Theses of the Central Council of EDON on the 70year Anniversary of AON – EDON April 2014

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In this context, EDON supported and worked closely with the National Federation of Student Unions of Cypriots (OEFEK), founded in 1962, up until the Athens Junta appoints at the leadership of the Federation extreme right students, members of EOKA B’ who were members of “DRASIS”. At that point EDON withdraws its support to the Federation.

The failure of re-organizing OEFEK leads the progressive, democratic forces within the student movement to establish the Pan Cyprian Federation of Student Unions in July 1973, which is a milestone in the democratization of the Cypriot Student Movement and the harmonization of the aspirations and struggles of the vast majority of the Cypriot people.

Since its establishment and until today, EDON supports POFNE - POFEN, forging strong competitive ties with the Federation on the basis of common goals and common struggles initially to resist the imperialist intrigues against Cyprus and the fascist activity of EOKA B ' and the Junta which aimed at overthrowing democracy in our country.

This joint struggle continues after the Turkish invasion, aiming at the liberation from the occupation, the reunification of our country and our people, the rapprochement with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, the expression of international solidarity towards struggling peoples of the world and certainly in winning the rights of the student movement.

EDON since 1992 keeps a University Student section which has the status of Provincial Organization, while the forces of the Left in the student movement are formed under the umbrella of the Proodeftiki K.F., originally founded in Athens in October 1974 to expand gradually in all student centres in Cyprus, Greece and abroad. A landmark in the political history of EDON is the long effort to complete the integration of the student movement, which became reality with the inclusion of all student unions within POFNE in 2004 and which is then renamed to POFEN.

As the most reliable, consistent and militant power in the Student Movement, Proodeftiki has established itself in the minds of Cypriot students, as the leading force recording major electoral successes in student elections in the overwhelming majority of Cypriot universities, but also as the leading force on overall results.

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