August 2014

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ko·sher OC

We report news to support Jews

Features 16. In Photos: Rally for Israel

35. Israel Today, an Analogy

24. Red Alert Wedding

36. Quantum Mechanics

32. A Quick Glimpse

38. Kosher Computer

Rally for Israel around the world

The most memorable wedding ever

Kosher OC is here to give the Orange County Jewish community news when it happens, here and around the world. We combine the best of modern media and dedicated journalism to give you timely and interesting stories about the movers and shakers of the community and the great events they hold. We also talk about Jewish trends and trendmakers in Israel and throughout the globe with interesting ideas about celebrating holidays and celebrating each other.


OC family returns from Israel visit

34. Safe in Israel

Are you safe? I am safe

40. Tisha B’av Reflection

Marbles, bullies, and terrorists

Judaism is humanism

All new gadget for 2014

Food 42. Ice Coffees

Take a moment to remember

Have it your way



10. Rally for Israel in OC

Community unites to support Israel

14. Rally for Israel in LA

Thousands gather for largest rally

44. Brainiacs 46. Calendar 48. Advertise

18. Sweetening Shabbat

Temple Beth Sholom’s portable ark

Join us for a window into the world of Judaism, and let us have your insight and input. It is our pleasure to serve this wonderful community.

19. Israel Scouts

Identity and building leadership

20. TIES Teens in Israel

Local teens share their experience

21. Boarding School Survival Please send news releases, photos, videos, ideas and thoughts to: PO Box 7054 Newport Beach, CA 92658

On the Cover


Newport teen publishes second book

22. Day of Inspiration

Women overcoming obstacles

Israel 27. Bikur Cholim

Rabbi Eliezrie visits IDF soldiers

28. In Photos: IDF

Operation Protective Edge

30. Fighting Fires in Israel

Delegation of US firefighter arrive

31. Top Ranked Universities

Hebrew University ranks in top 25


Kosher OC |

August 2014

Rabbi Zylberman’s daughters attend the Rally for Israel in Orange County


Rallies in support of Israel have been taking place all over the world in the past few weeks.




Red Alert Wedding

Why I Feel Safe In Israel

Bikur Cholim

Everything was perfect. Down to the last flower petal...

Are you safe? I get asked this question multiple times a day and I always answer the same way...

Rabbi Eliezrie, along with other Chabad Rabbi’s, traveled to Israel to visit wounded IDF soldiers at the hospitals in Israel... Kosher OC |

August 2014


Your smile is our passion (949) 248-2525


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August 2014

Welcome to Orange County

Rally for Israel at Samueli Jewish Campus

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August 2014


Rally for Israel in Orange County By Gail Martin


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August 2014

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Light Beyond the Darkness

Community Unites to Support Israel With prayer, music and resolve, nearly 2,000 people gathered at a rally on Tuesday, July 29, at the Jewish Federation Campus in Irvine to show their support of Israel. Jews of every age and denomination from all over Orange County spoke and responded as one voice with compassion for the victims of terrorism and hope for a positive outcome to the conflict. The event began with the sounding of sirens, as a reminder that Israelis have 15 seconds to run for shelter when rockets are launched and that Israelis have spent much of their time in shelters for the past three weeks as thousands of rockets have been launched at every part of the country from every direction. As Debbie Margolis, president of Jewish Federation & Family Services, explained, “We’re here tonight to say ‘enough is enough.’ The tie that binds us all is unwavering support for Israel and its right to defend itself. We stand in solidarity with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli citizens, so the Israeli people can live free in their own country.” Rabbi Gersh Zylberman, spiritual leader of Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach and president of the Orange County Board of Rabbis, related that his grandfather who just turned 99, fled persecution in the Crimea as a small

boy and went to live in Israel. At the time Tel Aviv was a city of tents and sand dunes. Israel, he said, is a “miraculous rebirth for the Jewish people.” When Rabbi Zylberman led members of his congregation on a tour of Israel earlier in July, he noted the booming construction, hubs of high technology, futuristic light rail and other achievements. “Israel is an agricultural, scientific, cultural and economic powerhouse that has happened in the space of one lifetime,” he said. “The land of the Torah is being reclaimed with democracy and culture despite the fact that it has not known a moment of complete peace. All people of goodwill and common decency should stand with Israel, a beacon of light in a sea of darkness.” Keynoting the event, the Honorable David Siegel, Consul General of Israel, emphasized that Israel would overcome what he described as “this summer of drama.” He related that Jews in Israel and all over the world have “come together as never before” as Hamas fired 80 rockets into Israel in one day, and the Israeli government decided that it had no choice. It launched a defensive operation aimed at stopping the rocket fire and tunnels and at creating a sustainable peace and demilitarization of Gaza.

David Siegel

“In the Jewish tradition we look at darkness with light, always looking forward with optimism to the light beyond the darkness.”

Local “Three thousand rockets have been fired at Israel in 48 days, and Israel is acting on its right of self defense,” he said. “Thirty-one terror tunnels have been discovered, this military operation has exposed the entire terror operation and we’re dismantling it. The Iron Dome is protecting our communities. It’s a critical part of this effort.” Meanwhile, Siegel said, Israel has sent 1,000 trucks containing humanitarian supplies to Gaza in three weeks, putting civilians in danger. Hamas leaders have put their own people in danger by launching rockets from the homes of civilians. Israel has agreed to every cease-fire, but Hamas has violated all of them. While Siegel mourns “the loss of every civilian and solider, and our hearts go out to those defending Israel,” he is optimistic. “In the Jewish tradition we look at darkness with light, always looking forward with optimism to the light beyond the darkness,” he said.

Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum of Chabad Jewish Center of Irvine, Rabbi Leah Lewis of Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot of Irvine, singer Amy Robinson and Shevet Tapuz (the Israel Scouts) presented a tribute to the fallen soldiers. Rabbi David Eliezrie of Chabad of North Orange County communicated with the attendees of the rally via Skype from a few miles from the Gaza border, where he brightened the lives of injured Israeli soldiers by bringing them iPads purchased with donations from Orange County residents. Shalom Elcott, CEO of JFFS, concluded, “Israel is fighting for the values of the western world. Together we can let the families of the fallen men and women know that we care about them. We have three things we didn’t have during the Holocaust – Israel, a globally connected Jewish community and the IDF. We will prevail.”

Kosher Tube


Rally for Israel

David Siegel

Students Speak

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August 2014

Rabbi Gersh Zylberman Temple Bat Yam

Richard Matros AIPAC Orange County Council, Chair

Shalom Elcott Jewish Federation & Family Services, President & CEO

Shevet Tapuz Israeli Scouts of Orange County

Lev Gavshon

Rally for Israel in Los Angeles By Kosher OC Staff


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August 2014

Local 

Thousands gather for largest pro-Israel demonstration ever in Los Angeles Over 3,000 pro-Israel supporters gathered at the Federal Building in Los Angeles on Wilshire Boulevard yesterday, packing the busiest intersection in the United States for the largest pro-Israel rally in L.A. history. Waving blue and white Israeli flags sideby-side with American flags, supporters rallied for Israel’s defense amid ongoing attacks on the Jewish State. The rally, “We Stand United with Israel,” was co-sponsored by the Israeli-American Council (IAC) and StandWithUs, with the support of over 100 Jewish and Christian organizations from across Greater L.A. “Thousands of people from across the L.A. community, Christian and Jew, young and old, stood shoulder to shoulder in a

powerful show of support for Israel,” said IAC board member Adam Milstein. “It was phenomenal to see a huge crowd of Israeli & American flags waving together for Israel in the heart of L.A.” With the Jewish State under fire, Israeli-Americans across the United States are rallying in Israel’s defense. The IAC is helping organize solidarity events in cities nationwide including Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco, to declare that Israel has the right to defend itself from terrorism. Last week, on July 10, the IAC Las Vegas chapter held a rally in support of Israel at the Adelson Education Campus in Summerlin, NV, which was attended by over 300 people. Speakers at the

rally included Dr. Miriam Adelson, Chair of the IAC Las Vegas chapter; Elliot Karp, head of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas; representatives from the offices of several members of Congress including Senator Harry Reid; and Rabbis from various synagogues led songs and prayers. The IAC is demonstrating this powerful Israeli-American show of support for Israel as the terror group Hamas is targeting the people of Israel with hundreds of rockets daily. Rockets have threatened all of Israel’s six million residents, including in major population centers such as Haifa, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. “Red alert” warning sirens have forced people across Israel into shelters dozens of times a day, while Hamas has also attempted to infiltrate Israel by land.

Kosher OC |

August 2014




Tokyo - July 31, 2014

Washington D.C. - July 18, 2014


El Salvador


Montevideo - July 27, 2014

El Salvador - July 28, 2014

Brussels - July 3


New Zealand


Manila - July 29, 2014

Wellington - July 22, 2014


Costa Rica


San Jose - July 20, 2014

Toronto - July 31, 2014


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August 2014



Warsaw - July 25, 2014

Guatemala - July 31, 2014

31, 2014

on, TX - July 22, 2014



Lima - July 25, 2014

Mexico - July 31, 2014



Marseille - July 27, 2014

Vienna - July 26, 2014

United Kingdom


London - July 31, 2014

Budapest - July 27, 2014 Kosher OC |

August 2014



Sweetening Shabbat at TBS

By Yael Berg

Portable Ark sweetens Shabbat for Temple Beth Sholom preschoolers

From the front of the building at the corner of Tustin and Fairhaven Avenues on the Santa Ana-Tustin border, everything looks remarkably normal. Yet this has been a year of upheaval for Temple Beth Sholom (TBS), Orange County’s first Jewish congregation, founded in 1943. In the early morning of February 15, a fire broke out and consumed the kitchen at TBS. No one was hurt, and it appeared at first that the damage has been confined to the kitchen. Soon it became apparent that the heat and soot destroyed everything in the office, social hall and sanctuary, including the Torah scrolls, prayer books and other artifacts.

They were so excited to be able to contribute to the beautification of their new ark The fire represented not only the loss of property but the temporary yet long-term loss of the congregational family’s home. TBS still has its school building, a hub of activity for religious school, preschool and day camp. Offices are housed in portable structures. Since the congregation is not able to use the sanctuary, its services are held at the nearby LDS center in Orange


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August 2014

until the synagogue is made whole again. As Susan Sherman, vice president, early childhood education, explained, “The small wood ark that was used for Torah study in the library was taken to the LDS center to house the Torah scroll. The ark was also used by the preschool every Friday for its Shabbat services. Since the ark was relocated, the preschool Shabbat services felt bare and spiritless. The idea came about for someone to build a new movable ark for the use of the preschool, religious school, camp and anyone who would like to use the ark for the religious purpose.” One of the TBS congregants built the ark from raw wood, and a religious school student Clarisa Sherman – Susan’s daughter — designed and painted the ark. After Clarisa painted the Tree of Life design, she had all the preschool children paint leaves on the tree with their finger prints. “They were so excited to be able to contribute to the beautification of their new ark,” Sherman said.

Local 

By Gail Martin

Israel Scouts Leadership & Identity Israel Scouts gives Israeli Americans a sense of identity and build leadership When families move to the U.S. from Israel, their children may not connect with their classmates right away. They may have questions about their own background. They want to know who they are and where they fit. “For these kids, Israel Scouts brings the Israel experience to Orange County,” explained Doron Armony, the troop leader of Israel Scouts of Orange County (Shevet Tapuz). “These young people, from third to twelfth grade, bloom, communicate, find friends and build their self-esteem. They have a sense of connection, and they know we’re here for them.” Armony related that Sabrina Hinkis founded the organization in Orange County. He is “continuing her good work,” by “knowing what button to push with which kids and keeping the kids connected to each other.” Shevet Tapuz is part of Tzofim Tzabar, the Israeli Scouts of North America, which, according to its

website, emphasizes social and moral development and attempts to strengthen the relationships between Israel and North American Jews, project Israel in a positive light. Additional objectives include promoting teamwork, tolerance and respect among people of all faiths and forming strong bonds between the Israeli youth living abroad and in Israel. “We want to plant the seed for young leadership,” Armony said. This year there were 17 schoolaged counselors serving as leaders in the program. Because Israel Scouts activities are done in Hebrew, the counselors need to be able to speak Hebrew and communicate well with the participants.

a fun and stimulating way.” There are weekly activities, usually at the Jewish Community Center in Irvine. In addition, the scouts have a summer camp and a leadership camp. They organize a program for Israel Memorial Day (Yom HaZikaron) and enjoy a caravan show of young Israelis who come to the U.S. to sing and dance. Recently, the Israeli Scouts sent care packages to soldiers in the conflict in Gaza. “Tzofim helped me to learn a lot, meet a lot of friends and make the transition from Israel to America,” said Shir, a counselor who has two brothers and a sister. “It has helped me to find friends, be part of a community and develop an identity.”

Armony estimated that about 100 youngsters participate in the scouting program, which focuses on physical, intellectual and social development through “age-specific activities including simulation games, discussions, projects, camping trips, ceremonies, holiday celebrations, music and sport, in Kosher OC |

August 2014


TIES Takes Teens to Israel Devyn Kontur, TIES trip participant, enjoys Jerusalem from one of many vantage points.

By Gail Martin

Local teens share their experience after four-week TIES program in Israel When 17 local high school students signed up for the four-week Teen Israel Summer Experience (TIES) program through the Bureau of Jewish Education of Orange County, they had no idea that anything unusual was going to happen in Israel. While being a few hours away from Gaza for much of the trip, the students heard only a few sirens and felt very safe and very happy to be in the Jewish homeland. As the trip brought Jewish history to life, the teens found the experience life changing. “It’s an overwhelming, mind-blowing experience,” said Devyn Kontur, 16, who will be entering 11th grade at El Dorado High School in Placentia. “I knew that Israel was the homeland of the Jews, but I never knew what it looked like. Seeing all the historical sites and places where things happened in the Bible changes the way I see religion.” Kontur, who went on the trip along with a group of friends


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August 2014

from June 29 to July 28, related that the group hiked to Masada and learned its history, walked through caves used by freedom fighters and saw water tunnels used by King David. “All the stories we heard are being proven true, and we’re learning about everything in depth,” she said. TIES, which is housed on the campus of Alexander Muss High School, near Tel Aviv, combines classroom and on-site learning with swimming, snorkeling, hiking and climbing. Instructor Yossi Katz presented lectures and films at the school and then boarded a bus with the students to see archaeological and historical sites, bringing Israel to life by exploring it chronologically. The students also got to explore modern Israel and spend some nights at a hotel, hostel or kibbutz. There were bonding and advocacy activities with the group. “The conflict has brought about unity throughout Israel,” Kontur added. “It made me more sympa-

thetic to all Israelis, and I want to help in any way I can. We sent care packages to the IDF soldiers.” Kontur said that she knew little of the conflict before coming to Israel. “I’m glad I educated myself about the conflict, and I hope other people will too,” she said. “I want to educate other people, so they can help. Not many people really know what’s going on. When I get home, I want to send care packages, letters and money and adopt an IDF soldier.” The group has made it back to Orange County, and Kontur is very clear on what she wants to do. “I want to come back – on Birthright, with my family or both,” she exclaimed.”

Newport Teen Publishes Book

Local  When Justin Muchnick was in the seventh-grade, he had a teacher who had gone to Exeter, a boarding school on the east coast. Muchnick decided that he wanted to “go to a place where it was cool to be smart, where I could get immersive learning, where I could have intellectual discussions around the dinner table,” he said. His parents initially resisted the idea of his going to boarding school, but eventually realized it was “the right path for me to pursue academically,” he said.

information about boarding schools) you really have to scour the Internet and track down people.” Muchnick is no stranger to writing books. His first one, Straight A Study Skills, was written with his mother, Cindy Muchnick, a professional writer. “The book is about achieving your personal best in school, written from both a student and a parent perspective,” he explained.

After a year at Phillips, Muchnick started working on The Boarding School Survival Guide, which was just released. He hopes it gives others the information he wished he had when he was looking at, applying to and choosing a boarding school.

He decided that The Boarding School Survival Guide would have 25 chapters on different aspects of boarding school, including applying, athletics, academics, dorm living and building relationships with teachers. He would write the introduction and the chapter “Why Boarding School?” The other chapters would be written by contributing writers who also are boarding school students in their own voices, making the book a collection of “real info from real students,” Muchnick said. He was responsible for selecting the essays from a large number of students representing a cross section of the nation’s 300 boarding schools. The whole took about 2 years.

“I realized there’s a real void of information about boarding schools,” Muchnick said. “There’s so much about colleges, but (for

Muchnick also wanted to give something back after writing the book, so he decided to give $2,000 of his own compensation

Still, he didn’t know where to start looking, because there was so little information. He chose Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, “because I liked that the people were nice, not competitive. At the same time, I was surrounded by people who were academically involved and I got to know the teachers as more than teachers.”

from the book to two students who are trying to go to boarding school. What does a 17-year-old author do in his spare time? Remarkably, his room at his family’s home in Newport Beach looks like that of a typical teen. At school he is part of the wrestling team. He spends his summers catching up with the family, going to barbecues, playing with Legos and playing soccer. He has cultivated a relationship with a Holocaust survivor at Heritage Pointe, dating back to his Bar Mitzvah. He also runs a Star Wars camp with his brother in the greenbelt next to his Newport Beach home. How do people like the book? It has played to rave reviews so far. “Justin Muchnick has cut through the veneer so any student, parent, prospective employee, ANYONE considering life at a boarding school would be well served to peruse this manual and embrace its heartfelt message,” said Alan D. Whittemore, dean of admission at Maine School of Science & Mathematics. “The Boarding School Survival Guide covers it all — A to Z. It is a must read for any family preparing for boarding school,” said Joe Hemmings, assistant head of school for enrollment at Hebron Academy. “Boarding school is an allconsuming, immensely rewarding experience. This book will prepare you to enter that world,” concluded Brett Potash, dean of The Webb School of California. By Gail Martin

Kosher OC |

August 2014



Overcoming Obstacles By Gail Martin

Women discuss overcoming obstacles at Beth Jacob “Day of Inspiration” “Whatever was put in my path was put there for a reason,” said Lynne Gassel, author of an inspiring new book, Fifth Child: The Turbulent Path That Lead to Raising our Child’s Child. Gassel who spoke at “A Day of Inspiration,” a multifaceted event held by Beth Jacob Women, the sisterhood of Beth Jacob Congregation of Irvine, on Sunday July 27. She added, “Losing a child, raising a grandchild, addiction and cancer are all part of life. I just took it as it came and tried to learn from it and survive.” Gassel, who expected to have the kind of life depicted on a “1950s or 1960s sitcom,” felt lucky to have “four beautiful children” and a good life. Then her husband, Stu, had a heart attack at 48, and she discovered that two of her children were taking drugs. One of the children, Josh, got therapy and “never looked back,” but the other “didn’t follow the same path.” The daughter, Jaime, went from one


Kosher OC |

August 2014

drug to another, left for a year and then came back “pregnant and sober.” She was in and out of her son’s life. Lynne and Stu Gassel got custody of the child, Brady, when he was 3, and then Stu was diagnosed with lymphoma. Josh got married, and Stu went into remission, but Jaime’s visits became so sporadic that Lynne and Stu stopped them. Finally, Jaime

Local 

passed away, and Stu and Lynne officially adopted him at age 6. Gassel related that 10 million grandparents are raising grandchildren in some way and that addiction is common, even in affluent areas. Meanwhile, Brady, now 10½, is thriving. “On

Nguyen’s family, who had lived in Saigon, lived on her grandfather’s land in the country working on rice paddies until her father could find enough money for just the two of them to escape. The fahter’s money was taken, they were set adrift and they finally ended up in Garden Grove. “Sixteen of us were living in 1,300 square feet, but it was better than being in Vietnam,” she said. It took 12 more years until her father was able to bring Nguyen’s mother and sisters to the U.S. “I looked at the world and wondered what happened to it – why bad things happened to good people,” she said. “”I found a Jewish website about Torah, changed my patterns, learned Torah and taught it to my children. I realized that Hashem is in control of everything and learned to be grateful for what I have.” Nguyen concluded, “A truly happy person is satisfied with what he or she has. Hashem’s ways are good. May we always have peace.”

Mother’s Day he made me a card that said, ‘You’re an angel. I wish I could give you the life you deserve.’” Another speaker, Miriam Nguyen, said that she never thought her experience as a boat refugee was unique. “Now I look at my experiences and see Hashem’s hand,” she added.

Dawn Reiner offered an inspiring story of a mother and daughter’s journey through health and healing, or as she said, “”of despair and acceptance of raising a child with special needs.” While her daughter, Nicole, may not be able to do certain things, she had a Bat Mitzvah 2 months ago and exceeded expectations in many other ways.

In the first year of Nicole’s life, the parents learned that she has a cleft palate. She had a limp body, cognitive delays and vision and hearing problems. At the age of 4 she had cleft palate surgery, navel surgery, ear tube surgery and eyeglasses. She was walking, talking and starting to develop normally when she began falling. Eventually, she was diagnosed with Loeys–Dietz syndrome, a genetic disorder involving connective tissue. It has brought psychological challenges, the need to catch up academically and nine major surgeries in the last seven years, Reiner said. Reiner started yoga, meditation and changes in her eating habits while making peace with the disease. Nicole has gone to The Painted Turtle, where she has met other children with challenges. “We live in the moment and appreciate when life is going well,“ Reiner said. “The pinnacle of success was Nicole’s Bat Mitzvah. I have reached a stage of acceptance, knowing that Nicole will always be fragile but will have a good family and a good life in spite of the challenges.” Beth Jacob Women dedicated the event to the memory of David Rock, Dovid Shmuel ben Zalman Girshon Z’L. The proceeds went toward a kitchen upgrade.

After the war in Vietnam ended, Kosher OC |

August 2014





Red Alert By Rachel Yeger


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August 2014


Features 

Everything was perfect. Down to the last flower petal. The beautiful sunshine cast perfect shadows, the tinkling laughter amongst the guests as they moved down the buffet, the soft sounds of classic songs playing in the background, the stuff dreams are made of. The bride was glowing in her gorgeous white gown as she smiled for photos with her friends as the groom dressed neatly in his navy suit was greeting his friends who had come from halfway across the world. The scene was taken from a fairy tale. Everything was truly perfect. There was an electricity in the air, an intense energy that can’t really be explained. People stayed close to their friends and everyone tightly clutched their phone as if it could save them from some unknown force. The ceremony went off without a hitch. The beautiful couple was married before their friends and family as planned with spurts of music and dancing to separate the various parts of the traditional blessings. Some loud planes passed overhead and the tension rose, but only for a moment. The sun set slowly over the hills as two became one and moved forward to a new phase in life. The crowd shuffled slowly towards the tent where the reception was to be held. The clinking of silverware on china and lighthearted chatter filled the room as the guests sat down to eat their appetizers that were quickly forgotten as the bride and groom entered and the dancing

began. Despite the situation, people were all too willing to let it all go to bring joy to the beautiful new couple. The first round of dancing finished and the crowd filed back to their tables for dinner and of course, to check their phones. And then it happened. The cause for all the tension, the reason for the slight edge in the air, the reason to stay close to a phone suddenly became reality as a sharp sound pierced the air. It was the sound we had all feared. A moment of hesitation, a quick glance around, the sudden realization that the beautifully decorated tent would protect no one, a slight feeling of panic and then as if moving as one, the guests ducked under the tables. Laughter, not screaming, the ultimate expression of utter surprise even though this reality had seemed so inevitable just a minute ago. There was no way to properly prepare for this moment, to know how one would react or what the natural instinct would be. It was in this moment, in this incredible moment of combined joy and fear, that I experienced my first Code Red siren.

It was in this moment, in this incredible moment of combined joy and fear, that I experienced my first Code Red siren. Rachel Yeger Fellow

A friend grabbed my arm and pulled me under the table, and on the way down I of course grabbed my phone. As all twelve table members tried to fit under the table the true signs of our generation emerged. “Can you get a picture? My arms aren’t long enough!” “C’mon guys- code red selfie- it doesn’t get more interesting that this!” I of course was not innocent in the slightest as I worked Benjamin Netanyahu

“The purpose of the Jewish state is to secure the Jewish future. That is why Israel must always have the ability to defend itself, against any threat.”


to update my Facebook status while also trying to keep my head from hitting the table top. “Hang on, aren’t we in a tent?” asked my friend with his mouth full after somehow managing to bring his plate down under the table with him. “Um, yeah. Hence the no running for the safe room.” “So why are we under a table? If we get hit we are dead anyways.” A quick hush fell amongst us as we considered this reality and as the siren stopped ringing in our ears, instead of staying down for the required ten minute reprieve to ensure the rocket had already fallen we scramble from under the table and rushed outside. If we were going to die anyway, we may as well watch the scene unfold. We stood in the grass, huddled together for no reason other than the comfort of someone familiar nearby and searched the skies. “There,” said a guest, and silence fell as we watched the bright orange light in the sky grow larger as it approached. A rocket was flying towards our area and all we could do was watch. A second light appeared in the sky, then a third and a fourth. Four rockets. Four rockets aimed at the center of the country with the intent to cause as much damage to property and human life as possible. Four rockets were headed towards a beautiful wedding, an event meant to be the most joyous occasion in the lives of the two people we were there to celebrate that night.

“Wait, Look!” Another guest, squinting furiously gestured towards the four new lights that had appeared, moving quickly towards the four rockets. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Four explosions. Four showers of bright orange sparks. And then nothing. It was over just like that. I stood in the grass tightly gripping the hand of a friend, my mouth gaping slightly as I began to process what I had just witnessed. The Iron Dome and the incredible soldiers of the IDF had just shot down the rockets that could very well have taken the wedding celebration to an entirely different place. A cheer ripped through the crowd and a round of applause for the miracle we had just experienced as our adrenaline levels began to return to normal. As we turned to re-enter the tent people began to call their loved ones to check in and tell them of the incredible scene that had just played out on what should have been a regular wedding on an average Tuesday night in early July. I stood frozen in my spot unsure of how to feel or react. So this is what it felt like. This is what it meant. This is what the residents living in the south of Israel experienced every time the siren went off as a rocket was fired from Gaza with the intent of causing as much damage as possible. Teetering on the edge of panic I took a deep breath and returned to the tent and of course, to my phone to update my Facebook status with the incredible story I had just experienced. Winston Churchill

“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival” 26

Kosher OC |

August 2014

Israel Y I returned home that evening, just an hour’s drive away and heard from my roommates about their siren experience, running to stand in the stairwell of our apartment building because we do not have a proper safe room. A neighborly gathering, meeting new faces and greeting old friends as everyone tries to stay calm for the sake of the children who are hiding in their mother’s arms. After exchanging stories and a quick round of phone calls I tried to sleep feeling utterly exhausted and completely drained. I tried to sleep. I really did. But sleep wouldn’t come. I could not get comfortable. I kept tossing and turning, rolling over to check my phone for updates, peeling my ears for the unforgettable, piercing sound that would have me once again running for cover.

Bikur Cholim

By Kosher OC Staff

Rabbi Eliezrie visits wounded IDF soldiers in Israel Rabbi Eliezrie, along with other Chabad Rabbis from around the United States, traveled to Israel to visit wounded IDF soldiers at hospitals. Local communities in the area, including Yorba Linda, donated money, care packages, and purchased iPads to be given to the soldiers. The Rabbi handed out iPads, care packages, and wished them all a Hachlama Mehira & Refuah Shleima.

This is life as an innocent civilian, a friend, a neighbor, a student, a new immigrant living with the fear of rockets falling on me, my friends and my family. This is life in Israel where the government and the IDF will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of its citizens first. This is life where we hope and pray that the need for violence will end so our soldiers can come home. This is life where the center of the country finally understands the suffering of the citizens in the south. This is life where we will continue to fight until quiet can be properly restored and we can continue developing this incredible country we live in. This is life with Hamas in your backyard. This is life under terror. May we merit to see the end of the violence quickly with the assurance that the quiet will endure. Stay safe and keep praying for our soldiers. Kosher OC |

August 2014


Transferring Goods and Medical Supplies

Armored Vehicles N

IDF facilitated the transfer of approximately 100 tons of medical supplies and goods into Gaza

Armored vehicles from t


Protective Edge Israel Defense Forces

Reuven Rivlin

Israel’s new president, Reuven Rivlin, vis

Israel Navy Strike Gaza from the Sea

IDF Field Hospital on Ga

The Israel Navy makes targeted strikes on Gaza from the Mediterranean Sea

The Medical Corps treat injure

Near the Gaza Border

the 460 Brigade operating near the Gaza border

sits the IDF

aza Border

ed Palestinian civilians

IDF officers shield a 4-year-old boy, protecting him with their own bodies during a Hamas rocket attack

IDF Soldiers on the Ground The IDF continues to search for hidden terror tunnels in the Gaza Strip

Y Israel

Firefighting in Israel U.S. firefighters arrive in Israel to combat rocket-induced fires By

“We cannot ignore this reality, when Israeli firefighters work hour after hour to save human life.”

A delegation of 13 firefighters from the U.S. has arrived in southern Israel to help the Jewish state extinguish fires caused by Hamas rocket attacks. The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington connected with an initiative called the Emergency Volunteer Project to arrange to bring the senior firefighters and officers from Los Angeles, Washington, DC, and Texas. “We were all part of the massive tragedy that was 9/11. There we undertook search and rescue missions. When we heard that hundreds of rockets are falling on Israel, we decided to join forces and come and help,” said firefighter 51-yearold Billy Hearst of Texas, reported Yedioth Achronot. Hearst called the situation facing southern Israeli communities “insufferable.”


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August 2014

“We cannot ignore this reality, when Israeli firefighters work hour after hour to save human life,” he said. Reshef Tzvika Moyal, the head of the Ashdod District Fire Services, said that the U.S. volunteers have been distributed “across the stations facing the heaviest workload since the operation began and they are in the fire trucks and stations together with their Israeli counterparts, working side by side.” Thirty additional elite U.S. firefighters are expected to arrive in Israel to asset in the upcoming day, said the head of the Emergency Volunteer Project, Adi Zehavi. “We cannot sit idly by in the U.S. while here in Israel there is war for 10 days straight,” Hearst summarizes.

Israel Y

Hebrew University Top 25


Israel’s Hebrew University ranks in top 25 universities worldwide The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ranked 22nd in the 2014 list of the world’s best universities by the Saudi Arabia-based Center for World University Rankings. The list includes 2,000 universities worldwide. Rankings are based on eight criteria, including quality of education, publications, alumni employment, influence of the institution, and quality of faculty. Other Israeli institutions on the list are the Weizmann Institute of Science in 38th place, Tel Aviv University in 86th place, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in 109th place, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in 362nd place, and the University of Haifa in 697th place. Harvard University came in first place, and eight of the top 10 universities listed were American.

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August 2014



A Quick Glimpse I sit in my Southern California home comfortable and secure knowing, at least for the time being, I am safe and free from terrorist attacks (or am I?)

By David Bromberg

“All I can do is look closely into the phone and see the concern on the faces of those whom I love”.


Kosher OC |

August 2014

My wife and three boys arrived in Israel shortly after the three kidnapped and murdered Israeli teen’s story surfaced, and just prior to the barrage of rockets fired into Israel by Hamas. This is their vacation... this is a quick glimpse into their story... Here I sit in my Southern California home comfortable and secure knowing, at least for the time being, I am safe and free from terrorist attacks (or am I?). Their trip just began and I look forward to meeting them in France in a few weeks to continue their summer vacation. It’s mid-morning here, and a Facetime request comes in via iPhone from Dalia, my wife, asking if I have a few minutes to catch up. I stop everything and walk with my phone in hand to our living room to sit and focus on our short time

together. I look for signs of uncertainty and discomfort, fear and anxiety. After 21 years of marriage, I know what to look for and know when I see it. Surprisingly, there were no signs. She was poised and practical, concerned but confident. I kept asking, “Are you and the boys really ok?” Each time without hesitation, she replied in very calm fashion, “Yes David, all is well.” Where do I go with that? I expected to hear about the devastation, the anger and fear brought on by Hamas who has proven time and time again, they value death over life and openly, no proudly, admits their complete disregard for the innocent by using their own Palestinian civilians as shields. She had calmness in her tone and an expression on her face, which told me she was ok, the boys were

Features  okay, and they were doing everything they could to make the best of the situation. A few minutes pass, and suddenly I hear it. The sirens... Everybody stops what they are doing. In the background, behind Dalia, I see family members jump off couches and push away from tables... “Get to the miklat (bomb shelter)... quickly.” Turn off the lights, the TV, jump from the shower. It doesn’t matter what you were doing before, get in the shelter... NOW! Dalia takes the phone with her, and there I am in my wife’s hand as she pans the small room. My sons, my cousins, all sitting in a circle waiting to hear, or feel the impact of a rocket fired from Gaza. There it is, “BOOM” and another “BOOM”, they feel the shock wave, but they are safe. The Iron Dome, once again, prevented ground impact by meeting the rockets head on high above. Then it hits me. I stop. I can’t really speak. All I can do is look closely into the phone and see the concern on the faces of those whom I love and hold so dearly. My throat is dry, my eyes begin to tear, and for the first time, I feel it. I feel the uncertainty and the lack of control. It’s the feeling of being held hostage in a place that is meant to provide shelter from the elements, and love to those who visit. For the moment they, and I guess to some extent I, ride out the latest onslaught of rockets.

Minutes later, “we” emerge from the miklat. The kids return to their TVs and handheld devices, games and laughter. The adults turn the electricity back on, and catch their breath. Life returns, and with it, a constant growing appreciation for life and the love of family and friends.

“I find my Jewish pride bubbling to the surface... it’s almost tangible.”.

This has been status quo for the past 3 weeks now. Sirens blare, people run and wait it out. They tell stories, share moments of uncertainty and hope. But they are together. They connect on a level deeper than before. They are in this together and work through the pain (both seen and unseen) knowing that we are one people, one community, one family. I only “spent” 5 minutes in that bomb shelter half way around the world, and yet, I felt as if I were there sitting on the cold tiled floor sharing stories and nervous laughter with my family. You see, if you are Jewish, you are never free from terrorist attacks. We all feel it and it is very personal. When a Jew is killed, a part of us goes with him/her. We don’t have to physically be in Israel to feel the connection. It exists regardless of distance. It exists because of our history and our values. It exists because we exist, and God willing, always will.

Unexpectedly, I find my Jewish pride bubbling to the surface... it’s almost tangible. In a microsecond, I am reminded of the stories I heard growing up concerning the many efforts over millennia to annihilate us... none have succeeded. And my confidence begins to build... Hamas will not either! Kosher OC |

August 2014



Safe in Israel Are you safe? I get asked this question multiple times a day and I always answer the same way.

For all my friends and family in the U.S. I think this is sometimes confusing to understand. Even for me, when I step back and think about where I am, I too wonder why I feel so safe in a country that is continuously under threat. And then I think of all the Israelis I’ve met and talked to over the past two months, all the different discussions my program has provided, and all the places I’ve traveled. Then I understand why I feel safe. Because of the men and women that serve in the Israel Defense Forces and are proud to protect their country. Because of a government that spends billions of dollars to protect its civilians with bomb shelters, code red sirens, and the Iron Dome. Because of the restaurant owners, bus drivers, and random citizens that have grabbed my hand to lead me to a bomb shelter the second a siren goes off. For anyone not living in Israel right now, I understand your concern and confusion. The media, I’ve quickly learned, doesn’t always show both sides of a story, often leaving out important contextual details. But even


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if the media did show the whole story in the correct context, it still wouldn’t be the same as living it. My summer in Israel definitely isn’t what I expected it to be.

I’m safe.

August 2014

By Allison Rumsas

I didn’t spend every weekend on the beach in Tel Aviv, I didn’t snorkel in the Red Sea off the coast of Eilat, and I didn’t explore all the different quarters of the Old City. But what I’ve learned and what I’ve experienced is so much more indescribable. I’ve lived the Israeli Reality, I’ve watched my friends get called back into the reserves and prepare to enter Gaza, and I’ve run to bomb shelters as rockets were fired at Israel aimed for me. I could have spent my summer home in Michigan, with my friends in Athens, or interning in Chicago and it probably would have been a lot safer. But here I am in Israel, in the midst of Operation Protective Edge, and I haven’t felt safer.

“I understand why I feel safe.”

Opinion 

An Analogy

By Robin Silver-Zwiren

Israel today Two little boys have been really good buddies since the day they were born. Their villages neighbored each other. Their mothers gave birth side by side in the same hospital. They thought they would be best friends for life. Two little boys have been really good buddies since the day they were born. Their villages neighbored each other. Their mothers gave birth side by side in the same hospital. They thought they would be best friends for life. They are playing marbles in the school yard one day. Iz beats Mo. Mo is not happy and gets really upset. The teacher comes over to ask what is happening and tells Iz to give back the marbles so that there will be peace. Iz gives in. The next day Iz wins again and Mo once again cries and gets others involved. This time it is the classroom bullies. They push Iz around. Not only do they want the marbles he just won but they want the entire bag full. Iz must hold on. Iz goes home to find his bedroom destroyed. Mo and the bullies have come in to look for more marbles, for other belongings. This happens day after day. Mo and his allies start going after Iz’ sisters and brothers. Iz’ parents go to tell Mo’s family what has been happening. They say that is not what happened. They say that Iz has been attacking Mo. That Iz does not want to be friends anymore so Mo had to find some new buddies. Yes, they are a bit rough but they are from the same village and it is good for Mo to have friends from his own village.

Iz’s family feels threatened. They put a fence around their village to protect themselves from Mo and his new buddies. Nothing stops them. These guys figure out how to dig tunnels to get into Iz’s yard to harass him. They beat up his brother and take his sister into the fields to tease and scare her. Now it is not only marbles these boys fight about. Now it is everything. When marbles (ie. land) are won in a game they are kept. Yet, Iz (Israel) is told by teachers (ie. the UN and US) that he must be the one to relinquish his winnings (ie. Gaza, the West Bank, the Sinai). Mo not only gets to keep all his losses but he goes after even more. He aligns himself with bullies (ie Hamas and the PLO) who continue to attack and ruin Iz’ family life. How much more must Iz give up to satisfy Mo? Must he give up not only his marbles but everything he has earned over time? That is the question. If only the answer could come more peacefully. Unfortunately, it is never easy to deal with bullies, terrorists. Not ones who have a major organization backing them — and a bunch of other weaklings too afraid to stand up and say “Never Again!”.

Kosher OC |

August 2014




Judaism is Humanism Says Quantum Mechanics By Elad Cohen


Kosher OC |

August 2014

Opinion 

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Ok, now what if it were a goy nearby? See, Judaism understands that Jews are, well, different. That’s why we need our own homeland (there’s more to it, but that’s another conversation...). Not to forget that we are all still human beings, but not necessarily one people (yet, in the coming of the Messiah, be it speedily in our days). It’s said that if Torah was not being studied by at least one person in all the world at any one moment, the world, the universe, would cease to exist. That’s not magic, it’s Humanism; if Torah was not being expressed (through study, for example), then there are no Jews, which means there are no witnesses to the world—so trees don’t make a noise anymore when they fall. Literally? Well... yes and no. A tree fell—did you hear it? No? Why, were you not there? See, humanism, in a nutshell, is the human emphasis on existence; if there are no people, there is no Earth. We can take it one step further outside the philosophical and into the literal, for British neurologist Sir John Eccles states “I want you to realize that there exists no color in the natural world, and no sound

– nothing of this kind; no textures, no patterns, no beauty, no scent.” In other words, there is no sound, unless WE hear it, no texture unless WE feel it. Without us, there is no world, only the natural world, according to Sir Eccles, which is, well, a place where trees don’t make a noise when they fall. Quantum mechanics supports this, for every molecule is simply potential energy. If we don’t look at something, it technically doesn’t exist, because an object is relative to that which witnesses it. No witness, no object—just the natural world. So, if a gentile hears a tree fall in the woods, was there an actual sound? If you place Judaism above all else, even Humanism—as the Ten Commandments explains to not have other deities before Hashem—then... it... gets... awkward. How can we as a modern people deny the existence of gentiles? We’re not. We do not deny the existence of trees, but a tree does not study Torah, and therefore does not observe the object we call the universe and all of existence a.k.a. Torah study. It gets a little metaphysical, but let’s put it this way: Passover, 2014, there is a lunar eclipse, which is a bad omen for the Jewish nation, but wait— it’s not. The lunar eclipse was

viewed by Californians, but not by Israelis. Israel was not in view to witness the lunar eclipse—so did it happen? Arguably not. Another example: in the story of Noah, a flood covered the entire world. Recent research proves that’s almost true, as there was a major, major flood that took place over the ENTIRE Mediterranean region. So, not the whole world? Well... the Jewish nation was only in that region, so it’s kind of like the rest of the world doesn’t count—if a gentile witnesses a flood, was there really a flood? Harsh, I know. Humanism teaches us we are one people. But, never forget, we are Jews, and we are proud. That doesn’t mean isolate yourself from non-Jews, or that gentiles have no worth—it’s not true. Think of it this way: I’m Californian first, and American second, which defiantly does not make me a Texan, even though we are connected as one people, and yet I still maintain my Californian identity. The same, but different—one is a witness to the world who must aim to better it, the other just enjoys it...

Kosher OC |

August 2014



new 2014 gadget

Kosher Computer You can now purchase Kosher computers! They are made in Israel by a company called DELL-Shalom. The price is so low, even with the shipping from Israel! However, before you purchase a Kosher computer of your own, you should know that there are some important changes from the typical non-Kosher computer you are used to, such as: 1. The ‘Start’ button has been replaced with the ‘Let’s go!! I’m not getting any younger!’ button. 2. You hear ‘Hava Nagila’ during startup. 3. The cursor moves from right to left. 4. When Spell-checker finds an error it prompts, ‘Is this the best you can do?’ 5. It comes with a ‘monitor cleaning solution’ from Manischewitz that advertises it gets rid of all the ‘schmutz und drek.’ 6. When running ‘Scan Disk’ it prompts you with a ‘You want I should fix this?’ message. 7. After 20 minutes of no activity, your PC goes ‘Schloffen.’ 8. The PC shuts down automatically at sundown on Friday evenings. 9. It comes with two hard drives-one for fleyshedik (business software and one for milchedik (games). 10. Instead of getting a ‘General Protection Fault’ error, your PC now gets ‘Ferklempt.’ 11. The multimedia player has been renamed to ‘Nu, so play my music already!’ corner. 12. When your PC is working too hard, you occasionally hear a loud ‘Oy Gevalt!’ 13. Computer viruses can now be cured with matzo ball soup. 14. When disconnecting external devices from the back of my PC, you are instructed to ‘Remove the cable from the PC’s tuchus.’ 15. But best of all, if you have a kosher computer, you can’t get SPAM.


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August 2014







‫‪August 2014‬‬


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‫כ‬ ‫ה‬





‫ד‬ ‫ס‬



Tisha B’av Reflec The Temple was no longer ours. First there were the Babylonians, then the Romans under command of Titus. Jerusalem was like no other city at that time. Built high on a hill overlooking a kingdom, a gateway to other lands, the city was filled with riches of gold, silver and gems of every color. Most of all, it was filled with people of what we would now call Jewish affiliations. There were those strictly law abiding and intolerant living amongst the Jewish sect of Christianity. Like every city inhabited by thousands, some were wealthy, and some not. With wealth often comes depravity and greed. With poverty oven comes jealousy and lust. Jerusalem had it all, thus making it resemble Sodom and Gemorrah, cities that had been previously destroyed for their wickedness. Maybe that is why Hashem, our G-d, believed that once again we no longer deserved this blessed fortress. We had forgotten to heed His Commandments and somehow had to suffer the consequences for our actions. The Commandments were given to Moses and the Hebrews. An ancient monotheistic religion was founded by our father, Abraham. His son, Yitzchak or Isaac, continued on in the traditions of his parents. Abraham had another son, Ishmael, and from


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August 2014

this branch comes the Muslims. Of course, where we claim rights to be called the Chosen People, the descendants of Ishmael claim the same. That is one reason why our nations seem unable to find peace — two brothers constantly fighting for what they believe is rightfully theirs. Although we can hope that these brothers grow up and realize that they could live together in peace, we have also seen over the past few weeks that this is not to be.

pray in churches holy to them. In Muslim hands the city was cut off to others. It was looted, desecrated and ruined even more.

In 1967 our tiny nation of people finally gained entrance to the ancient city of Jerusalem once again. When Commander Motta Gur called out, “The Temple Mount is in our hands,” Jews cried. When IDF Rabbi Shlomo Goren sounded the shofar at the Temple Wall, the sounds echoed throughout the land into our own homes worldwide. Imagine if there had only been Facebook in 1967!

We must show the world that we stand for Israel. Our enemies want us to fail. They want our infighting to break us down, but we can’t let that happen. Some of our own children have joined the IDF to help ensure that the State of Israel remains ours. We must do this for our children and future generations. Israel is our safe haven, so that the words “Never Again” ring true forever.

For the first time, the gates of the Old City were open to Jews from every land. To pray at the last remaining wall of the ancient Temple, the Kotel, is an experience like no other. To feel like you are standing with your ancestors who died during the Spanish Inquisition, Russian pogroms and the Holocaust is surreal. Yet, we are not the only nation flocking through the gates. Christians can now walk the path Jesus took and

Together we can ensure that we don’t lose the rites to the Temple site once again. We must unite as a nation. Whether Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, Democrat or Republican, we must stand together as so many of us did at the ProIsrael Rally the other evening.

This Tisha B’Av, take a moment to remember your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, your first trip to Israel, your personal thoughts on being a Jew. Say a prayer for the land so many of our children are fighting for. It is a day of mourning for what we have lost. Let us also pray it is a day to give thanks for what we have gained. Am Yisroel Chai.

Features 

ction By Robin Silver-Zwiren

Kosher OC |

August 2014




Ice Coffees

Have it your way

Mocha Cream Ingredients

How to Prepare

3/4 cup milk

Put the milk, cream, and sugar into a blender and process gently until combined

1/4 cup light cream 1 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa 1 tbsp instant coffee powder 6 ice cubes whipped cream and grated chocolate, to decorate


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August 2014

Add the unsweetened cocoa and instant coffee powder and process well, then add the ice cubes and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into glasses. Top with whipped cream, then scatter over the grated chocolate and serve. Serves 2

Food ďƒľ

Coffee Banana



How to Prepare

1 1/4 cups milk

Pour the milk into a blender, then add the coffee powder and blend gently until combined. Add half of the ice cream and blend gently, then add the remaining ice cream and blend until well combined.

4 tbsp instant coffee powder 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream 2 bananas, sliced and frozen

When the mixture is thoroughly blended, add the bananas and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into glasses and serve. Serves 2

Vanilla Ice Coffee Ingredients 1 cup milk 2 tbsp instant coffee powder, mixed in a little bit of boiling water ice cubes, the more the better 4 tsp sugar, or substitute 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract whipped cream and ground cinnamon, optional

How to Prepare Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until ice is crushed and well combined. Pour the mixture into glasses. Top with whipped cream, then spinkle over with cinnamon and serve. Serves 2

Kosher OC |

August 2014


brainiac Do you have what it takes to become a brainiac? Wake up your brain and give these a try.

If you think you know the answer and can’t wait for the next issue for the solutions, e-mail us from our web site at Winners will have a chance to be inscribed in the glorious hall of brainiacs.


Chickens & Eggs A chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half. How long will it take for two chickens to lay 32 eggs?


Kosher OC |

August 2014




A Tale of Two Towns Two people live in nearby towns. One day, they both leave their towns at the same time and walk along the road between the two towns to each others town. They pass each other at Noon and continue to their destinations, with one of them arriving at 4pm and the other arriving at 9pm. At what time did they begin their walk?


Let’s say Alice arrives at 4pm (16:00) and Bob at 9pm (21:00), and that they started at time x. So, Alice walks 1/(16-y) of the town distance per hour and Bob at 1/(21-y) per hour. When they meet, between the two of them they will have walked the entire town distance in (12-y) hours and therefore 1 = (12-y)/(16-y) + (12-y)/(21-y). Multiplying both sides of the equation by (16-y)(21-y) results in the equation (16y)(21-y) = (12-y)(21-y) + (12-y)(16-y) which, when simplified results in the quadratic equation 106 - 24y + y^2 = 0. This has roots y=18 and y=6. Since they left before Noon, y=18 is excluded and the answer is that they left at 6am.


The Power of Dreams My uncle Henry got a new Honda Accord last year. He is a creature of very regular habit. Every Wednesday he drives the exact number of miles and fills up at the same gas station after the fuel gauge’s idiot light goes on, indicating that his 16 gallon fuel tank is almost empty. He takes careful note of the number of miles shown on the odometer, and also the number on the trip odometer which he resets each time. He computes the average mpg and notes with great satisfaction that his mileage is holding constant at a little under 19 mpg. After doing this week in and week out for 52 weeks, he noticed with great interest that between the 6 digits on the odometer and the 4 digits on the trip odometer (including the tenthof-a-mile digit) all ten of the digits 0,1,2,...9 each appeared exactly once. The following week, he noticed with even greater amazement that, again, all ten of the digits 0,1,2,...9 each appeared exactly once. The question is, to the nearest eighth of a mile, how many miles does Henry drive each week?


He drives 296.875 miles each week. The trip odometer shows 296.8 miles. After 52 weeks, the odometer shows 015437 miles and the following week it shows 015734 miles.

Kosher OC |

August 2014



Community Calendar

August 2014

Thu, August 14, 9:30am

Sat, August 23, 7:30am

Laughter Yoga


Merage JCC


Enjoy the scientifically proven benefits of pro-active laughter Instructor: Pat Leszczynski, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. JCC Members: Free Public: $15 each workshop registration required. (949) 435-3400

Meet at 700 East Edgewater Ave., Newport Beach. Music, dancing, drinks, appetizers on the TikiBoat in the Newport Beach Harbor. For ages 21-35.

Sun, August 17, 1:00pm Summer Barbecue The Jeremiah Society Fun, food and activities. Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelback St., Newport Beach.

Tue, August 5, 7:00pm

Sun, August 17, 4:30pm

SafeT: Campaign for Israel

Special Guest Speaker: Leigh Steinberg

NextGen Royal Tea & Treatery, 2950 Grace Ln, Costa Mesa. A tea party supporting the safety of Israel.

Sun, August 10, 4:00pm Jewish Vegetarian Interactive Dinner Co-Sponsored by the Moishe House 118 Degrees at the Camp, 2981 Bristol # B5, Costa Mesa. Four-course meal and cooking demo.

Wed, August 13, 7:00pm A Night of Amazing & Mystifying Magic Shows Benefit for Temple Beth Sholom The Rib Trader, 27710 E. Chapman, Orange. Family fun, laughter and barbecue food.


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August 2014

Atid Hadassah Group’s Summer Event Overview of Steinberg’s new book, The Agent, from the super sports agent and the man portrayed in the movie, Jerry McGuire. At the home of Roz & Elliot Vogelfanger. Appetizers, wine and dessert will be served. Couvert: $25

Thu, August 20, 10:30am Women’s Connection: Finding Your Inner Strength Merage JCC Learn 7 tips to igniting your personal power. Discover how to illuminate your personal strength. Presenter: Jodi Roseman, a certified yoga instructor. JCC Members & Jewish Federation & Family Services: Free. Public $10. (949) 435-3400

Mon, August 25, 6:45pm Bob Alper, Rabbi/Stand-Up Comic Women of Temple Bat Yahm 90 minutes of nonstop laughter. Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelback St., Newport Beach. $18/person in advnce; $22/person at door. (949) 644-1999

Tue, August 26, 10:00am Books & Bagels: The Paris Architect by Charles Balfoure Merage JCC Enjoy coffee and bagels while discussing the book of the month. Facilitated by Dana Susson & Marcy Middler. JCC Members & Women’s Philanthropy. Free: Public:$10. (949) 435-3400

Special 

Deads Sea, Israel Kosher OC |

August 2014



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August 2014

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