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The idea behind creating this handbook was to allow young book lovers and potential writers to take a peek into the world of stories and discover the secrets behind storytelling and writing. The readers will have the opportunity to get to know basic concepts and laws of writing a story. The book offers various practical tasks as well as interesting information from the world of literature. Apart from enjoying in the adventure of reading and writing, this book gives readers a visual pleasure as well.

Therapy Comics

Author and illustrator: Ana Petrović

18x17cm, 167 pp full colour, paperback.

Therapy comics started first on social media, as posts on the author’s Instagram and Facebook profiles. These evolved to become a book with additional content. These witty and at times dark, but nevertheless funny single panels depict the author’s personal experience with psychotherapy. The young author and illustrator, Ana Petrović, courageously addresses an important issue for modern society - the need to take care of one’s mental health.