3ds kookystories

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©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

Kooky Stories- Prose & Poems FormatBy Dalene Davies

©2013 http://3ds-kooky-ideas-dept.com

Literary Tech & Story Development – Creative Skills Development 102411/32612 Frog-Utopia Robbers Consumed All-Hallows-Eve Have Medallion, Will Travel! Judgment? LCAT 82512

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

kooky-stories CLICK HERE: http://3ds-kooky-ideas-dept.com

ABOUT ME: Creative Writer--educational homeschool books, ebooks & journals; Novelist, Scriptwriter, Poet & Political Activist. I am a: Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Environmentalist, and an Equal-Rights Believer!

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com


Frog-utopia! By Dalene Davies

Literary Tech & Story Development 3-26-2012

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

Frog-utopia I can’t believe this is happening to me. Here I am, just minding my own business, when I see… I see… this oval thing glaring at me. I do not know what it is, but it watches me. I move to the side, and it follows my every move. I am disturbed now! How do I get away? What is it? I can feel it breathing. Extending my legs, I move to the side and jump, but I land in a net! I am trapped! Now what can I do? I croak for help, but no one hears. I feel my world shift as I am taken from my home. The trees above me move so quickly. The branches swish in the wind. I tremble. At least I have water. We stop, and I am placed inside a clear world. I explore the new area cautiously, slowly swimming around the square area, examining the plants, and little homes available. Once I relax I notice there is a little platform for me to sit on. I climb onto it and look around at my new surroundings. I see a room filled with scientific equipment. I see flat, round things, and a tube-like structure that is being used by the thing that captured me. It is looking this way again, one huge ball, with bloodlines flowing through it, unblinking, just staring at me. Seeking information, I let out a croak. No answering croak. The oval thing continues its haunting stare. It has a board in its hand. It takes notes and then it stares at me again. The lights go out, and the thing leaves the room. Once the room is quiet, I begin to settle in. I swim around, looking for a new home, watching the vision of another me swimming around, like a double. Another me, I think, as I swim towards it, watching the other creature swim closer. What is it? I look,

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

and it looks back. I move, and it moves. I stick out my tongue, and it does the same. I try to lick it, but the thing tastes like cold flies that have died. Yuck! I swim away and rest in my little lily pad when I see movement on the outside. What is that? LOOK! It is a black, round, pulsating blob of mass. And it is so fixated on me. I jump through the water and landed under the swaying limb of my lily pad. The peeper continues to scrutinize my every move. I could feel my heart fluttering, the terror spread through my tiny body. That eye was as big as me! It was unrelenting, pursuing me, watching. I hid. The black thing swished its tail and moved on its legs to get closer to me. It continued to stare, watching, waiting. I tried to figure out what it was. I heard a meow echo through the room and decided to stay where I was … safe, out of its reach, at least for now… The ground shook. I woke up, confused, disoriented. There were footsteps followed by people talking about the need to identify “rib-bits” and croaks from outdoor frogs. I woke up from my nightmare just in time to disappear into my lily pad and contemplate those weird things I saw in my dream. What was that black thing that watched me? I hoped to never meet one while I was awake!

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com


Literary Tech & Story Development 3-26-2012

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

ROBBERS Two white-faced clowns checked their goofy watches and laughed. Just in time! They swung open the BOA doors and skipped into the room. Clown one started closing blinds and locking doors. Clown two sauntered over to the main cashiers cage and shoved a hand-written note beneath the iron rods. “Here you go, sugar, this note is for you,” said one of the clowns. She read it and then glanced up at him. “What… what do you want me to do?” “Give me the gun. I got the money! I mean, … give me the mullah, baby, I gotta run!” “Why would I do that? What makes you think I got any money?” Cindy answers, in confusion. “Hey, buddy, tell the little lady here, why she should give me the money?” Sid yells. “See this?” Buddy held up a thin electronic device and pushed a button. It lit up. “This here is a bomb controller, ain’t it, Sid? Show ‘em the bomb!” “Why did you do that? What did I tell you ‘bout using my real name?” “What does it matter, Sid? They won’t survive unless they do as we say.” “See, guests, and honey-bun, this here wire connects to the bomb locked under my outfit. It’s on me. Shall we test it, huh? Where is my money, honey?” Buddy grins and begins to prod the guests into a corner. A little old lady walks right up to Buddy and gives him a poke. “What are you doing here, Bobby Joe? Look, you are a scaring all these nice people. Now you move that big butt of yours home right now before I tell your pa what you been a doing!” Buddy stops and stares.

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

“My name ain’t Bobby, its Buddy. Who do you think you are anyway?” “Now, Bobby, I know it’s you. So just take that mask off right now!” She reaches out to pull the mask only peels off paint instead. “Ouch, stop that!” The old woman then touches the thin cell phone device. A signal initiates. Meanwhile, a strange signal is going out on the phone line. The police intercept the call and begin taping, tracking the call. They set up outside the bank, waiting. At the same moment, Sid looks at the teller, “Look, honey, get me that money now or I blow up the bank!” He leans over and touches the top of her hand. “Sid, tell this old biddy to leave me alone!” “Buddy, quit calling me Sid! You deal with her. How about you move all our guests to the other room?” Buddy begins to herd them out and demands the keys. “Throw me those keys!” “Why should I?” “Because I need to lock up the guests, so they don’t get hurt. You know, we don’t do this every day, if it weren’t fer pa needing an operation and ma needing a keeper, we never would be in this here bank, missy.” “Shut UP, Buddy, you talk way toos’ much, they don’t need to hear all that there information.” “So what, Sid, who they going to tell? No one knows who we are or even what we is doing.” “I said shut up, Buddy!” Buddy finally hustles the guests into the room. The two clowns, Buddy and Sid, grab the money, heading out the door. The three bags are dropped outside the door when the cops show up. “Hello boys. Going somewhere with our money?” “What? How?” “You forgot to turn off the cell power, boys! Cuff em” The Sherriff and one deputy haul the clowns into the car. While the cops deal with the two clowns, the teller stands at the side and looks at the money.

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

“Thanks for saving us, Butch. I just didn’t know what to do! You saved our lives!” She gives the Sherriff a big smooch. “Oh, Cindy, that’s our job.” He blushes and shuffles his feet. “Well, I have never been so scared in my life. Thanks.” She walks up to the door, picks up two bags of money and returns to her stall. While the cops were busy, she calls her boyfriend and makes arrangements to meet him for lunch. “Sherriff, if you don’t need me anymore, I am taking off for lunch.” “Go ahead, Cindy, we have it covered. We know where to reach you if we need anything.” “I am leaving now. See you tomorrow.” Cindy moves to the back and picks up the two bags of money. She walks out the back door to meet her boyfriend. They climb into the car and vanish, taking half the bank money with them. “That was the best plan ever, Cindy. You are so smart.”

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

Consumed Dalene Davies

Literary Tech & Story Development 3-26-2012

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

CONSUMED Slimy fingers and a draft met me as I fell into a tunnel-like gap under my bed. I felt like screaming and kicking, but it was of no usethe draft had taken its hold. Each time I fought the movement; my body seared with a pain that fighting only made worse. My breathing became erratic. I felt the blood pumping through my body, down through my entire four-foot eight-inch frame. Nothing like this had ever happened before, and terror flared through me like a raging fire. Waking up, I tried to figure out what happened. The room was dark, filled with shadows, leaping from every corner. The wall attracted my attention first. Before my eyes, a mirror receded and now had an unearthly glow. Flames flew from the center, highlighting a spiral staircase that seemingly revolved up through the solid wall. An image blazed in the mirror-like reflection where the staircase met the wall. It looked like a gateway ascending toward the stars. Each time my eyes moved around the room, I could feel my body quiver. My heart hammered, forcing blood through my icy cold vines. I knew I needed to move, but the horror within my mind left me paralyzed. Glancing further from the fire mirror, I noticed something sitting in the chair directly in front of my closet. A movement, like the ripple of a small breeze, caught my eye. A monster floated into focus. Just as quickly, it shimmered out, while my jelly-fried brain cells tried to make sense of it all. “Scram! Shoo! Leave! Get out!” I tried to shout, but it was more of a soft, angry hiss. I tried again. “What do you want? Who are you?” Risking my sanity, as well as my life, I moved my feet to the edge of the bed. I leaned over; scanning the underside of the bedspread to be sure the menace of my vision was not there and dashed across the room to face the hideous monster. Empty sockets stared at me. A light buzzing enveloped me, my mind trying to block the growing fear that was filling my limp body. The tingling began in my fingertips, spreading to my arms, then hammered through my lungs until it finally attached itself to my grey matter. My breath caught. I reached out to touch it, feeling the frigid arctic inferno enfold me. The gateway revolved from the wall and swallowed me into a new dimension.

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

Focusing on the center, a bench appeared to expand into an oblong orbit. The gooey slime orbited me and began to fossilize me. I could hear, see, smell, and feel; but I could no longer move. I could no longer speak; though, I heard words inside my head. I shuddered inwardly, hearing the words screaming inside my head. “Welcome home, honey! I am looking forward to the upcoming heartto-heart we will be having after I have consumed that physical form.” The alien form whispered in my mush-like brain, as he proceeded to consume me. All the images of my life as a human travelled through my brain roots out to my companion. I melted into one with him, entirely devoured.

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

All Hallows Eve! By Dalene Davies 10-2011

Creative Skills Development 10-24-2011

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

All Hallows Eve

Thump! Thump! Thump! I heard the beat off in the distance. I thought it was a heart beat! Then I listened harder and found it was mine! Running, I tried hard not to lose my balance. I was trying to get away. Each time I looked back, I could feel them getting closer. Breathing hard, I tried to get my body to get into rhythm with my mind. It was not easy. My brain was running faster then my body, or at least that was how it felt. The words were getting louder now. I could feel the tension rise up in my middle. My paws were aching, the hard ground digging into the slim covers of my paws. Each time I slowed to take a peek, the voices got closer. This is not working, I thought, I need a place to hide and to think. Where can I go? To whom can I turn? Snow lightly fell over the path. The cold was slowly seeping though my body. I could see the air shift in front of me. I looked to my left, then to my right; the dark woods looked even blacker then usual. The midnight glow of All-Hallows-Eve was upon the woods or maybe just upon me. I saw a huge tree with an open area sitting by the path. I darted in, pulling my tail in quickly and curling up inside the dark, damp, hole, quietly stilling my breathing, trying to control the shudders that rolled through me.

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

I am a nice cat. My name is Smoky. I am a black cat. I love kids, other animals and adore my pets. That was how it used to be, anyhow. I tried to think back. When did it start? Yesterday or was it the day before? What day is it? Oh it must have been three days ago. I shuddered, thinking back. I came home as usual, making my way through the kitty door. The house was usually filled with laughter. My pets were usually ready to lavish me with love and attention. They loved the presents I left them. They were the best pets I ever had. Until three days ago that is. I stop thinking long enough to listen. The branches were being kicked aside further away from me now. I uncurled my tail and began licking my wet fur. It had a calming effect on me, so I begin to relax. What is it I am trying to remember? I still feel confused. I think back to three days ago and realize my pets have vanished! The entire village is looking for them as well as me. How did this happen? I am a 10-year-old midnight colored cat. I have emerald shaped, colored eyes, and can understand human speech and am fluent in cat, dog, and many other languages. My tail is long and sleek. My ears perk at my name even if I may ignore the human calling. I love to play hide and seek. Mostly it is I hiding though. I love to scare things. My ears perk as I hear the underbrush of the bushes sway and a low growl emits from 20 feet away. I feel my eyes widen in fear as I see a huge dog appear. I swish my tail and bear my teeth, then take off towards town. The

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

glowing hound gets a sniff of me, and I run faster then faster and tumble to the ground. I feel my heart thudding, thudding, faster in my body, my breathing changes and I run trying to find a place to hide. No time to think, I run on and on; and find a church with its doors open wide. I dash into the door, and then deep within. I suddenly remember the bag. It was three days ago. I pulled it up out of the ground. It was then the people began to vanish and the howl of a hound began to vibrate through the town. What had I unleashed? What had I done? Opened a door to hell to let the soul catcher abound? I wondered through the church, searching for an answer. Could I find a way to break the spell or was I doomed to run forever? What happens if it catches me? I shiver at the thought. I must think, I tell myself. I must force myself to find the answer. Huddled in a corner, I waited in the gloom, trying to find a way to bring the hound to its doom. The stairs led down the hall towards the cemetery behind. I crept along the way, shivering in the frosty dawn. I inched along the way, towards the hollow hole I left, then I ran towards the back, following the trail I knew so well. I ran on in the early light, seeking the bloody smelling mouse I dug up three days past. I ran from house to house, sniffing until I stumbled upon the corpse, the dead mouse. I pulled the bag out into the path, then nosed the mouse back inside. I found the deepest place, and buried the rodent. Turning suddenly, I saw the hound, glowing, growling, teeth gnashing close to my fur. I jumped a mile or so it felt, and then saw the hound disappear. The night began to

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

shift, the weather began to change, the stars began to twinkle and the world began to change. I woke with a meow, shattering the night, to find my pets around me, the fire they did light. It seemed the dream had passed as the nightmare was vanishing. Then I looked around and saw the dead mouse thing beside me.

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

Have Medallion, Will Travel! By Dalene Davies

Creative Skills Development 10-24-2011

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

Have Medallion, Will Travel!

Traveling from town to town, I have made a bunch of good friends along the way. I sat down in the shadows of the trees, and began to whittle on a small branch. I figured I deserved to sit down. I needed to work through the shock I was feeling. My own little part of the world did not prepare me for this adventure. I shook my head, feeling the burns on my body. Smalltown boy meets Ghostcity, scary thought that. I know my small town thinking gest me in trouble, but still, I never been through this before. You see, I have been going from town to town looking to find the perfect place to settle down. Me and my wife, Bessie, are looking to settle in with a few kids, animals, and putting down roots, so to speak. I have seen several places that I liked but I have this traveling spirit deep in my soul. I just keep moving. Now, about the time it was Alls Hollows Eve I trekked through this here town that seemed to be perfect. The oldfashioned ranch homes were all lined up in a row, purty as pink. They had shutters, porches, and tree swings in every front yard. I stood there, gawking, thinking, “Perhaps I can settle the family here. It sure looks peaceful, and homey.” There

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

was a glitter just up the road. The last house on the block had a small horse trough sitting by the end of the street. As I bent down to check out the glint, I found this here metal medallion. I picked it up and hung it around my neck. I then glanced down the road and suddenly spotted a perfect looking town. I slowly walked down the road, leading my horse behind me, when I reached the first of the towns main business drag. I walked around looking in the windows, doors and generally wondering where all the peoples went. I shook my head, just trying to figure it out, when I heard a silvery laugh flow further down the street. I tied my horse to the rail by the watering trough and followed that there voice. It seemed to be coming from the saloon. I pushed the sliding doors open and headed toward the old bar. The room itself was dusty, open, with a huge mirror in back of the bar. I could see the smoky air swirling around the room. People lounged around dressed like them cowboys from the old west. Must be getting ready for Halloween, I thought. It seemed the entire town was there, all 25 of them. The sheriff was wearing the leather vest with a bright star on it. I settled down next to him and turned to start a conversation. “Howdy, Sheriff, nice town you got here.” The bartender walked over to the sheriff and refilled his drink, totally ignoring me. “Hey, Bartender, could I get an ice cold beer here, Sir?” The bartender walked my way but just passed by like was invisible or something. He refilled the local storekeepers cup, then began wiping down the counter-

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

top. He stopped by three women sitting at the end, who began to talk about their day. “What a day, Tom. I had to get the house picked up before I could even head over to the post office. Then the wood stove went out and I had no wood! Had to run out to the woodshed and bring in the wood myself. Jeb was out watering the lawn and tending to the garden.” “That’s a lot of work for a little filly like you, Jan. Hope it didn’t wear you out too much.” “Naw, I can handle it.” “Well, have a drink on the house!” “Thanks.” Tom walked back by me and just didn’t see me! I looked in the mirror. Yes, I was there. I could see the long hair, the moustache, and the frown that creased my forehead. I leaned forward and waved my arm. The necklace moved with me. “Excuse me, but could I get a drink here? I just love the perfection of this here town. Do you have any houses available?” Nothing, still not even a nod that anyone heard me, as I sat there considering my options, scratching my head and muttering to myself. I was beginning to feel foolish. The piano in the corner began to play a fast country tune. It looked like one of them automatic players, the oldfashioned ones with the rolling paper that plays the tune by themselves. I walked toward the piano and turned to watch the scenes playing out in the room. Everyone knew each other. They all talked kind-a funny, and then the drinks went round again. Stepping outside, I noticed the bank looked kind of old

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

and full of webs. Half the building was burned down, as were the other buildings. I scratched my head again, wondering what happened to the perfection I saw when I rode in. Evil laughter billowed through the town, leaving me with them there creeps, creeping down my back. The buildings began to shimmer, blow up, move and twist turning to shimmering air, and heat began to shift through the town. Wind howled and created a vortex that nearly pulled me into the middle. The medallion heated on my chest and flew towards the vortex. My world changed in an instant. I tried to move toward the horse, gripping the rung with my entire being. I felt it heat up on my own skin and tried to twist away. My body was burning until I threw the coin off my neck and watched the town burn down. I hurried to my horse, patted her a second, jumped on her back, then got out of dodge! I didn’t even turn around, just kept on a going, until I found this nice park and park bench. “Mind if I sit here, Stranger?” “Sure, Mister. You can see me?” “Of course. Why shouldn’t I? You feeling ok, Friend?” “Well, you know that there town about 5 miles back? Lonsume Dove Town? These there people didn’t even notice me, was like I was invisible or something.” “Um, Friend, I don’t know what to say. That town burned down around the turn of the century. Nothing left but the old wishing well by the main drag. Seems I remember something about a jewelry heist from

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

the bank. Money, jewelry, and coins lost after the stable, bank, and storehouse went up in flames.” My fingers felt numb and the shock really set in. I was a talking to …. Ghosts?? I really was talking to spooks?? How is a person to know what to do if there aint no signs anywhere? I fainted dead away, thinking… Have Medallion, Will Travel.

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com


Dalene Davies 8-25-2012 LCAT Week4 Project4

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

Judgment? We interrupt this program to report a major catastrophe. The Republication Convention being held in Florida has been hit by several major events at the same time. Hurricane Judgment hit at 3pm today. This is the second day of the convention and while the Republications were able to release party members to safety, it has hit the area hard. The convention center that housed the convention has been used by democrats to show republican hypocrisy has reached an all time high. Today’s rally centered around the theme that businesses built America while the current administration feels it is the public that built the infrastructure that has allowed American business to flourish. After all, if roads, buildings and bridges had not been built through government jobs bills, those businesses would not have thrived. It has been a hard year for the GOP. This is perhaps the most devastating act to occur yet. The hurricane hit hard and has only damaged the convention center. Key party members have always used the weather to claim it was God’s wrath toward America that brought these. Does this mean the Republicans have gone too far? Is this God’s Judgment on the Party that is anti-human rights, or antienvironment? Is this a warning to Americans that it is time to be the stewards of the Earth? We now go live to Tampa to talk to Reporter Tanya Tanner. She has a few updates to offer and an interview with some of the survivors of this great catastrophe. Are you there, Tayna?

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

“Yes, Liz, I am here. The winds are blowing at an excess of 60 miles per hour, and as you can see, the damage around here is extensive! The winds have already pulled up cages in the local zoos and the animals here are running scared! We have already had reports that alligators have been spotted trying to escape the harsh winds. We have not heard of any attacks as of yet, but this is only the beginning. With me is Lila Straw, the Animal Protection director. Tell us, Lila, what might we expect.” “Thank you, Tayna, I think we can reasonably expect to hear stories of animal attacks as the storm blows over. We have over fifty animals recorded as released. People, do not approach any of these animals. They are scared and classified as deadly.” “Thank you, Lila. Now with me is the GOP director, Hal Overman. Mr. Overman, please tell us what the status is of the Convention. Will you now postpone it? Is this a judgment on your party? Will we still see the republicans on the ticket?” “Well, first, we would like to say, our party convention goes on. We will continue at the local hotel. We are not giving out the address. I have no comment on the other items. Of course, we will be on the ticket! Nothing has changed except…” “Oh, my… did you catch that bolt of lightening strike the director? Guess God has spoken, after all. Perhaps this country needs to reevaluate the direction we are heading. I think I will move over to the side here, while I continue. The winds are getting stronger so I think I will

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

head out now. This is Tayna Tanner returning the program.” “Thanks, Tayna, I think moving out of the path of God’s Judgment might be a good idea. We now have the Presidential nominee on split screen. Mr. Randel, we would like to discuss the meaning of this storm. You and your party have stated that these natural weather patterns have been divinely ordained because of the feminist movement, and the modern acceptance of gay rights. Do you still feel this way and what does it say to the American public that your convention center, built with 62 percent of government funds has been destroyed while your party’s convention was being held?” “ I don’t fully remember my party’s principals but I stand by them anyway. We are the best party for this country. We are for all people and fully intend to get Americans working again once we are elected and get the women to stay home where they belong. I … uah… mean… once we take over this country’s government. This is not a judgment upon us. We are still here and going strong. We believe our country…” “It seems we have a connection problem. Hold on. This just in… The news van where the presidential and vicepresidential nominee were bring interviewed has been destroyed by the hurricane. Guess that’s our last judgment for today. Stay turned for more coverage while we try to find more republicans to comment.”

©2013 Dalene Davies-­‐ Pastiche style poems-­‐updated or written for Kooky Stories-­‐P&D-­‐Revised for Editing and Revisions Class-­‐ 112513 http://3ds-­‐kooky-­‐ideas-­‐dept.com

CLICK HERE: http://3ds-kooky-ideas-dept.com ABOUT ME: Creative Writer--educational homeschool books, e-books & journals; Novelist, Scriptwriter, Poet & Political Activist. I am a: Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Environmentalist, and an Equal-Rights Believer! http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/3d_design_connections

ISSUU: http://issuu.com/kookytales Portfolio: http://suzziebell2.wix.com/3dskookyideasdept FaceBook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Kookystories Facebook: www.facebook.com/suzziebell Twitter: twitter.com/ddavies67 Email: suzziebell2@yahoo.com Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/pub/dalene-davies/62/37/580 Website: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/3d_design_connections WritingBlog: https://www.box.com/files/0/f/536652324/Portfolio FAX: 509-362-9270 Cell: 509-990-8519 © 2013 All Rights reserved- 3D-Design-Connections Dalene Davies

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