Glendale April 2024 Newsletter

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Club News

April 2024


Mike Salgado Chantelle Prentice

Riley Johnson

Chip Wehrwein

Michaela Pina

Clint Whitney Jennifer Yu Mike Montgomery Tyson Odden Steve Kealy
GLENDALE COUNTRY CLUB 13440 Main Street Bellevue, WA 98005 Page 2-3 Pages 4-5 Pages 6-7 Pages 8-9 Page 10 Back page Monday, April 8th Saturday, April 13th Tuesday, April 16th Thursday, April 18th Wednesday, April 17th Friday, April 19th Tuesday, April 30th CLUBHOUSE/OFFICE (425) 746-7944 PRO SHOP (425) 746-7377
Kendall Rich Tami Fujii Jon Herendeen Anand Vadapalli Duke Eide Fred Fox Mark Haller Cindy Lohman Dan Hay Ken Alterman Ted Kohler Larry Graham

Dear Members,

Happy Spring. I am honored to serve as the Glendale Country Club president as we usher in Glendale’s upcoming centennial year. Did you know our facilities manager, Chip Wehrwein, has been at Glendale for 46 of those 100 years!

I wanted to thank Fred Fox for his leadership and vision this past year. I have enjoyed working side by side with Fred as he spearheaded initiatives including Glendale’s long Term Capital Plan, the sale of the land parcel on NE 8th and providing a framework for Glendale board/committee governance. In addition, thank you to Ellen Lenhart who has served on the board for the past 6 years. She is truly a rolemodel.

I also want to thank the membership and those that were able to attend our annual meeting on March 27th. The Board deeply appreciates the outpouring of support for the club’s management and staff as well as providing your thoughts and input on many of the initiatives that have been put into place around guest policies and the decision to maintain our Monday closure.

I will be working closely with Clint and the Board around prioritization, execution and communication of the many projects and initiatives that were identified from both the longterm planning and membership surveys that were fielded last year. There is a lot of work to be done and I look forward to jumping in.

For those of you who I have not met, my husband Keith Heffernan and I have been mem-

bers of Glendale for almost 10 years. Keith and I own a women’s golf apparel business and live in west Bellevue. We have a 28-yearold son, Griffin, who lives in Seattle. On a personal note, I love to cook, practice yoga, and yes, play golf. (Apologies in advance if an expletive comes flying out of my mouth on occasion.) I also commute to Portland to help care for my 97-year-old mother and 100-year-old aunt. I am a member of GWGA and sit on the House Committee. I love being a member at Glendale. It has provided Keith and I with such a great community. We are so grateful for the new friendships we have made. Glendale truly lives the values of excellence, integrity, respect and inclusiveness.

In that spirit of extending our radical hospitality, please join me in welcoming our newest members and staff to Glendale.

Proprietary Members:

John & Gemma Stilley

Troy & Shannon Schell

Paul & Shavonne Roeter

Peter Bartleson & Meghan Centers

David & Bo Kwon

Joseph & Dana Doucette

Associate Member:

Ned Schooler

New Staff

Food & Beverage Service:

Joelle Brenden

Jason Katz

Mick Eddy


Betsaida Castro


Nelson Villatoro


Nathan Stiefel

Tyson Odden

Tami Fujii President

I would also encourage you to volunteer for committees and to sign up for one of the upcoming clinics, club competitions or events as we approach opening day (and better weather). We also want to welcome back our “snowbirds” to Glendale.

For more information on club activities, committee meeting reports and upcoming committee meeting times, please go to

I hope that you will reach out to me personally with any questions or your feedback. I can be reached at My phone number is in the directory. President

Left to Right: Larry Graham (trustee), Fred Fox (past President), Tami Fujii (President), Clint Whitney (GM), Jon Herendeen (Vice President), Mark Haller (trustee), Cindy Lohman (trustee), Anand Vadapalli (secretary), Ted Kohler, (trustee). Not pictured: Duke Eide

Dear Glendale Members,

I hope that everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend and was able to take advantage of the beautiful weather.

I wanted to take a few minutes and share some information regarding guest play that was shared at the annual meeting and some minor adjustments to our guest policy that were recommended by our golf committee and approved by our board of trustees.

Inviting guests to join us at Glendale is an important part of your membership experience whether entertaining friends, family, or clients, sharing this great club with others is one of its primary benefits. Guest play is also an important revenue source for the club and serves as a wonderful membership sales avenue as our guests become members. We value our guests and encourage you to continue to invite your friends regularly. However, with continuing high round volumes we want to make sure that your access to the course as members takes precedent. With that in mind, the following changes have been implemented.

New General (local) Guest Policy

Being amongst the busiest clubs in the area, having the most liberal guest policy no longer seemed realistic. The new policy is stated to the right:

Local Guests: These include anyone whose principal residence is within a 50-mile radius

of Glendale. Local guests may enjoy all the privileges of the golf course, however:

• They may be invited no more than once in a given month and; (was previously twice per month)

• A particular guest cannot play additional rounds, even if invited by a different member.

Please note, members are still not limited to the number of guests you may bring in a month. This policy change also brings us more in line with our peer clubs, allowing a single guest to play up to 12 times annually.

Guest Booking Information

Moving forward members will be required to include actual guest names and email addresses into Foretees when booking a guest tee time. This will allow for:

• A welcome letter from the club to be provided to the guest in advance of play.

• It will share information regarding dress code, the 4R’s of Course Care and other policies deemed appropriate prior to arrival.

• Members booking a guest will also receive information relating to guest play in their confirmation email.

• Guest information will be saved in ForeTees so rebooking will be quick and simple.


‘51 Time – Guest Policy

During the peak golf season (April 1September 30), '51 times will be reserved for members only on weekends (FridaySunday and holidays). Guests should be booked in advance or may occupy open times on the day of. This policy will take effect on May 1st.

This change in policy is to ensure that on our busiest days during peak season member play will take priority.

Charitable Donations

Additionally, we have made a change as it relates to our donated guest passes. It is important that we as a club support charitable causes and give back to the community, especially those that our membership is passionate about. We have made some slight changes to this policy to help reduce unaccompanied guest play and to provide a better experience for these guests. Moving forward:

• Donated guest passes for charitable organizations will now be three (3) guest rounds instead of four (4).

• These rounds must be accompanied by the donating member.

• All tee time arrangements will be made through the donating member.

• The Club will limit the donated rounds at the discretion of the GM (currently 60) and will be tracked both as given and redeemed.

• All donation requests must be made through the GM.

We thank you for your attention to these updated policies and hope that you will find them beneficial during our peak season. These policies have been updated on our website for your reference and convenience. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask and we will be happy to assist.

We look forward to a great 2024 season and to seeing you all on the course soon.


NormanandhislovelywifeFumeihavebeenmembers ofGlendaleforover33years. Ourhearts&prayersgo outtotheirfamilyatthistime.

Norman Yang

Dear Members,

We have one successful event under our belts and many more to come! Thank you to everyone that came out to the Shamrock Open. Those that played were rewarded with a perfect day. It is time to start planning your competitive golf for the season. I will list some opportunities that you will want to enter as soon as possible (register on ForeTees).

• Men’s Saturday Competitions start April 20th. We have several new formats, and every Saturday features a game. This year we offer 15 competitions (up from 12, last year).

• Register now for the Men’s Individual Match Play, Men’s Team Match play, and Mixed Match Play Tournaments. (Registration closes May 1st)

• Men’s Opening Day is April 13th. We will have a fun “Masters Edition” themed event. Sign up individually and we will blind draw teams. The competition will be 2 best-balls of the foursome. This is a terrific way to meet some new playing partners! Also, the Men’s Invitational drawing will take place after the awards.

• The Niners and GWGA will both get their seasons started with “Opening Day” tournaments on April 18th and 30th respectively.

The Handicap Committee is committed to ensuring that members that play in events

have accurate handicaps. I would like to prepare those that play in our match play events listed above, that there will be a requirement to turn in a scorecard to the pro shop. The USGA does require that match play scores be posted. The pro shop will post these scores. Only holes that are played while the match was still active will be accepted. The USGA does define what to do on holes where a player may have picked up/or didn’t play at all. Stay tuned for more complete information once the stipulation is finalized.

April 1 is the start of our “Summer Play” schedule. Many of our rules and hours change for the season (April 1- September 30). I would encourage you to review our Rules & Bylaws booklet. I have a copy at work and at home because I reference this book quite often. You may grab a copy at the main office or reference these rules on the club’s website. On the website go to the “Golf” tab, and scroll down to the “Golf Course Rules & Hours” tab. Here you will find all the rules and hours of operation that relate to golfing at Glendale.

To conclude, I appreciate everyone that attended the Annual Meeting. It was a strong turnout. What I appreciate the most about our annual meetings are: 1. The pride and passion for Glendale. 2. The constructive nature in which feedback is expressed. 3. The mutual respect between leadership and the membership. This is not the case at all clubs. I want to congratulate Fred Fox for continuing this positive culture. Fred was a leader that always had his ear to the


ground. His collaborative style helped the club accomplish a lot over the last year. Personally, I appreciate Fred’s approachable nature. It helped me navigate through the inevitable challenges associated with being a manager. I welcome Tami Fujii she will

do an amazing job, as well!

All the best, Director of Golf


Dear Glendale,

It has been a few months since I have done a breakdown of one of our holes here at Glendale, so this month I am going to resume that! We are on hole 6, and you can look back at past Coach’s Corners for holes 1-5. Hole 6 is all about choosing the right club and choosing the right target. These can change from day to day based on weather, where the tees are set, and where the hole is cut. It may not always be the same club on this hole every day. You want to figure out as accurately as possible how far the shot is playing on any given day and then select your club.

Most of our members have rangefinders and will scope the flag, then try to hit the club that goes closest to that number. While that works well for hole locations in the middle of the green, for front hole locations and back hole locations we don’t always want to try and hit it at that number. This is because it doesn’t give us much margin for error if we don’t hit it exactly on our number, which is the majority of the time. For a front pin the green is most narrow and shots missed a little left, right or short likely won’t find the putting surface. For a back pin, if you go a little long over the green it is a tough up and down as the ball can kick down behind the green and you are faced with a pitch to a green sloping away from you. Instead, you should always err towards the center of the green as

this is the biggest part of the green. Laser the center of the green or use the yardage plates on each tee box and pace off where the tee is relative to it to figure out how far it is to the center of the green. For a front hole location, subtract 5 yards from the center of the green. For a back hole location, add 5 yards from the center of the green number. While a front pin is going to be more like 10 yards short of the center of the green and a back pin more like 10 yards past center, just subtracting 5 or adding 5 will give you some margin for error and give you a bigger target than if you were trying to hit the exact number.

Next you want to take off a few yards from that number due to the shot playing downhill. From the black and blue tees, it plays 10 yards downhill. From combo tees, 8 yards less white tees, 4 yards less gold tees…2 yards less and from green tees just 1 yard. With your new number you now need to take the wind into account. From the first 5 holes you have played you should have a sense of where the wind is blowing that day and the severity, but you can throw up a little grass to confirm. Since this shot is played downhill and the ball is in the air for a longer time than a flatter approach shot, the wind is going to affect this ball more than the shots you’ve played into the other greens. Many of our members underestimate the wind on this hole.

In picking your target line on this tee shot, you also want to give yourself some margin for error. Shots missed left of the green are going to be more detrimental to your score


than shots missed to the right due to the bunkers and creek residing left of the green. Shots missed to the right finish on grass with nothing in your way to the green where you could even putt it if you are close to the green edge. With the right side being more friendly than the left, I like aiming on the right half of this green to give you a little room in case you miss it a little left of your intended line.

The predominant slope of this green is back to front towards the creek. This means chips or putts from short of the hole towards the back of the green will play slower and require more energy, where chips and putts from the back towards the front will be faster and require a smaller swing or stroke. Shots played from the right side of the green to the left side will also be fast, the other way a little slower. Put a premium on your distance control when putting and try to play a little more break than you think on this green. Especially on downhill putts

when the ball will be rolling slower down the hill and it has more time to take the break.

Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you can take one or two tidbits from this breakdown! I would love to hear what you found helpful if you see me around the club this month. As always, our professional golf staff is here to help you on your journey in any way we can. This would be a great month to get on course with one of our professionals (maybe in a group with a few of your player partners?) and have them give you a few pointers to PLAY better golf without even changing your technique just maybe making a few different decisions. Have a great month.




UNLIKE ANY OTHER”: Niners’ Opening Day shotgun is coming April 18. The theme will be “The Masters.” The first (and final) round commences at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday April 18 with the Champions’ luncheon immediately following. Simone Baston, Leslie Amira, Andy Pletz, Julie Boyd, and Ellen Murphy have planned a day of tradition you won ’t want to miss. Sign-up is now open on ForeTees. Be sure to sign up before April 11 so you can qualify for the cut.

ANNUAL RULES REVIEW. Please join us for the annual Rules Review on Wednesday, May 8. Stay afterwards to enjoy appetizers and mingle with your GWGA and Niner friends. This event is open to all Glendale women.


Can’t make it to Paris this summer? You can still don your Phrygian cap when the Niners pay tribute to the Olympics at their Field Day shotgun and luncheon. The Opening Ceremony is May 23, commencing at 9:00 a.m. with lunch and the medals ceremony immediately following. ForeTees opens for registration on April 25.


NINERS’ PLAY DAYS: The Niners’ 2024 Thursday morning tee times start April 4 and run through September. The dedicated tee times are 8:00 to 10:25 a.m. ForeTees opens for sign up 8 days pri-

or to the following Niners’ Thursday. Niners who enter Thursday competitions have the opportunity to earn Pro Shop credit for first, second and third place finishes.

HANDBOOKS: Hard copies of the 2024 Niners’ Handbook will be available in the locker room beginning April 4. Niners should be sure to pick up a copy. Electronic copies of the Handbook will also be distributed. This booklet contains a wealth of information including:

• A roster of Niner members;

• Procedures for Thursday play;

• Descriptions of the competitions;

• Links to videos explaining important rules of golf; and

• A calendar of events.

MEMBERSHIP: Glendale lady golfers may join Niners at any time throughout the year. The fee is $75 per year. If you would like to join, please contact Michaela at the Glendale Office, or 425-746-7944. If you have questions about the Niners, be sure to contact Cathy Rothwell and Georgia Forchuk at We would love to have you play with us on Thursday mornings.

Niners Co-Captains

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