Obama The Postmodern Coup

Page 83

Coup and Counter-Coup in New Hampshire


promote the Brzezinski agenda and continue the line of stolen elections from 2000, 2002, and 2004. Mob rule, what the Greeks called ochlocracy, is the essence of the color revolution or people power coup. The modern theoretical basis of these mob coups has been provided by the writings of a certain Gene Sharp. In order to carry out a color revolution, large sums of money are required to pay bribes and buy support. Beyond that, the following ingredients are necessary: 1. Media. It is essential to control the key television channels, or at least one major network. In less developed societies, a well-known radio station might suffice, but here in the US it takes a broadcast network and one or more cable networks, backed up by news magazines, daily newspapers, and various internet sites. These organs must attempt to create a collective hysteria or mania in the whole society in favor of the people power coup. In Iowa and New Hampshire, the media swoon was led by NBC/MSNBC, but included most of the networks, plus Newsweek, the Boston and New York tabloids, and many others. Obama was fawned over by George Will, David Broder, Robert Novak, and many other columnists, including those with markedly right wing profiles.

2. Rent-a-mobs. This term became widespread during Brzezinski’s 1978 overthrow of the Shah of Iran in favor of Ayatollah Khomeini. No self-respecting anti-Shah politician in Teheran could venture outdoors without a numerous rent-a-mob. In Kiev, large numbers of young people camped out in the central square of the city to drive home their demand that the pro-Moscow government be replaced with Brzezinski’s pro-NATO puppets, although many of them were too naïve to realize that this was the issue. In more prosperous countries, such as the US, the dupe-a-mob offers a more economical equivalent. In any case, the mobs must be big enough to be shown on television, thus creating the illusion that the coup leader is riding a wave of overwhelming popular support and truly represents the Collective Will in Rousseau’s sense. The large crowds of well-meaning but ignorant and poorly informed young people who stood in long lines outside Obama’s events on the Sunday and Monday before the New Hampshire

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