Script for presidential election

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Script for Interviewing Bernie Sanders Vr: (knock knock knock) Bernie: (opens the door). Hi is this 73 questions with vogue? Vr: (shakes camera no) Just three. Bernie: Okay what do you need Vr: I have a few questions about your healthcare plan. Care to answer them? Bernie: Sure Vr: Well I’m sure everyone knows about your healthcare plan for all, but I think the burning question is how much all of this will cost? Bernie: Well my Medicare for all plan will end up costing around 32-38 trillion over the next 10 years, but what people don’t understand is that overtime my Medicare plan end up costing less than private insurance. Also it will cover virtually all of your hospital and physician care. Vr: If you are okay with your private insurance will you be allowed to keep it? Bernie: Well no, no one would be able to keep their private insurance. Were all in this together and if it’s going to be Medicare for all that’s what it needs to be. Let’s put it this way would you rather have an old rust car or a new shiny car. Vr: What will happen to the doctors. I know everyone is concerned about whether more doctors will quit if there not getting pasig enough or will there be less medical breakthroughs? Bernie: I think the people are worried about the wrong thing there are over 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage. The doctors are physicians need to understand that they will be paid through the government and private insurance should not be the reason they took their job in the first place. Vr: okay thank you anything else

Bernie: Always remember healthcare not an option but a human right.

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