Winter 2005

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Grove News Winter 2005


Calendar of Events 2005 For details please refer to our school calendar at




Grove Society Meeting


Grove Society Meeting


Kingston Alumni/ae Gathering


Vancouver Alumni/ae Gathering


London, Ontario Alumni/ae Gathering


Pre-1950s Old Boys' Reception

11-13 Alumni/ae Ski Trip, Mt. Tremblant

May 6

May 14

Trustees' Day


Grove Society Annual General Meeting


Regatta Day




Andy Harris Cup, Grove Golf Tournament


Toronto Alumni/ae Gathering

Trustees 2004-2005 Board Chair Jock Fleming '74

Bill Gastle '68

Howard Kitchen

Kathleen Ramsay

Bruce Gibson

Janet Lafortune

Douglas Rishor '57

Past Chair Marilynn Booth

Kenneth Gill

Nicholas Lewis '77

Diane Rogers

Cynthia Gordon

James (Kim) Little '53

Gretchen Ross

Janice Green

Laleah Macintosh

John Ryder '77

Jennifer Gruer

John (Bubs) Macrae '33

Thomas Ryder '53

Terry Guest

Kevin Malone '77

John Schumacher

David Hadden

Jeffrey Marshall

Maureen Sinden

Chris Hadfield

James Matthews '58

Nancy Smith

Steven Harris

Scott McCain

Scott Smith '87

Goodith Heeney

John McRae '70

Simon Spivey

John K. Hepburn '68

Val McRae

David Thompson

Howard Hickman '60

Michael Eatson '83

Ann Tottenham

HRH The Duke of York '78

Betty Morris

Jessie Vouk '05

Tim Hyde '76

Bill Morris '70

Dr. Tim Ward '62

James Hyslop '85

Mike Morris '05

Chris White '90

Alan Ingram

Christopher Ondaatje

Terry Windrem

Warren Jones '88

Travis Price '85

Angie Killoran

Tony Pullen '63

Cindy Atkinson-Barnett David Bignell Gerry Bird Walter Blackwell '56 Gordon Blake Rob Bourgeois Scott Campbell Brian Carter Andrew Clarke '85 Janet Cudney '94 Jack Curtin Peter Dalglish Peter Dunn '62 Andrew Durnford '85 Ann Farlow

* Directors in bold

Cover Photo: LCS student, Mackenzie Crawford, greets an elderly woman in a remote mountain village in Thailand while participating in a service project this past December. Moved by their experience, and the devastation caused by the Tsunami which occurred while they were, fellow participants, Co-Head Student Leala Wong and Mishal Verjee, along with Mackenzie and Leadership Class members, Ashleigh Phillips, Mike Petrosoniak, and Co-Head Student Charlie Bierk, spearheaded an extremely successful relief effort once back at the school. Read the details on page 9.


Editorial Belinda Schubert ’99 I still remember my amazement when it was announced in chapel one morning that my volleyball

welcome students from other

This issue of the Grove News

schools. Differences are

contains a number of articles

celebrated. Future greatness

celebrating the many ways


Lakefield benefits from philanthropy. Goodith Heeney shares

teammate, Susie Pearce ’98, had

Expeditions like Ondaatje and

just placed in the medal stand-

Irving take this culture of diver-

ings in the Arctic Winter Games. I

sity even further; students are

knew that Susie was from Iqaluit,

removed from the familiar

but I had no idea that my

surroundings of the school and

teammate was so talented

are put in new, challenging

beyond her fantastic perform-

environments. They get to know

ance on the volleyball court.

the members of their expedition

Lakefield is able to unite many youths of different cultures, economic backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities in their common quest to study and live

and how they cope with demanding situations. They learn about themselves as physical strain causes them to call on their inner strength.

with us her desire to “give back.” Richard Hagg reports on the Irving Expedition. Angus MacNaughton ’48 relates his reasons for supporting bursaries, and Andrew Parke ’03 talks about the benefits of his LCS experience, made possible through financial assistance. Each article explores unique contributions made to the Lakefield community that I am sure we all can appreciate.

at the Grove. This diversity has

Endowment is crucial in

many benefits. Classroom discus-

maintaining this diversity. The

sions encompass a wide scope of

support of Lakefield’s alumni/ae,

perspectives, challenging

parents, and friends helps to

students to embrace opposing

bring talented youths from

viewpoints and new ideas.

diverse backgrounds to live and

Students form fast friendships

study at the Grove through schol-

We welcome Belinda as our new

with people they may otherwise

arships and bursaries. Generous

Contributing Editor. She assumes

never have had the chance to

donors provide the funds for

the role from Tom Flynn ’96. We

meet. They eagerly take part in

expeditions and advanced

are grateful to Tom for his service

exchange opportunities and

learning tools for classrooms.

to the Grove News.

Belinda Schubert ’99 is a freelance writer and editor. She graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University in June 2003 with a degree in English Literature.


Head of School, David Hadden Church has become what it had to become in order that it can be what it has always been.” Although the “face” of Lakefield has been significantly altered, at its core, its soul has not. The Grove maintains its strength of commitment to the out-of-doors, to the informal and familiar relationships enjoyed between students and staff, and to being a values-driven school. It remains the wholesome, unpretentious, and down-to-earth place it has always been. To “be what it has always been,” Lakefield has taken advantage of three principle sources of revenue to improve its facilities, broaden its programs, and provide more services to its students: above-infla-

January 2005 This past fall, I was struck by the reaction of an Old

tionary fee increases, an expanded enrollment, and fundraising. Over the past 15 years:

Boy who had returned to the campus for his 15th reunion. He had not been back since graduation. Somewhat shocked, paradoxically, he observed, “Wow! Everything is different but it feels the same.” Together, we reviewed the changes to the campus: the additions of Moodie House, Rashleigh House, Duke of York Hall, The Paul and Hélène Desmarais Family Academic Wing, the reconstructed Alexander Mackenzie Chapel, Andy Harris Field, and the expansions and upgrades to the theatre and several student residences. Equally “different” he observed, are today’s students. Not only are there many more of them but, more noticeably, they include females! Other transitions were discussed. It is true: football and cricket teams have given way to rugby and baseball teams, sit down meals to cafeteria style, “laps” to “dialogue” and Saturday gatings and Mr. Milligan’s “Book Workbooks” have been replaced by laptop computers. John Henry Cardinal Newman once observed, “The

Fundraising initiatives have produced $25M, the vast majority of which has been dedicated to new buildings. Economies of scale have been enhanced by expanding Lakefield’s enrollment by 40%, from 261 students (220 boarders, 41 day) to 365 students (230 boarders, 135 day). Above-inflationary fee increases have raised boarding fees from $14,860 to $36,585—an increase of 146%! (Over the same period, the consumer price index has risen by 40%.) A stark reality for Lakefield (and other boarding schools that have depended similarly on these same sources of revenue) is that two of the aforementioned three principle engines for revenue generation will not be available in the future. For the past 20 years, applications to Canadian independent boarding schools have increased each year in spite of above-inflationary fee increases; no longer does this appear to be the case. Increasingly, a fee threshold is being reached.

pv On the enrollment front, there exists no more

not otherwise exist, or might succumb to budgetary

room—or acceptance for that matter—for


increasing the size of Lakefield’s student body. To thrive in the future, Lakefield must build No longer can the school employ these measures to

substantially upon its endowment. It must have

add a teacher here, a program there, or a much

Restricted and Unrestricted Endowments to support

needed service. To avoid its pending “zero sum”

the Arts, Outdoor Programs, Student Leadership,

budgeting dilemma (if something of value needs to

International Experiences, Teaching Excellence,

be added, something of comparably less value—but

Student Learning Support and Wellness Programs

nonetheless of value—must be taken away),

and, most importantly, Financial Assistance

Lakefield’s future advancement will be more highly

(impressively, this year, Lakefield is disbursing

dependent than ever before upon its ability to raise

$1.05M of financial assistance to 105 students, an

funds and vigourously build its endowment.

average grant of $10,000 per student).

Endowment must become the engine that funds Lakefield’s financial assistance programs, strengthens its special attributes, and secures its future.

Parents are often surprised to learn that their fees do not cover the full operating costs of the school— despite the current price of a Lakefield education! Today, endowed income and annual fund revenues

Increasingly, endowment will be the difference

cover 8% of Lakefield’s operating costs. Parents

between good schools and great ones. That is not

become more surprised when they are made aware

to say that a large endowment will guarantee

that they are effectively “borrowing” Lakefield’s

success; however, in the absence of additional

buildings, all of which have been built entirely

revenues being generated by enrollment and fee

from fund-raised dollars. Today’s students benefit

increases, it will be very difficult for schools

enormously from the generosity of previous gener-

without large endowments to compete with those

ations of parents and of alumni/ae.

who possess them. This is because endowment provides the following:

At the beginning of every school year, I exhort the graduating class “to leave this place in a little

Security: Although it is a prime responsibility of

better shape than you found it.” The same can be

endowment stewardship not to touch principal,

said for each generation of alumni/ae, parents, and

schools with healthy endowments are far better

staff. Although we may not see the direct benefits

able to weather economic downturns and survive

of our gifts, like others who have come before us,

temporary crises. As a corollary, because survival

we derive the satisfaction that comes from

is never in question, donors see their investments

enhancing what we have inherited. As someone

as secure and so schools with large endowments

wise once observed, “one of the greatest things any

have an easier time raising money.

person can do is plant a shade tree under which he knows he will never sit.” It is difficult to predict

Financial Assistance: Currently, Lakefield relies on operating funds, annual fund appeals and special expendable gifts to supplement the contributions of its endowment fund to cover its scholarship and bursary program. Ultimately, the goal should be to have sufficient endowment to adopt a “needsblind” admissions policy. Enrichment of Programs: Endowment can supply the funds necessary to offer programs that might

under which shade trees Lakefield students will sit 15 years from now. Hopefully, as a result of the continued visionary leadership of Lakefield’s Board of Directors and the generous commitment of the extended Grove family, Lakefield’s shade trees will be more plentiful and although their locations will be altered, may their desired effect be just the same.


Welcome Jock Fleming ‘74, Chair Board of Directors Jock's 35-year love affair with Lakefield began in

one of the highlights of Grade 9, reading Catcher in

1969 as a Grade 9 student. With the exception of a

the Rye with English teacher, Richard Hayman, and

few years during his university days, he has been

his time spent acting on stage and in the artroom in

involved with LCS in one way or another since then.

his senior years. Jock’s life at Lakefield was very full

Through past alumni activities, his role as President

in every season. He played football in the fall,

of the Old Boys’ Association, as a member of the

describing himself as a scrawny guy who “kept his

Board of Directors, as a parent, and recently, as

tackles low.” In the winter, he was on the ski team

elected Chair of the Board, Jock continues to give

and in the spring, his love for kayaking took over.

back to Lakefield.

Jock remarks, “Whether you talk to someone at the school who attended 50 years or 3 years ago, there

When he first joined the Board in his early 20s, he was impressed by its members and that they really wanted to hear what he had to say. Jock

are a couple of universal experiences—huts (now called forts) in the woods and turtle races—they are remembered like it was yesterday.”

comments, “Everyone was equal. They all had the same issues at heart. And this has always been the

Jock went on from Lakefield to graduate from

way it's been.” Jock remained on the Board for nine

McMaster University in Economics. He has had a

years, pointing out that this was a very interesting

successful career in investment management, and

period in the history of Lakefield. He sat on the

is currently the Chief Operating Officer at AEGON

Selection Committee for the current Head of

Capital Management Inc. (ACM). With great

School, David Hadden, and, as a convert on the

modesty, he attributes much of his success to his

issue of co-education, sat on the Co-Education

Lakefield experience. “Millions of things influence


your life, Lakefield is one of them due to the deeply rooted relationships. You learn how to relate to

Jock recalls his first room was in the “cubes” in Grove House. Described as eight horse stalls

people living with 225 students and multiple roommates.”

shared by 8 or 10 students, it boasted a bed, cupboard, and a chest of drawers. A radiator ran

Jock speaks proudly of his family and community.

down the middle of the room, clanging all night

He and his wife Sue have raised three boys, John

long. He missed home, but adjusted to boarding

’03, Rob ’06, and George. Jock has always felt it was

life relatively quickly, raiding the kitchen on his

important to give back to his community. Along

fourth day with his soon-to-be best friend, Bruce

with his committment to Lakefield, Jock has taken

Good ’74.

an active role on the Foundation Board of West Park Health Care Centre. The culture of “giving back” is

When asked to share his recollections of the Grove, vivid memories from every grade quickly came to mind. He particularly recalls the kayaking trip in

part of Lakefield's and his family's values. Jock believes, “If you are fortunate enough to give back, it's your obligation and your duty to do so.”

the Spring of ’71. He, along with John Pace ’72; past faculty member, David Hodgetts; then Headmaster,

Lakefield is privileged to have Jock at the helm. His

Terry Guest; and other classmates, pitched their

Lakefield roots have made him very comfortable

tents in the pouring rain. Building his own kayak

here. We look forward to his continued contribu-

was part of a steep tradition. Traces of his work can

tions, now as Chair of the Board, and go forward

be seen today in the multi-coloured resin drippings

with great confidence knowing that we are in good

left behind on the boathouse floor. He remembers


pvii cannot rest on our laurels. Our parents continue to feel the pressure of increasing fees. The demands on management, faculty, and staff are increasing. The Board is very aware of these issues and is dedicated to ensuring that we meet the school's mission and adhere to its values. The Board has a full agenda this year. We will be assessing our governance structure to ensure it meets the long-term objectives and mission of the school. We are reviewing strategies to maximize the use of our physical plant, optimize our financial resources, and lever the intellectual capacity of our faculty and management. We are focused on building endowment for future generations and expanding our campus to include a multipurpose student recreation centre. Over my 35-year association with the Grove, I continue to be amazed and impressed with the

Greetings From Our New Chair Jock Fleming ’74

energy and support of the many volunteers that make everything work. The support comes in so

On December 9th, 2004 I took the helm as the Chair

many ways. It's not just the financial support that is

of the Board of Directors of our school. As an

critical to the success of Lakefield. Many of our

alumnus of the Class of 1974, I would have never

parents will host international students in their

guessed I'd be writing a message “From the Chair”

home for a mid-term break. Trustees come to the

in 2005 for the Grove News. I consider it a great

school at least twice a year to help provide

privilege and honour to serve the Grove in this

guidance to long-term policies and objectives of the

capacity. I am very fortunate to start my three-year

school. Alumni/ae talk to students about university

tenure with a school that is guided by a strong and

or potential careers. It is true, you only get out of

capable management, a skilled and dedicated staff,

life what you put into it. In the words of Page

an energized and committed group of volunteers,

Wadsworth, “It's a privilege to serve.”

and…of course…a student body that is “reaching their potential in mind, body, and spirit.”

As you walk around the campus, you should know that our success is the result of the great generosity

The school is in good financial shape and follows a

and financial support from our Grove Community.

rigorous budgeting process each year. Our

We continue to need this support in the future, in

Foundation now has assets in excess of $10 million

whatever form it takes. All you have to do is look at

and is on target for achieving the objectives set in

the students to know we have a promising future.

our Five Year Plan titled Securing Our Future. This

So, to you who support Lakefield, Thanks. I look

year, we are providing over $1M of financial assis-

forward to serving you.

tance to 105 students. The campus continues to improve as demonstrated by the recent completion of the Bryan Jones Theatre renovation and the expansion of Ryder, Ondaatje, and Lower Colebrook Houses. Lakefield is a busy place! However, we


Letters Just a note to say how much we enjoyed the Grove

line could also describe what Anne Whitney was all

News [125th Anniversary Commemorative Edition].

about. Anne was active, empathetic, engaging and

The story about Rickart coming to Lakefield was

determined to see that people were always well


looked after. A loving mother, a caring nurse, and a generously gracious hostess, she was a role model

The whole “News” was extremely well done. The

to many—and life saver to more than a few.

history of the Ryders, Pullens, and Dunns was outstanding.

I’m pleased that an award has been created to keep alive the memory and spirit of such a wonderful



Helen Hepburn John Birkett, Former Faculty When postal codes were introduced, Father Dean Purdy said we would never forget the Lakefield one if we remembered “Keep On Living, Two Hands

To make a donation to the Anne Whitney Memorial Bursary, please contact Kathy Green in the Development Office.

Open; Keep On Loving, Two Hearts Open.” That

Editorial Note Please note the gentleman identified as Peter Birkett ’74, pictured in the gala photo on page piii of The Grove News, Spring 2004, is in fact John Birkett, former faculty member of the Grove. Our sincerest congratulations go out to Sam Ivey and Daria McWilliams whose names were omitted from the list of graduating students in The Graduating Class of 2004 picture on page 39 of the Spring 2004 edition of the Grove News. Sam and Daria are pictured again, below, in the fourth row, 5th and 6th from the right respectively.

In This Issue School News


Irving Expedition 2004


Reverend Glenn Empey Joins the LCS Community


A New Kind of Leadership—The Class of 04-05


Our Contract With Each Other It’s All About The Kids


Something Worth Doing


A Good Fit For Good Citizens


Celebrating Volunteerism at the Grove


Congratulations Jim Matthews ’58


Fall 2004 Trustees’ Day


Lakefield’s Greatest Asset: The Diversity Of Its Students


Alumni/ae Give LCS a 90% Overall Average!




John Milligan Recognized by Bishop’s University


Service Above Self in Guatemala


Interview With Al Branscombe


Class News


Remembering Cliff Abraham ’74


In Our Memories


Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Belinda Schubert ‘99; Editorial Committee: David Hadden, Richard Johnston, Tom Milburn, Richard Life, Sarah McMahon. Contributing Photographer: Simon Spivey. Please address correspondence to the Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0 705.652.3324


School News Senior Girls’ Basketball Champs

We Are the Champions!

The Senior Girls’ Basketball team hosted the Tier 2

The U16 field hockey team revelled in success this

Final Four Tournament at Trent University on

fall winning the 2004 Field Hockey Championship.

Saturday, October 30th, 2004. In front of the

Forty girls in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 attended the first

cheering home fans of LCS, the girls won the

organizational meeting filled with anticipation and

championship final 41-15 against Bayview Glen.

desire to make the team. Only 18 girls were expected—it was awesome to see that much excite-

Lakefield sees all of its players but two returning for next year. The team bids farewell to fourth year player and Co-captain Ashleigh Phillips, and first year player, Sarah Empey. Both players are wished the best.

ment for field hockey. Tough decisions needed to be made, and Coaches Amy Hollingsworth and Ally O’Grady decided to keep everyone who wanted to play—30 remained committed. They trained together as one team, but divided into two teams

Renee Proulx was crowned the Most Improved

for games and the championship tournament—

Player and the Most Valuable Player Award was

double the work, but double the success, laying a

presented to Co-captain Kathryn Olsheski.

strong foundation for future senior teams. Winning a championship was never their goal. Success was

Congratulations to all the girls for their undefeated

defined by measuring individual skill improvement,

season and championship. It was well deserved.

understanding the game, creating a positive team environment, and having fun. Kudos to the girls!

Katie Races Past Opposition

They not only met, but exceeded their goals and, in

Katie Goddard-Duncan lined up against the best

the end, the championship bragging rights were

cross country runners in Ontario (and Canada) at

icing on the cake.

the OFSAA Cross Country Championships in

The Little Shop of Horrors

Guelph. Katie’s superb effort resulted in not only a strong finish, but also in her shaving 20 seconds off

What do a middle-aged Jewish shop keeper, a nerdy

of her previous best time of 17:31. Taking this

assistant, a ditzy blonde, and a sadistic dentist all

amount of time off a 4 km race is a spectacular

have in common? This past November, Lakefield’s

achievement. Katie was also able to beat two

full theatre audience learned that each provides

competitors who had finished ahead of her at the

excellent nourishment to a rather hungry and,

TCS Meet. This was a great experience for Katie and

might we add, blues-singing, black-humoured,

as a junior member of the team, this bodes well for

man-eating plant!

her future running endeavours and for the program. Katie Goddard-Duncan running at the OFSAA Championship

U16 Field Hockey, September 25, 2004


The Cast and Crew of The Little Shop of Horrors

And thus the entertaining antics and horrors of

a rather nightmarish episode in dentistry, the

Mushnik’s little flower shop unfolded under the

audience was filled with delight and horror, and in

expert delivery of the cast and crew, both on and

the end left standing in ovation for the talented



From the live music; the excellent staging, lighting,

Thanks to all who shared in the outstanding

and sound work of the stage and AV crew; the

performances of The Little Shop of Horrors.

singing and dance performances of the actors; and

The Paul and Hélène Desmarais Family Scholarship This prestigious national scholar-

grow over the next several years

ship is awarded annually to

to fund the equivalent of four full

service to his or her school,

deserving Canadian students who

scholarships for outstanding and

community, country, or the world

have demonstrated financial

deserving students to attend LCS

need. The recipients of this schol-

each year.

body, and spirit, and have demonstrated outstanding leadership and strong academic ability.

Students who have been through have been offered acceptance for the 2005-2006 academic year,

Desmarais and their sons Paul (III) ’00, Alexandre ’03, Nicolas

will also submit a Financial Assistance for Canadian Students

Applicants will submit a letter to

Financial Services. (available

the Director of Admissions which

through the Admissions Office)

includes the following information:

For further information on this scholarship please contact Sarah

’03, and Charles Edward as they

A description of why the

announced the Paul and Hélène

applicant is qualified to receive

Desmarais Family Scholarship

this award

program. This endowed gift will

The parents of the applicant

application form to Apple

In the Grove News, Spring 2004 generosity of Paul and Hélène

community leader, coach, etc.

the LCS admissions process, and

may apply for this scholarship. we recognized the support and

Two letters of recommendation from a current teacher,

arship embody the Lakefield College School ideals in mind,

An outline of the applicant’s

McMahon in the Admissions Office at ext.331

Northwest 2004 Irving Expedition To The Northwest Territories This past summer, six students and two staff partic-

the unique environment found in the north. The

ipated in the 2004 Irving Expedition to the

trip covered approximately 450 km, with an eleva-

Northwest Territories. During the last week of June

tion drop of 300 m. They were the only group on the

the members of the Irving Expedition (Kho Araki

river and did not encounter any people until the

’04, Ali Farlow ’04, Bryan Goselin ’04, Andrew

last day of the trip.

Grummitt ’04, Martha Lowry ’04, Beth Mulvale (Grade 12), Susan Armstrong, and Richard Hagg) travelled to the western region of the Northwest Territories for a 16-day canoeing and hiking trip down the Keele and Mackenzie Rivers. The Keele River runs from the Yukon, NWT border, northeast through the Mackenzie Mountain range to the historic Mackenzie River and is located just south of the Arctic Circle. This region is remote and

For many of the expedition members, the float plane ride into the river is, in itself, a once-in-alifetime experience. Once the planes land, gear is loaded into the canoes, and the group heads downstream looking for an appropriate spot to establish camp. There are no marked campsites along the river, so groups usually look for a suitable sand or gravel bar to set up camp for the night.

extremely scenic, providing many days of spectac-

Daily routines on the river are varied, and greatly

ular river paddling and mountain hiking.

enhanced by the combination of fast flowing rivers

The group spent 16 days on the Keele and Mackenzie Rivers, paddling, hiking, and enjoying

and 24 hours of daylight. When you travel close to, or north of, the Arctic Circle in late June and early

Territories July, you encounter the land of the midnight sun—

the Mackenzie Lowlands region. The contrast

24 hours of daylight. This phenomenon affects

between mountains and lowlands is striking and for

sleep patterns and has a huge impact on daily

many members of the group it was a sad day

routines. The flexibility provided by river speed and

knowing that the most spectacular part of the

24 hours of daylight allows our expeditions to take

journey was ending.

advantage of the outstanding hiking opportunities that are found throughout the Mackenzie Mountain range. The first week on the river is usually spent paddling and hiking, working slowly down the river and enjoying the high mountain environment and looking for wildlife.

The expedition spent two days on the lower Keele River traveling through the lowlands before reaching the junction of the Keele and Mackenzie Rivers. At this point, the group moved downstream on the Mackenzie heading north towards Great Bear Rock, the pick-up point, located at the junction of

The Mackenzie Mountain region provides travelers

the Mackenzie and Great Bear Rivers.

with a variety of daily weather, with temperatures ranging from 40°C to 0°C in the summer. The weather for this year’s expedition was great, basically warm with very little rain. The visibility on any given day was very limited due to the smoke that had blown in from the numerous forest fires in the Yukon.

The next morning their guide, Frank Pope, arrived with his specially modified flat-bottomed boat to take the group another 100 km downstream to Norman Wells. All the gear, canoes, and people were loaded onto the boat and we began our journey back to the “Wells” to catch the flight back to Edmonton and then Toronto.

After about 12 days on the river, they came to the end of the Mackenzie Mountains and entered into

Reverend Glenn Empey Joins the LCS Community Not long after I first arrived at the Grove, I was told that coming to Lakefield was like joining a conversation already in progress. That was an insight that has proven to be true. It is a great conversation. It is an honour to join in the conversation and to be welcomed into it as one whose voice counts among the many dedicated voices that so genuinely contribute. On a day-to-day, month-to-month, and year-to-year basis, it seems to me that the threads of the conversation are what define the ever-evolving story of the Grove.

p7 The question that people most often have asked me

In his book, Canada’s Teens: Today, Yesterday, and

is, “has my transition to Lakefield been an incred-

Tomorrow, Reginald Bibby, a renowned scholar,

ible change?” I am still trying to articulate a

observes that teenagers have profound spiritual

response that integrates with my experience and

questions for which they are on a quest to find

my journey.

answers. My sense is that their search is latent, and below the surface of what a young person will

For more than fifteen years, the focus of my ministry was in acute care hospitals with people in situations of crisis. I was either in direct involvement with them, or acted as a teacher and guide for those learning to provide pastoral care for people in the midst of tragedy. Most people would see those

readily venture to discuss. It seems to me that their search is for a safe haven where questions will be accepted as valid, where they will be taken seriously without judgement, and “where doubt is not a fourletter word.” The assurance of trust is a critical factor in this search.

challenges to be daunting. I believe that trust is a quality that is ventured and In fact, I found speaking at the Opening Chapel for

earned in the exchanges inherent in relationships

LCS staff to be a considerably daunting experience.

I had realized that I was amidst a group of highly gifted and incredibly talented colleagues. So, I

whether they be in an acute care hospital room or in the heart of the Grove community.

spoke about how I see relationships to be “holy ground,” whereupon lies the potential for a deep

So, on a daily basis, whether in my ‘conversation’

encounter of being. I also said that, in an encounter

with over 360 students in chapel on a community-

of such openness and vulnerability, there is a

basis; in my encounters at sports events; in visits to

summons to deeper self-knowledge, deeper under-

the residences; in joining in other Grove events; or

standing of others, and a call to discover what lies

in responding to the individual needs of a student,

beyond ourselves. The key element in being able to

the key to our interactions is the establishment and

recognize holy ground is the experience of trust.

fostering of trust so that the “search” may evolve.


A New Kind of Leadership—The Class of 04-05 Sarah McCain, Grade 12 The Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language defines the term “leader” as “one who guides or is in command; one in a position of influence or importance.” Clearly, this is a title that can be looked at from many different angles. Here at Lakefield College School I believe the term leader is a lot broader and more complicated than the Webster's definition. Yes, a leader at Lakefield does

in the class were voted for by the student body based on their overall involvement and attitude. The entire school body was given a list of all students entering grade 12. They were then asked to pick 20 students showing leadership potential. Based on this vote, the 20 elected students were asked to participate in the class. Essentially, it comes down to a whole lot of talent and energy in one room.

aspire to influence and guide others. However,

As mentioned above, the class is overseen and

Lakefield has become a school that prides itself on

directed by Richard Life; however, there are also

developing unique leaders. Let me elaborate. To be

other individuals who play a key role including,

a leader at Lakefield means to be honest, genuine,

John Runza, Assistant Head: School Life; and

and supportive. It doesn't just mean you organize a

Bernadette Springford-Watson, Assistant Head:

spirit bus for the varsity hockey team. It means

Dean of Students. Together the three of them

you're on the front step of that bus, decked out in

mediate discussions, help with tasks, and push each

green and red, with so much energy and hype that

student to reach his or her individual leadership

you're scaring the bus driver. Leadership at


Lakefield is not just a title, it's a lifestyle. As with everything that involves group work, there Over the past five years, Lakefield has decided to

are always major challenges, but also major

focus on, and expand, its leadership opportunities.

achievements. Thus far, the class has managed to

In other words, something needed to be added,

complete several tasks with enthusiasm. One of our

changed. This is where the new Leadership Class of 2004-2005 has come into play. This class was initially developed, and has been headed, by Assistant Head of Program and Planning, Richard Life. After some years of observing and conversing he came up with something called “balancing priorities.” These ideas led to the creation of a class called “Leadership and Peer Support,” a Grade 11 credit course. Imagine, if you will, a class of not only unique, but dedicated, creative, and wellrounded students. These individuals have taken leadership at Lakefield to a new level. All students

p9 first achievements was a very successful Grade 9

contributed to the outstanding leadership shown.

Orientation. With very limited time and supplies, the class created a two-day program for the Grade 9 students including, a Movie Date, Grove Games Day, and Casino Night. All three events were extremely well played out and thoroughly enjoyed. The class now looks back on this as a great start, yet their biggest achievement to date was the Tsunami Relief Auction. Organized in just under one week, the auction raised over $11,000 and benefited from the entire school’s participation. In addition to these very successful events, the class has also planned several dances, met with Trustees to discuss vital school issues, planned Saturday night events, and much more.

If there is one thing that a good leader needs, it is the ability to set and follow through with goals. This has been one of the guiding principles for the Leadership Class. The general goal that has been set is to change and improve all aspects of school life. So far, this goal has been embraced with open arms. Recently, the class has been trying to find ways to boost school spirit through the four paper houses: Pullen, Sheldrake, Mackenzie, and LeFebvre. To support this, it was decided that a half day (in honour of Brennon O'Grady's birth) was in order. The first portion of the half day included a House Frisbee Competition that went over very well. It is the little things like this that give students

A typical leadership class involves a couple of

a boost of energy which in turn makes the school a

things. After an event, a debrief—of what worked

happier place.

and didn't work—would be the first item. In other instances, what is coming up and what can be improved is discussed. It is also not uncommon to debate what is going on around the school. In situations like this, people usually throw out ideas. These communication tools lead the class to explore different opinions that lead to better outcomes.

Personally, I feel the class has worked out wonderfully. At the end of the day, you feel great knowing that you have made a difference within the school. From an overall standpoint the class has made an incredible difference at Lakefield this year. In fact, John Runza stated that he believes, “It’s one of the best things to happen to Lakefield in a long time.” The bottom line is the class works. Leadership at

The class also has its fair share of challenges and let

Lakefield is at an all-time high. The energy can be

downs. Part of the difficulty is its size. The class

felt when you hear house cheers, or student assem-

does not intend to be exclusive; the problem is that

blies. I strongly believe the year of 04-05 will be one

decisions and planning are done better in a smaller

that will be remembered for years to come—not

group. It is important to realize however, that the

only for the launch of the Leadership Class, but for

graduating class, as a whole, has definitely

making it a sensation.

(Opposite page and below) LCS students participating in spirit events organized by the 04-05 Leadership Class

The excitement reached a feverish pitch as students, faculty, and staff, bid for items at the Tsunami Relief Auction


Our Contract With Each Other "Citizenship comes first today in our crowded world...No man can enjoy the privileges of education and thereafter with a clear conscience break his contract with society. To respect that contract is to be mature, to strengthen it is to be a good citizen, to do more than your share under it is noble." ISAIAH BOWMAN

A recent inquiry into three Grove community members’ reasons for supporting LCS and its students (often in more ways than one) revealed a selfless commitment to creating opportunities for youth, for access to quality education, for building community, and for developing a good citizenry.

It's All About the Kids A smile passes over Millie Artymko’s face as she says, “I will be here until I retire, no doubt.” “Here” is Lakefield College School, the place she has worked for almost 14 years in Housekeeping. Millie, her husband Paul, and their two children, have lived in Lakefield for over 26 years. Millie grew up in Young’s Point and recalls driving past the school many times through the years. She began working at the Grove after receiving a call, from a family member who was working here at the time, to fill in for one of the staff who was off for a sick leave, “…and I never left,” she says. Millie may not be the most high profile staff member on campus, but she is certainly one of the most beloved. Her co-workers refer to her affectionately as “good-natured Millie.” Her kind and generous spirit has a strong influence on all those who know her. Millie has been a long-time supporter of the Lakefield College School Foundation. In fact, when it comes to community outreach, Millie believes in supporting causes that are close to her heart and gives careful thought to the organizations to which she donates. She believes in what Lakefield College School has to offer students and chooses to offer her support “for the kids…it is all about the kids.” Millie feels that her financial support is best directed to “whomever needs it best.” Which is why she traditionally directs her gift to the Unrestricted Fund—she believes the school will direct her support to the area in the most need, knowing that it always supports the students in the end. She fondly remembers past students that have had an impact on her, both for their remarkable spirit and some for their remarkable behaviour—“good and questionable,” she recalls with a grin. Most of all, Millie remembers the students who touch her heart with their enthusiasm and appreciation for the advantages the school has given them. (Opposite Page—Top L) Millie Artymko with Wendy Hepburn ’00, followed by the many faces of current LCS students

p12 Millie has worked at three residences on campus—Grove House, Memorial House, and Lower Colebrook House. She can’t imagine working anywhere but Lakefield College School. “There is something about the kids here at LCS…they are a great bunch,” she says, and she has seen many come and go through her years. Millie’s housekeeping role goes beyond cleaning up after the students. Often Millie and her co-workers play a parental role with the students—during the day in their residences, and during times of personal trauma when students seek out someone to talk to. “We don’t know where they are from, what their last names are, or what their parents do for a living,” says Millie, but “they are like our own kids.” They are like a family. “We see our fair share,” she says when asked about her work in the residences, from messy rooms, to play fighting, to the dramas of the teen years. One student with whom Millie still maintains a close relationship is Wendy Hepburn ’00. Wendy recalls, “I remember in my chapel speech I said [Millie] was one of the supporting beams of the house, holding everything together. I think there is a difference in the relationships students have with the housekeepers. The housekeeping staff would not get you in trouble, and there was the understanding that you could confide in them...Many students had a very special bond with the housekeeping staff, a quiet friendship with mutual appreciation.” The Grove can take comfort in the fact that Millie plans to stay until she retires, no doubt quite a few years off. In the meantime, she looks forward to continued adventures as one of the Grove team who support our students in more ways than one.

(L) Goodith Heeney

(R and opposite page) The many faces of current LCS students.

Something Worth Doing The first snowfall of the season begins as Goodith Heeney sits

rather than return to his public school in

in her home in Peterborough and shares the story of how she

Alberta. His parents compromised, and

ended up at Lakefield College School and why this place we

investigated the possibility of attending a

call “The Grove” figures so prominently in her desire to “give

Canadian independent school. Lakefield


College School was one of the two schools

In 1969, the Heeney family was living in England on a one year sabbatical. As they approached the end of their exchange, their eldest son, Michael, told his parents he was determined to remain in England to attend boarding school

to which Michael applied and, to the school’s good fortune, the Heeney family became part of this community in 1970. Michael attended as a boarding student his first year. In his second year, his father


took on the position of Master of

faculty; she believes, “without good faculty, we don’t have

Champlain College with Trent University,


bringing his family to Peterborough. Her desire to support LCS financially stems from the support So began Goodith Heeney’s relationship

that her family received when they chose to send their boys to

with the Grove 35 years ago. With the

the school. She is very grateful for the opportunities that LCS

benefit of financial assistance, all three of

provided her sons and believes in giving back. She hopes that

Goodith’s sons eventually attended the

families who have received financial assistance from the school

school: Michael ’76, Timothy ’83, and

think in terms of giving back. She feels strongly about

Matthew ’87. She also has three LCS

supporting the financial assistance program, but typically

grandchildren (children of her daughter

directs her gift to the Unrestricted Fund, “I trust the manage-

Annie and Richard Johnston), Trevor ’00,

ment to apply my gift to the area of greatest need,” she says.

Malcolm ’02, and Rachel, who has applied to attend grade 9 in September.

Goodith has dedicated her life to advocacy. An active community volunteer, she says, “I never found a job for pay that was

Goodie cites the unique atmosphere at

worth doing; it wasn’t as much fun.” After her husband Brian

LCS as the attraction for their family. “The

died, she saw the need for a community-based care organization

school was remarkable in how they

to support individuals and their families living with life-threat-

responded to the students’ different

ening illness, so she began Hospice Peterborough in 1984. While

personalities,” she says. When consid-

she is not involved in the day-to-day operations of Hospice

ering where Michael would attend school,

today, she remains an active supporter.

they looked for a place that would keep each of their boys engaged through the weekends with a variety of activities available to catch their varying interests.

Other community organizations Goodith has been involved in over the years include Friends of Kinark Child and Family Services, National Advisory Group for the Palliative Care Association of Canada, Children’s Youth Court, and her most

Goodith is a past president of the Grove

memorable involvement recently includes her role as a

Guild, retired member of the Board of

“Calendar Girl” with several local women to raise funds for

Governors, and sits today as a Trustee of

Peterborough Flood Relief.

the school. She was a member of the committee that chose David Hadden as Head of School and also a member of the Co-education Committee. And she has always been a strong supporter of the

An empowering role model for our students, this mother of four, and grandmother to nine (number ten expected in June) remains a strong advocate for the causes in which she believes. LCS is fortunate to include her in its family.


A Good Fit For Good Citizens

whose parents sent them to Canada to attend school to remove them from the dangers of war.

“When I came to the Grove it was half farm, half

Angus’ father contacted a friend from Montreal

school…it wasn’t unusual to be given a half day to

whose son was attending the Lakefield Preparatory

dig up the potato crop or bring in the apples,”

School for Boys at the time and decided to send his

recalls LCS alumnus Angus MacNaughton, a

boys as well.

member of the Class of 1948. He goes on to note that, in his day, the fees to attend were approxi-

There were many LCS students who came from

mately $300 per year—a substantial amount at the

England during the years 1938 to 1944. They

time and one his parents weren’t in a position to

travelled far from their homes and families in order

offer. He and his brother, Bruce ’52, attended with

to attend school in a safe environment. Some boys

the financial support of their uncle—a gift he is still

returned to England after the war and a few chose

grateful for and the root of his motivation to give

to remain in North America, Angus was one of



A leadership level supporter of endowment, Angus

After leaving the Grove in 1948, he attended Upper

does not want a building named after him; he

Canada College for a “fill-in” year before attending

simply wants to give opportunities to deserving

McGill University. He graduated from McGill with a

kids—kids much the same as himself and his

C.A. Degree and began working as a bookkeeper at

brother. In the past, he has offered financial

a small company with ten employees. His career

support to various capital projects including the

progressed, seeing him take on the role of Chair of

reconstruction of the Chapel and the building of

the Board and CEO for a company with 12,000

the New Classroom Block. Today, his gifts are

employees. He is now semi-retired, occasionally

typically directed to support bursaries. He feels it is

consulting for Genstar L.P., a private investment

more important that his gifts ensure students have


every advantage to perform—and the endowment program is a perfect fit, allowing future students to benefit from his generosity.

Angus continues to be in contact with many of his classmates from the Grove. He has fond memories of their times together. He remembers scrounging

Angus MacNaughton came to the Grove in 1941

eggs and flour from the kitchen to prepare cakes in

from England. He was one of the “war boys”—boys

his hut in the woods. He tells of his love of playing


hockey, football, and cricket—even though he

Scouts, the San Francisco Opera Company, and the

wasn’t the most agile of players. He recalls, “I

World Affairs Council. He sits as a Director for each

remember Windy Smith handing out the awards at

of these organizations, with the exception of

the end of the season. He had a special award for

Lakefield College School (he retired as a Trustee in

me, one for the most penalties and most goals.”

1999). Angus is a strong believer in expanding one’s circle of opportunity, hence his long-time support

His attitude towards sports mirrors his attitude towards life—he believes in taking risks and living life to its fullest. He travels extensively, and frequently visits Africa and Europe for both business and pleasure. At the age of 73, this LCS

of students through Lakefield College School’s British Alumni/ae Travelling Scholarship. He believes there is a great advantage to expanding one’s educational experience both inside and outside of the classroom.

Old Boy recently returned from a sailing trip between New York and the Caribbean and is looking

Angus credits the Grove for making him a better

forward to his helicopter trip in the Himalayas in

citizen. He describes himself as a “round peg in a

March to go skiing. Golfing and skiing are his

square hole” and the advantages he gained by

passions these days, sports that blend well with his

attending the school led to the successes he has

love of travel. He proudly states that he golfed 220

experienced in his life. When Angus attended

times last year and continues to enjoy skiing in

Lakefield, he benefited from the financial support

Switzerland, Vail, and Aspen.

of his uncle—now he feels it is his turn, and he hopes his support will help other students become

Angus continues to remember the Grove in his

good citizens.

philanthropic pursuits which also include: The Boy

(L) Angus MacNaughton ’48

(R and opposite page) The many faces of current LCS students


Celebrating Volunteerism at the Grove "The Trustees (the keepers of the school’s soul) seemed to be passionate about these meetings. All of them were eager to meet the students. They were clearly enthused about the prospect of improving this already great institution. It seemed incredible to me that so many busy adults could somehow find the time in their hectic lives to spend a tremendous amount of effort in considering the pros and cons of every decision that would affect the students of LCS. For the students, it was inspiring to see people go out of their way to help our school." KATIE RICHARDSON (Grade 12) commenting on Trustee involvement with the school.

Richard Life, Assistant Head: Program and Planning In these words and pictures, I wish to celebrate the tradition of volunteer service to the Grove, which has been and remains a fundamental part of the school's success. Those who are named or pictured on these pages are representatives of the legions of committed people who have chosen to give their time and skills to help Lakefield College School to flourish. The legacy of their service is reflected in the lives of the students and alumni/ae of the Grove. My first encounter with a Grove volunteer was with Philip Carr-Harris '43, the Chair of the Board of LCS, who I met early in my first week at the school. "Hello Mr. Carr-Harris," I said, upon being introduced to the Chair of the Board by our Head of School David Hadden.

125th Anniversary Celebration Committee—volunteer parents


Parents, Victoria Waterfield and Carol French, volunteered at Fall Fair

Larry Evoy, a current parent, shared his experience in the music industry with LCS students on Career Day

"Welcome to the Grove," he said, "and call me

The Page Wadsworth Award honours a lifetime of

‘Beef.’" "Beef" Carr-Harris, a large, powerful, and

volunteer achievement, in the service of Lakefield

potentially intimidating man, was a firm believer in

College School. When he accepted the Wadsworth

being a volunteer at the Grove. In 1976, "Beef" told

Award in 1999, Jeffrey Marshall reflected on Page's

Bill Morris ’70, "you will become a volunteer at

inspiring notion that service to others was a "privi-

Lakefield." Bill did as he was told, and has spent

lege." Over the past many years, Jeffrey and

over twenty years on the Board of Directors,

another Wadsworth Award winner, Tom Ryder ’53,

including a term as Chair. Continuing in the tradi-

have been instrumental in helping to persuade

tion of volunteers encouraging others to volunteer,

others to accept the privilege of supporting the

Bill had a big part in convincing Marilynn Booth to

school. For example, Jeffrey's wife, Nancy Smith,

become the Chair of the Lakefield Board, the first

was the leading (volunteer) architect of the school's

woman to hold that position. Bill's wife Betty

current strategic plan.

Morris, along with Chris White ’90, was a founding President of the Grove Society, demonstrating that encouraging others to volunteer for the Grove clearly starts at home.

(L-R) Ron Whetung ’83 and 2004 Grove Golf Chair, Scott Smith ’87, golf in support of student bursaries at LCS

My wife Pat and I got to know Kim Little ’53 and his wife, Sally, when Kim was the Chair of the Board during the transition to co-education. The respect

Sarah Mason ’91, Career Day volunteer, shared her experiences in the field of education


we developed for these two

so many volunteers who believe

’85, Warren Jones ’88, Abigail

wonderful people, as they led the

so deeply in its mission.

(Green) DeWolfe ’93, and Janet

school through a difficult time of change, is unbounded. We look forward each Trustees' weekend to a visit with Kim and Sally. At the end of each Trustees’ weekend, we remark to each other how lucky we are to be associated with a school that has

Cudney ’94. These young people This past October, Jim Matthews ’58 became the fourth person to receive the Page Wadsworth Award. The group of trustees who honoured Jim included several of the new generation of Grove volunteers: James Hyslop

are continuing an honourable tradition of volunteering their time to the Grove. With volunteers such as these at the helm, the Grove and its students will surely continue to flourish in the years ahead.

Congratulations Jim Matthews ’58 Page Wadsworth Award Winner 2004 The Page Wadsworth Award was established by the school in memory of a man who devoted his life to service. A significant part of that service was rendered to Lakefield College School. The award is presented to a current or former Board Member or Trustee of the school who exemplifies the dedication to service which was represented by the life of Page.

Kim Little ’53 A short summary of the life of Page Wadsworth ’26 helps to understand the values held by Page. He came to the school as a young boy. At that time, the Grove was only a preparatory school and Page was obliged to go elsewhere to finish his high school

Governors and became its Chairman, and after his retirement as Chairman he remained a valued member of the school’s Advisory Board. Page provided the momentum for the establishment of the Lakefield College School Foundation and he served as its Chairman for the first ten or so years.

education. On completion of his education he

Every Head, Board Chair, fundraising campaign,

joined the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

and decision of the school received impetus and

and worked his way up through the ranks to

valuable input from Page until his death in 1997.

eventually become Chairman. At the Trustees’ meeting in October of 2004, the He was a devoted Anglican, deeply involved in the

Page Wadsworth Award was presented to James G.

life of the Church in Canada. As a result, the Chapel

Matthews, Class of 1958.

and the Chaplaincy of the school were always very important to him.

Jim came to the school from Peterborough as a Day Boy in 1955 and quickly took full advantage of what

Through all his years, Page maintained a great

the school had to offer. He was a School Prefect,

interest in the Grove. He served on the Board of

member of the First Football Team and the First


Hockey Team, Secretary for the Athletic Association,

ment of the relationship between the school

and he participated in Cadets.

community, its Trustees, and Board of Directors. His legal expertise was an essential element of the

Following his graduation from Lakefield, Jim attended the University of Toronto where he

development and implementation of this new governance model.

received his B.A., and then went to Osgoode Hall to study law. He has practiced law for many years with

Jim continues to serve the school in many different

the firm, Aird & Berlis, in Toronto and is highly

capacities and, in particular, he became involved in

regarded by his peers as a corporate, commercial

the development of a new vision for the Lakefield


College School Foundation. This is a process that is not yet complete, and continues to benefit from his

Jim has always maintained his interest in the

time and talent.

school. In the 1980s, Terry Guest, who was then Headmaster, asked Jim to assist in establishing the

When advised that he was to be the recipient of the

“Grove Association.” Its purpose was to provide a

Page Wadsworth Award, his response was that his

contact with the school for past parents and friends

service was not sufficient to deserve being

of the school. Jim’s understanding of the essence of

compared with Page. Nothing would have pleased

Lakefield helped him design a structure for the

Page more than to hear that the recipient of an

Grove Association that was inclusive and workable.

award given in his name had the humility to believe that he needed to give more.

Jim was also asked to join the Board of Governors of the school and has served on the Board, or as a

Jim Matthews has given more than enough to

Trustee, for more than twenty years. In 1993, he was

Lakefield, and rightly deserves this award. He will

elected Chair of the Board and has served in that

continue to volunteer his considerable talents

capacity for two years. In 1996, a new governance

because the school is in his blood. As David Hadden

model, that is unique among independent schools

said, “Simply, he is always there for Lakefield

in Canada, was adopted by the school. Throughout

College School.”

this process, Jim was instrumental in the develop-

Below (L-R) Kim Little ’53 congratulates Jim Matthews ’58, the fourth recipient of the Page Wadsworth Award


Fall 2004 Trustees’ Day On Saturday, October 30, 2004,

for Independent Schools,” devel-

In the evening, special awards

Lakefield College School Trustees

oped by the National Association

were presented to outgoing

gathered for the bi-annual

of Independent Schools. Key

Directors, Walter Blackwell ’56

Trustees’ Meeting. Board Chair

questions were presented to the

and David Thompson, and

Marilynn Booth led the meetings

Trustees to guide their discussion

Marilynn Booth as outgoing

after an opening address by

with students in individual

Board Chair. The evening closed

Reverend Glenn Empey,

groups. At the Annual General

with the presentation of the

Lakefield’s new Chaplain, and an

Meeting, Jock Fleming ’74 was

prestigious Page Wadsworth

opening prayer by Bishop Ann

elected the new Chair of the

Award for outstanding volun-


Board of Directors. Trustees also

teerism to alumnus, past Board

enjoyed a sneak preview of the

Chair, and current Trustee, Jim

Little Shop of Horrors in the

Matthews ’58.

In addition to updates from school management and board committees, attendees were

newly renovated Bryan Jones Theatre.

presented a list of six “Hot Topics

Lakefield College School Trustees who attended the October 2004 meeting

Trustee feedback received through the discussion groups


was brought forward at the


Board Member:

December Board of Directors’

Cliff Abraham ’74 (see page 38)

Andrew Durnford ’85

retreat to help establish the short

Ian Armstrong ’83

and long term priorities for the

Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73

Board. The next meeting of the

Abigail (Green) DeWolfe ’93

Trustees will be held on May 14,

Heidi Gold ’04

2005 at LCS.

Ali Kara ’04

Gerry Bird Scott Smith ’87 Scott Campbell Ann Farlow

Linda Leus



Terry Guest

Jack Matthews

Lakefield College School grate-

Bonnie Patterson

fully acknowledges the tremen-

Donna Smith Ivey

John Schumacher Terry Windrem

dous contributions made by its

New Trustees

retiring Board members and Trustees:

The school is equally delighted to welcome to its Board of

Board Members: Walter Blackwell ’56 David Thompson

Directors one new member. As well, Lakefield welcomes its Trustees:

Grade 9 students relax and enjoy a slice of pizza prior to serving at the Trustees’ Dinner—a longstanding Grove tradition


Lakefield’s Greatest Asset: The Diversity of Its Students Rudy Massimo, Director of Advancement We often hear students and staff refer to Lakefield College School as “Camp Lakefield.” It's true. As a former director of a camp, I recognize that the values Lakefield instills in its students are indeed similar to those fostered at a camp: respect, trust, responsibility, and care and concern for others. Like Lakefield, the camp I directed for many years

involvement, and energy. He exemplifies every aim of our Financial Assistance Program, which strives to support deserving students who, in turn, honour this gift by giving back to their community. Below Andrew extends his appreciation to the donors who made his attendance possible. Lakefield is equally grateful to have the opportunity to call Andrew one of its own.

Andrew Parke ’03

provided bursaries to children who would other-

Lakefield College School was, is, and will continue

wise never have had an opportunity to attend. The

to be filled with skilled, talented, and exceptional

children who received assistance were so grateful

students who grow to be highly successful individ-

for being given the opportunity to attend camp, and

uals, alumni/ae, and friends around the world. If

we, too, were grateful. They brought wonderful gifts

you are a part of LCS, you are a part of a life-long

and strengths to the camp community. I couldn't

relationship and connection with all who experi-

imagine camp without those children.

ence “The Grove.” I will forever be grateful to the

The experiences and opportunities students gain from, and contribute to, Lakefield will have a lasting impact on them. Our graduates will be our future leaders and I am hopeful that the strong leadership they will provide others will be a reflec-

people who sponsored my attendance. Each and every one of my experiences and opportunities at Lakefield College School would never have occurred for someone like me if it were not for these generous, thoughtful donors and sponsors.

tion of the values they learned and strengthened at

It was one of the greatest honours and pleasures in

Lakefield. I am passionate about creating opportu-

my life to become a part of Lakefield College

nities for young people. What we do in the

School. When I heard about the school, of all of the

Advancement Office contributes to the healthy

possible experiences and opportunities it provided,

development of our students, both now and in the

I never dreamed attending was a possibility for me.


I often asked myself: What are people talking about

Our current students are benefiting from and enjoying the facilities and resources that others have provided for them. Our campus continues to improve each year through the generosity and foresight of our donors. As we know, change is constant, and the changes the Grove has experienced over the years have always been made with the goal of improving the student experience. During his three years at the Grove, Andrew Parke '03 participated in almost every aspect of school life. In his final year, his peers chose him to represent them as Co-Head Student. Andrew made a remarkable impact on Lakefield in terms of his leadership,

when they say, "The Lakefield Difference," or

p23 “Camp Lakefield,” or even “Groveiness?” After

students, teachers, dons, friends, parents, and

attending Lakefield College School, I can say that

everyone who believes in Lakefield's values. This I

these words reflect Lakefield's resources, amenities,

witnessed first-hand and, I must say, the existence

history, and culture.

of such a school could not be possible without the support of all of these people.

“The Lakefield Difference" to me, is encompassed by the small school setting with big opportunities,

The atmosphere of the everyday life at the school is

the interaction and relationship between students

what creates “Camp Lakefield.” The friendships

and teachers, the international possibilities offered,

created between students and teachers, the family-

the level of community service it values, and the

like residences, and the lack of formality create this

arts and literature it offers.

ambiance. The recognition of the outdoors, and its related activities, generate a “camp-like” experience

My time at Lakefield gave me the chance to: (i) Know every student and teacher by first and last name—creating a close, trustworthy community;

and participating in the Outdoor Education program was one of the best decisions I made. Lakefield College School, also known as “The

(ii) Gain friendship and guidance from teachers

Grove,” creates something we call “Groveiness.”

for life;

Throughout my time at Lakefield, I learned that

(iii) Attend student conferences around

perfect, that it is okay to embarrass yourself or ask

our country;

for help. I learned that “Groveiness” promotes

“Groveiness” means you are not supposed to be

(iv) Witness and take part in student-initiated community service projects;

being honest and genuine about who you are, and realizing that people learn best from making mistakes. “Groveiness” is a special Lakefield term

(v) Experience the wonders of being in a

for individual growth. Lakefield helped me learn

school play;

important valuable lessons in life, and for that, I will always be thankful.

(vi) And witness and take part in athletic championships.

Thank you to everyone who encourages, supports, and believes in Lakefield College School. The

“The Lakefield Difference” continues to grow from

friendships I made, the memories I carry, and the

the exceptional effort of its volunteers, alumni/ae,

values I now hold, will never be forgotten.

(Opposite Page) Andrew Parke ‘03 (L) Andrew volunteering community service hours as a Big Brother (R) Andrew acting with fellow cast members in the LCS production, Noises Off


Alumni/ae Give LCS a 90% Overall Average! In March of 2003, LCS conducted its first compre-

Figure 2

hensive alumni/ae survey. The purpose of the survey was to seek feedback from our alumni/ae about their student experience, their alumni/ae

General Satisfaction With Student Experience 70%

experience, and their philanthropic interests, and


to better understand the relationship between the


school and its graduates.


Average 4.5 Average 4.5


The survey was conducted by Lookout Management Inc., of London, Ontario, who have conducted more than 100 satisfaction surveys for 50 independent

20% 10% 0% 1





Score out of 5

schools and universities throughout North America. Two thousand and twenty-five alumni/ae surveys

and enabling students to reach their individual

were mailed worldwide; 514 (25%) completed

potential in mind, body, and spirit.�

surveys were returned. Respondents were well-

General School Life

distributed among the classes 1923 to 2002 (figure 1), length of time at the school, and day/boarding affiliation.

Alumni/ae were asked to score a list of seven, school-life related, elements. Interestingly, the outFigure 3

Figure 1

Percentage of Respondents Ranking School-life Related Elements 4/5 or Higher

Distrtibution of Respondents by Class 30%







Decade Decade

academic program


calibre of faculty

Pre 60s

sense of community



school spirt



interaction with faculty



interaction with fellow students



out of classroom experience



General Satisfaction On a scale of 1 to 5, overall satisfaction with the LCS experience as a student was 4.5 (figure 2). Ninety-

of-classroom experience ranked first (figure 3). All

one percent of respondents ranked their experience

seven elements received an average score higher

4 or 5 out of 5. This score matches the highest

than 4.0 and averaged 4.3 overall.

score achieved by just one other school surveyed by Lookout Management Inc.

School Activities and Programs

According to the response, Lakefield is very

When asked to score a list of 16 school areas and

successful in achieving its mission of “challenging

programs, the results varied by decade, but overall, LCS alumni/ae seem most satisfied with the

p25 outdoor education, residential life, athletics, inter-

driving factor in determining reported overall satis-

national exchange, and performing arts programs

faction.” Those who scored 4 or 5 to the question “I

(figure 4). Those falling just below the average level

am proud to be a Lakefield graduate” outnumbered

of 4.0 for satisfaction included advising, music,

those who scored 1 or 2 by a ratio of 115 to 1.

technology, and the community service programs.


None of the programs received an average score of less than 3.4 out of 5.

Alumni/ae prioritized eight programs at LCS as follows:

Figure 4


Outdoor Education







Financial Assistance



Community Service


Performing and Fine Arts


International Affairs


Cultural Diversity

Percentage of Respondents Ranking School Programs 4/5 or Greater 100%

40% 20% 0% Outdoor Education

Residential Life Experience

Competitive International Recreational Performing Athletics Exchange Athletics Arts Programmes

Communications Alumni/ae reported high interest in “passive”

Alumni/ae Experience

communications with the school—particularly

Satisfaction with the alumni/ae experience was

reading the Grove News. Scoring of electronic

ranked an average of 3.8 out of 5. This score is

communications (email, website, etc.) varied

lower than the satisfaction with their student

widely, a function of the broad range of age of the

experience—not an unusual result according to

survey participants. Much of the information

Lookout, given the time and distance from the

gleaned from this survey was used in the design of

school once graduated.

the school's new website including: 82% of respondents reported frequent or regular internet use, 57%

Questions that gauged alumni/ae attitudes and

were registered on the email directory, 40% would

views about the school revealed these attitudes to

use a class bulletin board or discussion forum, and

be exceptionally positive (figure 5). According to

34% would purchase school merchandise online.

Lookout, “the rounded preparation for life afforded to Lakefield students is the school's brand. Core academic preparation (alone)…is not the key Figure 5

Interest in Alumni/ae Programs Programs and events that “re-connected alumni/ae with their classmates” generated the highest interest.

General Satisfaction with Alumni Experience

The top three new initiatives of interest to


alumni/ae were: distinguished alumni/ae awards,


permanent LCS email address, and alumni/ae travel



20% 10%

The top three volunteer opportunities of interest

0% 1



Score Score out out of of 55



were: mentoring a current student or alumus/a, serving as a Board member or Trustee, helping to organize a class reunion.



How Can LCS Be Improved?

More than 67% of respondents reported making a

Lakefield alumni/ae feel that the school's perceived

gift to LCS in the past five years.

sense of elitism, lack of diversity and somewhat sheltered community are areas for improvement.

Figure 6 illustrates the percentage of alumni/ae respondents who received a bursary or scholarship while attending the school. This percentage has increased consistently over the years and remains a priority of the school.

What is Lakefield's greatest strength? More than anything else, our alumni/ae feel that the school's spirit, sense of community, and the friendships developed while at the school are its greatest

Figure 6



% of Alumni Who Received Bursaries or Scholarships by Decade

Based on the results of this survey, Lookout Management Inc. recommends that the school:

35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

ensure all students have, and take advantage of, out-of-classroom activities enhance programs to smooth the transition for Pre 60s







students into their new roles of alumni/ae and minimize “drift� away from the school upon graduation focus on initiatives that reconnect graduates who

Asked to identify their philanthropic priorities from

feel somewhat disconnected from the school

a given list, alumni/ae ranked the following as their top 5 choices:

encourage children of graduates to apply to LCS


Bursaries (need-based aid)

increase levels of, and access to, student


Outdoor Education






Scholarships (merit-based aid)

financial aid recruit alumni/ae who express an interest in volunteering prioritize a planned giving program

On the subject of planned gifts (bequests, life insurance, gifts etc.) 77 individuals (15%) indicated they

share the school's successes, particularly with

had already arranged for a planned gift to LCS or

older alumni/ae, in those areas that have dramati-

would say "yes" to making such a gift, while another

cally advanced over the years

222 individuals indicated "maybe" when asked that question. This finding supports the other results of the survey—that LCS played a major role in the life and development of our alumni/ae, that they hold the institution in high regard, and that they want to contribute to its future.

"With full engagement of academics, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities, comes higher ratings for all measures of student experience, alumni/ae experience, connectedness and affinity to the school, interest in volunteering, and likelihood of supporting the school financially." LOOKOUT MANAGEMENT The school looks forward to acting on these recommendations in the years ahead.


Lakefield’s website posts new information every week

Events Please visit our website at (choose DISCOVER and then, NEWS & CALENDAR) to see what’s been happening recently at the Grove—view the latest snapshots, and read the latest news online (archived by date). Be sure to read the details outlining recent LCS Events: September 24

Student Career Day

September 25

Fall Fair

September 25/26

Home to the Grove Weekend

October 6

London UK Pub

October 7

London UK Dinner

October 14

Halifax Pub

November 18

Grove Gathering Dinner

November 25

Waterloo Pub

While you are visiting the site, we encourage you to login to the PARENT or ALUMNI COMMUNITY to sign up for the Mentoring Program, and register for an upcoming event.

(L) LCS students competing in the Prince Andrew Run at Fall Fair (R) Over 85 attended the Grove Gathering Dinner in November including: (L-R) Allen Cooper ’65, Brink Weaver ’50, Rod Baker ’58, Mike Townsend ’51, John Bennett ’59, Hugh Washington ’43, Chris Patton ’44, and Bruce Crickmore ’39


John Milligan Recognized by Bishop’s University at the university reads:

John earned a letter with the

"John was an outstanding sports

varsity hockey team for four

star with the [Bishop’s University]

seasons as a stalwart

Gaiters. From 1959-63, he was a

defenseman. Once again, his

stellar quarterback on the

leadership skills enabled John to

football team. John's leadership

be named Assistant Captain in

skills earned him the team's

1962-63 and Captain of the team

captaincy from 1961 to 1963. His

in 1961-62. In 1963, John received

ability as a quarterback was

the Hart Trophy as Bishop's

recognized by his selection as an

Athlete of the Year.

Ottawa-St. Lawrence Conference Retired Lakefield faculty member

All-Star in 1962. John was also

and honourary alumnus, John

selected as the team’s Most

Milligan, was honoured with an

Valuable Player in 1962 and 1963.

Alumni of Distinction award by

The Edmonton Eskimos selected

Bishop's University for his

John in the fifth round of the

outstanding contributions in

Canadian Football League draft

Athletics. The plaque displayed

in 1963.

Upon graduation from Bishop's, John remained involved with sports, coaching football and hockey at Bishop's College School and then Lakefield College School for over 27 years.”

Service Above Self In Guatemala Jeff Van Haeren ’01 "An education will take my children out of the poverty into which they were born." WILLIAM B. WASSON, FOUNDER OF NUESTROS PEQUEÑOS HERMANOS. Over the past eleven years my family and I have had the privilege of working with various charitable organizations throughout Latin America. The Van Haeren family's interest in this part of the world began after adopting Alisha, our sixth family member, from Guatemala in 1991. Two years later, we came across an organization devoted to building schools in remote areas of Guatemala and Honduras. My father and uncle, joined by ten others, traveled twice a year to Guatemala to work on various projects. Volunteer groups grew; they were comprised of both skilled and unskilled workers. By 1999, over 20 groups had traveled to Guatemala to build schools. Group members have included Grove alumni/ae Matthew Ho '98, Niklas Van Haeren '98, Jacky Van Haeren '02, as well as myself. By 2000, hundreds of regular volunteers were working on fundraising for future projects. This group of dedicated volunteers formed Friends of the Orphans Canada (FOTO CAN). In 2001, FOTO CAN began working with a Mexican-based organization called Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH). Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos is a charitable organization that has cared for orphaned and abandoned children in Latin America and the Caribbean since 1954. Translated, Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos means

p29 Our Little Brothers and Sisters. Over the past 50

year, the facility grew beyond capacity (350

years this organization has provided shelter, food,

children). A generous land donation in 1997

clothing, healthcare, and education in a safe

enabled NPH to occupy some vacant land nearby.

environment for more than 15,000 children. The

The land, however, remained vacant for a number

first NPH home opened in Mexico, later followed by

of years due to the cost of constructing new facili-

homes in Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala,

ties. In 2001, Friends of the Orphans Canada

El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic.

became involved, and by August 2003 the basic buildings were completed. The project, which has a

In NPH homes, children are raised in a loving environment, secure in the knowledge they will never be forced to leave. They are promised they will never be separated from their siblings, nor given up for adoption. In addition to a good education, their spiritual and emotional needs are nourished, preparing them for adulthood with tools they need to survive.

$4.5 million budget, is not yet completed. To date, the orphanage has boarding houses, a kitchen, dining hall, library, and a computer room. Three staff houses are near completion, as are workshops where the older children can learn vocational skills. There is also a medical clinic which will hopefully be completed next year. In addition to serving the needs of the NPH children and staff, the clinic will

Some of the orphans have been abandoned, others

also provide medical assistance for people living in

have lost one or both parents and have no one to

the surrounding communities.

care for them. Many have physical and emotional scars that eventually heal as they begin to trust their new family. Through the principles of love, security, sharing, work, and responsibility, the children begin to thrive. As children get older, they work with the younger children. The older youths give a year or more of service as house directors, medical assistants, office staff, and in other important roles. As a result, the orphanage needs fewer volunteers and paid staff. The children find pride in contributing to their family's survival. They keep each other accountable in their work, studies, and

Considerable progress has been made, none of which would have been possible without the support of Friends of the Orphans and hundreds of Canadian volunteers. My family welcomes volunteers who are willing to give in any capacity. We, along with FOTO CAN, aspire to build similar facilities in Peru and possibly Bolivia. When volunteers are not working on the site, FOTO CAN hires local trades people to work on the construction. FOTO CAN is a 100% non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Contributions are tax deductible. Inquiries are always welcome.

relationships with others. The NPH Guatemala orphanage was established in 1996 as a home for abandoned children. In its first

Friends of the Orphans—Canada 470 Industrial Ave. Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7L1 519.421.1992 or visit and

(L) A group of boys from the NPH Guatemala orphanage (R) Aerial view of the new orphanage


Interview With Al Branscombe Belinda Schubert ’99 A Bursar at Lakefield from 1955 to 1979, Albert Branscombe recently celebrated his 97th birthday at Rosemere Manor in Lakefield. Mr. Branscombe sat

A. I was the Bursar—that's what they now call the Business Manager. I remember dishing out 25 cents a week to each boy. That was their allowance. It cost about a nickel to buy a hamburger back then.

down with the Grove News to share some of his

Q. What do you remember about your first year at

memories of 24 years at the Grove.

The Grove?

Q. How does it feel to be 97?

A. Before I came, the school had been through three

A. Much better than I ever expected. I'll live to be 120 and then I'll consider what I'll do next.

bursars in three years. I worked morning, noon, and night. Then I had a heart attack. When I got better I came back and I learned to take things in stride.

Q. Did you take part in World War Two? Q. What is your fondest memory of The Grove? A. I was in the Royal Canadian Air Force. The second day after Canada declared war I went up to Trenton to enlist. I was welcomed. I started at the lowest class and worked my way up to Flight Lieutenant and was awarded the Canadian Efficiency Medal.

A. It's not hard to think of nice memories of Lakefield. My long association with the school is a fond memory. I was also very good friends with the headmasters. I remember on school opening, just before the mothers were about to leave, there were always two to four small boys who would be almost

Q. What did you do at The Grove?

at the crying stage. Gordon Winder Smith, who was headmaster at the time, had the cure for this. He would pick a boy up and put him in a cage of bunny rabbits. He had the cage built for it. Then rather than crying, the kids and their mothers were laughing and playing with the rabbits. Q. Did you support Lakefield's decision to admit female students? A. The Old Boys didn't want the girls to take over and some of the teachers didn't either. I gave them $75 to support keeping them out, but the Board of Governors had things their own way. Now the girls have been extremely successful. They certainly proved themselves. I'm very glad that they're there. Q. Have you been to visit The Grove lately? A. No, but Mr. Hadden is a very nice man. Every year he and his wife send me a Christmas card and I just love it.g dinner at Rosemere, with thanks to my friend and landlord Richard McCarthy, who is my


Q. What's your secret for long life?

Branscombe's long association with The Grove was the dedication he offered to further the interest of

A. I haven't paid much attention. I watch what I eat and I take plenty of exercise. I don't do things I don't have to!

the school and the boys…This challenge he willingly and ably met by working seven days a week. It is rumoured that Al did take off Christmas

Q. What are your plans for your 100th birthday?

Day each year, but he could always be found at the school on the other 364 days… It was very

A. Well, I'll definitely be having dinner at Rosemere,

reassuring to all of us to know that Al was in his

with thanks to my friend and landlord Richard

office and invariably able to respond positively."

McCarthy, who is my sponsor for a better life. When Albert Branscombe retired, the Board of Governors

The January, 1980 issue of Grove News remarks

established the Branscombe Bursary, which continues to be

"The most outstanding characteristic of Mr.

awarded annually.

Class News The 1950s Bill Boyd '52 launched a new

Fellowship for his community

Class of 1968 reunion here in the


Maritimes. We enjoyed the Tall Ships, Acadian history, golf, and

book, All Roads Lead to Hockey:

The Trent University Alumni

Reports from Northern Canada to

Association has re-dedicated the

the Mexican Border, in September

Harry Hobbs Memorial Library

2004. His book follows seven

named in 1967 in honour of

stories rolled into a close look at

Harry Hobbs '64 at their class

what the sport was, and still is,

reunion on August 27th, 2004.

all about.

Current Trent Students have

Rod Baker ’58 has been chosen as the Chair of the 2004 Northumberland United Way fundraising campaign. Rod continues to be an active community volunteer in his town of Cobourg, Ontario where he also lends support to the Salvation Army, Coats for Kids,

purchased Sadler House at PRC and are restoring it for the use of current Trent faculty and students and as well for the Peterborough community at

whale watching. We stuffed ourselves on lobster, Digby scallops, and Nova Scotian lamb—we all went home a little heavier but happy, knowing that even after thirty-five years our strong bond of friendship was made even stronger. Our wonderful, beautiful wives joined in all the revelries and added their wit, intelligence, and joy to this wonderful experience.

large. The refurbishing of the library is part of this initiative.

A special thank you to all the people that travelled so far to

The 1960s

spend some time with their old

Chamber of Commerce, and the

Jim Boyer '68 writes:

friends: Grace and Alan Belcher

Rotary Club. He has also been

“My wife, Carolyn and myself

from Williamsburg, Virginia;

honoured with a Paul Harris

recently hosted a very successful

Leonard Brizio from Hong Kong;


Class News Jim Carrique from Magnetewan, Ontario; Susan and Bill Gastle from Lakefield, Ontario; Jane and John Hepburn from London, England, via the French River; Decatur Howe from Vancouver, British Columbia; and Monika and Murray Hunter from Calgary, Alberta. Well wishes were sent by Lou Breithaupt, Phil CarrHarris, John Howes, Ross Hamilton, Shaun Jackson,and Bob Mackett. A truly memorable

Photo by Adrian Seligman ’96 of Moose/Bigfoot Adventures Tours

time was had by everyone and plans are being made for a future

Kathryn heads overseas this fall.

semester starting every January.


She welcomes any LCS visitors.

Courses are offered in both

When she returns in July 2005,

natural science and social

The 1980s

she will be joining the law firm of

science, and are taught on safari

Marcus MacDonald ’86 leads two

McCarthy Tetrault LLP.

in environments ranging from

lives, one in database manage-

desert to tropical rainforest, and from manyatta to urban centres.

ment, and the other as a key member of the Vampire Beach Babes rock and roll group (becoming very big in Germany). Marcus' stage name is "Baron Markus." He has just completed his third CD.

The 1990s After working in New York for the GOP Convention and the last two weeks of the US Campaign in

Adrian Seligman ’96 writes that he is living in Banff, Alberta

Last August, five LCS friends from

where he is working for a

the class of ’99, Lena Miller,

company called Moose/Bigfoot

Elena Zorrilla, Erin Stephenson,

Adventures Tours, providing

Dorothy Wierzbicki, and Miwa

guided tours to Jasper to see the

Takahashi gathered for a night

sites along the way, and do some

out in downtown Toronto. It was

hiking and canoeing. This winter

the first time since graduation

he will be returning to Sunshine

that the friends all got together

Village to work as a ski instructor

for a reunion, and to celebrate

for another year and earn his

Miwa Takahashi's engagement!

level 3 CSIA. His goal is to move

Lena Miller ’99 is living in

to New Zealand to teach there.

Toronto after graduating from U

Maine for POTUS, Katie

of T, and is now pursuing a CGA

Robinette ’90 has moved to

Graham Bos ’99, a former Head

Calgary where she is now

Student, was recently accepted to

working for Jim Prentice, MP.

the Canadian Field Studies program in Africa. This is a

Kathryn Meehan ’91 is the recipient of the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin Scholarship to the University of Cambridge's LLM Program.

competitive program offered to students from across Canada and the United States with the opportunity to study in East Africa for a

designation while working as a junior financial analyst. Erin Stephenson ’99 graduated from Guelph University with a BA in Sociology and is currently attending post-graduate studies in human resources. Dorothy Wierzbicki ’99 recently graduated


Director of the new Centre Stage Performing Arts facility in downtown Peterborough. She has worked hard designing the artistic focus for the centre. In addition to dance programs for all ages, levels, and styles, she has recruited a number of her Ryerson colleagues to teach subjects such as acting, musical theatre, film production, creative writing, and script writing. (L-R) Lena Miller, Elena Zorrilla, Erin Stephenson, Dorothy Wierzbicki, and Miwa Takahashi all Class of '99

Sara Simpson ’00 was named to the first squad of the All-

from U of T and is planning to

Elena Zorilla ’99 just received her

pursue post-graduate studies in

Master's degree in Fashion

semiotics while she lives and

Marketing Management and,

works in downtown Toronto.

after living and working in Milan

Adam Bishop ’04 is at Queen's

Miwa Takahashi ’99 graduated

for the past year, is moving back

studying science and taking a

from university and now lives in

to Madrid where she works at a

music elective. As part of his

downtown Tokyo with her

fashion communication agency.

music course he is studying voice

fiancée. A small wedding ceremony will take place in

Canadian Field Hockey Players for the third time.

and, at the encouragement of his

The 2000s

teacher, has auditioned for and

Hawaii sometime between April

After graduating from Ryerson,

earned the lead role in the

and the end of next year. In the

Laura Lawson ’00 accepted the

Queen's Student Opera perform-

meantime, Miwa is teaching

challenging role of Artistic

ance this coming January.

English to children in Tokyo.

Congratulations Erin

Congratulations To Our Third Rhodes Scholar Erin Freeland Ballantyne, Class of 1999

Erin attended LCS from 1997 to 1999 and jumped

high and always seemed to remain humble about

right in to school life as soon as she arrived.

her talents and success. She was also Co-Head of Saturday Morning Assembly where her videos

Always outgoing and friendly to all, her class

delighted her audiences.

elected her to represent them as a student Trustee —a job she approached with conscientiousness and

On top of it all, she found time to be a leader in the


community service program and to star in several on-stage productions.

She was even better known as an elite Nordic skier—a serious and gifted athlete who set her goals

Erin now attends McGill where she is an honors student in International Development Studies with a minor in Anthropology. She continues to pursue her passions and dreams as a documentary filmmaker, human rights advocate, and competitive skier. Erin joins alumnae Allie Binnie '93 and Hélène Deacon '95 as Lakefield's third Rhodes Scholar. Congratulations Erin—we are very proud of you.

Old Boys’ Reception Pre-1950s, April 23, 2005 “Just a note to thank…you for organizing such a wonderful event last Saturday [November 22, 2003]. Those of us from the class of ’68 who were able to, experienced a very special weekend that brought us together after 35 years and allowed us to share some wonderful moments. We particularly enjoyed the touring of the facilities, seeing some of our teachers and spouses, the slide show that you put together, and the chapel service. I know that these things do not go off effortlessly without a lot of planning and hard work. Thank you very much for allowing us to take part in something that will remain with us always.” MURRAY HUNTER '68 (GUEST AT THE 1960S OLD BOYS’ RECEPTION IN NOVEMBER, 2003) Old Boys who attended the Grove prior to 1950 are invited to join us this April 23, 2005, for an informal day of fun and reminiscence with old friends, including a lunch at the home of David and Susan Hadden, a slide show capturing the good old days, and tours of the campus and archives. Please email or visit our website at (choose DISCOVER, ALUMNI and login to the community) for more information.


(L) The newlyweds, Paula and Al Mbonda. (R) Back Row L-R : Mackenzie Crawford '05, Cameron Crawford '02, David Walsh (Staff), Megan Walsh '00, Mark Ambler '00, A.J. Sainsbury '99, Richard Life (Staff) Middle Row: Julie Fleming '99, Katie Jones '99, Jen McRae '99, Kalen Ingram '99, Sara Simpson '00, Jen Horrigan '99 Front Row: Paula Crawford '99, Al Mbonda. Missing from the picture but in attendance: Jessie Sinden '99, John McRae '70, Arnie Boyle (Staff)

Marriages Dorota (Baginska) and Luke J. Mellors ’88 are

as a Senior Pension Plan Analyst.

pleased to announce their marriage celebrated on July 9th, 2004 at a ceremony in Westminster, London, England.

Hayden Curtin '99 married Dr. Burton McChesney Sundin on July 24, 2004 in Bridgehampton, New York. The Grove was represented by Erinn Piller '99,

Paula Crawford ’99 and Al Mbonda danced their way

Andrea Morris '99, Kelly Carmichael '99, Graham

into marriage at the A.W. Mackenzie Chapel on

Bos '99, Trevor Cory '99, Jessie Sinden '99, Leona

August 28, 2004. Chaplain John Runza performed the

Dobbie '99, Margaret Saari '99, Robin Atkinson '99,

colourful ceremony. The newlyweds live in Toronto

Jeff Taylor '99, Susan and David Hadden.

where Paula attends Teachers' College and Al works

(L) Dorota and Luke J. Mellors ’88. (R) (L-R)Graham Bos '99, Jeff Taylor '99, Jessie Sinden '99, Susan Hadden, Robin Atkinson '99, Margaret Saari '99, Andrea Morris '99, Hayden Curtin-Sundin '99, Erinn Piller '99, Kelly Carmichael '99, Leona Dobbie '99, Trevor Cory '99, David Hadden at Hayden’s wedding


Benjamin Disney with mom and dad

Mackenzie Garside with mom and dad

Births “There is nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit—and to buttress your resolve to make the world a better place.” VIRGINIA KELLEY Benjamin Disney was born to

three-year-old brother, Andrew,

weighing 7 lbs, 6 oz. Proud

Nicola and Bruce Disney ’93 on

are elated to welcome Jeffrey to

parents are Faculty members,

January 27, 2004 (9 lbs, 2 oz).

the family.

Pete and Ally O'Grady.

Allison and Todd Neblett ’87

LCS Computer Technician, Mike

The family is living in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

welcomed the arrival of their

Garside, and his wife, Jenn,

Jeffrey Spencer Stewart

daughter, Ashlyn Carter Neblett,

welcomed new family member,

MacGregor was born on May 17,

on July 20, 2004.

Mackenzie Lee Garside, born

2004 at Chelsea Westminster Hospital, London. Dad Malcolm MacGregor ’84, Mom Leslie, and

July 31, 2004. Brennon Robert O'Grady was born on Saturday, July 24, 2004,

(L-R) Madison, Jayden, and Ashlyn Neblett Brennon Robert O'Grady

Sarah McCalden


Lauren Elizabeth Hope

Kathleen Mackenzie White

Connor Douglas and Peyton Rose

Michael Hope '83 and Lynne

weighed 4 lbs and Camden

Rose, for a “future LCS Alum”

Hoppen are the proud parents of

weighed 5 lbs, 1 oz.


Kathleen Mackenzie White was

Andrew Johnston ’95 and LCS

born on November 12, 2004,

Faculty Member, Kirsten

weighing 7 lbs, 8 oz, with a full

Johnston, proudly announce the

head of dark brown hair! Proud

birth of their daughter, Olivia

Dave and Libby (McCubbin)

parents are Janine and Chris

Charlotte, on December 26, 2004,

McCalden ’93 had a baby girl,

White ’90.

weighing 7 lbs, 6 oz.

Sarah Patricia was born to proud

Loralie and Randal Barker ’83 are

Lauren Elizabeth Hope born September 29, 2004. Lauren joins her two brothers, William (3) and Matthew (6).

Sarah Catherine McCalden (7 lbs, 15 oz), on October 14, 2004.

parents, Mona and Kevin Malone

pleased to announce the birth of

Admissions Assistant Katrina and

’77 on November 25, 2004

Hugo Nicholas Goss Barker on

her husband, Bill Cruikshank, are

weighing 7lbs, 8oz.

December 24, 2004 in London,

the proud parents of twins, Emma and Camden, born on October 18, 2004. At birth, Emma

UK. His siblings, Max and Zoë, Ken Douglas ’91 and Graham Rose '91 brought together their

were excited to welcome their new brother.

sons, Connor Douglas and Peyton

(L-R) Emma and Camden Cruikshank

Sarah Malone with mom and dad

Olivia Charlotte Johnston


Remembering Cliff Abraham ’74 Paul Keaveney ’76 Shock, disbelief, and tremendous sadness are just a few of the emotions that many of us must have felt as we read in the last issue of the Grove News of the sudden passing of Sheldon Clifford Abraham ’74. Cliff Abraham was an extraordinary person. He loved life and all it had to offer and in his short 47 years he lived every aspect of life to its fullest potential. Most importantly and above all, he was a loving husband, devoted father and son, wonderful brother, and to many, a loyal friend.

After graduating from Lakefield, Cliff was accepted at U of T's Trinity College. He graduated with his B.A. in the spring of 1978. After a brief stint in the insurance industry, Cliff returned to university in the fall of 1979 and graduated with his Masters of Business Administration from York University in 1981. Later that year, Cliff joined Upper Lakes Shipping, Canada's second largest shipping company. He progressed quickly through Upper Lakes' ranks and in 1993 was named President. It was while working for Upper Lakes that Cliff met and became smitten with the lovely Dorothy

During his years at The Grove, from 1969-1974, Cliff

Bolder. It was just a matter of time until she

became a true Renaissance man and embodied

succumbed to his charms and on October 25th,

everything that a special school like Lakefield has

1985 she became Mrs. Clifford Abraham. For a man

to offer. He was a gifted student. On the sports field

with many great assets, Dorothy would become his

he played first team football (in the fall), was a

greatest. Cliff and Dorothy complemented each

member of the ski team (in the winter) and first

other perfectly and their union produced two

team rugby (in the spring). When not in the class-

wonderful children, Sean and Kaly. Both children

room or on the field, he could be found in the

inherited many wonderful qualities: kindness,

school theatre where he became an accomplished

compassion and a love of life, great qualities

actor performing in a number of the school's plays.

possessed by both their parents.

By the time Cliff had completed his education at Lakefield, he had become the quintessential Grove student who had developed both a sound mind and body. In later years, he would serve the school as a member of the Board of Governors and became the Chair of the Finance Committee from 1996 - 2002.

In 1996 Cliff and the family moved to Boston, where he continued to work with Upper Lakes. In September 2001, the family returned to Toronto and Cliff was appointed President of Northern Transportation Company Limited, a shipping company with a head office based in Hay River,

Below (L-R) Cliff Abraham at Upper Lakes Shipping Company and as a young LCS student.

p39 Northwest Territories. In his new position Cliff did a

concerned with the feelings of others than his own,

great deal of travelling from his new base in the

often telling friends who came to visit him not to

north, but made every effort to get home to Toronto

worry, and reassuring us with a wink and a smile that

as often as he could to see Dorothy and the children.

everything would be all right. At the end, when the time came for him to leave us, he was at home with

When he became ill in April of 2004, Cliff returned home to Toronto to be close to those that he loved so very much. Throughout his illness he showed incredible courage and determination. His deep and

those who he loved the most, his family. Cliff, your passion for life lives on in each one of us who had the opportunity and privilege of being part of your life.

unwavering faith inspired us all and provided him with great support during this period. We gained

A bursary has been established in Cliff's name. For

strength knowing that he was at peace with himself

more information please contact Kathy Green, Director

and prepared to accept whatever life was going to

of Development.

hand him. In true Cliff fashion, he was always more

Also In Our Memories Terry Martin ’44 on December 22,

Friend and former member of the

Kathleen "Kate" Krenz, wife of


Board of Directors, Len Birchall,

former faculty member, Kim

on September 10, 2004.

Krenz, on January 15, 2005.

Eleanor Wilkes, wife of John

Morson (Bill) Macrae ’30 on

Wilkes ’40 on September 20, 2004.

January 16, 2005. Husband of the

Ian “Pokey” Dobell ’68 on March 7th, 2004 in Victoria, BC. Dr. Douglas MacKinlay on July

late Holly Macrae, loving father of

6th, 2004. Father of Rob

Anne Whitney on September 30,

MacKinlay ’70 and Bert

2004. Wife of former Master, Ben

MacKinlay ’71.

Whitney, mother of David Whitney ’80 and staff member,

David Cochran ’42 on August 6, 2004.

Elizabeth (Liz) Whitney.

Jamie Macrae ’61, Stuart Macrae ’62, Lorna McKay, Jock Macrae ’70, and Gord Macrae. Brother to John “Bubs” Macrae ’33, Don Macrae ’34, and Eleanor Abbott.

Photography by Simon Spivey

4391 County Rd. 29, Lakefield, ON Canada K0L 2H0

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