grove Golf Tournament


Trustees 2004-2005 Board Chair Jock Fleming '74

Jack Curtin

Paul Hickey

James Matthews '58

John Schumacher

Peter Dunn '62

Howard Hickman

Scott McCain

Maureen Sinden

Past Chair Marilynn Booth

Andrew Durnford '85

Rachael Honig '06

Andrea McConnell

Nancy Smith

Michael Eatson '83

HRH Duke of York '78

Don McGuire

Scott Smith '87

Bishop George Elliott

Tim Hyde '76

Fiona McNestry '06

David Thompson

Ann Farlow

James Hyslop '85

John McRae '70

Stuart Thompson '91

Bill Gastle '68

Alan Ingram

Val McRae

Ann Tottenham

Bruce Gibson

Warren Jones '88

Betty Morris

Tim Ward '62

Kenneth Gill

Angie Killoran

William Morris '70

Gordon Webb

Janice Green

Janet Lafortune

Christopher Ondaatje

Chris White '90

Jennifer Gruer

Kathleen Leonard

Travis Price '85

Jamie White '79

Terry Guest

Nicholas Lewis '77

Tony Pullen '63

Terry Windrem

David Hadden

James (Kim) Little '53

Kathleen Ramsay

Chris Hadfield

Laleah Macintosh

Douglas Rishor '57

Goodith Heeney

J.M. (Bubs) Macrae '33 Gretchen Ross

John K. Hepburn '68

Kevin Malone '77

Cindy AtkinsonBarnett Heather Avery Nicole Bendaly '93 David Bignell Gerry Bird Walter Blackwell Gordon Blake Scott Campbell Brian Carter Andrew Clarke '85 Janet Cudney '94

Directors in Bold

John Ryder '77

Front Cover: Energy levels run high as players prepare for the third game of the Hockey For Heroes Tournament (see p.11) on the new Bob Armstrong Rink (to be dedicated at the Winter Carnival, February 11, 2006) made possible through the generous leadership of John Hepburn ’68 (p.26). Photo by Simon Spivey.


Editorial Belinda Schubert ’99 One of my law school professors, unable to monitor a group of examwriters, told us she would just have to trust us. I was surprised. I hadn't realized that she didn't trust us to begin with. My sense of belonging to a community, united by our interests,

influence the interactions of the

goal is not merely to have acknowl-

students amongst one another. It

edged an issue; it is to have made a

creates unity and pride in the school

real difference through substantial

that shine when students go beyond


its walls and contributes to the quality of life described by John “Bubs” Macrae ’33 (p.28) in this issue of the Grove News.

The Class Dream Bursary Challenge (p.24) is an effort to make this unique Lakefield community a reality for students who would otherwise be

gave way to the realization that we

In my law school surroundings, there

unable to attend the school. The

are just a group of strangers. This is a

are obvious consequences of the lack

chance to have my gift doubled with

stark contrast to the values-rich

of trust and community. For

a matching donation is too good to

atmosphere to which I was accus-

instance, student groups raise money

miss, despite law school debts. In

tomed at Lakefield and as an

for themselves—not others. Lakefield

closing, I would like to put out a


is a stark contrast: in this issue of the

special challenge to readers of the

Grove News, Hilary Bird describes

Grove News to join me in supporting

some of the phenomenal fundraising

the The Class Dream Bursary

initiatives by students.

Challenge knowing that our dona-

The strong values system at Lakefield ensures students are a family— united by common goals and inter-

tions will come to life in the experi-

ests—rather than a mere group of

The nature of these initiatives goes

strangers. Teachers and students rely

beyond a mere recognition of poverty

on each other to act honourably. As

or need. The amount of care and

Belinda Schubert ’99, a freelance

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison ’50

concern expressed by students like

writer and editor, is currently

describes in his article (p.20), the

D'Arcy McDonell is evident in their

attending law school at UBC. She

Chapel's Light of the World window

innovative approach to fundraising,

graduated from Princeton in June

can be seen to symbolize the

finding new ways to encourage

2003 with a degree in English

strength of the Lakefield community.

participation (p.10). The students’


This sense of community doesn't just

ences of Lakefield students.



From The Chair Jock Fleming ’74 You just have to pick up a newspaper or listen to the radio on any given day to see that many leaders in business and government seem to have lost their sense of values.

(p.27). We maintained a strong financial position over the past year, while building our endowment and raising $3.8M through fundraising efforts. The Grove continues to offer a vibrant learning environment, with 56% of its 2005 graduates receiving university scholarships, and yet another Rhodes Scholar with

And we don't have to look globally for a number of

the recent achievements of Kim Rutherford '01.

examples. Our value systems are being challenged daily in our work environments, in our schools, and in the communities where we choose to live and raise our families. As the adherence to the values that govern our lives diminishes, the world becomes more complex, making choices between right and wrong less clear.

To position Lakefield as Canada's finest boarding school, we will begin to implement Securing Our Future, Phase II. Our recent Board retreat identified that “marketing” Lakefield will be important to our long-term success. It will require a strong investment in this area. The Board will balance this with its diligent focus on day-to-day priorities including

The Grove has always had a strong sense of values

protecting and building upon Lakefield's core values,

and in 1996, the Board of Governors approved

generating additional revenue to meet endowment,

Lakefield's mission statement—to challenge and

financial assistance, program and capital goals, as

enable students to reach their individual potential in

well as optimizing the school's physical plant and

mind, body, and spirit. Our mission is strong and is

intellectual capital.

supported by a statement of six values (see p.13). This mission and these values also guide the direction and the priorities of our Board of Directors. We live by the same value system as the staff and students, and work conscientiously to further the school's mission and adhere to the values through our actions and decisions.

This year will be an ambitious one. Achieving our goals is possible with the continuing support of our strong management team, our dedicated faculty and staff, our committed volunteers, and a dutiful respect for and adherence to our mission and values. We know that celebrating our mission and values is the easy part, and that the success lies in living them out.

We accomplished a great deal in 2005. In April, a

We hope that these values, coupled with our mission,

visioning document was presented outlining the

will guide us through the challenging days ahead,

rationale and a new structure for the school's

ultimately providing our students with the competen-

Foundation. The original five-year plan (Securing Our

cies in life to do well and to do good, leading not only

Future) was completed ahead of schedule which

successful, but happy lives.

resulted in the creation of a new five-year plan, Securing Our Future, Phase II. With Lakefield's strong emphasis on outdoor experiences, new tennis courts were constructed in the summer and the very “grovey” outdoor shinny rink opened in November

Opposite: (Top & Bottom Right) “Grove-style” learning always leaves room for fun; (Bottom Left) Jock Fleming ’74


Letters The article “Buckley's Lake” by Bubs Macrae ’33 in the

turning a blind eye to the occasional case of “test-o-

latest edition of the Grove News brought back fond

phobia.” As with all the Lakefield staff, the Whitneys’

memories of cold winter afternoons of skating or

door was always open, and a ready ear was always

playing shinny hockey on the crystal clear frozen

waiting. Sometimes it was waiting just behind the

expanses of the pond, fortified by hot cocoa (heated

connecting door to Memorial House’s Dorm One,

over an open wood fire) and buns. I can still visualize

ready to put a stop to whatever shenanigans were

G. Winder Smith deftly stickhandling through our


motley crew. I was very fortunate to have Dave Whitney ’80 in my Andy Harris ’44 once recalled being bodychecked into

class, where he proved to be a capable leader and

the weeds by some aggressive individual and on

often a voice of reason in a somewhat fractious group.

looking up noted that the culprit was Mary Mackenzie

While he could have been a “Day Boy” and lived at

(daughter of Dr. Mackenzie) who many years before

home, as far as I can recall, he was always a boarder,

had played on a renowned women's hockey team

taking full advantage of that lifestyle (dorm raids,

which toured the county. It was perhaps an omen of

playing Bob Seger albums at full volume, etc.).

the eventual introduction of co-education at The Grove.

As for “Big Ben” himself, it would take a book to sum up his myriad contributions to The Grove in general,

I enjoy receiving the Grove News and being kept up-

and the Junior School, in particular. Be it putting a

to-date on all the activities and events at the school.

stop to “Fausting” (his term for laziness) or putting the

There are always interesting and insightful articles in

fear of God, the “Red Missile” and Himself into any

the magazine. One is heartened and impressed by the

transgressor, he always did it with humour, spirit, and

recent humanitarian project carried out by the LCS


students in Honduras. I wish to extend my deepest condolences to the entire Peter Grant ’54

Whitney clan in this time of loss and sorrow. I would also like to extend a hearty “Well Done” to [Jamie] “Whitey” [White] ’79 and everyone else involved in starting this bursary. Anne Whitney’s quiet but solid contribution to life at The Grove meant a lot to all she

It is with great sadness that I heard of the passing of

touched, and should not be forgotten.

Anne Whitney. The whole Whitney family made a great impact on those fortunate enough to attend the Junior

Dave Kirby ’80

School, and not just with “The Red Missile!” Anne was an angel of mercy, as one of the school nurses (the other at that time being Jeanne Armstrong), offering support and sympathy to the afflicted and (I believe)

Editor’s Note: To contribute to The Anne Whitney Bursary, please contact Theresa Butler-Porter at tbutlerporter@lakefieldcs.on.ca

In this Issue School Highlights


The Value of Citizenship


Celebrating Our Values




The Class “Dream” Bursary Challenge


Triumph of Ice: The New Bob Armstrong Rink


Eighty Years as a Grovite—Celebrating John “Bubs” Macrae ’33


International Service Can Change Your Life


LCS Parent Satisfaction Highest of 21 Canadian School Surveyed


Honorary Alumni/ae—The Grove Society Celebrates Exemplary Service


His Story—More Than Just a Name On A Brass Plaque


Keele River Trip 2004, Bill Stewart ’70


Stephen Marshall ’87: Cultural Critic


Canvassing The Landscape: Artist Paul Chester ’75


Class News


In Our Memories


Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Belinda Schubert ‘99; Editorial Committee: Jeanne Armstrong, Heather Avery, David Hadden, Richard Johnston, Richard Life, Sarah McMahon, Tom Milburn, and Lisa Clarke. Contributing Photographer: Simon Spivey. Please address correspondence to the Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0 705.652.3324 tblodgett@lakefieldcs.on.ca


School Highlights Twelfth Night

Paul Mason, a well-known member of the Lakefield College School teaching staff, had his first book published by Turnstone Press in the summer. Already a published author of three plays (The Discipline Committee, Circles of Grace, and Sister Camille's Kaleidoscopic Cabaret), Battered Soles represents Paul’s first full length novel.

Battered Soles—A Review James McGowan

Lindsay Joseph, Grade 12 This fall, Lakefield College School's production of Twelfth Night hit the stage putting a contemporary spin on Shakespeare. Thanks to the hard work of the cast and crew, the show was a great success bringing smiles and laughter to all who saw it. With a cast of mostly first-time Shakespearian actors at their disposal, Director Paul Mason and Musical Director Sarah Young

“The seeds of my Lakefield adventure were sown

had quite the task ahead of them. However, with

in a Chapters bookstore in Toronto.” Thus begins

a little hard work and many hours of rehearsal,

Paul Mason's delightful novel about one man's

the cast was able to bring the comedy to life—but

trek to discover what exactly is causing pilgrims

not without a few hiccups along the way.

to make the trip north (on foot) from Peterborough to St. John's Church in Lakefield.

Problems started early on when a couple of cast

And, as is the case in so many instances, the

members made the decision to bow out of the

fictional Mr. Mason (our protagonist) finds out

production due to a previous commitment made

along the way that the real value is derived from

to the Round Square Conference in Australia.

the journey, not from the destination.

Thankfully, a few brave students stepped up to the plate to take on double rolls and the show

Battered Soles opens with Mason incredulous

went on. The cast and crew then encountered

that he hasn’t heard of these goings-on in the

another problem: no music. It was a week and a

town where he attended university. Upon

half before the show was to open when sheet

learning more about the mythology behind the

music finally arrived. The tunes were learned

one-day trek to the church, he resolves to take

quickly and thanks to the dedication of all

the pilgrimage himself—with both hilarious and

involved, opening night couldn't have run more

poignant results. It is the combination of these


two unlikely bedfellows—humour and faith—that make this novel a worthy and enjoyable read. The

The cast and crew of Twelfth Night would like to

surprise for me—and perhaps it shouldn't have

thank all those who came out to support them

been a surprise, given the skill of the author—

during the four nights of production.

was the degree to which this narrative found its energy through the subtle and effective blend of the two themes. Whether relating a touching anecdote about the healing power of touch, or appreciating the rough-hewn, obscenityspouting tendencies of his newfound sidekick, Ernie Gold (“‘He's from Kitchener,’ I said, by way of an explanation”), our protagonist finds enlightenment in the most unlikely of places. Mason's willingness to embrace all of it—and to take us along with him while he's doing it— makes this novel a rare and precious find.

Opposite (L-R Top to Bottom): The Space Mouse, in support of The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research, was received with enthusiasm while visiting The Grove in November; Congratulations to the Tier 1 Soccer Team who qualified for the finals; Fall school play production of Twelfth Night; Internationally-acclaimed foreign journalist and author Gwynne Dyer lectured at LCS and responded to student inquiries regarding world affairs; House Spirit Day during orientation week—a Grove tradition; “Making the sale,” during a bake sale for the student lead Generate Hope Campaign (see p.11).


The Value of Citizenship Hilary Bird, Senior in Charge of Charities and Fundraising .. “I met Hilary Coburn ’05 at the beginning of my Grade 11 year. I would have to say that what she told me was probably the most influential and inspiring piece of advice that I have encountered in my four years at Lakefield. Hilary once said, “I don't understand how people can do nothing. I just can't wrap my head around it. We are so lucky to be healthy, to be happy, to be here [at Lakefield]. We are the luckiest people on the planet, and with what we have comes great responsibility. We have a duty to give hope to the world.”

From birth we, as members of the

in struggle, and still many of us

neglected. More and more I am

richest society on the planet,

decide to do nothing. By doing

faced with the disturbing reality

carry a responsibility to the

nothing we deny them our

that we are a world that has little

people of the world. We are a

respect. We deny them our atten-

hope for the future. I believe that

society that can manage luxury,

tion. We deny them shelter, food

due to our blessed fortune, we

accommodate extravagance, and

and the fundamentals of survival.

[the fortunate] have a responsi-

afford comfort, and with this

We deny them hope. We deny

bility to act, to help the human

comes a responsibility to give.

them a future.

race—not only live, but to live in

From those who have much, much is expected.

happiness and in comfort, and it What is it that draws a line between us, the fortunate, and the

is with this philosophy that I try to do everything in my power to

What entitles us as citizens of the

less fortunate? Well the answer is

richest culture in the world to

simple—nothing—nothing but

have hope for the future? Millions

money. As equals, are we all not

I believe that this is the same

of people are starving, unedu-

entitled to the same opportuni-

motivation for many other

cated and alone. And yet they

ties? Are we all not entitled to

students at LCS. It is through

smile. They sometimes smile


attending a school as diverse and

more than we do in a society where everything we could possibly think of is right at our fingertips. Millions of people around the world live in poverty,

help those in need.

multi-cultural as Lakefield, that I find that more and more I am faced with the disturbing reality that we as a human race are starving, uneducated, and

one can see that we are a community that is extremely blessed and fortunate. This school also gives us the chance to get involved and


Hilary Bird introduces Shadow of Yesterday, one of the many bands that played at the Live Aid Concert for Honduras in Peterborough

help out through the many

I have been truly amazed to see

Michael Wilson and Aaron Wilson

community service opportunities

just how aware and compassionate

co-organized the year’s first Coffee

offered and gives us, as students,

students and members of the

House to benefit the victims of

the confidence and motivation

Lakefield community can be. This

Hurricane Katrina. Through this

needed to stand up and do some-

year alone, Lakefield raised over

event, and a Clean Casuals Day,

thing. We as teenagers are a “force

$8000 for charities all around the

Lakefield raised over $1,000.

to be reckoned with.” Our deter-

world. D’Arcy McDonell has organized

mination, willpower, and compassion can drive us to do miraculous things. I have seen such things at Lakefield.

Fiona McNestry (Grade 12) and I

the Hockey for Heroes Tournament

have organized the Generate Hope

in support of The James Fund for

Campaign, a campaign to set up

Neuroblastoma Research. Nearly

and buy a generator for a small

100 Lakefield students are involved

village in Northern Rwanda. Over

in this endeavour and I have no

$2,000 has already been raised for

doubt that the outcome of such an

this campaign; however, we are

event will be monumental.

still fundraising to meet our final goal of $4,000.

A famous Chinese Proverb says, “Where there is hope, there is

Lakefield held a Live Aid Concert to

faith, and where there is faith

set up a scholarship for Honduran

miracles happen.” I have seen

children. This event was organized

miracles at Lakefield. To the

by Monica Farlow (Grade 10) on

students and staff of LCS, thank

December 10th at Market Hall in

you for being so inspiring and for


living up to your responsibility.


Celebrating Our Values

Lakefield's current mission statement—to challenge and enable students to reach their indi-

David Hadden, Head of School Excerpts from Opening Staff Chapel and a collection of stories from Grove community members In this past summer’s edition of Dialogue magazine, I was struck by a colleague’s assessment of the

nuity to teach such fundamental dichotomies as right and wrong, good and evil, or the nature of success and failure ... “Almost by default, it has fallen upon schools and teachers to pick up the fraying strands and weave this mess back together.”1

vidual potential in mind, body, and spirit—was approved by the Board of Governors in February 1996. It was borne out of an inclusive—and exhaustive— year-long process that sought input from students, staff, board members, trustees, parents, and alumni/ae.

magnitude of the challenge facing

Never before have the expecta-

educators today. He observed:

tions of our parents, the needs of

“Those of us engaged in the art of

our students, and the time and

teaching live in a perilous time ...

resources required to meet them

[a time] that may present more

been greater—or more complex.

Every one of its 15 words was scrutinized to ensure that the mission reflected accurately the traditions and history of the school and served its future in a

change, more challenge, more uncertainty, and ironically, more

To meet these challenges, we

opportunity, more information,

must be very clear about the roles

and more knowledge than at any

we must play, the

other time in our existence ...

serve, and the values and beliefs

purpose we

that guide us.

progressive and timeless manner. Our mission is supported by a statement of six core values: Education of the Whole Person, Trust, Learning, Healthy Caring

“Consider the world students face. They are seduced by unlimited

Former U.S. Chaplain Peter

possibilities, yet confounded

Marshall's observation, “Give to

by contradictions and hypocrisies

us a clear

of those in whom they place their

know where to stand and what to

trust. Threads that for genera-

stand for ... because unless we

tions have been woven together to

stand for something, we shall fall

create the fabric of society

for anything” lends credence to

continue to unravel each day.

this year's school-wide goal, “To

Family, religion, communities,

communicate, model, and cele-

and institutions no longer provide

brate the mission and values of

either the certainty or the conti-

our school.”

vision that we may

Community, Individuality, and Citizenship. Opposite: LCS students are the primary focus of Lakefield’s mission.


The essence of every good inde-

nize that our approaches to their

Bryan Jones. I was doing some outside reading

pendent school comes directly

learning must be varied and highly

and found what appeared to be an error in our

from its mission and those core

personalized. We are acutely

values that are deeply rooted in its

aware that our students possess

stakeholders. Believe me, there

very different learning styles,

exists an enormous difference in

interests, and abilities.

I remember studying Grade 13 history with

textbook. I asked Mr. Jones about this and he suggested that I write to the author and ask him about it. The author admitted that he was in error. Although it had been Bryan Jones's idea

the level of motivation between a

that I write, he showed my letter to Headmaster

community directed by a

Windy Smith and indeed the entire faculty. He

sincere commitment to values and

made it sound like this had all been my idea. I

one merely following a dutiful

learned from him that building self-confidence

adherence to codes and proce-

in another person means giving them the chance to try and not taking the credit when they succeed.

dures. Lakefield is no different.

effective we will be.

most of the year preparing for the annual cadet

tives, attitudes, and approaches

inspection. I found cadets challenging espe-

that will serve our students over

squad. At the last moment he changed his mind and I participated. Later he told my father that he didn't have the heart to take me out of the parade. Jack Matthews showed faith and trust in me and demonstrated that the needs of students always should come ahead of the needs of a teacher. This "kids come first" philosophy remained part of my 27-year teaching career. HARRY HOBBS '64

that the more we personalize our approaches we apply, the more

way we help to shape the perspec-

If I missed my step I could throw off the entire

equally, with the understanding

essence of what is distinctly Lakefield. They direct the unique

wouldn't be marching in the cadet inspection.

students uniquely rather than

Our values direct and reflect the

Jack Matthews was another remarkable man.

meningitis. Jack Matthews told me that I

pride in our ability to treat

work with them, the more varied

Lakefield had cadets at my time and we spent

cially as I was lame as a result of childhood

We have always taken considerable

the course of their lifetimes. At Lakefield, we “challenge” our students by making them participate and encouraging them to strive for excellence in a broad range of endeavours. We “enable” them by building a strong sense of community around them and around a common vision. Lakefield is more a shared idea than a shared place. It is the feeling that generates strong

Personalization absolutely implies options for students, different ways and settings for different individuals. We are thoroughly committed to providing a holistic education for our students, educating them in mind, body, and spirit. We highly value academics, but we also value highly the important learning that comes from a young person's involvement beyond the classroom: physically, artistically, interpersonally, intrapersonally, and spiritually.

bonds that come from its core

We believe that self-assuredness

values, to be a trusting, caring,

and independence are best

open, giving, and inclusive

fostered by exposing young people


to a breadth of opportunities and

To help our students reach their individual potential , we recog-

by encouraging them to employ the full range of their abilities.


and failures. We become

edge” then we must employ

emotionally connected to them.

methodologies to enable our students to pursue their own

One educator defined the nature of the depth of this type of Ralph Waldo Emmerson high-

commitment when he observed:

lighted the value of trust when he said:


courage to teach is the

“personal knowledge,” a term coined by Karl Polanyi. Knowledge is not the same for everyone; it is not static, it must be discovered.

discovery is dependent

courage to keep one's heart open


“The glory of friendship is not the

in those very moments when the

upon each individual's perspec-

outstretched hand, nor the kindly

heart is asked to hold more than it

tive. As much as possible, we must

smile, nor the joy of companion-

is able, so that teacher and

provide student opportunities to

ship. It is the splendid inspiration

student and subject can be woven

pursue methods of inquiry to

that comes to one when he

into the fabric of community that

construct their own personal

discovers that someone else

learning and living require.”


believes in him and is willing to trust him.”

Lakefield's descriptor for learning, “A disciplined study of the

I was in awe upon my arrival at The Grove. I was nine years old and starting Grade 5. The

Trust is our most important

evolving state of human knowl-

value. We have come to learn that

edge and the methods of inquiry

its tone is a precious and fragile

to establish this knowledge,” has

commodity—the most difficult to

sparked lively debate about the

establish and sustain and the

relative importance of content

I was definitely marked by one individual

easiest to destroy. At Lakefield,

and skill development.

when I was there. I continue to be inspired by

between adults and students, creating a healthy relationship of mutual respect between them.

than life. Some day, I told myself, I'll be in a navy blue blazer too.

that same mentor, Julian Lannaman ’75, to

trust colours everything. It provides the essential bridge

Grade 13s were so much bigger and larger

One thing for sure, the exponential growth of knowledge continues to be increasingly frightening. Those of us who enjoy facing its complexity and

We nurture trust by actively

uncertainty openly with our

seeking out and reacting to our

students model the type of

students’ suggestions and opin-

learning they will need for the

ions, by being open, honest, and

world in which they will live and

authentic with them, by believing

work. We are happy to relinquish

and having faith in them, by

control to them, intensely inter-

investing in them in a personal

ested in developing their critical—

way that invites them into our


lives in some meaningful

toward grappling with the esca-


lating complexities that face all

creative—thinking skills

of us. We demonstrate a genuine interest in their lives. We are uplifted by

If as Alfred Whitehead said,

their accomplishments; we feel

“Education is the acquisition of

disappointment for their losses

the art of the utilization of knowl-

this day, since I've had the opportunity to work with him for the last 15 years and he keeps on helping me to mature every day. I'm hoping the friendships I made at The Grove will last forever. The morals, etiquette, and respect for others which I acquired are being passed on to my own children and hopefully beyond. I was given an opportunity to be an achiever in life, whatever my endeavours, and I am forever grateful for the inspiration to excel that Lakefield gave to me. MARC-LASZLO PORTER '83


A few months ago, late on a Friday afternoon

We hope the values—Education of

(it was after 5:00 p.m.), I came across a student

the Whole Person, Trust, and

standing outside the Business Office—which

Learning—coupled with our

had closed for the day—who was a little upset. Her parents had given her permission to get a cash advance in order for her to go to the movies that night with her friends. She had no

mission, will give our students the competencies in life to do well and to lead happy and successful lives. supposed to be happy all the time,

funds left in her personal bank account and thus had no money for the weekend. After she explained the situation to me and

But as NAIS President Patrick

that hardship or struggle

Bassett observed at a conference

shouldn't happen, that constant

recently, the conditions, “happy

pleasure should be the norm.

started to leave, I asked her if lending her $20

and successful,” on their own

would help. It was all I had on me. Her face

merit can be misleading. He

lit up and off she rushed to join her friends. Hers was a fairly new face to me, so I wasn't

referred to a study completed by sociologist Anthony Campolo.

sure of the student's name and I knew from our

Campolo asked Japanese and

brief conversation, she didn't know who I was,

American mothers to complete

so I wondered a bit when I would see my funds returned. No sooner had I entered my office the following Monday morning, when this student came to see me. She returned my $20—along with her sincere gratitude. She also shared her “weekend” with me and how the girls liked the movie, etc. She ended the visit with another "thanks so much for helping me and trusting me," and the comment that, "where else can you go to school where you are surrounded by surrogate moms and dads who really care about you?" This reinforced my belief that we are all here to

the following sentence: “I just want my child to be ... ”

“Wise parents would complete the sentence this way: ‘I want my child to be ... good (meaning virtuous).’ As it turns out, longitudinal research out of Haverford College demonstrates that preoccupation with success or with happiness seldom, if ever, leads to

Bassett recounted the results:

either. Rather, independent school graduates who are

“In Japan, mothers always say, ‘I want my child to be ... successful.’ Sadly, the children of Japan have paid a very high price for the culture's driven obsession with a narrow definition of success, where kids go to school after school and on Saturdays, and have little time to play or to experience a wider world than obsessive

successful and happy later in college, and in life, more often are those who have been involved (extracurricular is the best predictor) and have been ‘good’ in the sense of virtuous. Quite ironically, it is goodness that leads to success and happiness, not the pursuit of success or happiness itself.”

studying. In the U.S., mothers invariably complete the sentence

It is our remaining values—

by saying, ‘I want my child to be ...

Healthy Caring Community,

happy.’ Equally sad is the conse-

Individuality, and Citizenship—


quence for American kids who

coupled with our mission that


grow up thinking that they are

most encourage our students to

serve our students, and when we give them our trust and they return it, we feel blessed.

do good, in addition to doing well, during the course of their lifetimes. As a healthy caring community, we strive to create a community in


Below: Lakefield College School strives to graduate “good citizens�

p12 I want to be Laura Ratcliffe '05 when I grow up.

which every member feels a sense of dignity. The word

I started teaching Laura in her Grade 9 year, which was also my first year at LCS and as a teacher. Overwhelmed by the newness of it all, I was pleasantly surprised by the


comes from a Latin root that means worth. One's sense of

enthusiasm, respect, and work ethic of some of my young students. Laura stood out

worth, both individually and as a

among her peers as she was willing to try anything new and always had such a positive

community, comes from knowing

outlook. She truly lived and breathed LCS’ core values. As the years passed, I was lucky

that you are appreciated and

enough to continue to work with Laura and watched her grow and change, but stay true

respected. By-products of these

to who she was and what she believed in. One day after finishing about 83rd out of 85 ski racers, Laura exclaimed with the utmost

values are compassion and responsibility.

sincerity, "Alright, I'm 83rd!" To Laura it was not the winning, it was the experience. By

We strive to create a community

the end of her skiing career at LCS, Laura finished as one of the top racers in the league

that fosters the type of individu-

and helped her team win the championship.

ality that permits its members to

In her final year, Laura worked diligently with me on LEAF (Lakefield Environmental Action Force). We laughed, we cried, but above all we started a movement here at The Grove that is still in motion. Over the four years that I was able to work with Laura and other students like her, I have learned so much about life, community, drive, and determination, and above all, myself. LCS enables students and staff to further their interests, to take action for what they believe in, and to realize that no matter where you are, there is always room to grow.

be themselves, in an unpretentious, down-to-earth, open and honest way. Whatever Lakefield's communitywide expectations about things like dress, conduct, and deportment may be, may we always find ample room for the Lolly Krugers (’05) of


our world to be themselves and to express their individuality.

(L-R) Seniors, Laura “Lolly” Kruger ’05 and Katie Uhlmann ’05, exercising their individuality of expression in a skit during Assembly facilitated by the Leadership Class at The Grove—Fall 2004.

I received a letter from Lolly this summer, expressing her appreciation for the impact Lakefield has had on her growth and development. She wrote: “I am writing you because I didn't feel I could say these things in my chapel speech without losing my ‘negative,’ perhaps James Deanlike reputation. I hope that my ‘slightly more flamboyant personality’ didn't shock Lakefield too much. LCS helped me come out of what little shell I had. “It doesn't really matter how my ‘Lakefield career’ started, or how it's ending. What matters to me is what’s happened and affected me in the parts in between. I think from just a general point of view that kids who go here are a hell of a lot more likely to end up with more love in their lives (be it from

p13 friends, teachers, significant

to help our students understand

that produces a culture of

others, etc.), more healthy (both

“with privilege comes responsi-

honesty, that allows professional

body and mind ... oh God, stop

bility.” Our responsibility is to

development to occur on the firm

me) and smarter or more aware of

help raise a good person, not just

ground of sharing . Structural

their surroundings. When I look

a knowledgeable one.

routines and webs of support that

at how my Peterborough friends

are more important than in-

have all turned out, I have to say,

During the spring term, Paula

‘thank you parents for forcing me

Mirk, the vice president of the

to go to a place with a promo-

Institute for Global Ethics, spent

tional video that sounded like it

several days here interviewing

came from a Christian Family

staff and students conducting a

Fund commercial.’ I can truly say

study to determine commonalities

I am so happy that, in possibly the

amongst ethically-driven schools.

most susceptible and exposed

She shared her observations with

part of my life, I was protected by

me about the characteristics of

About discipline, she observed,

people, friends, teachers, staff

such schools and about what truly

“Discipline is always about

members, and the buildings of

distinguishes Lakefield. I was so

learning, never about punish-

Lakefield College School.

affirmed by the way her observa-

ment. At LCS, there is no sense of

service days. A professional development culture that draws from each other as much or more than from outsiders. An enormous openness to sharing and the very positive synergy that comes from it.”

tions reflected the mission and

‘lawyer-like accountability.’ There

“I realize this sounds like the

values of our school. On

is always the sense that you are

beginning of ‘Cheers,’ but I meant

authentic school input she

going to get inside each individual

every word I said here. I can't


and take in the music to discover

imagine my adolescence being

the ‘why.’ Discipline is never

spent anywhere but Lakefield and

“So many schools’ administrations

when I try to explain this to

‘seek buy in.’ They don't actually

anyone who doesn't go here, they

really want to respond to student

On community, she commended

can't possibly understand. I have

input. Structurally, students may

the fact that, “At Lakefield, innova-

a lot to thank LCS for and I know I

be given jobs but the real deci-

tions are deliberate to help build

would definitely not be nearly as

sion-making occurs with the

community. You work hard at

proud of the person that I am

adults. Schools that are driven by

teacher collaboration and

today had it not been for

ethical decision-making take risks

building relationships. You work


with their young people.

really hard at inclusivity.”

politically motivated.”

Lakefield gives up significant On the subject of citizenship ,

control to its students.”

She was impressed about the type of learning at Lakefield when she

we continue to provide everincreasing opportunities for our

On the subject of professional

observed that, “Doubt is not a

students to exert leadership and

development, she was highly

four letter word. Really good

become “contributing members of

impressed by the way Lakefield

teachers are keen to learn with the

our local and global community.”

provided “on-the-ground profes-

kids. At Lakefield, there is no

Last year, remarkably, 46 students

sional development in a manner

scariness to complexity or

participated in international community service projects. Beyond this commitment, locally, our students invested over 11,000 hours in community service endeavours. Always, it is uplifting to learn about the impact of these experiences on our students. Our goal is

The Grove of the 1940s was a very different place than it is today. We were about 110 students in total, ranging from six years of age through to fifth form (Grade 13), and we were all boys. The woods surrounding the school were spotted with huts built by the boys, and equipped with wood burning stoves—for warmth in the winter and cooking on a Wednesday or Saturday afternoon. Privacy was at a premium in the school. Younger boys slept in large open dormitories with a locker beside each bed. Evening study was in a single large classroom adjacent to the Chapel under the supervision of a master. Given our numbers and the range of ages, we were at a disadvantage in sports relative to the larger independent schools; But there was a strong emphasis on outdoor activity. It was not unknown for the Headmaster to announce at breakfast, “Boys, there has been a good snowfall overnight, so classes are cancelled, and the buses will be here at 9:30 for those who want to go skiing at Bethany.” The days were framed by Morning and Evening Prayer in the Chapel using the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, and most often with the Headmaster presiding. Into that world I arrived as a six-year-old boy, like many of the boys coming from very difficult circumstances at home. My mother was dying of cancer, and my father's job kept him away from home for two or three months at a time. Initially I was desperately homesick—something impossible to hide in open dormitories. In time, I found companionship and comfort in my new found family at The Grove. Nothing seemed to focus that more than those times in the Chapel at the beginning and end of each day. Over the Chapel altar is a very famous stained glass window. It is a copy of two identical originals by Holman Hunt—one in Keble College, Oxford; the other in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. It is known as the “Lux Mundi” (Light of the World—pictured right). I could not have known any of this at the time. Jesus is depicted with a crown of thorns on his head, with a lantern in his hand. He is knocking at a door. There is no handle on the outside of the door, and the door is overgrown with vines, indicating that it has not been opened in a long time, and it can only be opened from the inside. So taken was I with the window that at other times I would visit the Chapel alone simply to look at the window. Sometimes I would imagine myself to be on the outside of that door with Jesus, and at other times on the inside wanting to open it and invite him in. But in either mode, the window helped me realize that I was not alone, and it brought comfort and strength for difficult days. With all the change that has come about at The Grove, I am pleased to see that the Light of the World still presides over every assembly of LCS students in the beautifully expanded Chapel. May it serve to bring light and hope in the darker moments of life for those who look on it with the eyes of the heart. THE MOST REV'D ANDREW S. HUTCHISON ’50 PRIMATE OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA

p15 openness. Teachers and staff ‘learn’ together. There is real sharing here. Lakefield's teachers ‘lean into complexity.’" And finally, about modeling, she concluded, “The staff displays concrete, small, but significant examples of ‘walking the talk.. We are talking about a ‘true deliberate practice by the adults in a community.’ At Lakefield, teachers are acutely aware that their behaviours are important.” Communicating and celebrating the mission and values of our school is the comparatively easy part—we just did that. Modeling them—day in and day out—is the hard part. Young people learn the positive values of community by experiencing them in their relationship with others and by observing them in those with whom they associate. For a large part of the year, they spend the majority of their time in our company. This places a tremendous responsibility on us. For it is largely by the way that we treat each other as adults, by the way that we respond to our students, and by the way that we allow them to treat each other, in our presence, that we provide the type of atmosphere that reflects our core values. If our students learn from such an atmosphere, there is no reason to worry about where they will go to university or what they will do with their lives. They will feel happy and successful about the good they are doing and we will have the satisfaction of knowing that we have made a significant difference in their lives. Notes: 1. Peter Sturrep, Dialogue Magazine, Summer 2005


... “completing this assignment ‘forced me to thoroughly consider my personal beliefs. I had to reflect on the everyday values by which I live my life. It was a very unique assignment!’”

WH ENG 4U Tom Milburn Imagine being asked to delve deeply into your own personal identity to consider your most cherished beliefs and values ... the ideas that shape the core of who

Hamlet. In more recent years, the

to relate to the drive and passion

theme of the course has become

that acted as the backbone of

“Who am I?” inspired not by the

Chris’ interesting life,” says

classic Who rock song, but by Jean

current student Anthony Heller.

Valjean's soliloquizing lament in

“Without passion in life, one

Les Misérables.

cannot fully succeed in the pursuit of individual happiness.”

you are. If someone asked you

“As students reflect on and

which people had the most influ-

discuss the characters they study,

The course concept gave rise to

ence on you, what would you say?

I believe they are able to learn

an Independent Study Unit (ISU)

And if you were asked to discuss

more about themselves,” says

that asks students to look within

at length a personal journey that

teacher Sarah Young. “Through

themselves to understand their

forever made an impression on

agreement, disagreement,

beliefs, values, and passions.

you, which one would you iden-

honesty, and open-mindedness,


students are able to form strong

These are the sorts of “big questions” tackled by the one required Grade 12 course at Lakefield

opinions about what is important to them. To me, this is the most valuable aspect of the course.”

“The ISU rose out of a desire to create a project that would enable students to meet the curriculum requirements while also fulfilling a need to better understand

College School: Grade 12 English.

The year's first reading is Into the

themselves and where they stand

The course is a case study in how

Wild, by Jon Krakauer (also the

personally and academically at

a traditional and content-driven

author of the even better-known

the end of their high school

course can nonetheless reflect the

Into Thin Air), which tells the true

career,” says teacher Kerrie

core mission of Lakefield.

story of a young man named Chris

Hansler, who created the project.

It was the drive of beloved former English teacher, Dr. Rosalind Barker, that established the senior English course as having an overall theme that united the texts—“the search for meaning” in

McCandless, who finished university and “dropped out” of life, travelling nomadically across North America, before finally dying tragically in the Alaska interior.

life. This thematic concern gave

Many students make an imme-

an overarching connection to

diate connection with Krakauer's

texts as diverse as James Joyce's

account of McCandless’ quest for

Dubliners and Shakespeare's

individuality. “I found myself able



AM The ISU asks students to

person is an important part of

encouraged my self-discovery and

complete a creative portfolio

Lakefield's core values. Very often,


where, through words and

experiences from Outdoor

creative images, they explore what

Education or Round Square

they understand are their core

service projects figure promi-

beliefs and values, and how these

nently in these accounts.

developed by teacher Jim McGowan and based on a 1950s radio program where well-known guests discussed their beliefs. The program's archives are preserved on-line.

treasure for the years to come,

write about their beliefs and expe-

providing as it does a record of

riences, but to find a way to illus-

who they are at the end of their

trate them creatively. This require-

high school career.

ment has inspired a huge range of presentation formats, including scrapbooks, drawings, photo-

“The real value in our discussion

models, collages, journals and,

of ‘This I Believe’ is, of course, our

from one student last year, a

students having the chance to

series of sculpted masks.

promotes both individuality and inclusion,” says McGowan.

throughout the ISU,” recalls Arielle Dalle. “I learned that, for the most part, my life has been about taking off my mask. Overall, the ISU project was one

“It's nearly impossible to share

ments I've completed because it

everything about myself and like

was one that asked me to look

most people, there are some

deeper into myself, who I've

things you don’t want to share,”

become, and who I still aspire to

says Arielle Dalle ’05. “In my


Anthony Heller says completing

opinion, this is a comparison to

this assignment “forced me to

life behind a mask. Therefore, the

thoroughly consider my personal

theme of my ISU last year was

beliefs. I had to reflect on the

based on masks and whether life

everyday values by which I live my

is about putting a mask on or

life. It was a very unique

taking one off.”

assignment!” Joanna Dafoe ’04 realized how As the year continues, students

important certain people were

also write about important

when working on her ISU. “I was

personal influences and experi-

able to reflect on the important

ences they've had that have

role of family and friends in influ-

helped to shape them. This focus

encing my daily attitude and long-

on the development of the whole

term life goals. The ISU really

“I learned a lot about myself throughout the ISU, ... I learned that, for the most part, my life has been about taking off my mask.”

“I learned a lot about myself

of the most enjoyable assign-

read about how other people are their core beliefs in a manner that

teacher! The completion of this

Students are asked not just to

graphs, web sites, dioramas,

able to voice their opinions about

students always pick up from the task results in something students

were shaped. Students start with an activity called “This I Believe,”

The ISU becomes one assignment

All this and Shakespeare too! That's life in the Grade 12 English course at LCS. This article is part of a periodic series on innovative course offerings at LCS



Calling all Alumni/ae To Take the Challenge … The Class “Stand often in the company of

What exactly is the Class Dream

This means that, while the chal-

dreamers: they tickle your common

Bursary Challenge?

lenge continues ( January 1, 2006

sense and believe you can achieve things which are impossible.” M. RADMACHER

until December 31, 2006), your gift It all started when a group of committed individuals at Lakefield College School—recognizing the

Imagine being able to make

importance of investing in

dreams come true. By partici-

deserving students whose dream it

pating in the first ever Class

is to attend The Grove—issued a

Dream Bursary Challenge you will

bold challenge to alumni/ae:

be able to do just that. You can

“With any gift made to expendable

make the dream of a Lakefield

financial assistance by an alum, a

education a reality for a young

matched gift—equalling the same

person by supporting this ground-

amount—will be dedicated within

breaking initiative.

an endowment fund to scholarships and bursaries.*”

immediately helps to fulfill the dreams of students by providing bursaries and scholarships. At the same time, its matching endowment gift will be dedicated on behalf of your graduating class to continue to generate funds in perpetuity. This ensures that resources are available to maintain financial assistance for our students well into the future. With every gift you make, your class’s bursary will be credited for


“My dream is to travel across the globe, there are so many places in the world worth visiting and there's no time to lose. I want to experience foreign culture and activities while challenging myself along the way.” DREAM #342: GRADE 10 STUDENT

“Dream” Bursary Challenge the gift as well as its matched gift. Go online to compare class partic-

spent. Our investment policy

Take the Challenge. Help make

provides for continued growth

dreams come true.

and expenditure.

ipation rates. Gifts of all sizes are

For more information on how

welcome during the challenge;

This sounds great! I always

your gift for financial assistance

there is no minimum required to

wanted to help out but didn't

can make an immediate differ-


think my gift would make a

ence, contact Theresa Butler-

difference. I'm convinced. What

Porter at 705.652.3324 (ext. 329)

do I have to do now ?

or tbutlerporter@lakefieldcs.on.ca

support a deserving student, but

Visit www.lakefieldcs.on.ca and

“As you enter positions of trust and

what exactly is an endowment?

choose Discover/Support LCS to

power, dream a little before you

make a secure gift on-line or mail


I understand that any gift I give today will be used immediately to

An endowment is a special fund

your gift to:

whose principal earns interest income. Only the interest income

Lakefield College School,

is spent by the school for financial

4391 County Road #29,

assistance. The principal is never

Lakefield ON K0L 2H0

* Gifts will be matched to a maximum of $50,000 per class.

Triumph of Ice: The New Bob Armstrong Memorial Rink “The rink is about more than our competitive hockey teams. It's a place where kids can get out and play hockey or just skate; Canadian kids and kids from around the world who wouldn't get this type of opportunity elsewhere. They're outside on the ice, learning how to skate and play hockey, having fun with their friends—it's a truly Canadian experience.” IAN ARMSTRONG, DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS

p21 Ice defines winter in Canada. It is a sensory experience

today and 70,000 worldwide. Bob’s lessons provided a

anticipated by skating enthusiasts each autumn. Hockey

blueprint on how to work together as a team.”

players crave it—sharpening skates and taping sticks— waiting for the first ice of the season.

With the leadership of John, and the support of fellow hockey enthusiasts in the Grove community, the vision

The history of ice skating and hockey games extends

of the new rink came to life over the summer and fall of

over a century at The Grove. Outdoor rinks behind Grove

2005. The students celebrated the rink's first hockey

House entertained generations of students playing

game on the 17th of November, which, coincidentally,

shinny and practising technique. Boys trudged with

was the night of the first snowfall of the season. It was a

shovel in hand to Lake Katchewanooka and Buckley's

magical night. The Grove community gathered around

Lake to hold spontaneous hockey games using winter

the boards to enjoy fireworks, the singing of the national

boots for goal posts.

anthem, and the opening game of the “Hockey for Heroes 2005” tournament, a charity event organized by

This year, Lakefield College School proudly opened its first permanent outdoor ice rink. The full-sized artificial ice surface is equipped with modern refrigeration technology making it usable from late fall to early spring each year. It is illuminated by twelve flood lights for

over 40 students to raise money for The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research at the Hospital for Sick Children. It was fitting that this magnificent gift to the school inspired an immediate spirit of philanthropy within the students.

evening skating and even boasts its own Zamboni. Students use the rink for hockey, recreational skating,

For a generation of alumni/ae at The Grove, memories of

figure skating, and broomball. During the off-season,

hockey are inextricably tied to memories of teacher and

the rink will be used for ball hockey, skateboarding, and

coach Bob Armstrong. Friend and fellow teacher, the late


Andy Harris ’44, wrote upon Bob's retirement, “Bob was an outstanding athlete over the years and besides being

The vision of an outdoor rink was conceived by LCS alumnus John Hepburn ’68 who has enjoyed a life-long love of hockey fostered, in large part, by former LCS coach and mentor, the late Bob Armstrong. “When I was at Lakefield from 1963 to 1968, the outdoor rinks were so much a part of the school. Bob Armstrong arrived my

an N.H.L. defenseman for the Boston Bruins he was also an inter-country baseball player, a high school track star, and an exceptional amateur golfer. … Statistics can be expressive but they alone can never reveal what a wonderful motivator and friend Bob was to the boys he coached and taught.”

first year and I joined the Third Hockey Team. We practised on these outdoor rinks.” Throughout his years at

“Bob's Boys,” as his hockey players are affectionately

The Grove, John lived and breathed hockey with his

called, were forever transformed by the coach's keen

classmates. In 1964, John moved to the prestigious First

interest in their personal successes. “Bob represented

Team with Coach Armstrong. There were seven hockey

everything we believed in at The Grove,” remembers

teams at the school, but above all, the First Team flour-

John. “The team was more important than any indi-

ished. Bob Armstrong wrote in The Chronicle 1967-1968,

vidual. It was always more successful than the sum of

“The First Team had one of its most successful seasons

its parts. He was the centre of our lives—a second father

in the school's history this year with a 15-1 record. The

to all of us.”

only loss recorded was against R.M.C. but was avenged on the return game at Lakefield.” John and fellow player Rod Hendren ’68 shared the M.V.P. award. “Both played unselfish hockey, scored key goals and killed penalties exceptionally well.”

In recognition of his incredible influence on school life, the new rink will be dedicated in memory of Bob Armstrong during Winter Carnival on Saturday, February 11, 2006. John hopes the rink will be a place where “students have a chance to have the same memories as

It was the lessons that Bob Armstrong taught about

we have. Anyone can suit up, climb over the boards, and

teamwork and values that John took forward to

play hockey … it's about freedom with friends and expe-

Princeton University and Harvard Business School

riencing Lakefield.”

where he studied, and later to Wall Street. He says, “Teamwork became very important when we were building Morgan Stanley’s business in Europe. We started with 28 people, growing to 7,000 in Europe

Opposite: (Top) New Bob Armstrong Rink (Below L-R) The “Latin Line of 1966,” John Hepburn, Rod Hendren, and Murray Hunter; Grove shinny rink circa 2007


Eighty Year Celebrating John "Bubs" Macrae '33 “I know you will be happy there, and it will be good

Queen's University. He served in the Canadian Navy

for you.” A father's parting words to a nervous 10-year

from 1942 to 1946 before joining Canadian Charts and

old boy at Toronto's Union Station. It was 1926 and

Supplies Ltd. in his hometown of Oakville, Ontario.

the long day's journey to Lakefield, Ontario by rail would mark just the first of many memorable returns to The Grove made by John “Bubs” Macrae.

After the sale of the company in 1968, he had a “hankering to get back to education in some capacity.” He had maintained ties with his alma mater

Eighty years later, Lakefield College School celebrates

in Lakefield over the years as a parent of two gradu-

its friendship with Bubs in this milestone year. An

ates, president of the Old Boy's Association, and an

alumnus, a parent, a grandparent, a Senior Master, a

ex-officio member of the Board. He therefore sought

board member, and a Trustee, Bubs’ affiliation with

advice from Headmaster Jack Matthews about

the school has afforded him a unique and indispen-

exploring his “first love” of teaching. Bubs promptly

sable history of stories and memories that transcend

received the response: “You're not making any big


decisions in the next three days are you?”

Today, heavy heels of students thunder through the

The next afternoon Bubs and his wife Gilly came up

Grove House residence preparing for a full day of

to meet with Mr. Matthews. Bubs said to himself, “I

study and activity. The clamour echoes generations of

hadn't been in the classroom for 19 years, what use

enthusiastic youth preparing for morning at The

would I be?” But with two older faculty members

Grove. Bubs wrote in his manuscript Random

mumbling about retirement, the school needed

Reminiscences of an Elder Old Boy, “I remember being

mature instructors to create a balance with younger

startled into life in the morning by the penetrating

staff. “So I came up here and boy-oh-boy did I hustle

clang of a sizeable hand bell carried by the master-

for four years,” says Bubs. “I commuted to Trent

on-duty. … Apparently years of trial and error had

University and was busy learning content. I was

established just how much time a young boy needed

getting to know the job all over again.”

to get dressed in the morning.” For 15 years, Bubs “loved” teaching modern world Before graduating in 1933, Bubs had lived through a

history to a new generation of “Grovites.” After his

campus plumbing revolution, owned his own “hut” in

retirement at 67 years old, he was invited onto the

the woods, and paraded to Buckley's Lake for hockey

Board of Governors. It was then that Bubs contributed

season. “Friendships were utterly complete,” remem-

to a decision that would forever change the shape of

bers Bubs of his time as a student. “It got so that we

Lakefield College School's history: co-education. “I

were at a loss when we went home for the holidays

was strongly in favour of co-education when I came

and saw our elementary school friends. We were

back here to The Grove as a teacher,” explains Bubs.


“The same single-sex situation I had experienced during the war played out here: the wrestling and the

Upon leaving Lakefield, Bubs joined the teaching staff at St. Andrew's College and acquired a B.A. from

hooligan games. I thought to myself—this place needs some civilizing.”


s a Grovite Twelve years later, Bubs celebrated the graduation of

still maintains a strong affiliation with the school.

his granddaughter Kristin (Macrae ’01) at The Grove,

“The things I see at the school are the best yet,” says

a significant occasion for a family who had enjoyed

Bubs. “We do more than teach kids here. We have a

three generations of adventure on the shore of Lake

net gain in quality of life.”

Katchewanooka. A Trustee for the past 10 years, Bubs

Gilly and John “Bubs” Macrae ’33


International Service can change your life Impressions From The Round Square Service Project (RSIS) India 2005 Liza, Kelly, Torie and I (Bianca Bell) along with 25 other students, learned a way of life that is drastically different than ours ... We learned the greatest gift is a handshake, and the easiest gift is a smile ... We learned that no job can be done without teamwork, whether it be filling a hole with mud or building back a tsunami devastated community. We recognized that we all have disabilities and that we should focus on our strengths, not our weaknesses ... These work projects aren’t about getting enough community service hours to graduate, or getting a great reference for your college application ... These trips are about leaving your safe happy Lakefield bubble and gaining a greater respect for the rest of the world. On these trips you will receive in a sense more than you give ... Top of page: (L-R) Bianca Bell, Kelly Gallacher, Liza Shelley, and Torie Patterson while particpating on international service project to India; Women preparing food. Below: Indian market. Read more at www.lakefieldcs.on.ca and choose NEWS, Friday 1/13/06


LCS Parent Satisfaction Highest of 21 Canadian Schools Surveyed

According to a recent survey, Lakefield College School

ranked their satisfaction level 4 or 5 out of 5. LCS

parents are highly satisfied with their children’s

was the only school, of 21 Canadian schools surveyed

educational experience at The Grove.

by Lookout Management, to achieve this high a rating.

In January 2005, LCS conducted its first-ever, comprehensive parent survey. This is the second in a series

97% of parents indicated that LCS was their first

of surveys conducted by the school, the first being an

choice among schools. This was a new high score

alumni/ae survey completed in 2003.

among measured schools.

The purpose of the parent survey is to bring to the

The school scored strongly on measures of individual

school a better understanding of the market it serves.

attention related to students including:

In doing so, the administration of the school will be poised to respond more effectively to this group's

N class size;

needs and interests and to do so with improved effi-

N quality of interaction between faculty and students;


N leadership opportunities for students; One of the greatest values in conducting this survey is in using the results as a benchmarking tool, to measure gains and losses on a regular basis and to refine and redirect energies and resources to areas of need.

N sense of community for students; N individual attention to student needs. In addition, from a list of 27 specific school life elements, LCS scored strongly in:

The survey was conducted by Lookout Management Inc., based in London, Ontario. Lookout has conducted more than 100 satisfaction surveys for 50

N international service opportunities and student exchange program;

independent schools and universities throughout

N physical safety of students;

North America.

N co-curricular programs;

The survey was set up online for parents to complete

N university guidance;

and submit via the web. Two hundred and four (204)

N health services;

parents completed the survey - a 56% response rate.

N technology;


N athletics.

On a scale of 1 to 5, overall parent satisfaction with

The school scored somewhat lower in some areas

LCS was 4.4. Ninety-four percent of respondents

relating to individual attention to parent needs,


including the sense of community for parents and

N Quality of food;

volunteer opportunities/experiences. The consultant

N Endowment for financial assistance;

notes that although these scores were somewhat lower, they are high for a school that is predominantly a boarding school. They go on to state that “the

N Frequency of communications from teachers and advisors.

school’s obvious success in addressing parents' need

"Finances" and "having a child living away from

for communication, have countered the natural

home" were the most frequently mentioned hurdles

anxiety for parents of boarders.”

facing Lakefield families.

Of 18 questions relating to communications from

Lakefield College School is proud to have received

faculty and administration, 72% achieved the 4.0

new best scores (of the 46 Canadian and American

threshold. This is very high among measured schools

schools surveyed) in several areas including:

with most other schools averaging only 52% (at the 4.0 threshold). Written communications and publications materials were all rated 4.0 or higher, an exceptional score according to the consultant. In a series of attitudinal measures, the highest level of agreement was for the statement “I support the school's policy on substance use.”

N Student counselling services and emotional support programs; N Quality of, and access to, the school's technology resources; N Accessibility of residential staff and staff in the guidance office; N Student enjoyment of co-curricular activities and

On the question of Lakefield's greatest strengths, the following were listed most frequently: N Sense of community; N Family atmosphere; N Dedication of staff; N Favourable student to staff ratio;

competitive sports; N Support services offered to students to enable them to work toward their full academic potential; N The school's contribution to students' growth in self-confidence, to be self-directed in their learning, and to help students cope with peer pressure.

N School size and class size. We look forward to further analyzing the results of In the areas for improvement, the following were

this survey, to implementing emergent recommenda-

listed most frequently:

tions, and to conducting additional surveys in the

N Need for a gymnasium; N Technology costs;

years ahead to compare to this baseline study.


Honorary Alumni/ae The Grove Society Recognizes Exemplary Service

This fall the Grove Society honoured four members of the LCS community with the prestigious title of Honorary Alumni/ae. Citations were presented to Goodith Heeney, Susan Hadden, Win Lampman (posthumously), and Bob Goebel. Kate Ramsay shared her thoughts as to why she felt that Goodith should be honoured: “Goodith has been one of the Grove's champions for many years … as a mother involved in the Grove Guild, as a Board member through challenging times, as a dedicated Trustee, as an advocate for access through endowment. She has been (and continues to be) a member of The Grove family whose advice and counsel is sought out and carefully considered, whether in matters of governance, capital campaigns, or chaplaincy. She is a valued mentor to younger champions of The Grove, and a role model in her

Goodith Heeney receives her citation from Grove Society President Scott Smith ’87

contributions to community (in a school which celebrates such contributions) are perhaps unparalleled.” Katharine "Cubby" Clarke, daughter of Win Lampman remembered her mother by submitting the following nomination:

“‘Bobby G,’ as he is affectionately known by students and colleagues, always tops the list of popular faculty members at The Grove. His dedication and obvious affection for his role in students' lives is apparent whether he is teaching the finer points of calculus to

“Winifred Mackenzie Lampman was the eldest of

his students, convening the SLASH hockey league, or

Alick and Helen Mackenzie's children and maintained

sharing anecdotes of the antics of his beloved cat. He

a lifelong connection with the school (from 1889 to

has enriched the lives of everyone who has had the

2000). She was a part-time staff member, serving as

fortune to meet him throughout his 22 years at The

dietician during the war years when help was hard to


find. She taught art, first in the late 1930s, then for a period after the war until failing eyesight brought an end to her classes in the 1960s. She also provided

Warren Jones ’88 shared why he was inspired to nominate Susan Hadden:

extra accommodation for one or two senior boys

“Although Sue's presence on campus is highly visible

when space in the school was at a premium. Her

(and her contributions truly appreciated), I believe

memory spanned this history of the school for almost

that she is a largely ‘unsung’ hero. By recognizing her

the entire 20th century. She was an enthusiastic

as an Honorary Alumna , we could all thank Sue

supporter of co-education at The Grove and claimed

Hadden for the many ways that she has raised the bar

proudly that, because she had had her early schooling

in the fulfillment of her duties, and gone way beyond

at The Grove (before being sent to Bishop Strachan

the call in her day-to-day caring for the school and

School in her teens) she was the school's first ‘old

each member of its community.”

girl.’” The Grove Society congratulates and welcomes our Bob Goebel was celebrated by fellow faculty member Gerry Bird:

newest Honorary Alumni/ae.


His Story—More Than Just a Name on a Brass Plaque Bruce McMahon Among the treasures of the LCS

past to life by having them appre-

Geoffrey's name appears on two of

ciate those connections.

the honour boards in the lower school block. The school archive

archives, exist pictures of young

Several years ago, I stumbled upon

men who died during the Great

two websites that provide the

War. The same men are seen in

window to the past that I was

other pictures as boys at The

seeking for my students. The

Grove proudly representing their

Canadian Virtual War Memorial

teams in antiquated uniforms.

(www.virtualmemorial.gc.ca) and

They were students then; just

the Canadian Expeditionary Force

boys. They experienced The Grove

Database (www.collection-

(Lakefield Preparatory School) as


our students do today, but now

are wonderful research tools. I

their pictures hang on the wall

suspect that many of us recall a

and their names are inscribed on a

history class that asked us to write

brass plaque at the entrance to the

a letter imagining we were in the

Chapel. Each November 11th, we

trenches during the Great War.

read their names out loud in the

Now imagine the same assignment

Chapel, and, for a moment, the

with a bit of reality thrown in. The

past is rocketed into the present.

sites allow Grade 10 students of

History has to be more than just names on brass plaques. The LCS students of today share connections with the individuals on the wall. As a teacher of history, it is my pleasure and responsibility to find interesting ways to bring the

today to select one of the LCS names on the plaque, or perhaps a name of a relative; they use their laptops to enter it into the database. For instance, the Hilliard brothers, Geoffrey and George, both attended Lakefield and then served overseas during the war.

has pictures of the brothers and one of George’s letters from The Front to Win Lampman. The letter mentions Kenneth Mackenzie, future Headmaster of The Grove, and a comment about an eye injury he sustained in December 1917 during the Halifax Explosion. With a little searching, students are able to locate the brothers Attestation Papers (sign-up papers). Students can also see, in George’s handwriting, details about his personal life and nextof-kin. His occupation, religion, and even remarks about significant body markings are also included. With copies of these documents, students then search the Virtual War Memorial. His burial site information at Etaples Military Cemetery in France comes complete with a photo and location map (www.vacacc.gc.ca/remembers/sub.cfm?sourc e=collections/virtualmem/Detail&ca sualty=497297). With that wealth of information in hand, students can then locate the Military War Diaries for the Royal Canadian Dragoons and read in the events of the day that

Left (L-R): The Hilliard brothers, George (attended The Grove from 1900-1905) and Geoff (who attended from 19081914). Opposite: Excerpts by Karine Gauthier (Grade 10) writing as Geoffrey Hilliard to his father.


Geoffrey Hilliard was wounded

bridge between the present and

which some of our Old Boys actu-

somewhere near St. Julien, France.

the past is transversed. Students

ally participated.

then take the liberty of using At the end of all this research is, in the minds of the students today, a true sense of the humanity of the students who became soldiers so long ago; the face in the photograph and the name on the plaque become a real person. The

these details they have gathered, and the sensibilities developed, to learn about the Battle of Vimy Ridge. They adopt their soldier's identity as inspiration to write a letter home to a relative, at a real address, with details of a battle at

Lieutenant Geoffrey Hilliard died on December 11th, 1917 from his injuries. His time at The Grove lives on in picture and word. He will continue to return each year to help me in the teaching of history.

Geoffrey Hilliard Royal Canadian Dragoon CEF Dear Father, I was so glad to see your letter last month and thank you so much for the mittens—it kept me warm for a little bit. Since it is so muddy and wet in the trenches it's terribly hard to keep anything dry or warm. Don't worry we will be able to get out of these trenches soon, I hope, and go to the reserve and wash them. I'm terribly sorry I couldn't write sooner. I would have but we were preparing for the fight against the Germans to take over Vimy Ridge. It was very hard and took a lot of time. There were twenty thousand men who had to be taught everything about the battle. Imagine all the Canadians from coast to coast fighting side by side. We woke up that morning bright and early after spending a restless night in the trenches. The battle started at 05: 30 hours. It was so cold outside and the clouds were low with snow blowing into our faces. We couldn't see far up the ridge but we could see enough to continue as planned. The bombardment of the last two weeks had made great work of the Hun guns. I was unfortunately in the first wave to go over into no mans land. We did this new advancing technique that you would have been proud of. It is called the 'Vimy Glide.' We practiced walking one hundred yards every three minutes. In front of us rained a curtain of artillery shells. This kept the Hun's heads down in their trenches and not up firing at us. This continued until we got to the closest trench. I know Dad that you are probably curious about how we got all of the shells and artillery here in the first place. Well, we actually built a railway just for bringing supplies to us. Some of these lines even went underground. I think there are more men carrying supplies than firing rifles in this war. Then another wave of troops would go over us and get to a farther trench. This allowed us to rest and this also allowed the other troops going over to use their ammunition if they ran out. It went on like this until we had gained most, if not all of the Ridge. In the first day we had taken more ground than any other battle to date. This was the most amazing battle I have ever taken part in. I am so glad I survived and will now be able to tell the story of this magnificent event. Although it was exhilarating taking part in a battle so important to us, I am very glad we are done and can now relax for a while. I've been meaning to ask how mother is doing. I read in your last letter that she is now working. I hope she is doing ok. Speaking of home I was actually talking to George the other day. You will be happy to know he is in fine form and looks well fed. I also read in your letter that aunt Jan's new baby Cassidy has finally learned to walk. I wish I could be there to see her grow up. Oh well I've got to just tell myself that I am here for my country and to help all of you back home. Once you start battle you realize the things that are really important in life, like family. I miss you guys a lot and hope to see you very soon. I was meaning to ask in my last letter, if you could send me a few pairs of socks. It would be much appreciated since mine are soaking wet, muddy and quite cold. Say hello to the rest of the family. I'll say this now since I don't know when I will be able to write my next letter, so happy early birthday. Love, Your son Geoffrey


Keele River Trip—2005 Bill Stewart ’70 What a wonderful trip we had!

joked and teased each other in an effort to control the adrenaline pumping through our systems. It was late in the afternoon by the time the canoes

On July 15, 2005, we [Bill Morris ’70 and wife Betty, John McRae ’70 and wife Val, Bill Stewart ’70 and Bill and Carol Corner (current parents)] departed from Peterborough. John Pace ’72 and wife Sheila joined

and equipment were unloaded and our winged ride was gone. Although we would not travel far tonight, we were anxious to wet our paddles and get our adventure underway.

the group in Toronto. After passing through Edmonton (where we met Betty's sister Margaret),

The river speed was faster than anticipated as there

and Yellowknife, we stood on the banks of the mighty

had been recent rains, but we were well prepared as

MacKenzie River with Al Pace ’77 and wife Lin.

Al and Lin had taken time to provide us “lake

Al and Lin are the parents and intrepid leaders of an

paddlers” with some fast water instruction below the

adventure tour company that specializes in canoe

dam in Lakefield in early spring. This practice session

tripping in Canada's far north. They have the equip-

had allowed them to assess our comfort and skill level

ment, the knowledge and the experience. We brought

which further allowed them to partner us and estab-

the spirit and the excitement of school kids facing a

lish a canoe order.

brand new adventure. They had met us at the airport in Norman Wells, Northwest Territories and after quickly transferring our gear into canoe packs and barrels, we climbed into the twin otter and were off to our launch spot on the Keele River, approximately two hours south west.

We would be on the river for ten days traveling 400 km. The first eight days we spent descending through spectacular, expansive mountain vistas—truly outstanding, beautiful country. The final two days would be spent heading north on the Mackenzie to our pick-up spot at Tulita. There, at the mouth of the

As the plane snaked its way through the Mackenzie

Great Bear River, we would catch a couple of water

Mountains, our excitement continued to build and we

taxis back to Norman Wells.

Below: (L-R) Pilot, Lin Ward, Betty and Bill Morris ’70, Sheila (directly below) and John Pace ’72, Margaret Pearce, Val and (Directly above) John McRae ’70 , Carol and (directly above) Bill Corner, Al Pace ’77, and Bill Stewart ’70


The scenery was magnificent and although the

We fished and enjoyed a fresh bull trout dinner, we

weather was somewhat uncooperative, we saw moose,

walked beaches, tracking moose or bear or just

caribou, eagles, black bears, and even a couple of

enjoying the freshness of the air and the awesome


beauty around us. Many of the group had spent time in our local forests or on our “cottage” lake, but this

Yes, we saw outstanding scenery and had wonderful

was different. There was a feeling of deep respect for

paddling but it was the human dimension that made

this inspirational environment. We camped by the

this adventure very special. After each day’s paddle

“talking cliffs” and at the base of Great Bear Rock. We

and following camp set-up, we gathered around the

enjoyed layover days that allowed us time to reflect

fire to share an outdoor happy hour. The different

on what we had seen, what we were doing, and what

eras of “old boys” exchanged stories about their days

we had learned—both about ourselves and this

at The Grove. Different ages and different eras but all

unique place.

with similar positive and mostly humorous stories about our teachers, coaches and experiences while at

Our final dinner in the Mackenzie Valley Inn in

Lakefield. We laughed together, we learned about

Normal Wells was an emotional, but extremely

each other and from each other, and our respect for

fulfilling, evening. The previous day we laid down

each other grew.

over at the mouth of the Great Bear River. It was this day that we took time to write poetry, take photos or

The food was outstanding both with respect to

walk the banks of the Mackenzie reflecting on our

selection and quality and with three teams of four we

adventure. Maybe, to a greater or more important

all had the opportunity to harass each other as camp

extent, we developed a philosophy that we could take

chore rotation took place.

back to “civilization” and to our day-to-day lives that

In this environment, there is no need for a watch. The agenda is flexible and varied with Mother Nature and

would reflect positively on ourselves and those with whom we interact.

group mood being the primary elements in any deci-

To all we say, do this—you really should. There

sion. Whether work or play, whatever needed to be

is no place like it. Canoe North will customize the trip

done—was done. We helped each other and

to suit your objectives and your skill level. Too many

supported each other. We shared emotions and we

Canadians never visit this remarkable part of our

shared a very special connection. We felt larger than

great land. If they did, they'd understand that this

life, but were humbled by the vast natural beauty that

small narrative is nothing compared to the human

surrounded us. We understood that here, we must

experience in which they will participate and from

cope with nature (not the other way around) and that

which they will learn.

we stood as one, not against the elements, but rather with the elements and with each other.

What a wonderful trip we had and how close we all have become.


Stephen Marshall ’87: Cultural Critic Paul Mason This is the second in an occasional series of profiles on graduates of The Grove.

experiences outside the academy,

ridden continent and it excited

however, Stephen grows almost


lyrical, especially when he speaks of a one-year trip through Africa.

“For the next eight months I traveled from the east coast of Kenya

“I began in Egypt, where I stayed

through war-ravaged Uganda, to

for over a month battling a bad

the mouth of the Nile, up into the

case of dysentery … and then trav-

eastern mountains of Zaire (to see

eled south. But the war in Sudan

one of the last families of moun-

was so bad at that time that I was

tain gorillas)—from where I made

forced to turn back and fly to

a harrowing escape from the

Ethiopia. As our plane was

looting and murdering Zairean

preparing to land, the Eritrean

soldiers. Then down through

After Lakefield, Stephen went to

revolution took full power in Addis

Rwanda and Burundi (where the

Queen's University, but he says

Ababa and we were forced to land

Hutu/Tutsi violence had already

very little about the university. On

in Kenya. So my first taste of

begun, but had not yet turned into

the subject of formative

Africa was as this revolution-

full genocide), down into Tanzania

The Grove has graduated a fair number of students who have gone on to prominence in various fields—business, ministry, politics and the arts—but arguably our most famous cultural critic and filmmaker is Stephen Marshall ’87.

“It's times like these, when questioning government policies is characterized as near treasonous, that one appreciates the skillful dissent displayed by the Guerrilla News Network. “ USA TODAY

hen Marshall ’87 © Munich International Film Festival


on Lake Tanganyika and across the

beauty—or sleeping outside for a

earned him a place on the interna-

flatlands of Zambia, crossing

hundred nights in a row, that made

tional speaking circuit. It also led

Victoria Falls into Zimbabwe, and

me vow to never again live by the

to a three-part series on CBC's The

then hitchhiking to Cape Town,

dictates of an industrial society.”


Since graduation, Stephen has

In 2000, Stephen co-founded

South Africa where I decided to stay for three months.

worked as a director and author.

Guerilla News Network

“Africa changed me completely.

His first company was a film

(www.GNN.tv); GNN has since

Traveling alone, I was given the

project called Channel Zero, which

become one of the most trafficked

rare kind of access that only fellow

moved the Village Voice to say,

destinations for youth seeking

travelers can receive from the

“Leave it to a Canadian to revolu-

alternative news sources. His

African people. I met busi-

tionize television.” The worldwide

success with GNN led him to

nessmen, shamans, writers, crimi-

critical success of the Channel

direct politicized music videos for

nals, and even a political leader in

Zero films—which were round-the-

Eminem, Beastie Boys and 50


world journeys into dark and

Cent, but he is most proud of his

dangerous places—

award-winning documentary

“Perhaps it was the African light— which attains hues of unparalleled

BattleGround, which was finished in 2004 and bought by Showtime Network for broadcast in the U.S. He directed his first feature film, This Revolution (starring Rosario Dawson), in 2004: the movie had its world premiere at Sundance. And his list of future projects, writing and directing, is equally impressive. In remembering Lakefield, Stephen speaks fondly about his teachers, but one has the sense that his relationships with his peers and with the natural environment - the woods - were every bit as important as what he gained in the classroom. And there's no doubt that Stephen Marshall will continue shaping the media environment in the years to come. He may not revel in what he calls "industrial society," but it's clear that he understands its dynamics, and clear too that he will do what he can to creatively subvert its less humane features.


Canvassing the Landscape: Artist Paul Chester ’75 Roch in Paris. He then concentrated on sculpture at the Ontario College of Art and Design, gaining insight from his art instructors. “It was more of a conceptual training. The formal aspect of my schooling was learning about art history and historical arts.” A member of the Society of Canadian Artists, Paul began exhibiting his sculptural work in 1981. Moving back to the Kawarthas in the early 1990s, he began to develop his landscape paintings for which he has garnered so much success. “I paint contemporary landscapes in oil and sometimes acrylics. They could be described as impressionistic, but modern too.” He Above: Paul Chester ’75. Opposite: Paintings by Paul Chester, ”Fall Bay” (top) “Wildflower 4” (bottom)

builds layers of painted glazes until a complexity is achieved, sometimes using a palette knife to reveal accents of colour. In his most recent collection, Paul

“The best is yet to come,” says Paul Chester ’75 of his life as a successful landscape painter. "Every year I get closer to where I want to be." Growing up on a tree farm in Pickering, Ontario, Paul was surrounded by a creative family and natural beauty. “My parents were both encouraging in art. They simply wanted me to enjoy what I did in life.” The oldest of four children, Paul attended Lakefield after his mother's death in 1967. “It was a difficult year for me emotionally and Ben Whitney, Junior Master, was very supportive. Dean Smith was also a key figure looking out for me.” He was embraced by the diverse community of The Grove. “The school was such an eye opener, a melting together of international students. It was awesome.” After he returned home two years later, Paul began to focus his talents in visual arts. Over the next 20 years, he studied drawing and painting at Art’s Sake, a private art school in Toronto, and the Academy St.

also uses inserted canvas raised in plywood on his pieces to extend a focused image outward creating the impression of a fragmented glimpse of nature. Inspired by walks in the fields and hills that surround his studio in Keene, Ontario, 20 minutes from Lakefield, Paul describes his paintings as rural impressions of “fields and forests, bodies of water, big skies, and distant horizons. These impressions, painted from memory, are inserted into a frame that becomes part of that experience, a place seen in passing.” It is this gestural landscape, the atmospheric and dream-like quality of his scenes, that has gained Paul national exposure. Since 1983, Paul has made art his full-time career showing professionally in commercial galleries from Whistler to Boston, Santa Monica to London, England. Part artist, part business person, he explains that an idea of a painting is only just the beginning. “I work with many galleries, eight right


now, coast-to-coast from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. The galleries do all the selling which gives me more time to paint. But I find every opening and show special.” Although he travels across Canada to attend gallery openings and gather inspiration from Canada's varied horizons, he finds he enjoys himself most during the process of painting “windows to the natural world.” Surrounding himself with a talented team who enjoy selling his art, he has more time to focus on “the act” of creating unique impressions of the Canadian landscape. “The most important thing in art,” he emphasizes, “is that you do what makes you happy.” Paul will be exhibiting locally at the Russell Gallery in Peterborough from the Fall of 2006. Please see his website at www.paulchester.com for more exhibition information.


Class News

This fall, LCS welcomed back a record number of alumni/ae to our annual Reunion Weekend in September. To read about recent LCS events, news, and view snapshots please visit our website at www.lakefieldcs.on.ca, choose NEWS (more news). The 1980s After completing a Master of Science in Business Administration at UBC, Konrad Yakabuski ’84 followed his dream of becoming a business journalist. After a few years at The Star in

Class of 1992 Reunion. Back Row (L-R): Rob Tupling, Steve Hutchinson, Matthew Hines, Bill Lett, Dave Stephens, Ehren Mendum. Middle Row (L-R): Ben Tong, Marcia Tupling (Gidley), Sonja Veal, Franziska Hines, Kristy Hook (Lett), Shari Stephens, Melanie Mendum. Front Row (Left group of three): Dave, Elaine (Lee), and Callia Chui; (Middle group of three): Marco, Katie (Brown), and Daniel Gagne; (Right group of three): Heather, Jason, and Aidan Haigh

Toronto, he returned to Montreal in 1994 to work at Le Devoir. During the heated 1994-1996 political debate surrounding sovereignty, he was posted at the National Assembly in Quebec City and covered social policy, including a vast reform of Quebec's welfare system, pay equity, and a host of other progressive issues where business and social activists clash. In 1996 he joined The Globe and Mail as its Montreal business correspondent and today he primarily writes a Quebec business column and magazine features.

launch a year ago. It examines the

research at Oregon State

depletion of oil worldwide and


the public’s lack of awareness of its negative, longterm effects on life. He is now looking forward to his next film Escape from Suburbia. Gregory currently lives

Trent University’s Wenjack Theatre in November. The End of Suburbia has been gathering praise internationally since its

graduate program at Humber College. “... So long London, hello

The 2000s

The 1990s Ehren Mendum ’92 and his wife, Melanie, recently hosted an informal pre-Christmas reunion of the Class of 1992. The enthusiasm for this event was so strong annual event! (See photo above).

Nicholas dePencier Wright ’00 completed an honours degree in philosophy from the University of King’s College, Halifax and next year will be finished both an MBA and an LLB from Dalhousie University. He also ran in the 2006 Federal election in the riding of

brought his award winning documentary, The End of Suburbia, to

into the Public Relations post-


in France.

that they plan to make it an Gregory Barker Greene ’86

Sarah Jennings ’99 was accepted

Sarah Dudas ’93 defended her

Halifax for the Green Party of

doctoral thesis in non-indigenous


species (oceanography) at the University of Victoria in August of 2005. She is now working in

Christie Borkowski ’02 is currently working as a firefighter in British Columbia at the 150


Mile House Volunteer Fire Department. She plans to attend the Justice Institute of B.C. to take the Primary Care Paramedics course. Ali Kara ’04 proudly writes that he is “… an official medical student at the University of St.Andrews in Scotland. What a dream come true!”

Five alumni from the class of 2000 decided to return to Algonquin Park in November of 2005. The group took off on a three-day expedition where they retraced the route they took during their expedition while attending LCS. Despite temperatures dropping to - 5ºC and the lakes being frozen over in parts, everyone made it back safe and sound! (L-R): Ian Fung, Trevor Johnston, Joel McElravy, Mark Sunderland, and John Stelzer.

C oCongratulations n g r a t uTolOur a tRecent i o nRhodes s KScholar im Kim Rutherford, Class of 2001 A resident of Peterborough, Ontario, Kim graduated from Lakefield College School to pursue her honours degree in microbiology/ immunology and mathematics at Dalhousie University. Upon completion of her degree, she received the University Medal for the highest academic standing in her major. In addition to her numerous volunteer commitments, Kim works as a teaching and lab assistant. She intends to pursue graduate studies in microbiology and further her studies in infectious diseases to prepare for a career in medical research. Kim joins LCS alumnae Allie Binnie ’93, Hélène Deacon ’95, and Erin Freeland Ballantyne ’99 as the school’s fourth Rhodes Scholar since 1997.

Congratulations Kim—we are very proud of you!


(L) Robert von Hermann ’81 and Andrea Hertzsch (M) Jen Helsing ’92 and Geoff Cooper (R) Scott Ross '95 and Kristin Skibsrud

Marriages Robert von Hermann ’81 and

Ontario. Marcia’s brother, David

in a beautiful lakeside ceremony

Andrea Hertzsch were married on

Gidley, ventured home from

in Gananoque, ON. The Sealys

October 1, 2005 in Seefeld, Tirol,

Australia with his wife Natalie for

happily call Kingston home.

Austria—a wonderful setting in

the special day. Rob and Marcia

the mountains, which hits close to

are living in Mississauga, Ontario.

married Kristin Skibsrud by the

home since “Seefeld” translates to “Lakefield!” David McEwan ’81 (Best Man) and Bill Rae ’81 witnessed this step, which meant so much to Rob.

On May 21, 2005, Matthew Hines

ocean in St. Andrews-by-the-Sea,

’92 was married to Franziska

New Brunswick. A great celtic

Buechele in the Walburgiskapelle

celebration followed with friends,

at the Kaiserburg in Nuremberg,

family and three-year-old sprite


Mairianna. Scott and his family

Jen Helsing ’92 was married on June 11, 2005 in Ottawa to Geoff Cooper. Laura Penny ’92 (Maid of

On August 20, 2005, Scott Ross '95

currently live in Fredericton, NB. Andrea Francq '95 and Kevin Sealy were married on July 9, 2005

Honour), Brian Mok ’92, Adrian Dunn ’92, Bill Lett ’92, Andrew Grace ’93 (Best Man), Matt Hines ’92, and James Smith ’93 were in attendance. Marcia (nee Gidley)’92 and Rob Tupling were married on September 10, 2005 in Bala,

(L) Marcia (nee Gidley)'92 and Rob Tupling (Middle R) Hines-Buechele wedding: (L-R) Sal Majeed, Laura Penny ’92, Jen Helsing ’92, Matthew Hines ’92, Franziska Buechele, Bill Lett ’92, Kristy Hook, Melanie McKee, and Ehren Mendum ’92 (Bottom R): L-R: Hélène Deacon ’95, Chris Howard '95, Kirsten Franklin, Scott Ross '95, Heather Paterson '95, Todd Lamont '95, and Sue Holland '95


(L) Harper Shirley Veronica Hyslop (M) Al, Griffin, and Paula (nee Crawford) Mbonda ’99 (R) The Carlow family

Births Rob MacKinlay ’70 and his wife,

(born November 13, 2001) and

born on March 18, 2005 in Perth,

Wendi, are the proud grandpar-

William (born September 7, 2003).

Australia and weighing 3.33 kg.

Jack Dooley Danford Heeney was

Paula (nee Crawford) ’99 and Al

born to Polly and Matthew

Mbonda have had permanent

Heeney ’87 on June 3, 2005,

smiles on their faces since July 11,

ents of Madeline Grace MacKinlay, who arrived to parents Rob Jr. and Stephanie MacKinlay on August 10, 2005.

weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. He is the

2005 when their son, Griffin

Crown Prince Felipe ’85 and

tenth grandchild for Goodith

Maloney Mbonda (a.k.a. Fin)

Princess Letizia of Spain gave

Heeney, and cousin to Trevor ’00,

entered the world—named after

birth to Leonore on October 31,

Malcolm ’02, and Rachel (Gr. 9).

the Guelph Gryphon Arena where


his parents met. Alumni uncles, Brian Mok ’92 and his wife,

Harper Shirley Veronica Hyslop

Christine, have a new addition to

arrived into the world on

their family, Nathan Elias Mok

November 30, 2005, weighing in at

was born on August 8, 2005

a healthy 5 lbs. 10 oz. Proud

weighing in at 7 lbs. 10 oz.

parents are Carlyn and James Hyslop ’85.

Cameron Crawford ’02 and Mackenzie Crawford ’05, make excellent role models. Triscia, toddler Jack, and Ray Carlow (staff ) welcomed Kathryn

Annabel Craig ’00 and Philip

Mary Carlow on August 26, 2005.

Craig ’91 are pleased to announce Laure and Ian Hamilton ’87

that their brother, David Craig

Faculty members, Stuart Lee and

would like to update their class-

’89, and his wife Sarah, are the

Diane Rogers gave birth to Stuart

mates on their family, including

proud parents of Matilda Craig,

Parker Rogers Lee (7 lbs. 14 oz.)


on October 17, 2005.

(L) Emilie and William Hamilton (M) Matilda Craig (R) L-R: Tilson, Diane, Stuart, and Stuart Parker Rogers.


Remembering Reverend Jack Cranston ...

Reverend John “Jack” Cranston on June 7, 2005 in Newport, RI

where his parents and sister lived.

until June of 1956. He then

Canada being at war, Jack came to

returned to the U.S. and taught in

the school in September of 1941 to

Wallingford, Connecticut; then to

teach, having met the headmaster,

Newport, RI in 1963 as Head of St.

Windy Smith, earlier in the year.

Michael's School. In 1971, he was

Being a U.S. Coast Guard

invited to become the first head-

Reservist, unfortunately for us he

master of "The New School" when

was called back for active duty

it was founded. He retired in 1983

when the U.S. entered the war.

and has since been connected in

His war years were spent

various capacities with his church,

convoying ships from

St. John the Evangelist.

Newfoundland to Britain, C.O. of a cutter convoying ships from the

Bob Ketchum '49 Boys who were at the school in the 1940s and 50s will have been

Mississippi to the Panama Canal and finally as the C.O. of a tanker carrying aviation fuel.

His parents had a boys’ camp in the mountains of New Hampshire near Hillsboro which Jack helped run during the summer months, and several Grove boys had their

saddened to read of the death of

After the war, he came back to the

first summer jobs as counsellors.

Jack Cranston in the last issue of

school in the spring of 1946 and

Their first trip to the U.S. North

the Grove News. He was a beloved

taught to the end of June 1948. He

Star Camp was magical as many of

teacher and friend to all at

then went to the General

the boys had never been out of the

Lakefield and will be greatly

Theological Seminary in New York

city. It was also Jack's favourite

missed. My first memories were

City, was ordained an Episcopal

place. His ashes are scattered

that of a small boy in one of the

priest in 1952, and then to


junior dorms, being read to, in

Columbia University 1952-1953.

nightly installments, after lights

He also received his Masters

out, The Wind in the Willows, by

degree in theology from the

Jack in his most expressive and

Berkley Divinity School at Yale

delightful manner that kept us on


Jack leaves his wife Elizabeth, sister Priscilla, daughter Althea, head of the English department at a private day school in Cambridge, Massachusetts, son, James, a

the edge of our beds. He returned to Lakefield in 1953

builder of note on Martha's

Jack was an American who had a

with his delightful bride, Elizabeth

Vineyard, and son Jeremy, who

degree from Brown University,

Finlayson, to teach and be the

builds and/or restores old homes

living in Wakefield, Rhode Island

Chaplain, and stayed at the school

in Seattle.

In Our Memories Katherine “Betty” Mockridge on March 2, 2005. Mother

Marjorie Edna Carter on August 6, 2005. Mother to

of John Mockridge ’53, Britton Mockridge ’59 and

Brian Carter and grandmother to Andrew Carter ’96.

William Mockridge ’66. Pam (Heseltine) Balfour on August 6, 2005. Wife of William “Bill" Archbold on August 4, 2005. Father of Richard Archbold ’69.

Paul Balfour ’81.


... and Leonardo Brizio ’68 Bob Mackett '68 From the early to late sixties, Leonard was a classmate, roommate, teammate, thespian, and friend to a number of people who attended Lakefield College School. While he was only at Lakefield for what in hindsight seems like a few short years, he has left a mark with his classmates that will last a lifetime for each and every one of us.

At The Grove, Leonard was recog-

rable dramatic productions staged

nized as a hardworking athlete,

at the school. He worked on the

learning new games and devel-

team that produced the school

oping the skills that went along

year book and so one suspects that

with playing them well. He always

his love of the world of newspa-

played with a great deal of heart

pers in fact had an embryonic start

and spirit. Football in the fall,

at Lakefield.

hockey in the winter and cricket in the summer...quite a testament to the determination of a young boy who but a few short years before had emigrated to Canada from

Within a short period of time after

Italy without knowing a word of

his arrival at Lakefield, Leonard

English let alone the knowledge of

seemed bent on establishing a

how to play any of these games. He

reputation as an entertaining

eventually earned a position on

maverick (some might even

the first team for each of these

describe him as the ultimate

sports. In his final year he was also

enthusiastic eccentric!). From his

appointed a Prefect of the school.

rendition, from the front balcony of the school on May Day, as he addressed “the proletariats” in the courtyard, to his own rendition of working in the pits at the Indianapolis 500 as we changed a tire on Hendren's “meat wagon” (the ancient limousine sometimes transported the team bus overflow of boys to sports events) on the shoulder of the 401 highway while Ken the driver stood spellbound and just watched.

It was quite a journey from Bologna, Italy to Lakefield College

Many of us from the Class of ’68 were fortunate and privileged to spend time with him last year when he returned to Canada for our class reunion. We were a happy family and we all miss him today. He has left us with a wealth of memories to tide us over in the years to come.

Leonardo Brizio ’68 on December 7, 2005 in Hong Kong. Image below is of Leonard while at The Grove, 1967

School. While at Lakefield Leonard became engaged in most activities offered as part of the extensive school curriculum. He derived great pleasure in gently baiting many of the masters who attempted to put us through our academic paces. He never missed the opportunity to perform on stage and was an active participant in many of the most memo-

David Sanceau Walks ’53 on August 10, 2005 in

Ray Coyne ’59 on September 15, 2005.

Niagara on the Lake. Dr. William Eugene Pace on November 10, 2005. David Gordon Dunn ’62 on August 13, 2005.

Father of John Pace ’72, Al Pace ’77, and grandfather to Taylor (Grade 11).

John Syrett on August 18, 2005. Father to Nick Syrett ’93 and Tim Syrett ’95.

Photography by Simon Spivey

4391 County Rd. 29, Lakefield, ON Canada K0L 2H0

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