APSCUF December 2015

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Phone: 610-683-4277

December 2015

Executive Committee: President – Paul Quinn; Vice President – Helen Bieber; Secretary – James Jackson; Treasurer – Kenneth Ehrensal; Delegates – Lisa Frye, Dina Hayduk, Jason Lanter, Viviana Lucabeche, Kevin Mahoney, Glenn Richardson, Thomas Stewart; Alternate Delegates – Helen Bieber, Denise Darrah, Kenneth Ehrensal, Carolyn Gardner, James Jackson, Timothy O’Boyle, Angelo Rodriguez; Senate Representative – Robert L. Smith; Health & Welfare – Dina Hayduk, Grievance CoChairs – Ruth Perkins, Viviana Lucabeche

APSCUF LEGISLATIVE GOALS AND PRIORITIES FOR 2015-2016 SESSION A. Restore state funding to the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education to pre 2011 levels and guarantee a 2 year tuition freeze. Total funding needed is $513 million (a $110 million increase from 2014-15). B. Protect member retirement benefits and options. C. Work in solidarity with the labor movement to preserve worker’s rights (e.g.preserve fair share, prevailing wage, collection of union dues, oppose liquor privatization, and support raising the minimum wage.) D. Protect tenure and academic freedom. E. Support legislation or regulations that would increase transparency for the State System of Higher Education. F. Advocate for student voting rights. G. Work to decrease the indebtedness of PASSHE students in different ways including changes in PHEAA grants and studying other state’s solutions for student debt. H. Identify and build policy solutions to help Cheyney University recover from recent financial and institutional problems, including the promotion and inancial restoration of the Cheyney Keystone Honors Academy. I. Promote legislation that properly regulates for-profit institutions of higher education For more information see http://apscuf.org/issues-and-advocacy/our-legislative-goals-and-agenda .

A Message from State APSCUF President Ken Mash

APSCUF has not lost sight of what's important Colleagues, In an era when our university presidents, provosts, and deans are increasingly (and incorrectly) attempting to reduce the “continuing scholarly growth” provisions of our collective bargaining agreement to mean solely “publication,” it is particularly galling that the State System’s negotiators sought to eliminate funding for the faculty professional-development program. APSCUF’s proposal for a one-year interim contract contained three elements. We proposed that there be a January step increase and a lump-sum payment for those at the top of the scale, that the State System provide us with monthly updates on the status of employees, and that the System put $200,000 into the faculty professional development program. The System had put $400,000 into the fund each of the previous two years. In reaction to our proposal, the System included a step increase and lump-sum payment, but it also sought to shift potentially thousands of dollars in healthcare costs to you. Absent from the System’s proposal was any money for the faculty professional-development program. We probably should not have to bargain for money for faculty professional development. Faculty who use these funds improve the universities’ reputations, bring knowledge back to the classroom, and improve the academic environment. Institutional travel money and grants have dissipated at the same time that managers ask for more. Faculty have had to reach deeper into their pockets to do the things they need to be granted tenure, promotion, to fulfill their disciplinary obligations, and to further the pursuit of knowledge. That the State System would seek to not fund the faculty professional-development program speaks volumes about values, priorities, and concern. Advancing knowledge must remain our raison d'etre. The State System and some of the leadership may have lost sight of this, but you can rest assured that APSCUF has not. In Solidarity, Ken

Contact Information

Kenneth M. Mash, Ph.D. President, Association of Pennsylvania State College & University Faculties 319 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 http://www.apscuf.org

Colleagues, Last evening, APSCUF received the very disturbing news that university presidents and others were calling senators with the express intent to have the Senate vote against Gov. Tom Wolf's nomination of Don Mayer for the Board of Governors. We were told the Senate had called the governor's office to say they did not have the votes for his nomination. This is extremely galling. We are being told presidents were telling the senators that Don Mayer is not a friend of the State System and that he would hurt the System. First, one wonders about the ethical appropriateness of university presidents taking this unprecedented action. Second, our presidents are undermining and insulting Gov. Wolf. Third, Don Mayer is a retired faculty member who had a distinguished career at Shippensburg University, had a great relationship with then Shippensburg President Tony Ceddia, is still serving in his retirement by sitting on the board of the Shippensburg University Foundation, etc. Don and I have talked about his pending nomination, and we both clearly understood that his first obligation as member of the Board of Governors would be to the well-being of our students and the State System, and APSCUF would neither expect "inside" information nor did we expect we would always agree with how he might cast his vote. If the presidents have any true objection, is it that Don is a retired faculty member and a former member of APSCUF (and a current member of APSCURF)? Or perhaps they are simply afraid that someone with academic credentials might actually sit on the Board of Governors? How can it hurt to have someone on the board who actually knows the way things get done on the campuses? We must take action. Using your personal phone number or email address (not a university account or line), please call or write your senator in Harrisburg immediately to tell him or her that Don Mayer is a good man who does not deserve to have his name besmirched. Tell him or her that the Board of Governors desperately needs someone with an academic background. Ask how it could possibly hurt to have one former professor on a board of 20 people. It would also help to call your representatives and ask them to speak to their senate colleagues with this same message. If you have never contacted your legislator before, now is the time to do so. We must act quickly. In Solidarity, Ken


Are you a dues paying union member? APSCUF full members pay union dues equal to 1.15% of their salary. Fair Share faculty and coaches pay 90% of this 1.15%. However, on paycheck stubs, the fee is listed as “UNION DED” for APSCUF and Fair Share faculty and coaches alike. Just because your paycheck says “UNION DED” does not mean that you are a full member of the union. Call x34277 if you are not sure of your status. If you are not a member and would like to become one, please fill out a membership form (available on the APSCUF website - http://apscuf.org/members/join ) and return it to the KU Chapter office located at 203A Old Main. To review member benefits, visit http://apscuf.org/members/forms-and-benefits.

Why should you join? APSCUF strives to protect the rights of faculty and

APSCUF strives to protect the rights of faculty and coaches at the 14 universities that make up the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). APSCUF is a national leader in protecting and advancing the rights of faculty and coaches in higher education. Since 1972, APSCUF has negotiated collective bargaining agreements with the Commonwealth or the State System. These agreements have provided substantial protections and benefits in crucial areas, including tenure, academic freedom, promotion, due process, and salary and benefits. In 2002, APSCUF became the first union in the nation to organize non-faculty athletic coaches in a public higher education system. APSCUF is committed to providing quality pubic higher education. Joining the organization gives you a voice in both local and statewide decisions affecting your students, your colleagues, and your campus. When you get involved with APSCUF, you have the opportunity to network with colleagues from across the state who share your goals and priorities for higher education. As a member of APSCUF, you are also entitled to special benefits such as rental car discounts, discounts for wireless carrier contracts, theme park tickets and more. You can also learn more about our health care, retirement and other benefits on our Forms and Benefits page. To learn about even more benefits, download our complete Member Services booklet To join APSCUF, simply visit your local chapter office or fill out the membership form and return it to your chapter office. If you have questions about joining APSCUF, please contact your local chapter president.

Are you applying for tenure or promotion this spring? The following emails were sent from Chris Sacchi and Duane Crider regarding guidelines and deadlines for those applying for tenure or promotion in Spring 2016.

Promotion The University Promotion Guidelines state that promotion applications must be submitted to the University Promotion Committee near January 14. For Spring 2016, promotion applications can be delivered by all faculty members applying for promotion to OM22C on Wednesday January 13 and Thursday January 14 between 9AM and 4PM. Two members of the UPC will be in OM22C to receive your materials and to check applications for required elements which are: 1) eight copies of

the faculty members current Curriculum Vitae, 2) Chair and Peer evaluations from the fall 2015 semester (2 peer if untenured and 1 peer if tenured), 3) copies of Fall 2015 SRIs, and 4) the eligibility form that is completed through the Provost’s office. For more information contact Christopher Sacchi, sacchi@kutztown.edu .

Tenure Faculty applying for Tenure Spring 2016 and their committees and chairs, According to the CBA, V. 6, 1995 Guidelines, all faculty who qualify to apply for tenure must do so by December 31st. http://www.apscuf.org/kutztown/Committees/ContractualCommittees/Tenure/1995TenureGuidelines.pdf These guidelines outline the conditions of this application. It is strongly recommended that all faculty applying for tenure make this submission in accordance with the December schedule of the Office of the President. For more information contact Duane Crider, crider@kutztown.edu .

APSCUF invites its members to share complimentary copies of published works for inclusion in the APSCUF member library at the state office. If you have books, articles and/or recordings (performed or directed by APSCUF members), please submit them to: APSCUF 319 N. Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 You will receive a letter of appreciation to acknowledge your gift. We hope to continue to grow this library of faculty works to acknowledge the academic excellence of APSCUF faculty.

APSCUF-KU Student Scholarship The Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculty at Kutztown University will grant five $500.00 Scholarships to undergraduate students returning to campus Fall 2015. In addition, APSCUF will also give $100.00 to those students interviewed but not receiving the scholarship. Recipients of the five grants will be determined on the basis of financial need, academic record, and campus activities. The competition is open to all students with the following qualifications: 1. financial need 2. a minimum of 3.0 Grade Point Average

3. completion of at least 24 hours of course work including 12 hours of course work at

KU at the time of application

4. returning to campus Fall 2015 as a full-time student

5. previous recipients are ineligible

Applications will be due during the spring semester. The deadline will be shared when it is updated on the APSCUF website.


Are you a temporary faculty member? RESOURCES FOR ADJUNCT FACULTY The New Faculty Majority: NFM is dedicated to improving the quality of higher education by advancing professional equity and securing academic freedom for all adjunct and contingent faculty. See more at: http://www.newfacultymajority.info/equity/ The Steve Street National Unemployment Compenstation Intiative: An advocacy campaign of New Faculty Majority. See more at www.unemploymentforadjuncts.com/campaign The Association for Union Democracy (AUD): AUD is a pro-labor, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the principles and practices of democratic trade unionism in North American labor movement. See more at http://archive.uniondemocracy.org/index.htm Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor (COCAL): COCAL is a coaltion of higher education activists united in working to improve working conditions at colleges and universities for contingent faculty, including adjunct, part-time, and non-tenure track instructors, and graduate teaching assistants. See more at http://cocalinternational.org

Happy Holidays from APSCUF-KU!

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