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Oh how we love a royal celebration at Kingsley! On Friday 27th May, our dedicated site team were up on the roof bright and early swapping the Kingsley flag for a Union Jack. Students and staff arrived at school dressed in red, white and blue, and were greeted by Her Majesty The Queen (who had arrived via Amazon the previous day!). During morning registration, the Senior School was filled with cheering and laughter. Mrs Dempsey’s form kicked off their day with a Kahoot quiz, putting their knowledge of the longest serving British Monarch to the test. In Prep, Pre-school, Reception and Year 1 children spent the day at Forest School. They made crowns and wands decorated with foraged items, and enjoyed a special lunchtime treat - delicious jubilee-themed cakes baked by our fabulous catering team. Year 3 and 4 pupils looked at a photo anthology of the Queen, which included images of her as a girl before her father became King. This led to a discussion about what it might be like to find out your father is going to be King, making you next in line to the throne. The children wrote diary entries imagining they had been invited to attend the coronation at Westminster Abbey. Schools are legally required to promote ‘fundamental British values’ such as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and respect for those with different faiths and beliefs. Educating children about the British Monarchy and its role in today’s society is an important part of this. The celebration prompted lots of questions and interesting conversations. Students and staff finished afternoon lessons early to enjoy an ice cream in the garden and a good old singsong... “GOD SAVE OUR GRACIOUS QUEEN!...”

Sharing the love

In Art Club, students made jubilee-themed heart pendants for ‘Kissing it Better’ (https:// kissingitbetter.co.uk), a charity that builds links with the local community to provide gifts for the elderly, many of whom struggle with feelings of isolation. The pendants were delivered to Warwick Hospital and local care homes in time for the bank holiday weekend.

Red, white & blue

The school was awash with red, white and blue as students and staff came to school dressed in the colours of the Union Jack. Inspired by a recent school trip to the Daniel Lismore exhibition at the Herbert Art Gallery, Mrs Dempsey, textiles students and visitors to our Open Day worked on a fabulous project of their own entitled ‘Jubilee Jewels’. Scan the QR code on the right to watch a short video of Kingsley’s visit to the exhibition.

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Sweet treats!

Our catering team can always be relied upon to produce a delicious dessert and their jubilee cakes were no exception. Students also enjoyed ice creams in the garden before home time.

Goodbye Mrs Parker

Whilst the day was a cause for celebration, it was bittersweet as we said goodbye to our much-loved Prep School secretary, Mrs Parker. After many years at Kingsley, we have become very attached to her and will miss her dearly. We wish her all the best in her retirement and look forward to welcoming her back to school for alumnae events and celebrations.