All children under the age of 18yrs must be accompanied by a responsible adult or parent aged 18yrs or over.
The hirer will be required to complete, sign and agree to a ‘Hire Agreement’ and ‘Bike Inspection’ record before commencing their cycle hire.
The hirer shall inspect the cycle and accessories for any damage or defects before accepting them. Acceptance of the bicycle is acceptance by the hirer that it is in good roadworthy condition. Alive West Norfolk (AWN) will not accept liability for any marks, damage or defects (save for damage or defects which could not be observed on a reasonable inspection) which are not notified on the hire agreement form prior to signing.
The hire fee may include free use of a helmet and lock which is subject to availability. Other items such as child seats may be available at a charge.
AWN recommend helmets to be worn at all times.
Where a lock is provided, cycles must be locked whenever unattended.
The hirer consents to the use of GPS tracking fitted to the cycle(s).
The hirer is responsible for returning the cycles(s) and accessories to the KASET Skatepark at Alive Lynnsport (Greenpark Avenue, King’s Lynn, PE30 2NB) in no worse condition that at the commencement of the hire period.
The hirer is required to cycle responsibly, with respect for others and the natural habitat and to follow the Highway Code at all times.
The hirer will be liable to further charges for any items not returned within the agreed time and date as per their booking agreement, in accordance with AWN’s schedule of fees and charges from time to time. Photographic ID must be presented before any cycles will be released for hire.
Note: ‘Accessories’ means any items provided to the hirer together with the cycle(s), either on a paid-for or free-of-charge basis. These may include helmet(s), locks, child seats and lights.
The hirer accepts total responsibility for the safe custody of the cycle(s) and accessories during the period of hire and will indemnify AWN against any loss (including loss by theft) or damage howsoever caused to the cycle(s) or accessories. AWN reserve the right to charge additional fee(s) on your final bill to cover any damage. Where cycle(s) or cycle accessories are either not returned or are damaged beyond repair, you will be liable for the full cost of the cycle(s) / cycle accessories.
The hirer recognise that all cycling involves risk of injury and hazards (including traffic and road conditions) and that the use of accessories such as child seats and trailers can change the dynamics of cycling. The Council and AWN accept no liability for personal injury to the hirer or to third parties arising from the use of the cycle(s) and accessories (save where this results from a defect in the hired cycle or accessory which could not have been identified by the hirer in advance) Cycle(s) and cycle accessories remain the property of AWN at all times.
In the event of mechanical failure, the hirer must return the cycle on the same day (or as soon as possible) to AWN who will replace the cycle where possible.
Any stolen or damaged equipment must be reported to us soon as possible on 01553 818001.