Kishugu Training Academy Prospectus 2023

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Build your skills with our accredited, accessible & affordable courses.


Table of Contents 04 About Us 05 Course Quick Finder 09 Wildland Firefighting 11 Forestry 14 Occupational Health & Safety 17 Incident Command System 18 Driver Training 20 Information Technology 21 Conservation & Tourism 22 Occupational Certificate: Education, Training & Development Practices 23 Security Guard Training 24 Fire & Rescue Operations 25 Construction 28 Hospitality 30 Agriculture 3

About Us

The Core of our Business

Kishugu Training Academy (Pty) Ltd is registered in South Africa and forms an integral part of the Kishugu Group of Companies, based in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. Kishugu grew from small practical beginnings, where the funding directors operated a partnership providing veld and forest fire services to landowners in Mpumalanga. The group now provides Integrated Fire Management Services globally.

Kishugu Training Academy is an accredited training provider and a preferred supplier of fire related and incident management training courses. Our training solutions are tailored to develop and enhance the skills of people in all work environments. A key differentiator is our ability to cut through literacy, culture, language and industry barriers, ensuring a high course completion rate.

We offer specialised training to individuals as well as corporate and governmental departments in industries ranging from forestry, agriculture, and conservation to safety and security. We offer accredited and nonaccredited courses, aligned with the requirements of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the international standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Credits obtained for courses and skills programmes from Kishugu Training count towards relevant qualifications from various SETAs.

We offer on-site training, throughout South Africa and beyond its borders. We believe in empowering people globally to make a difference. We transform people’s lives through training.

Accredited by



Wildland Firefighting


Course Name Accredited Accreditation Body Unit Standards Duration Pre- Requisites Practicals Minimum Participants
Wildland Fire Awareness Yes FP&M SETA 376880 1 Days None Yes 10 Basic Firefighting: Farm Labour No N/A Aligned to: 117082 2 Days None Yes 10 Basic Firefighting Yes FP&M SETA 117079 117082 3 Days None Yes 10 Advanced Firefighting / Proto Team / Wildland Fire Suppression Yes FP&M SETA 117079 117082 123138 4 Days Basic Firefighting Yes 10 Wildland Fire Suppression: Management Single Resource Leader / Crew Boss Yes FP&M SETA 123231 5 Days Basic Firefighting Yes 10 Initial Attack Incident Commander Yes FP&M SETA 123232 4 Days Single Resource Leader Yes 10 Extended Attack Incident Commander Yes N/A N/A 4 Days Initial Attack Incident Commander Yes 10 Prescribed Burning: Land use managers Yes FP&M SETA 376884 5 Days NQF Level 4 Basic Firefighting Yes 10 Prescribed Burning: Managers Yes FP&M SETA 376886 5 Days NQF Level 4 Basic Firefighting Yes 10 Veld Condition Assessment Yes Cathsseta 253962 10 DaysAdditional Practicals Comm. & Math NQF Level 4 Yes 8
Chainsaw Operator Yes FP&M SETA 117058 117062 5 Days NQF Level 2 Yes 8 Brushcutter Operator Yes FP&M SETA 123243 5 Days NQF Level 2 Yes 8 Herbicide Applicator / Invasive Plant Control Yes FP&M SETA 123134 123238 3 Days NQF Level 1 Yes 10 Basic Safety in Forestry Operations Yes FP&M SETA 117049 1 Day NQF Level 1 Yes 10 Eradicate Weeds in a Commercial Environment Yes FP&M SETA 123132 1 Day NQF Level 1 Yes 10 Debranch Felled Trees Using a Chainsaw Yes FP&M SETA 117061 1 Day NQF Level 1 Yes 8 Cross-cut Felled Trees Using a Chainsaw Yes FP&M SETA 117069 1 Day NQF Level 2 Yes 8 Cut felled Timber Using a Chainsaw Yes FP&M SETA 123233 2 Days NQF Level 2 Yes 8 Manage a Chemical Store in a Plantation Yes FP&M SETA 123239 2 Days NQF Level 2 Yes 10 Apply Health and Safety to a Work Area Yes FP&M SETA 9964 2 Days NQF Level 1 Yes 10 Airstrip Activities during Wildfire Suppression Yes FP&M SETA 123234 1 Day Comm. NQF Level 2 Yes 10 Work as a Project Team Member Yes FP&M SETA 120379 3-5 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 4 Yes 5 National Certificate: Forestry: Silviculture Yes FP&M SETA 50266 12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 8 5

Incident Command System (ICS)

Driver Training

Information Technology

Course Name Accredited Accreditation Body Unit Standards Duration Pre- Requisites Practicals Minimum Participants Occupational Health & Safety (SHEQ) Health and safety principles in/ around the workplace Yes SAQA 259639 3 Days None Yes 8 Conduct workplace Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Inspections Yes SAQA 259619 3 Days None Yes 8 SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) Representative Yes FP&M SETA 259639 259619 5 Days None Yes 8 Breathing Apparatus / BA Set Yes FP&M SETA 242852 2 Days None Yes 10 Confined Space Entry Yes LG SETA 260139 2 Days Comm. Level 4 Yes 10 Basic Firefighting / Fire Safety in Buildings, Lodges or Sawmills Yes FP&M SETA 252250 2 Days None Yes 10 Fire Awareness Workshop No N/A Aligned to: 252250 1 Day None Yes 10 First Aid Level 1 Yes TETA 119567 2 None Yes 6 First Aid Level 1 and 2 Yes TETA 120496 3 First Aid Level 1 Yes 6 First Aid Level 1, 2 and 3 Yes TETA 376480 5 First Aid Level 1 & 2 Yes 6
Basic Incident Command System (ICS) Yes FP&M SETA 376881 3 Days NQF Level 2 Yes 15 ICS For Expanding Incidents No N/A N/A 5 Days Basic ICS i100-i200 Yes 15
Basic Driver Training / Obtain a Driver’s License No N/A N/A Based on client’s needs Learners License, depending on license to be obtained Yes 1 Driver Refresher Courses Yes TETA 123257 123253 3 Days Valid Driver License/ PRDP where applicable Yes 6 Comprehensive 4WD Training Yes TETA 254154 3 Days Valid Driver License/ PRDP where applicable Yes 6 Advanced Defensive Driver Training Yes TETA 377201 3 Days Valid Driver License/ PRDP where applicable Yes 6 Operate a Vehicle Combination Yes TETA 123254 4 Days Valid Driver License/ PRDP where applicable Yes 6
National Certificate: IT End-User Computing Yes MICT SETA SAQA Qual. No: 49077 6-12 Months None No N/A 6

Education, Training & Development Practice (OD-ETDP) Training

Security Guard Training

Fire & Rescue Operations

Course Name Accredited Accreditation Body Unit Standards Duration Pre- Requisites Practicals Minimum Participants Conservation & Tourism Perform Conservation Guardianship / Anti-Poaching Course Yes Cathsseta 252452 44 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 First Aid Level 3 Advanced Weapon Handling Map Reading Yes 10 Field Guide Skills Programme Yes Cathsseta 8840 8478 10 Days Theory Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Minimum 3 months practical 10 Nature Reserve General Assistant Yes FP&M SETA 117079 117082 123134 123238 243189 12 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 1 Yes 10
ETD Practitioner Yes QCTO SAQA Qual. No: 101321 9-10 Months Comm. NQF Level 4 Yes 10 Early Childhood Development Practitioner Yes QCTO SAQA Qual. No: 97542 9-12 Months NQF Level 3 Yes 10
Grade E Security Officer Yes PSIRA / SASSETA Selected from 58577 5 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 10 Grade D Access Control Officer Yes PSIRA / SASSETA Selected from 58577 5 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 10 Grade C Asset & Reaction Officer Yes PSIRA / SASSETA Selected from 58577 5 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 10 Grade B Supervision Yes PSIRA / SASSETA Selected from 58577 5 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 10 Grade A Management Yes PSIRA / SASSETA Selected from 58577 5 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 10
Occupational Certificate: Firefighter Yes QCTO 98991 9-12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 3 Yes 10 Construction National Certificate: Community House Building Yes CETA 24273 12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 1 Yes 5 National Certificate: Construction: Roadworks Yes CETA 24173 12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 National Certificate: Building and Civil Construction Yes CETA 65409 12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 Tiling Skills Programme Yes CETA 10003 16 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 Bricklaying Skills Programme Yes CETA 13976 13 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 Plastering Skills Programme Yes CETA 10002 14 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 Paving Skills Programme Yes CETA 14650 8 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 7



Enquiry & Registration Process

Step 01: Enquiry

• Identify a suitable skills programme of your choice.

• Request a formal and obligation free quotation.

Step 02: Register

• Accept the quotation by completing the Acceptance Form or the Registration form, pay into our account and send back with the proof of payment.

• Once your registration form has been received, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.

• Confirmation of course details will be e-mailed to the delegate a week prior to the course date.


Step 03: Course Commences

Once the courses have started, the delegates will be fully liable for the full payment of the course, even if training is discontinued.

Academic qualifications delivered online will require a laptop with data to access study material and requires the submission of a physical Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) to Kishugu Training where applicable. Please confirm with a course consultant.


English is the language of tuition (It includes lectures, study material and student support services etc). However, all of our facilitators are multi-lingual and can explain certain aspects of the study material in a student’s native language for better comprehension.

Course Name Accredited Accreditation Body Unit Standards Duration Pre- Requisites Practicals Minimum Participants Painting Skills Programme Yes CETA 261666 3 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 Roof Cladding Skills Programme Yes CETA 14674 14 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5
National Certificate: Bread and Flour Confectionery Baking Yes FOODBEV 50308 12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 National Certificate: Professional Cookery YES Cathsseta 14111 12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 Occupational Certificate: Chef Yes QCTO 101697 36 Months Math NQF Level 2 Yes 5 Occupational Certificate: Food Handler Yes QCTO 110644 12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 1 Yes 5 Cake Baking Skills Programme Yes FOODBEV 7772 6 Days None Yes 5 Bread Baking Skills Programme Yes FOODBEV 123375 11 Days Comm. & Math NQF Level 1 Yes 5 Meat Preparation Skills Programme Yes Cathsseta 7728 7 Days None Yes 5
National Certificate: Plant Production NQF Level 2 Yes AGRISETA 48975 12 Months Comm. & Math NQF Level 1 Yes 5 National Certificate: Animal Production NQF Level 1 Yes AGRISETA 48970 12 Months ABET 3 Yes 5 National Certificate: Mixed Farming Systems NQF Level 2 Yes AGRISETA 48977 12 Month Comm. & Math NQF Level 1 Yes 5 8

Wildland Fire Awareness

Aligned to Unit Standard: 376880

Wildland Fire Suppression: Management

Single Resource Leader

Unit Standard: 123231 (NQF Level 4; 7 Credits)

Prescribed Burning: Land

Use Managers

Unit Standards: 376884 & 376886 (NQF Level 4; 4 Credits)

Veld Condition Assessment

Unit Standard: 253962 (NQF Level 5; 15 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Identify the need for fire awareness interventions in a local community.

• Plan a fire awareness program for a local community.

• Implement a fire awareness programme.

Course Outline:

• Explain the terms, concepts and goals for managing the wildfire problem in Southern Africa.

• Interpret the three dimensions of the wildfire management plan.

• Carry out pre-fire procedures.

• Respond to a fire call out.

• Carry out post fire procedures.

Course Outline:

• Plan a controlled burn for a range of purposes.

• Coordinate team activities in controlled burn operations for a range of purposes.

• Conduct post burning activities according to plan.

Course Outline:

• Explain the associations between the fauna and flora within the protected area.

• Explain the impact of management actions on the flora of the protected area.

• Harvest plants according to management guidelines.

• Propagate and re-introduce indigenous plants.

• Apply basic plant monitoring techniques.


Basic Firefighter: Farm Labour

Aligned to Unit Standard:117082

Basic Wildland Firefighting

Unit Standards: 17079 & 117082

(NQF Level 1; 4 Credits)

Advanced Wild Firefighting/ Wildland Fire Suppression/ Proto Team

Unit Standards: 117079, 117082, 123138

(NQF Level 2; 6 Credits)

Initial Attack Incident Commander

Unit Standard: 123232

(NQF Level 4; 4 Credits)

Extended Attack Incident Commander

Unit Standard: N/A

Course Outline:

• Identify and explain basic characteristics of fire behavior to enable safe and effective fire suppression.

• Extinguish wildfires using manual methods and procedures.

• Communicate using verbal and hand signaled instructions.

• Use of water hose equipment.

• Conduct mop-up procedures.

Course Outline:

• Identify unsafe acts and conditions and explain standard safety rules applied to overcome dangerous fire situations.

• Demonstrate safety procedures in wildfire suppression situations.

• Identify and explain basic characteristics of fire behavior to enable safe and effective fire suppression.

• Extinguish wildfires using manual methods and procedures.

• Communicate using verbal and hand signaled instructions.

• Use of water hose equipment.

• Conduct mop-up procedures.

Course Outline:

• Identify unsafe acts and conditions and explain standard safety rules applied to overcome dangerous fire situations.

• Demonstrate safety procedures in wildfire suppression situations.

• Identify and explain basic characteristics of fire behavior to enable safe and effective fire suppression.

• Extinguish wildfires using manual methods and procedures.

• Communicate using verbal and hand signaled instructions.

• Use of water hose equipment.

• Conduct mop-up procedures.

• Prepare to conduct maintenance.

• Conduct maintenance.

• Conduct preventative maintenance.

• Administer applicator maintenance.

Course Outline:

• Prepare for strike attack of wildfires.

• Control strike attack resources for wildfire suppression.

• Demobilise strike attack resources.

Course Outline:

Meet the needs of incidents of any kind or size such as routine events or complex emergency incidents. Participants will learn the skills required to allow a variety of agencies to meld rapidly into a conventional management structure. It equips people to provide logistical and administrative support to ensure operational staff meet incident objectives.


Chainsaw Operator

Unit Standards: 117058 & 117062 (NQF Level 2; 6 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate knowledge of chainsaw parts and basic mechanics.

• Demonstrate knowledge of safety during chainsaw use.

• Prepare and start a chainsaw.

• Cut felled timber with a chainsaw.

• Do periodic maintenance on a chainsaw.

• Demonstrate knowledge of factors influencing efficiencies in tree felling.

• Demonstrate knowledge of safety during felling.

• Fell trees with a chainsaw using the standard technique and felling levers.



Brush-cutter Operator

Unit Standard: 123243

(NQF Level 2; 5 Credits)

Herbicide Applicator/ Invasive Plant Control

Unit Standards: 123134 & 123238

(NQF Level 2; 5 Credits)

Basic Safety in Forestry Operations

Unit Standard: 117049

(NQF Level 2; 1 Credits)

Eradicate Weeds in a Commercial Environment

Unit Standard: 123132 (NQF Level 1; 1 Credits)

Debranch Felled Trees Using a Chainsaw

Unit Standard: 117061

(NQF Level 2; 3 Credits)

Cross-cut Felled Trees Using a Chainsaw

Unit Standard: 117069 (NQF Level 2; 2 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Prepare to operate the brush-cutter.

• Demonstrate operating techniques and methods of brush-cutting.

• Maintain equipment.

Course Outline:

• Prepare for chemical weed control.

• Apply chemical to weeds.

• Practice safe working procedures when using agrochemicals.

• Maintain equipment.

• Prepare to conduct maintenance.

• Conduct maintenance.

• Conduct preventative maintenance.

• Administer applicator maintenance.

Course Outline:

• This unit is for people who intend working in a forestry operation.

• Explain the duties of employers and employees and identify the safety representatives and first aid person for the specific work place.

• Demonstrate knowledge of hazards, safety and emergency procedures in forestry operations.

Course Outline:

• Prepare for manual weed control.

• Hand pull weeds.

• Hoe weeds.

• Slash weeds.

• Ring-bark weeds.

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate knowledge of factors influencing efficiencies in debranching.

• Prepare for debranching.

• Debranch felled trees in a production situation complying with operational requirements.

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate knowledge of factors influencing efficiencies in crosscutting.

• Prepare for cross-cutting.

• Cross-cut felled trees in a production situation complying with operational requirements.


Cut felled Timber Using a Chainsaw

Unit Standard: 123233 (NQF Level 2; 4 Credits)

Manage a Chemical Store in a Plantation

Unit Standard: 123239 (NQF Level 2; 4 Credits)

Airstrip Activities during Wildfire Suppression

Unit Standard: 123234 (NQF Level 3; 2 Credits)

Work as a Project Team Member

Unit Standard: 120379 (NQF Level 4; 8 Credits)

National Certificate:

Forestry: Silviculture

Unit Standard: 50266 (NQF Level 3; Credits are Unit Stds Based)

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate knowledge of chainsaw parts and basic mechanics.

• Demonstrate knowledge of safety during chainsaw use.

• Prepare and start a chainsaw.

• Cut felled timber with a chainsaw.

• Carry out periodic maintenance on a chainsaw.

Course Outline:

• Classify hazardous chemical substances.

• Maintain health and safety in the chemical store.

• Administer all prescribed documents.

• Limit damage and/or exposure to property and/or individual in the case of an emergency.

Course Outline:

• Activate operations at an airstrip used for aerial fire suppression.

• Apply standard procedures and regulations pertaining to an airstrip used for fire suppression.

• Apply administrative requirements pertaining to an airstrip used for fire suppression.

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate and understand the criteria for working as a member of a team.

• Collaborate with other team members to improve performance.

• Participating in building relations between team members and other stakeholders.

• Respect personal, ethical, religious and cultural differences to enhance interaction between team members.

• Using a variety of strategies to deal with potential or actual conflict between team members.

Course Outline:

• Communicate in a variety of ways.

• Use mathematics in real life situations.

• Supervise and participate in wildfire suppression.

• Clear trees.

• Participate in silviculture-related activities.

• Supervise silviculture operations.

Depending in electives chosen, recipients will be able to:

• Provide fire protection support.

• Participate in plantation establishment and maintenance.



Occupational Certificate: OHS

Unit Standard: 99714 (NQF Level 3; Credits are Unit Stds Based)

Course Outline:

An Occupational Health and Safety Practitioners serve as a facilitator and advisor to employees and management regarding safety and health aspects in the workplace including the monitoring and inspecting of the workplace and the recording and investigation of incidents and accidents. They also implement and maintain Occupational Health and Safety systems in order to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

A qualified learner will be able to:

• Inspect work places and environments to identify the occupational health and safety hazards and determine the risks associated with the work.

• Facilitate and support actions to eliminate or control hazards in order to minimise risks in a designated work area.

• Represent the needs of employees with regard to Occupational Health and Safety matters.

• Participate in the planning and implementation of operational Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

• Monitor and continually improve the effectiveness of operational Occupational Health and Safety systems.


Health & Safety Principles in/ around the workplace

Unit Standard: 259639 (NQF Level 2; 4 Credits)

Conduct Workplace OHS Inspection

Unit Standard: 259619 (NQF Level 2; 3 Credits)

SHE Representative

Unit Standards: 259639 & 259619 (NQF Level 2; 7 Credits)

Breathing Apparatus

Unit Standard: 242852 (NQF Level 4; 4 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Explain both employer and employee duties with regard to occupational health and safety in the workplace.

• Explain the general safety rules in a workplace.

• Explain the use and application of Personal Protective Equipment in a workplace.

• Explain the need for good housekeeping in the workplace.

• Explain and applying emergency procedures in the workplace.

Course Outline:

• Explain the relevant legal requirements to conduct Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections.

• Plan Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections.

• Conduct inspections to identify non-compliance in the workplace.

• Report on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections.

Course Outline:

• Explain the relevant legal requirements to conduct Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections.

• Plan Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections.

• Conduct inspections to identify non-compliance in the workplace.

• Report on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections.

Course Outline:

• Explain the physiology of respiration.

• Explain the nature and characteristics of common hazardous atmospheres.

• Explain the limitations of a self-contained breathing apparatus.

• Describe the components of a self-contained breathing apparatus and their functions.

• Inspect and maintain a self-contained breathing apparatus in a state of readiness.

• Don and doff a self-contained breathing apparatus safely and efficiently.

• Work in an area of obscured visibility while wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus.

Confined Space Entry

Unit Standard: 260139 (NQF Level 5; 5 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate knowledge of safe working practices in confined spaces.

• Select and operate equipment for rescues from confined spaces.

• Carry out a rescue in a confined space.

• Conduct briefings and compile reports.


Basic Firefighting/ Fire Safety in Buildings, Lodges or Sawmills

Unit Standard:252250 (NQF Level 1; 3 Credits)

Fire Awareness Workshop

Aligned to Unit Standard: 252250

First Aid Level 1

Unit Standard: 119567 (NQF Level 1; 5 Credits)

First Aid Level 2

Unit Standard: 120496 (NQF Level 2; 5 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Identify different types of fires.

• Explain and practice fire prevention.

• Operate basic firefighting equipment.

• Perform basic fire fighting procedures.

Course Outline:

• Identify different types of fires.

• Explain and practice fire prevention.

• Operate basic firefighting equipment.

• Perform basic fire fighting procedures.

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate an understanding of emergency scene management.

• Demonstrate an understanding of elementary anatomy and physiology.

• Assess an emergency situation.

• Apply First Aid procedures to the life-threatening situation.

• Treat common injuries.

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate the principles of primary emergency care.

• Assess and control a single injury emergency scene in the workplace.

• Demonstrate primary emergency life support for adults, children and infants.

• Explain and manage shock.

• Carry out secondary assessment of the sick or injured person and provide appropriate primary emergency care at the scene.

• Keep records of the incident/accident.

First Aid Level 3

Unit Standard: 376480 (NQF Level 3; 8 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Explain the principles of advanced first aid in emergencies.

• Demonstrate an advanced level of preparedness to deal with sudden illness or emergency.

• Assess and managing an emergency scene/disaster.

• Describe the anatomy and explain the physiology of the human body systems in terms of injury or sudden illness.

• Apply primary first aid for all age groups according to accepted current first aid protocols.

• Explain and manage shock.


Basic Incident Command System (ICS)

Unit Standard: 376881 (NQF Level 4; 3 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Define the positions and the functions of role players in regard to the Incident Command System matrix.

• Demonstrate knowledge of the positions and terms associated with the ICS system.

• Describe the control functions or responsibilities and application to the ICS.

ICS for Expanded Incidents

Unit Standard: N/A

Course Outline:

• Meet the needs of incidents of any kind or size.

• Be usable for routine events or complex emergency incidents.

• Allow personnel from a variety of agencies to meld rapidly into a conventional management structure.

• Provide logistical and administrative support to ensure that operational staff can meet incident objectives.

• Be cost effective by avoiding duplication efforts.

Applications for the use of ICS include: Fire, both structural and wildfire; Hazardous material situations; Search and rescue; Oil Spills; Pest eradication; Control of animal diseases and Planned events, such as parades or political rallies.



Our driver training academy is about providing value by:

• Creating a driver culture that takes care of your fleet.

• Screening and assessment of drivers prior to appointment.

• Offer advanced driver training for your drivers for both offensive and defensive purposes.

• Evaluating your fleet management policy and procedure manual for its adaptability and responsiveness.

• Driver assessment for grading, training and performance assessment.

• Reducing insurance costs through our tailored training and grading programme.

• Our partnerships allow for the following training as well:

- Forklift - Novice and Refresher (F1-F4)

- Reach Truck (F5, F8, F9, F13 - F16)

- Rough Terrain/Earthmoving/Agricultural Equipment (F11)

- Stacking and Storing of Goods


We Do:

Motorcycle A/A1

Driver Refresher Courses

Unit Standards: 123257 & 123253 (NQF Level 4; 25 Credits)

Comprehensive 4WD Training

Unit Standard: 254154 (NQF Level 3; 8 Credits)

Code 8/B

Course Outline:

• Prepare a rigid light vehicle for road transport trips according to specification.

• Drive a rigid light vehicle in accordance with specified requirements.

• Ensure the maintenance of road transport service quality.

• Handle unexpected situations according to specified procedures.

Course Outline:

• Explain the differences in driving a 4WD or an ATV or a Quad Bike or an Off road Motorcycle on-road and off-road.

• Demonstrate knowledge of passenger and vehicle safety precautions.

• Demonstrate understanding of the features of a 4WD or an ATV or a Quad Bike or an Off road Motorcycle for off-road conditions.

• Demonstrate an understanding of off-road conditions and their relation to vehicle preparation and behaviour.

• Demonstrate basic recovery techniques.

• Demonstrate an understanding and application of techniques typical to specific obstacles that are nature and terrain dependent.

Advanced Defensive Driver Training

Unit Standard: 377201 (NQF Level 5; 6 Credits)

Operate a Vehicle Combination

Unit Standard: 123254 (NQF Level 3; 8 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Apply knowledge related to vehicle dynamics to reduce driving risk.

• Demonstrate techniques used to avoid accidents and maintain control.

• Apply techniques to improve driving skills and maintain safety at all times.

Course Outline:

• Prepare a vehicle combination for road transport trips according to specification.

• Drive a vehicle combination in accordance with specified requirements.

• Ensure the maintenance of road transport service quality.

• Handle unexpected situations according to specified procedures.

• Park vehicle combination in accordance with specified requirements.

• Couple and uncoupling a drawing vehicle and trailer/s according to specified procedures.

K53 Learner’s & Drivers License
Code 10/C/C1
K53 Learner’s & Drivers License
Code 14 /EC/EC1
K53 Learner’s & Drivers License
K53 Learner’s & Drivers License


National Certificate:

IT End-User Computing

Qualification No. 61591 (NQF Level 3; 130 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Basic to Advanced use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint).

• Competently apply the knowledge, techniques & skills of End User Computing applications in the workplace.

• Understand the impact and use Information Communication & Technology (ICT) in an organisation and society.

• Improve Communication by combining communication skills with End User Computing skills.

• Improve the application of mathematical literacy in the workplace, by better utilising applicable End User Computing Applications.


Conservation Guardianship / Anti-Poaching Course

Unit Standard: 252452 (NQF Level 2; 4 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Conduct patrols in order to collect and interpret information associated with conservation guardianship.

• React appropriately within the law and according to established procedures, in order to counter any illegal activities.

• Collect evidence in order to be able to prosecute a suspect and present evidence in a court of law.

• Apply appropriate communication techniques during conservation guardianship operations.

It is furthermore assumed that learners embarking on this unit standard are competent in:

• Basic First Aid.

• Weapon handling.

• Orientate, navigate, use and create maps in conservation areas.

Field Guide Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 8478 & 8440 (NQF Level 2; 4 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Identify major living and non-living features of the natural environment in which he/she operates and interpret them at an observation level.

• Create and conduct a local guided tourist experience, based on local natural and cultural resources, that entertains and informs visitors.

• Practice as a tourist guide in a local area, as envisaged in the Tourism Amendment Act. A Cathsseta certificate will allow the individual to register as a legal field guide with the National Department of Tourism.

Nature Reserve General Assistant

Unit Standards: 123134, 117079 & 117082 (NQF Level 1; 7 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Identify, explain and demonstrate safety procedures during active wildfire suppression.

• Contribute to the suppression of wildfires at basic fire fighting levels.

• Herbicide applicator and vegetation management.

• Conduct maintenance on herbicide applicators.

• Manage personal finance.

• The following training modules are also covered: Road and fence maintenance



Training and Development Practitioner

QCTO Qualification No: 101321 (NQF Level 5; 190 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Co-ordinate learning within an occupational context.

• Establish and refine learning and development needs within occupational contexts.

• Conceptualise, plan and implement occupationally relevant learning and development interventions.

• Facilitate learning in a variety of occupational contexts.

• Evaluate the impact of learning and development interventions within an occupational context.

Early Childhood Development Practitioner

QCTO Qualification No: 97542 (NQF Level 4; 131 Credits)

Course Outline:

• Plan and prepare broad-phase learning environment and stimulating activities that meet the holistic needs of all children in centre-based or non-centre-based settings.

• Facilitate and mediate all aspects of the daily programme in a centre-based or non-centre based setting.

• Observe, assess and record each child’s progress according to the age and stage.

• Compile a report of each child’s progress.

• Maintain and promote the well-being, health, nutrition, safety and protection of children.


Grade E Security Officer

Course Outline:

• Use security equipment.

• Conduct a security patrol in area of responsibility.

• Handle complaints and problems.

• Perform hand over and take over responsibilities.

• Give evidence in court.

• Apply legal aspects in a security environment.

• Perform basic firefighting.

• Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace.

• Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider.

Grade D Access Control Officer

Course Outline:

• Conduct access and egress control.

• Conduct evacuations and emergency drills.

• Identify, handle and defuse security related conflict.

• Apply basic business ethics in a work environment.

• Know the Firearms Control Act 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000).

• Apply knowledge of HIV/AIDS to a specific workplace.

• Operate a computer in a business environment.

• Write/present/sign texts for a range of contexts.

Grade C Asset and Reaction Officer

Course Outline:

• Coach a team to enhance performance in an environment.

• Apply knowledge to enhance team performance.

• Outline the legal environment of a selected industry.

• Apply OHS and environmental principles.

• Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication.

• Conduct security at an event.

• Manage reactions arising from a traumatic event.

• Write security reports and take statements.

Grade B Supervision Course Outline:

• Physical Security and Technology

• Planned Inspections

• Role in Emergency

• Statements

• Communications

• Orders and Instructions

• On-Job-Training

• Supervision

• Group Relations

• Handling Of Parades

Grade A Management Course Outline:

• Basic principles of investigation

• Action at a scene of an incident

• Questioning of witnesses

• Principles of giving evidence

• Court and court procedure

• Human behavior

• Motivation and gaining co-operation

• Report writing

• Security registers

• Interaction



Occupational Certificate Firefighter

Unit Standards: 98991 (NQF Level 4; 149 Credits)

Course Outline:

On completion of the course, the successful learner will be capable of identifying, containing, preventing, and extinguishing different types of fires by operating firefighting equipment.


• Anatomy of fire

• Portable extinguishers

• Hose-reel

• Personal protective equipment

• Water supply, fire stream and hose

• Practical exercises


National Certificate: Community House Building

Unit Standards: 24273 (NQF Level 2; 124 Credits)

Course Outline:

The purpose of the qualification is to provide Learners` as well as providers of education and training with national standards that represent the competencies required to meet the challenges of participating effectively in the building construction industry as a multi-skilled practitioner.

Course Outcomes:

• Use brick size and block size units to build walls, including the building of bricks into preerected light steel framed walls.

• Set out, brace and erect site made roof trusses and including prefabricated roof trusses where these have been specified.

• Apply screeds to concrete floors.

• Measure, cut and fit glass into wood and steel frames in accordance with specified dimensions.

• Prepare, prime and paint internal and external surfaces.




Certificate: Construction: Roadworks

Unit Standards: 24173 (NQF Level 3; 155 Credits)

Course Outline:

This qualification is for persons who work or intend to work within a construction context on a site, and who seek recognition for essential skills in construction operations in roadworks.

Course Outcomes:

• Set out control point for centre line and edge line marking for road marking

• Conduct a bituminous seal operation

• Operate mechanical painting machine for remarking

• Organise the erection of signposts

• Repair/replace minor structures

• Organize and control the spray of bitumen on road surfaces

National Certificate: Building and Civil Construction

Unit Standards: 65409 (NQF Level 3; 140 Credits)

Tiling Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 10003 (NQF Level 4; 18 Credits)

Course Outline:

Typically, qualifying learners are employed in the construction sector as painters, tilers, plasterers, masons, joiners, carpenters, roofers, or are self-employed as micro-enterprise owners who provide services to construction contractors and members of the public

Course Outcomes:

• Plan construction activities using mathematical principles

• Communicate with relevant persons.

• Plan construction activity.

• Establish work area.

• Execute construction activity.

Course Outline:

The purpose of this Unit Standard is to enable construction tilers to apply special tiles to surfaces.

Course Outcomes:

• Specialist tiling methods include one or more of: cut and polished stone tiles (granite, marble, travertine, etc), and other specialist cladding systems.

• New and previously tiled surfaces are prepared.

• Special tiles include for interior and exterior surfaces.

Bricklaying Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 13976 (NQF Level 3; 12 Credits)

Course Outline:

Install and maintain refractory brickwork/blockwork

Course Outcomes:

• Collect information and organise activities for refractory brickwork/ block-work installation and repair,

• Install refractory bricks/blocks,

• Remove and re-instate damaged refractory brickwork/blockwork,

• Perform end of working activities.


Plastering Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 10002 (NQF Level 3; 15 Credits)

Paving Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 14650 (NQF Level 3; 9 Credits)

Course Outline:

The purpose of this Unit Standard is to enable Tilers to apply screeds to concrete floors and steps, to lay screed to a shower floor, to plaster walls and columns, and to repair cracked and damaged plaster.

Course Outcomes:

• The function, properties, and application of screeds and granolithic finishes.

• The mix proportions of screeds and grano, and the effects of cement/water ratios on strength.

• The methods for achieving a well-compacted substrate layer under paving, and the identification and selection of suitable gravel material to produce this layer.

Course Outline:

Learners who are assessed as competent against this unit standard will be able to lay flexible segmented paving for architectural or residential purposes and in areas where light traffic is experienced in accordance with the design and construction method specified.

Course Outcomes:

• Prepare the work area and select, use and maintain tools, equipment and materials

• Clear site of vegetation, set out levels, falls and extent (geometric configuration) of paving

• Excavate soil and compact sub-grade and import sub-grade materials (if required), level and compact

• Install edge restraints (kerbs) and channels and import and screed bedding sand to required levels

Painting Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 261666 (NQF Level 3; 18 Credits)

Roof Cladding Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 14674 (NQF Level 3; 16 Credits)

Course Outline:

The skills, values and knowledge reflected in this unit standard are required by people in the field of building and civil construction.

Course Outcomes:

• Preparing materials, tools and equipment for applying primer, paint.

• Prime surfaces for painting.

• Coat surfaces with paint.

• Demonstrate a responsibility toward the safety of self, others and the environment.

Course Outline:

Learners who are assessed as competent against this unit standard will be able to clad a roof structure in accordance with roof plan drawing specifications.

Course Outcomes:

• Dimensions are accurately interpreted from drawings and applied.

• Prepare the work area and select, use and maintain tools, equipment and materials

• Erect and dismantle scaffolding

• Set out, position and install battens or purlins

• Set out and clad roof structures

• Set out, position and install finishing components



National Certificate: Bread & Flour Confectionery Baking

SAQA ID: 50308 (NQF Level 3; 140 Credits)

Course Outline:

Through the achievement of this qualification qualified learners can contribute to this sector in the manufacturing of specialized fermented, pastry, flour confectionery and non-flour confectionery products.

Course Outcomes:

• Communicate in a variety of ways in a craft bakery environment.

• Maintain quality assurance and monitor critical control points in a craft-baking environment.

• Produce a specialized range of fermented products.

• Produce a range of pastry products.

• Produce a range of flour confectionery and non-flour confectionery products.

National Certificate: Professional Cookery

SAQA ID: 14111

(NQF Level 4; 145 Credits)

Course Outline:

This qualification has been developed for professionals in the food preparation industry (hospitality). It brings together elements of food and drink preparation as well as supervision. This qualification will professionalise the industry and is applicable to all sectors, from small restaurants to large-scale hotels.

Course Outcomes:

• Prepare fruit for hot and cold dishes

• Prepare vegetables for hot and cold dishes

• Prepare various meats

• Handle and maintain knives

• Accept and store food deliveries

• Handle and Maintain Utensils and Equipment

• Handle and Store Food

• Clean food production areas and equipment


Occupational Certificate: Chef

Unit Standards: 101697 (NQF Level 4; 558 Credits)

Occupational Certificate: Food Handler

Unit Standards: 110644 (NQF Level 2; 32 Credits)

Course Outline:

Plans, organises and executes the preparation, cooking and finishing (presentation, holding and storing) of food in hotels, restaurants and catering (HORECA) establishments.

Course Outcomes:

• Undertake planning and preparation activities for chef services.

• Organise food production area, commodities, staff and environment for the execution of chef services.

• Execute the preparation, cooking and finishing of a variety of dishes using the correct techniques to meet requirements.

Course Outline:

This qualification will contribute to increasing levels of personal and product safety and will develop a common integrated and coordinated approach to the handling of food and related products.

Course Outcomes:

• Carry out familiar food and beverage handling processes.

• Receive and pass information.

• Offer a clear choice of routine responses.

• Perform clearly defined tasks.

• Apply basic skills.

• Work as a member of a team.

• Work under direct supervision with some responsibility and accountability.

Cake Baking Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 7772 (NQF Level 3; 6 Credits)

Bread Baking Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 123375

(NQF Level 2; 8 Credits)

Meat Preparation Skills Programme

Unit Standards: 123375 (NQF Level 4; 8 Credits)

Course Outline:

The learner will be able to produce a variety of basic decorated cakes and biscuits which satisfy his/her customers as well as organisational requirements. Prepare, bake and decorate basic cakes and biscuits.

Course Outline:

• Demonstrate an understanding of the production of chemical aerated dough products.

• Plan and prepare for the production of chemical aerated dough products.

• Process the chemical aerated dough products.

• Produce baked or fried chemical aerated dough products.

• Perform end of production activities.

Course Outline:

The learner must be able to produce a variety of meat, poultry, game or offal dishes, using appropriate preparation and cooking methods. He/she should eliminate wastage as far as possible and adhere to principles of hygiene at all times. Prepare and cook basic meat, poultry, game or offal dishes.


National Certificate: Plant Production

Unit Standard: 48975 (NQF Level 2; 120 Credits)

Course Outline:

The purpose of this qualification is to allow Junior Personnel and elected candidates to progress towards a position of farm labourers (operators) with specific reference to Plant Production.

Course Outcomes: Exit Level Outcomes are divided into five categories of competencies, namely

• Fundamental Competencies

• Agri-business

• Good Agricultural Practices

• Plant Production; and

• Animal Production (This component has been included to ensure that Learners at this level is exposed to a small component of animal production)

National Certificate: Animal Production

Unit Standards: 48970 (NQF Level 1; 120 Credits)

Course Outline:

The purpose of this qualification is to allow new entrants access to the Primary Agricultural Sector with specific reference to Animal Production.

Course Outcomes: Exit Level Outcomes are divided into five categories of competencies, namely

• Fundamental Competencies

• Agri-business

• Good Agricultural Practices

• Plant Production; and

• Animal Production

National Certificate: Mixed Farming Systems

Unit Standards: 110644 (NQF Level 2; 120 Credits)

Course Outline:

: The purpose of this qualification is to allow Junior Personnel and elected candidates to progress towards a position of farm labourers (operators) with specific reference to Mixed Farming systems.

Course Outcomes: Exit Level Outcomes are divided into five categories of competencies, namely:

• Fundamental Competencies

• Agri-business

• Good Agricultural Practices

• Plant Production; and

• Animal Production


We transform through training

Kishugu Training Academy (Pty) Ltd -

Farm Highlands 240 JU, Portion 32, Uitkyk Road, Nelspruit, South Africa

+27 64 993 2890 | + 27 13 744 9328

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