Queen Magazine Aug 2009

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“All DJ’s should simply relax and enjoy the music.” does not have too much lag. She also enjoys working at clubs that don’t place limits on the kinds of music she can play. To better explain, DJ Honey was kind enough to provide the following example: “If I am playing current music and I get a request for something from the 70’s and that request creates two or more from that era, I’d prefer not to hear from the owner telling me to play something different.” Though many owners may misinterpret DJ Honey’s position, it is fair to say that she is merely holding true to her customer service standard. When asked why she DJ’s, Honey explains that she does it for the people. “I [really] enjoy playing the old stuff because it always brings back memories that people like to 9 AUGUST 2009

share. Sparking up that kind of nostalgia in people really makes you feel good at the end of the night.” Because DJ Honey has been an SL DJ since November 2007, she has some advice to share with up and coming DJ’s: Practice, Practice, and Practice! She stresses how important it is for the aspiring DJ to know what they are doing and playing, and to remain professional at all times. Thus, avoid making sexual passes at club patrons and remember. “All DJ’s should simply relax and enjoy the music. Don’t focus on the program you are using so much. Learn what songs flow together and listen to your listeners. They are what will make your set great. Do what you can to keep them happy.” END

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