Metric Conversions - Metreli kaytarmalar

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Metric Conversions Poetry of Our Time

Metrelí kaytarmalar Búgúngí tízmeler ğîyîntîgî

Metric Conversions – Poetry of Our Time Metrelí kaytarmalar – Búgúngí tízmeler ğîyîntîgî A project developed by Nazar Look Attitude and Culture Journal of Crimean Tatars in Romania

Metric Conversions Poetry of Our Time

Metrelí kaytarmalar Búgúngí tízmeler ğîyîntîgî Compiled and translated into Crimean Tatar by Taner Murat Illustrated by Sagida Siraziy (Sirazieva)

Editura StudIS, Iaşi, 2013

Editura StudIS Iasi, Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr.5 Tel./fax: 0232 – 217.754

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României MURAT, TANER Metric Conversions-Poetry of Our Time, Metrelí kaytarmalar-Búgúngí tízmeler ğîyîntîgî / Antologie bilingvă de poezie contemporană în limba engleză tradusă în tătară crimeană / Taner Murat. Vatra Dornei : StudIS, 2013

ISBN 9786066244497

© Copyright 2013 Taner Murat The editor asserts his copyright of this book as an anthology, by which is meant the collection of works. The editor asserts no copyright over any of the individual works and the authors retain their copyright over their individual works. All rights, including Stage, Motion Picture, Television, Public Reading, Translation into foreign language, any Internet or related media is strictly reserved (by the authors, or the editor as detailed above). ISBN-13: 9786066244497 ISBN-10: 6066244493 BISAC: Literary Collections / General Illustration: © Sagida Siraziy (Sirazieva), On the cover: “The Poet”, © Sagida Siraziy (Sirazieva) Cover design or artwork: Elif Abdul

Consilier editorial: Dranca Adrian Secretar editorial: Moroşanu Paul Pre-press, tipar digital şi finisare: S.C. ADI CENTER SRL Şos. Ştefan ce Mare, nr. 5 Tel.: 217 754

Copyright © 2013 Toate drepturile asupra acestei ediţii sunt rezervate autorului

Metrelí kay tarmalar * preface


Taner Murat has a mission: To revive and popularize his native tongue through poetry. He views the compilation and editing of the anthology as an exercise in intercultural exchange, “an encouragement to cultural contact and sharing, and an invitation to acknowledge otherness as originally planned and created by God,” as he confides to me.

Though Metric Conversions –

Metreli kaytarmalar – seeks to “build a modest bridge between the Crimean Tatars and distant nations, religions, races and cultures of the world,” it appears to me that Taner Murat has achieved much more. His vision of unconditional love and oneness of all creation motivates him to interpret to the Crimean Tatar community their present as also to re-interpret for them their past so that they could experience a new era of creation different







contemporary to them in its vision and motive. His cultural quest – compiling, editing, and translating—is his silent action


Metric Co nvers io ns * preface

against so much violence and negativities without. It works in quieter ways, revealing the interior space and adding a range of subtlety to thoughts and ideas. With his soul-sense and awareness of ‘inmost truth’, Murat makes us think, just as the contributing poets he chooses to make the anthology enrich his quest with their perception of life and living. They not only reframe and re-contextualize real life but also situate themselves within broader cultural trends. In fact they widen and sharpen our contact with existence; they are all prompted by their inner urge to live more fully and deeply with greater awareness, to know the experience of others and to know better their own experience. With his heightened view of rhythmic and creative selfexpression and visioned thinking, the editor-in-chief of Nazar Look blends new views and revelations, new ideals and values, new powers of reviving but no longer limited or obscurantist. Taner Murat’s flair for harmony of Truth, Beauty, Delight, Life, and the Spirit is evident in his design of revival of what was left aside or ignored and which now deserves a fresh look. His exercise, fusing vision that transfigures the old rhythms and creates new characteristic harmonies, thus, effectively becomes a search for Spirit which is greater than life.


Metrelí kay tarmalar * preface

The multifaceted poet-editor, who is no academic but well aware of on-line developments and interesting paradigm shifts both in poetry and arts, fortifies his work by novel visual art, which he uses to prefix each poet’s introductory and poems. In fact, the dual muse – poetry and painting—not only re-invigorates the Crimean Tatar art and language but also enlightens the international community about its rich tradition and newer possibilities.

As he clarifies, it is “innovative and thrilling to

enrich the creative conception of the anthology by bringing a collection of Tatar visual art near the English poetry. I believe this can help our work to shape in the minds of the English readers an outlined perception of our identity and culture. I have to confess that the visual art work was not created especially for the illustration of this book. Instead, I went to the portfolio of the artist and I simply chose the paintings with eloquent themes. Tatars have many artists, but I preferred Sagida for the expression of her work and for her gel pen technique, which much like the engraving helps preserving most of the consistency of the paintings when printing in black and white.” He is right, and justified. The confluence of visual art and literary art raises awareness to a new level besides communicating solidarity at international level. The illustrations by Sagida Siraziy (Sirazieva), a Tatar artist from Kazan, Tatarstan (Russia), add to


Metric Co nvers io ns * preface

the poets’ shared optimism and Taner Murat’s own voyage for “having new eyes,” both for the Tatar communities abroad and English speaking audience (in North America, Western Europe, West Asia, Middle East, South Africa, South East Asia, and elsewhere) who would like to know the emerging artistic aspects of Crimean Tatar people. Her drawings complement the poems of 36 poets (27 Male and 9 Female) Murat trusts

for their

sensibility and soul experience from the USA (22), the UK (1), Turkey (1), Philippines (1), Canada (2), South Africa (2), India (5), Israel (1), and Palestine (1). Sagida’s








interpretative, and rooted in the native folk tradition and creation myths, is a celebration of the inner spirit. She draws with a mystic veil and urge for union with the Supreme Creator. She seeks oneness and totality of our being and Nature and the world and God to make actuality of our life more real and rich. She stirs the inmost psyche or subtle recesses of the soul with her dynamics of the East and West. Murat’s carefully selected drawings from the artist’s ouvre provide a glimpse of the contemporary Tatar art with human quest at its centre. Sagida’s smooth and elegant illustrations are the speech of the Spirit, at times with elements in a mystic rhetoric. One can read her images in greater depths. The 10

MetrelĂ­ kay tarmalar * preface

drawings are spiritually uplifting in that these present a harmonious blend of man and nature, and tradition and modernity. These are

predominantly Prakriti

or Nature

oriented, or guided by the Yin, or feminine principle, with God touch, which helps harmonize the opposites. The artist is intuitive, enlarging the tradition of Godward endeavor of the human spirit, or life itself, just as she anticipates the recognition of the divine presence both in creation and reception of her art. With awareness of new dimensions and new meanings, both Sagida and Murat appear intuitively traditional, universal, and timeless in their visual poetics. However, it is the resurrecting effort of Murat, who appreciates poets and artists’ oneness with internationality, that an endangered Crimean Tatar language and art becomes relevant to people bred on the 21st century aesthetics of digital culture. His preference for short poems is in tune with his community’s essentially lyrical, rhythmical, and visual mind. He, therefore, anthologizes poems with themes and passions that reflect Tatar experiences of love, life, and reality, and social awareness, anguish,






discontent, inner restlessness, as also spiritual aspirations, or Sufi quest, and consciousness of oneness with the divine and


Metric Co nvers io ns * preface

everyone, and inner struggle for moral and spiritual values amidst the ironic helplessness of our time. For instance, the imagination of poets such as Christopher Leibow, Larry Lefkowitz, Phillip Larrea, Paul Killom, Christopher Hivner, Steven Jacobson, Shawn Aveningo, Gary Beck, Kevin Marshall Chopson, Alan D.Harris, and Ron Koppelberger has spiritual touch. As they try to explore the unexplored, they relate their angst, hope, and dream to reality and establish their purpose of living. Their deeply felt spiritual strains are nearer the Tatar mind. Shawn Aveningo, in her search for the “core”, thinks with a sense of eternity and expresses the essential oneness: “It is in truth that I stand before you,” and “I am whole;/We are one.” Gary Beck discovers inner wisdom as he explores the chaotic world and self, and experiences reality. Mike Berger raises crucial questions, questions of life and death, on behalf of the world and on his own behalf, and sounds skeptic as he searches for the lost. Les Bernstein, too, is baffled by the “curious operations of fate” and transience of human life and ties: “it is just life/and then it is over.” Fern G.Z. Carr, aware of the evolutive curve within, wrestles with “cosmic chaos” and discovers “flinging matter into infinity 12

Metrelí kay tarmalar * preface

and/ strewing stars into oblivion.” She sounds Upanishadic in her apprehension of silence as divine whose reality lies in a consciousness of joy. Perhaps, she understands that the light of the soul shines in the inner quietude, “an intimate solitude not to be shared/ with those who sleep.” She tries to see with ‘Spirit’s eye’. Similarly, Ute Carson writes with a spiritual sense: Her quest is inner per se, initiated and resolved within, “at my center,” as she asserts. She seeks to move “away from bandage/ toward possibility and hope.” Jude Conlee is almost meditative when she declares: “I speak with no words.” Don Drakes, ironically nostalgic about man-woman relationship in Zululand, appears disenchanted with post-apartheid cultural changes that make “the maidens stay at home and the young men spill/ their seed/ upon the dry earth.” Like him, Dr Mig is nostalgic about the brevity of love and irresistible desire for sensuous pleasure. But he, too, reconciles. In the same vein, aware of the changes taking place in the “desert” of development, Alan Haider ironically realizes: “cheap desire overwhelms sensibility.” Science and technology seem to isolate, reduce man to a cog: “I am a cog/ The screw twists/ Souls are drawn upward like water/… And erg is washed away.” 13

Metric Co nvers io ns * preface

Yet, he is hopeful: “I believe things will move again/ even if it’s just to die/The ice will crack/ and the sun will rise.” The poets, thus, share their inner urge and action to make a difference for all, without withdrawing from life or mind or body but trying to win over them or transforming them by the power of the spirit. To quote John Patrick Hill: “…Our lives are/ A Balance from within this Light/ And this Dark./ A Peaceful Balance, set amongst/ Star and Earth Temples./ A PositivePositive







Between,/Obsidian and Diamonds.” They all seek harmony and balance in our Age of Dissemination (Christopher Hivner) just as Steven Jacobson reassures: “life is fruitful and full of wonder,/ and just as the sun shines in our faces,/ so God wants His glory to shine in all/ our hearts.” To sum up, my reflections on the random poets do not mean that Taner Murat’s anthology lacks variety or there is no other perspective possible to what the poets write. Whatever their aesthetic tenor, they follow their own intuition or dictates as they articulate their ‘self’ and ‘identity’ vis-à-vis the realities of life. As they look within or turn inside out, they demonstrate post-modernist concerns, sound ironical and apolitical, besides searching for modes that would make the neighborhood a better, richer place to live. They all think broadly and write 14

Metrelí kay tarmalar * preface

confidently, trying to negotiate what it is to be human. They explore the world through themselves and make aesthetic choices that expose their deeper impulses and ingenuity. Form conscious as he is, Taner Murat personally prefers “structured, disciplined verse.” But he does not differentiate between poets who favor the experimental modes of free verse and traditional metrical artifice, so long as they are appealing to the Tatar taste. He knows poetry today is a living and everchanging entity, and so, “missing rhyme is preferable to missing poets.” I appreciate his landmark achievement and expect the world audience, too, will whole-heartedly support his sensitively developed anthology of contemporary international poetry.

---Professor (Dr) Ram Krishna Singh Indian School of Mines Dhanbad, India 28 July 2013


Metric Co nvers io ns * Oh, Mother Tongue * Ey , tuwgan tíl

Oh, Mother Tongue * Ey , tuwgan tíl


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Robert R. Sanders

Shawn Av eningo * california, usa Shawn Aveningo is an award- winning poet whose work has appeared in dozens of publications including the upcoming anthology: Tribute to Anais Nin. She has authored 5 books , hosts a poetry s how in Folsom, CA and has featured in Sacramento, San Francisco, Sausalito, Seattle and St Louis .

Shawn's a Show-Me girl from Missouri, but has called many places her home, including Europe. She now resides in California and is a proud mother of three. Şalîşmalarî onlarğa neşriyatta yer algan Şon Eviningo ódíllí bír şayir. Beş kitapnîñ yazuwğîsî şiirlerín kóp şeherde ezberlep ğúrdí. Şayire Misuriy’de tuwdî lákin ómírín Awrupa’nî íşíndelegen baya yerlerde geşírdí. Úş balanîñ anasîman dep kókíregín kabartkan Şon şúndí Kaliforniye’de yerleşíp yaşay.

Shawn Aveningo california, usa http://www.s ac


Metric Co nvers io ns Shawn Av eningo * california, usa




We are gathered here today, in the now, in the molecule of this unmeasured moment of perfection, to witness the union of two souls who once again have collided, whom chaos, in all her magic, have fused and bathed in orgasmic light. Call it Fate. Call it Karma. Call it Divine Intervention. Call it Love. Call it Lust. Call it whatever you must. I call it‌Truth! Truth waits. It waits as long as it needs, but always keeps it’s promise of revelation. Truth watches as two meander, one dancing on moonbeams, the other drumming the cosmos. Truth waits for our physicality to meet our spirituality. Truth waits for the universe and its wisdom to catch up. Truth forces us to shed our skin, until only the core is revealed. The core of you. The core of me. The core of us. It is in truth that I stand before you, not before congregations, but before constellations. It is in truth, I am naked; I am broken; I am whole; We are one.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Shawn Av eningo * california, usa



úgún mínda toplaştîk, şúndúnúñ íşínde, ólşelmegen mínsízlík anî zerresíñ íşínde, bírtaa togîşkan ekí ruhnuñ bírleşmesíñ şahitlígíne, nizamsîzlîgî, bútún tîlsîmî man, kaynaşîp ğínísiy ayîndîruw ğî nurlarîna şomgan. Kader dep şakîr. Karma dep şakîr. Mewla Múdahalesí dep şakîr. Sewda dep şakîr. Kew de Hew esí dep şakîr. Ístegeníñdiy şakîr. Men onî Hakkîykat dep şakîraman. Hakkîykat bekler. Kerekken kadar bekler amma herw akît miydanga şîgağak sózínde turar. Hakkîykat ekí tírsekke karap turar, bírísí aynîñ kúntayagînda oyanar, obírísí evren daw ulun w urar. Hakkîykat ğismaniyetímíz men ruhaniyetímízníñ tabîşmasîn bekler. Hakkîykat káyinat man alímlígíñ rastlaşmasîn bekler. Hakkîykat ózek aşîkka şîkkanşîk terímízní sîdîrtar. Seníñ ózegíñ. Mením ózegím. Bízím ózegímíz. Hakkîykatîn karşîñda turaman, tarikatşî toplîmnîñ karşîsînda tuw ul, takîm yîldîzlarnîñ karşîsînda. Hakkîykatîn şîpalakman; hakkîykatîn battîm; hakkîykatîn bútúnmen. Bírmíz.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Hunting * Aw

Hunting * A w


Metrelí kay tarmalar Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Photo: Nancy Beck

Gary Beck has spent most of his adult life as a theater director. His chapbook “Remembrance” was published by Origami Condom Press, “The Conquest of Somalia” was published by Cervena Barva Press, “The Dance of Hate” was published by Calliope Nerve Media, “Material Questions” was published by Silkworms Ink, “Dispossessed” was published by Medulla Press, “Mutilated Girls” was published by Heavy Hands Ink, “Pavan and other poems” was published by Indigo Mosaic and “Iraq Monologues” was published by Atlantean Press. A collection of his poetry “Days of Destruction” was published by Marie Celeste Press. Another collect ion “Expectations” was published by Rogue Scholars Press, “Dawn in Cities” was published by Winter Goose Publish ing. “Assault on Nature” is being published by Winter Goose Publishing and “Songs of a Clerk” is being published by Winter Goose Publishing. H is novel “Extreme Change” was published by Cogwheel Press and “Acts of Defiance” is being published by Artema Press. His story col lection “A Glimpse of Youth” is being published by Sweatshoppe Publications. His original plays and translat ions of Moliere, Aristophanes and Sophocles have been produced Off Broadway. His poetry and fiction has appeared in hundreds of literary magazines. He currently lives in New York City .

Geriy Bek yakîn bútún ğetíşken hayatîn bír tiyatro ğónetmení gibí geşírdí. Onîñ yazgan tízme we şaşma kitaplarî kóp yerde ğayîmlandî. Moliyer, Aristofan we Sofokle’níñ terğúmanî óz temaşalarî man da tanuwlî. New York’ta yaşagan Geriy’níñ edebiyat şalîşmalarî yúzlerğe dergílerde yer aldî.

Gary Beck new york, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Gary Beck * new y ork , usa




Castles are only safe from marauders when built on hilltops, their privacy maintained by daily exercise of oppressive power harshly inflicted on diverse vassals.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Gary Beck * new y ork , usa



áde bayîr tepesínde kurulsa soygînğîdan korîlîp gúw enğede bolîr kermanlar, ğañgîzlîgî korşalanîp túrlí kedaylarga sert kullanîlgan zalim kuw atnîñ kúndelík íşlemí men.


Metric Co nvers io ns Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Free Will?

Free Will?


The lines of destiny in my troubled life have never been as thin as crossing, or not crossing the next street, turning the next corner, expecting discoveries.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Azat rîza?


ertlí hayatîmda mañlay yazîlarîm o kadar inğe heşbírw akît bolmadî aldîmdakî sokaknî geşíp geşmemesí gibí, kóşení aylanîp aylanmamasî gibí, keşifler beklemesí gibí.


Metric Co nvers io ns Gary Beck * new y ork , usa




I see too many faces smileless masks of drab routine, bitter and shriveled by diminished expectations. They take no pleasure in available gifts, virtuosi robin’s so ng, a subtle burst of clematis, elegant cloud formation. Their hopes have been curdled by too much desire for material things.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Gary Beck * new y ork , usa



ek renklí ádetlí kúlúmsúremegen yúzlúk takkan, ekşírgen, kîrîşîklî, beklentísí azaygan, karardan ziyade sima kóremen. Ázír tabîlgan bakşîşlardan hoşlanmazlar, ne şeber sayrak ótíşínden, ne inğe ak-asma patlamasîndan, ne zarif bulutuñ ibaretínden. Maddiy şiylerge ziyade hewsleníp olarîñ umutî uyutulgan.


Metric Co nvers io ns Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Eternal Struggle

Eternal Struggle


Our dream of world peace, a bright expectation, cleaves the dark blockade of endless oppression, reality our weakness. The blood of visions flows for no limitations as the princes of power tyrant our world. The singers of struggle pulse new passions in the flame of unsurrender and in the flare of hope a bursting star appears, our white-heat lover, poeting the arrival of tranquility.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Soñsîz kayret


úniya uzlaşmasî túşúmúz, aydîn bír tasaw ur, karañgîlîgîñ soñsîz şektírmeníñ, hakkîykat zayîplîgîñ kírtleşmesín ğarar. Kudret şehzadelerí álemímízge kan kusturup turganda húliya kanî taraymad an agar. Kayret ozanlarî ğúgúnmeme alew úne ğañî hewesler attîrîp umut ateşínden infilak etken bír yîldîz tuw ar, ak-sîğaklîk yáremíz, yakîştîrîp tízmelerge raátlígíñ kelúw ún


Metric Co nvers io ns Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Last Gasp

Last Gasp


The hot sun licks my face, an affectionate cat pressing endearments, but I stir no longer, an old man searching redemption, envying younger men awaiting desires. When the remaining fruits sour and shrivel in my grasping hands, I have no one left to implore with my paltry shreds of hunger, abandoned by time’s judgment.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Soñ solîş


îzargan kúneş yúzúmní ğalar, mabet telestírgen súyúw ğí bír mîşîk, ama men endí karîşmam, ğulma karagan kart bír akay, merak peşínden ğaşlarnî kúñlep. Ílíşken kolîmda kalgan ğemíşler ekşíríp kuruganda, zaman yargîlamasîna terketílíp artkan zaw allî aşlîgîm man ğalbarmaga heş bírew úm kalmadî.


Metric Co nvers io ns Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Off Course

Off Course


The myths of life do not reveal directions to endure the intolerable. Each day’s affront multiplies its insolence and the fool folds his hands, nods his head, submerges into dreams upon a deathly bed, intent on banishment for a dire offense, moral abstinence.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Gary Beck * new y ork , usa

Ğeriyan tîşînda


ayat masallarî ğúrekdayanmaznî şektíre alağak ğón kóstermez. Her kúnnúñ itibardan túşúrúw í óz saygîsîzlîgîn kóbiytíp ğetímsíz kol şaprazlaştîrîp, baş sallap, eğel tóşegínde túşke dalîp keter, yaman taksiratka súrgún niyetí, maneviy kîsîntî.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Venus, Daughter of Moon * Ay k îzî Zóhre

Venus, Daughter of Moon * Ay k îzî Zóhre


Metrelí kay tarmalar Mik e Berger * utah, usa

Photo: Jeremy Berger

Mike Berger, Ph.D . has been writing poetry for a few years , and is the author of two books of short s tories . He is a winner of several poetry contests . H is work has appeared in seventy- one journals , including AI M, Still Crazy, Firs t Edition, Stray Branch, Mid Wes t Quarterly, Evergreen, Wes tward Quarterly. His work has appeared internationally in A ustralia, Portugal, M ozambique, England, Canada, and India. He has publis hed several c hapbooks , “Raw,” and “Lighten Up” by CC&D Press , “T he D ark Side of Love,” and “T rain Wreck and O ther Fun Stuff” by Scars Publications , and “Smart Assed World” by Writing Raw. H e is a member of the Academy of American Poets . Doktoratlî Mayk Berger bírkaş seneden berítlí şiir yazîp bírkaş şiir yarîşmasî kazangan. Bírkaş şiir kitabî we ekí hikáye kitabîñ yazarîdîr. Onîñ şalîşmalarî ğurt íşínde we tîşînda onlarğa edebiyat meğmuwalarînda yer algandîr. Mayk Amerika Şayiyler Akademiyasîñ uzasîdîr.

Mike Berger utah, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Mik e Berger * utah, usa


Must the characters be faded and hard to decipher? Must the pages go on forever?


Must my eyes zigzag down the page; searching? Must the characters be of strange workmanship? Must the pages turned ever so slowly? Must there be tear stains on the pages? Must it be that once a page is turned you can't go back? Must there be a book of the dead?


Metrelí kay tarmalar Mik e Berger * utah, usa

Kerek mí?


erek mí, hárífleríñ solîp zor-zar okîlmasî? Kerek mí, sayifalarîñ meñgí aylanmasî? Kerek mí, kózlerím oñga-solga karap sayifanîñ aşasîna túşmesí? Kerek mí, harífleríñ kuğurlî bír sanattan yaratîlmasî? Kerek mí, sayifalarîñ o kadar yaw aş kaytarîlmasî? Kerek mí, sayifalarga kózyaşlarî túşmesí? Kerek mí, okîlgan bír sayífanî artîna kaytara-almamasî? Kerek mí, bír ólím kitabî bar bolmasî?


Metric Co nvers io ns Mik e Berger * utah, usa

Good Books

Good Books

What is a book? Do you really know? We reach on the shelf and select a good book. We take for granted what’s in our hands. Is it ink marks on so me thin pressed wood? Or is the key to the human mind? Stop and think how amazing a book is. It is more than a repository of human knowledge. A good book takes on a life of it own, as it persuade, motivates and even depresses What separates men from animals; the ability to use signs and symbols. The apotheosis of that miraculous ability is found in a good book. What comes better than munching on an apple, reading a good book in the shade of a tree.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Mik e Berger * utah, usa

Yakşî kitap


itap nedír? Bílesíñ mí, torasîn? Keştege uzanîp yakşî bír kitap ayîrarmîz. Kolîmîzda bolgan şiyníñ kîymetín bílmiymíz. Inğe agaş yapragîna bastîrîlgan múrekkep ízlerí mí? Ya da insan akîlîñ anaktarî mî? T oktap fewkaláde kitapka túşúnúp kalaman. Insan bílgísí kaznasîñ fazlasîdîr. Yakşî bír kitabîñ óz yaşamî bardîr, sîrasî man inandîruw ğîdîr, yardîmğîdîr, ya da góñíl şóktírúw ğídír. Insannî hayw andan ayîrgan şiy; işaret ya símge kullanuw ğetenegí. Bo múğizelí ğetenegíñ şúkúranî yakşî bír kitabîñ íşínde tabîlîr.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Silence * Tîñk lîk

Silence * Tîñk lîk


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Shauna Heidenreich

Les Bernstein * california, usa Les Bernstein lives in Mill Valley, California. Her poems have appeared in many presses and journals in the U .S.A. and Europe. Her c hapbooks , Borderland and Naked L ittle Creatures have been published by Finishing L ine Press .

Les Bernsîtayn Mill Valley, Kaliforniye'de yaşay. O nîn manzumesí Amerika man Awrupa’da bírkóp edebiyat dergísínde ğayînlangan. Ekí şiir kitabîñ yazarîdîr.

Les Bernstein california, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns

How to Build a Heart in the Rushed Momentum of Later Life

Les Bernstein * california, usa


How to Build a Heart in the Rushed Momentum of Later Life

it is useful to know the ashes of legacy raddled with knotty uncertainty will exert a sturdy hold reconsidered in light and in shadow the curious operations of fate insistent and unruly should be swept into the dustpan grappling with the ineffable in the too short lapse of being a voice calling itself I lives at its own risk a wordless backstory progresses no moment ever the same it is just life and then it is over

Metrelí kay tarmalar Les Bernstein * california, usa

Soñragî hayatnîñ telesúw anînda góñíl kurumî talimatî


ílmesí faydalî mirasîñ kúlí kaşîna-kózíne túyúmlí gúw ensízlík ğagîp ayakka kuw atlî tagîlîr

ziyasîn-kólgesín bírtaa hesaptan geşíríp kaderíñ kuğurlî íşlemín sebatî man, tertípsízlígí men, kúrekbaşka alînmalî ifade etílmez men kúreşíp kayet kîska hayat súresínde men dep şakîrgan bír ses óz yîkpalî man yaşar sózsíz-sîrlî bír hikáye ğeriyan ete heşbírw akît kaytîp bírtaalanmadan ómír dep geşesíñ soñra bírden píttí şúndúlúk unutmamak eñ paydalî men bo yerden geşíp súydúm


Metric Co nvers io ns Les Bernstein * california, usa



over a full day and night years shorten and fly another decade travels thru


the whirring parts of my mind uncurl moments endlessly replicating a non violent overthrow of personal history it will always be too soon to share the heavens and be seen in the face of the humble old moon

Metrelí kay tarmalar Les Bernstein * california, usa

Tuwum kúní


ír kún men bír keşe súresínde seneler kîskarîp uşar başka onyîllîk kírer sîraga

tíríldegen akîl parşalarîm bír şahsiy hikáyeníñ muslihane aw daruw un turmadan arttîrgan anlarîn aşar ğennetní paylaşîp mazlum aynîñ karşîsînda rastlanmak herzaman kayet erte sayîlîr


Metric Co nvers io ns Les Bernstein * california, usa



every day in the middle distance I build my house the foundation yoked to plausibility a dreamscape yard underneath a waking life a charmed unconcern makes sacred altars for ordinary life rooms built for forgetting every day I build a structure from the roof down beams high a hint of dry rot every day I build strange mysteries of small benedictions a story carved in bone no matter how unique not exactly new


Metrelí kay tarmalar Les Bernstein * california, usa



ergún orta mesafede úyúmní kurarman temelí inandîruw ğîlîkka ğegílgen bír túş bakşasînda bír uyandîruw ğî hayatnîñ astînda búyílí kíríşmemek adiy yaşamga veliy tapînak yaratîr unutmak úşún yapîlgan odalar yúksek şalbanlî kurî şúrúknúñ renk perdesí hergún úynúñ túşken tóbesínden bír súyekkafesí kurarman koşaklî-koşaksîz ğañî-eskí súyekke oyîlgan bír hikáye ufak kayîrnîñ kuğurlî sîrlarîn hergún kurarman


Metric Co nvers io ns Les Bernstein * california, usa

Bitter Feast

Bitter Feast

it was hard ordering the world the hive of activity the naming of all the whiff of mystery the garnish of holiness some breezy embellishments a bitter feast selective forgetting begets cautious optimism haphazard conclusions beget ordinary life probably foretold the snake will devour its tail


Metrelí kay tarmalar Les Bernstein * california, usa

Aşşî bayram


úniyanîñ tertíplemesí zor boldî faaliyetníñ kaynaşmasî herşiyníñ atîn bermek

sîrnîñ nefesí ulviyet súslemesí bazî esintílí ziynet aşşî bír bayram

saylamlî unutuw ólşewlí umut tuw urar rastkele netiğeler adiy yaşam yaratîr bese-bellí aytîlîp ğúrgendír ğîlan óz kuyrugun kabîp ğutağaktîr


Metric Co nvers io ns * Mother Uterus * Umay ana

Mother Uterus * Umay ana


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Noel de Leon

A pril Mae M. Berza * philippines April Mae M atuguinas-Berza is the Filipino in Poetic G enius Society and the younges t member. H er poems and s hort stories appeared in Maganda, Remembering Rizal: Voices from the Dias pora, KAAL 4 Flash, Haiku Journal, The Germ, Letters to my Bully, Three Line Poetry, Red Ochre Press , Harves ts of New Millennium, Ani 37, The Cat's Meow for Writers and Readers , Kumquat Poetry, 9.69 s econds , As ahi Haikuis t Network and Kalyani. N ominated in 2012 International Who's Who in Poetry, her poem is broadcasted in I ndoPacific Radio

station. She lives in Taguig, Philippines . April Mayye Berza Manzumiy Zekáa Dernegíñ hem tek Filipinlí hen eñ ğaş azasîdîr. Onîñ manzumelerí we hikáyelerí bírkóp edebiyat meğmuwalarînda bastîrîlgan. Atî 2012 Uluslararasî Şiirde Kím Kímdír’de geşírílgen. Onîn şiir şalîşmalarî bólge radiyolarînda ğayînlanîr. April Taguyîk kasabasînda, Filipinlerde yaşar.

April Mae M. Berza philippines


Metric Co nvers io ns A pril Mae M. Berza * philippines

Soneto Soltero

Soneto Soltero


Imprisoning the alphabet inside my lips Stills my mind from stealing your divinest image To tranquilize my desire, my silent heart weeps In oblivion, its prison cell is a sad cage; Litanies of sshhh waking my ticking heartbeat, Lulling already when the roaring thunder clapped Like a dictator with feet pounding, on his seat Ordering, for lovers are servants not to stop, Vainly trying to surrender to the whisper Etherized on the ears to invent lexicons Ere the simulacrum of words starts to slumber Gently to shape meanings as the passion dawns; As my heart is freed, silence is then locked inside Death is hushed as I walk down the aisle as your bride.

Metrelí kay tarmalar A pril Mae M. Berza * philippines

Ğañgîz sonet


lifbeníñ eríním íşínde tutuklanmasî eñ veliy resímíñní kîrslamak túşúnğemní akîlîmda susturar Hew esímní ğatkîzdîrmak úşún sesíz kaálbím ğîlap tura Kabaátínden geşírílíp, onîñ mápís tólesí keder kafesídír. T akîldagan kaálbímní uyandîrgan “îşt” duw alarî Ğatîr edí zaten kók gúdúrdep alkîşlaganda Otîrgan ískembesín ayagî man w urgan bír istibdatşîday Kím toktamamasîna emír berer, ke aşîklar kuldur, Kelam uydurmasî yukuga dalmazdan ewel Sózlík yaratkan kulakka efírlengen Hew es tañîna múlayimğe añlamlar tóretken Şîbîrdawlarîna boşîna teslím bolmaga şalîşîp; Kaálbím boşalîp azatlangan soñ íşíne sessízlík kírtleníp Şúndí, aralîktan kelíníñ gibí geşiyatîrganda, korkî tîmîp kalayatîr.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Wheel of Eternity * Meñgílík tegerşígí

Wheel of Eternity * Meñgílík tegerşígí


Metrelí kay tarmalar Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

Photo: Matthew Carr

FERN G . Z. CARR hails from the O kanagan region of Britis h Columbia, Canada. She is a former lawyer turned teacher, then poet. An avid animal enthusiast, s he is the past pres ident of the local Society for the Prevention of C ruelty to Animals . Carr enjoys composing poems in five languages . Her work has been publis hed internationally including countries s uch as Nepal, Mayotte Island in the Mozambique Channel, Finland and South Africa, to name a few. She has won several poetry contes ts and has even had one of her poems chosen by the Parliamentary Poet Laureate as Poem of the Month for Canada. Carr is a member of the League of Canadian Poets . Fern G. Z. Kar Kánada’nîñ Okanagan Şayîrînda tuwmalîdîr. Eskí avukat başta úyretmenlíkke awuşup soñra şayire boldî. Heweslí bír haywan meraklîsî, o Haywanlarga Merhametsízlíkní Karşîlagan Dernegíñ eskí bólge başkanîdîr. Şiirlerín beş tílde yazar. şalîşmalarî kóp memleketníñ edebiyat meğmuwalarînda basîlgan. Bírkaş şiir yarîşmasîn kazangan. Kánada Şayirler Ğemiyetíñ uzasîdîr.

Fern G. Z. Carr british columbia, canada


Metric Co nvers io ns Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

Not Yet

Not Yet

Altogether too many funerals – fists clutching wadded-up tissues, streaks of mascara fleeing from red eyes; the stifled sobs of halting eulogies; too many inhabitants of pine boxes – the others, never us; not yet. too soon to undertake our new life below – it’s not our turn; perhaps soon, soon enough, not yet.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

Bolmay taa


oplam bek kóp ğenaze orawlî tokîlar sîgîp turgan ğumurduklar, kîzargan kózlerden kaşîp turgan ğakmalar; maktaw toktatkan buw uw ğî kókírek geşírúw í. şam taktasî kutuklarda yaşagan bek kóp kíşí – óbírlerí, heşbírw akît bíz; şúndúlúk. aşadakî hayatîmîznî menímsínmege bek erte – sîramîz bolmay taa; belkí yakînlarda, baya yakînlarda, bolmay taa.


Metric Co nvers io ns Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

In the Beginning

In the Beginning


Silence, then from the void, cosmic chaos – atoms belch across a universe pulsating with Mephistophelean fury of infinite proportion, colliding in a drama of fire and brimstone, coalescing into a primaeval plasma soup from which the embryonic stuff of life creeps onto cooling shores instinctively replicating, evolving into erudite, sophisticated beings learned in technology, brashly overconfident and dangerous, desecrating and vilifying the sacrosanct, flinging matter into infinity and strewing stars into oblivion.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada



essízlík, soñra boşlîktan, evren intizamsîzlîgî soñsîz şamalî iblis delílígí men nabîz atkan bír káyinatnîñ boyînda kekírgen atomlar, ateşlí–kúkúrtlí bír fağiyada togîşîp, síptí şak pîlasma sorpasînda íríp, íşínden ulşuk hayatî şîgîp salkîn ğagalarga bakalar íşkuduwlî kóbiyíp, alím, múrekkep fenge alîşkan ğanlî bolîp, korkînş, múteğaviz óz-gúw enúw í men, mukaddeslíkní iptira man haramlap, maddení kayriymútenahiyge atîp, yîldîzlanî tozartîp-şañgîtîp unutuwga .


Metric Co nvers io ns Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada




Exotica sizzles and turns the blades of the great red windmill atop the roof of Le Moulin Rouge; for a mere 170 euros, the Folies Bergères experience: champagne and glitter, Offenbach’s cancan – rows of long legs kicking upward revealing layers of petticoats and gartered fishnet stockings while outside the building stubbled faces extend plastic cups from the too-long sleeves of moth-eaten sweaters hungry for the clink of a coin, oblivious to the pimps and hookers noisily transacting their business into the wee hours of the night in the 18’th arrondissement of Paris otherwise known as Pigalle.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

Pigalle mahallesí


ayriyiradiylík ğîrîldap Le Moulin Rouge’níñ tóbesínde koğaman ğel tírmeníñ ğalmanlarîn

aylandîra; tek 170 aw roga Folies Bergères’níñ denemesí; şampaniya man balkîldawlar, Offenbach’nîñ kankanî – yokarga tebíp tízbagî, ğîlîmlî şoraplar, asttuman ústún aşkan sîra-sîra uzun ayaklar, bo máálde de binanîñ tîşînda kergín yúzler keşe kepenegí kemíríp aşagan kayet uzun órme ğeñleríñ astîndan yapîmşakkamîrdan tabak uzatîp bír pul şîñgîrtîsî aşlîgîn şeger, kórmezlíkten kelíp saba sáátlerínde piş men fahişelerníñ kaynaşmalî pazarlîgîn Pigalle atî man tanîlgan P arij’níñ 18-ínğí mahallesínde.


Metric Co nvers io ns Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

Morning Rapture

Morning Rapture


The stillness of morning stirs and spills quiet light displacing last night’s gloom; I stretch and purr basking in the velvety softness of yesterday’s sleep, diaphragm rhythmically heaving. The sun streams through windows blanketing me with its radiance – an energizing rebirth even for the padded paws scrambling to greet me with sloppy kisses and welcome a new day. The morning is timid and peaceful – an intimate solitude not to be shared with those who sleep.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

Saba ğazibesí


aba ğuw aşlîgî geşen keşeníñ karañgîlîgîn yerín alîp. sessíz ğarîknî yantîp agîzdîra; T únew únnúñ kadifelí yukusuñ ğîmşaklîgînda sozîlîp kuruldayman, tartîmlî kúşenúw ğí bír dewlet. Ğîltîruwî man ústúmní ğabîp penğírelerden kúneş agar karşîma şîğîp ğayrî óbúw ler men ğañî tuw gan kúnní selamlamaga teleslengen astarlî penşelerge bírem kudretlí bír ğanlanma. Saba suskun w e yalşan yuklaganlar man heş paylaşîlmayğak yakîn bír ğañgîzlîk.


Metric Co nvers io ns

Neruda on the Beach at Capri

Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada


Neruda on the Beach at Capri

A trembling sun drips beads of molten gold onto disc-shaped pebbles washed smooth by the surf that ebbs and flows with the sensual rhythms of love-making, sea foam caressing the feet of a man adored by all women – romanced by his red velvet words; Madre Chile’s exile, he strolls along the beach at Capri, surrounded by cliffs that dwarf him – he is a towering giant.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

Neruda Kapriy’níñ kumlugunda


altîraw ğî bír kúneş kírde píşímínde şakîl taşlîkka súyúşúw tartîmlarî gibí kelím-ketím men ğuw ulup írígen altîn moşaklar tamîzdîrîp turar, deñíz kópígí bútún kîskaayaklîlar bayîlgan erkegíñ ayagîn sîypalar, onîñ kîzîl kadifelí ğukağúrek sózí men súslep; Çile Anayîñ súrgúní Kapriy kumlugun dolaşîr, onîñ katînda kayalar alşak kalganday bolîr – o yúğe bír ónderdír.


Metric Co nvers io ns

Who Will Weep for Me

Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada


Who Will Weep for Me

When the sun finally sets and I draw my last breath, who will weep for me? After I have passed on, the physical gone – bereft of reality, let my spirit rise and serve as my eyes so I may know who wept for me.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Fern G. Z. Carr * british columbia, canada

Mením úşún kím ğîlayğak?


oñ kúneşím batîp soñ solîşîmnî alganda mením úşún kím ğîlayğak? Men geşken soñ, ğismanğa ketken soñ koltiyersíz kalîp, bîrakîñîz ruhumnî yúkselíp mením kózím bolsîn kóriyím men de mením úşún kím ğîlayğak.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Mother's Heart * A na ğúregí

Mother's Heart * Ana ğúregí


Metrelí kay tarmalar Ute Carson * texas, usa A writer from youth, Ge rman-born Ute Carson’s firs t sto ry was published in 1977. Her story “The Fall” won the Grand Prize for Prose and was published in t he short story and poetry anthology, A Walk Through My Garden, Outrider Press, Chicago 2007. Her novel “Colt Tailing,” was published in September 2004 and was a finalist for the Peter Taylor Book Award Prize for the Novel. Her second novel “In Transit” was published in 2008. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals and magazines here and abroad. Carson’s poetry was featured on the televised Spoken Word Showcase 2009 and 201 0, 2011 ChannelAustin, TX. Her poet ry collection “Just a Few Feathers” was published in 2011. An Advanced Certified Clinical Hypnotist, Ute Carson resides in Austin, TX with her husband. They have three daughters, five grandch ildren, two horses and a number of cats.

Almaniye tuwumlî, kalemní ğaşlîgîndan kolîna alîp, Ute Karsîn’nîñ síptí hikáyesí 1977’de ğayîmlandî. „Túşúw” hikáyesí şaşma úşún úyken Ódílní kazandî. Romanlarî man hikáyelerí kîymetlí sayîlîp, şiirlerí ğurt íşínde we tîşînda kóp sayîda meğmuwada basîlîp Teksas televisiyon programlarînda da yer aldî. 2011’de „Sáde bírkaş túy”şiir ğîyîntîgî şîktî. Ute tanîlgan bír suniyyukî ustasîdîr. Koğasî man Teksas’nîñ Austin şeherinde yaşar. Onlarnîñ úş kîzî, beş torînî, ekí atî, bír súrúw mîşîgî da bar.

Ute Carson texas, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Ute Carson * texas, usa

Heart of Hearts

Heart of Hearts


My emotions do not dance above my head, instead they flutter inside my chest, at my center. I press a hand against my ribs, to keep the worries from breaking through. This is where my children live, near where Mary pressed Jesus to her bosom, and where women everywhere beckon benevolent spirits to protect their precious young. There too the heart pumps its stream of reddish gold… open…shut…holding…folding, dutiful servant, always alert, standing sentry over its charges.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Ute Carson * texas, usa

Kaálpler kaálbí


uygularîm başîmnîñ ústúnde oynamaz olar kókíregím íşínde, tam ózegímde talpînîr, basarman kolîmnî kabîrgama kaárlerímní taşîtmamaga. Bo ballarîm yaşagan yerídír Meriyem Anay Isanî koyînîna baskan yerge yakîn, heryerde kîskaayaklîlar işaretlegen hoşniyetlí ruhlarnî korîmak úşún kîymetlí ğaşlarnî. Şo yerde de kaálp kîzîlğa agîşîn bastîrar… aşîk… kapalî… ğîya-ğîya… katlay-katlay, aşîkkóz, saygîlî kîzmetşí, óz w azipesín korîgan karaw ul.


Metric Co nvers io ns Ute Carson * texas, usa

Toward Evening

Toward Evening


In the late afternoon the shadows are the longest and they trail behind me like regrets, mournful and dark, shackled to my ankles, pulling me back to my past. Then morning comes and I fix my gaze on the tendrils of the sun illuminating the ruts in the long road ahead, away from bandage toward possibility and hope.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Ute Carson * texas, usa

Akşamga dogrî yleaw gansoñ keş máálde kólgeler up-uzun bolîr we, peşmanlîktay artîmda tírkeleşír kederlí, karañgî, kíşenleníp ayakbílegíme mení tartar artîma, geşmíşíme.


Soñra saba bolîp aldîmdakî uzun ğolnîñ şamîrlarîn aydînlatkan kúnéşíñ kîlşîklarîna kararman, sargîlardan uzak, imkáanga-umutka dogrî.


Metric Co nvers io ns Ute Carson * texas, usa




The higher a child climbs the greater the need for a safety net. From tiny feet marks to larger footprints, from breast to bottle, preschool tears to college woes, the parental umbilicus stretches until one day the cord falls away and balancing high above, the net ignored, the child beams a confident smile to the parents who exhale with relief and admiration, --and a hint of nostalgia.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Ute Carson * texas, usa



aa yúksekke tîrmansa bír bala taa kereklídír gúw enlík aw î. Ufak ayak ízlerínden balaban ayak ízleríne kadar, kókírekten íşege kadar, mektepew elí kózyaşîndan darúlfúnun kaáríne kadar, kúndúk baylamî uzap turar kúnnúñ bírínde sîgîşîp toplanganşîk we terbelíp yokarda, awnî hesapka almadan, bala ózíne gúweníp hoşlanîp deren bír nefes algan we karípsíregen anasî-atasî alarga keñ kúlúmsúrer.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Happiness * Baht

Happiness * Baht


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Noah Emerson Chopson

Kev in Marshall Chopson * tennessee, usa Kevin Marshall Chopson received his MFA from Murray State U niversity in Kentucky and is a Pushcart Prize nominee. His work is published or forthcoming in the Aurorean, The Baltimore Review, The Broad River Review, Chiron Review, Concho River Review, Birmingham Arts Journal, Incandes cent, I -70 Review, Nashville Arts Magazine, New Madrid, Poem, Poetry Salzburg Review, REAL: Regarding Arts and Letters , The South Carolina Review, Rio Grande Review, Nazar Look and The Southern Poetry Anthology, among others .

He teaches writing at D avidson Academy and serves as an adjunct professor at Volunteer State Community College, both jus t north of N ashville, Tennessee. Kevin Marşal Çopson Gúzel Sanatlar yúksek lisansîn Kentucky Murray Dewlet Darúlfúnunundan aldî. Kevin Puşkart Ódílín adayî boldî. Şalîşmalarî kóp edebiyat dergílerínde yer aldî. Kevin Davidson Akademiyasînda yazuw úyretmenídír, Góñíllí Dewlet Yúksek Mektebínde de yardîmğî úyretmen bolîp kîzmet bermektedír. Ekewí de Tenesiy’níñ Nashville şeheríne yakîn, hemen sîrtîndadîr.

Kevin Marshall Chopson tennessee, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Kev in Marshall Chopson * tennessee, usa

Falling Man

Falling Man

Set down amidst the clouds, he walked for days. Like the arctic, white against blue was all he saw. Tiring of the sun, he stepped through a break in the mist. This is the moment at which I saw him – feet first, back drawn straight, plummeting toward earth.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Kev in Marshall Chopson * tennessee, usa

Tîgîrîp túşken kíşí


erleşíp bulut arasînda o kúnlerğe ğúrdí.

Uzak sîrt gibí, maw înîñ karşîsînda ak tek kórgení şo edí. Kúneşten bugup, tumannîñ bír arasîna Adîm atîp ğol aldî. Onî şow akît kórgen edím – başta ayagî, arkasî tík, ğerge tîgîrîp ketkenínde.


Metric Co nvers io ns Kev in Marshall Chopson * tennessee, usa



Flat as plates the tulips had folded back their petals, yellow-red like the sun, with stamens like flouted chimneys of pipette volcanoes. Eruption after eruption of gold dust attached itself to the wings and legs of bees, and the wind. Swaying stems balanced these two exploding worlds above the simple outdoor vase. I drank my coffee there on the deck as you sat across from my sips and note-taking, drawing at the small round table that held the simple outdoor vase. Silent orbiters we were, mere satellites, recording the story of the tulips.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Kev in Marshall Chopson * tennessee, usa



abaktay túz láleler yapragîn topladî kúneştiy sarî-kîrmîzî, taptala bergen tamîzîmlîk ğanardak şîgaragîday erkekşíklí. P úskúrme artîndan altîn púskúrmesí ózín eklep ğelge, balşîbîn ayagîna-kanatîna tagîlgan toz. Deñgelí sallanan saplar sîradan bakşe şeşekkabî ústúnde bo ekí patlagan dúniya O yerde kawemní íşer edím sen mením ğutumlarîm karşîsînda sîndîrmada otîrîp aytkanlarîmnî kalemge alganda, ústúnde sîradan bakşe şeşekkabî tabîlgan kíşkene túw erek masada sîzîklar tartkanda. Sessiz medarğí edík bíz lále hikáyesín kayît etken sîradan uydular.


Metric Co nvers io ns Kev in Marshall Chopson * tennessee, usa




What about the wood and wire, the spruce and iron, laid down, fallen in his arms‌ We’re asked to forget so much as his fingers firmly circle round her yellowed neck.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Kev in Marshall Chopson * tennessee, usa



gaş man telge ne dersíñ, kolîna túşúp ğerde uzangan narus man temírge?

O kadar kóp şiyní unutmamîznî ístedíl onîñ kararlî parmagî sarî moyînnî sarîp alganda.


Metric Co nvers io ns * The Perpetual Motion of Nature * Tabiy atnîñ fasîlasîz ay lanuwî

The Perpetual Motion of Nature * Tabiy atnîñ fasîlasîz ay lanuwî


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Matthew Lingrin

Jude Conlee * california, usa J ude Conlee lives in the U .S. and writes and appreciates s peculative fic tion, poems , and things that aren't normal. A lot of the "not normal" comes from Conlee's interest in ps ychologic al/sociological abnormalities and fields of science that include concepts such as extra dimensions and time travel. Among other things, this person photographs things at inopportune times , plays piano while singing very loudly, and drinks an awful lot of tea.

Amerika’da yaşagan Ğut Kónliy şiir, hayalğî şaşma we sîradan şîkkan şiylerníñ yazmasîndan-okîmasîndan hoşlanîr. Bolarnîñ kóbísí Kónliy’níñ akîlbílímíne, toplîmbílímíne, boyîttîşîna we zaman kîdîruwuna bolgan ílgísínden mehaz alîr. Başka heweslerníñ arasînda bo insan herşiyníñ kelíşír-kelíşmez máálde resímín alîr, yúksek ses men piyan şalîr, bardak-bardak ta şay íşer.

Jude Conlee california, usa http://inwhic hjudewrites .blogspot.c om/


Metric Co nvers io ns Jude Conlee * california, usa

How Can I Be Such a Liar?

How Can I Be Such a Liar?


Know that I am obviously not dreaming of you and that when I say I will miss everything about you, I also say this of everyone and everything else that has happened so far in my life and that made me feel even remotely happy. And know that I don’t remember ever saying anything to you that c ouldn’t be about anyone else, and that the word “passion” or even “love” cannot be found in my personal lexicon and I’ll have to use lesser words to desc ribe you. And also – know that I am giving this thought to everyone and everything else, so you’re not spec ial bec ause nothing is special, least of all to me.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Jude Conlee * california, usa

Bo kadar yalanğî ka-típ te bolîrman?


aberím bar aşîk-aşîk túşúmde sení kórmegenímden we seníñ herşíyíñní sagînîrman dep aytkanîmda, bonî şúndígeşík hayatîmda bolîp geşken herkez men herşiyíñ hakkînda aytkanîmdan we bo mení az bolsa da kuwandîrganîndan. Kaberím bar heşbírwakît saga başkasîñ hakkînda bírşiy ayta-almaganîmdan da, "hewes" sózí men "sewda" bírem mením óz sózlígímde tabîlmaganîndan da, sení añlatmak úşún taa az sóz kullanmam kerek bolganîndan da. Bír de şo bar – kaberím bar herkez men herşiyíñ hakkînda bonday etíp túşúngenímní, demek youk eken ayîrîlîgîñ çúnkí heşbírşiy ayîrî tuwuldur, eñ azdan maga kóre.


Metric Co nvers io ns

And You Will Not Hear This, Either

Jude Conlee * california, usa


And You Will Not Hear This, Either

I speak with no words; you’re unaware of my usage of language to convey any sense of sense; and this is the non-listening that gets me, it gets me every single time, because I would want to believe that you, you who promised to listen to me whenever I needed it – this betrayal in not heeding me in full and skimming over my voice as you skim over words that do not serve you; I deem it treachery of the highest degree; that of making me realize the futility of my own words.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Jude Conlee * california, usa

Hem bonî da eşítmezsíñ sen


en sózsíz konîşîrman; tuygularîmnî ifade etíp añlatmaga kullangan tílímden sen kaberlí tuw ulsuñ; hem mení añlagan mína bo kulak asmamasîdîr, o herwakît mení añlar, çúnkí onday inangîm kele, ke sen, sen kím herw akît saga muhtaş bolganîmda mení sesliyğegíne sóz bergen edíñ, maga kulak asmadan sesímní dîkkatka alamamak ihanetí, tîpkî saga kerekmegen sózlerní dîkkatka almaganday. men boga yúksek dereğede ihanet dermen; óz sózlerímníñ kereksízlígín añlaştîrgan ihanet.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Call * Şak îruw

Call * Şak îruw


Metrelí kay tarmalar Don Dark es * kwazulu-natal, south africa Following a number of exciting and successful careers in Construction, Manufacturing, Information Technology, Franchising and Entrepreneurship Don finds himself combining them all into his new role as an Author. He repudiated his Psychology degree in the mid-seventies prior to serving his mandatory National Military Service in a top-secret Electronic Warfare unit, clandestinely deployed in Rhodesia, (Now Zimbabwe) a horrendous episode, for which he later received a medal. During the eighties, at the height of apartheid, together with (then) illegal “black” partners he built a successful manufacturing company. Following a series of traumatic events he sold it and opted-out to buy the yacht upon which he was shipwrecked together with his wife, five year old son and four year old daughter. After returning destitute to South Africa he rode a ripple in the wave and sold his Internet start-up in order to distribute organic chocolate and to research a challenging historical novel exploring an intriguing link between the Jewish Holocaust and Madagascar. Currently, together with his wife, son and two daughters they reside aboard their yacht-in-progress whilst his fantastic family works together to build another yacht and he works on several books with a common denominator; his love of history and his belief that fact is stranger and far more interesting than fiction. Inşaat man úre tímde n alîp se riye líkke kadar he r túrlí alanda başaruwlî faliye tle rníñ soñînda, búgún Don he písín bírle ştírge n yazuwğî kîzme tínde tabîlmaktadîr. Ye tmíşlerde akîlbílímí alímlígínde n bazgke n. Soñra Rode ziye harbiye sínde wazipe sín yasap me daliya kazandî. Se kse nlerde yasatîşî ze nğiyle r me n ortak bolîp şirke t kurdî. Şirke tní satîp algan yaktî man de ñízge aşîldî, yaktî battî. Búgún e şí me n, bír ul e kí kîzî man barabar, dewriyálem se feríne şîgağak bír yakt kurmaga şalîşalar. Alayîsî şo şalîşkan yaktnîñ ústúnde yaşaylar. Bo zamanda yaşamnîñ kurgîdan taa kîzîk bolganîna te me lle şke n Don’nîñ kitap tasawurlarî da dewam e tme ktedír.

Don Darkes kwazulu-natal, south africa www.dondarkes .com


Metric Co nvers io ns Don Dark es * kwazulu-natal, south africa

Zululand Rosetta Stone

Zululand Rosetta Stone


I shared a vision with a young Zulu man as disenchanted as I am with the way we are teetering on the edge of genocide. We put that aside and he told me how putting running water into homes and kitc hens in Zululand has destroyed his c ulture. Angazi I said, placing my hands palms upwards on either side of me, level with my shoulders, in the Zulu language gesture that means -I don’t know. He explained. “You see, today when an unmarried maiden needs water she goes to the kitchen in her parents’ home and opens the tap. Before the tap they would go down to the river. The young men knew this and would c ourt them there and so the Zulu nation would bond, breed and thrive. Now the maidens stay at home and the young men spill their seed upon the dry earth.” Then I shared my vision with him. A Rosetta Stone. In the middle A Zulu Poem on either side English and Afrikaans translations. On every sc hool desk in South Afric a Building understanding and reconc iliation.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Don Dark es * kwazulu-natal, south africa

Zuluwstan’nîñ Rosetta Taşî Sayîsîz insanîñ kanîn tókmesí meseleníñ kenarînda mením kadar umutsuz Zuluwlardan ğaş bír akay man bír túş paylaştîk. Bo meselení bír kenarga bîrakîp o maga Zuluwstanîñ úyúne-metbesíne suw tartmasî onîñ atalardan-analardan kalgan ádelerín ka-típ bîzganîn añlattî. “Angaziy” dedím, ekí kolîmîñ awuşlarîn omîzîma kadar ekí yagîma kóteríp. Zuluwğa “bílmem” añlamîna kelgen bír kol hareketí. O da maga añlaştîrdî: “Mína, kayday bolganîn añlatayîm, búgún delíkanlî bír kîzga suw kerekse babasîñ úyúnde bolgan aşkanaga barîp musluknî aşar. Musluktan ewel kîzlar derege keter edí. Bonî bílgen ğaşlarîmîz da o yerge barîp kîzlarga kelíne edíler Zuluw milletímíz şonday etíp gúwende kalîr, kóbiyíp óser edí. Şúndí kîzlar úyde kalîp ğaşlar tukumun kurgak yerge şaşalar.” Soñra oga kórgen túşúmní añlattîm: Bír Rosetta Taşî. Ortasînda Bír Zuluw Manzúmesí ekí yagînda da Íngílízğe men Afrikaans terğúmesí. Ğenubiy Afrikanîñ her mektep sîrasînda añlaşuw man aklaşuw .


Metric Co nvers io ns * Volga-Home * Edíl-Ğurt

Volga-Home * Edíl-Ğurt


Metrelí kay tarmalar Dr. Mig * esk işehir, turk ey Dr. Mig usually calls himself the last dreamer, which re fle cts his point of vie w on life. He describe s his works as expre ssionist. His works are ge ne rally based on intense emotions or rough situations. He write s in both Turkish and English. But at this time he got only one poem published in English, rests of his works are short stories in Turk ish. He is a C rimean Tatar born in Esk işehir, Turke y 1988. His fathe r exiled from Bulgaria in 1978 -which his ancestors migrated afte r be ing ex ile d from C rimea- and m igrated to Turke y. He has a major in communication science . Doktor Mik ózín hayal kórgen soñ insan beller, ke bo onîñ hayat kóríşín kaytîmlar. Óz şalîşmalarîn tîşlamağî dep aşîklar. Şalîşmalarî ğîygîn tuygîga ya da kaba turumlarga tayanmaktadîr. Hem Túrúkşe, hem Ingílízğe y azar. Lákin şo anga kadar Ingílízğesínden sáde bír manzumesí ğayîmlangan, kalganî Túrúkşe yazîlgan hikáyeler. 1988’de Eskíşeher’de tuwumlî bír Kîrîm Tatarîdîr. Babasî alar 1978’de kartbabasî alar Kîrîm’dan kóşíp kelgen Bulgariye’den súrgún etílíp Túrkiy’ge kóştí. Kaberleşme uzmanlîgî bardîr.

Dr. Mig eskişehir, turkey


Metric Co nvers io ns Dr. Mig * esk iĹ&#x;ehir, turk ey The Last Goodbye

Neither sad nor hard; just nostalgic ... Sweet aftertaste of hot spic e Sweet burn of a friendly shot A quic k look into the looking glass

The Last Goodbye

A deep breathe just before the start Like an old picture, randomly c ame out Like an old memory, some friend made remind A brief smoothly glanc e. A smile. The moment, anger wears out. The moment, just before the kiss. A sweet hesitation, briefly. Then a strong desire Desire for the nonexistent. Desire for the old. Desire for the new. Desire to make. Irresistable attrac tion. A give in. Heat of the moment. Ä?nfinite depth Tears of joy. A c almly hug. Peac e of the c hest. Waking up happy. Willingness. Confidenc e. High hopes. A sunny morning in september. With a smooth wind in the afternoon maybe. I said goodbye. Goodbye to you my treasure. 96

Metrelí kay tarmalar Dr. Mig * esk işehir, turk ey

Soñ sawlîkmankal


e kaárlí, ne kîyîn; sádeğe karípsíregen… Aşşîlîgîñ soñînda tatlîlîk Arkadaş wurmasîñ tatlî ótmesí Ağele aynaga kóz atîp almasî. Şîgîşta bír deren solîş almasî Rast kelgen eskí bír resím gibí Bír arkadaş añdîrgan eskí bír es gibí Bír şalt raát nazar. Bír kúlúmsú rew. Şo andîr, kîzgînlîk tozganda. Şo andîr, obíşmeden ewel. Tatlî toktamsîraw, kîskadan. Soñra kuwetlí bír ğan ístemesí. Barbolmaganga ğan ístemesí. Kadîmga ğan ístemesí. Ğañîga ğan ístemesí. Kurumga ğan ístemesí. Karşîturulmaz şegím. Bír góñíl baylamasî. Máálníñ ateşí Soñsîz derenlík Kunak yaşlarî. Raát bír kuşaklaşuw. Kókírek kaársízlígî. Dewletlí ayînuw. Ístek. Gúwenúw. Yúksek umutlar. Ewlúlnúñ kúneşlí ertení. Úyleawgansoñ yawaş esken ğelí men, belkí de. Sawlîkmankal ayttîm. Sawlîkman kal saga, hazinem. 97

Metric Co nvers io ns * Cup * Sawut

Cup * Sawut


Metrelí kay tarmalar A rthur C. Ford, Sr. * pennsy lv ania, usa Poe t Arthur C . Ford, Sr. was born and bred O rleans, LA. He earned a Bache lor of Science from Southe rn Unive rsity in Ne w O rleans, creative writing and was a membe r of the Drama

in Ne w Degree studied Socie ty.

He has visited 45 states in Ame rica and resided for two years in Brussels, Be lgium(Europe ). Re ce ntly he spent 30 days doing m issionary work and trave lling throughout the country of India. Mr. Ford currently resides in Pittsburgh, PA., whe re he continues to write , edit and publish poe try and prose. Şayir Artur C. Fort Kîdemlí New Orleans şeherínde tuwup óstí. Bílím alímlíg ín algan soñ yazuw uzmalîgîn da okîp Fağiya Dernegíñ azasî boldî. ABD'níñ 45 dewletín gezdí. Awrupa’da da, Bírúksel şeherínde ekí sene geşírdí. Soñ zamanlarda Hindistannî otîz kún dolaşîp misiyonarlîk yaptî. Bay Fort şo anda şiir men nesir yazîp, tabetetíp we ğayîmlap ómírín Pensilvaniye’níñ Pitísburk şherínde geşírmektedír.

Arthur C. Ford, Sr. pennsylvania, usa www.thepoetbandcompany.yolasite.c om


Metric Co nvers io ns A rthur C. Ford, Sr. * pennsy lv ania, usa




I demand a reevolution, Darwin!! Why have You forsaken meDivinity? Other birds can fly!

Metrelí kay tarmalar A rthur C. Ford, Sr. * pennsy lv ania, usa



en, kîymetníñ ğañîdan píşílmesín ístermen, Darwin! Mewlam, mení neşín taşlap kettíñ? Başka kuşlar uşar!


Metric Co nvers io ns A rthur C. Ford, Sr. * pennsy lv ania, usa




rain, rain and more rain naughty plants, growing infants wetting in their beds.

Metrelí kay tarmalar A rthur C. Ford, Sr. * pennsy lv ania, usa



aw un, ğaw un, taa kóp ğaw un yaramaz ósímlíkler, tóşek suwlagan ósiyatîrgan şagalar.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Guardian * Sak lawğî

Guardian * Sak lawğî


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Robert Haider

A lan Haider * florida, usa Alan Haide r is an Ame rican write r. His work has appeared—or is forthcom ing in print publications including The Main Street Rag, Sierra Nevada Review, and Perceptions Literary Magazine.

Alan Hayder Amerikalî bír yazuwğî. O nîñ şalîşmalarî The Main Street Rag, Sierra Nevada Review, Perceptions Literary Magazine edebiyat meğmuwalarînda şîktî.

Alan Haider florida, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns A lan Haider * florida, usa


I climbed the wall to find a desert Crossed the desert to reach a ghost town An abandoned village inhabited by machines


Gears turn in the solemn machines that make the rain We all fit together in some way Even the broken pieces The grinding of the band is too loud for my head I can’t drink and I want to leave The crowded night is long and lonely Cheap desire overwhelms sensibility I have no choice but to turn I am a cog The screw twists Souls are drawn upward like water Logic is choked by desire There are notable changes taking place Forgive me for not giving you the time of day I could not forgive you There is no time now for decisions The waters build into a flood And the erg is washed away


Metrelí kay tarmalar A lan Haider * florida, usa



îktîm duw arga bír şól tapmaga Aştîm şólní hayal kasabaga bar maga T erketílgen bír kóy, maşinalarnîñ yaşagan yerí

Ğaw unnî yaratkan tórenlí maşinalarnî tegerşíkler kóşírer Kayday bolsa da alayîmîz bír-bírímízge uyuşar mîz Kopkan parşalarîmîz bírem T eşkilníñ úyútmesí kayet gúdúrtúlí mením başîma Íşe-almam, ketkím kelír, Kalabalîk keşe uzun we ğañgîz Uğuz ístek buw ar ğukağúreklíkní Aylanmaktan başka şárem yok Bír tíşmen Nurbat sîgar Ğanlar suw day yokarga dogrî taşîr Hew es makulnî sîgîştîrîp buw ar. Kózge kelgen deñíşmeler bardîr Sení bagîşlay-almagan Kúnnúñ máálín aşîklay-almaganîmnî mení bagîşla Şúndí heş kalmadî karar úşún zaman Suw lar selleşíp Şólní basayatîr


Metric Co nvers io ns A lan Haider * florida, usa



I open my eyes like burnt hands and shove them into the butter The butter melts into white light and shines truth I can see my misdeeds I close my hands around the light And everything becomes dark In my mind I still see what we did The decisions were rarely good but still we must wear them


Metrelí kay tarmalar A lan Haider * florida, usa



şîp ğangan kollarday kózlerímní Sarîmaynîñ íşíne batîrîp tîgarman

Sarîmay íríp hakkîykatnî aydînlatkan ak ziya bolîr Men de gúnalarîmnî kórermen Kapatîp ğarîknî ğumgan kolîmnîñ íşíne Herşiy karañgî bolîr Yapkanlarîmîznî akîlîmda Kóríp turaman Kararlarîmîz sáde arada-sîrada dogrî bolgan bolsa da Bíz olarnî gene kíymek zorîndamîz


Metric Co nvers io ns A lan Haider * florida, usa


Time has stopped First it crawled and then it quit The ground is frozen concrete and asphalt


No children turn down my street The blades of grass are razor sharp The sun has been replaced Flashlights shine in the dark Clothes are a costume we learn to wear Night is a blanket that never lifts I believe things will move again even if it’s just to die The ice will crack and the sun will rise


Metrelí kay tarmalar A lan Haider * florida, usa



aman toktadî Başta súrúnúp soñra şîgîp kettí

Ğer toñgan asfalt man betondîr Sokagîmnî ast-úst etken bala yok Otlar usturaday keskín Kúneşníñ yerí alîngan Karañgîda fenerler ğîltîray Urbalar kíymege úyrengen bír takîmîmîzdîr Keşe heş aşîlmaz bír konîlga Men şiylerníñ bírtaa ğóneğegíne inanîrman Sáde ólmek úşún bolsa da Buzlar şatlap Kúneş tuw ar


Metric Co nvers io ns * Song of the Earth * Ğer ğîrî

Song of the Earth * Ğer ğîrî


Metrelí kay tarmalar A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa Alan D. Harris write s poe try, short stories and plays base d upon the life-storie s of frie nds, family and total strange rs. He has been writing for ove r 50 years and looks forward to at least one more de cade dancing with words and mingling among me taphors.

Alan D. Harris arkadaşla rnîñ, kîsîm-akrabalarnîñ ya da heş tanîmagan insanlarnîñ hayat hikáyeleríne esaslangan şiirler men oyînlar yazar. Kalem men ellí seneden berítlí hayatîn geşírgen yazuwğî endíden soñra da eñ az bír on sene taa meğaz kelíştíríp sóz men oynağagîn umutundadîr.

Alan D. Harris michigan, usa owls nest.proboards .c om


Metric Co nvers io ns

Dorothy's Final Words

A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa


Dorothy's Final Words

Love a Lion brave or gutless Love a Scarecrow brains or not But never love a Tinman if he hasn't got a heart

Metrelí kay tarmalar A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa

Dorothy’níñ soñ sózí


úy bír Arslan batîr ya da korkak, Súy bír Bostankorkîlîgî míylí ya da míysíz Amma heşbírw akît Teneke-Kíşí súyme eger góñílí bolmasa


Metric Co nvers io ns A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa




She wears her pearl necklace to breakfast her fingers caressing each gem like it was Aladdin's lamp and as each wish is granted she travels through time from pearl to pearl secretly opening doors to the past not for reminiscence sake not to simply recall nor remember but to return to re-live the moments that made a difference moments that ensure her humanity moments that shall stand out forever like pearls strung along the thread of her life-story

Metrelí kay tarmalar A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa



dúrdane kerdanlîgîn saba yemegíne tagîp parmaklarî man her taşnî okşalar tîpkî Aláttin'níñ lámbasîn okşalaganday soñra túşlerí yeríne kelgende zamanîñ íşín kîdîrar dúrdaneden-dúrdanege geşíp geşmíşíñ sîrlî kapîlarîn aşîp zihiniyet kalîntîsî katírí úşún tuw ul adiy eslerí úşún tuw ul akîlîna akelmek úşún tuw ul lákin artîna kaytmak úşún ayîrî anlarnî bírtaa yaşamak úşún insanlîgîn sawlagan şo anlarnî ebediy kalağak şo anlarnî tîpkî dúrdaneler gibí sîralanîp-sîralanîp onîñ ómír ğíbíne.


Metric Co nvers io ns A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa

Emancipated Innocence

Emancipated Innocence


As Spring came to an end I locked away my inner child at the bequest of anticipatory adulthood and embraced the heat of Summer with my so-called maturity far too busy to enjoy the warmth of the sun It took Autumn’s fleeting beauty to help me understand that our most precious seaso ns are all too brief Thankfully the coming winter frees the child within me and together we try on old mittens in hopes that heavy snow is on its way

Metrelí kay tarmalar A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa

Ğetíşken sábiylík


aár soñîna kelgeníne kírtlep íşímdekí balanî aldda kóríngen kemallîgîñ mirasîna sózde kemal yaşîm man kuşakladîm Ğazîñ álewlerín kúneşíñ sîğaklîgîndan zew uk almaga w akît kaldîrmadan. Kúznúñ geşúw ğí gúzellígí kereklí boldî añlamama yardîm etmek úşún ke bízím eñ kîymetlí mewsímlerímíz kayet kîskadîr, hepísí. Şúkúr, keliyatîrgan kîş íşímdekí balanî azatlar we ekew míz de kolşak kíyermíz aw ur karlarnîñ ğolda bolganî umutî man.


Metric Co nvers io ns A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa




She gave herself a hug not out of self-appreciation though such affection was long overdue Rather; her embrace was investigative kicking the tires without the luxury of a test drive as she gauged the strength of her own wings before taking flight above the towers of tradition and across the plains of prejudice

Metrelí kay tarmalar A lan D. Harris * michigan, usa

Uşmazdan ewel


kuşakladlî ózín óz-ózíne húrmet kóstermek úşún tuw ul lákin bo muhabbetke kópten borjlî bolganî úşún. O kuşaklaşuw taa bek bír teğrúbe edí debdebelí denemege niyetí bolmagan tegerşkníñ lástigíne bír tepme ádet kúleleríñ we zarar kîrlarîñ ústúnden uşmazdan ew el.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Winner * Ğeñúwğí

Winner * Ğeñúwğí


Metrelí kay tarmalar John Patrick Hill * california, usa J ohn Patrick Hill began his passion for art very early, where touches of Italian landscape works developed his mind toward the c reation of minute detail. A t the university level, he s tudied art history and joined this to his lifelong study of indigenous pathways . He works in s tone sculpture, painting, and jewelry and is making ready for a exhibit for M exico and the Seyhoun Gallery of West H ollywood, CA.

Ğon Patrik Hil’níñ sanat tutkusî erte başladî, Italiyan şalîşmalarîñ manzara tarzlarî onîñ fikirlerín dakka ğukalîgîñ bolîştîrmasîna dogrî ğónetkende. Darúlfúnun kademesínde sanat tewúkesín okîp ómír boyî şalîşağak yerlí ğóntemlerníñ ğollarî aşîldî. Taş hewkelí, resím, múğewherler şalîşîr.

John Patrick Hill california, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns John Patrick Hill * california, usa

Obsidian and Diamonds

Obsidian and Diamonds

Our Earth Mother, in Her spins through the Universe and Solar System, Lays within the Sun's Grand Gifts of Fire. Continually, we experience these Flames in the Earth's Passing Horizons, A Time Line arc of Dark-to-Light-to-Dark, To Light‌The morning c olors of High Blues, Oranges, Yellows & Reds tell the presenc e of Sun's Fiery Skirt upon the Earth. Just like the c andle Flame, With it's Blue interior surrounded by a Yellow, Orange, Red Dew-Drop of light, Our mirac ulous daytime sky of Blue is the soft interior of this Blaze upon Earth. Clouds are the Smoke of Mother Earth, from this Fire, And from the Fric tion of Her spin within the Forever Curve Of the Planets Planes and Her gyrosc opic Danc e Amongst the Stars. In our sleepy time rest of Night, we pass from within this Fire to Renew Within the Vast c old Oc eans of Dark. Our Lives are A Balance from within this Light And this Dark. A Peaceful Balanc e, set amongst Star and Earth Temples. A Positive/Positive Universal Balanc e. We are the Dance Between, Obsidian and Diamonds.


Metrelí kay tarmalar John Patrick Hill * california, usa

Obsit men Elmaz taşlarî Bízím Ğer-Anayîmîz, aylana turup Káyinat man Kúneş Kuruluşunda, Kúneşíñ íşíne Koğaman Ateşler bagîşlar. Turmadan, yaşap turamîz bo ateşlerní Ğerkúreníñ Geşken Ufuklarînda, Bír Zaman Sîralamasî ğayî Karañgîdan-AydînlîkkaKarañgîga, Aydînlîkka…Saba Yúksek Mawî, Portakalrengí, Sarî man Kîrmîzî renklerí Ğeryúzí ústúnde Kúneş Ateşí Eteklígíñ bolganîn añlata. Tîpkî mayşîrak Alewíndiy, Íşíndekí Mawîsî man Sarî, Portakalrengí, Kîzîl şiy tamlasî man şewúrúlgen, Tîlsîmlî kúndúz Mawî kógímíz Ğeryúzún kaplagan bo Alewníñ ğîmşak ózegídír. Bulutlar Ğer-Anayîmîzîñ tumanîdîr, bo Ateşten şîkkan, Aylana-aylana Soñsîz Burumga okalanmasîndan, Gezegen men Yîldîzlarnîñ arasînda topaşlanîp oyanamasîndan.. Keşeníñ kalgan yukumsuraw wakîtînda geşermíz bo Ateşten Karañgî teñízníñ salkîn Ayînuwuna. Yaşamîmîz bo Aydînlîk man bo Karañgînîñ íşínden yaratîlgan bír Terazídír. Raát bír Terazí, Ğer men Yîldîz tapînaklarîñ arasînda. Bír Bolîml î/Umu m Bolîml î Terazí. Bíz bír oyînmîz O bsit men Elmaz taşlarîñ arasînda. 125

Metric Co nvers io ns * Source of Inspiration * Ilham şîganagî

Source of Inspiration * Ilham şîganagî


Metrelí kay tarmalar Christopher Hivner * pennsy lv ania, usa Chris topher H ivner lives in a small town, works in a sterile office and wishes s omeone would pay him to sit on his c ouc h reading books and listening to music . He has been published in Underground Voices , The Cynic Online, Kalkion and Eye on Life. A book of s hort horror s tories , The Spaces between Your Screams , was published in 2008. He can be visited www.c hrishivner.c om.


Mikropsîzlaştîrîlgan bír dayirede şalîşîp Kíristofer Hivner. Kúnnúñ bírínde bírew onîñ uzanîp kitap okîmasîna, dúrkí seslemesíne aylîk ódiyğegíne umutî man yapar wazipesín. O Underground Voices, The Cynic Online, Kalkion we Eye on Lif e dergílerínde ğayînlangandîr. 2008 senesínde „Seníñ bakîruwlarîñ arasî” atlî kîska korkî hikáye kitabî şîktî. Ondan eñ taze kaberler ózín saypasînda tabîlîr.

Christopher Hivner pennsylvania, usa www.c hrishivner.c om


Metric Co nvers io ns

Getting an Early Start on My Messianic Complex

Christopher Hivner * pennsy lv ania, usa


Getting an Early Start on My Messianic Complex

If I had a compound it would be surrounded by a jungle ruled by man-eating tigers. The password for entrance would be an anagram of the name of my favorite blues singer. Every day we would eat baby back ribs, watch 50s sci-fi movies and listen to Stevie Ray Vaughn. Bottom line, my compound would be cooler than yours.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Christopher Hivner * pennsy lv ania, usa

Peygamberlík múrekkeplígímden temel fikirlerím


ír mahallem bolgan bolsa insan man peslengen ğolparîs idaresínde bír taw man şew úruúwlí bolîr edí. Kíríş anaktar sózí mením eñ súygen blues şarkîğîsîñ almaşlangan atî bolîr edí. Hergún bala kabîrgasî aşap 50-lerníñ hayaliy filmleríne karap Stevie Ray Vaughn'nî sesler edík. T ek sóz men, mením mahallem seníñkísínden yakşî bolîr edí.


Metric Co nvers io ns Christopher Hivner * pennsy lv ania, usa

The Age of Dissemination

The Age of Dissemination


Every opinion must be spoken out loud into a microphone and in front of a camera, recorded for all to hear and bask in its profundity. We must all be subjected to everyone else’s each move and thought and then comment on them so others may comment on our comments and assess our comments so they may comment on them. No one will be spared the banality of anything or anyone, keep no desire to yourself, don’t rob the world of a single breath or bowel movement.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Christopher Hivner * pennsy lv ania, usa

Ğaygînlaşma şagî


er fikir kamera aygîtî aldînda, mikrofonda yúksek se men aytîlmasî keregír, kayît etílgenlerní herkez eşítíp hikmetínde kúneşlene-alsîn. Alayîmîz obírlerníñ hareketíne túşúnğesíne mesele bolmalîmîz şondan soñra da olarnî yorîmlamalîmîz ke başkalarî da bízím yorîmlarîmîznî yorîmlap bízím yorîmlarîmîznîñ kîymetín píşíp başkalarnîñ yorîmînda tabîlsîn. Bírew kurtula-almayğak herşiyníñ herkezníñ kepazelígínden, ózíñe heşbír ístek toktatma, dúniyanîñ tek bír solîşîn ya da barsak hareketín kîrslama. 131

Metric Co nvers io ns Christopher Hivner * pennsy lv ania, usa

The Age of Dissemination

If we are to survive we must know all, see all and respond to all.


This is the Age of Dissemination, open your hearts and minds to receive the gifts, prepare for your fame and the backlash it will bring, respond to the attacks, show no humility or understanding, belligerence and vitriol rule the day followed closely by ego and stupidity. This is another Golden Age and we are all the stars we were never meant to be with an audience that can’t tell the difference.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Christopher Hivner * pennsy lv ania, usa

T írí kalağak bolsak herşiyní bílíp, kóríp, ğew abîn kaytarmalîmîz. Ğaygînlaşma şagîdîr şagîmîz, bakşîşlarîñîznî kebletmek úşún kaálpleríñízní, zihínleríñízní aşîñîz, şóhretíñíz men arkasîndan kelgen tepkísíne ázírleníñíz, saldîrmalarga ğewap beríñíz, alşayîp añlayîşlî bolmañîz, artîndan hemen nepískyorlîk-şaşmalîk kelgen kúnnúñ húkúmetí kaw gağîlîk man karaboyadîr. Altîn Şaknîñ başka túrlísídír şagîmîz, hepímízíñ de farktan añlagan temaşağîsî bolîp hepímíz íster-ístemez namlî yîldîzlardanmîz.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Shepherd's Song * Şoban ğîrî

Shepherd's Song * Şoban ğîrî


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Juan Morales Towns

Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa Steven Jac obson was born in the Mid- wes t in L aCrosse, WI . He attended 5 years (1973-1978) at UW-LaCrosse, and completed a double major in P hysics and Applied - Abstract Mathematics. Subs equently, he relocated to the T win Cities . Steven has s ubmitted poetry to Access Press (on-line news paper), Calvary Cross(Blog), Burningword Literary Journal, The Glass Coin and Linnet’s Wings .

He has attended eight classes at the L oft L iterary Center. He enjoys writing about nature and the unconditional love expressed and expounded upon between mankind and G od our C reator, in heavenly reverence to His Name.

Sitivín Ğakobsîn Wiskonsin’níñ bír kíşkene kasabasînda, Amerika’nîñ orta-batîsînda tuwdî. 1973 men 1978’níñ arasînda beş sene okîp UW-LaCrosse’tan ğismaniyet men uygulamalî soyît riyaziyet uzmanlîgîn algan soñ Minneapolis şeherine kóşíp kettí. Sitivín şiirlerín bírkaş edebiyat dergíleríne ğayîmlattîrdî. Loft Edebiyat Merkezíñ sekíz sînîfîna koşîlîp okîdî. Sitivín tuwa hakkînda, yaratuwğî Tanrî’nîñ atîna ğennetiy húrmet íşínde tabîlîp aramîzdakî koşîlsîz súygúmúz hakkînda yazmaktan hoşlanîr.

Steven Jacobson minnesota, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Light of Gold

Light of Gold


the sun reaches out with tendrils of radiant splendor, stretches forth across the heavens and redefines our world in longing reverence. the light bursts through the clouds, showers and adorns the land and sea. the mountains and valleys below, reflect and mottle the hues. life is fruitful and full of wonder, and just as the sun shines in our faces, so God wants His glory to shine in all our hearts.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Altîn ğarîk Kúneşníñ şuw a kîlşîklî dallarî man ziya elalîgî atar, sagînuw saygîsî man dúniyamîznî ğañîdan añlatîp kóklerge kadar uzar. bulut arasîndan ğarîklar ğeryúzí men deñízní sebelep-súslep patlar. daklar-şayîrlar renklerní ğanlandîrîp kaytîmlar. yaşam berímlídír, muğizege tolîdîr, T añrî da, tîpkî yúzúmúzge balkîldagan kúneştiy, Óz ğelalîn góñílímízde kîzîldamasîn ğansîrar.


Metric Co nvers io ns Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa




the being and birth of the bethel-babe shares and shines like a new penny. circulates around and collects the imagination and innocence of hearts and harbors soul and spirit. charms and cares for the celestial cherub-like connection within the child-being. partakes, pleases and possesses our true disembodiment of spirit from the physical mind and body. effortlessly empties endures and endlessly overflows like a brimming brook, safe haven and a sanctuary for the weary. throbs and touches tributaries of love and life, forever entwined.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Melek bala


apînak ewlatnîñ tuw umî man bar bolmasî ğañî pul parasî gibí ğalpîldar. góñíl húliyasî man sábiylígí ğan man ruhnî taldalap, kîdîrîp ğîyar. kók melegí gibí balalîk tírkeleşmesí íşún kuw anîp kaár eter. ğismaniy zihinímízden kewdesízleşíp bízím ruhiy darkîlmamîz ortakşî, hoş we maliktír. zahmetsíz boşap, soñsîz dayanîp, tolgan bír ğîlgaday taşîp, hem mábet, hem tapînak, úrkútúw ğí-ağîndîruw ğî, yorîlmaz, ebediyğe tokîşîp turgan súygí men yaşamnîñ kolî-ayagî.


Metric Co nvers io ns Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

A Child, God’s Gift

A Child, God’s Gift

The innocence, given by God, to a child remains a mystery to the adult world. The love unconditionally expressed by a child to another is unparalleled in this life. The twinkle in the child’s eyes casts more light than all the moon and stars combined. The words uttered by a child have more meaning than all the knowledge of the world. The truth mastered by a child is simple yet far reaching and is God’s maxim to mankind.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Bala, Tañrî’nîñ bakşîşî


alaga T anrî bergen sábiylík, sîrlî kalîr kámil insan álemíne.

Bír balanîñ başka bír balaga kóstergen koşîlsîz súygí koşaksîzdîr hayatta. Şagîm, bala kózínde, ay man bútún yîldîzlarnîñ bírleşken ğarîgîndan fazla ziya atar. Bala sózí bútún dúniyanîñ bílgísínden fazla añlam taşîr. Bala dogrîlîgî sadedír lákin uzaklarga óter hem T añrî’nîñ insanulî úşún kibar sózídír.


Metric Co nvers io ns Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Love N' Life

Love N' Life


summer evokes a spiritual journey as one takes a walk through the woodlands and open meadows, nearing a fresh water stream. a connection to the animals and earth ignites a fire of destiny as the heart, soul and mind meld with love for life and a life for love. the animals demonstrate different ways to live and love, as nature transforms itself into a dream state of a personal nature with our God and Creator. the experience is transcendental and metaphoric while sharing with one another expressions of joy and peace as our spiritual being resonates within our temporal being.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Ziya man yaşam taze suwlî bír ózenníñ katînda taw -şayîr gezíp dolaşkan yaz maneviy bír ğolşîlîgîñ şakîrîşînda. kaálp, ğan we akîl súyúw ge yaşam man we yaşaw ga súyúw men bírleşkende ğerkúresí men hayw anatka álewlengen bír kader ateşí tutaştîrar. tuw a Yaratuw ğî T añrî’nîñ túşí hálíne ózín deñíştíríp turganda, hayw anlar súygí men yaşamnîñ ayîrî-ayîrî píşímín kósterer. kunak man tînîş ifadelerímízní paylaşkanda maneviy barlîgîmîz zaman barlîgîmîz man uzlaşîp ruhústí w e meğaziy teğrúbelerníñ íşínde yaşarmîz.


Metric Co nvers io ns Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Child Yearning for Love

Child Yearning for Love


child yearns for his mother’s embraces and endears himself as a small ocean wave rises and crashes upon the seashore. continually reaches out. beauty and bloom of a babe wrapped in a blanket, evolves and enlivens to be held and behold. baby tries and toils with days that overlap the marvelous and meaningful times to be with each other. birth rights full of wonder exist between child and mother. relationships transcend the beautiful sun-set in harmony and communion with our God. beauty unfurls opening the way to everlasting love for one another and the heart of the world.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Balanîñ súygí hasretí


ala nenesíñ sarîlmasîn hasretín şegíp ózín súydúrúp turar, tîpkî deriya dalagasî yúkselíp ğagaga parlanîp ğayîlganday. konîlga man oralgan bír şaganîñ gúzellígí men gúlístanlîgî siyíretúw men kuşaklaw ğanlandîrar. sîralanîp geşken kúnlerníñ ústúne bala óstírmek sînawî man şegíşmesí barabarlîk múğízesí añlamîñ kondîrar. ana-bala arasînda múğízelí tuw um hakkî bardîr. olarîñ arasî kúneş batmasîñ gúzellígín ozîp T añrîmîz man uyuşma w e bírleşmemízní aşar. gúzellík soñsîz we karşîlîklî súygí ğolî man evren kaálbíne bargan ğolnî aşar.


Metric Co nvers io ns

Spring and the Eternal Friend

Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa


Spring and the Eternal Friend

spring is a flower beginning to bloom, as the sun rises above the earth in golden rays of light. life begins to flow through the veins of the world signifying a new day has arisen. friendship is the union between souls, desperately seeking beauty and love, transcending and bridging a void within the world where we co-exist. friendship, like spring blosso ms fourfold, grows and fulfills one’s heart’s desire. and let us not forget, we are in debt to our God for those relationships and the unconditional love God has given each of us.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Stev en Jacobson * minnesota, usa

Baár we ebediy dostlîk baár bír şeşektír, kúneş altîn ziya kúntayagî íşínde tuw up ğeryúznúñ ústúne kuyulganda şeşek aşmaga başlar. hayat, ğañî bír kún ortaga şîkkanîn añlamîn taşîp dúniyanîñ tamîrlarînda akmaga başlar. umuts uzğa gúzellík men aşk karap paylaşkan boşlîgîmîznîñ ústúne kópírler atkan dostlîk bír ğan bírleştírmesídír kím ğannîñ muratîna ğol aşar yaşagan dúniyamîznîñ íşínde. şonî da unutmayîk, bízge berílgen súygí men katnaşmalarîmîz úşún Alla’ga borîjlîmîz.


Metric Co nvers io ns * The Thread of Fate * Ómír ğumagî

The Thread of Fate * Ómír ğumagî


Metrelí kay tarmalar Tulasi Suguna Prasad Kalav ala * andhra pradesh, india Tulasi Suguna Prasad Kalavala is a Retired O fficer from Andhra Pradesh State Government in India and now practicing as Advocate at his native place Khammam of Andhra Prades h, India. He is a poet who has publis hed 15 books in his mother tongue Telugu, but lately he has written his work English.

Tulasi Suguna Pîrasad Kalavala Hindistan Andra Pradeş húkúmetíñ bír tekmíllíkke şîkkan bír subaydîr. Şúndí ózín tuwgan Kammam kasabasînda dawawekílí bolîp şalîşa. Teluguw ana tíl índe 15 kitap ğayînlagan ama soñ zamanlarda şalîşmalarîn Ingílízğe yazgan bír şayirdír.

Tulasi Suguna Prasad Kalavala andhra pradesh, india


Metric Co nvers io ns Tulasi Suguna Prasad Kalav ala * andhra pradesh, india

I Love World

I Love World


I love world I love world which is full of beauty and devotion when first drop of rain kissed the earth when rain starts its rhythmic drums on rocks when the sunflower winks its eye for handsomeness of sun There are no bounds to my joy I love this world which is filled with beauty when the rainbow become ornament to sky when air touches the face of the rose when tides of ocean touches the seashore There are no bounds to my joy I love world which changes every minute when the little hairy caterpillar changes to become a beautiful Honey bee The moment Nightingale sings with joy By seeing the spring of nature The moment when a little bud born on flower plant The moment two small leafs come out from earth By jointly as if doing salute to the earth for giving birth to it

Metrelí kay tarmalar Tulasi Suguna Prasad Kalav ala * andhra pradesh, india

Men dúniyanî súyemen


en dúniyanî súyemen Men gúzellíkke-dúrústlúkke tolî dúniyanî súyemen

síptí ğaw un tamîzîmî topraknî ópkende ğaw un taşlîklarga daw ullarîn dúmbúrdetkende kúntabak kírpík şalganda kúneşíñ gúzellígíne Ğelen tabîlmaz mením kunagîma. Men gúzellík men tolî bo dúniyanî súyemen kókkuşagî kókní súslegende haw a gúl şîrayîna tiygende dalay kabarmasî ğagaga tiygende Ğelen tabîlmaz mením kunagîma. Her dakkada deñíşíp turgan dúniyanî súyemen kíşkene túklí tîrtîl kalîbîn deñíştíríp gúzel bír Balkurt bolganda Búlbúl kuw ana-kuw ana ótken w akîtîn T uw anîñ baárín kórgende Şeşek atkan ósímlígíñ tomîrşîgî tuw gan w akîtîn T opraktan ekí yapragîñ pîşkîrgan w akîtîn Bírleşíp sañke topraknî selamlap tuw urmak úşún.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Bird of Happiness * Baht kuşî

Bird of Happiness * Baht k uşî


Metrelí kay tarmalar Tejaswini Kale * maharashtra, india

Photo: Glenn Xavier

Tejas wini is a student of literature from M umbai, India. Her native tongue is Marathi, mainly spoken in the s tate of Maharashtra. She writes stories and poetry, which are closely related to her experiences .

Tejaswiniy Hindistan’nîñ Mumbay şeherínde bír edebiyat úyrenğísí. Onîñ anatílí Maratiyğedír, Makaraştîra dewletníñ eñ fazla koñîşîlgan tíl. Ózín şahsiy yaşamîna kayet yakîn hikáyeler we şiirler yazar.

Tejaswini Kale maharashtra, india


Metric Co nvers io ns Tejaswini Kale * maharashtra, india Symphony

The poem stays stuc k like water too light to fall to earth.


The grey cloud casts a shadow on a patc h of dry ground: a promise of deep brown dampness. I see a bird sitting on a naked tree silhouetted against a blue-grey sky. A poem had burst forth as the bird hopped and flew taking it away in his tiny beak. Words free of paper lingering in the sky come down inky: a symphony of harmony age old. 154

Metrelí kay tarmalar Tejaswini Kale * maharashtra, india



anzúme ílíşíp kalîp suwday ğeñgíl ğerge ğawa-almay. Boz bulut kurî bír tarla parşasîna kólgesín ata: kawerengí kaytîklîgîñ adaklamasî. Bír kuş kóremen yapraksîz terekte kongan yúzún ayîrîp boz-mawî kók rengínden. Bír manzúme pîşkîrdî kuş ta sekíríp uştî onî kíşkene gágáasîna alîp kaştî. Káátten kurtulgan sózler yawaş-yawaş kókten múrekkeplí- múrekkeplí ğerge ğawar: eskí şaknîñ ses uyuşmasî simfoniyasî.


Metric Co nvers io ns Tejaswini Kale * maharashtra, india

The Hanging

The Hanging


We came away from our world. Far away. Climbed a rock, went around it several times, and marvelled at the charming miniature world below. Looking for solitude, for an existence better than ours; suspended as if on a Judgement Day gone wrong, white souls hung out on the horizon to dry, wronged.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Tejaswini Kale * maharashtra, india



zaklardan keldík óz dúniyamîzdan. Uzaklardan. Bír kayaga míníp, onî bírkaş kere dolşîp, aşadakî ğew ez kadar dúniyanîñ muğizeleríne şaşîp kaldîk. Bír ğañgîzlîk karay edík, ózímízníñkísínden taa yakşî bír yaşam; Asîlîp turgan, Akîrzaman kîyametínde íşler ters ketkendiy, hakkî taptalgan ak ğanlar kurutmaga ufuk sîzîgîna ğayîlgan edí.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Moonlit Night * Ay lî tún

Moonlit Night * Ay lî tún


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Otis Skinner

Paul Killom * michigan, usa A uthor and poet Paul Killom is an ins pirational and motivational speaker, and an enric hment lecturer. He is a college writing instructor and a founder member of the LifeLine Seminars and Pres entations . He lives in Mic higan.

Yazuwğî we şayir Pol Kilum maksat man ilham beruwğî bír konîşmağî we túrlí dersler úyretmenídír. Yazuw derslerí de tutar. Konîşmalar we tanîtîmlar arağîlîk şirketníñ kuruwğî azasîdîr. O Michigan’da yaşay.

Paul Killom michigan, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns

The Whole World

Paul Killom * michigan, usa


The Whole World

When you ease up next to me and i bundle you in strong, loving arms, holding you tightly against a warm body, i think of the grand old negro spiritual, “He’s got the whole world in his hands…”

Metrelí kay tarmalar Paul Killom * michigan, usa

Bútún dúnya


înşayganda katîmda, kuw etlí-súygúlí kollarîm man ğîllî kókíregíme sení oraganday kuşaklap baskanda, eskí zenğiy kílse dúrkúsí kelír akîlîma, “Bútún dúnya onîñ kuşagînda…”


Metric Co nvers io ns * Mum's Flower * A nay îmîñ gúlí

Mum's Flower * A nay îmîñ gúlí


Metrelí kay tarmalar Ron Koppelberger * florida, usa Ron is a poet, a short s tory writer and an artist. He has written 103 books of poetry over the pas t several years and 18 novels . H e is always looking for an audience. He has published 700 poems , 723 short s tories and 190 pieces of art in over 293 periodicals , books , anthologies and 11 radio Broadc asts . He has been published in England, Aus tralia, Canada, J apan, I ndia, Mauritius , Italy, France, Germany, C hina, Spain and T hailand. He has been Published in The Stray Branch, The Fringe, Write On!!! (Poetry Magazette) Static Movement, Necrology Shorts and Record Magazine. He is a member of T he Poet’s society, The Fiction G uild as well as The Isles Poetry Association and The Dark Fiction G uild. His art is viewable on Facebook under

Ron hem bír sanatşî, hem tízme-şaşma eser etken bír yazuwğî. Onîñ yazîlarî memleket íşínde we tîşînda yúzlerğe meğmuwada yer algan bolsa da, o her zaman yazîp ğayînlagan onlarğa şiir men hikáye kitaplarî úşún okîwğî kîdîrmaktadîr. O Kurgî Ğemiyetí, Kara Kurgî Ğemiyetí, Adalar Şiir Dernegí we Şayir Toplîmîñ azasîdîr. Facebook’ta onîñ sanatî awunda tabîlmaktadîr.

Ron Koppelberger florida, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Ron Koppelberger * florida, usa

Sour Sweetblossom

Sour Sweetblossom


The shapeless plenty of voyage unto the embrace Of gossamer substanc e, in the reverence of sour Celebrations and sweet sheltered appraisal, a Resounding rain, an attending soil beneath the surface Of dark dither and unadorned winter c hanc e. The Grac e of what becomes anc ient in evanesc ent turns of Season, akin to a showy whimper and a withering roar, A moldering note of acquiesc ent remembranc e, a pile Of leaves and the tide, a damp moss truth and just a touc h Of flavor realized in sour sweet blossom. A word to the love of days gone by and passion in temper Of earth and heaven, fuzzy faded ink sc rawled in careless Abandon and discarded desire, the pen of lovers in fervent Flight, left behind in a pile of sodden soil Leaves in possession of sour sweet blossom.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Ron Koppelberger * florida, usa

Ekşílí-tatlîlî şeşekler


imsaydam maddeníñ kuşaklamasî= píşímsíz sefer mollîgî, ağî kayîrlamalar man tatlî hesaplamalarîñ saygîsînda, ğañgîrdagan ğaw un, temaşağî toprak kîşnîñ karañgî raátsízlígí men súslí kîsmetí astînda. Mew símníñ geşúw ğí new betlerínde eskíríp kadmiyleşkenlerníñ bereketí, kósteríşlí bír íngíltí gibí, ğogetúw ğí bír uw ultî gibí, tapiy añmanîñ kalîp haşiyesí, yaprak tayasî man meddúğezir, rutubetlí yaslî dogrîlîk man şeşekten kopkan azgana tatlîlî-ekşílí múst kokîsî. Geşíp ketken kúnlerníñ sewdasîna, kók men ğer hewesíne bír sóz, dîkkatsîz bazgeşúw men atîlîp kalgan ísteklerde sóník múrekkep tartmasî, ateşlí uşuşta yáre kalemí, şamîrda-balşîkta unutulup kalgan tatlîlî-ekşílí şeşek kokîsî taşîgan yapraklar.


Metric Co nvers io ns * The Song of Lov e * Muhabbet ğîrî

The Song of Lov e * Muhabbet ğîrî


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Denise Delaney

Phillip Larrea * california, usa Phillip Larrea enjoys working with poetic forms- and then breaking the rules just a little. He has c reated an original s hort form he calls “tric ubes”. T hese poems consist of 3 stanzas , 3 lines per stanza and 3 s yllables per line. Cubed, in the mathematical sense.

Pilip Leriya manzume kalîbîşekílí men oynap kayidelerní de bíraz taptamaktan hoşlanîr. O atîn “úşboyîtlî' dep salgan ğañî bír manzume şekílí yarattî. Bo manzumeler úşer kîtalî, kîtalar úşer satîrlî, nezim sîrasî da úşer eğíklí.Riyaziyet añlamînda úş boyîtlî.

Phillip Larrea california, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Phillip Larrea * california, usa

Spitting Nails

Spitting Nails


Spitting nails. Crying, “Foul!” Street protests. What they stole, they sell back. And we buy. Tell the truth. You did too. Didn’t you?

Metrelí kay tarmalar Phillip Larrea * california, usa

Tîrnak túkúrúşí


îrnak túkúrúşí Bakîrîp "Delí!" Sokak isiyanlarî.

Kîrslagan şiylerín, satîp kaytaralar. Bíz de satîp alamîz. T orasîn ayt. Sen de yaptîñ, T uw ul mî?


Metric Co nvers io ns Phillip Larrea * california, usa

Bank Owned

Bank Owned


Seize my home? Sell me short? Foreclosure. Two bedrooms, one bathroom. And a dog. Property is bank-owned. Always was.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Phillip Larrea * california, usa

Banka malî


yúmní tutup alîrlar mî? Malîmnî mezatka satarlar mî? Mahrumiyet.

Ekí íşker bír kew tek bír de it. Mallar banka malîdîr. Herzaman oñkî edí.


Metric Co nvers io ns Phillip Larrea * california, usa

The Bartender

The Bartender


“Gin and tonic please,” He says to me. Though I know it well By his dollars that flutter Like fallen leaves to my gutter, That trough we ‘tenders call ‘the well’. This glass before me like his brain. Ice cubes the cells that remain With gaps good Gordon fills. Tonic that whispers and bubbles; Jokes making light of his troublesWhile I keep and eye on his bills.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Phillip Larrea * california, usa



ópíklí suw man bír kattî” Karap maga dep ayttî. Bonî árúw añlagan edím zaten kîrşîmağîlar “kuy” dep atagan meğraga yapraktay tógílgen, kuyulup sallangan dolarîndan.

Onîñ míyí gibí aldîmdakî kade. Buz keseklerí boş kalgan kane, Yakşî íşkí arasîna kíríp kanení totîrmaz. Kópírgen suw fîsîldap kabarar; T úrlí şakalar onîñ kaárín mîskîllar Onîñ hesabîn kózím kaşîrmaz.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Tower of Time * Wak ît k alasî

Tower of Time * Wak ît k alasî


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Doron Ben Harush

Larry Lefkowitz * israel The poetry, s tories , and humor of L arry Lefkowitz have been publis hed widely in periodicals , anthologies and online. H is book, Laughing into the Fourth Dimension, 25 Humorous Fantasy and Science Fiction Stories was recently published by Wayman Publishing and it is available from Amazon.

Leriy Lepkowis’níñ şiir, hikáye we núktesí túrlí dergílerde, ğîyîntîklarda we awlardakî saytlarda ğayîmlangandîr. “Dórtínğí boyîtnîñ íşínde kúlúşúw, 25 núkte, kurgî we hayaliy hikáye” atînda onîñ soñ kitabî ğañîlarda Wayman Basîm Úyúnde ğayînlanîp Amazon’da tabîlmaktadîr.

Larry Lefkowitz israel


Metric Co nvers io ns Larry Lefkowitz * israel


Almost to the cave opening We inch our way forward Clasping rock Not from wistfulness But fear


We glance around Circumspection Difficult to dislodge The sunlight Illuminates our bracelets But also the knife blades Thronged to our hips Others, too, grope forward From the darkness of caves Toward a meeting place Where rock can be left behind Knives sheathed Bracelets raised In greeting And the grasp of fear Will give way To embrace


Metrelí kay tarmalar Larry Lefkowitz * israel



akînlayatîrganda kuw uşnuñ aw uzuna Kírtleşken kayalîktan Adîm-adîm aşkan ğolîmîz Sagînuwdan kelmez Ke korkîdan kelír T ógerekliy kóz atarmîz Zor ayîrîlgan T úşúnğelerge Kúneş ziyasî Bílezíklerímízge ğarîk atkanda Kalşamîzda kalabalîk Kama şalîmlarîna da atar. Obírlerí de karmalarlar Koñgîl karañgîlîgîndan T abîşma yerímízge dogrî Kayalîklarnî artîmîzga Kamalarnî kînîmîzda bîrakîp Bílezíklerní kóteríp Selamlaşkan yerímízge dogrî Korkî şegímí de Kuşaklaşuw ga Ğol aşkar


Metric Co nvers io ns Larry Lefkowitz * israel



The fire in her eyes Was a gypsy curse But I was blinded by the violins Of her lips A losing proposition Known in advance Yet what is the brain As against the heart If only I had been Born a man Of her tribe To contend with fate And not surrender to it meekly But I was one of water She of fire And so she left Me but the embers


Metrelí kay tarmalar Larry Lefkowitz * israel



ózíndekí ateş Bír şíngene kargaw î eken Ama mení kyor etken onîñ Erín kemanesí Kaybetúw ğí bír ğúmle Baştan bílínse de T urar mî míy Góñílníñ karşîsînda Keşke onîñ soyîndan Bírísí bolîp T uw gaydîm Kaderímní zorlap Baş ğîmşamagaydîm Ama men suw dan O da ateşten tuw gan Bo yúzden ózí ketíp Kîzgîn kúlí kaldî


Metric Co nvers io ns Larry Lefkowitz * israel

A Flowered Vest

A Flowered Vest


Dare I wear A flowered vest In the city of desolation? The jeers would come, Of that I am sure. And yet, and yet – The flowers might smile, Bowing from my vest To left and right. And who knows? But that the mud thrown Might not enrich A new generation.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Larry Lefkowitz * israel

Bír şeşeklí kazaka


a-típ kíyermen Bír şeşeklí kazaka Góñílí şókken kasabada? Aşalatîp mîskîllarlar Elbette. Gene de, gene de, Şeşekler kúlúmsúre-alîr Kazakamdan oñga-solga Bel búgúp. Hem kím bílír? Belkí atîlgan şamîrlar Başka bír nesíl Zengínleştírmez.


Metric Co nvers io ns Larry Lefkowitz * israel

To Begin

To begin To write In a foreign tongue Is to be born again (And to die A number of times On the way)

To Begin

It is to begin again And again To cover The old touchstones With new touchstones New neurons And dendrites Forming new pathways Where ontogeny Does not rec apitulate Phylogeny But works Against it Where style Is of nec essity Simplified And your new metaphor Is old hat Two linguistic lives For those who like To live twic e And dangerously


Metrelí kay tarmalar Larry Lefkowitz * israel

Başlayğak bolsañ


abanğî bír tílde Yazmaga Başlayğak bolsañ Bírtaa tuw mak demektír (Bo ğolda da Bírkaş kere Ólmek demektír) Eskí payalarnîñ yeríne Bírtaa-bír taa Ğañî paya otîrtmaga Başlamak Demektír Ontoğenez Filoğenezní bírtaalamadan Oga karşî şalîşkan Ğañî ízlekler yaratkan Ğañî new uronlar man Dentritler Demektír T arzîñ Adiyleştírílme Zorînda kalmasî We ğañî meğazîñ Eskí malakay bolgan yerídír Ekí kez We korkîlî yaşamaktan Hoşlanganlarga Ekí tílníñ ayîrî yaşamîdîr 183

Metric Co nvers io ns * Call of the Wild * Uluw man k ay tawaz

Call of the Wild * Uluw man k ay tawaz


Metrelí kay tarmalar Christopher Leibow * utah, usa Chris topher L eibow is a vagabond poet, and visual artist, and a performer of small slights of hand. He has been publis hed in numerous journals and online, including Juked, I nterim, and Barrow Street and Cricket Online Review. His art has appeared in Lumina, 491 Magazine and has been a featured artis t online with Cha: A Journal of As ian Writing and OFZOOs . Mr. Leibow c urrently lives in Salt Lake City with his cat El G uapo.

Kíristoper Liybow entígúwğí bír şayir, kórsetúwğílík sanatşîsî we kolşaltlîgî temaşağîsîdîr. Onîñ şiirlerí hem tabî, meğmuwalarînda yer aldî.





Onîñ sanatî da kóp sanat dergísínde ğayîmlandî. Atî El Guwapo mîşîgî man barabar Liybow efendí Salt Lake City şeherínde yaşay.

Christopher Leibow utah, usa www.c


Metric Co nvers io ns Christopher Leibow * utah, usa


for Sveta “The torment of caution often exceeds the dangers to be avoided. It is sometimes better to abandon one's self to destiny.” — Napoleon Bonaparte "Для любой путь, который вы выбрали, есть другой, отказываться от." — Anna Borisnova Bakunin


Together we unhook the stars from the sky and throw them at eac h other, laughing, c hasing each other ac ross the heavens. We make up the rules as we go like the gods before us –abandoning every thing, till we are bare. We count down to zero and begin from nothing to make the life before the dream and the dream the life — From here we share eac h others portion of infinity


Metrelí kay tarmalar Christopher Leibow * utah, usa

Bazgeşúw Svetka'ga “Kóbísí sakînuw şegíşmesí zorlîgîñ şegíşmesíñ fazlasîdîr Bazda-bír kaderge karşî kelmekten bazgeşmelímíz.” Napoleon Bonapart e "Kaysî ğolnî ayîrsañ da, bír almaşî bardîr, bazgeşúw." Anna Borisnova Bakunin


íz ekew míz yîldîzlarnî kókten sógíp atarmîz bír-bírímízge, kúle-kúle,

kuw alaşîp ğennetlerde. Kayidelerímízní kerekkende yaparmîz bízden ew el tañrîlar etkendiy – bazgeşíp herşiyden, şîpalak kalganşîk. Artka sayarmîz sîfîrga kadar başlap heşbírşiyden ew elkí hayatîmîznî túş etmege, túşúmúzní hayat – Bondan soñra soñsîzlîgîñ parşalarîmîznî paylaşîp


Metric Co nvers io ns Christopher Leibow * utah, usa

and rename the days; You, I, We, Them,— no, no, we rename them, Eyes, Lips, Chec k, Hands, Heart, Soul, Live.


And our counting has already passed a thousand days and our counting has passed a thousand joyful kisses, and our counting has passed a thousand sleepless nights — while all those who c ounted on us are left behind. And together in our abandon we watc h the innumerable falling stars and listen to the blood course beneath eac h others skin surging with so much nec essity.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Christopher Leibow * utah, usa

kúnlerge ğañî atlar tabarmîz: Sen, Men, Bíz, Onlar – yok, yok, başka túrlí: Kóz, Erín, Ğara ízí, Kol, Góñíl, Tîn, T írí. Saymamîz da biñ kúnní baya geştí saymamîz da tatlî-tatlî biñ óbúw ní geştí, saymamîz da biñ yukusw uz kalgan keşemízní geştí – bo arada bízge gúw engenler artta kalîp. We ekew míz bazgeşmemízde karap turamîz sayîlmaz aw gan yîldîzlarga seslep karşîlîklî kan agîşlarîmîznî ten astînda ósíp turgan bek kereklí.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Blessing * Nasihat

Blessing * Nasihat


Metrelí kay tarmalar Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa Koketso Marishane is a writer, art patron, ICT practitioner, entrepreneur, philanthropist and social activist from the Republic of South Africa. H e is a s ervant leader with various leading institutions around the world. P O Box 18 Maris hane 1064South Africa

Koketso Marişane Ğenubiy Afrikalî bír yazuwğî, sanat şalîştîruwğîsî, bílgí men kaberleşúw teknoloğiyasî íşletúwğísí, ústenğí we kayîrşúnas. Dúniyanîñ dórt yagînda tabîlgan tanîwlî kuruluşlarga kîzmet eter. Adresí: P O Box 18 Marishane 1.064-Ğenubiy Afrika/South Africa

Koketso Marishane limpopo, south africa


Metric Co nvers io ns

Poetic Sword

Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa


Poetic Sword

Many came, many passed Some conquered and others got defeated Among st all I pull my knife Using the best words in the best sequence To convey my thoughts at the best time.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa

Tízme kîlîşî


elíp geşken kóp Bírtakîmî ğeñdí, bírtakîmî ğeñíldí Alayîsîn arasîndan men kîlîşîmnî şîgararman Eñ yakşî ğúmleler men eñ yakşî sózlerní kullanîp T úşúnğelerímní eñ yakşî maálínde geşírmek maksatîm man.


Metric Co nvers io ns

Perfection Sucks

Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa


Perfection Sucks

Inspired by the po em: “Perfection Sucks" by L ebo Mashile in her "Ribbon of r hythm”

Should I be given another chance, To relive a lifetime, Rectify all my made, Where would your humour fit?

Metrelí kay tarmalar Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa

Mínsízlík sasîr Ilhamî “Vezin súbegíndekí” Lebo Maşile’níñ “Mínsízlík sasîr” şiirí


ger yîkpalîm bolsa Hayatîmnî bírtaa ğolîna salîp P ítín yapkanlarîmnî túzeltmege, Seníñ kúldúrúw hoşlîgîñnî ka-yerge kelíştírermen?


Metric Co nvers io ns


Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa



'Oh people animal species, what good can I do you when sin is my source of origin before birth?

Metrelí kay tarmalar Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa

Edebiysîzgalî nazariye


h, hayw anat soyî insanulî, tiyer mí saga yardîmîm tuw umumdan ew el baş şokragîm gúna bolganda?


Metric Co nvers io ns


Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa



Short is my sight, Tall is my height, Long is my life and Long is my mile, but, Is it true that I'm an albino?

Metrelí kay tarmalar Kok etso Marishane * limpopo, south africa

Edebiysîzgalî kóríş


îskadîr kóríşím, Boylîdîr boyîm, Uzundur ómírím Uzundur ğolîm, ama T ením şagan bolganî uşun mî?


Metric Co nvers io ns * Ey e * K贸z

Ey e * K贸z


Metrelí kay tarmalar Vladimir Nicolas * quebec, canada

Photo: Thao Le

He is born on september 2 , 1979 in Cap Haitien at H aiti. Living in Montreal (Canada) s ince the years 90s, he published in 2007 his first book of poetry titled "Azrael", dedicated to his deceased mother, Ruth L ouis . I n 2008, the Frenc h book publisher Le Manuscrit contracted him for publishing his poetry book titled "Automato et humanus" with Cyberpunk culture themes suc h as a world fell under a global dictactors hip ruled by all- mighty corporations and a population sentient robots s haring the planet Earth with the human c lones named Mann while mankind, the original homo sapiens is on the edge of extinction. Writing both in Frenc h and E nglis h languages , he is writing his firs t short s tories and novels since 2010 .

Vîladimir Hayitiy’de 2 Ewlúl 1979 senesínde tuwumlî. Doksanlardan berítlí Kánada’nîñ Montreal şeherínde yaşagan yazuwğî 2007’de rahmetlí anasîna bagîşlagan síptí manzume kitabîn ğayîmladî. 2008’de bír fírengístanlî basîm úyúnde dúniyanîñ kuwetlí şirketlerníñ kolîna geşíp insanlîgîñ pítiyatír hálníñ hakkînda ekínğí şiir kitabîn bastîrdî. Şalîşmalarîn hem Ingílízğe, hem Fîransîzğa eser etken yazuwğî 2010 senesínden itibaren síptí kîska híkáye kitabî we romanî man kayretlene.

Vladimir Nicolas quebec, canada


Metric Co nvers io ns Vladimir Nicolas * quebec, canada

Violence of Cities of Gold

Violence of Cities of Gold


Man-made misery, the cities of gold triumphed over mankind. Evilness is their violence to do not share any prosperity. To survive, my people surrendered to the dictatorship of clocks. Defeated by life, my people have to believe in the existence of the Devil. Within the walls of Cities of Gold, hypocrisy reigned over us. Where they promised us the daily bread, we turned poor. When they talked of democracy, they bought the elections. When they thought of future, the factories poisoned the soil and the sky. For money's sake, Death reigned with Hypocrisy. Within those rich nations, gold is worthier than man's life. Fatalistic fate for people who searched love and beauty. In the cities of gold live my people imprisoned with promises. Mankind turned into working zombies for Death, great Victorious.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Vladimir Nicolas * quebec, canada

Altîn kermanlarda azgîlîk


nsannîñ yaratkan miskinlígí, altîn kermanlar insanlîknî ğeñdí. Yaramazlîktîr olarîñ azgînlîgî ke bereketní heş paylaştîrmaz. Hayatta tírí kalmaga ulusum sáát istibdatîna teslím boldî. Hayatka ğeñílíp ulusumnuñ Şaytanga inanmasî kerek. Altîn Kermanlarîñ kalaw larnîñ artînda kápírlík húkúmúndemíz. Kúndelík aşîmîzga sóz beríp bízní pîkareleştírdíler. Kalk idaresín sóz etíp saylamlarnî satîp aldîlar. Keleğekke túşúnúp ğer men kókní zerledíler. P ara úşún Kápírlík men barabar Ólím de húkmettí. Zengín uluslar úşún altîn insanîñ hayatîndan taa kîymetlídír. Súygí men gúzellík artîndan ğúrgen insanlarnîñ ogîrsîz kaderí. Altîn Kermanlarîñ íşínde adak esírí ulusum yaşar. Insaniyet muzaffer Ólímge baygîn-baygîn şalîşkan ayakşîsî şîktî.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Adam and Ev e * A dem men Hawa

A dam and Ev e * A dem men Hawa


Metrelí kay tarmalar Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa Hal O ’Leary is an 88 year-old Secular Humanis t who believes that it is only through the arts that one is afforded an occasional glimps e into the otherwise incomprehensible. A fter a lifetime in the theatre he has turned to writing, and to date, he has been published in thirteen different c ountries . I rony of I ronies , having dropped out of college following WWII , he became the recipient of an Honorary D octor of Humane Letters degree from the same institution, Wes t L iberty University, from whic h he had dropped out sixty- five years earlier.

Hal Oliyriy añlaşîlmaznîñ íşíne arada bír kóz atmak tek sanatlar ğolî man múmkin bolganîn inangan 88 yaşînda bír yazuwğî. Bútún ómírín tiyatro álemínde geşíríp soñ senelerde zamanîn yazuwga ayîrgan Hal şalîşmalarîn onúş memlekette ğayînlaganîn kórdí. Kaderníñ soñîşî, altmîş beş sene ewel, Ekínğí Dúniya Marebesínden soñra bazgeşken Darúlfúnun yagîndan, yakînlarda Edebiyat Şeref Doktoratî kablettí.

Hal O'Leary west virginia, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

From Nothing?

From Nothing?

The bible tells us who created,...GOD! This monumental task took just six days, Our God who fashioned Man from out the sod, All came from God who set the sun ablaze. This monumental task took just six days. We couldn’t come from nothing, from nowhere. All came from God who set the sun ablaze The Bible tells us so, so don’t despair. We couldn’t come from nothing, from nowhere This caring, loving God created all The Bible tells us so, so don’t despair. Believe the Good Book son, or you may fall. This caring, loving God created all Accept this loving God without a pause Believe the Good Book son, or you may fall From nothing could it spring, we know…because! Accept this loving God without a pause Our God who fashioned Man from out the sod From nothing could it spring. We know because The Bible tells us,…Who created God?


Metrelí kay tarmalar Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa



nğíl aşîk aytar, T añrî’dîr yaratkan T ek altî kún súrgen bo múkellefiyet Allah etkendír bar insanulun ottan Herşiy hep Allahtan, kúneş, ğibilliyet. T ek altî kún súrdí bo múkellefiyet Bíz tuw madîk yoktan, tuw ulmuz mebdesíz Herşiy hep Allahtan, kúneş, ğibilliyet Inğil bonî aytsa, dogrîdîr şúphesíz. Bíz tuw madîk yoktan, tuw ulmuz mebdesíz Dúniyanî rahim T añrî’dîr yaratkan Inğíl bonî aytsa, dogrîdîr şúphesíz, Ulum, oga inan, ğîgîlmayğak bolsañ. Dúniyanî rahim T añrî’dîr yaratkan Kabul et Mewlanî, teneffússúz, şartsîz, Ulum, oga inan, ğîgîlmayğak bolsañ, Çúnkí yoktan piyda bolmaz bírşiy Onsîz. Kabul et Mewlanî, teneffússúz, şartsîz, Allah etkendír bar insanulun taştan Çúnkí yoktan piyda bolmaz bírşiy Onsîz Inğil aşîk aytar… Onî kím yaratkan?


Metric Co nvers io ns Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

Oh Yes, the Poor

Oh Yes, the Poor

We are the reason we should fear the poor? The distribution system isn't fair. Is poverty a thing we can ignore? When just a few demand the lion's share. The distribution system isn't fair, Excessive greed above breeds hate below. When just a few demand the lion’s share, The pressure builds, and one day it will blow. Excessive greed above breeds hate below. It spreads and it cannot be wished away. The pressure builds and one day it will blow, And when it does, there will be hell to pay. It spreads and it cannot be wished away. The level of the misery will rise, And when it does, there will be hell to pay. Its consequence should come as no surprise. The level of the misery will rise. Is poverty a thing we can ignore? Its consequence should come as no surprise. We are the reason. We should fear the poor.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

Ah, ebet, pîkareler


îkarelík sebep mí, bízím korkîmîzga? Úleştírúw dogrî tuw ul, kayday bolsa. P îkareler heş alînmaz mî, hesapka, Arslan payîn bírkaş kíşí tek paylaşsa? Úleştírúw dogrî tuw ul, kayday bolsa, Bírsí toymay aşar, bírsí karap kîzar, Arslan payîn bírkaş kíşí tek paylaşsa Basînş míníp bírgún kîyametler kobar. Bírsí toymay aşar, bírsí karap kîzar, Raátsízlík yúksek, kabletmiy ihrağat Basînş míníp bírgún kîyametler kobar Ğennemdír şow akît ódeleğek fiyat. Raátsízlík yúksek, kabletmiy ihrağat P îkarelík arta, seviyesí óse Ğennemdír şow akît ódeleğek fiyat Şaşîrtuw ğî bolmaz başîmîzga kelse. P îkarelík arta, seviyesí óse P îkareler heş alînmaz mî, hesapka? Şaşîrtuw ğî bolmaz başîmîzga kelse Bolmaz başka sebep bízden korkîmîzga.


Metric Co nvers io ns Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

A Failed Man

A Failed Man

A failed man, some say that I must be, A man society cannot endure. Or could it be that it has failed me, With promise I rejected as a lure? A man society cannot endure, Is one who will not bow to their demands. With promise I rejected as a lure, They told me son, that that’s the way it stands. Is one who will not bow to their demands A threat to sanity and peace of mind? They told me son, that that’s the way it stands. Rejection indicates I may be blind. A threat to sanity and peace of mind, Society would put me on a shelf? The threat comes with demand that I be free. A man who only wants to be himself. Society would put me on a shelf, Or could it be that it has failed me A man who only wants to be himself A failed man? Some say that I must be. Not me.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

Başaruwsuz kíşí


aşaruw suz kíşí dep aytîlaman men Mendiy kíşí ğutup heş hazmetmez toplîm Ya ğemiyet mení ğeñíp beğermegen Yalan adagîna çúnkí aldanmadîm. Mendiy kíşí ğutup heş hazmetmez toplîm Meğlis ístegíne bel búkmegen insan Yalan adagîna çúnkí aldanmadîm Dedíler ey, balam, felek bar, deweran. Meğlis ístegíne bel búkmegen insan Raátlík zorga atîp tertíp bîzgan erkek Dedíler ey, balam, felek bar, deweran Ayîruwlî kalsam sokîr bolsam kerek. Raátlík zorga atîp tertíp bîzgan erkek Alîr mî heş toplîm tartîp kuşagîna? Azatlîkka ğolîm sorîm bolsa kerek Eger şabalansam, başîm boşlîgîna. Ne de aldî mení toplîm kuşagîna Ne ğemiyet mení ğeñíp te beğergen Eger şabalansam, başîm boşlîgîna Başaruw suzman mî? Atîm onday geşken. Amma tuw ulman men.


Metric Co nvers io ns Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

Because We Bought the Lie

Because We Bought the Lie


Because we bought the Gulf of Tonkin lie We went to war not knowing what it meant. Yes, fifty thousand of our own would die, Before we found the courage to dissent We went to war not knowing what it meant, A decade long experience in guilt, Before we found the courage to dissent, Negating all the promise we had built. A decade long experience in guilt. Illegal war that never should have been, Negating all the promise we had built, A war they knew we wouldn’t ever win. Illegal war that never should have been, All for the psychopaths who reaped the gain. A war they knew we wouldn’t ever win, Which meant for all the rest of us just pain. All for the psychopaths who reaped the gain Yes, fifty thousand of our own would die. Which meant for all the rest of us just pain. Because we bought the Gulf of Tonkin lie.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

Uydurmanî dogrî-tora tutkanîmîz úşún


onkin uydurmasîn tutup dogrî-tora Añlamay manasîn şîktîk marebege Ebet, ellí biñ ğan kettí kayîplarga T apkanşîk ğesaret ayak tíremege. Añlamay manasîn şîktîk marebege Kuşaklaşîp on yîl gúna man yaşadîk T apkanşîk ğesaret ayak tíremege Adaklagan sózní tanîmay taptadîk Kuşaklaşîp on yîl gúna man yaşadîk Şîgîp şo kayîrsîz, adaletsíz aw ga Adaklagan sózní tanîmay taptadîk Bíle-bíle aşîp kazanîlmaz kaw ga. Şîgîp şo kayîrsîz, adaletsíz aw ga Akşalarnî bastîk delí kísesíne Bíle-bíle aşîp kazanîlmaz kaw ga Kan kusmasî, ağî kaldî ózímízge. Akşalarnî bastîk delí kísesíne Ebet, ellí biñ ğan kettí kayîplarga Kan kusmasî, ağî kaldî ózímízge T onkin uydurmasîn tutup dogrî-tora.


Metric Co nvers io ns Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

The time has come, and spring has sprung, Soft earth below, blue skies above. The time is now, and we are young. What better time to be in love. Soft earth below, blue skies above. What more could anyone desire, What better time to be in love. Our heads awhirl, our hearts afire. What more could anyone desire? The future is at our command. Our heads awhirl, our hearts afire. So here, my dear, your wedding band. The future is at our command I'm yours to honor and obey So here, my dear, your wedding band. I'm yours forever, come what may. I'm yours, to honor and obey. The time is now, and we are young. I'm yours forever, come what may. The time is now and spring has sprung.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

Baár pîşkîrîp keldí


akît agîp toldî, baár pîşkîrîp keldí Astta ğîmşak balşîk, ústte maw î asman Ğaşlîk şagî keldí, tam máálímíz endí Sewda úşún bolmaz şonday uygun zaman. Astta ğîmşak balşîk, ústte maw î asman Başka ne ístesín bondan azyaşlîlar? Sewda úşún bolmaz şonday uygun zaman Góñíl tutaştîrîp başta akîl kaynar. Başka ne ístesín bondan azyaşlîlar? Bíz ayakşî tutup aldîk keleğekní Góñíl tutaştîrîp başta akîl kaynar Kel tagayîm, yárem, nikáa yúzúgúñní. Bíz ayakşî tutup aldîk keleğekní P aydam-saygîm saga, sagadîr kîzmetím Kel tagayîm, yárem, nikáa yúzúgúñní Ómírğe men seníñ ke sensíñ kîsmetím. P aydam-saygîm saga, sagadîr kîzmetím Ğaşlîk şagî keldí, tam máálímíz endí Ómírğe men seníñ ke sensíñ kîsmetím Wakît agîp toldî, baár pîşkîrîp keldí.


Metric Co nvers io ns Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa

A Vow

A Vow


My Love Will be a silk scarf thrown lightly about the shoulders lest It stifle thee.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Hal O'Leary * west v irginia, usa



olîgîñnî kapatmamak úşún omîzîña yaw aş atîlgan bír yúpek şítí saga sew dam bolsîn.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Two Companions * Ek í ğoldaş

Two Companions * Ek í ğoldaş


Metrelí kay tarmalar A dnan A dam Onart * massachusetts, usa Adnan Onart is a fi rst generat ion immigrant poet of Crimean Tata r descent, born and raised in Istanbu l. His Turkish poems have been published in the magazines Soyut, Yordam, Kardaş Edebiyatlar, Kırım and Dergah. His work in Eng lish has appeared in The Bos ton Poet, Prai rie Schooner, Colere Magazine, Red Wheel Barrow, The Massachusetts Review and as Wallpaper in Poetry Motel. International Poetry Review published his joint translat ion (together with Victor Howes) from Edip Cansever, a Turkish contemporary poet. His poems on dislocation and diaspora have been collected, along with Kenneth Rosen's Cyprus’ Bad Period, as The Passport You Asked For, The Aeolos Press, 2006. He is also the author of TURKISH: A Dictionary of Delight, edited by Roger Conover; ZKM, Karlsruhe, Second Printing, 2006. He is a Honorable Mention winner of the 2007 Erikan Mumford Award presented by the New England Poetry Club, and he won the 2011 Nazim Hikmet Poetry Award.

Şayir Adnan Onart Kîrîm Tatar tamîrlî bír korantanîñ Istanbul'da tuwup ósken síptí nesílíndendír. Şayir Adnan Onart Kîrîm Tatar tamîrlî bír korantanîñ Istanbul'da tuwup ósken síptí nesílíndendír. Onîñ Túrúkşe we Ingílízğe şiirlerí bírkóp edebiyat dergílerínde yer aldî. Internat ional Poetry Review Adnan man Victor Howes barabar şalîşîp terğúme etken Túrúk şayirí Edip Ğansever’níñ şiirlerín ğayînladî. 2006 senesínde súrgún mem ğurtsuzluk hakkînda yazgan şiirlerí Kenneth Rosen’níñ şalîşmalarî man bírlíkte The Aeolos Press’níñ ğayîmlamasînda tabîldî. 2008 yîlînda Almaniye’de „Túrúkşe: Tatlîlîk sózlígí” kitabîn da şîgardî. New England Şiir Toplîlîgî tertíplegen 2007 Erikan Mumford Ódílínde bír Şereflí Zikir aldî we 2011 Nazîm Hikmet Şiir Ódílín kazandî.

Adnan Adam Onart massachusetts, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns A dnan A dam Onart * massachusetts, usaTwo Companions * Ek í ğoldaş

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

In a poor Istanbul neighborhood, at the ground floor of our house, my great-grandmother says: It is time for morning prayer. If you pray, she says, pure as a child, from this corner of the room, an angel will appear. I am five years old closing my eyes. Allahü Ekber. Essallamü alleyküm ve rahmetullah. I am fifty opening my eyes. In Boston, Massachusetts, in a not so poor neighborhood at the top floor of our house praying my morning prayer. From that corner of the room, my great-grandmother appears.


Metrelí kay tarmalar A dnan A dam Onart * massachusetts, usa

Saba namazî


stanbul'nuñ bír pîkare maállesínde, úyúmúznúñ zemin katînda, kart-anayîmîñ anayî, haminne kartiyím, maga akîl beríp ayta: Namaz kîlmak zamanî. Eger namaz kîlsañ, dep úyrete o maga, baladay pak bo odanîñ kóşesínden, bír melek kórínír kózíñe. Beş yaşînda bír balaman, kózlerímní kapayman. Allahú Ekber. Essellamú alleykúm ve rahmetullah. Kózlerímní aşsam ellí yaşîndaman. Massachusetts, Boston'da, yakşî sayîlgan bír maállede úyúmúznúñ soñ katînda saba namazî mnî kîlaman. Odanîñ şo kóşesínden haminne kartiyím kózíme kóríne.


Metric Co nvers io ns * My Thoughts, My Dreams * Oy larîm, hay allarîm

My Thoughts, My Dreams * Oy larîm, hay allarîm


Metrelí kay tarmalar Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa Jac k Peachum is a writer-poet who res ides in rural Souths ide Virginia. Besides poems he has also written and publis hed essays , c ritiques , & s hort stories . He is the author of two c hapbooks -- Polyamory & Kerr Lake Poems as well as the novel Tempest. His eclectic work s hows a variety of influences -partic ular orientalism & symbolism.

Ğák Piyçum Virğiniye kúneş betínde, kóylíkte yaşan bír yazuwğî. Şiir tîşînda denemeler, tenkîyit we kîska hikáyeler de yazar. Ekí şiir kitabî, bír romannîñ telifídír. Onîñ múrekkep şalîşmalarî eñ bek şarkşîlîk we símgeğílík tesíríndedír.

Jack Peachum virginia, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa

Tropical Storm

Tropical Storm


Ponds form where should be grass, sodden branches shake in the howling wind –downpour s and thunder, ominous noises in the south– and you, uninvited guest from the faraway Gulf, you overstay any reasonable visit! Begone– time for you to move on! A bluejay takes shelter under a dripping tree, looks in my window– demands I make it stop raining!

Metrelí kay tarmalar Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa

Yoda boran


tlak bolmasî kerek yerde kólşíkler ibaret bola ulugan ğelde sallangan kaytîk dallar - ğaw un man gúdúrdemeler, kúneş betten ogîrsîz seslerbír de sen, ziyaretní fazla uzatkan uzak Aylaktan dawetsíz mísápír! Ketsí, endí ketmeñ zamanî. Bir maw î-soyga tamîzdîrgan bír terekníñ astînda taldalanîp, penğíremden karap ğaw unnî toktatmam íster!


Metric Co nvers io ns Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa

The Dean

The Dean

(East Carolina, Gr eenville, N.C., Aug ust, 1962)


Addressing us from corner of the college newspaper office, imparting to us the wisdom of his office– of his generation– a florid middle-aged man from New Jersey, overweight, sweating, gasping a bit in summer heat– “Be careful what you say– we can still keep th’ Nigras out! If they don’t know they can attend this school – don’t know they have a legal right to come here– don’t tell ‘em! Maybe they just won’t apply!”

Metrelí kay tarmalar Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa

Dekan (Kúntuwarbetí Karolin, Greenville kasabasî, Şimaliy Karolin, Awustos, 1962)


itabetíp bízge darúlfúnun ğeridesí daiyreníñ kóşesínden, ózníñ nesílníñ aydînlîgîn bíz men paylaşîp New Jersey’lí orta yaşlî, yaşatkan, mazallî, terlí, yaz aylarnîñ sîğagînda bíraz túyúlúp tar nefes algan bír akay: “Aw uzuñuzdan şîkkan laplarga sak bolîñîz, Zenğiylerní gene uzak tutayîk! Eger bo mektepke yazîlmalarî múmkin bolganîn bílmeseler, kanuniy hakklarîndan kabersíz kalsalar, bo yerge yazîlîp kelmezler. Sakîn bírşiyler aytîp kaşîrmañîz!”


Metric Co nvers io ns Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa




I studied nature, regarded it with an awe -- many a treasure took away and many a wonder saw– but then one day, I looked behind the bright facade, and found the grim unsmiling face of God.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa



eşkeríp tuw anî oga búktúm arka Ke sannettím onî bír muğize, bír harika, Ama bírgún karap nuriy betníñ arkasîna Kórdím dargîn bír yúz – Alla.


Metric Co nvers io ns

Lady of the Evening

Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa


Lady of the Evening

She’s in her beauty tonight– and how lovely– lumino us, riding high, dressed in her best yellow gown, playing the part of doting girlfriend– peeking down shyly from behind a veil of cloud! But, oh, the bitch– she’s betrayed us again – last night she was with the sun! When we weren’t looking, she crept into his room– this morning just after dawn– I caught her leaving his side!

Metrelí kay tarmalar Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa

Akşam katunî O dúlberlígíndedír bo akşam – we ne kadar gúzel kóríne – ziya, endamlî, eñ yakşî entársín kíyíp, nazlî yáre oyînîn oynaganda – Búlút órtísínden yalşan kóz atkanda! Amma, ay, kanğîk – bízní taa da aldatkan - bo keşe kúneş men barabar edí! Bíz íşímízge karaganda, yaw aş onîñ odasîna kírdí – bo saba tañ aşkanda – pîsîp şîkkanîn kóríp aldîm.


Metric Co nvers io ns Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa

In the Mountains

In the Mountains


Winter came quickly by the high road. Spring and summer went out by the low, the valley road, and left the world to autumn. He, Fall, came slowly, tracing delicate fingers along the surface of dusty farm windows, writing his name on the faces of leaves blown upward by the wind. One morning there was a sheet of ice over the river. This morning I had to break the spring free. When last I saw you the leaves were flying–.. now the house sits dark in a field of white, the honking cry of the last wild geese falls out of the western sky.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa



îş şalt keldí anağoldan. Baár men ğaz aşadan kettíp, şayîr karağolîndan, dúniyanî braktîlar kúzge. O, Kúz, yaw aş keldí, inğe parmak ízí taşlap kóy úyleríñ tozlî penğíreleríne, atîn yazîp ğelíñ alîp ketken úşkan yapraklarîñ yúzúne. Bír saba akkan suw uñ ústí bîzlap kaldî. Bo saba Baární şeşíp ğíbereğeklí boldîm. Sení soñ kórgenímde yapraklar úşúp tura edí… şúndí úyúm karañgîda kaldî şólíñ aklîgînda, soñ şól kazîñ zurna bakîrmasî kúnbatarîñ kóklerínden şîgîp kele.


Metric Co nvers io ns

The Younger Woman

Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa


The Younger Woman

You were younger, yes, but we were well-matched. Shall I confess? I was in love with you even then– yearned for hot sweaty sex, motel-room afternoons! Now, suddenly– somehow– I’m grown too old for you, troubled by deafness, failing eyesight, E.D.– the years bruise themselves against my sides, go spinning away into yesterday– all wearing the faces of old men.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Jack Peachum * v irginia, usa

Taa ğaş bír kîskaayaklî


en menden taa ğaş edíñ, ebet, ama bíz ekew míz uyuşkan edík. T orasîn aytayîm mî? O zamanlardan berítlí sewdalîman saga súyúşmege ğan atkandan, motel odalarînda úyleaw gansoñ. Şúndí, bírden – bír túrlí – seníñ katîñda bek kart kaldîm, sagîrlîk şegíşíp, sokîrlaşîp, múyúzsúzleníp – ekí yagîmdan yaşlarîm sîgîştîra, tínew úníme órílíp alayîsî da kart bír kíşíníñ yúzún alîp.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Tatar Song * Tatar ğîrî

Tatar Song * Tatar ğîrî


Metrelí kay tarmalar Stev e Rushton * england, uk

Photo: Lorrain Baggaley

Steve Rushton Was born on a peninsula With Liverpool on one side And the Wels h hills on the other An artis t and poet He lives in L ondon Teac hes art history And was a drummer His first book, Sweet Sex Education Teac her From Chic hester, a poetry s ingle published in 2012 by Not Your Average Type, tells the s tory of a furtive meeting, and emotions that can follow s uch an


Istip Raştîn bír yagînda Liverpool şeherí obír yagînda Gallar bayîrlarî man píteşken bír yarîmadada tuwdî. Búgún sanat man ílgílengen şayir bír súre dawulğî bolîp ğúrdí. London’da yaşap sanat tewúkesí dersí bere. 2012’de síptí şiir kitabî basîldî. „Chichester’dekí tatlî ğinsiyet terbiyesí muwallímí” atîn taşîgan tek şiirlí kitap saklî bír kóríşmeníñ hikáyesí men onîñ yaratkan tuygîlarîn añlatmaktadîr.

Steve Rushton england, uk s rus hton13 .com


Metric Co nvers io ns

Dear Silent Sirens in Subatomic Stations

Stev e Rushton * england, uk


Dear Silent Sirens in Subatomic Stations

Dear silent sirens in subatomic stations A few questions Occasional bleeping – Is it a sign that you’re inwardly weeping? Do you long for a time When to cry out loud will be fine? Do you dream of disorder in cold corridors The echoes of boots The slamming of doors And people in panic while you blow your horn? Would that be more fun than just staring at floors? I wrote this and thought Am I right? Yours, the man at the desk Who stares at you night after night

Metrelí kay tarmalar Stev e Rushton * england, uk

Aziz tîmgan dúdúk ğerastî atom kaşamaklarînda


ziz tîmgan dúdúk ğerastî atom kaşamaklarînda Bírkaş soraw ,

Arada bír biplemeñíz – T uw ul mî, íşíñízden ğîlap belletmeñíz? Bír zamanlar boşlîk w e húrriyet Yaşar edí ğîlaw , şegesíz mí, hasret? Sagînmadîñîz mî, salkîn aralîklar Ayak – tapîrdagan, Kapî – tars w urulgan, Kíşílerní, sesízíñzní şîgarganda, korkîp kaşkan? Bolmaz mî, taa eglenğelí, ğerge karagandan? Şay túşúnúp yazdîm bonî Bar mî, hakkîm? Bekşíñízden selam, Sízge kózín tígíp turgan hergún akşam.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Cronus * Zaman

Cronus * Zaman


Metrelí kay tarmalar A drey o Sen * west bengal, india Adreyo Sen, based in Kolkata, I ndia, writes . I t is his ambition to call himself a "writer" one day. Adreyo did his undergraduate work in English and his postgraduate work in E nglis h and Sociology. H e has been publis hed in magazines that include The Rusty Nail, Fat City Review, Silent Things , Kritya and Dans e Macabre.

Hindistan’nîñ Kalkuta şeherínde yaşagan Adreyo Sen kúnnúñ bírínde yazuwğî sayîlîr umutî man y azar. O bír toplîmbílímğísídír. Onîñ şalîşmalarî bírkaş edebiyat meğmuasînda yer aldî.

Adreyo Sen west bengal, india


Metric Co nvers io ns A drey o Sen * west bengal, india




Because no face is a map, we need directions to walk them through to the conclusions already in our hearts. When laughter looks like pain and sorrow like the beginning of a smile, can we know what is being said in the tightening of the eyes? Love is, in essence, a collection of catastrophic near-misses and delightful near-hits. It’s enough that we are searching each other for the answers.

Metrelí kay tarmalar A drey o Sen * west bengal, india



eşbír yúz karta bolmaganî úşún, olarnî góñílímízdekí soñîşîna ozgarmaga bízge kerekken ğóndír. Kúlúş ağîga ğan ağîsî da kúlúmsúrew aşîlmasîna uşap ketkende, kózíñ sertleşmesínde manasîn añlay-alîrmîz mî? Súygí asîllî bír ğîyîntîktîr, az kalsîn kaşîrmalar man ğan attîruw ğî başaruwlarnîñ ğîyîntîgî. Ğew aplar úşún bír-bírímízní karaganîmîz yeterlídír.


Metric Co nvers io ns A drey o Sen * west bengal, india

Unquiet Hearts

Unquiet Hearts


Unquiet hearts have no home. They are strangers where they are loved. Always just passing through. Alarmed to see their hurt in ancient libraries and books, they run away. They keep on running. The whole world is their home because no little orbit is their own. They run till they stop and fall to be mourned by children who knew them not, and little seeds of something great who knew them, heartbroken, all too well.

Metrelí kay tarmalar A drey o Sen * west bengal, india

Raátsíz góñíller


aátsíz góñíller ğurtsuzdur. Súyúlgen mekáanlarda yabanğîdîr. Şo yerlerde herzaman rastkele tabîlîr. Şegíşmelerí antika kitaplarda-kútúpkanalarda kórílmesí korkîsîndan kaşarlar. Kaşîp turarlar. Olar medarsîz bolganîna bútún dúniya olarîñ ğurtî sayîlîr. Olar toktap ğerge ğîgîlîp kalganşîk kaşîp turarlar, artîndan da olarnî tanîmagan ballar ğîlar, bír de yakîndan tanîp ğúregí ğangan ónder íşlerníñ ufak tukumî ğîlar.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Sorrow * A ğî

Sorrow * Ağî


Metrelí kay tarmalar

Photo: Rich Garabedian

Tom Sheehan * massachusetts, usa Tom Sheehan s erved in 31st Infantry Regiment, Korea, 195152 , and graduated Boston College, 1956 .

He has 20 Pus hcart nominations , 340 s tories on Rope and Wire Magazine (and never been on a horse), work in Rosebud Magazine (5 ), T he Linnet’s Wings (6 ) out of G alway, O cean Magazine (8 ), and many internet sites /print issues /anthologies including Nervous Breakdown, Eskimo P ie, Faith-H ope-Fiction, Subtle Tea, D anse M acabre, Deep South Magazine, Bes t of Sand Hill Review, Bes t of Frontier Tales , Wilderness House Literary Review, MGVersion2Datura, Dew on the Kudzu, Literary O rphans , Eastlit, and Nazar L ook, etc . His work has been published in Romania, France, I reland, England, Scotland, Italy, Thailand, C hina, M exico, Canada, etc . Tom Sheehan waits for two more mysteries to be publis hed in 2013 and s ome wes tern s hort story c ollections , seven completed including c overs by his sons . Tom Şiyhan 1951-1952 arasînda Kore’de 31-ínğí Piyade Miñgáanîda ğeñk wazipesín yapkan soñ, 1956-da Boston Yúksek Mektebín pítírdí. Yúzlerğe hikáyesí memleket íşí we tîşînda kóp sayîda meğmuwada yer aldî. Puşkart Ódílí úşún 20 kere atî geştí. 2013-núñ soñîna kadar basîmkanadan ekí kurgî kitabî man kabîn ullarî ázírlegen yedí hikáye ğîyîntîgî da şîgayatîr.

Tom Sheehan massachusetts, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns

This Rare Earth & All Its Light

Tom Sheehan * massachusetts, usa


This Rare Earth & All I ts Light

…and I shall always touch you, Mother Earth, Rare Earth, from all vantages in these flights of uncounted time; your heart-shaking tempests against the incandescent eye, silent reach of sequoias for your partner in space, soft jangle of roots no swifter than any of blood, struggle of moth at October’s light, vulture toss incredibly high on a cross-wind and tumble-wait, pain that’s yet to come, and all that’s done: and an image in my ear as soft as a poem left in an old Latin diary three tiers of lava have taken to bed.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Tom Sheehan * massachusetts, usa

Bo Nadir Toprak man onîñ bútún ziyasî


e her zaman súrermen saga kolîmnî, Ğer Anay, Nadir T opragîm, bo sayîsîz zaman uşuşlarnîñ bútún faydasî man; kîzargan kózlerníñ karşîsînda seníñ ğúrek sallatkan boranlarîñ, uzaydakî eşíñ úşún sekuya teregíne sessíz ğetíşúw úñ, Egím aynîñ ğarîgînda kepenegíñ kanlî şabalanma şaltlîgîna bara-almagan ğîmşak tamîr şîñlamasî, kóndelen ğelde, şaytantoy íşínde, inanîlmaz yúkseklíkte kartakay atîlmasî, şegíleğek ağîlar man bolîp pítken herşiy: eskí bír Látin kúndelígínde ğataklangan úş kat láva ğîmşak bír kóríntí gibí kulagîmda da bír şiir.


Metric Co nvers io ns Tom Sheehan * massachusetts, usa

Old Route 1 Barn at Recall

Old Route 1 Barn at Recall

The motley barn, like an old stain gone haywire, is a dread easel. Knots, carved into walls like old promises, wait for quick campfires or late hearths, warmth from Earth’s beginning, Laurentians spreading. Only darkness is inconclusive where night points its finger. In deep aches knots have fallen from, stars fall in, fields of them, with the evening leader digging deepest, digging first after yesterday’s carcass linking still in eyes’ behavior. Shadows, upstaging any moon, argue on its lateral surfaces. I’ve seen more mandates than dreams in dim recesses where wood envies time, chases after it for one whole age of transparent death; just sunken cedars in the swamp, drowned black, live on longer, scaled at new livelihood. Against a thousand storms this barn has stood, never folding inward, only down by degrees of ant strokes, termite mandibles, odd carpenter; its sho ulders going sideways, knees turning softly, its breath slow and halting, at prayer.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Tom Sheehan * massachusetts, usa

Bírínğí Ğol’dakî eskí ambar artka şakîrîlmakta


laşa ambar eskí bír tamga gibí karma-karîşîk, korkînîşlî bír kúrsídír. T úyúmler, eskí adaklama gibí duw arga oyîlîp, ağelelí kîşlama ateşlerníñ ya da keş oşaklarnîñ beklemesínde, Dúniyanîñ baş şagîndan ğayîlgan sîğaklîk. P armak salîp keşeníñ kóstergen yerínde sáde karañgîlîk inandîrmaz. T úyúmler kobîp túşken deren ağîlarga yîldîz dalîr, yîldîz alanlarî, akşamnîñ başî deren kazar, başta kóz ádetíne baylangan tínew únnúñ kewdesín karap kazar. Ğan duw arlarînda ay ğarîgîn karañgîlîkka atîp idalaşkan kólgeler. Neğí w azipeler kórdím, agaş zamannî kîzganîp saydam ólím şagî boyî onî kuw alaganday bolgan kara oyîktakî túşlerímden taa kóp; sáde bataklîkta batkan sedírler, karaga buw ulup, ğañî yaşam imkáanlarîna ayak uydurup, pazla yaşay-alîr. Bo ambar biñ borannîñ karşîsînda turgan, heşbírzaman íşeríge búklenmeden, sáde kîmîrska saldîrmasîndan, kuğurlî toramağî ak-ğúmúle şenesínden yaw aşyaw aş şógíp; ekí omîzî ekí yakka túşúp, tízí ğîmşap, solîgî yaw aş toktap, duw asîn okîyatîrganda.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Blessing the World * Dúniy aga y ararlî

Blessing the World * Dúniy aga y ararlî


Metrelí kay tarmalar Laila Shik ak i * palestine Born and raised in Palestine, Laila Shikaki recently graduated from Chapman U niversity with an M .F.A degree with concentration on poetry. Returning home in J une, Laila hopes to teac h creative writing and literature in Ramallah.

Pilistin’de tuwmalî ósmelí Leyla Şikakiy yakînlarda Amerika’dakî Chapman Darúlfúnun’undan mezun bolîp manzume alanînda G úzel Sanatlar yúksek lisansîn aldî. Ramallah'ta yazuw we edebiyat muwallímesí bolağak bolîp geşen Haziran ayînda ğurtuna kaytîp keldí.

Laila Shikaki palestine


Metric Co nvers io ns Laila Shik ak i * palestine



Watani, my homeland because of you I’ve lost many lovers. they couldn’t leave their havens to live in my heaven. they refused to leave the land of water for a land that has none, but in four months, I’ll be coming to you, my love. the first boy broke my heart; he left you to continue his studies. the second guy went back to where he came fromthe Land of the Free. the third man is about to let me leave; the internet there is slow, he says. Watani, the singers have sung song s about you. the poets before me many, and the ones to come much more, still write words of love to you. but I want to see you. inhale, and apologize. the tears that are falling now are making me guilty. I shouldn’t cry; nobody cries before they see their lover.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Laila Shik ak i * palestine



atanîm, ata ğurtum seníñ sebebíñden kóp dost kaybettím. óz tapînagîn taşlap mením ğennetímde yaşamaga razî bolmadîlar. suw memleketín taşlap kup-kurî memleketke taşînmak razî bolmadîlar, lákin bírkaş ayîñ íşínde, men saga kaytîp keleğekmen, yárem. síptí bala kaálbímní ezíp kettí; okîyğak bolîp sení terk etíp kettí ekínğísí kelgen yeríne kaytîp kettí - Azat Memleketíne. úşúnğúsí mením ketmeme razî bolayatîr; onda awlar bek yawaş şalîşatan dep ayta. Watanîm, şalgîğîlar şakîrdîlar sení dúrkúlerínde. menden ewel şayirler, kóp şayir, menden soñra kelgen şayirler de, taa kóp, seníñ úşún súyúw sózlerí yazîp turarlar. lákin men sení kóreğek bolaman. sení íşíme tartîp, mení bagîşlamañnî ístiyğekmen. şúndí akkan kózyaşlarîm mení kabaátlí eteler. ğîlamamalîman. bírew ğîlamaz súygúlúsún kóreğegíne.


Metric Co nvers io ns Laila Shik ak i * palestine


the first time he knew where I came from, he smiled. you carry a big bag on your shoulder, he hummed as if debating whether we should hang out. we did. he broke my heart, but not before I let him. Watani, you have let me believe that you will wait for me unchanged. but then you built more streets, building s with blue windows reflecting the sun I’ve been told is everywhere, but I can’t feel it like that. not here, not without you, not outside you. Watanti, you grew, you expanded, you got hurt, but you hurt me too. you let me leave, but I got attached. now I feel comfortable in this area, and again you want me back. poets have written about you and I have as well. I will come back to you, but it aches my heart to leave this man. but for you, I will. For you, I will leave my heart broken, and bruised. for you, Watani my right hand will continue to write words about you, for you, because of you and dedicated only to you.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Laila Shik ak i * palestine

ka-yerlí ekenímní síptí úyrengenínde kúlúmsúredí. omîzîñda kayet awur bír ğúk taşîysîñ dep mîrîldadî kóríşíp turayîk m-eken dep túşúnúp kalganday. kóríşíp turduk. ğanîmnî ğaktî, ama oga músaade bergen soñ. Watanîm, mení bekliyğegíñní añlaştîrgan edíñ, heş deñíşmiy kalağagîñnî. amma soñra sokak-sokak man kúneşní kaytîmlatkan mawî penğírelí úyler kurduñ heryerde tabîlîr dep aytîlgan kúneşní, ama maga kóre başka túrlí. mínda başka túrlí, sensíz, seníñ tîşîñda. Watanîm, óstíñ, ğayîlîp kettíñ, ğaralandîñ, lákin mení de ğaraladîñ. sen mením ketmeme músaade berdíñ, lákin men saga baylî kaldîm. men bo memleketke tam alîşkanîmda sen mením kaytîp kelmemní ístiysíñ. Watanîm, şalgîğîlar sení dúrkúlerínde okîdîlar. menden ewel şayirler, kóp şayîr, menden soñra kelgen şayirler de, taa kóp, seníñ úşún súyúw sózlerí yazîp turarlar. şayirler şakîrdîlar sení manzúmelerínde, men de sení şakîrdîm. kaytîp kelírmen saga lákin bo insannî taşlap keteğegíme kaálbím bek kanay. ama seníñ úşún bonî da yaparman. neler şekmem ke men, seníñ úşún? seníñ úşún, Watanîm, oñ kolîm man sózler yazîp turağakman, sení añlatkan, saga bagîşlangan, seníñ sebebíñden, saga hasret etílgen sózler.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Moonlight Sy mphony * Ay kuy î

Moonlight Sy mphony * Ay k uy î


Metrelí kay tarmalar Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Photo: Deepak

Bhadauria Manis h Singh was born on 3 rd December 1982 at Ahmedabad in G ujarat. He is a poet and Short Story writer. Right now he is pursuing his doctorate on the I ndian E nglish P oetry of Jayanta Mahapatra from J .J .T University Rajasthan. He has published his short s tories and poems in numerous literary magazines and journals like Indian Rumination, Nazar Look, Taj mahal Review and Harves t of New Millennium. H e has als o presented his research papers at more than twenty national and international c onferences . He has also publis hed his first poetry c ollection called “World: I nner and O uter” in 2012 published by

Şiir we hikáye yazuwğîsî Bahadawriya Maniş Sing 3 Aralîk 1982 senesí Hindistan’nîñ Gujarat’takî Ahmedabat şeherínde tuwdî. Şo anda o Jayanta Mahapatra’nîñ Hint we I ngílízğe şiirí hakkînda Rajasthan Darúlfúnununda doktoratîn ázírliy. Edebiyatîn kóp sayîda dergíleríge ğayîmlandîrîp aktaruw şalîşmalarîn ulus we uluslararasî meşawreleríne tanîttî. „Dúniya: íşí men, tîşî man” atlî 2012 senesínde onîñ síptí şiir kitabî da şîktî.

Bhadauria Manish Singh gujarat, india


Metric Co nvers io ns Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Another Morning

Another Morning

Morning came in sweating and tired, sleepless streets of city yawn wildly, with blood smeared face of tar. Few hopes of a family got trampled, here last night. Day totters towards, a hypothetical noon and reporters, swarm over the scene, to craft new script of recent history, interrogating sobbing eyes of mother. Crushed flash marked few yellow pages, of police diary, and few white outlines to mark, shadows of death. A rich man throws few gold, coins and tries to rape the bandaged lady. Evening draws in with few, vacillating scholars musing on screen. Crowd gathers over insane, streets holding short lived bars of light, which dies in just a perimeter of week.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Başka saba


aba terlep-yorîlîp kelgen kasabanîñ yukusuz sokaklarî w ahşiyğe esnep, katranlî yúzúne kan ğagîp. Geşen keşe mínda, bír korantanîñ az umutî ayak astîna alîndî Kún aldîna sallana, tahminiy bír úyle men muhabirler olay yerínde kaynaşîp, az ew el geşken zamannîñ ruhun miydanga ketírmege, yaşlî ana kózlerín soraştîrîp. Ezílgen etler polis defterlerínde bírkaş sayifa sîzîp, bírkaş biyaz sîzîk man ólím kólgesín w urgulay. Bírkaş altîn atîp bír zengín Saruw lî ğaralî kîskaayaklînîñ namusun kírleteğek bola. Akşam bolganda olaynîñ perde artînda túşúnúp kalgan sáde bírkaş kíşí. Álem delíğe toplaşîr bír aptanîñ íşínde ólgen sokaklarnîñ ğarîk şîbîklarnîñ astînda.


Metric Co nvers io ns Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india



Frustration drops failures to anchor life, like dubious eyes settle on question paper, and wait for unavailable ideas, to fill the blankness of answer sheets. Musing leads to an introvert witness box, within a room where my present is accused by past, and every false objection gets over ruled by my conscience. Spider of feelings weaves a net of time, and retardation allows a rear view of path, where lies all wrong turns, with no ‘U’ turn sign board. Repentance knocks gates of gods, to seek an antidote for the soul, which lies unconscious so mewhere in huge towers of sins.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Temír atuw


ahrumiyet hayatnîñ temíratuw başar uw suzlugun azaytar, soraştîruw káátníñ manasîzlîgîn totîrmaga tabîlmagan fikir beklep boşlîkka karap kalgan ğúrek kîzdîrmaz kózlerdiy.

Oy ğúrsetmesí íşíne kapalgan tanîgîñ kafesíne ğol aşar, viğdanîm uydurma itirazlarnî kaytarar, búgúnúmní túnew únúm kabaátlí tutkan daw a odasînda. T uygî órímğegí bír zaman ğîlîmî órer, keşíkme de arka ğolnî kórmek imkáanîn sawlar, “U” ğol işaretí eksílíp yañgîş aylanîşlar píteşken yer. Ózín kaybetíp yúksek gúna kulalarînda ğatîp kalgan ruh dermanîñ artîndan tew be tañrîlarîñ kapîsîn şalîr.


Metric Co nvers io ns Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Temporary Life

Temporary Life

Morality is momentary warmth, realized in the coldness of prostitute, when attack of heat passes though thighs, with zero impulse in her inert eyes. Nothingness of life buzzes in ears, through dying moisture of pyre woods. And temporary salvation, germinates and dies at cemetery gates. Creepers of shame embraces like a leech, when lonely mirrors stare hard. But salt of pretentions and lies, decompose those creepers in day light. And determination breaks, like an old ascetic’s control, when senses paralyze his Yog*, And eyes waiting for God get contaminated. Guilt is a nail that pinches, while walking bare feet on past stones, cobbled within few dark corridors, hidden inside heart. * Yog- Indian word for Penance


Metrelí kay tarmalar Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Geşúwğí ómír


hláak fahişe suw uklugî bergen geşúw ğí ístír, sîğaklîk bastîrmasî ataletlí kózlerín kîzîştîrmadan uyluk geşkende. Ğangan tawlarnîñ ólgen kaytîklîgîndan ğol aşîp hayat kîymetsízlígí kulakta bîzîldar. Geşúw ğí kurtuluş ta kabírístan kapîsînda pîşkîrîp ólír. Ayîp asmalarî súlúktiy kuşaklap alîr ğañgîz aynalar kózín akîytîp karaganda. Ama ístek men yalan tuzî kúndúz ğaragînda súlúkní şúrútúr. Metanet te kobar eskí terk-í dúniyalîk bír ğoklamasî gibí tuyuw T ew bení toñdîrîp Allahnî beklegen kózler bîlaşsa. Kabaát şímtiygen bír mîktîr ótken zamannîñ taşlîgînda ğalañgayak ğúrúp góñílde saklangan bírkaş karañgî taşğol aralîknî geşkende.


Metric Co nvers io ns

Not so Different but Indifferent???

Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india


Not so Different but Indifferent???

Hunger and poverty walk both the sides, we both have young widows; and empty palms and crippled legs; which measure streets of our, temples and mosques. We share common heritage of disaster, with illiteracy that still roam in our diseased society. Each day we dump thousands of dreams at our line of control, which burn continuously with our mutual hatred. We both fear that toy lying alone in garden; and that suitcase left at cross roads to blast lives. Every year we die in unnatural deaths of terrorism, not so different but why so indifferent we are? Nuclear crops and thousands of mines, have invaded our bellies and farms, where hatred grow without a reason; on raped soil of our lands.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Bek farklî tuwul da, tuygusuzmuz mî???


şlîk man pîkarelík ekí yakta ğúrermíz, ekew mízníñ ğaş tullarîmîz bar; boş aw uşumuz da, sakat ayagîmîz da; olar sokaklarîmîznî, tapînaklarîmîznî, ğamílerímízní ólşer. Kasta toplîmda dolaşîp turgan ğahillík men Felaket mirasîn ortakşa paylaşîrmîz. Karşîlîklî dúşmanlîgîmîz man toktamadan ğanîp turgan Hergún zaptetalmagan biñlerğe túş tógíp atarmîz. Bakşada atîlîp kalgan şo oyînğaktan ekew mízde korkarmîz; Ğol kóşesínde ğatîp kalgan hayat patlatuwğî bavuldan da; Her sene tuw a tîşînda terórğílík ólímlerínde ólemíz, bek farklî tuw ulmuz, neşín şo kadar tuygusuz ekenmíz? Dúşmanlîk sebepsíz ósken yerlerde biñlerğe patlagan mayîn man ózeklí semere şíptlíklerímízní-kursaklarîmîznî bastîlar; zorlanîp kírletílgen ğurt topraklarîmîzda.


Metric Co nvers io ns Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Passing Cloud

Passing Cloud

Her presence was the welcome downpour. on the parched realm of my dry heart, soft feet took her very deep and inside, like nature’s fine spectacle and a piece of art. When smile folded her juicy lips in curve, happiness stimulated my every sluggish nerve. Desires crowded in like oceanic surf, when I watched her bare feet on turf. When she unfolded bun of her long hair, freshness of quenched earth spread through air; emotions got sprouted in the hope of spring, as I imagined her hand in my hand with ring My timid heart decided to slip and dare. As it was not the moment to let go and spare. I approached her with a constant stare, And asked her, “Will you be my pair?’ She laughed and unheard my heard words, like mountains return your cries in echoes. She went ahead like passing cloud. without dropping a single drop from her shroud


Metrelí kay tarmalar Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india

Geşúwğí bulut


nîñ barlîgî hoş seldiy boldî. mením kaw urulgan kurî kaálbíníñ ústúnden geşken ğîmşak ayaklar onî íşeríge-derenlíkke kírsettí, tuw anîñ gúzel temaşasî man bír sanat eserí gibí. Kúlúmsúrew í kaytîk erínlerín katlaganda kunak bútún ğansîz asaplarîmnî uyandîrdî. Yeşíllíkke baskan şîpalak ayagîna karaganda heweslí ísteklerím deñíz ğeltaktalarîday kalabalîklaştî. Uzun şáşlerín şeşíp ğíbergende sebílgen toprak tazelígí haw aga ğayîldî. Baár umutlarînda tuygular filizleníp onîñ kolîn ózím yúzúklí kolîmda hayal etkende Úrkek kaálbím tayîp ğesaretlenmege karar aldî. Çúnkí fîrsat kaşîrmak zamanî tuw ul edí. Deñíşmez bír karaw man oga yaklaşîp: “Mením koşagîm bolîrsîñ mî” dep soradîm. Kúlúp sózlerímní eşítmegen kíşí boldî ğîlaw uñnî şîñlap kaytargan daklarday. Geşúw ğí bír buluttay ğolîna karay berdí. Ğaşmagîndan bír tamla kaşîrîp túşúrmeden.


Metric Co nvers io ns Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india


Floating moon behind all cloud shifts, enters heart through open slits. From a glance, like and ultimate crush, you now come on my face as a blush.


You are alluring gust of morning breeze, that pollanises flowers of new colors and breed. My heart runs, jumps and elites like steed, With you I enter in lovers’ creed. Like morning dew drops on naked cliffs you walk inside in a wonderful riff All disturbances cease as you walk within ease, now my pals use your name to tease. I don’t fall in love but rose with you in power. as your love drenches my corridor with shower, in your arms, in your lap like raven, I find all new way to my own heaven. When I hold you in my breathing arms, I see my life line in your delicate palms. like soulful poem and rhythmic psalm, I sing you my love all day in absolute calm.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Bhadauria Manish Singh * gujarat, india



y yúzúp şîgar bulutlarnîñ arkasîndan, kírer kaálpke aşîk aralîklardan. Atîp bír kóz, sañke soñgî muharebe, bír kîzaruw gibí kelesíñ betíme-yúzúme. Sensíñ saba şemalnîñ aldatuw ğî ğelí, tozlap her renkten, her soydan şeşekní. Sen men aşarman sewdalî inanşlar góñílím aygîrday atîlîp şapkîldar. Saba şiy tamlasî gibí şîpalak kayanîñ ústúnde ğúresíñ gúzel bír nayme íşínde onî raát kîdîrîp píter bútún uzlaşmamalar şúndí atîñnî kullanîp şakalaşîrlar arkadaşlar. Saga bolgan sew dam man kuw etím óser. Seníñ aşkîñ ízlegíme suw seber, kuşagîñda, kuzgunday yuw alanîp etegíñde, ğañî ğollar tabarman óz ğennetíme. Solîşîn tartkan kollarîma sení alîp tutkanda kórermen hayat sîzîgîmnî inğe aw uşuñda. şiirdiy tuygulî, surediy tartîmlî, kún boyî raát şalîrman saga bolgan sew damnî.


Metric Co nvers io ns * The Meaning of Life * Ómír manasî

The Meaning of Life * Ómír manasî


Metrelí kay tarmalar Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india Ram Krishna Singh, an Indian English poet, has been writing for about four decades . Professionally a language teac her in a technic al university in D hanbad, India, he has published more than 160 researc h articles , 175 book reviews and 37 books , including Sexless Solitude and Other Poems (2009), Sens e and Silence: Collected Poems (2010), and New and Selected Poems Tanka and Haiku (2012). H is haiku and tanka have been internationally read and appreciated.

Ram Kírişna Sing Hintşe we Íngílízğe yazgan bír şayirdír, síptí tízme uydurganî yakîn kîrk yîl bolayatîr. Hindistan'nîñ Danbat kasabasînda bír fen darúlfúnununda Íngílízğe tíl muwalímídír. Ğayîmlaganlarîndan aktaruw makalesí 160’tan fazla we kitap tenkîyîtî 175’ní geşer. Bastîrgan 37 kitabîndan soñ başlîklar 2009’da Ğinsiyet síz Ğañgîzlîk we başka manzumeler, 2010’da Sesízlík – Manzumeler ğîyîntîgî we 2012’de Ğañî we saylangan şiirler – t anka man haykuwlar. Onîñ haykuw man tanka manzumelerí uluslararasînda okîlîp maktalgandîr.

Ram Krishna Singh jharkhand, india www.rks profrksingh@


Metric Co nvers io ns Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india

I Too Descend

I Too Descend

Some fresh bones, and designer's dress distorted hopes, cataract vision hardly any better the face of the body and if there is a soul, the soul hears the map guides the mind's midnight but the destination is different deception is courage they know the end of the journey and get down when the train stops I too descend


Metrelí kay tarmalar Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india

Men de túşermen


írkaş taze súyek, bír píşímğí entárí kîyîş umutlar, kóztumanlî kóríş alayîsî kew deníñ yúzí men zorlanîr

bír de tîn bolsa, tîn eşítír ğolnî karta kósterer akîlnîñ yarîkeşesíne lákin barîlağak yer başka peşmanlîk ğesarettír olar bílíp ğolnîñ soñîn túşerler tíren toktaganda men de túşermen


Metric Co nvers io ns Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india




I don't know where I lived in my former existence but the hell I've breathed for four decades here couldn't adapt my soul: I remain a stranger to them and to the cold walls that put out the candle-lights in my roofless house

Metrelí kay tarmalar Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india



skí barlîgîmda ka-yerde yaşaganîmnî bílmem ama mínda kîrk senedír íşíme tartkan ğehennem ruhumnî heş alîştîra-almadî: olar úşún, tóbesíz úyúmnúñ mayşîraklarîn sóndírgen salkîn duw arlarî úşún men bír yabanğî kalîrman


Metric Co nvers io ns Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india

None Talk

None Talk


Flowers don't bloom in tribute to builders' apathy the trees are dying: they too know they'll be felled or the heat will kill the concrete rises calamity will rise none talk the ruins they bring

Metrelí kay tarmalar Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india

Lapîn etmezler


eşekler bina otîrtkan íşçíníñ dalgînlîgîna hasret bolîp aşmaz.

terekler ólír: kesílíp ya da ateşte óleğegín olar da bílírler beton yúkselír felaket artar mîratkanlarîñ lapîn etmezler


Metric Co nvers io ns Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india

Return to Wholeness

Return to Wholeness


The body is precious a vehicle for awakening treat it with care, said Buddha I love its stillness beauty and sanctity here and now sink into its calm to hear the whispers in all its ebbs and flows erect, penetrate the edge of life and loss return to wholeness

Metrelí kay tarmalar Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india

Pítínlíkke kayt


ew de kîymetlídír uyanuw ga bír telege oga sak bol, dep aytkan Buda

şúndí mínda onîñ sessízlígínden gúzellígínden we múbareklígínden hoşlanaman óz kabar uw man alşayuwlarnîñ pítín şîbîrdawlarîn eşítmege sabîrîna dalaman yúkselíp yaşam man kayîpnîñ kenarîna dalîp pítínlíkke kayt


Metric Co nvers io ns Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india


The crack in the sky is not the rosy cleavage to rape the body


nor is the beast any free to escape the bloody river that reflects stony wrath in doggy position they all expect their reward for burying the noise of sunny free wheeling in frozen passion turn beggars they all search warmth with ash-smeared sadhus at roadside tea stall whistle and wash off sins in sangam* muddled with privileged few soar high but I'm glad I crawl on earth my roots don't wave in the air (*sangam is the confluence of two or more rivers; also, mating)


Metrelí kay tarmalar Ram Krishna Singh * jhark hand, india



ókyúzúnde ğarîlma tuw ul şo pembe tayîş kew de teğaw uzî etmege

kuturgandelílíkní kaytîmlap şakîltaşlî ğîlgadan kurtulgan it turuşunda w ahşiy hayw an da tuw ul hepísí bakşîş bekler kúneşsíz aylanuwlarnîñ daw uşlarîn toñgan hewesníñ íşíne kómgení úşún tílenşí ğetíp alayîsî kúl súrmelí sadhuw* rahiplerden sîğaklîk karar ğol kenarînda çaykanelerde şîjgîrîp gúnasîn boşatîp sangam** íşínde şaşîrîp bírkaş sayuw lî man yokarga sekíríp ama men ğeryúzúnde súrúnúp ğúrgenímden razîman tamîrlarîm haw ada ğelpíldemez (*sadhuw - Hint rahibí **sangam – ekí ya da fazla akkan ğîlganîñ tabîşkan yerí, aynî zamanda, şíptleşúw )


Metric Co nvers io ns * Magic Flower * A baga şeşegí

Magic Flower * A baga şeşegí


Metrelí kay tarmalar Caitlin Elizabeth Thomson * washington, usa Caitlin Elizabeth T homson is a Canadian who found herself living in America because of love. She writes about the apoc alypse, c rime, and hiking. Her work has appeared in three anthologies and numerous journals , including The Liner, A cappella Zoo, The Moth, and The Literary Review Of Canada.

Keytlin Elizabet To msîn sewda sebebínden Amerika'da yaşagan bír Kánadalîdîr. O kîyamet kúní, ğinayet we kîdîruwğîlîk hakkînda yazar. Onîñ şalîşmalarî úş ğîyîntîkta we bírkóp edebiyat dergísínde yer aldî.

Caitlin Elizabeth Thomson washington, usa


Metric Co nvers io ns Caitlin Elizabeth Thomson * washington, usa

The Saint Anne

The Saint Anne


I have a lost boat, green and seaworthy. Soft lines from sail to sloop. I have known times when sleep only comes in the belly, sails waving, water lapping, leading from island to pier. Her angles advertised on telephone poles, like the colors of a lost cat. Villagers have falsely identified blockier boats as mine. Boats the color of the Adriatic, they are certain I owned. They insist that color is only camouflage, but on the darkest nights I shifted her sails and found her stern. I know the grain and nicks well enough that paint would not matter.

Metrelí kay tarmalar Caitlin Elizabeth Thomson * washington, usa

Azî Hannah oytîlgan bír kemím bar, yeşíl w e deñízge láyîk. Ğuka sîzîklar ğelkeñden şatanaga kadar. T anîdîm yukunuñ tek karînga kelgen zamanlar, sallangan ğelkenler, şîrîldagan suwlar, ğol alîp adadan


suw kalaw una. Kóşelerí terfiyetlí uzakses ğehetlerínde, ğoytîlgan bír mîşîknîñ renklerí gibí. Kóylíler aldanîp kaba kemílerní mením kemíme Uşattîlar. Adris Deñízíñ rengínde kemíler, meñkí bolganîna eminler. Rengí sáde bír ğaşîrma rengí bolganîn ayta bereler, lákin eñ karañgî keşelerde ğelkeñlerín aw uşturup pupasîñ taptîm. Boyasîn hesapka alamayğak kadar búrtúk men kertíklerní tanîyman.


Metric Co nvers io ns Caitlin Elizabeth Thomson * washington, usa

Box Living

Box Living

One doesn’t intend to comment on strangers lives, but when you wake to a glass shattering on the floor above you, followed by a scream and then the words I refuse, repeated, you know that sleep will not return for quite some time. They divorced and for a while it was quiet. The husband would wander the neighborhood in white undershirts, the wife presumably far away. Then they discovered the phone and a whole new kind of one sided argument erupted, louder, with no broken dishes. Our next door neighbors were happy, and in love, which is a different sort of problem. A different set of sounds.


Metrelí kay tarmalar Caitlin Elizabeth Thomson * washington, usa

Yaşaw kutugî


aşkalarîñ yaşamîn yorîmlamasîn bírew ístemez, ama úst katta bastîrmaga şaptîrîlgan kadeníñ sînmasî yukuñdan yantkanda, artîndan ókírúw men kabletílmiyğek sózler de kele berse, bír zaman úşún yukuñ kaytîp kelmiyğegín añlaysîñ. Onlar ayîrîlîşkan soñ bír súre raát boldîk. Biyaz mayow kíyíp akay mahallení dolaşîr edí, apakay aw lak yerlerde bolsa kerek. Ondan soñ uzaksesní tabîp tek aw azlî başka kaw galar koptî, taa bek bakîrîp, şanaklar sînmadan. Bízím kapî koñşîlarîmîz dewletlí, aşîk edíler, bo da başka bír mesele sayîlîr. Başka bír ses ğîyînî.


Metric Co nvers io ns * Kipchak Steppe * Deşt-í Kîpşak

Kipchak Steppe * Deşt-í Kîpşak


Metrelí kay tarmalar * acknowledgements

acknowledgements Fern G. Z. Carr, “In the Beginning.” P oetry USA 12, no. 4 (F all 2005): 4. Fern G. Z. Carr, “P igalle.” Ohio P oetry Day 2012 G reat Expectations

Contest Honorable M ention. Fern G. Z. Carr, “M orning Rapture.” In P aws, Claw s, Wings and Things, edited by Jillian Roath and E ric DeAngelo, 16. N ew York: Local G ems P oetry P ress, 2012. Fern G. Z. Carr, "N eruda on the Beach at C apri." Okanagan A rts (S ummer 2008): 26. Fern G. Z. Carr, "Who Will Weep for M e." Talv ipäivänseissaus S pecial, no. 7 (2004): 9. U te C arson, “H eart of H earts.” Extraterrestrial Life (N azar Look). U te C arson, “Toward Evening.” Extraterrestrial Life (Nazar Look). U te C arson, “Rungs.” Extraterrestrial Life (N azar Look). Kev in M arshal Chopson, “F alling Man.” Nazar Look, no.24 (December 2012):25. Kev in M arshal Chopson, “O blivious.” N azar Look, no.24 (December 2012):26. Jude C onlee, “H ow Can I Be S uch a Liar?” N azar Look, no.24 (December 2012):5. Jude C onlee, “A nd You Will N ot H ear This, E ither.” N azar Look, no.30 (June 2013):37. Alan H aider, “M irage.” N azar Look, no.23 (N ovember 2012):12. Alan H aider, “Clothes.” N azar Look, no.23 (N ovember 2012):13. Alan H aider, “S tuck.” N azar Look, no.23 (N ovember 2012):13.


Metric Co nvers io ns * acknowledgements John P atrick H ill, “O bsidian and Diamonds.” N azar Look, no.25 (January 2013):6. Christopher H ivner, “G etting an E arly S tart on My Messianic Complex.” N azar Look, no.24 (December 2012):13. Christopher H ivner, “The Age of Dissemination.” N azar Look, no.24 (December 2012):14. S teve Jacobson, “C herub-child.” Calv ary C ross. Tejasw ini Kale, “Symphony.” N azar Look, no.25 (January 2013):25. Tejasw ini Kale, “The Hanging.” Nazar Look, no.25 (January 2013):26. P hillip Larrea, "Bartender." P oetry Bus Magazine, We the People (C old

Riv er P ress). P hillip Larrea, "Bank-Owned." N ostrov ia!, M edusa's Kitchen, We the

P eople (C old Riv er P ress). P hillip Larrea, "S pitting N ails." N ostrov ia, M edusa's Kitchen, Our P atch

(Writing Knights P ress). Christopher Leibow , “A bandon.” Nazar Look, no.22 (O ctober 2012):14. H al O’Leary, “A Vow .” Labletter Magazine. H al O’Leary, “S pring H as S prung.” Rainbow Rose. H al O’Leary, “Oh Yes, The P oor.” S leeping Cat Books. H al O’Leary, “The Answer.” Crannog M agazine. Jack P eachum, “In the M ountains.” N azar Look, no.22 (O ctober 2012):8. Jack P eachum, “Lady of the Evening.” N azar Look, no.22 (O ctober 2012):9. Jack P eachum, “The Younger Woman.” N azar Look, no.24 (December 2012):35. S teve Rushton, “Dear S ilent S irens In S ubatomic S tations.” N azar Look, no.22 (O ctober 2012):20. Caitlin E lizabeth Thomson, “Box Liv ing.” Burningw ord. Caitlin E lizabeth Thomson, “The S aint Anne.” Ephemera.


Metrelí kay tarmalar * table of contents

Metric Conversions – Metrelí kaytarmalar table of contents preface .................................................................................. 7 Oh, M other Tongue * Ey, tuw gan tíl.............................................. 16 Shawn Aveningo - califor nia, usa................................ 17 U nion ............................................................................... 18 Bírleşúw ......................................................................... 19 H unting * Aw........................................................................... 20 Gary Beck - new york, usa ....................................... 21 F utilism............................................................................. 22 P aydasîzlîk...................................................................... 23 F ree Will?.......................................................................... 24 Azat rîza?....................................................................... 25 Loss ................................................................................. 26 Kaybetúw ....................................................................... 27 E ternal S truggle.................................................................. 28 S oñsîz kay ret................................................................... 29 Last G asp.......................................................................... 30 S oñ solîş ........................................................................ 31 Off Course......................................................................... 32 Ğ eriyan tîşînda ................................................................ 33 Venus, Daughter of M oon * Ay kîzî Zóhre....................................... 34 M ike Berger - utah, usa .......................................... 35 M ust?............................................................................... 36 Kerek mí?....................................................................... 37 G ood Books ....................................................................... 38 Yakşî kitap...................................................................... 39 S ilence * Tîñklîk........................................................................ 40 Les Ber nstein - califor nia, usa ................................... 41 H ow to Build a H eart in the Rushed M omentum of Later Life........ 42 S oñragî hay atnîñ telesúw anînda góñíl kurumî talimatî............. 43 Birthday ............................................................................ 44 Tuw um kúní.................................................................... 45 Every day........................................................................... 46


Metric Co nvers io ns * table of contents H ergún...........................................................................47 Bitter F east.........................................................................48 Aşşî bay ram.....................................................................49 M other U terus * U may ana..........................................................50 April Mae M . Ber za - philippines.................................. 51 S oneto S oltero ....................................................................52 Ğ añgîz sonet....................................................................53 Wheel of E ternity * M eñgílík tegerşígí ............................................54 Fern G. Z. Carr - br itish columbia, canada ....................... 55 N ot Yet..............................................................................56 Bolmay taa......................................................................57 In the Beginning..................................................................58 S íptí...............................................................................59 P igalle...............................................................................60 P igalle mahallesí...............................................................61 M orning Rapture..................................................................62 S aba ğazibesí...................................................................63 N eruda on the Beach at Capri ................................................64 N eruda Kapriy’níñ kumlugunda............................................65 Who Will Weep for M e..........................................................66 M ením úşún kím ğîlayğak?..................................................67 M other's Heart * Ana ğúregí ........................................................68 Ute C arson - texas, usa ........................................... 69 H eart of H earts ...................................................................70 Kaálpler kaálbí .................................................................71 Tow ard Evening ..................................................................72 Akşamga dogrî.................................................................73 Rungs ...............................................................................74 Basamaklar .....................................................................75 H appiness * Baht.......................................................................76 Kevin Mar shall C hopson - tennessee, usa ....................... 77 Falling M an.........................................................................78 Tîgîrîp túşken kíşí..............................................................79 Obliv ious............................................................................80 U nutturuw ğî ....................................................................81 Troubadour........................................................................82 Ozan..............................................................................83 The P erpetual M otion of N ature * Tabiyatnîñ fasîlasîz aylanuw î...........84 Jude Conlee - califor nia, usa...................................... 85 H ow C an I Be S uch a Liar? ....................................................86 Bo kadar yalanğî ka-típ te bolîrman?.....................................87


Metrelí kay tarmalar * table of contents And You Will N ot H ear This, E ither ......................................... 88 H em bonî da eşítmezsíñ sen............................................... 89 Call * Ş akîruw .......................................................................... 90 Don Darkes - kwazulu-natal, south afr ica....................... 91 Zululand Rosetta S tone ........................................................ 92 Zuluw stan’nîñ Rosetta Taşî................................................. 93 Volga-H ome * E díl-Ğ urt.............................................................. 94 Dr . M ig - eskişehir , turkey........................................ 95 The Last G oodbye............................................................... 96 S oñ saw lîkmankal............................................................. 97 Cup * S awut ............................................................................ 98 Arthur C . For d, Sr - pennsylvania, usa........................... 99 Ostrich.............................................................................100 Dewekuşî ......................................................................101 H aiku...............................................................................102 H aykuw.........................................................................103 G uardian * S aklaw ğî.................................................................104 Alan Haider - flor ida, usa........................................ 105 M irage.............................................................................106 S erap ...........................................................................107 Clothes ............................................................................108 U rba.............................................................................109 S tuck...............................................................................110 Kírtleşúw .......................................................................111 S ong of the E arth * Ğ er ğîrî .......................................................112 Alan D. Harr is - michigan, usa .................................. 113 Dorothy 's F inal Words.........................................................114 Dorothy ’níñ soñ sózí ........................................................115 P earls ..............................................................................116 Dúrdaneler....................................................................117 E mancipated Innocence ......................................................118 Ğ etíşken sábiylík.............................................................119 P re-F light .........................................................................120 U şmazdan ew el ..............................................................121 Winner * Ğeñúw ğí....................................................................122 John P atr ick Hill - califor nia, usa ............................... 123 Obsidian and Diamonds.......................................................124 Obsit men E lmaz taşlarî....................................................125 S ource of Inspiration * Ilham şîganagî..........................................126 C hristopher Hivner - pennsylvania, usa ........................ 127 G etting an E arly S tart on My M essianic Complex.......................128


Metric Co nvers io ns * table of contents P eygamberlík múrekkeplígímden temel fikirlerím................... 129 The Age of Dissemination.................................................... 130 Ğ aygînlaşma şagî............................................................ 131 S hepherd's S ong * Ş oban ğîrî..................................................... 134 Steven Jacobson - minnesota, usa ............................. 135 Light of G old..................................................................... 136 Altîn ğarîk ..................................................................... 137 Cherub-C hild..................................................................... 138 M elek bala..................................................................... 139 A C hild, G od’s G ift.............................................................. 140 Bala, Tañrî’nîñ bakşîşî...................................................... 141 Lov e N ' Life ...................................................................... 142 Ziya man yaşam............................................................. 143 Child Yearning for Love....................................................... 144 Balanîñ súygí hasretí ....................................................... 145 S pring and the E ternal F riend............................................... 146 Baár we ebediy dostlîk..................................................... 147 The Thread of F ate * Ómír ğumagî.............................................. 148 Tulasi Suguna Prasad Kalavala - andhra pr adesh, india...... 149 I Lov e World..................................................................... 150 M en dúniy anî súyemen .................................................... 151 Bird of H appiness * Baht kuşî..................................................... 152 Tejaswini Kale - maharashtr a, india ........................... 153 Symphony........................................................................ 154 S imfoniy a...................................................................... 155 The H anging..................................................................... 156 Asîluw .......................................................................... 157 M oonlit N ight * Aylî tún............................................................. 158 Paul Killom - michigan, usa..................................... 159 The Whole World............................................................... 160 Bútún dúnya.................................................................. 161 M um's F lower * Anay îmîñ gúlí .................................................... 162 Ron Koppelberger - flor ida, usa ................................ 163 S our Sweetblossom............................................................ 164 E kşílí-tatlîlî şeşekler......................................................... 165 The S ong of Lov e * M uhabbet ğîrî............................................... 166 P hillip Larr ea - california, usa .................................. 167 S pitting N ails .................................................................... 168 Tîrnak túkúrúşí............................................................... 169 Bank Owned..................................................................... 170 Banka malî .................................................................... 171


Metrelí kay tarmalar * table of contents The Bartender...................................................................172 Kîrşîmağî.......................................................................173 Tow er of Time * Wakît kalasî .....................................................174 Larry Lefkowitz - israel.......................................... 175 Almost.............................................................................176 Yakînlayatîrganda............................................................177 Blaze...............................................................................178 Ateş .............................................................................179 A F lowered Vest.................................................................180 Bír şeşeklí kazaka............................................................181 To Begin ..........................................................................182 Başlayğak bolsañ ............................................................183 Call of the Wild * U luw man kaytawaz..........................................184 C hristopher Leibow - utah, usa ................................. 185 Abandon ..........................................................................186 Bazgeşúw......................................................................187 Blessing * Nasihat....................................................................190 Koketso M arishane - limpopo, south afr ica .................... 191 P oetic Sword.....................................................................192 Tízme kîlîşî.....................................................................193 P erfection S ucks ................................................................194 M ínsízlík sasîr.................................................................195 E pigram-Theory.................................................................196 E debiysîzgalî nazariy e ......................................................197 E pigram-S ight ...................................................................198 E debiysîzgalî kóríş ...........................................................199 Eye * Kóz...............................................................................200 V ladimir Nicolas - quebec, canada.............................. 201 Violence of C ities of G old.....................................................202 Altîn kermanlarda azgîlîk...................................................203 Adam and Eve * Adem men H aw a...............................................204 Hal O 'Leary - west vir ginia, usa................................. 205 F rom N othing?...................................................................206 Yoktan? ........................................................................207 Oh Yes, the P oor................................................................208 Ah, ebet, pîkareler...........................................................209 A F ailed M an.....................................................................210 Başaruw suz kíşí ..............................................................211 Because We Bought the Lie..................................................212 Uydurmanî dogrî-tora tutkanîmîz úşún.................................213 S pring H as S prung .............................................................214


Metric Co nvers io ns * table of contents Baár pîşkîrîp keldí ........................................................... 215 A Vow ............................................................................. 216 Ant .............................................................................. 217 Tw o Companions * Ekí ğoldaş.................................................... 218 Adnan Adam Onar t - massachusetts, usa...................... 219 M orning P rayer.................................................................. 220 S aba namazî.................................................................. 221 My Thoughts, My Dreams * Oylarîm, hayallarîm............................. 222 Jack Peachum - vir ginia, usa ................................... 223 Tropical S torm .................................................................. 224 Yoda boran.................................................................... 225 The Dean......................................................................... 226 Dekan .......................................................................... 227 Darw in ............................................................................ 228 Darw in ......................................................................... 229 Lady of the Evening ........................................................... 230 Akşam katunî................................................................. 231 In the M ountains ............................................................... 232 Daklarda....................................................................... 233 The Younger Woman.......................................................... 234 Taa ğaş bír kîskaayaklî..................................................... 235 Tatar S ong * Tatar ğîrî.............................................................. 236 Steve Rushton - england, uk ................................... 237 Dear S ilent S irens in S ubatomic S tations................................. 238 Aziz tîmgan dúdúk ğerastî atom kaşamaklarînda ................... 239 C ronus * Zaman...................................................................... 240 Adreyo Sen - west bengal, india................................ 241 Reading........................................................................... 242 Okîw ............................................................................ 243 U nquiet Hearts.................................................................. 244 Raátsíz góñíller............................................................... 245 S orrow * A ğî........................................................................... 246 Tom Sheehan - massachusetts, usa............................ 247 This Rare E arth & All Its Light .............................................. 248 Bo N adir Toprak man onîñ bútún ziyasî ............................... 249 Old Route 1 Barn at Recall................................................... 250 Bírínğí Ğol’dakî eskí ambar artka şakîrîlmakta ....................... 251 Blessing the World * Dúniy aga y ararlî .......................................... 252 Laila Shikaki - palestine ........................................ 253 Watani ............................................................................ 254 Watanîm....................................................................... 255


Metrelí kay tarmalar * table of contents M oonlight Symphony * Ay kuyî ...................................................258 Bhadaur ia Manish Singh - gujarat, india ....................... 259 Another M orning................................................................260 Başka saba....................................................................261 Anchor.............................................................................262 Temír atuw ....................................................................263 Temporary Life..................................................................264 G eşúwğí ómír.................................................................265 N ot so Different but Indifferent???.........................................266 Bek farklî tuwul da, tuy gusuzmuz mî???...............................267 P assing Cloud....................................................................268 G eşúwğí bulut ................................................................269 Blush...............................................................................270 Kîzaruw.........................................................................271 The Meaning of Life * Ómír manasî..............................................272 Ram Kr ishna Singh - jhar khand, india.......................... 273 I Too Descend...................................................................274 M en de túşermen............................................................275 S tranger...........................................................................276 Yabanğî ........................................................................277 N one Talk.........................................................................278 Lapîn etmezler................................................................279 Return to Wholeness ..........................................................280 P ítínlíkke kayt.................................................................281 S angam ...........................................................................282 S angam ........................................................................283 M agic Flow er * A baga şeşegí......................................................284 Caitlin Elizabeth Thomson - washington, usa.................. 285 The S aint A nne..................................................................286 Azî H annah....................................................................287 Box Liv ing ........................................................................288 Yaşaw kutugî .................................................................289 Kipchak S teppe * Deşt-í Kîpşak...................................................290 acknow ledgements................................................................291


Nazar Look Attitude and Culture Journal of Crimean Tatars in Romania

2013 Projects: Looking Back Anthology of Short Stories

Tomcat Tale by Valery Petrovsky Short Story Collection (English / Romanian / Crimean Tatar editions)

Metric Conversions – Metrelí kaytarmalar Poetry of Our Time - Búgúngí tízmeler ğîyîntîgî

2012 Projects: The Bizarre Age Anthology of Short Stories

Crossing the Path of Tellers Short Stories of Our Time

The Infinite Facets of Sphere An Anthology of Essays and Interviews

Magnetic Resonance Therapy Anthology of Interviews

Spectral Lines Anthology of Contemporary Poetry

Extraterrestrial Life Poetry of Our Time

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