Architecture portfolio_2024

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20 24 portfolio_
Diana Kubalik
Casa Oliveira InQuadrado professional works_ 2014_2017 01 05 11 15 19 25 29
Unhão Fontainhas Cubito
Unhão_ Project Published AnteProjectos June 2015 01
Design Office _Ha + Architects Client_Mr. Simão da Silva Location_Felgueiras, Portugal Constructed area_145 sqmt Work Completed_2016

Unhão is a single family house developed in the rural context of Felgueiras, in the north of Portugal. The terrain is morphologically characterized by a steep slope facing southwest, thus allowing to design a layout that reinforces the intimacy of the place. This solution was also conditioned by low financial availability, however it was not an obstacle for its future inhabitants to enjoy and take advantage of the environmental and visual potential of the land. Conceptually, this three bedroom house is based on a simple formal design, a volume designed to maintain an open but welcoming environment, both inside and outside and whose volume will be topped by a gable roof, formalizing a continuous element. The functional program is developed on a single floor, in which the rooms and the respective support spaces are oriented to the north and the social spaces in the south, namely the kitchen and the living room. The main element in the house is a wall composed by OSB panels with 27mm that undertakes a storage position. The stereotomy design of this wooden plan aims to “camouflage” the access to private divisions.

20x45 20x45 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 20x40 V1.P1 V2.P1 V3.P1 V4.P1 V5.P1 V6.P1 P9 P13 P3 P1 P4 P5 P8 P11 P10 P2 P12 P6 P7 LP1 h=20+5 LP2 h=20+5 M1: 80x50 M3: 65x50 M2: 80x50 P14 P16 P15 Planta piso 0 10,66 5,77 16,43 3,16 1,39 4,16 8,71 5,00 4,16 4,57 8,73 2,02 5,00 5,20 5,20 5,02 6,64 3,79 1,78 3,52 2,59 0,94 3,54 1,54 3,59 2,70 0,94 0,94 0,90 1,74 1,73 1,80 0,45 0,94 1,95 3,54 10,01 1,23 0,07 0,07 1,32 0,07 0,11 2,67 0,07 0,94 0,26 0,31 0,65 3,79 5,19 4,34 5,16 2,54 0,93 0,76 4,30 0,11 0,41 0,11 0,94 0,07 0,31 2,10 0,75 1,54 1,40 1,04 1,84 1,04 0,39 1,54 3,31 0,94 0,71 02

Cobertura em telha tipo marselha

Ripa em PVC

Sub-Telha tipo onduline

Isolamento térmico tipo "roofmate" com 40mm de espessura

Caleira e rufo em zinco

Presilha de fixação

Lage aligeirada


Tecto estucado pintado na cor branca

Reboco areado fino pintado a tinta aquosa de cor branca

Isolamento termico tipo "wallmate" de 40mm

Reboco hidrofugo pintado a tinta plastica de cor branca

Camada de rachão

Laje de pavimento em betão

Isolamento Laje de pavimento em betão

Pavimento em cimento polido

Parede dupla em alvenaria de tijolo de 150mm no exterior e 70mm no interior

Reboco areado fino pintado a tinta aquosa de cor branca

Reboco areado fino pintado a tinta aquosa de cor branca

Tela drenante pitonada

Manta geotextil

Pavimento exterior em betonilha

Tela asfáltica

Dreno Sapata de fundação


Design Office_HA+Architects

Client_Mr. Marco Medeiros

Location_Porto, Portugal

Constructed area_180 sqmt

Work Completed_2016

Fontainhas_ Project Published AnteProjectos June 2015

Fontainhas house is dated from the beginning of the XX century and without an outstanding heritage value, but of great importance to the city from the viewpoint of historical memory, it was in an advanced state of degradation which required a deep intervention. The clients brief was to organize this two storey building into two fractions, duly autonomous. Programmatically the ground floor integrates the first fraction where the layout is an open space that organizes the common spaces of the dining room and kitchenette as well as the bathroom and the bedroom.The main concern in this level was the absence of light and ventilation which in response to this problem, were created new openings in the north east wall and part of the patio was leveled with the groundfloor. The first floor corresponds to the second fraction where it accommodates two bedrooms, a toilet and the access to the patio throught an elevated steel platform. The second floor is an extension where an indentation was developed, allowing the owner to enjoy a balcony facing the Douro River and taking advantage of the landscape’s potential. The conversion is mostly worked with wood, in order to create a homogeneous language throughout the interior.

C C' B' B D' D' A' A 06
08 Processo: Fase: Especialidade: Numeração: Data: Escala: Designação: Local: Requerente: Todas as medidas deverão ser confirmadas em obra pelas respectivas especialidades. Projecto: Reabilitação Rua Gomes Freire LIC.207.00 A informação contida nesta folha propriedade intelectual do autor do projecto. Todos os direitos estão reservados. reprodução parcial ou global dos mesmos interdita salvo autorização escrita. Alçados e Cortes Vermelhos e Amarelos Sr. Marco Paulo Fernandes Medeiros C D' Especialidade: confirmadas respectivas Freire intelectual Medeiros

Guarda corpos em vidro

Pavimento exterior em "deck" de madeira

Tela de impermeabilização

Isolamento térmico

Caleira em zinco

Laje de betão armado

Padieira em madeira de carvalho

Tecto falso em gesso cartonado tipo "Pladur" Hidrofugo

Vão de janela com caixilharia em alumínio lacada na cor cinza forja c/vidro duplo laminado

Portada em madeira de carvalho

Soleira em madeira de carvalho

Parede existente em pedra de granito

Parede existente em pedra de granito

Rodapé em madeira de carvalho

Viga em madeira

Tecto falso em gesso cartonado tipo "Pladur" Hidrofugo

Isolamento acústico

Porta de entrada em alumínio lacado na cor cinza forja

Soalho em madeira de carvalho 150 x 150 mm

Rodapé em madeira de carvalho

Cobertura em camarinha

Tela de impermeabilização

Isolamento térmico

Madre em madeira de carvalho

Placa OSB

Tecto em gesso cartonado tipo "Pladur" Hidrofugo Estrutura da cobertura em madeira de carvalho

Padieira em madeira de carvalho

Portada em madeira de castanho

Vão de janela com caixilharia em alumínio lacada na cor cinza forja c/vidro duplo laminado

Isolamento acústico

Soalho em madeira de carvalho

150 x 150 mm

Camada de enchimento

Laje em betão armado

Tecto falso em gesso cartonado tipo "Pladur" Hidrofugo

Parede existente em pedra de granito

Soalho em madeira de carvalho

150 x 150 mm

Camada de regularização

Tela de impermeabilização

Laje de pavimento


Terreno existente

Cobertura em camarinha

Tecto em gesso cartonado tipo "Pladur" Hidrofugo

Tela de impermeabilização

Isolamento térmico

Placa OSB Estrutura da cobertura em madeira de carvalho

Padieira em madeira de carvalho

Vão de janela com caixilharia em alumínio lacada na cor cinza forja c/vidro duplo laminado

Portada em madeira de carvalho

Isolamento acústico

Soalho em madeira de carvalho 150 x 150 mm

Camada de enchimento

Laje em betão armado

Tecto falso em gesso cartonado tipo "Pladur" Hidrofugo

Parede int. revest. c/ reboco e pintado a tinta aquosa na cor branca

Padieira em madeira de carvalho

Portada em madeira de carvalho

Vão de janela com caixilharia em alumínio lacada na cor cinza forja c/vidro duplo laminado

Soleira em madeira de carvalho

Parede int. revest. c/ reboco e pintado a tinta aquosa na cor branca

Isolamento térmico tipo "cappotto"

Reboco hidrófugo areado fino pintado na cor vermelho bordô

Rodapé em madeira de carvalho

Soalho em madeira de carvalho 150 x 150 mm

Padieira em madeira de carvalho

Portada em madeira de carvalho

Vão de janela com caixilharia em alumínio lacada na cor cinza forja c/vidro duplo laminado

Soleira em madeira de carvalho

Terreno existente

Membrana de drenagem


Parede existente em pedra de granito

Soalho em madeira de carvalho 150 x 150 mm

Camada de regularização

Tela de impermeabilização

Laje de pavimento


Parede existente em pedra de granito


Design _Diana Kubalik

Client_Duarte Nuno Vieira

Location_Lisboa, Portugal

Constructed area_40 sqmt

Concept Design_2017


This module is based on simplification of the definitions of housing. It was Intended not only to verify simplification of construction methods but primarily on the way of living.The basic palette of materials includes chipboard, wooden beams, plywood, raw metal and rubber. The experimental character of the module was the conceptual starting point. The facade is envolved by fine transparent panels of acrylic mounted on a wooden frame allowing the viewer to sense the mass of the house. Entire structure of the building is composed of manufactured assortment of system panels (SIP), in the peripheral walls, roof and floors.

12 0 1 2 2 0 1 2
2 7 6 4 5 3 1 12 16 8 9 11 10 12 19 2 7 6 4 5 3 1 12 10 13 8 9 11 10 12

Location_Lisbon, Portugal

Constructed area_250 sqmt Competition design_2014

Competition Intervention
at Colina de Santana

This old kitchen dated from 1895 has remaid abandoned and ignored since 1970 by the modern life without any prevision for its rehabilitation. As a result the proposal aims to reactivate and insert this building back to the city by giving a new use to its functional programme. The conversion aims to perserve the heavy and industrial environment of the kitchen. The old floor was replaced by a layer of polished cement while the interior walls and windows were left untouched as well the electrical devices and the air conditioning system. The twenty feet hight pyramid roof integrates a complex system of wooden beams and adjustable struts that converge in the center in a remarkable and beautiful octagonal closure, supporting the centrifugal force of the roof on the structural walls. It was decided then to highlight the ceiling by creating a second level through a structure made of pine wood. This same structure organizes the space in the floor plan through translucid panels. In order to add functinality to the public spaces, namely the bathrooms, the project renovation involved the withdraw of some internal walls previously used to organize the kitchen spaces

. A A' B B' C A A' B B' C' C 16

Location_Lisbon, Portugal

Constructed area_60000 sqmt

Competition design_2014

Enfermarias_ Competition Intervention
at Colina de Santana

The 1900 Hospice Miguel Bombarda closed its doors after eighty years of existence and since then has entered in a slow process of degradation. This U shape building is composed of reinforced concrete slabs and frameworks which was an innovative constructive solution at that time. The framework of the project is a renovative strategic operation looking to strenght its heritage assets and to activate it into the arts industry. Based on photographic support the global consevation status is positive in exception for the last floor which represents some degree of deterioration. Althoug there aren’t any sings of damage in the structural elements, the walls and floors display signs of material degradation as well as the coverage shows lack of tiles allowing infiltration inside the building. The project is structured according to the narrative between time and matter. Inside the existing constructive solutions, wounds on the walls are respected, and in this sense, the intervention preserves it’s memory avoiding masking, scraping, polishing. The involvement on the existing structure is minimal, profiting most of elements, reinforcing them with simple and economical solutions.The materials used are from the industrial universe, without processing and standardized features, the elements establish an open communication with the pre-existence.

The interior walls remained untouched perserving the marks from the past while the new features including lighting and acclimatization system weren’t hidden in order to create an industrial atmosphere. This intervention negates the martyred past and proposes to transmit spatial poetry through the interactivity between the materiality and the “new” shapes.


Design Office _Ha + Architects

Client_Mr. Simão da Silva

Location_Felgueiras, Portugal

Constructed area_145 sqmt

Work Completed_2016

Published AnteProjectos June 2015
Casa Oliveira_

The present restoration project arises from the existing space of a house with four floors, including basement, the roof and a patio with an attached construction. The brief was based on the reformulation of the interior that did not detract from the existing and, therefore, the difference was thought through certain spatial details and materials created in the different spaces of the house. The spatial distribution develops around a satircase, which hides the entrance to the basement. This entrance was hidden with white painted wood panels and a baseboard similar to the existing one. Despite the intervention maintains the language of the house, the spatial harmony between the interior spaces was improved through the homogeneity of the new materials and details designed in the common and private divisions.

Ri6 Re1 Pe1 Pe3 Ri10 Ri9 C4 Ri7 C3 C4 Ri8 Pi7 Pi6 Pi7 Mob-15 Ri8 Ri7 Ri8
28 Processo: Especialidade: Numeração: Data: Escala: Designação: arquitectura: arquitectura Reabilitação Rua de Oliveira Monteiro Sr. Cláudio Oliveira [arq] Ricardo Nuno Oliveira Moreira EXE.307.00 Autoria do Projecto: [arq] Carlos Luis Teixeira A informação contida nesta folha é propriedade intelectual do autor do projecto. Todos os direitos estão reservados. reprodução parcial ou global dos mesmos é interdita salvo autorização escrita. Architecture Planning Consulting Design Corte longitudinal BB' Fase: Execução VERIFICAÇÃO: FISCALIZAÇÃO CLIENTE Data: Descrição [arq.est] Diana Kubalik Sra. Ana Simas Ri5 Ri8 Ri6 Mob-02 Re1 Pe1 Ri10 Ri9 C4 Ri7 C3 C4 Ri8 C4 Ri8 Pi7 Pi6 Pi5 Pi7 Pi5 Pi4 Pi3 Mob-08 Mob-12 Mob-15 Mob-04 Ri8 Ri8 Ri7 Ri8 Mob.13 Mob.14 Mob.15 Esquema piso 2 Corte longitudinal AA' Planta Corte transversal BB' Mob.16 Escritório Acabamento interior Ferragens Folheado em madeira de Castanho Prumos e ilhargas em madeira maciça de castanho tratado Em estratificado de 19 mm e folheado com madeira de Castanho Folha Estrutura Acabamento exterior Armário interior (prateleiras) Tipo 1100 x 500 + 1220 x 500 mm Dimensão Armário 1233 mm Altura do Móvel Tipo JNF em aço inox Folheado com melamina, cor azul Ral 5001

Design _Diana Kubalik

Client_Ana Cristina Mendonça

Location_Lisbon, Portugal

Work Completed_2015


The philosophy of this cube lays down on the Mediterranean nostalgia. The basic palette material is made of wood timber with cyan finish and terrazo.

0.6000 0.4500 0.0400 0.9300 0.5100 0.15 0.3800

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