Order Out of Chaos

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Urban legend? Rumor? Under the Model States Emergency Health Powers Act, which was passed under Homeland Security, health officials have the authority to quarantine entire cities, herd people into sports stadiums and other proxy holding camps, forcibly inject people and kill them if they try to escape. The Detroit Free Press reported, In one simulation, involving a fake plague that struck at a rock concert in Chicago, questions arose about what to do with people who insisted on breaking the quarantine, said Randy Larsen of the AnserInstitute, a security think-tank in Arlington, Va. Would a National Guardsman, he asked, shoot a grandmother trying to evade quarantine? Maybe, Gostin said. "You have to use all reasonable force." Sometimes, he added, that could mean lethal force.26

The rest of this nightmare legislation reads like a guidebook on how to overthrow a Constitutional Republic. State seizure of firearms, seizure of property, food management, clothing management, takeover of all forms of transport, troops on the streets. This scenario has been played out in countless mock terrorist attacks and hour-long TV dramas to condition people on how to react when the biological gets released. The experts that receive no attention from the media are the ones who point out that the worst thing to do would be to congregate people into large groups. If there is a smallpox outbreak all you have to do is wear gloves and a face mask and stay away from large crowds of people. The government scaremongering about dirty bombs and biological attack is more fear-based mind control – it amounts to nothing more than psychological terrorism. By January 2003 FEMA had completed the framework for multiple temporary cities (sprawling gulags), which would hold millions of Americans in the event of a nuclear or biological attack. Newsmax reported, A source familiar with the deadline believes the effort is related to making the U.S. prepared for counterattacks if the U.S. invades Iraq sometime next year. FEMA is currently seeking bids from major real estate management firms, and plans to name three firms in the near future to handle the logistics and planning for these temporary cities. FEMA officials have told these firms they already have tents and trailers ordered. The tents and trailers would provide shelter for displaced populations.27

FEMA responded to this story by categorically denying it. Newsmax also 25

‘Concentration Camps in Okanagon County?’ – Associated Press – February 27 2002 http://www.kxly.com/common/getStory.asp?id=26857 26 ‘Vast quarantine role advocated for states’ - Seth Borenstein – Detroit Free Press – November 7 2001 http://www.freep.com/news/nw/terror2001/quar7_20011107.htm 27 ‘FEMA Preparing for Mass Destruction Attacks on Cities’ – John O. Edwards – Newsmax – July 15 2002 http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/7/14/214727.shtml

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