Hybrid Composite Synthetic Concrete (HCSC)
Hybrid Composite Synthetic Concrete (HCSC) is a high performance, structural polymer concrete material with hybrid co-polymer resin binder and graded silica-quartz aggregates specifically formulated to meet unique and demanding field-cast concrete applications in bridge construction with an emphasis on bridge deck elements like precast closure pours, large full depth bridge deck patching, full depth bridge deck joints, composite deck stiffening overlays, orthotropic steel deck bonded thick wearing surfaces and more. HCSC consists of composite, natural, and industrial components with properties optimized for mechanical effectiveness, compatibility with adjacent materials, ease of installation and rapid strength development in a wide range of conditions, and complete elimination of degradation in natural service environments. Compared to PPC-1121 Polyester Polymer Concrete HCSC has significantly increased structural stiffening capabilities including higher Tensile Strength, higher Stiffness, lower Shrinkage, greater Abrasion Resistance, lower Creep and better steel reinforcement development properties required for demanding structural loading applications. Compared to High Strength Epoxy Grouts HCSC is field-catalyzed for <4 hrs traffic return at 40-100 F placement temperatures, has a lower CTE similar to concrete, creates composite action transition zones at the bond line using a High Molecular Weight Methacrylate (HMWM) saturating primer, and is UV and hydrolytically stable. Compared to Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) HCSC is more flexible in the linear elastic zone, has 0 coulombs permeability to moisture and chlorides, ½ the setting shrinkage strain, equals in abrasion resistance and provides structural composite behavior in <4 hours at 30-100 F placement temperatures. HCSC suits existing UHPC dimensional and rebar details but does not require top forming, diamond grinding, post-curing or temperature conditioning. HCSC can be overlaid with PPC-1121 more rapidly and accommodates differential deflections during placement to develop early rebar engagement strength. In all applications HCSC is installed using existing surface preparation, installation, and equipment specifications for Polyester Polymer Concrete (PPC-1121). Volumetric Mobile Truck Mixers designed for PPC-1121 are compatible for HCSC placement without modifications allowing placement production rates up to 20 CY/HR/Truck.
Hybrid Composite Synthetic Concrete (HCSC) Properties Compressive Strength Tensile Strength Flexural Strength Young’s Modulus CTE Linear Shrinkage
Abrasion Resistance Permeability Rebar Development Length Scaling Resistance Alkali-Silica Reaction
Kwik Bond Polymers, LLC
ASTM C39 ASTM C1583, modified ASTM C78, (third-point, 4x4x12) ASTM C469 ASTM T336 ASTM C157 (initial length @ 4 hours) (initial length @ 24 hours) ASTM C944 (22 lbs, 2 min) ASTM C1202 NY 701-14E Pullout test for UHPC 7-day cure, conditioned for 24 hrs @ 120 °F, #6 @ 5” and #4 @ 3” embedment ASTM C672 ASTM C1260
923 Teal Drive, Benicia, CA 94510
8,000 psi, min 1,500 psi, min 2,000 psi, min ~ 2,500 ksi < 11 x 10-6 in/in/°F 400 microstrain 90 microstrain < 0.3 grams lost 0.0 coulombs 6 db, rebar yielded
Not applicable Not applicable