CONTRA Magazine

Page 35

[struc¡ture] – the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.

Text: Tidsskriftforeningen & Magazine Designing Photography: Magazine Designing & Katachi


uild a template structure. Just like each page has

its own structure so does the magazine. Todays magazines follow the same structure and although there are magazines that do not follow this approach we can say that this is a default one. What needs should the magazine fulfill? How is the

of images to be integrated? These are all considerations that should be included in the planning. Make a list of possible needs and look at how these can be addressed in the design. By creating a clear structure of the magazine, it can obtained: Easier editing and organizing. Faster and cleaner production. Recognition of the readers, easier navigation. Rhythm and variation.



content structured? Is there much text? Regular columns? Different departments by theme? Need facts and information texts? Long source lists? A lot

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