UN Agenda 21 - How the United Nations plans to control the world

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Both parties voted to raise the debt ceiling Both parties voted for Obamacare Both parties passed NDAA Both parties voted for H.R. 347 suppressing free speech where secret service are present (for protesting.) i.e., abridgement of freedom of speech Both parties just voted for CISPA There are hundreds more examples but you get the picture. The problem is, do you understand that there is NO difference between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party? All of us who give talks about Agenda 21 say, “ this is not a left/right issue; both parties contribute.” But most conservatives cannot get away from wanting the Republicans to get us out of this. How can they when THEY ARE AN EQUAL PART OF THE PROBLEM? We have to understand that the Republican Party is not our friend and has not been for decades. Read Chey Simonton’s article here (link) and you will have a better understanding of those who have taken control of the Republican party and to where they are leading it. It was George H.W. Bush who said in February, even months before signing the Rio Accord in 1992, “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.”[1] A Republican president proclaiming to the world that we will be pledging our allegiance to a One World Government. Where was the outrage in the Republican Party when all of this was going on? There was none. Why? Because the Republican Party is an equal partner with the Democrat Party behind ALL OF THIS evil. Yes, there are local Republican officials who are good guys, but they are not part of the leadership; they do not have a say in what the Party stands for nor do they have a say in how the money is spent. So follow the money. It is going to promote legislation that is redistributing our wealth and will make us slaves -- those few who are still standing when the smoke clears. Yesterday I came to the conclusion that it is too late. In June, globalists, UN officials, NGOs, Democrats and Republicans will be in Rio celebrating 20 years of the insidious spreading of this evil, vile program, Agenda 21. They will be making it hard law. That means that the “suggestions” that we reduce our greenhouse gasses to a percentage below the levels we were supposedly producing in 1991. An impossible task; an unnecessary one too. This will be the straw that broke the camel’s back. This will take us into the Post-Carbon Era. If you haven’t heard of this, you had best get on the web and start finding out what is in store for us. This is not going to be an era that comes spontaneously because of our actions; this has been in the works for decades. Check this out: The Oil Depletion Protocol, (aka the Rimini or Uppsala Protocol) a blueprint for an international agreement to avoid price and supply volatility problems associated with global oil production decline by gradually and collaboratively lowering the global rate of oil production and oil consumption. There is not a shortage of available oil, but the powers that be, the globalists, etc., have planned (read Agenda 21) the unavailability of oil -- at least for the masses. To get up to speed on what the globalists have planned for us, you might want read up on transitions towns, the original one, Totnes, here and the US version here. We are supposed to be excited that we get to descend to a primitive living standard. I am sure that all those Greens who support Earth First! and Dave Foreman are happy as pigs in doo doo. I would love to see how they do when “roughing it” becomes real life not their utopian dream.

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