Issuu know 2018

Page 54


CAITLIN SMITH / EXHALE WELLNESS STUDIO Caitlin is an Arizona native, certified holistic nutrition coach, and personal trainer located in Central Phoenix. After years of struggling and overcoming body issues, she’s made it her mission to empower women to fall in love with themselves through real foods and strength training the same way she did. That very mission is what gave birth to her new studio, Exhale Wellness.

(480) 267-2430

Located in the heart of Arcadia, Exhale was created as a space that helps women strengthen, stretch, and nourish their body in an uplifting, comfortable environment. She believes each one of those components truly makes up a balanced, loving, confident, healthy lifestyle. Exhale Wellness Studio offers boutique style personal training, yoga, meditation, holistic nutrition coaching, and monthly workshops dedicated to all things healing and wellness.

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