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Koby Thompson-Daniel

Portfolio ‘24
Projects 01_Landscape of Abscense 02_Attivazione Spaziale 03_Palinsesto di Piazza Navona 04_Paterson Textile Coalition

01_Landscape of Abscense

Program - Miso cultivation + retail space

Commonly found in Japanese cuisine, Miso combines koji culture and grains of choice (commonly soybeans), to create this superpowered flavor paste. It is then kept in an airtight container in a dark environment so the paste doesn’t dry out and the koji can ferment. In research, I found that the “architecture” of miso is the space in which it ferments. My design was driven by traditional methods and vessels in which miso is made, which resulted in the creation of a landscape of absences to support both an optimal fermentation and experiential work/learning environment. In this project, I found that designing for other than humans is to design beyond humans at the forefront. Human accommodations were deployed by following and breaking the gridded layout of the barrel chamber and subterranean circulation into both human and non-human programs.






_Attivazione Spaziale

SP’ 23 - Rome Travel Studio

Tasked with proposing architectural interventions that could accommodate spaces for eating, the Attivazione Spaziale series includes Piazza Biscione, Piazza Mattei, and Piazza Sant’Ignazio located in the Rome metropolitan area. I studied the different characteristics of each piazza in order to design arrangements that “activate” the space. Each of the interventions utilizes a unique modular system and form inspired by the surrounding architecture and potenital activity within.

Piazza Biscione

Piazza Mattei Piazza Sant’Ignazio

_ Palinsesto di Piazza Navona

SP’ 23 - Representation IV, Rome

For centuries, architecture students have come to Rome to draw and learn from the city and its architecture. Even as the city changes, and as the profession of architecture evolves, the Eternal City retains its allure. Palinsesto di Piazza Navona (The Palimpsest of Piazza Navona) depicts the present-day Piazza Navona and the Stadium of Domitian first constructed in 86 A.D. that lies beneath it. Reflecting the stadium’s iconic oval form, Piazza Navona holds synergy between Roman antiquity and modernity.


_ Paterson Textile Coalition

Completed in collaboration with Darilyn

The Paterson Textile Coalition aims to revive the industrial history of Paterson for the 21st century through the adaptive reuse of the Barbour Flax Mill established in the 19th Century. The goal was to create a marker hood focused and uplifted by the surrounding community. This is shown throughout the building's architectural designs, emphasizing the stitching of the two city grids that intersect where the site is located. Studio spaces were created to support various textile fabrication techniques that include but are not limited to sewing, weaving, and printmaking. Resident makers are encouraged to interact with the visiting community in hopes of selling their works and stitching new bonds. The Paterson Textile Coalition prioritizes the makers, allowing them to make their spaces private or public to encourage individuality and collaboration at their choosing.

West Grid East Grid Grand St Site Stitching City Grids The site of the Barbour Flax Mill is located at a point where the East and West Grids of the city start to merge. This condition sparked the idea that the grids could be stitched together through design. Maker’s Choice Rotating wall unit system within the maker studios. The stationary walls are postioned to align with the city grid and the rotary wall supports flexiblity between private and public. 1877 1884 1895 1899 1915 Mill Building No.1 Mill Building No.1 Machine + Carpentry Shop Mill Building No.1 Mill Building No. 2 + Stroage House 2022 Paterson Textile Coalition
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