Mind Wrap: Brain Owner's Manual

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VISUALIZATION IS KEY Different parts of your brain become active once you start making math visual, which leads to a more holistic brain workout. In addition, you learn to understand the language of mathematics by finding ways o visualize its logical meaning. The truth is, many people are instantly put off by a numerical problem whit it is presented with large numbers and arcane symbols. So it stands to reason that adding a visual component to learning math makes it more engaging from the start. Here’s an example to get you started. If you simply read the problem, you might become confused but the problem becomes much easier when you study the diagram and visualize it.

DOES FASTER EQUAL SMARTER? If you’re able to think more quickly does that make you a smarter person than someone who takes more time? In general terms, we’d have to say it’s debatable. For example, an artist may take years working on a masterpiece but does that reflect on his or her intelligence? In numerical terms, however, the answer is “yes”. The speed in which you managed to complete these exercises is an indicator of your current numerical aptitude. The ability to process information rapidly indicates there is more neuron activity in those areas of the brain. However, you should always take enough time to ensure that the answers are correct. It’s not very smart to make mistakes through sheer carelessness.

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