The Code To The Matrix (INFOWARS.COM)

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VAEL-Veil: A very powerful word from my point of view, this is what creates the Illusion. The world walks about Veiled meaning unable to see the truth. WAEL-Wail-Whale: To continuously cry and our aquatic friends known to originate on the Aquatic Moon Europa and also Sirius along with Dolphins. YAEL- Yale-Yell: To scream and also the famous University, which still has the Seal of the Urim and the Thummim, the ancient Hebraic Rune Stones. These are objects of magic used by the Levite Priest. This is also the home of Skull and Bones code number (322) March 22 turn of the Reason 61: The Country of Canada is actually funding Rael to go about his Ministry of


basically “do whatever you want there is no God”, just another hedonist cult on the surface however because they are linked with Thule as you can see by their

ZAEL-Zeal: It is noted in the Bible a man named Phinehas

Medallions I knew they had to be up to more. Sure enough they run an actual baby

showed “Zeal” meaning in this case lots of aggressive

cloning facility where a mother who has suffered a miscarriage can actually have the

energy to rain destruction upon the Gentiles and go to

baby. They use the Blood and DNA of the deceased baby and make a new one. Of

murder for God and this was shined upon. There are

course this is a very expensive procedure so they attract very wealthy candidates. This is like the movie Omen where these evil babies were put into wealthy households to later control major companies. Either way this is big time E.T. Rael has at least a

numerous ancestral tribes with an abundance of blood on their hands. If we chose to follow their religions we will

dozen surrogate mothers on staff waiting to hatch a baby. Their website promotes all

share their same fate. Keep in mind many indigenous

of this, no legal problems whatsoever, pure Zionist breaking all the rules they enforce.

tribes claim to learn the worship of the serpent from Atlantians who arrived on their coasts with abnormal powers after the destruction of their city in the late month of Aether which is our October. Aeth is pronounced Eight. October is our 10th month but Octo means eight. This shows you how purposefully off the Gregorian Calendar is. 80

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