1 minute read


Year 11 ask...

Have you made new friends in the Sixth Form? Do new people join? Yes, I was one of the new ones! I have made some amazing friends. The teachers are amazing too - they treat you like an adult and they're always there if you need help with anything.


Paige says...

Year 11 ask...

How do you find the class sizes?

The small classes are great as you're able to get more involved in class discussions. You also get lots of help from your teachers. Student-teacher relationships are really good.

Amy says...

Year 11 ask...

Do you enjoy not having to wear school uniform? Are piercings allowed?

Yes! You can wear outfits that show your personality, as long as they're smart and in line with the dress code. Piercings are allowed, but not on your face.

Kitty says... Year 11 ask...

How many lessons do you have in a day?

There are five periods in a day, plus enrichment. I'm studying four subjects and usually have one study period a day, sometimes two.

Sasha says...

Year 11 ask...

How do Year 12 and 13 students get on?

We all get on well. We are obviously closer to some people than others, but everyone is friends which I didn't expect!

Matilda says...

Year 11 ask...

What's the best thing about the Sixth Form?

The friendly and welcoming atmosphere, how much the teachers know and understand your individual learning needs, and the freedom you have. There are also exciting trips, including to NYC!